"Roberts, Nora - The Quinns' Christmas" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roberts Nora)

Seth's eyes widened, and even his own yelp of delight didn't
embarrass him. "Really? Now? Right now?"

"Sure. Santa's come by now. He'd want to avoid the snow." Cam sent
a sneer towards Phillip. "I hear he wears suede boots."

"Anna's on the couch. I'll wake her up. "Seth started out, skidded to a
halt and looked back. His face was bright as a young boy's should be
on Christmas morning. "This is really cool."

As he raced toward the living room, Seth laughed about Cam's Santa
in suede boots. He had something a lot better than Santa Claus and
a bunch of elves.

He had family.