"Kenneth Robeson - Doc Savage 011 - Brand of the Werewolf" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robeson Kenneth)These two were clearly father and daughter.
The attractive young woman seemed intrigued, not by the bronze man's undeniable physical strength, but by the fact that he was one of the handsomest fellows she had ever seen. Doc Savage went on, seeming not to notice the pair. Frowning, the elderly man dropped a hand on his daughter's arm. "Quila aIM!" he ejaculated severely in Spanish. "For shame! You were smiling at that man, Cere." The enchanting Cere colored in confusion. She had smiled, although she had not meant to. "Eso es espantoso!" she laughed. "It is dreadful! Thank goodness, he did not see me. He would have thought me very forward." "Si, Si," her parent agreed disapprovingly. Father and daughter were staring after the receding bronze man when a low voice sounded at their side. A man had joined them silently. This individual was tall and slenderly athletic. His face was more than handsome. It was pretty. It was almost a girl's face. His age was somewhere around thirty-five. He had hard eyes. "I trust you are retaining your courage, senorita," he said fawningly. He bowed to her father. "You also, "You need have no fear of our nerve, El Rabanos," said Cere in excellent English. "Instead of discussing our troubles, we were remarking on the striking qualities of the bronze man who just passed. Do you happen to know his name?" The girl-faced El Rabanos leaned close to breathe: "Not so loud, senorita!" A close observer could have noted that the pretty senorita had suddenly begun turning pale. "You mean - " "The bronze man is Doc Savage," said El Rabanos. Senor Corto Oveja came up rigid in his chair. "So that is the man - the fiend who is to kill us! Dios mio!" "Si, si!" muttered El Rabanos. "We must watch this Doc Savage. From him, our very lives are in danger." "And his appearance made such a good impression," Cere murmured forlornly. DOC SAVAGE, unaware of the bombshell his passage had exploded, stepped out on the observation platform. One man rode there. The outstanding thing about this fellow was his gigantic hands. Each of these was composed of more than a quart of bone and gristle, sheathed in hide that resembled rusted sheet iron. |