"Kim Stanley Robinson - Forty Signs of Rain" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robinson Kim Stanley)Dr. Alice Freundlich, Harvard University, Department of Biochemistry.
Dr. Habib Ndina, University of Virginia Medical School. Dr. Stuart Thornton, University of Maryland, College Park, Genomics Department. Dr. Francesca Taolini, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Biocomputational Studies. Dr. Jerome Frenkel, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Genomics. Dr. Yao Lee, Cambridge University (visiting GWUтАЩs Department of Microbiology). Frank made his usual introductory remarks and then said, тАЬWeтАЩve got a lot of them to go through this time. IтАЩm sorry itтАЩs so many, but thatтАЩs what weтАЩve received. IтАЩm sure weтАЩll hack our way through them all if we keep on track. LetтАЩs start with the fifteen-minutes-per-jacket drill, and see if we can get twelve or even fourteen done before lunch. Sound good?тАЭ Everyone nodded and tapped away, calling up the first one. тАЬOh, and before we start, letтАЩs have everyone give me their conflict-of-interest forms, please. I have to remind you that as referees here, you have a conflict if youтАЩre the applying principal investigatorтАЩs thesis advisor or advisee, an employee of the same institution as the P.I. or a co-P.I., a collaborator within the last four years of the P.I. or a co-P.I., an applicant for employment in any department at the submitting someone with a close personal relationship to the P.I. or a co-P.I., a shareholder in a company participating in the proposal, or someone who would otherwise gain or lose financially if the proposal were awarded or declined. тАЬEverybody got that? Okay, hand those forms down to me, then. WeтАЩll have a couple of people step outside for some of the proposals today, but mostly weтАЩre clear as far as I know, is that right?тАЭ тАЬIтАЩll be leaving for the Esterhaus proposal, as I told you,тАЭ Stuart Thornton said. Then they started the group evaluations. This was the heart of their task for that day and the nextтАФalso the heart of NSFтАЩs method, indeed of science more generally. Peer-review; a jury of fellow experts. Frank clicked the first proposalтАЩs page onto his screen. тАЬSeven reviewers, forty-four jackets. LetтАЩs start with EIA-02 18599, тАШElectromagnetic and Informational Processes in Molecular Polymers.тАЩ Habib, youтАЩre the lead on this?тАЭ Habib Ndina nodded and opened with a description of the proposal. тАЬThey want to immobilize cytoskeletal networks on biochips, and explore whether tubulin can be used as bits in protein logic gates. They intend to do this by measuring the electric dipole moment, and what the P.I. calls the predicted kink-solitonic electric dipole moment flip waves.тАЭ тАЬPredicted by whom?тАЭ тАЬBy the P.I.тАЭ Habib smiled. тАЬHe also states that this will be a method to test out the theories of the so-called quantum brain.тАЭ |