"Joanna Russ - Second Inquisition" - читать интересную книгу автора (Russ Joanna)

"Well! This isn't a very pleasant thing to find on a Saturday morning, is

I still didn't say anything, only looked -at my food. I heard my mother
say worriedly, "She's not eating, Ben," and my father put his hand on
the back of my chair so I couldn't push it away from the .table, as I
was trying .to do.

"Of course you have an explanation for this,'." he said. "Don't you?"

I said nothing.

"Of course she does," he said, "doesn't she, Bess? You wouldn't hurt
your mother like this. You wouldn't hurt your mother by stealing a
book that you knew you weren't supposed to read and for very good
reason, too. You know we don't punish you. We talk things over with
you. We try to explain. Don't we?"

I nodded.

"Good," he said. "Then where did this book come from?"

I muttered something; I don't know what.

"Is my daughter angry?" said my father. "Is my daughter being

"She told you all about it!" I blurted out. My father's face turned red.

"Don't you dare talk about your mother that way!" he
shouted, standing up. "Don't you dare refer to your mother in that

"Now, Ben-" said my mother.

"Your mother is the soul of unselfishness," said my father, "and don't
you forget it, missy; your mother has worried about you since the day

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you were born and if you don't appreciate that, you can damn well-"

"Ben!" said my mother, shocked.

"I'm sorry," I said, and then I said, "I'm very sorry, Mother." My
father sat down. My father had a mustache and his hair was parted in
the middle and slicked down; now one lock fell over the part in front
and his whole face was gray and quivering. He was staring fixedly at