"Bruce Holland Rogers - Estranged" - читать интересную книгу автора (Rogers Bruce Holland)

rise from this bed. Even in
o Soon, however, I felt less and less like the darkest times, she had
gloating. I still couldn't find any work at all, never really feared for him;
o Merchandise
no matter how I tried. he had always been strong,
so strong.
I next saw her while on my way to an
interview for janitorial work at a hospital. Love Among the Talus
o Forum
She was in the parking lot, backed into a
by Elizabeth Bear
o Readers' reserved space. And she was stunning.
There was no mistaking her, even with all the11 December 2006
changes. She had white sidewalls. Her body
Nilufer raised her eyes to his.
was lustrous teal everywhere but on the
It was not what women did
inward curving white panels that streaked
to men, but she was a
back from her front wheels. Her chrome
princess, and he was only a
sparkled in the sun.
bandit. "I want to be a
I just stood there in front of her, searching Witch," she said. "A Witch
for something to say until a man came out of and not a Queen. I wish to
be not loved, but wise. Tell
the hospital and walked up to her.
your bandit lord, if he can
"Beautiful, isn't she?" he said, fitting a key give me that, I might accept
into her door. "I restored her," he said, "built his gift."
her up a little from her original 283 small
Archived Fiction Dating
block, gave her some juice.
Dual-Carter-carbed. You know cars? Want back to 9/1/00
to see under the hood?"

His generosity made me uncomfortable.