"Roberts, Nora - Private Scandals" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roberts Nora) She simply wasn't ready for the "and then." The flaw was in her, undoubtedly. She could easily blame her hesitation
toward intimacy on the past. And it would be true enough. She didn't want to admit another part of her hesitation was attributable to Finn. "You don't need to walk me up." He lifted a hand to toy with her hair. "It's early yet." "I know. But I have an early call in the morning. I appreciate your going by the gallery with me." "I enjoyed it. More than I anticipated." "Good." Smiling, she touched her lips to his. When he deepened the kiss, drawing her in, she yielded. There was warmth there, passion just restrained. A quiet moan of pleasure sounded in her throat as he changed the angle of the kiss. The thud of his heart raced against hers. "Deanna." He took his mouth on a slow journey of her face. "I want to be with you." "I know." She turned her lips to his again. Almost, she thought dreamily. She was almost sure. "I need a little more time, Marshall. I'm sorry." "You know how I feel about you?" He cupped her face in his hand, studying her. "But I understand, it has to be right. Why don't we get away for a few days?" "Away?" "From Chicago. We could take a weekend." He tipped her face back and kissed the side of her mouth. "Canc@un, St. Thomas, Maui. Wherever you like." And the other side. "Just the two of us. It would let us see how we are together, away from work, all the pressures." "I'd like that." Her eyes drifted closed. "I'd like to think about that." "Then think about it." There was a look of dark triumph in his eyes. "Check your schedule, and leave the rest to me." Chapter Seven Deanna hadn't expected the pricks of disloyalty. Television was, after all, a business. And part of the business was to get ahead, to make the best deal. But while the May sweeps consumed the CBC Building, with nightly ratings discussed and analyzed by everyone from top brass to the maintenance crews, she felt like a traitor. Next year's budgets were being forecasted off the sweeps, and the forecasts were being made on faulty assumptions. She knew Angela's would be gone before the start of the fall season. And with the deal Angela had made, she would compete with CBC'S daytime lineup as well as with prime-time specials. The more celebratory the mood in the newsroom, the more guilt jabbed at Deanna's conscience. "Got a problem, Kansas?" Deanna glanced up as Finn made himself comfortable on the corner of her desk. "Why do you ask?" "You've been staring at that screen for the past five minutes. I'm used to seeing you move." "I'm thinking." "That doesn't usually stop you." Leaning forward, he rubbed his thumb between her eyebrows. "Tension." In defense, she shifted back in her chair to break the contact. "We're in the middle of the May sweeps. Who isn't tense?" "Midday's holding its own." "It's doing better than that," she snapped back. Pride and loyalty welled together. "We've got a twenty-eight-percent share. We're up three full ratings points since the last sweeps." "That's better. I'd rather see you fired up than unhappy." "I wasn't unhappy," she said between her teeth. "I was thinking." "Whatever." He rose then, and hauled up the garment bag he'd set on the floor. "Where are you going?" "New York." In an easy, practiced move, Finn slung the bag over his shoulder. "I'm putting in a few days as |