"Victor Roman - Four wooden Stakes" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roman Victor)

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Title: Four Wooden Stakes
Author: Victor Roman
* A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook *
eBook No.: 0606261h.html
Language: English
Date first posted: August 2006
Date most recently updated: August 2006

This eBook was produced by: Richard Scott

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Four Wooden Stakes

Victor Roman
There it lay on the desk in front of me, that missive so simple in wording, yet so perplexing, so urgent in

Jack, Come at once for old time's sake. Am all alone. Will explain upon arrival. Remson.

Having spent the past three weeks in bringing to a successful termination a case that had puzzled the
police and two of the best detective agencies in the city, I decide that I was entitled to a rest, so I
ordered two suitcases packed and went in search of a timetable. It was several years since I had seen
Remson Holroyd; in fact I had not seen him since we had matriculated from college together. I was
curious to know how he was getting along, to say nothing of the little diversion he promised me in the
way of a mystery.