"Kenneth Robeson - Doc Savage 115 - The Fiery Menace" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robeson Kenneth)

тАЬWe?тАЭ Monk said. тАЬWho's we?тАЭ

The small man laughed grimly. тАЬMe and the other fellow in the grave,тАЭ he said.

Which was all Monk got out of him until the end of their ride.

HAM BROOKS actually thought a great deal of Monk Mayfair. There was a strong masculine bond
between them. It was a violent friendship. A time or two it had come to blows, and never had it been
polite and never had it been referred to as a friendship. Each of them had risked his life to save the other,
but they always disclaimed any finer instincts in this and claimed it was either an accident or a mistake
that such a thing should happen.

Ham Brooks was now distraught over the seizing of Monk Mayfair.

He was distraught for eight hours, and then he was horrified. Because Monk was found.

He was found in a state of gibbering terror. He was hiding under a parked car on a dark street in a
residential section of Brooklyn. There may be parts of Brooklyn which should scare a man, but this was
not one of them. A cop heard mewing sounds and thought it was a kitten, and looked under the parked
car, thus finding Monk Mayfair.

The cop was surprised when Monk grabbed his legs and held on to them. The cop dragged out his sap
and gave Monk a tap on the head before he discovered that all that was wrong with the poor fellow was
an abject terror.

The cop identified Monk from stuff in his pockets and took him to a hospital.

The hospital sent for Ham.

тАЬPronounced shock, coupled with complete fear of something,тАЭ was the verdict they gave Ham
downstairs before he went up to see Monk.

тАЬThat can't be!тАЭ Ham said wildly. тАЬThat's not like Monk. He doesn't scare. He even isn't afraid of Satan.тАЭ

тАЬRight now,тАЭ the doctor said, тАЬhe is scared of his shadowтАЭ


The medico took of his glasses and polished them thoughtfully. тАЬHe hasn't said anything coherent. He is in
very bad shape.тАЭ

тАЬHysterical, you mean?тАЭ

тАЬCompletely. A complete collapse, I am afraid. I must warn you, it is a very sad case, so you will know
what to expect.тАЭ

тАЬI'm going up and see him now,тАЭ Ham said. тАЬWhat room?тАЭ