"Kim Stanley Robinson - Mars 4 - The Martians" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robinson Kim Stanley)

and 'Green Mars' was published in Asimov's SF Magazine, 1985.

The Author asserts the moral right to
be identified as the author of this work

ISBN 0-00-225932-X
Typeset in Stone Serif and Optima by
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Polmont, Stirlingshire

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_ AT FIRST IT WAS fine. The people were nice. Wright Valley was awesome.
Each day Michel woke in his cubicle and looked out of his little window
(everyone had one) at the frozen surface of Lake Vanda, a flat oval of cracked
blue ice, flooding the bottom of the valley. The valley itself was brown and
big and deep, its great rock side-walls banded horizontally. Seeing it all he
felt a little thrill and the day began well.
There was always a lot to do. They had been dropped there in the largest
of the Antarctic dry valleys with a load of disassembled huts and, for
immediate occupancy, Scott tents. Their task through the perpetual day of the
Antarctic summer was to build their winter home, which on assembly had turned
out to be a fairly substantial and luxurious modular array of interconnected