"Kenneth Robeson - Doc Savage 115 - The Fiery Menace" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robeson Kenneth)тАЬWhat,тАЭ he asked, тАЬabout the vampires?тАЭ тАЬThere is no such thing as vampires,тАЭ Monk told him. тАЬThe thing we are going to do is get a long pole.тАЭ THEY got a long pole finally. Getting a long pole in a hurry in downtown New York did not turn out to be a simple matter. They compromised on three of the poles used to raise and lower transom windows or high, sliding windows, which they located in an old-fashioned building in the neighborhood. They lashed these together. тАЬNow,тАЭ Monk said, тАЬyour chimp can climb the pole, while we hold it. He can reach the chandelier. Send Chemistry up and tell him to fetch what he finds.тАЭ Ham looked uncomfortable. тАЬYou must think Chemistry is a porter.тАЭ тАЬI think he is worse than that,тАЭ Monk said. тАЬI know you have taught him to go steal things for you, and you did it so he would steal things from me. I lost my little book with the addresses of my girl friends in it, and don't think I don't know where it went.тАЭ тАЬOh, all right.тАЭ Ham grinned. тАЬI'll return the little book. I haven't used it anyway.тАЭ Monk said, тАЬSomebody has been calling up my girls and telling them I am married. And don't think I don't know who did that, either.тАЭ bringing light bulbs down to them. тАЬIt would have been a lot simpler for us to use a ladder ourselves,тАЭ Ham complained. тАЬSure,тАЭ Monk said, тАЬbut it wouldn't have gotten into the newspapers.тАЭ тАЬNewspapers?тАЭ тАЬSure,тАЭ Monk said. тАЬThat fellow over there is a reporter, and so are those two in the corner.тАЭ There was a bright flash of light. тАЬA photographer, too. We'll get our pictures in the papers.тАЭ тАЬAnd catch a fine what-was-the-idea lecture from Doc. You know he likes publicity about the way a fat grasshopper likes a hen.тАЭ тАЬNot when he learns the reason.тАЭ тАЬIs there a reason he can learn?тАЭ тАЬOh, sure! Anybody connected with this thing-connected with it so they have something to fear, I mean-will read about it and know we are on the job. That will scare them. Doc Savage has a reputation that scares such people. And a scared person, particularly if he or she is a party of low character, is much easier to catch. When he is scared, he is less likely to watch his hat and one thing and another.тАЭ Ham was not convinced. тАЬThe strangest things crawl out of that brain of yours,тАЭ he complained. |