"Matt Ruff - Bad Monkeys" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ruff Matt)

started to nod off, the girl would cut loose with another orange.

She didnтАЩt try to hit him directly; that would have given the game away. Instead she aimed for the
gas-station roof, which was made out of tin. Each orange would make this big thunderboom when it hit,
and the guy would jolt awake and come running out from under the roof overhang just in time to get
beaned by the orange rolling down. Then heтАЩd stand there rubbing his head and shouting up at the roof,
daring the orange-thrower to come face him like a man.

I watched this happen like five times, and each time, I fell a little more in love with the girl. I kept moving
closer to her hiding place, too, until I was right on top of her. тАЬJeez,тАЭ she finally said, тАЬcrouch down or
something if youтАЩre gonna be there. HeтАЩs not that dumb.тАЭ

I joined her in the hunterтАЩs blind. She gave this big sigh, like she didnтАЩt really want company, but then she
offered me her cigarette pack. I went to take one and realized they were candy cigarettesтАФso, maybe
not a member of my tribe after all. But I took one anyway, just to be friendly.

тАЬSo is that guy your brother?тАЭ I asked.

тАЬMy stupid brother,тАЭ she said. тАЬFelipe.тАЭ

Her brother was Phil, too?

Yeah. Weird coincidence. And not the only one: her name was Carlotta. Carlotta Juanita Diaz. тАЬIтАЩm Jane
Charlotte,тАЭ I told her, and she nodded like she already knew that, and said, тАЬYouтАЩre staying with the

тАЬFor now,тАЭ I said. тАЬWhat about you?тАЭ

тАЬIтАЩve always lived here. My parents came up from Tijuana when Felipe was a baby.тАЭ

тАЬYour family owns the gas station?тАЭ

тАЬAnd this place.тАЭ She jerked her thumb at the diner. тАЬAnd my dadтАЩs a deacon in the church.тАЭ

тАЬWow,тАЭ I said. тАЬImportant people.тАЭ

тАЬYeah, weтАЩre the kings and queens of nowhere, all right.тАЭ

Across the way, Felipe had settled back into the lawn chair he was using for a cot. Carlotta handed me
the slingshot. тАЬRemember,тАЭ she said, тАЬaim high.тАЭ I did, and I did manage to hit the roof, although instead
of rolling back the orange popped up over the peak and fell down the other side. No matter: Felipe
jumped up just the same, and this time, instead of going back to his siesta, he ran inside the gas-station
office. When he reappeared a moment later, he was dragging an extension ladder.

тАЬSo Carlotta,тАЭ I asked, тАЬhow long have you been out here doing this?тАЭ

тАЬYou mean like today, or just in general?тАЭ

тАЬThis is a regular thing for you?тАЭ