"Kim Stanley Robinson - Forty Signs of Rain" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robinson Kim Stanley)тАЬPhil thinks we have to do it.тАЭ
тАЬOkay, what do you want to discuss.тАЭ There was a pause while Roy found a place in the draft. тАЬHere we go. Quote, тАШThe Congress, being deeply concerned that the lack of speed in AmericaтАЩs conversion from a hydrocarbon to a carbohydrate fuel economy is rapidly leading to chaotic climate changes with a profoundly negative impact on the U.S. economy,тАЩ unquote, weтАЩve been told that Ellington is only concerned, not deeply concerned. Should we change that?тАЭ тАЬNo, weтАЩre deeply concerned. He is too, he just doesnтАЩt know it.тАЭ тАЬOkay, then down in the third paragraph, in the operative clauses, quote, тАШThe United States will peg hydrocarbon fuel reductions in a two-to-one ratio to such reductions by China and India, and will provide matching funds for all tidal and wind power plants built in those countries and in all countries that fall under a five in the UNтАЩs prospering countries index, these plants to be operated by a joint-powers agency that will include the United States as a permanent member; four, these provisions will combine with the climate-neutral power productionтАФтАЩтАЭ тАЬWait, call that тАШpower generation.тАЩтАЭ тАЬтАШPower generation,тАЩ okay, тАШsuch that any savings in environmental mitigation in participating countries as determined by IPCC ratings will be credited equally to the U.S. rating, and not less than fifty million dollars per year in savings is to be earmarked specifically for the construction of more such climate-neutral power plants; and not less than fifty million dollars per year in savings is to be earmarked specifically for the construction of so-called тАЬcarbon sinks,тАЭ meaning any environmental engineering oceans, or other locationsтАФтАЩтАЭ тАЬYeah, hey you know carbon sinks areso crucial, scrubbing CO2out of the air may eventually turn out to be our only option, so maybe we should reverse those two clauses. Make carbon sinks come first and the climate-neutral power plants second in that paragraph.тАЭ тАЬYou think?тАЭ тАЬYes. Definitely. Carbon sinks could be the only way that our kids, and about a thousand yearsтАЩ worth of kids actually, can save themselves from living in Swamp World. From living their whole lives on Venus.тАЭ тАЬOr should we say Washington, D.C.тАЭ тАЬPlease.тАЭ тАЬOkay, those are flip-flopped then. So thatтАЩs that paragraph, now, hmm, thatтАЩs it for text. I guess the next question is, what can we offer Winston and his gang to get them to accept this version.тАЭ тАЬGet WinstonтАЩs people to give you their list of riders, and then pick the two least offensive ones and tell them theyтАЩre the most we could get Phil to accept, but only if they accept our changes first.тАЭ тАЬBut will they go for that?тАЭ |