Bye --
Harry put the Pocket Sneakoscope on his bedside table, where it stood
quite still, balanced on its point, reflecting the luminous hands of his
clock. He looked at it happily for a few seconds, then picked up the
parcel Hedwig had brought.
Inside this, too, there was a wrapped present, a card, and a letter,
this time from Hermione.
Dear Harry,
Ron wrote to me and told me about his phone call to your Uncle Vernon. I
do hope you're all right.
I'm on holiday in France at the moment and I didn't know how I was going
to send this to you -- what if they'd opened it at customs? -- but then
Hedwig turned up! I think she wanted to make sure you got something for
your birthday for a change. I bought your present by owl-order; there
was an advertisement in the Daily Prophet (I've been getting it
delivered; it's so good to keep up with what's going on in the wizarding
world), Did you see that picture of Ron and his family a week ago? I bet
he's learning loads. I'm really jealous -- the ancient Egyptian wizards
were fascinating.
There's some interesting local history of witchcraft here, too. I've
rewritten my whole History of Magic essay to include some of the things
I've found out, I hope it's not too long -- it's two rolls of parchment
more than Professor Binns asked for.
Ron says he's going to be in London in the last week of the holidays.
Can you make it? Will your aunt and uncle let you come? I really hope
you can. If not, I'll see you on the Hogwarts Express on September
Love from Hermione
P.S. Ron says Percy's Head Boy. I'll bet Percy's really pleased Ron
doesn't seem too happy about it
Harry laughed as he put Herrmone's letter aside and picked up her
present. It was very heavy. Knowing Hermione, he was sure it would be a
large book full of very difficult spells -- but it wasn't. His heart
gave a huge bound as he ripped back the paper and saw a sleek black
leather case, with silver words stamped across it, reading Broomstick
Servicing Kit.