"Christopher Stasheff - Rogue Wizard 06 - A Wizard in Chaos" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)to escape. Their bouncers followed hard on their heels, also mounted-but far
ahead, the Blue Company's reserves came charging down from the pine forest where the captain had hidden them. They had carefully worked their way around the hills and behind the enemy's lines. Now they proved their worth, surrounding the bullies, catching the reins of their rearing warhorses and pulling their heads down, then hauling their masters off their backs. More troopers cut off the bouncers and unhorsed them, too. They let the boots go, running past the Blue Company on either sidecommon soldiers brought no ransom. Now and then, a boot slowed as if realizing he should defend his masters, but half a dozen Blue Company pikemen turned, bellowing, to change his mind, and the boot ran on in the midst of his fellows. "No ransoms for us this time," the master sergeant grumbled. "You weren't thinking of hiding a bouncer away to ransom on your own, were you?" file:///F|/rah/Christopher%20Stasheff/Christopher.Stasheff_[Rogue.Wizard.5]_A.Wizard.in.Chaos.txt (1 of 108) [1/28/03 10:45:21 PM] file:///F|/rah/Christopher%20Stasheff/Christopher.Stasheff_[Rogue.Wizard.5]_A.Wizard.in.Chaos.txt Cort asked with a grin. "No, of course not, lieutenant!" Sergeant Otto said quickly. "You know me better than that!" Actually, Cort knew the man well enough to be sure that was exactly what Otto would have done if he'd had the chance, and never mind that ,a lowly noncom couldn't hold a man of higher rank prisoner. The bouncers' armor alone would have been worth a year's pay for the master sergeant, though the noncom probably would have kept the horseman's sword. "Share and share alike," he Company ransoms, we all share equally." They almost never caught a boss, of course. "I know that!" Sergeant Otto said, then realized Cort had been saying it for the benefit of the three new men who had survived the battle. "After all, the reserves may have caught them, but we're the ones who fought the battle and drove the bullies and their bouncers into the reserves' arms!" He took a cue well, Cort thought. "We'll have our turn at being reserves, sergeant. Let's just hope that we don't have to charge the enemy to turn the battle when our time comes." "I'll hope indeed," Otto said with a grin. "There's a farm I'd like to buy, lieutenant, but it's back home in the Domain of Evenstern, not here on a battlefield!" The recruits behind him forced an uneasy laugh. They were still marching, but the enemy boots had fled into the pine forest themselves, and the Blue Company held the field. "There he goes!" Otto pointed at the top of a bald hill, where a horseman, silhouetted against the sky, had turned his horse and ridden down out of sight in the midst of his bodyguards. Cort nodded. "So the Boss of Wicksley loses the day-and we lose the boss." Otto shrugged. "Didn't think we'd catch him, did you, lieutenant? Bosses always make sure they'll be safe, no matter who loses." "He might be caught yet," Cort disagreed, "if he tries to rally what's left of his men." "More likely he'll ride home to his castle and bar his gates against the Boss of |