"Kenneth Robeson - Doc Savage 115 - The Fiery Menace" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robeson Kenneth)

тАЬYes?тАЭ said Ham, who was an eminent graduate of Harvard Law School.

тАЬI think,тАЭ said Monk, тАЬthat the vampire hunter came here to see Doc Savage and something bad
happened to him just before he reached us. Things like that have happened to people who were coming
to see us on other occasions.тАЭ

Ham was interested. тАЬWhat makes you think that?тАЭ

тАЬI just got an idea in my head.тАЭ

тАЬA very strange place for an idea, your head, and I've found only strange ideas get in it,тАЭ Ham told him.

Monk said, тАЬSome day I'm going to get tired of being insulted and tie a knot in your tail right up next to
your ears. What do you say we go down and see what we can find out about the death of this man who
was hunting a vampire?тАЭ
тАЬIs that the idea in your head?тАЭ Ham asked.


тАЬIt's a good one. I don't see how it got there.тАЭ

HAM BROOKS got his pet chimpanzee and they rode down in the elevator. As the elevator passed
lower floors it grew more crowded, and the passengers glanced at Monk and Ham with interest
and-those who did not know who they were-some amusement. The latter possibly mistook them for a
pair of down-at-the-heels vaudeville performers making the rounds with their trained animals. Monk, at
least, looked down-at-the-heels, although Ham Brooks was his usual sartorial perfection. Ham was
frequently listed as the best-dressed man in the city.

тАЬVampire, eh?тАЭ Ham pondered thoughtfully.

тАЬSure,тАЭ Monk agreed.

тАЬThere is no such thing.тАЭ


тАЬNo. Vampires are just a superstition, old fellow,тАЭ Ham informed him.

The police were in the lobby, but they were not as co-operative as they would have been at another time.
Doc Savage and his associates had long held honorary commissions, high ones, on the metropolitan
police force. But last month an embarrassing affair had occurred where an enemy managed to point a
finger of guilt-a big finger, in the opinion of the police-at them. They had extricated themselves somewhat,
but the whole affair had been a fantastic one involving some allegedly wild men. So the police
co-operation was still lukewarm, although, officially, the bronze man and his associates had been
reinstated. (The Three Wild Men)

Monk and Ham asked a lot of questions. They got entirely civil answers and, although they were
skeptical on this point at the time, all the facts the police had unearthed.