"Kim Stanley Robinson - Forty Signs of Rain" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robinson Kim Stanley)atmosphere had been enough to change the Indian Ocean monsoon patterns for good, triggering global
repercussions; this meant, in practice, almost everything that happened. This week for instance it was tornadoes, previously confined almost entirely to North America, as a kind of freak of that continentтАЩs topography and latitude, but now appearing in East Africa and in Central Asia. Last week it had been the weakening of the Great World Ocean Current in the Indian Ocean rather than the Atlantic. тАЬUnbelievable,тАЭ Frank would say. тАЬI know. IsnтАЩt it great?тАЭ Before leaving for home at the end of the day, Frank often passed by another source of news, the little room filled with file cabinets and copy machines, informally called тАЬThe Department of Unfortunate Statistics.тАЭ Someone had started to tape on the beige walls of this room extra copies of pages that held interesting statistics or other bits of recent quantitative information. No one knew who had started the tradition, but now it was clearly a communal thing. The oldest ones were headlines, things like: WORLDBANKPRESIDENTSAYSFOURBILLIONLIVE ONLESSTHANTWODOLLARS ADAY or AMERICA:FIVEPERCENT OFWORLDPOPULATION,FIFTYPERCENT OFCORPORATEO WNERSHIP nature out of the scientific literature. When Frank went by on this day, Edgardo was in there at the coffee machine, as he so often was, looking at the latest. It was another headline: 352 RICHESTPEOPLEOWN ASMUCH AS THEPOORESTTWOBILLION,SAYSCANADIANF OODPROJECT тАЬI donтАЩt think this can be right,тАЭ Edgardo declared. тАЬHow so?тАЭ Frank said. тАЬBecause the poorest two billion have nothing, whereas the richest three hundred and fifty-two have a big percentage of the worldтАЩs total capital. I suspect it would take the poorest four billion at least to match the top three hundred and fifty.тАЭ Anna came in as he was saying this, and wrinkled her nose as she went to the copying machine. She didnтАЩt like this kind of conversation, Frank knew. It seemed to be a matter of distaste for belaboring the obvious. Or distrust in the data. Maybe she was the one who had taped up the brief quote:72.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Frank, wanting to bug her, said, тАЬWhat do you think, Anna?тАЭ тАЬAbout what?тАЭ |