"Christopher Stasheff - Warlock - 02 - The Warlock In Spite Of Himself" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)Christopher
Stasheff The
Warlock In Spite of
Toronto Sydney New York PART
asteroid hurtled in from Capricorn, nosed around a G-type sun, swerved off
toward the fifth planet. Such a trajectory is somewhat atypical for asteroids. It
slapped into the planet's gravity net, swooped around the globe three times in
three separate orbits, then stabbed into atmosphere, a glorious shooting star. At a
hundred feet altitude it paused, then snapped to the surface - but only to the
surface. No fireworks, no crater - nothing more drastic than crushed grass. It~
surface was scarred and pitted, blackened by the friction-heat of its fall; but
it was intact. Deep
within its bowels echoed the words that would change the planet's destiny. 'Damn
your bolt-.brained bearings!' The
voice broke off; its owner frowned, listening. The
cabin was totally silent, without its usual threshold hum. The
young man swore, tearing the shock-webbing from his body. He lurched out of the
acceleration chair, balanced dizzily on the balls of his feet, groping till his
hand touched the plastic wall. Steadying
himself with one hand, he stumbled to a panel on the other side of the circular
cabin. He fumbled the catches loose, cursing in the fine old style of galactic
deckhands, opened the panel, pressed a button. Turning, he all but fell back to
the chair. The
soft hum awoke in the cabin again. A slurred voice asked, with varying speed
and pitch, 'Izzz awwl (Hic!) sadizfagtoreee. . . M'lorrrr' Rodney?' 'All
the smooth, glossy robots in the galaxy,' muttered Milord, 'and I get stuck
with an epileptic!' 'Ivv ut
bleeezz m'lorr', thuh c'passsider c'n be-' 'Replaced,'
finished Rodney, 'and your circuits torn out and redesigned. No, thank you, I
like your personality the way it is - except when you pull off a landing that
jam my clavicles loose!' 'Ivy
m'lorrd will vorgive, ad thuh cruzhial momend ovvv blanetfall, I rezeived zome
very zingular radio waves thad-' 'You
got distracted, is that what you're trying to say?' 'M'lorrrd,
id was imberative to analyze-' 'So
part of you was studying the radio waves, and part of you was landing the ship,
which was just a wee bit too much of a strain, and the weak capacitor gave.. .
. Fess! How many times do I have to tell you to keep your mind on the job!' 'M'lorrd
egzbressed a wizh to be like thuh-' 'Like
the heroes of the Exploration Sagas, yes. But that doesn't mean I want their
discomforts.' Fess's
electronic system had almost recovered from the post-seizure exhaustion. 'But,
milord, the concept of heroism implies-' 'Oh,
forget it,' Rodney groaned. Fess dutifully blanked a portion of his memory
banks. Fess
was very dutiful. He was also an antique, one of the few remaining FCC
(Faithful Cybernetic Companion) robots, early models now two thousand years out
of date. The FCC robots had been programmed for extreme loyalty and, as a
consequence, had perished in droves while defending their masters during the
bloody Interregnum between the collapse of the ancient Galactic Union and the
rise of the Proletarian Eclectic State of Terra. Fess (a
name derived from trying to pronounce 'FCC' as a single word) had survived,
thanks to his epilepsy. He had a weak capacitor that, when overstrained,
released all its stored energy in a massive surge lasting several milliseconds.
When the preliminary symptoms of this electronic seizure - mainly a fuzziness
in Fess's calculations - appeared, a master circuit breaker popped, and the
faulty capacitor discharged in isolation from the rest of Fess's circuits; but
the robot was out of commission until the circuit breaker was reset. Since
the seizures occurred during moments of great stress - such as trying to land a
spaceship-cum-asteroid while analyzing an aberrant radio wave, or trying to
protect a master from three simultaneous murderers - Fess had survived the
Interregnum; for, when the Proletarians had attacked his masters, he had fought
manfully for about twenty-five seconds, then collapsed. He had thus become a
rarity - the courageous servant who had survived. He was one of the five FCC
robots still functioning. He was,
consequently, a prized treasure of the d'Armand family - prized as an antique,
but even more for his loyalty; true loyalty to aristocratic families has always
been in short supply. So,
when Rodney d'Armand had left home for a life of adventure and glory - being
the second son of a second son, there hadn't been much else he could do - his
father had insisted on his taking Fess along. Rod had
often been very glad of Fess's company; but there were times when the robot was
just a little short on tact. For instance, after a very rough planetfall, a
human stomach tends to be a mite queasy; but Fess had the bad sense to ask,
'Would you care to dine, m'lord? Say, scallops with asparagus?' Rod
turned chartreuse and clamped his jaws, fighting back nausea. No,' he grated,
'and can the "m'lord" bit. We're on a mission, remember?' 'I
never forget, Rod. Except on command.' 'I
know,' growled his master's voice. 'It was a figure of speech.' Rod
swung his legs to the floor and painfully stood up. 'I could use a breath of
fresh air to settle my stomach, Fess. Is there any available?' The
robot clicked for a moment, then reported, 'Atmosphere breathable. Better wear
a sweater, though.' Rod
shrugged into his pilot's jacket with a growl 'Why do old family retainers
always develop a mother-hen complex?' 'Rod,
if you had lived as long as I have-' '-I'd
want to be deactivated. I know, "Robot is always right." Open the
lock, Fess.' The
double doors of the small air lock swung open, showing a circle of black set
with stars. A chill breeze poured into the cabin. Rod
tilted his face back, breathing in. His eyes closed in luxury. 'Ah, the blessed
breath of land! What lives here, Fess?' Machinery
whirred as the robot played back the electron-telescope tapes they had taken in
orbit, integrating the pictorial data into a comprehensive description of the
planet. 'Land
masses consist of five continents, one island of noteworthy dimensions, and a
host of lesser islands. The continent and the minor islands exhibit similar
flora - equatorial rain forest.' 'Even
at the poles?' 'Within a hundred miles of each pole; the ice
caps are remarkably small. Visible animal life confined to amphibians and a
host of insects; we may assume that the seas abound with fish.' Rod
rubbed his chin. 'Sounds like we came in pretty early in the geologic
spectrum.' 'Carboniferous
Era,' replied the robot. 'How
about that one large island? That's where we've landed, I suppose?' 'Correct.
Native flora and fauna nonexistent. All life-forms typical of Late Terran
Pleistocene.' 'How
late, Fess?' 'Human
historical.' Rod
nodded. 'In other words, a bunch of colonists came in, picked themselves an
island, wiped out the native- life, and seeded the land with Terran stock. Any
idea why they chose this island?' 'Large
enough to support a good-sized population, small enough to minimize problems of
ecological revision. Then too, the island is situated in a polar ocean current,
which lowers the local temperature to slightly below Terran normal.' 'Very
handy; saves them the bother of climate control. Any remains of what might have
been Galactic Union cities?' 'None,
Rod.' 'None!'
Rod's eyes widened in surprise. 'That doesn't fit the pattern. You sure, Fess?' The
developmental pattern of a lost, or retrograde, colony - one that had been out
of touch with Galactic civilization for a millennium or more - fell into three
well-defined stages: first, the establishment of the colony, centered around a
modern city with an advanced technology; second, the failure of communications
with Galactic culture, followed by an overpopulation of the city, which led to
mass migrations to the countryside and a consequent shift to an agrarian,
self-sufficient economy; and, third, the loss of technological knowledge,
accompanied by a rising level of superstition, symbolized by the abandonment
and eventual tabooing of a coal-and-steam technology~, social relationships
calcified, and a caste system appeared. Styles of dress and architecture were
usually burlesques of Galactic Union forms: for example, a small hemispherical
wooden 'hut, built in imitation of the vaulting Galactic geodesic domes. But
always there were the ruins of the city, acting as a constant symbol and a
basis for mythology. Always. 'You're
sure, Fess? You're really, really sure there isn't a city?' 'I am
always certain, Rod.' 'That's
true.' Rod pulled at his lower lip. 'Sometimes mistaken, but never in doubt.
Well, shelve the matter of the city for the time being; maybe it sank in a
tidal wave. Let's just make a final check on the life-forms' being Terran.' Rod
drove head-first through the three-foot circle of the lock, landed in a forward
roll, rose to his knees. He unclipped the guerilla knife from his belt - a
knife carefully designed so that it could not be attributed to any one known
culture - and drew the dagger from its sheath. The
sheath was a slender cone of white metal, with a small knob at the apex. Rod
plucked several blades of grass, dropped them into the sheath, and turned the
knob. The miniature transceiver built into the sides of the sheath probed the
grass with sonics to analyze its molecular structure, then broadcast the data
to Fess, who determined if any of the molecules were incompatible with human
metabolism. If the grass had been poisonous to Rod, Fess would have beamed a
signal back to the sheath, whereupon the white metal would have turned purple. But in
this particular case, the sheath stayed silver. 'That
ties it,' said Rod. 'This is Terran grass, presumably planted by Terrans, and
this is a Terran colony. But where's the city?' 'There
is a large town - perhaps thirty thousand souls - in the foothills of a mountain
range to the north, Rod.' 'Well...'
Rod rubbed his chin. 'That's not exactly what I had in mind, but it's better
than nothing. What's it look like?' 'Situated
on the lower slopes of a large hill, at the summit of which is a large stone
structure, strongly reminiscent of a Medieval Terran castle.' 'Medieval!'
Rod scowled. 'The
town itself consists of half-timbered and stuccoed buildings, with second
stories overhanging the narrow streets - alleys would be a better term - along
which they are situated.' 'Half-timbered!'
Rod rose to his feet. 'Wait a minute, wait a minute! Fess, does that
architecture remind you of anything?' The
robot was silent a moment, then replied, 'Northern European Renaissance.' 'That,'
said Rod, 'is not the typical style of a retrograde colony. How closely do
those buildings resemble Terran Renaissance, Fess?' 'The
resemblance is complete to the last detail, Rod.' 'It's
deliberate then. How about that castle? Is that Renaissance too?' The
robot paused, then said, 'No, Rod. It would appear to be a direct copy from the
German style of the 13th Century A.D.' Rod
nodded eagerly. 'How about styles of dress?' 'We are
currently on the night side of the planet, and were upon landing. There is a
good deal of illumination from the planet's three satellites, but relatively
few people abroad. There
is, however, a small party of soldiers, riding Terran horses. Their uniforms
are - uh - copies of English Beefeaters'.' 'Very
good! Anyone else in the streets?' 'Um. .
. a couple of cloaked men - uh - doublet and hose, I believe and.. . yes, a
small party of peasants, wearing smocks and cross-gartered buskins. . . 'That's
enough.' Rod cut him off. 'It's a hodgepodge, a conglomeration of styles.
Somebody has tried to set up his idea of the ideal world, Fess. Ever hear of
the Йmigrйs?' The
robot was silent a moment, mulling through his memory banks. Then he began to
recite: 'Malcontents
abounded toward the end of the 22nd Century A.D. Bored with their "lives
of quiet desperation," people turned primarily to mysticism, secondarily
to escapist literature and entertainment. Gradually the pseudo-Medieval became
the dominant entertainment form. 'Finally,
a group of wealthy men pooled their funds to buy an outmoded FTL liner and
announced to the world that they were the Romantic Йmigrйs, that they intended
to reestablish the glory of the Medieval way of life on a previously
uncolonized planet, and that they would accept a limited number of emigrants in
the capacities of serfs and tradesmen. 'There
were, of course many more applicants than could be accommodated. Emigrants were
selected "for the poeticness of their souls'' -whatever that may mean.~ 'It
means they loved to listen to ghost stories,' said Rod. 'What happened?' 'The
passenger list was swiftly completed. The thirteen tycoons who had organized
the expedition 3nnounced that they thereby rejected their surnames and adopted
instead the family names of great Medieval aristocrats - Bourbon, di Medici,
and so forth. 'Then
the ship departed, with its destination carefully unspecified, so that there
would be "no contamination from the materialist world". Nothing more
was ever heard of them.' Rod
smiled grimly. 'Well, I think we've just found them. How's that set with your
diodes?' 'Quite
well, Rod. In fact, a statistical analysis of the probability of this being the
Йmigrйs' colony reveals the following-' 'Skip
it,' Rod said quickly. Statistics was Fess's hobby; given half a chance, he
could bore you for hours. Rod
pursed his lips and eyed the section of the hull that housed Fess's brain.
'Come to think of it, you might send the statistics back to SCENT with our
educated guess that we've found the Йmigrйs' colony. Might as well get at that
right now-, I'd like them to know where we are in case anything happens.' SCENT,
the Society for the Conversion of Extraterrestrial Nascent Totalitariamsms, was
the organization responsible for seeking out the lost colonies. The Proletarian
Eclectic State of Terra had shown remarkably little interest in any colony that
was lacking in modern technology-, so that the lost colonies had stayed lost
until the totalitarian rule of PEST had
been overthrown by DDT, the Decentralized Democratic Tribunal. DDT had quickly
consolidated its rule of Terra, governing in accordance with the
almost-unattainable goals of Athenian democracy. It had
long been known that the inefficiency of democratic governments was basically a
problem of communication and prejudice. But, over a period of two centuries,
DDT cells had functioned as speakeasy schoolrooms, resulting in total literacy
and masters' degrees for seventy-two percent of the population; prejudice had
thus joined polio and cancer on the list of curable diseases. The problems of
communication had been solved by the development, in DDT laboratories, of
sub-molecular electronics, which had lowered the bulk and price of electronic
communication gear to the point where its truly extensive use became practical
for the first time. Every individual was thus able to squawk at his Tribune at
a moment's notice; and, being educated, they tended to do a lot of squawking
just on general principles - all very healthy for a democracy. Squawking
by radio had proved singularly effective, due largely to an automatic record of
the squawk. The problems of records and other bureaucratic red tape had been
solved by red oxide audio recording tape, with tracks a single molecule in
width, and the development of data-retrieval systems so efficient that the
memorization of facts became obsolete. Education thus became exclusively a
training in concepts, and the success of democracy was assured. After
two centuries of preparing such groundwork, the DDT revolution had been a mere
formality. But
revolutionaries are always out of place when the revolution is over, and are
likely to prove an embarrassing factor to the police forces of the new
government. Therefore,
DDT had decided not to be selfish; rather, they would share the blessings of
democracy with the other remnants of the old Galactic Union. But democrats
are seldom welcome on planets run by totalitarian governments, and scarcely
more welcome on planets where anarchy prevails - this due to the very nature of
democracy, the only practical compromise between totalitarianism and anarchy. What
was needed was a permanent organization of revolutionaries, subversive
republican democrats. Since there was a large supply of out-of-work
revolutionaries on hand, the organization was quickly formed, and christened
the Society for the Conversion of Extraterrestrial Totalitarianisms. The
'Nascent' was added a century later, when all the known inhabited planets had
been subverted and had joined DDT. The old revolutionaries were still a
problem, the more so since there were more of them so they were sent out singly
to find the Lost Colonies. Thus
was formed SCENT, the organization whose mission it was to sniff out the
backward planets and put them on the road to democracy. Since
Rod had found a medieval planet, he would probably have to foster the
development of a constitutional monarchy. Rod,
born Rodney d'Armand (he had five middle names, but they make dull reading) on
a planet inhabited exclusively by aristocrats and robots, had joined SCENT at
the tender age of eighteen. In his fourteen years of service, he had grown from
a gangling, ugly youth to a lean, well-muscled, ugly man. His
face was aristocratic; you could say that for it - that, and no more. His
receding hairline gave onto a flat, sloping forehead that ran up against a
brace of bony brow-ridges, somewhat camouflaged by bushy eyebrows. The eyebrows
overhung deep sockets, at the back of which were two, somewhat hardened gray
eyes - at least Rod hoped they looked hardened. The eye
sockets were thresholded by high, flat cheekbones, divided by a blade of nose
that would have done credit to an eagle. Under the cheekbones and nose was a
wide, thin-lipped mouth which, even in sleep, was twisted in a sardonic smile.
Under the mouth was a square jawbone and a jutting chin. Rod
would have liked to say that it was a strong face, but it tended to soften
remarkably when/if a girl smiled at it. Dogs and children had the same effect,
with a great deal more frequency. He was
a man with a Dream. (There had been a Dream Girl once, but she was now one with
his callow youth.) - Dream of one unified Galactic government (democratic, of
course). Interstellar communications were still too slow for~ a true democratic
federation; the DDT was actually a loose confederation of worlds, more of a
debating society and service organization than anything else. But
adequate communication methods would come along some day, Rod was sure of that,
and when they did, the stars would be ready. He would see to that. 'Well,
let's be about our business, Fess. No telling when someone might wander by and
spot us.' Rod swung up and into the air lock, through and into the cabin again.
He went to the plate in the wall, released the catches. Inside was a control
panel; above this was a white metal sphere with a dull finish, about the size
of a basketball. A massive cable grew out of the top of the sphere and
connected to the wall of the shop. Rod
unscrewed the connection, released the friction clamp that held the sphere in
place, and carefully lifted it out. 'Easy,'
Fess's voice said from the earphone implanted in the bone behind Rod's right
ear. 'I'm fragile, you know.' 'A
little confidence, please,' Rod muttered. The microphone in his jawbone carried
his words to Fess. '1 haven't dropped you yet, have I?' 'Yet,'
echoed the robot. Rod
cradled the robot 'brain' in the crook of one arm, leaving one arm free to
negotiate the air lock. Outside again, he pressed a stud in the side of the
ship. A large door lifted from the side of the pseudo-asteroid. Inside, a great
black horse hung from shock webbing, head between its forelegs, eyes closed. Rod
pressed a button; a crane extended from the cargo space. The horse swung out on
the crane, was lowered till its hooves touched the ground. Rod twisted the
saddlehorn, and a panel in the horse's side slid open. Rod
placed the brain inside the panel, tightened the clamp and the connections,
then twisted the saddlehorn back; the panel slid shut. Slowly the horse raised
its head, wiggled its ears, blinked twice, gave a tentative whinny. 'All as
it should be,' said the voice behind Rod's ear. The horse champed at the bit.
'If you'll let me out of this cat's cradle, I'll check the motor circuits.' Rod
grinned and freed the webbing. The horse reared up, pawing the air, then sprang
into a gallop. Rod watched the robot run, taking a good look at his
surroundings in the process. The
asteroid-ship had landed in the center of a meadow, shaggy with summer grass,
ringed by oak, hickory, maple, and ash. It was night, but the meadow was
flooded with the light of three moons. The
robot cantered back toward Rod, reared to a halt before him. Forehooves thudded
on the ground; the great indigo eyes turned to look at Rod, the ears pricked
forward. 'I'm
fit,' Fess reported. Rod
grinned again. 'No sight like a running horse.' 'What,
none?' 'Well,
almost none. C'mon, let's get the ship buried.' Rod
pressed studs on the side of the ship; the cargo hatch closed, the air lock
sealed itself. The ship began to revolve, slowly at first, then faster and
faster as it sank into the ground. Soon there was only a crater surrounded by a
ring-wall of loam, and the roof of the asteroid curving three feet below. Rod
pulled a camp shovel from Fess's saddlebags, unfolded it, and bent to his task.
The horse joined in, flashing out with its heels at the ring-wall. In ten
minutes the wall had been reduced to six-inch height; there was a large mound
of earth in the center, twenty feet across and two feet high. 'Stand
back.' Rod drew his dagger, twisted the hilt 180 degrees, pointed the haft at
the earth-mound. A red light lanced out; the loam glowed cherry red, melted,
and flowed. Rod
fanned the beam in a slow arc over the whole of the filled-in crater till the
soil had melted down a foot below ground level He shoveled the rest of the
ring-wall into the hole, making a slight mound, but the next rain would take
care of that. 'Well,
that's it,' Rod wiped his brow. 'Not
quite.' Rod
hunched his shoulders; there was a sinking feeling in his belly. 'You
have still to assume clothing appropriate to this society and period, Rod.' Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. 'I took
the precaution of packing a doublet in my left-hand saddlebag while you were
testing the grass, Rod.' 'Look.'
Rod argued, 'my uniform will do well enough, won't it?' 'Skintight
trousers and military boots will pass, yes. But a pilot's jacket could not
possibly be mistaken for a doublet. Need I say more?' 'No, I
suppose not.' Rod sighed. He went to the saddlebag. 'The success of the mission
comes first, above and before any considerations of personal comfort, dignity,
or - hey!' He stared at something long and slender, hanging from the saddle. 'Hey
what, Rod?' Rod
took the strange object from the saddle - it had a handle on one end, he
noticed, and it rattled - and held it up where Fess could see it. 'What
is this?' 'An
Elizabethan rapier, Rod. An antique sidearm, a sort of long knife, designed for
both cutting and thrusting.' 'Sidearm.'
Rod eyed the robot as if doubting his sanity. 'I'm supposed to wear it?' 'Certainly,
Rod. At least, if you're planning to adopt one of your usual covers.' Rod
gave a sign appropriate to a Christian martyr and pulled the doublet from the
saddlebag. He wriggled into it and belted the rapier to his right side. 'No,
no, Rod! Belt it to your left side. You have to cross-draw it.' 'The
things I go through for the sake of democracy. . Rod
belted the rapier to his left hip. 'Fess, has it ever occurred to you that I
might be a fanatic?' 'Certainly,
Rod. A classic case of sublimation.' 'I
asked for an opinion, not an analysis,' the man growled. He looked down at his
costume. 'Hey! Not bad, not bad at all!' He threw his shoulders back, lifted
his chin, and strutted. The gold and scarlet doublet fairly glowed in the
moonlight. 'How do you like it, Fess?' 'You
cut quite a figure, Rod.' There was, somehow, a tone of quiet amusement in the
robot's voice. Rod
frowned. 'Needs a cape to top it off, though.' 'In the
saddlebag, Rod.' 'Think
of everything, don't you?' Rod rummaged in the saddlebag, shook out a
voluminous cloak of the same electric blue as his uniform tights. 'The
chain passes under the left armpit and around the right-band side of the neck,
Rod.' Rod
fastened the cloak in place and faced into the wind, the cloak streaming back
from his broad shoulders. 'There,
now! Ain't I a picture, though?' 'Like a
plate from a Shakespeare text, Rod.' 'Flattery
will get you a double ration of oil.' Rod swung into the saddle. 'Head for the
nearest town, Fess. I want to show off my new finery.' 'You
forgot to seed the crater, Rod.' 'What?
Oh! Yeah.' Rod pulled a small bag from the right-hand saddlebag and sprinkled
its contents over the circle of raw earth. 'There! Give it a light rainstorm
and two days to grow, and you won't be able to tell it from the rest of the meadow.
Let's hope nobody comes this way for two days, though....' The
horse's head jerked up, ears pricked forward. 'What's
the matter, Fess?' 'Listen,'
the robot replied. Rod
scowled and closed his eyes. Distant,
blown on the wind, came youthful shouts and gay laughter. 'Sounds
like a bunch of kids having a party.' 'It's
coming closer,' Fess said softly. Rod
shut his eyes and listened again. The sound was growing louder.., He
turned to the northeast, the direction the sound seemed to be coming from, and
scanned the horizon. There were only the three moons in the sky. A
shadow drifted across one of the moons. Three more followed it. The
laughter was much louder now. 'About
seventy-five miles per hour,' Fess murmured. 'What?' 'Seventy-five
miles per hour. That's the speed at which they seem to be approaching.' 'Hmmm.'
Rod chewed at his lower lip. 'Fess, how long since we landed?' 'Almost
two hours, Rod.' Something
streaked by overhead. Rod looked up. 'Ah, Fess?' 'Yes,
Rod.' 'They're
flying, Fess.' There
was a pause. 'Rod, I
must ask you to be logical. A culture like this couldn't possibly have evolved
air travel yet.' 'They
haven't. They're flying.' Another
pause. 'The
people themselves, Rod?' 'That's
right.' Rod's voice held a note of resignation. 'Though I'll admit that one who
just flew over us seemed to be riding a broomstick. Not too bad-looking,
either. Matter of fact, she was stacked like a Las Vegas poker deck... Fess?' The
horse's legs were locked rigid, its head swinging gently between its legs. 'Oh,
hell!' Rod growled. 'Not again!' He
reached down under the saddlehorn and reset the circuit breaker. Slowly, the
horse raised its head and shook it several times. Rod caught the reins and led
the horse away. 'Whaddappend,
RRRawwwd?' 'You
had a seizure, Fess. Now, whatever you do, don't whinny. That airborne
bacchanalia is coming our way, and there's an off-chance they might be out to
investigate the shooting star. Therefore, we are heading for the tall timber -
and quietly, if you please.' Once
under the trees at the edge of the meadow, Rod looked back to check on the
flying flotilla. The
youngsters were milling about in the sky half a mile away, emitting joyful
shrieks and shouts of welcome. The wind tossed Rod an intelligible phrase or
two. 'Rejoice,
my children! Tis Lady Gwen!' 'Hast
thou, then, come at last to be mother to our coven, Gwendylon?' 'Thy
beauty hath but waxed, sweet Gwendylon! How dost thou?' 'Not
yet robbing cradles, Randal... 'Sounds
like the housemother dropping in on a party at the Witches' College,' Rod
grunted. 'Sober, Fess?' 'Clearheaded,
at least,' the robot acknowledged, 'and a new concept accepted in my basic
programming.' 'Oh.'
Rod pursed his lips. 'My observation is confirmed?' 'Thoroughly.
They are flying.' The
aerial sock-hop seemed to have rediscovered its original purpose. They swooped
toward the meadows with shouts and gales of laughter, hovered over the ring of
newly turned earth, and dropped one by one to form a circle about it. 'Well,
not too many doubts about what they're here for, is there?' Rod sat on the
ground, tailor-fashion, and leaned back against Fess's forelegs. 'Nothing to do
but wait, I guess.' He twisted the signet on his ring ninety degrees, pointed
it at the gathering. 'Relay, Fess.' The
signet ring now functioned as a very powerful, very directional microphone; its
signal was relayed through Fess to the earphone behind Rod's ear. 'Ought
we to tell the Queen of this?' 'Nay,
'twould fash her unduly.' Rod~
frowned. 'Can you make anything out of it, Fess?' 'Only
that it's Elizabethan English, Rod.' 'That,'
said Rod, 'is why SCENT always sends a man with a robot. All right, let's start
with the obvious: the language confirms that this is the Йmigrйs' colony.' 'Well,
of course,' Fess muttered, somewhat piqued. 'Now,
now, old symbiote, no griping. I know you don't consider the obvious worth
reporting; but overlooking obvious facts does sometimes lead to overlooking
secrets hidden right out in plain sight, doesn't it?' 'Well...' 'Right.
So. They mentioned a Queen. Therefore, the government is a monarchy, as we
suspected. Tb1s teenage in-group referred to themselves as a coven therefore
they consider themselves witches.... Considering their form of locomotion, I'm
inclined to agree. But...' He left
the but hanging for a few minutes. Fess pricked up his ears. 'They
also spoke of telling the Queen. Therefore, they must have access to the royal
ear. What's this, Fess? Royal approval of witchcraft?' 'Not
necessarily,' said Fess judiciously. 'An applicable precedent would be the case
of King Saul and the Witch of Endor....' 'But
chances are they've got an in at court.' 'Rod,
you are jumping to conclusions.' 'No,
just coming up with a brilliant flash of insight.' 'That,'
said Fess, 'is why SCENT always sends a robot with a human.' 'Touchй.
But they also said that telling the Queen would "fash her unduly".
What's fash mean, Fess?' 'To
cause anxiety, Rod.' 'Urn.
This Queen just might be the excitable type, then.' 'Might
be, yes.' Music
struck up in the field - Scottish bagpipes playing the accompaniment to an old
Gypsy tune. The young folk were dancing on the cleared earth, and several feet
above it. 'Bavarian
peasant dance,' Fess murmured. "'Where
the ends of the earth all meet,"' Rod quoted, stretching his legs out
straight. 'An agglomerate culture, carefully combining all the worst Old Earth
had to offer.' 'An
unfair judgment, Rod.' Rod
raised an eyebrow. 'You like bagpipes?' He
folded his arms and let his chin rest on his sternum, leaving Fess the
sleepless to watch for anything significant. The
robot watched for a couple of hours, patiently chewing his data. When the music
faded and died, Fess planted a hoof on Rod's hip. 'Gnorf!'
said Rod, and was instantly wide awake, as is the wont of secret agents. 'The
party's over, Rod.' The
young folk were leaping into the air, banking away to the northeast. • One broomstick shot off at right angles to
the main body; a boyish figure shot out after it. 'Do
thou not be so long estranged from us again, Gwendylon.' 'Randal,
if thou wert a mouse, thou wouldst woo oliphants! Farewell, and see to it from
now thou payest court to wenches only six years thy elder!' The
broomstick streaked straight toward Rod, climbed over the trees and was gone. 'Mmmm,
yes!' Rod licked his tips. 'Definitely a great build on that girl. And the way
she talks, she's a wee bit older than these birdbrains....' 'I had
thought you were above petty conquest by now, Rod.' 'Which
is a nice way of saying she wouldn't have anything to do with me. Well, even if
I haven't got the buying power, I can still window-shop.' The
junior coven sailed over the horizon; their laughter faded away. 'Well,
that's that.' Rod gathered his feet under him. 'The party's over, and we're
none the wiser.' He rose to his feet. 'Well, at least we're still a secret;
nobody knows there's a spaceship under that circle of earth.' 'Nay,
not so,' chuckled a pixie voice. Rod
froze, turned his head, stared. There,
among the roots of an old oak, stood a man, broad-shouldered, grinning, and all
of twelve inches tall. He was clad in doublet and hose ~in varying shades of
brown, and had very white teeth and a general air of mischief. 'The
King of the Elves shall be apprised of your presence, Lord Warlock,' said the
apparition, chuckling. Rod
lunged. But the
little man was gone, leaving only a chortle behind hum Rod
stood staring, listening to the wind commenting to the leaves and the list
faint snicker dying away among the oak roots. 'Fess,'
he said. 'Fess, did you see that?' There
was no answer. Rod
frowned, turning. 'Fess? Fess!' The
robot's bead swung gently between its fetlocks. 'Oh,
hell!' A
deep-toned bell was proclaiming the advent of nine o'clock somewhere in the
large, ramshackle town that was, as near as Rod and Fess could figure from
speed and bearing, the juvenile witches' borne base. In view of their remark
about the Queen, Rod had hopes the town would turn out to be the capital of the
island. 'Only a
guess, of course,' he added hurriedly. 'Of
course,' Fess murmured. The robot voice gave the distinct impression of a
patient sigh. 'On a
more immediate level, what name should I go by in this culture?' 'Why
not Rodney d'Armand VII? This is one of the few cases where your natural name
is appropriate.' Rod
shook his head. 'Too pretentious. My forebears never did get over their
aristocratic aspirations.' 'They
were aristocrats, Rod.' 'Yeah,
but so was everybody else on the planet, Fess, except the robots. And they'd
been in the family so long they had a right to claim some of the honors.' 'It was
honor enough to-' 'Later,'
Rod cut him off. Fess had a standardized sermon on the noblesse oblige
tradition of the Maxima robots, which he would gladly deliver at the drop of anything
resembling a cue. 'There's a small problem of a name, remember?' 'If you
insist.' Fess was disgruntled. 'Mercenary soldier, again?' 'Yes.
It gives me an excuse to travel.' Fess
winced. 'You could pose as a wandering minstrel...' Rod shook his head.
'Minstrels are supposed to be up on the current news. Might not be a bad idea
to pick up a harp, though - especially if the' ruler's a woman. Songs
can get you places where swords can't....' 'We go
through this every time. . . . Would "Gallowglass" suit you, Rod? It
was the Irish term for a mercenary soldier.' 'Gallowglass..
.' Rod rolled the word over his tongue. 'Not bad. That's got some dash to it.' 'Like
yourself.' 'Do I
detect a touch of irony there? But it is a good, solid word. . - and it's not
exactly what you'd call pretty....' 'Definitely
like yourself,' the robot murmured. 'I
daresay it'll do. Rod Gallowglass it is. Whoa!' Rod
sawed back on the reins, frowning. From someplace ahead of them came the low
mutter of a mob. Rod
frowned. 'What's all the commotion?' 'Rod,
may I recommend caution... 'Not a
bad idea. Gee-up again, but lightly with the hooves, please.' Fess
went at a walk through the narrow moonlit street. sidling up against the
weathered wall of a building. He stopped at the corner, thrust his horse's head
around the angle. 'What
do you see, Sister Ann?' 'A
mob,' said Fess. 'Astute
observation, Watson. Anything else?' 'Torchlight,
and a young man climbing up on a platform. If you'll pardon the analogy, Rod,
it closely resembles a pep rally at your alma mater.' 'Just
might be what it is,' Rod swung out of the saddle. 'Well, you stay here, big
fella. I'll scout the terrain.' He
rounded the corner and let himself fall into a soldierly swagger, one hand on
the pommel of his sword. Not a
bad idea, from the look of the crowd. Must be a meeting of the local Vagabond's
Union. Not an unpatched doublet among them. He wrinkled his nose; a washed body
seemed to be even more rare. Definitely a seedy lot. The
meeting-place was a large, open square, bordered by a wide river on one side;
there were wharves with wooden ships riding at their moorings. On the other
three sides of the square were cheap, decaying lodging-houses; sea-tackle
stores and other cheap shops, and warehouses. The warehouses, at least, were in
good repair. All the buildings were hall-timbered, with the characteristic
overhanging second storey. The
shouting, jostling mob filled the whole square. Flaming pine knots lent a
demonic light. A
closer look at the crowd revealed patched eyes, shriveled limbs, heads minus
ears - an odd contrast to the figure that stood on the jury-rigged platform. He was
young, broad-shouldered and blond-headed. His face was clean and unscarred,
snub-nosed and blue-eyed. It was a round, almost innocent face, open and
honest, filled with the eerie light of a Man with a Mission. His doublet and
hose were clean, for a wonder, and well-tailored from good cloth. A sword hung
at his hip. 'A kid
from the right side of the tracks,' Rod mused. 'What in the Seventh Hell is he
doing in this rathole?' The
youth threw up his hands: the crowd roared, pine-knot torches surged forward to
light him. 'Whose
shoulders have borne up the weightiest burdens?' the boy shouted. 'Ours
I' roared the crowd. 'Whose
hands are worn hard and scarred with rough toil?' 'Ours!' 'Who is
it have built all the wealth that the noblemen squander?' 'We!' 'Who is
it have reared up their lofty castles of granite?' 'We!' 'Shall
you not have a share in these riches and luxuries?' 'We
shall!' 'Why,'
roared the young spokesman, 'there is wealth enough in even one of these
castles to make each one of you a king t' The
crowd went wild. 'You
catching this, Fess?' 'I am,
Rod. It sounds like a mixture of Karl Marx and Huey Long.' 'Strange
synthesis,' Rod muttered. 'And yet, maybe not so strange, when you come to
think of it.' 'This
is your wealth!' shouted the youth. 'You have a right to it!' The
crowd went wild again. 'Will
they give you your due?' The
crowd went suddenly quiet. An ugly murmur began. 'No!' the young man bellowed.
'You must therefore demand it, as is your right!' He
threw up his arms. 'The Queen has given you bread and wine when the famine was
upon you! The Queen has given meat and good wine to the witches whom she
harbors!' The
crowd fell deathly still. A whisper ran through the ranks: 'The
witches! The witches!' 'Aye,'
roared the spokesman, 'even the witches, the outcast and spurned. How much
more, then, will she give to you, who have borne the heat of the day? 'She
will give you your duel' The
crowd echoed his roar. 'Where
do you go?' yelled the young Demosthenes. 'To the
castle I' someone shouted, and other voices took up the cry. 'To the castle! To
the castle!' It became a rhythmic chant. 'To the castle! To the castle! To the
castle!' A high,
keening wail cut across the chant. The crowd fell silent. A narrow, twisted
figure hobbled to the edge of a warehouse roof and called out over the square: 'Soldiers,
a company or more!' 'Out
through the alleys and wharves!' bellowed the young man. 'At the House of
Clovis we shall meet, within the hour!' To
Rod's amazement, the crowd remained silent. Streams of people began to pour
down the twisted alleys. There was no panic, no crush. Rod
shrank into a doorway and watched as the torches were grounded. Score upon
score of beggars ran past him, light-footed and silent, to be swallowed up by
the dark mouths of the byways. The
square emptied; the light sounds of scampering faded away. In the sudden quiet,
Rod heard the drum of approaching hooves - the soldiers, coming to check up on
the Queen's loyal subjects. Rod
stepped out onto the cobbles, running on the bails of his feet, -around the
corner where Fess stood waiting. He was
into the saddle without breaking stride. 'The good part of town,' he whispered,
'fast and quiet.' Fess
could extrude inch-thick rubber pads from his hooves when silence was called
for-, he had also memorized a photo-map of the city from their aerial survey.
There are advantages to a robot horse. They
fled through the town; the ground rose beneath them, building into the hill
crowned by the royal castle. The quality of ~he buildings improved gradually
they were coming to the more affluent districts. 'What
do you make of all that, Fess?' 'A
totalitarian movement, beyond question,' the robot replied. 'A rabble-rouser,
no doubt power-hungry, who will lead the people to make demands on the
government, demands which cannot be met. The crown's refusals will be used to
incite the mob to violence, and you have your revolution made.' 'Couldn't
be just an ambitious nobleman trying to usurp the crown?' 'Usurpation
derives its support from the upper classes, Rod. No, this is a proletarian
revolution - a prelude to a totalitarian government.' Rod pursed
his lips. 'Would you say there was evidence of outside intervention from a more
advanced society? I mean, proletarian revolutions aren't usually found in this
kind of culture, are they?' 'Rarely,
Rod, and the propaganda is rudimentary when they do occur. Persuasion in a
medieval society never refers to basic rights; the concept is alien to the
culture. The probability of intervention is quite strong.. ..' Rod's
lips pulled back in a savage grin. 'Well, old mechanism, it looks like we've
come to the right place to set up shop.' At the
uphill edge of the town, they came on a rambling, two-storied structure built
around three sides of a torch lit courtyard. A timber palisade with a gate
closed the fourth side. A party of laughing, well-dressed young men sauntered
out of the gate; Rod caught a snatch of drunken song. Tableware rattled, and
voices called for meat and ale. 'I take
it we've found one of the better inns.' 'I
would say that was a warranted assumption, Rod.' Rod leaned back in the saddle.
'Looks like .a good place to spend the night. Is garlic sausage possible in
this culture, Fess?' The
robot shuddered. 'Rod, you have the most unearthly tastes!' 'Make
way, make way!' a voice trumpeted behind him. Turning, Rod saw a party of
soldiers, cavalry, trotting toward him. Behind them rolled a gilded,
richly-carved carriage. A
herald rode in front of the soldiers. 'Stand aside from the road, fellow I' he
called. 'The Queen's coach passes!' 'Queen!'
Rod's eyebrows shot up. 'Yes, yes! By all means, let's stand aside!' He
nudged Fess with his knee. The horse whirled off the road and jockeyed for a
position on the shoulder that would give Rod a good look at the royal party. The
curtains on the coach were half drawn, but there was looking space. A lantern
cast a warm yellow glow inside the coach, affording Rod a brief glimpse as the
coach spun by. A
slender, frail form wrapped in a dark, hooded traveling cloak; a pale,
small-boned face framed with blonde, almost platinum hair; large, dark eyes;
and small, very red lips drawn up in a pout. And
young, very young - scarcely past childhood, Rod thought. She sat
ramrod straight, looking very fragile but also very determined - and, somehow,
forlorn, with the hostile, chip-on-the-shoulder attitude that so often goes
with fear and loneliness. Rod
stared after the retreating party. 'Rod.' Rod
started, shook his head, and realized that the coach had been out of sight for
a while. He
glowered at the back of the horse's head. 'What is it, Fess?' 'I
wondered if you'd fallen asleep.' The black head turned to Rod, the great eyes
laughing gently. 'No.'
Rod twisted, looking back at the turn where the coach had disappeared. Fess
schooled his voice to patience. 'The Dream again, Rod?' Rod scowled. 'I thought
robots didn't have emotions.' 'No. But we do have an innate dislike of a lack
of that quality which has often been termed common sense.' Rod
threw him a sour smile. 'And, of course, an appreciation for that quality
called irony, since it's basically logical. And irony implies-' '-a
sense of humor, yes. And you must admit, Rod, that there is something innately
humorous in a man's chasing an object of his own invention over half a galaxy.' 'Oh
yeah, it's a million yuks, sure. But isn't that the difference between a man
and a robot, Fess?' 'What?
The ability to form imaginary constructions?' 'No.
the ability to get hung up on them. Well, let's see if we can't find you a
quiet stall where you can chew your data in peace.' Fess
turned and trotted through the inn-yard gate. A
hostler came running from the stables as Rod dismounted. Rod tossed him the
reins, said, 'Don't give him too much water,' and strolled into the big common
room. Rod
hadn't known that rooms could be smoky without tobacco. Obviously, chimney-building
was numbered among the underdeveloped sciences on this planet. The
customers didn't seem to mind, though. The room was filled with laughter,
coarse jokes, and coarser voices in loud conversation. The great room was taken
up by twenty or so large, round tables; there were several smaller tables,
occupied by people whose dress marked them above the common (but not high
enough to be staying at the castle). Lighting consisted of pine torches, which
added to the atmosphere; tallow candles, dripping nicely on the guests; and a
huge fireplace, fit to roast an ox, which was exactly what it was doing at the
moment. A small
horde of boys and stocky peasant girls kept a steady stream of food and drink
passing between the tables and the kitchen; many of them displayed considerable
skill at broken-field running. A large
balding man with an apron tied around his ample middle burst out of the kitchen
with a great smoking platter - the
landlord, at a guess. Business was good tonight. The man
looked up, saw Rod, took in the gold and scarlet doublet, sword and dagger,
the~ general air of authority, the well-filled purse - most especially the
purse - and shoved the platter at the nearest serving girl. He bustled up to
Rod, rubbing his hands on his apron. 'And
how may I serve you, good master?' 'With a
tankard of ale, a steak as thick as both your thumbs, and a table alone.' Rod
smiled as he said it. The
innkeeper stared, his lips forming a round 0 - Rod had apparently done
something out of the ordinary. Then
the old man's eyes took on a calculating look, one that Rod had seen before; it
was usually accompanied by a remark to the waiter. sotto voce, 'Soft touch.
Soak him for all he's worth.' Rod had
smiled. He
should have known better. Some
things can be undone, though. Rod let his smile droop into a scowl. 'Well,
what are you waiting for?' he barked. 'Be quick about it, or I'll dine on a
slice off your backside!' The
landlord jumped, then cringed, bowing rapidly. 'But of course, m'lord, of
course! Quickly it will be, good master; yes, quickly indeed!' He turned away. Rod's
hand clamped onto his shoulder. 'The table,' he reminded. The
landlord gulped and bobbed his head, led Rod to a table beside an upright log
that served as a pillar, and scurried away - cursing under his breath, no doubt. Rod
returned the courtesy, but enlarged the object to include all that the landlord
stood for, namely the mercenary ways of • mankind. And, of
course, wound up cursing himself for having catered to Mammon by getting tough. But
what could he do? SCENT agents were supposed to remain inconspicuous, and a
softhearted medieval bourgeois was a contradiction in terms. But
when the landlord said quickly, he meant it. The steak and ale appeared almost
before Rod bad sat down. The landlord stood by rubbing his hands on his apron
and looking very worried. Waiting for Rod to accept the cooking, probably. Rod
opened his mouth to reassure the man, and stopped with a word not quite past
his larynx. His nose twitched; a slow grin spread over his face. He looked up
at the landlord. 'Do I
smell garlic sausage?' 'Oh
yes, your worship!' The landlord started bobbing again. 'Garlic sausage it is,
your worship, and very fine garlic sausage too, if I may say so. If your
worship would care for some. . .7' 'My
worship would,' said Rod, 'and presto allegro, sirrah.' The landlord shied,
reminding Rod of Fess regarding a syllogism, and ran. Now,
what was that all about? Rod wondered. Must have been something he said. And
he'd been rather proud of that sirrah. ... He
sampled the steak, and had just washed it down when a plate of sausage thunked!
onto the table. 'Very
good,' said Rod, 'and the steak is acceptable.' The
landlord's face broke into a grin of relief; he turned to go, then turned back. 'Well,
what is it?' Rod asked around a mouthful of sausage. The
landlord was twisting his hands in his apron again. 'Beg pardon, my master,
but. . .' His lips twisted too, then the words burst out. 'Art a warlock,
m'master?' 'Who,
me? A warlock? Ridiculous!' For emphasis, Rod jabbed his table knife in the
landlord's general direction. The huge belly shrank in amazingly; then it
bolted, taking its owner along. Now
where did he get the idea I was a warlock? Rod mused as he chewed a mouthful of
steak. Never
had a better steak, he decided. Must be the smoke. Wonder what wood they're
using? Must
have been the presto allegro bit. Thought they were magic words, probably.... Well,
they had worked wonders. Rod
took a bite of sausage and a swig of ale. Him, a
warlock? Never! He might be a second son of a second son, but he wasn't that
desperate. Besides,
being a warlock involved signing a contract in blood, and Rod bad no blood to
spare. He kept losing it in the oddest places.. He
drained his tankard, set it down with a thump. The landlord materialized with a
jug and poured him a refill. Rod started a smile of thanks, remembered his
station, and changed the smile to a sneer. He fumbled in his purse, felt the
irregular shape of a gold nugget - acceptable currency in a medieval society -
remembered the quickness of the house to gyp the generous, and passed over the'
nugget in favor of a sliver of silver. The
landlord stared at the small white bar in the palm of his hand, his eyes making
a valiant attempt to turn into hemispheres. He made a gargling sound, stuttered
elaborate thanks, and scurried away. Rod bit
his lip in annoyance. Apparently even so small a chunk of silver was enough to
excite comment here. The
touch of anger dissipated quickly, though; a pound or two of beef in the belly
did tend to make the world look better. Rod threw his legs out in the aisle,
stretched, and slumped backward in the chair, picking his teeth with the table
knife. Something
was strangely wrong in this common room. The happy were a little too
professional about it - voices a shade too loud, laughter a trifle strained,
with a dark echo. The glum, on the other hand, were really glum; their brown
studies were paneled in walnut. Fear. Take
that pair at three o'clock on the third table from the right, now - they were
awfully earnest about whatever it was they were bashing over. Rod gave his ring
a surreptitious nudge and pointed it at the twosome. 'But
such meetings do no good if the Queen is continually sending her soldiers against
us!' ''Tis
true, Adam, 'tis true; she won't hear us, for, when all's said and done, she
won't let us close enough to speak.' 'Why,
then, she must be forced to listen!' 'Aye,
but what good would that do? Her nobles would not let her give what we demand.' Adam
slammed his open hand on the table. 'But we've a right to be free without being
thieves and beggars! The debtors' prisons must end, and the taxes with them!' 'Aye,
and so must the cutting off of an ear for the theft of a loaf of bread.' He rubbed
the side of his head, with a hangdog look on his face. 'Yet she hath contrived
to do summat for us... 'Aye,
this setting-up of her own judges now! The great lords will no longer give each
their justice, by style and taste.' 'The
nobles will not bear it, and that thou knowest. The judges will not stand
long.' One-Ear's face was grim; he traced circles on the wet tabletop. 'Nay,
the noblemen will stand for naught that the Queen designs!' Adam plunged his
knife into the tabletop. 'Will not the Loguire see that?' 'Nay,
speak not against the Loguire!' One-Ear's face darkened. 'If 'twere not for
him, we would still be a ragtag horde, with no common purpose! Speak not
against Loguire, Adam, for
without him, we would not have the brass to sit in this inn, where the Queen's
soldiers are but guests!' 'Oh,
aye, aye, he pulled us together and made men of us thieves. Yet now be holds
our new manhood in check; he seeks to keep us from fighting for that which is
ours!' One-Ear's
mouth turned down tight at the corners. 'Thou hast hearkened too much to the
idle and envious chatter of the Mocker, Adam!' 'Yet
fight we must, mark my words!' Adam cried, clenching his fist. 'Blood must be
shed ere we come to our own. Blood must answer for blood, and 'tis blood the
nobles have ta'en from-' Something
huge slammed into Rod, knocking him back against the table, filling his head
with the smell of sweat and onions and cheap wine. Rod
braced an arm against the table and shoved with his shoulder. The heavy form
swayed away with a whuff! of breath. Rod drew his dagger and thumbed the signet
ring to off. The man
loomed over him, looking eight feet tall and wide as a wagon. 'Here
now!' he growled. 'Why doncha look where I'm going at?' Rod's
knife twisted, gleaming light into the man's eyes. 'Stand away, friend,' he
said softly. 'Leave an honest man to his ale.' 'An
honest man, is it!' The big peasant guffawed. 'A sojer, callin' hisself an
honest man!' His roaring laughter was echoed from the tables. On an
off bet, Rod decided, strangers weren't popular here. The laughter stopped
quite suddenly. 'Nay, put down your plaything,' said the big man, suddenly
sober, 'and I'll show you an honest villager can outfight a sojer.' A
prickle ran down Rod's spine as be realized it was a put-up job. The landlord
had advised the big ox of the whereabouts of a heavy purse.... 'I've
no quarrel with you,' Rod muttered. He realized it was the worst thing he could
have said almost before the words were off his tongue. The big
man leered, gloating. 'No quarrel, he says now. He throws hisself in the path
of a poor staggering man so's he can't help but ran into him. But, "No
quarrel," sez he. when he's bad a look at Big Tom!' A huge,
meaty hand buried itself in the cloth at Rod's throat, puffing
him to his feet. 'Nay, I'll show you a quarrel,' Big Tom snarled. Rod's
right hand lashed out, chopping into the man's elbow, then bouncing away. The
big man's hand loosened and fell, temporarily numbed. Big Tom stared at his
hand, a look of betrayal. Rod
pressed his lips together, tucked his knife into the sheath. He stepped back,
knees flexed, rubbed his right fist in his left palm. The peasant was big, but
he probably knew nothing of boxing. Life
came back into Tom's band, and with it, pain. The huge man bellowed in anger,
his hand balling into a fist, swinging at Rod in a vast roundhouse swipe that
would have annihilated anything it struck. But Rod
ducked under and to the side and, as the fist went by him, reached up behind
Tom's shoulder and gave a solid push to add to the momentum of the swing. Big Tom
spun around; Rod caught the man's right wrist and twisted it up behind Tom's
back. Rod jerked the wrist up a little higher; Big Tom howled. While he was
howling, Rod's arm snaked under Tom's armpit to catch the back of his neck in a
half nelson. Not
bad, Rod thought. So far he hadn't needed boxing. Rod
planted a knee in Tom's backside as he released his holds; Tom blundered into
the open space before the hearth, tried to catch his balance, and didn't make
it. Overturned tables clattered and thudded as the patrons scuttled back, all
too glad to leave the fireside seat to Big Tom. He came
to his knees, shaking his head, and looked up to see Rod standing before him in
a wrestler's crouch, smiling grimly and beckoning with both arms. Tom
growled low in his throat and braced a foot against the fieldstones of the
hearth. He shot
at Rod head-first, like a bull. Rod
sidestepped and stuck out a foot. Big Tom went flailing straight for the first
row of tables. Rod squeezed his eyes shut and set his teeth. There
was a crash like four simultaneous strikes in a bowling alley. Rod winced. He
opened his eyes and forced himself to look. Big
Tom's head emerged out of a welter of woodwork, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. "I Rod
shook his head sadly, clucking his tongue. 'You've had a rough night, Big Tom.
Why don't you go home and sleep it off?' Tom
picked himself up, shin, wristbone, and clavicle, and put himself back
together, taking inventory the while. Satisfied
that he was a gestalt again, he stamped a foot, planted his fists on his hips,
and looked up at Rod. 'Here
now, man!' he complained. 'You don't half fight like an honest gentleman!' 'Not
hardly a gentleman at all,' Rod agreed. 'What do you say we try one more throw,
Tom? Double or nothing!' The big
man looked down at his body as if doubting its durability. He kicked at the
remains of an oak table tentatively, slammed a fist into his own tree-trunk
biceps, and nodded. 'I'll
allow as I'm fit,' he said. 'Come on, little man.' He
stepped out onto the cleared floor in front of the hearth, walking warily
around the perimeter, keeping one baleful eye on Rod. 'Our
good landlord told you I had silver in my purse, didn't he?' said Rod, his eyes
snapping. Big Tom
didn't answer. 'Told
you I was an easy mark, too.' Rod mused. 'Well, he was wrong on both counts.' Big
Tom's eyes bulged. He gave a bellow of distress. 'No silver?' Rod
nodded. 'I thought he told you.' His eyes flicked over to the landlord, ashen
and trembling by a pillar. And
looked back to see Big Tom's foot heading right toward his midriff. Rod
fell back, swinging both hands up to catch Big Tom's heel and inspire it to
greater heights. Tom's
foot described a neat arc. For a moment, he hung in the air, arms flailing;
then he crashed howling to the floor. Rod's
eyes filled with pain as Big Tom floundered about, struggling for the breath
that the floor had knocked out of him. Rod
stepped in, grabbed the front of Tom's tunic, braced his foot against Tom's and
threw his weight back, hauling the big man to his feet. Tom immediately sagged
forward; Rod shoved a shoulder under Tom's armpit and pushed the big man back
to the vertical. 'Ho,
landlord!' he shouted. 'Brandy - and fast! Rod
liked to think of himself as the kind of man people could lean on, but this was
ridiculous. When
Big Tom had been somewhat revived and commended to the gentle jeers of his
booze buddies, and the guests had somewhat restored the room and resumed their
places, and Rod had still not wreaked anything resembling vengeance on the
landlord, that worthy's eyes sparked with a sudden hope. He appeared again
before Rod, his chin thrust out and the corners of his mouth drawn down. Rod
hauled himself out of the depth of a rather cynical contemplation of man's
innate goodness and focused on the landlord. 'Well, what do you want?' The
landlord swallowed thickly. 'If it please your worship there's a little matter
of some broken chairs and tables....' 'Chairs,'
said Rod, not moving. 'Tables.' He
slammed to his feet and coiled a hand around the innkeeper's neck. 'Why, you
slimy little curmudgeon! You set that ox on me, you try to rob me, and you have
the gall to stand there and tell me I owe you money?' He emphasized each point
with a shake of the landlord's neck, slowly pushing him back against the
pillar. The landlord made a masterful attempt to blend into the bark, but only
succeeded in spreading himself thin. 'And to
top it all off, my ale's gotten warm!' Rod shouted. 'You call yourself a
landlord, and you treat a gentleman of arms like this?' 'Forgive,
master, forgive!' the landlord rattled, clawing at Rod's hand with commendable
effort and negative effect. 'I meant no harm, your worship; I meant only-' 'Only
to rob me, yes!' Rod snorted, letting him go with a toss that fetched him up
backward over a table. 'Beware the kind, for they tend to grow cruel when you
cross them. Now! a goblet of hot mulled wine by the time I count three, and I
may refrain from stretching your ears out and tying them under your chin. Git!' He
counted to three, with a two-second pause between numbers, and the goblet was
in his hand. The landlord scuttled away with his hands clapped over his ears,
and Rod sat down to sip at the wine and wonder what a curmudgeon was. Looking
up, he saw half a garlic sausage sitting on the table. He picked it up with a
heavy hand and tucked it into his purse. Might as well take it along; it was
about the only good thing that had happened today. He
surged to his feet and called, 'Ho, landlord!' Mine
host came bobbing up. 'A
chamber alone, with heavy blankets!' 'A
chamber alone, sir? At once, sir!' The landlord scuttled away, still bobbing
his head. 'Heavy blankets, sir! Quite surely, sir!' Rod
ground his teeth and turned away to the door. He stepped out and leaned back
against the jamb, letting his head slump forward onto his chest, eyes closed. 'The
law of the jungle,' he muttered. 'If it looks weak, prey upon it. If it turns
out to be strong, bow to it; let it prey upon you and hope it won't devour
you.' 'Yet
all men have pride,' murmured a voice behind his ear. Rod
looked up, smiled. '"Art there, old mole?"' '"Swear!
Swear!"' Fess answered. Rod let
loose a stream of invective that would have done credit to a sailor with a
hangover. 'Feel
better?' Fess asked, amused. 'Not
much. Where does a man like mine host hide his pride, Fess? He sure as hell
never lets it show. Obsequiousness, yes; avarice, yes; but self-respect? No. I
haven't seen that in him.' 'Pride
and self-respect are not necessarily synonymous, Rod.' Someone tugged at Rod's
elbow. He snapped his head around, muscles tensed. It was
Big Tom, his six-foot-five bent strangely in a valiant attempt to put his head
below the level of Rod's. 'God
e'en, master.' Rod
stared at him for a moment without answering. 'God e'en,' he replied, his voice
carefully neutral. 'What can I do for you?' Big Tom
hunched his shoulders and scratched at the base of his skull. 'Eh, master,' he
complained, 'you made a bit of a fool of me back a while.' 'Oh?'
Rod lifted an eyebrow. 'Do tell!' 'I do,'
the big man admitted, 'and... well.. .' He pulled off his cap and twisted it in
his great hands. 'It do seem like... well, master, you've finished me here, and
that's gospel.' Rod
felt his back lifting. 'And I'm supposed to make it up to you, is that it? Pay
you damages, I suppose!' 'Eh,
no, master!' Big Tom shied away. ''Tisn't that, master, not that at all! It's
just. .. well. - . I was a-wonderin', I was, if you might. . . that is. ..I,..' 34 He
twisted the hat through some gyrations that would have astounded a topologist;
then the words came out in a rush. 'I was
wonderin' if you might be needin' a servin'-man, you know - a sort of groom and
lackey, and.. .' His voice trailed off. He eyed Rod sidewise, fearful and
hopeful. Rod
stood frozen for a moment or two. He searched the big man's open, almost
worshipful face. He
crossed his arms and leaned back against the jamb again. 'Why, how's this, Big
Tom? Not half an hour agone, you sought to rob me! And now I am supposed to
trust you for a squire?' Big Tom
caught his nether lip between his teeth, frowning. "Taint tight-seeming,
master, that I know, but-' His hands gestured vaguely. 'Well, the fact of it
is, you're the only man what I ever raised hand against, could beat me, and...' His
voice ran out again. Rod nodded slowly, his eyes on Big Tom's. 'And
therefore you must serve me.' Tom's
lower lip thrust out, pouting. 'Not must, my master -only that I wants to.' 'A
robber,' said Rod, 'A cutpurse. And I'm to trust you.' Big
Tom's hat twisted again. 'You've
got an open face,' Rod mused, 'not the kind of face that hides its feelings.' Big Tom
smiled widely, nodding.. 'Of
course, that doesn't mean anything,' Rod went on. 'I've known quite a few
gentle-seeming girls that turned out to be first-class bitches.' Tom's
face fell. 'So you
might be honest - or you might be a thorough rogue. It's a Fess-cinating
puzzle.' The
voice behind his ear murmured, 'Preliminary interpretation of available data
indicates basically simplistic personality structure. Probability of individual
serving as reliable source of information on local social variables exceeds
probability of individual practicing serious duplicity.' Rod
nodded slowly. He would have settled for an even chance. He
fished a scrap of silver from his purse - it smelt slightly of garlic - and
slapped it into the big man's band. Tom
stared at the silver in his palm, then at Rod, then back at the metal. Abruptly,
his hand closed into a fist, trembling slightly. His staring eyes came up to
Rod again. 'You've
accepted my coin,' said Rod. 'You're my man.' Big
Tom's face split from ear to ear in a grin. He ducked his head. 'Yes master! I
thanks you, master! Forever I thanks you, master! I-' 'I get
the message.' Rod bated to see a grown man grovel. 'You go on duty right now.
Tell me, what are the chances of getting a job with the Queen's army?' 'Oh,
most excellent, master!' Big Tom grinned. 'They're always needing new sojers.' A bad
omen, Rod decided. 'Okay,'
he said. 'Duck back inside, find out which room we've been assigned, and check
it to make sure there isn't a cutthroat in the closet.' 'Yes,
master! Right away!' Big Tom bustled back into the inn. Rod smiled, closed his
eyes, and let his head fall back against the jamb. He rolled his head from side
to side, laughing silently. He would never cease to be amazed at the bully
psychology; how a man could go from arrogance to servility in less than ten
minutes, he would never understand. A low,
quavering wail cut the night air, soaring into a shriek. Rod's
eyes snapped open. Sirens? In this culture? The
sound was coming from the left he looked up, and saw the castle, there on its
hilltop. And
there, at the base of the tower, something glowed, and keened like a paddy
wagon lamenting the death of some squad cars. The
guests tumbled out of the inn to stand in the courtyard, staring and pointing. ''Tis
the banshee!' 'Again!' 'Nay,
all will be well. Hath it not appeared thrice before? And yet the Queen lives!' 'Fess,'
Rod said carefully. 'Yes,
Rod.' 'Fess,
there's a banshee. On the castle battlements. A banshee, Fess.' There
was no answer. Then a
raucous buzz snarled behind Rod's ear, swelled till it threatened to shake his
head apart, and cut off. Rod
shook his head and pounded his temple with the heel of his hand. 'I'm
going to have to have that boy overhauled,' he muttered. 'He used to have quiet
seizures.' It
would have been unwise for Rod to go to the stables to reset Fess while the
inn-yard was full of gawkers; he would have been thoroughly conspicuous. So he
went up to his room, to lie down till things had quieted down a bit; and, of
course, by the time the courtyard was clear, Rod was too comfortable to take
the trouble of going down to the stables. No real reason to reset the robot,
anyway; it would be a quiet night. The
room was dark, except for a long swathe of light streaming in the window from
the largest moon. There was a subdued murmur and clatter from the common room -
night-owl guests drinking late. Rod's chamber was very peaceful. Not
quiet, though. Big Tom, curled up on a pallet at the foot of the bed, snored
like a bulldozer on idle, making more noise asleep than he did awake. Now
there was a riddle - Big Tom. Rod had never before been in a fight where he
hadn't been hit at least once. Big Tom had left himself wide open, every time;
and sure, he was big, but he didn't have to be that clumsy. Big men can be
quick.... But why
would Big Tom have thrown the fight? So Rod
would take him on as a serving-man? And
what about Adam and One-Ear? Their talk would seem to indicate they'd been at
the pep rally down by the wharf, which would mean they were members of the
proletarian party. What had the young rabble-rouser called it? The House of
Clovis, yes. But if
Adam and One-Ear were a representative sample, the House of Clovis was a house
divided against itself. There seemed to be two factions, one backing the
Loguire - the juvenile orator? - and one led by the Mocker, whoever that might
be. The usual two factions, nonviolent and violent, tongue and sword. Now,
why would Big Tom have wanted a butler job? Social climber, maybe? No, he
wasn't the fawning type. Better wages? But he'd seemed to be moderately
prosperous as the neighborhood heavy. To keep
an eye on Rod? Rod
rolled over on his side. Tom just might be a member in good standing of the
House of Clovis. But why would the House want to keep tabs on Rod? They
couldn't suspect anything,. could they? If
Fess's guess was right, and the House was backed by an off-planet power, they
definitely might suspect something -never mind how. But
wasn't Rod letting his paranoia show again? He was
wide awake, every muscle tense. He sighed and rolled out of bed; he couldn't
sleep now. Better reset Fess and have a talk. Rod needed the robot's electronic
objectivity; he bad very little of his own. Big Tom
stirred and wakened as Rod lifted the rusty door latch. 'Master?
Where dost thou go?' 'Just
got a little worried about my horse, Big Tom. Think I'll run down to the
stables and make sure the hostler's treating him right. Go back to sleep.' Big Tom
stared a moment. Certes,'
he said, 'thou'rt a most caring one, master.' He
rolled over and burrowed his head into the folded cloak he used for a pillow.
'To be so much concerned for a horse,' he muttered, and snored again. Rod
grinned and let himself out of the room. He
found a stairway a few paces away - dark and musty, but closer to the stables
than the main door. There
was a door at the bottom of the stair, one that was not very often used; it
groaned like a bullfrog in heat when he opened it. The
inn-yard was flooded with the soft, golden light of the three moons. The
largest was only a little smaller than Terra's, but much closer, it filled a
full thirty degrees of sky, a perpetual harvest moon. 'Great
planet for lovers,' Rod mused; and, because his eyes were on the moon, he
didn't notice the gray strand of cord stretched a little above the doorstep. He
tripped. His arms
swung up, slapping the ground to break his fall. Something hard struck the back
of his head, and the world dissolved in a shoal of sparks. There
was a ruddy glow about him, and a throbbing ache in his
head. Something cold and wet moved over his face. He shuddered, and came wide
awake. He lay
on his back; a limestone roof vaulted over him, glimmering with bits of
captured light. Pinch-waisted limestone columns stretched from the roof to a
green carpet - stalactites and stalagmites joined. The green carpet stretched
away in all directions for at least a mile. He was in a vast underground
cavern. The light seemed to come from everywhere, a dancing, wavering light,
setting the sparks in the ceiling into an intricate ballet. The
green carpet spread under him; he could feel it, cold and springy, damp, under
his back: moss, three inches thick. He tried to put out a hand to touch the
moss, and discovered that he couldn't move his arms or legs. Lifting his head,
he looked for ropes binding him, but there was not so much as a thread. He
shook his head, trying to get the ache out of it so he could think clearly. 'Fess,'
he muttered, 'where am I?' There
was no answer. Rod bit
his lip. 'Come on, iron horse! Are you asleep at the switch?' Switch Fess
had had a seizure. Rod had been en route to reset him. Rod was
on his own. He
sighed and lay back on the green moss carpet. A deep
voice began singing. off to his right. Rod looked. A fire
fluttered in a bare stone circle. A tripod stood over it, supporting a cauldron
- a covered cauldron, bubbling merrily, with a tube leading from a hole in the
cover. Drops of water fell from the roof, striking the tube; and a beaker sat
under the far end of the tube, collecting drops. A
primitive still. And a
moonshiner, a moonshiner perhaps eighteen inches high, very broad-shouldered
and generally stocky, clad in doublet and hose. He had a round, cheerful face,
twinkling green eyes, a snub nose, and a very wide mouth curved in an impish
smile. To top it off, he wore a Robin Hood hat with a bright red feather. The
green eyes looked up and caught Rod's. 'Hal' said the little man in a buzzing
baritone. 'Tha'rt come to thy senses, warlock!' Rod
scowled. 'Warlock? I'm not a warlock!' 'To be
sure,' said the little man, 'tha'rt not. Thou comest in a falling star, and
thou last a horse made of cold iron...., 'Just a
minute, there,' Rod interrupted. 'How'd you know the horse was made of cold
iron?' 'We are
the Wee Folk,' said the little man, unperturbed. 'We live by Oak. Ash. and Thorn.
by Wood, Air, and Sod; and those who live by cold iron seek the end of our
woodlands. Cold iron is the sign of all that cannot abide us; and therefore we
know cold iron, no matter what form or disguise it may be in. He
turned back to the kettle, lifting the lid to check the mash. 'Then, too, thou
canst hear what is said a good half mile off; and thy horse can run as silent
as the wind and faster than a falcon, when it has cause to. But tha'rt not a
warlock, eh?' Rod
shook his head. 'I'm not. I use science, not magic!' 'Assuredly,'
said the little man. 'and a rose by any other name -. .
Nay, tha'rt a warlock, and as such tha'rt known already, throughout the length
and breadth of Gramarye!' Gramarye?
What's that?' The
little man stared in surprise. 'Why, the world, warlock! The world we live in,
the land between the Four Seas, the realm of Queen Catharine I' 'Oh.
She rules the whole world?' 'Certes,'
said the elf, giving Rod a sidelong glance. 'And
the name of her castle? And the town around it?' 'Runnymede.
In truth, tha'rt a most untutored warlock I' 'That's
just what I've been trying to tell you,' and Rod sighed. The little man turned
away, shaking his head and muttering. He opened a pippet on the collection
beaker and drained some of the distillate into a shot-glass-sized mug. Rod
suddenly realized he was very thirsty. Uh, say - what're you brewing up there?
Wouldn't be brandy, would it?' The elf
shook his head. 'Gin,
Rum? Aqua Vitae?' 'Nay;
'tis spirits of another sort.' He bounced over to Rod and held the minuscule
mug to the man's lips. 'Thanks.'
Rod took a sip. He looked up at the roof, smacking his lips. 'Tastes like
honey.' 'Where
the wild bee sucks, there suck I.' The little man hopped back to the fire. 'Not
bad at all. Could you spare the recipe?' 40 '1 'Aye,
assuredly.' The elf grinned. 'We would do aught within our power for a guest.' 'Guest
I' Rod snorted. 'I hate to impugn your hospitality, but immobilizing me isn't
exactly what I'd call a welcome.' 'Oh, we
shall make amends ere long.' The little man lifted the cauldron lid and stirred
the mash. Something
clicked in Rod's mind. The hairs, at the base of his skull began to prickle. 'Uh,
say, uh... I don't believe we've been introduced, but... your name wouldn't be Robin
Goodfellow, would it? Alias Puck?' 'Thou
speakest aright.' The elf replaced the lid with a clang. 'I am that merry
wanderer of the night.' Rod
fell back onto the moss carpet. It'd make a great story to tell his
grandchildren; nobody else would believe it. 'Say,
Puck - you don't mind if I call you Puck?' - 'Oh,
nay.' 'Thanks,
..... I'm Rod Gallowglass.' 'We ha'
known it.' 'Well,
just thought I'd make it official. Now, you don't seem to bear me any
particular ill-will, so, uh, may I ask. . . ~... why am I paralyzed?' 'Ah,
that,' said Puck. 'We must find if you are a white warlock, or black.' 'Oh.'
Rod chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment. 'If I'm a white warlock,
you'll, urn ... let me go?' Puck
nodded. 'What
happens if you decide I'm a black warlock?' 'Then,
Rod Gallowglass, you shall sleep till the Trump of Doom.' Rod
felt as though a weak electric current had been applied to his jaw. 'Great. The
Trump of Doom. And I never was much good at bridge.' Puck
frowned. 'How...?' 'Skip
it. "Sleep till the Trump of Doom." A very neat euphemism. Why don't
you just come right out and say you'll kill me?' 'Nay.'
Puck thrust his lower lip out, shaking his head. 'We would not kill you, Rod
Gallowglass. Thou shouldst but sleep forever, and with pleasant dreams.' 'I see.
Suspended animation?' Puck's
brow wrinkled. 'I know not that word. Yet rest assured,
thou shalt not be suspended. The Wee Folk have no fondness for a hanging.' 'Well,
I suppose that's something of a comfort. So how do I prove I'm a white
warlock?' 'Why,'
said Puck, 'by our enlarging you.' Rod
stared. 'How's that again? Aren't I big enough already? The
elf's face split into a broad grin. 'Nay, nay! Enlarging you! Removing the
spell that binds you!' 'Oh.'
Rod lay back with a sigh of relief. Then he jerked back up. 'Freeing me? That's
going to prove I'm a white warlock?' 'By
itself, no,' said Puck. 'Tis a question where we free you.~ He
clapped his hands. Rod heard the scurrying of scores of small feet coming from
behind him; a fold of dark cloth was drawn over his eyes, knotted behind his
head. 'Hey!'
he protested. 'Peace,'
said Puck. 'We do but bear you forth to your freedom.' A host
of tiny hands lifted Rod. He resigned himself and lay back to enjoy the trip. It was
a rather pleasant way to travel, actually
like an innerspring mattress with four-wheel drive. His
feet tilted up higher than his head and the pace of the scuttling feet under
him slowed - they were mounting an incline. Damp
night air struck his face; he heard the breeze sighing in the leaves,
accompanied by a full complement of crickets, with an owl and maybe a curlew
providing the harmony. He was
dropped unceremoniously; the blindfold was whipped from his eyes. 'Hey!'
he protested. 'What do you think I am, a sack of potatoes?' He
could hear a stream gurgling off to his left. 'Tha'rt
free now, Rod Gallowglass,' Puck's voice husked in his ear. 'May God be with
you!' And the elf bounded away. Rod sat
up, flexing his limbs to make them realize they could move again. He looked
about. It was
a moonlit forest glade, with a silver stream trickling past on the left. The
trees were bright steel trunk and tinsel leaf, and black shadow among the
trunks. One of
the shadows moved. It
stepped forward, a tall figure in a dark, hooded monk's robe. Rod
scrambled to his feet. The
figure moved slowly toward. Rod, baited ten feet away, and threw back the hood. Wild,
disordered hair over a long, thin face, with hollows under the cheekbones and
caves for eye sockets, with two burning coals at their backs - and the whole
face twisted, curdled with bitterness. The
voice was flat and thin, almost a hiss. 'Are you, then, so tired of life that
you come to a werewolf's cage?' Rod
stared. 'Werewolf!' Well,
why not? If elves were a basic assumption. Then
Rod frowned. 'Cage?' He looked around. 'Looks like the great outdoors to me.' 'There
is a wall of magic around this grove,' hissed the werewolf. ''us a prison the
Wee Folk have made me - and they do not feed me in my proper fashion.' 'Oh?'
Rod looked at the werewolf out of the corner of his eye. 'What's your proper
fashion?' 'Red
meat.' The werewolf grinned, showing a mouthful of canines. 'Raw, red meat, and
blood for my wine.' Something
with lots of cold little feet ran down Rod's spine. 'Make peace with your God,'
said the werewolf, 'for your hour has come.~ Fur
appeared on the backs of his hands, and his fingernails grew, curving outward.
Forehead and cheeks sprouted fur; nose, mouth, and chin slipped together and
bulged, tapering outward to a muzzle. His ears moved upward to the top of his
head and stretched into points. He
flung off the dark cloak; his whole body was silvery fur, his legs had become
haunches. He
dropped to all fours. His upper arms shortened and his forearms lengthened; his
hands had become paws. A tail sprouted and grew into a long, silvery plume. The
silver wolf crouched close to the earth, snarling, growling low in its throat,
and sprang. Rod
whirled aside, but the wolf managed to change course mid-air just enough; its
teeth ripped Rod's forearm from in to wrist. elbow The
wolf landed and spun about with a howl of joy. It crouched, tongue lolling out,
then it sprang again. Rod
ducked, dropping to one knee, but the wolf checked itself in mid-leap and fell
on top of him. Its hindlegs clawed at his chest; the great jaws fumbled for a
hold on his spine. Rod
surged to his feet, bowing forward and shoving against the wolf's belly with
all his strength. The wolf went flying, but its claws had raked Rod's back
open. The
wolf landed on its back, hard, and howled with the pain. It scrambled to its
feet and stalked around Rod in a circle, growling with blood-lust. Rod
pivoted, keeping his face toward the wolf. How do you handle a werewolf? Fess
would know, but Fess was still out of order. The
wolf snarled and leaped for Rod's throat. Rod
crouched low and lunged with his hand stiffened. His fingers caught the wolf
right in the solar plexus. Rod
leaped back, falling into a crouch. The wolf clawed at the ground, struggling
to regain its breath as life poured back into its nerves. Rod circled around
it, widdershins for luck. How do
you fight a werewolf? Wolfbane,
obviously. But Rod
couldn't tell wolfbane from poison ivy without a botany text. The
wolf dragged in a long, grating breath and rose into a crouch. It snarled and
began to prowl, widdershins around Rod, watching for an opening. So much
for widdershins, Rod thought, and reversed direction, turning clockwise in an
attempt to get behind the wolf. The
wolf sprang. Rod
pivoted aside and let fly a right jab at the wolf's jaw; but the wolf caught
his fist in its teeth. Rod
bellowed with pain and kicked the beast in the belly. Fang went down for a
breather again, freeing Rod's hand as the toothy jaws gaped for air. Silver
bullets. But chemical sidearms had been out of vogue for thousands of years,
and the DDT had gone off the silver standard quite a while before. A
crucifix. Rod made a firm resolution to take up religion. He needed a hobby,
anyway. His
furry friend had meanwhile pulled itself back together. Haunches tensed, it
sprang. Rod
sidestepped, but the wolf had apparently counted on his so
doing. It landed full on his chest, slavering jaws snapping for Rod's jugular
vein. Rod
fell on his back. He pulled up his legs, planted his feet in the wolf's belly,
and shoved, catapulting the canine clear of his corpus. The wolf fell hard and
squirmed, getting its feet under its body. What
else didn't werewolves like? Garlic. Rod
circled around the wolf, fumbling in his purse for the garlic sausage left over
from dinner. The
wolf spread its jaws wide and hacked a cough. Rod
munched a mouthful of sausage. The
wolf came to its feet with an ugly, very determined growl. It tensed and
sprang. Rod
caught the beast under the forelegs, staggering back under the weight of its
body, and breathed full in its face. He dropped the wolf and sprang away. The
wolf rolled, spitting and coughing, drew in a shuddering gasp, and collapsed. Its
form stretched, relaxed, and slowly stretched again - and a tall, lean wiry man
lay naked, facedown, in the grass, unconscious body heaving with great panting
breaths. Rod
sank to his knees. Saved by garlic sausage! Grass
whispered by his knee; he looked into the smiling eyes of Robin Goodfellow. 'Return
with us if you will, Rod Gallowglass, for our paths are yours, to walk at your
pleasure, now.' Rod
smiled wearily. 'He might have killed me,' he said, with a nod at the
unconscious werewolf. Puck
shook his head. 'We looked on, and would have prevented death to either of you;
and as for your wounds, why! we shall quickly have them mended.' Rod
rose, shaking his head in disbelief. 'Then,
too,' said Puck, 'we knew you to be a warlock of such potency that you could
defeat him - . . if you were a white warlock.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'What if I wasn't? What if I was black?' 'Why,
then,' Puck said, grinning, 'you would have leagued with him against us, and
sought to fight loose of the prison.' 'Urn.'
Rod gnawed at his lower lip. 'Wouldn't that have put you in a rather delicate
position?' 'Nay.'
Puck grinned again. 'The magic of a score of elves has never been equaled by
two warlocks.' '1
see.' Rod rubbed his chin. 'Hedged your bets, didn't you? But you couldn't let
me know, of course. As long as I was in the dark, fighting the werewolf proved
I was one of the good guys?' 'Partly.' 'Oh?
What's the other part?' 'Why,
Rod Gallowglass, there were several times when you had rendered the werewolf
helpless, but you did not kill him.' 'And
that shows I've got a good heart.' 'That,'
Puck agreed, 'and also that you are sure enough of your own power that you dare
be merciful. And there is proof that you are white, but greater proof that you
are a warlock.' Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. With exaggerated patience, he said, 'Of course, it
might just be that I'm a trained fighter.' 'It
might,' Puck agreed, 'but it was by sorcery that you overcame him.' Rod
took a deep breath. 'Look,' he said carefully~ 'I am not a
warlock. I have never been a warlock. I never want to be a warlock.
I'm just a mercenary soldier who happens to know a few
tricks.' 'Assuredly,
Master Warlock,' said Puck cheerfully. 'Will you come back to the cavern? We
shall guide you forth to your inn.' 'Oh,
all right,' Rod grumbled. But he
turned to look at the miserable collection of bone and sinew that was the
sleeping werewolf, lying in the center of the glade. 'Master
Gallowglass?' Puck's voice was puzzled, disturbed. 'What troubles you?' Rod
shook his head, coming out of his reverie. 'Nothing,' he said, turning away.
'Just wondering.' 'What
of, warlock?' 'They
used to call me a lone wolf when I was a schoolboy ... Never mind. Which way
did you say the cavern was?' The
stars wheeled toward dawn as 'Rod stumbled, footsore and weary, across the
inn-yard and into the stable. A
single candle-lantern lit the row of stalls, serving only to deepen the
shadows. Rod
flung an arm across Fess's back to steady himself, his other hand groping
across the robot's withers till he found the enlarged vertebra that was the
reset switch. He pressed; the steel
body stirred under its horsehair camouflage. The velvet black head lifted,
shook twice, turned to look back over its shoulder, great brown eyes focusing
on Rod. The robot was silent a moment; then the voice behind Rod's ear spoke
with a touch of reproach: 'You
have left me inactive a long time, Rod, I have no aftereffects from the
seizure.' 'Sorry,
old iron.' Rod kept his arms across the horse's back; his legs felt a trifle
wobbly. 'I was on my way to reset you when I got clobbered.' 'Clobbered!'
Fess's voice writhed with shame. 'While I slept! May my casing lie forever
corroding on the junkpile! May my germanium be consigned to the Converter for
reclamation! May my-' 'Oh,
stow it!' Rod growled. 'It wasn't your fault.' He stepped away from the horse,
-straightened his shoulders. 'I wasn't in any real danger, anyway. Just a busy
night, that's all.' 'How
so, Rod?' Rod
started to answer, then changed his mind. 'I'll tell you in the morning, Fess.' 'I have
reoriented my circuits to accept the discrepancies between accepted theory and
actual occurrence, Rod. You may confide in me without fear of overload.' Rod
shook his head and turned to stumble out of the stall. 'In the morning, Fess.
You might be able to believe it right now, but I'm not sure I could.' Rod sat
down to a whopping breakfast, but he was on a starvation diet compared to Big
Tom. The man was surrounded by unbelievable stacks of food. Some of
it was familiar to Rod - the eggs, pancakes, and ham. The 'cakes had a subtly
alien flavor, though, and the eggs bad three-inch yolks. There was some sort of
grain on any human-inhabited planet, usually a descendant of Terran cereals;
but the soil of another planet sometimes produced weird variations in the
grain. There was always some sort of domesticated fowl; but more often than not
it was a local life-form. Hogs, of course, were ubiquitous; they were found on
Terran planets even more consistently than dogs. Rod sometimes wondered about
his species. The
food was all digestible, of course, and probably nourishing: genetic drift
couldn't change human metabolism all that much. But trace elements were another
matter; Rod swallowed an all-purpose pill just to be on the safe side. Big Tom
noticed it.' What was that, master?' Rod
forced a smile. 'Just a minor spell. Don't let it worry you, Big Tom.' Tom
stared, then looked down at his plate, muttering a quick prayer under his
breath. He attacked the pancakes with a shaking fork. The big
man started to speak, but his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tried
again. 'What
doth the new day bring, good master?' 'A trip
to the castle,' said Rod. 'We'll see if the Queen's in the market for a new
soldier.' Tom
wailed a protest. 'A Queen's sojer I Nay, master, that's no trade for a honest
man!' Rod
cocked an eyebrow. 'Are you trying to tell me that one of us might be honest?' Big Tom
shut up. The
landlord bad a spare horse, or so he suddenly remembered when Rod rested a hand
on the hilt of his dagger. It was an old, swaybacked gray gelding with a
slightly longer neck and smaller ears than the Terran-standard animal. That was
bad, since it would call a certain amount of attention to Fess; but then, the
great black horse wasn't exactly inconspicuous anyway. The
church bells were ringing as they rode out of the inn-yard, Rod on Fees and Tom
on the equine antique. The sound of the bells reminded Tom of the early hour;
he began to grumble at masters who kept unreasonable hours. But his
gripes trailed off as they mounted the slope above the town, where they could
look out to the horizon and see the east pregnant with the morning sun. Tom
took a deep breath of the dawn and grinned back over his shoulder at Rod. 'Eh,
master! 'Twill be a fine day!' 'And a
chill one,' said Rod, turning up his collar, for the wind was at his back. 'Aye,
aye! Did I not say 'twould be fine?' 'I
don't quite share your enthusiasm for low thermometer readings,' Rod growled.
'Look alive, Tom; we're almost to the castle.' 'Stand
and declare yourselves I, cried the sentry on the drawbridge. 'Oh, ye
gods!' Rod rolled his eyes upward. 'Your name and your concern at the Queen's
castle.' 'Overdoing
it a bit, aren't you?' Rod eyed the sentry sidewise. The footman's mouth turned
down sharply at the corners. 'None
of your mouthings,' he barked. 'I'm a Queen's man, and you'll speak with
respect.' 'Not
likely,' said Rod, smiling benignly. 'My name is Rod Gallowglass.' 'Gallowglass?'
The sentry frowned. 'Your time is wasted; the Queen already has a fool.' 'From
the look of you, I'd say she has many.' Rod grunted. 'My trade is soldier, and
my manservant's, too. Call the master-at-arms, and let him enroll me.' The
sentry glowered. 'Enlisting in the Queen's army is not so easily done as that.' 'Why,
how now!' Rod scowled. 'Must I prove I'm a soldier?' He dismounted, swinging
out of the saddle to land just a yard from the sentry. 'If
you're a soldier, you're a poor one,' the sentry said with a sneer, 'or you'd
not leave your horse untethered.' Rod
threw him a saccharine smile and called out, 'Fess, back up four feet, take a
half step to the left, come forward four and a half feet, then stand till I
call you.' The
sentry stared, mouth gaping open, as Fess executed the maneuver with
machine-like precision. 'I'm a
soldier,' said Rod, 'and a good one.' The
sentry's mouth opened and closed like a fish's. His eyes bulged slightly as
they flicked over Rod's lean frame, the black-gloved hand on the pommel of the
sword. 'You
see,' Rod explained, 'I might have need of my horse. It s easier to let him
come to me.' His
right hand jumped out in a feint. The soldier grunted with surprise and stepped
back as Rod's foot snaked out to catch him behind the ankle. The sentry went
down in a clatter of tinware. Rod
twisted the pike from the sentry's hands as be fell and threw it back under the
portcullis. 'Now,'
he said, 'let's try it again, shall we?' 'Well
done, oh! Well done, my master!' Big Tom pounded his nag's withers, grinning
from ear to ear. The
sentry staggered to his feet, shouting, 'A rescue! A rescue I' 'Oh,
no!' Rod dropped his forehead into his palm. 'Oh, no!' - shaking his head. He
leaned back against Fess' shoulder and folded his arms. Three guardsmen came
running up, pikes at the ready. The leader looked from Rod to the sentry, back
to Rod, then back to the sentry. He frowned. 'What need for a rescue?' The
sentry fluttered a hand in Rod's general direction. 'This man...' 'Yes?'
Rod smiled. 'Why,
he knocked me down, that's what he did, and took my pike from me!' 'I
wouldn't brag, if I were you,' Rod murmured. Big Tom bent low over his
saddlebow, convulsed with silent laughter. 'Is
that the truth of it, man?' The leader glowered at Rod. 'True.'
Rod bowed his head. 'Well,
then!' The leader straightened, planting his fists on his hips and scowling. 'Well,
what?' Rod raised an eyebrow. The
sergeant was beginning to get flustered. 'Well, what's your reason?' 'I wish
to enlist in the Queen's army. This man-at-arms indicated I should prove
myself.' The
sergeant looked from the flabbergasted sentry to Rod, and nodded. 'You'll
have your chance,' he said. 'Come.' The
chance consisted of a hulking sergeant equipped with a broadsword and buckler. 'Will you
not take a. buckler, man?' growled the old knight who was Master of the Guard. 'No
thanks.' Rod slipped his dagger from its sheath. 'This will do me quite well.' 'Naught
but a poniard and a wisp of a sword 'gainst broad-sword and buckler!' Sir Mans
shook his head sadly. 'You must truly wish to die young!' Rod's
eyes widened in surprise. 'Thank you,' he said. 'I haven't been told I looked
young since I was thirteen.' 'Well,
cross your swords,' Sir Mans sighed. Rod and the sergeant complied; Sir Mans limped
forward, his own broad-sword coming up to separate their blades. The
sergeant's broadsword swung up for a full-armed chop. Rod took advantage of the
moment's delay to feint once at the sergeant's belly. The buckler dropped down
to catch the sword-tip,
and Rod's blade leaped over the sergeant's arm to rip the cloth over his heart. 'Hold!'
cried Sir Mans, and the sergeant's broadsword paused in mid-chop. He dropped
his buckler, staring about him. 'Wot 'appened?' 'Had
this Gallowglass not fought in sport alone,' said Sir Mans, thou wert a dead
man this day, Sergeant Hapweed.' He
scowled at Rod, puzzled. 'Who would ha' thought to use a sword's point?' 'Shall
we have at it again?' Rod's blade whined through the air and slapped against
his leg. Sir Mans
studied Rod's face, his brow furrowing. 'Nay,' he said, lifting his head. 'I'll
warrant you're a swordsman.' 'Aye,'
muttered Big Tom, and Sir Mar is glanced over at him; but the big man was only
beaming with pride. The
Master of the Guard turned and caught up a quarter-staff. 'Here!' He tossed it
to Rod. 'We'll try you with this.' Rod
sheathed his dagger and caught the staff by the middle. He slipped his sword
into its scabbard. The big
sergeant was practicing quick one-two-three blows with his quarterstaff. 'Have
at it!' Sir Mans called, and the big sergeant stepped forward, knees bent,
quarterstaff on guard. Rod followed suit. Then he
was in the middle of an oaken rain, blows from the sergeant's staff drubbing
about his head and shoulders, seeking an opening, a half second drop of Rod's
guard. Rod set
his jaw and matched the sergeant's pace, catching the blows as quick as they
came - just barely. His stomach sank as he realized he was on the defensive. He
blocked a swing at his shin, caught the rebound toward his head, swung the
lower end of his staff to catch the answering blow at his belly - but the blow
never came. It had been a feint. Frantically,
he tried to recover to guard his head, but the sergeant had gained his half
second opening. Rod saw the heavy oak staff swinging at him out of the corner
of his eye. He sank
back, rolling with the blow. It cracked on his skull like a thunderclap. The
room darkened, filled with dancing motes of light; there was a roaring in Rod's
ears. He gave
ground, blocking the sergeant's blows by sheer reflex, and heard the onlooking
soldiers yell with triumph. Won't
do at all, Rod's thoughts whirled. He'd been trained at
quarterstaff; but he hadn't had a bout in a year, whereas the sergeant had all
the skill of a devout hobbyist. It was just a game to him, probably, as the
swordplay had been to Rod. The sergeant was in the driver's seat, and he knew
it. There
was one chance. Rod leaped back, his hands slipping to the middle of the staff.
It began to turn end-over-end, twirling like a baton. Rod set
his jaw and put some muscle into it. His staff leaped into a whirling, whining
blur. It was
French single-stick play, le moullnet. The sergeant probably knew it as well as
Rod; but chances were he wasn't any better practiced at it than Rod was. It was
rather exotic form, unless you were French. And with a name like Sergeant
Hapweed Sir
Mans and Co. gaped. The sergeant stepped back, startled. Then a wariness came
into his face, and his staff jumped into a whirl. So he
knew the style. But he wasn't a master; in fact, Rod had the advantage. The
sergeant's staff was a blur, but a quiet blur. Rod's staff was doing a very
nice imitation of a buzz saw. He had the edge on the sergeant in angular
velocity, and consequently greater striking power. Sergeant
Hapweed knew it too; the muscles of his neck knotted as he tried to speed up
his wing. Now!
Rod leaped forward. His staff snapped out of its whirl, swinging down counter
to the rotation of the sergeant's. The
sticks met with a crack of a rifle and a shudder that jarred Rod's back teeth.
He recovered a half second ahead of the sergeant and brought his staff crashing
down on the sergeant's in two quick blows, knocking the other's staff out of
his hands. Rod
straightened, drawing a deep breath and letting the tension flow out of him as
he grounded the butt of his staff. The
sergeant stared at his hands, numb. Rod
reached out and tapped the man's temple gently with the tip of his staff.
'Bang! You're dead.' 'Hold!'
cried Sir Mans, making things official. Rod grounded his staff again, and
leaned on it. Sir
Mans scowled at Rod, eyes bright under bushy eyebrows. Rod
gave him a tight smile. Sir
Mans nodded slowly. 'Shall I try you with a longbow?' Rod
shrugged, bluffing. With a crossbow, maybe. But a longbow... A deep,
skirling laugh rolled from the rafters. The Master of the Guard and all his men
jumped. Big Tom fell on his knees, arms flung up to protect his head. Rod's
head snapped out, eyes searching for the source of the laugh. On one
of the great oaken beams crossing the hall sat a dwarf, drumming his heels
against the wood. His head was as large as Rod's, his shoulders broader, his
arms and legs as thick as Rod's. He looked as though someone had taken a big,
normal man and edited out three feet here and there. He was
barrel-chested, broad-shouldered, and bull-necked. The shaggy black head seemed
strangely large for such a truncated body. Black, curly hair hung down to the
point of the jaw and the nape of the neck; bushy black eyebrows jutted out-from
a flat sloping forehead. The eyes were large, coal-black, and, at the moment,
creased with mirth. They were separated by a hawk-beak nose under which thick,
fleshy lips grinned through a bushy black beard, jutting forward at the chin.
Square, even teeth gleamed white through the beard. Someone
bad tried to cram a giant into a nail-keg, and had almost succeeded. 'Longbow!'
he cried in a booming bass voice. 'Nay, I'll wager he's .as fair a shot as the
county ram in springtime!' Sir
Mans glowered up at the dwarf. 'A plague on you and your stealthy ways, Brom
O'Berin I Is there not enough salt in my hair already, but you must whiten it
all with your pranks?' 'Stealthy
ways!' cried the dwarf. 'Forsooth I Had you some pride in your calling, Sir
Mans, you would thank me for showing you your own lack of vigilance!' 'Brom?'
muttered Rod, staring 'O'Berin?' The
dwarf turned to Rod, glowering. 'Black Brom O'Berin, aye!' 'That's,
uh, a combo of Dutch, Irish, and Russian, if I've got it right.' 'What
words of nonsense are these?' growled the dwarf. 'Nothing.'
Rod looked away, shaking his head. 'I should have seen it coming. I should
expect something else, on this crazy -uh... in Gramarye?' The
dwarf grinned, mischief in his eyes. 'Nay, unless I mistake me, that hath the
sound of a slur on the great land of Gramarye I 'No,
no! I didn't... I mean. . .' Rod
paused, remembering that
apologies were unbecoming for a fighting man in this culture. He
straightened, chin lifting. 'All right,' he said, 'it was an insult, if you
want it that way.' The
dwarf gave a howl of glee and jumped to his feet on the rafter. 'You
must fight him now, Gallowglass,' Sir Mans rumbled, 'and you shall need every
bit of your skill.' Rod
stared at the Master of the Guard. Could the man be serious? A dwarf, give Rod
a hard fight? The
dwarf chuckled deep in his throat and slipped off the beam. It was a twelve
foot drop to the stone floor, more than three times Brom's height, but he hit
the floor lightly, seeming almost to bounce, and wound up in a wrestler's
crouch. He straightened and paced toward Rod, chuckling mischief. There
was a roar behind Rod, and Big Tom blundered forward. ''Tis a trap, master!' he
bellowed. 'Witchcraft in this land, and he is the worst witch of all! None has
ever beaten Black Brom I Yet I shall-' Every
soldier in the room. descended on Big Tom in a shouting chaos of anger and
outrage. Rod
stood a moment in shock~ Then he dropped his staff and waded into the melee,
hands flashing out in karate punches and chops. Soldiers dropped to the floor. 'Hold!'
thundered Brom's voice. Silence
gelled. Brom
had somehow gotten up on the rafters again. 'My
thanks, lads,' the miniature Hercules growled. 'But the the big fellow meant no
harm; let him go.' 'No
harm!' yelped half a dozen outraged voices. Brom
took a deep breath and sighed out, 'Aye, no harm. He meant only defense of his
master. And this Gallowglass meant only defense of his manservant. Stand away
from them now~, they're both blameless.' The
soldiers reluctantly obeyed. Rod
slapped Tom on the shoulder and murmured, 'Thanks, Big Tom. And don't worry
about me; that Dutch Irishman is only a man, like you and me. And if he's a
man, I can beat him.' The
dwarf must have had very keen ears, for he bellowed, 'Oh, can you, now? We'll
see to that, my bawcock!' 'Eh,
master!' Big Tom moaned, rolling his eyes. 'You know not what you speak of.
That elf is the devil's black own I' 'A
warlock?' Rod snorted. 'There ain't no such beasts.' Sir Mans stepped back
among his men, ice-eyed and glowering. Harm a hair of his head, and we'll flay
you alive!' 'No
fear,' Brom O'Berin chuckled. 'No fear, Gallowglass. Try all that you may to
harm me. Be assured, you shall fail. Now look to yourself.' He jumped
on the rafter, bellowed 'Now!' Rod
dropped into a crouch, hands drawn back to chop. Brom
stood on the beam, fists on hips, great head nodding. 'Aye, hold yourself
ready. But' - his eyes lit with a malicious • gleam; he chuckled - 'Brom O'Berin is not a
light man.' He leaped from the rafter feet-first, straight at Rod's head. • Rod stepped back, startled at the
suddenness of the dwarf's attack. Reflex took over; his hand swung up, palm
upward, to catch Brom's heels and flip them up. Then,
expecting the dwarf to land flat on his back on the granite floor, Rod jumped
forward to catch; but Brom spun through a somersault and landed bouncing on his
feet. He
slapped Rod's hands away with a quick swipe. 'A courtly gesture,' he rumbled,
'but a foolish one; your guard is down. Save gentleness for those who need it,
man Gallowglass.' Rod
stepped back, on guard again, and looked at the little man with dawning
respect. 'Seems I underestimated you, Master O'Berin.' 'Call
me not master!' the dwarf bellowed. 'I'm no man's master; I'm naught but the
Queen's fool!' Rod
nodded, slowly. A fool.' He
beckoned with both arms, and a savage grin. 'Well enough then, wise fool.' Brom
stood his ground a moment, measuring Rod with a scowl. He grunted, mouth
snapping into a tight smile, and nodded. He
sprang, flipped in mid-air, feet heading straight for Rod's chin Rod
swung a hand up to catch Brom's heels again, muttering, 'I'd've
thought you'd learn.' He
shoved the dwarf's feet high; but this time Brom flipped his head up under
Rod's chin. He had a very solid head. Rod
rolled with the punch, wrapping his arms tightly around Brom O'Berin's body in
the process. The
dwarf shook with merriment. 'How now?' he chortled. I 'Now
that you've got me, what shall you do with me?' Rod
paused, panting. It was
a good question. If he relaxed his grip for a moment, he could be sure Brom
would twist a kick into his belly. He could drop the little man, or throw him;
but Brom had a tendency to bounce and would probably slam right into Rod's chin
on the rebound. Well,
when in doubt, pin first and think later. Rod dropped to the floor, shoving
Brom's body out at right angles to his own, catching the dwarf's knee and neck
far a cradle hold. But
Brom moved just a little bit faster. His right arm snaked around Rod's left; he
caught Rod's elbow in a vise-like grip and pulled. • Rod's
back arched with the pain of the elbow lock. He now had a simple choice: let go
with his left hand, or black out from pain. Decisions,
decisions I Rod took
a chance on his stamina; he tightened his hold on Brom's neck. Brom
grunted surprise. 'Another man would have yelped his pain and leaped away from
me, man Gallowglass.' Brom's
knee doubled back; his foot shoved against Rod's chest, slid up under the chin,
and kept on pushing. Rod
made a strangling noise; fire lanced the back of his neck as vertebrae ground
together. The roam darkened, filled with points of coloured light. 'You
must let go of me now, Gallowglass,' Brom murmured, ere sight fails, and you
sleep.' Did the
damn half-pint always have to be right? Rod
tried a furious gurgle by way of reply; but the room was dimming at an
alarmingly rapid rate, the points of light were becoming pinwheels, .and a fast
exit seemed indicated. He
dropped his hold, shoved against the floor with his arms, and came weaving to
his feet, with a throaty chuckle filling his ears. For
Brom had kept his hold on Rod's arm and had wrapped his other hand in the
throat of Rod's doublet, his weight dragging Rod back toward the floor. Brom's
feet touched the ground; he shoved, throwing Rod back. Rod
staggered, overbalanced, and fell, but habit took over again. He tucked in his
chin, slapped the floor with his forearms, breaking his fall. Brom
bowled with glee at seeing Rod still conscious, and leaped. Rod
caught what little breath remained to him and snapped in his feet. He caught
Brom right in the stomach, grabbed a flailing arm, and shoved, letting the arm
go. Brom
flipped head over heels, sailed twenty feet past Rod, and landed on the stone
flags with a grunt of surprise. He landed on his feet, of course, and spun
about with a bellow of laughter. 'Very neat, lad, very neat! But not enough...' Rod was
on his feet again, panting and shaking his head. Brom hopped toward him, then
sprang. Rod
ducked low, in a vain hope that Brom might be capable of missing once; but the
little man's long arm lashed out to catch Rod across the throat, stumpy body
swinging around to settle between Rod's shoulders. One
foot pressed into the small of Rod's back, both arms pulled back against the
base of his throat. Rod
gurgled, coming to his feet and bending backward under Brom's pull. He seized
the dwarf's forearms, then bowed forward quickly, yanking Brom's arms. Brom
snapped over Rod's head and somersaulted away. He crowed as his feet hit the
floor. 'Bravely
done, lad! Bravely done!' He
turned about, the glint of mischief still in his eyes. 'But I grow weary of
this game. Let us be done with it.' 'Tr-try,'
Rod panted. Brom
hunched forward, his long arms flailing out, slapping at Rod's guard. He
grabbed for Rod's knee. Rod dropped his right hand to block Brom's attempt,
then threw his left about Brom's shoulders, trying to shove him forward to lose
his balance; but the dwarf's hands seemed to have gotten tangled in Rod's
collar again. Rod
straightened, trying to throw Brom off, hands chapping at the little man's
elbows; Brom's grip only tightened. The
dwarf kicked out, throwing all his weight forward. Rod stumbled, saw the floor
coming up at him. Brom
leaped past him, catching Rod's foot on the way. Rod did a bellywhopper on the
stone floor, but he slapped out with his forearms and kept his head from
hitting. He
tried to rise but someone had tied a millstone across his shoulders. A snake
coiled under his left arm and pressed against the back of his neck. Rod
tried to roll to break the half nelson, but a vise closed on his right wrist
and drew it up into a hammerlock. 'Yield,
lad,' Brom's voice husked in his ear. 'Yield, for you cannot be rid of me now.' He
shoved Rod's arm higher in the hammerlock to emphasize his point. Rod ground
his teeth against the pain. He
struggled to his feet somehow, tried to shake the little man off. But Brom's
feet were lacked around his Waist. 'Nay,'
the dwarf muttered, 'I told you you'd not be rid of me.' Rod
shook himself like a terrier, but Brom held on like a bulldog. For a moment,
Rod considered falling on his back to crush Brom under him. It was galling to
be beaten by a man one-third your size. He discarded the idea quickly, though;
there were many times in this bout where Brom could have played equally shabby
tricks on Rod. So Brom
had a strong sense of fair play; and Rod was damned if he'd come off as smaller
than a dwarf. Brom's
voice was a burr in his ear. 'Will you not yield, man?' And Rod gasped as his
right hand tried to touch the nape of his neck. Then
Brom shoved hard an Rod's neck, forcing his chin down to touch his collarbone.
Rod staggered, lurched forward, and threw out a leg to keep himself from
falling. The muscles across his back and neck screamed at the torture; his
right aria begged to give in. His diaphragm folded in on itself, stubbornly
refusing to pull in another breath of air. His windpipe crooked into a kink,
and his lungs called f or air. In a weird, detached moment he noted that night
seemed to have fallen all of a sudden; and, stranger yet, the stars were
tumbling... Water
splashed cold on his face. The mouth of a bottle thrust between his lips,
feeling as large as a cartwheel. Liquid trickled aver his tongue and down to
his belly, where it exploded into fire. He
shook his head, and noticed that there was cold stone under his back. Now, what
the hell was he doing, trying to sleep on a stone floor? Voices
echoed in his head. He opened his eyes, saw a round face with great brawn eyes
framed in shaggy black hair and beard, peering down at him. The
head swam away, and gray stone blocks reeled about him. He
gasped, stared at the glint of light from a spearhead, and the room slowly
steadied. A voice
thundered in his ear. 'He is a miracle, Sir Mans I He made me sweat I' A
massive arm cradled Rod's head and shoulders, lifting them from the stone. Big
Tom's great round face swain into view, brows knit with concern. 'Be you
well, master?' Rod
grunted something, waving a hand and nodding. Then the shaggy head was there,
too, a shaggy head with a chimpanzee's body, and a hand heavy with muscle
clasped his. 'Well
fought, lad,' rumbled Brom O'Berin. 'I've not bad such a bout since I came to
my manhood.' Rod
gripped the dwarf's hand and tried to grin. Then
Sir Mans' scarred, white-bearded face bowed over him, his old hand clasping
Rod's upper arm, lifting him to his feet. 'Come, lad, stand tall! For you're a
man of the Queen's army flaw!, 'Queen's
army!' boomed Brom, somehow up on the rafters again. The room rocked with his
laughter. 'Nay, Sir Mans, 1 claim this lad I 'Tis the Queen's own bodyguard for
him!' 'No,
admit, Big Tom! Get away from me with that thing!' 'But,
master!' Tom chased after him, holding up the breastplate. 'You must wear some
armor!' 'Give
me one good reason only,' growled Rod. 'Why,
to turn away arrows and swords, master!' 'Swords
I can turn easily enough with my own. Arrows I can duck. And against crossbow
quarrels, it won't do a damn bit of good anyway! No, Big Tom! All it'll do is
slow me down.' The
guard room door groaned an its hinges, boomed shut. Brom O'Berin stood watching
them, fists on his hips, a silver glimmer draped over one shoulder. 'How is
this, Rod Gallowglass? Will you not wear the Queen's livery?' 'I'll
wear livery when you do, you motley manikin!' The dwarf grinned, teeth flashing
white through the wilderness of beard. 'A touch, a distinct touch! But I'm not
a Guardsman, Rod Gallowglass; I'm a fool, and motley is foal's livery. Come,
soldier, into your colors!' 'Oh,
I'll wear the Queen's colors well enough. Fact is, I'm kinda partial to purple
and silver. Only thing I've got against them is that they're livery but I'll
wear 'em. But, dammit, Brom, I
absolutely refuse to have anything to do with that damn sweatbox you call
armor!' The
dwarf's face sobered; he nodded slowly, his eyes holding Rod's. 'Oh, aye. I had
thought you to be of such persuasion. The
silver cloth flew jingling from his shoulder, slapped against Rod's chest. Rod
caught it. held it up. inspected it with a frown. 'Will
you wear a mail shirt, Rod Gallowglass?' 'I'd as
soon wear a hair shirt,' Rod growled; but he wriggled into the iron vest. 'Goad
fit,' he muttered, and gave the mail shirt a baleful eye; but his chest
expanded and his shoulders came back, almost as though he were strutting. His
glance stabbed out at Brom O'Berin. 'How is this, Brom? How come you'll let me
get away without a breastplate? Out of uniform, aren't I?' 'Not
so,' Brom rumbled, 'for the armor is hidden under the livery. And you are the
only man of the Guard who would not wish plate armor.' Rod
looked at the little man out of the corner of his eye. 'How'd you know I didn't
want the breastplate?' Brom
chuckled, deep in his beard. 'Why, I've fought you, Rod Gallowglass, and 'twas
well you fought me, in my own manner!' His smile disappeared. 'Nay, you'd no
sooner wean armor than I would.' Rod
scowled, studying the great bearded face. 'You don't quite trust me yet, do
you?' Brom
smiled, a tight grimace of irony. 'Rod Gallowglass, there's no man I trust, and
I regard any Queen's Guard with suspicion till he has given his life to save
hers.' Rod
nodded. 'And how many is that?' Brom's
eyes burned into his. 'Seven,' he said. 'In the last year, seven Guards have I
come to trust.' Rod
jerked the left side of his mouth into a hard smile. He
caught up the silver-on-purple doublet, shrugged into it. 'So if you really
come to think highly of me, you may let me taste the Queen's food to see if
it's poisoned.' 'Nay,'
Brom growled. 'That pleasure is mine, mine to me alone.' Rod was
silent a moment, looking into the little man's eyes. 'Well,' he said, and
turned away to buckle on the purple cloak. 'I notice you're still alive.' Brom
nodded. 'Though 'tis several times I've been ill - ill for fair,
my lad. But I seem to have the knack of telling poison by taste; I need not
wait f or death's proof.' He
grinned, and strode across the floor to slap at Rod's ironclad belly. 'But
came, there's no cause to be glum! All you'll have to face is swords, and
perhaps now and again a crossbow, so be of good cheer.' 'Oh,
I'm just trembling with eagerness,' Rod muttered. Brom
pivoted, headed f or the door. 'But now to the Queen's council chamber! Come,
I'll show you your station.' He
spun, arm pointing at Big Tom. 'You there, man Tom! Back to the barracks with
you; your master will call you at need.' Tom
looked to Rod for confirmation; Rod nodded. Brom
slammed the door open and strode through. Rod shook his head, smiling, and
followed. The
Queen's council chamber was a large, round room, mostly filled with a great
round table twenty feet in diameter. There were ponderous doors at the south,
east, and west points of the compass; the north point was taken up by a yawning
fireplace, crackling with a small bonfire. The
walls were hung with gaudy tapestries and rich furs. A great shield blazoned
with the royal arms hung over the fireplace. The ceiling arched concave, almost
a dome, crossed by great curving beams. The
table was polished walnut. Around it sat the twelve Great
Lords of the realm: the Duke di Medici, the Earl of Romanoff,
the Duke of Gloucester, the Prince Borgia, the Earl
Marshall, Duke Stewart, the Duke of Bourbon, the Prince Hapsburg,
Earl Tudor, the Baronet of Ruddigore, the Duke of Savoy,
and the great grizzled old Duke of Loguire. All
were there, Rod saw, listening to a herald read their names from a scroll - all
except the Queen, Catharine Plantagenet. Mulling over the list of names the
elite of the Йmigrйs had chosen for themselves, Rod decided that they had been
not only romantics, but also genuine crackpots. Plantagenet f or-sooth! Next to
each of the great lords sat a slight, wiry, wizened little man, an old man;
each had an almost emaciated face, with burning blue eyes, and a few wisps of
hair brushed flat over a leathery skull. Councillors?
Rod wondered. Strange that they all looked so much alike. ... All sat
in massive, ornately carved, dark-wood chairs. A larger, gilded chair stood
vacant at the east point of the table. A drum
railed, a trumpet sneezed, and the lords and councillors rose to their feet. The
great double leaves of the east door boomed wide, and Catharine stepped into the
chamber. Rod was
stationed at the side of the west door; he had an excellent view, one which
gave his heart pause. A cloud
of silver hair about a finely chiseled, pouting face; great blue eyes and
rosebud lips; and a slender child's body, budding breasts and kitten hips under
clinging silk, molded tighter to her by the wide belt of her girdle, a Y from
hips to floor. She sat
in the vacant chair, bands gripping the arm rests, back braced stiff against
the gilded wood. Brom
O'Berin hopped up onto a stool at her right. Directly across from her, at the
west point of the table, sat the Duke Loguire. His councillor leaned close,
whispering. The Duke shushed him impatiently. Brom
O'Berin nodded to a herald. 'The
Queen's Grand Council is met,' the herald cried. 'The high and great of the
land of Gramarye are gathered. Let all among them who seek redress of wrongs
petition now the Queen, in the presence of their peers.' Silence
filled the room. The
Duke of Bourbon stirred uneasily and coughed. Brom's
head swiveled to the man. 'My lord of Bourbon,' he rumbled, 'will you address
the Queen?' Slowly,
the Duke rose. His doublet was blazoned with fleurs-de-lis, but his hair and
moustache were blond. 'Your
Majesty,' said the Duke, bowing gravely to the Queen, 'and my brother lards.'
He nodded his head toward the table in general, then lifted his chin,
straightening his shoulders. 'I must protest,' he growled. Catharine
tilted her back so that she gave the impression of looking down her nose at the
tall nobleman. 'What must you protest, my lord?' The
Duke of Bourbon looked down at the walnut tabletop. 'Since our ancestors came
from beyond the stars, the peasants have been subject to their lords; and the
lords have been subject to the Great Lords. The Great Lords, in their turn, are
subject to the
King. . . the Queen,' he amended, with a slight bow to Catharine. Her
lips pressed into a tight, thin line, but she took the slight with good grace. 'This,'
the Duke resumed, 'is the natural order Of mankind, that each man be subject to
the man above him; that justice and order be the concern of the lord; within
his demesne, he is, and should be, the law, subject, of course, to the Queen.' Again
the polite nod to Catharine, and again, she accepted the slight; but her hands
pinched the arms of the chair so tightly the knuckles turned white. 'Yet
now your Majesty would overturn this great and lasting order, and force upon us
judges of your own appointing to dispense justice within our demesnes, judges
subject only to yourself. This, though it be contrary to the wisdom of your
father, noble Queen, and his father before him, and all your ancestors from the
beginning of your line. If I may speak plainly, I find it almost a mockery of
your great and noble forebears; and, speaking for myself, I cannot abide this
peasant underling of yours, who thinks to lord it over me in my own manor!' He
finished almost in a shout, glaring red-faced at the Queen. in 'Are you done?'
asked Catharine in a tone she'd been keeping storage
f or just such an occasion. Slowly,
the Duke of Bourbon bowed his head. 'I am.' He sat. Catharine closed her eyes a
moment, then looked to Brom O'Berin and nodded, almost imperceptibly. Brom
stood. 'Do any speak in support of my lord of Bourbon?' A young man with fiery
red hair came to his feet. 'I agree with all that my lord of Bourbon has said.
I will add, moreover, that the Queen might do well to consider the question of the
corruptibility of her appointed judges; for a man without lands or means, and
no family name to uphold, might easily be tempted to sell his justice.' 'If
they do,' Catharine snapped, 'they shall be hanged from the highest gallows; and the men they have
wronged shall serve for their executioners.' She was
silent for the space of three breaths, eyes locked with the young nobleman's;
then Brom O'Berin growled, 'Our thanks to the noble Duke of Savoy.' The
young man bowed, and sat. 'Who
else will speak in favor of my lords of Bourbon and Savoy?' One by
one, the other ten lords rose to second the Duke of Bourbon. The Queen's Grand
Council was unanimously against her. Catharine
held her eyes closed a moment; her Lips pressed tight. She looked up to sweep
the table with a glare. 'My lords, I am deeply grieved to find you all so much
opposed to the Queen's justice.' She gave them a brittle smile. 'I thank you
for your honest council. Yet I am constant in my purpose; my judges shall
remain on your estates.' The
noblemen stirred in their seats, muttering to one another in low, husky voices.
They seemed to comprise one large, restless animal, growling. The old
Duke of Loguire rose slowly, and leaned heavily on the table. 'My Queen,' he
rumbled, 'consider: even kings may fault in judgment, and you are young in
statecraft yet. It is known that many minds together may come to clearer
knowledge than one mind alone; and here are gathered with you twelve men of
most ancient and honorable lineage, of families grown hoary in statecraft, old
men of old families; and, it is to be hoped, wise with the weight of their
years. Will you persist in your course, when so many are so sure that you are
wrong?' Catharine's
face was pale, almost dead white. Her eyes were burning. 'I will,' she said
quietly. The
Lord Loguire held her eyes for a long moment, then slowly sat. Catharine
surveyed the faces around her, taking time to look deep into each pair of eyes. Then,
lifting her chin, she said, 'My judges will remain on your estates, my lords.
As to their corruptibility, you will find them almost saintly in their disregard
for money, wine, and - comforts. They care for one thing only, and
that is justice.' She
paused to let her words sink in; and Rod noted that there were several beet-red
faces among the great lords. At a rough guess, he decided, justice had not been
quite as pure as it might have been on some of their estates. The
Duke Loguire did not have a red face. The only emotion Rod could read in him
was grief. 'This
whole matter of the judges is, however, secondary to the purpose far which I
have called you here today.' Catharine smiled, with more than a hint of malice. Heads
jerked up in alarm, all around the board. Brom O'Berin looked more shocked than
any. Apparently Catharine had not consulted with her Prime Councillor; even
Brom was due for a surprise. Each
lord bent his head for a quick, whispered conference with his councillor; and
the looks of alarm on their faces deepened into sullen anger. 'On
each of your estates,' said Catharine, 'there is a monastery. You have been
accustomed to appointing the priests for the parishes of your demesnes from
your own monasteries.' She
looked down at the tabletop for a moment, then lifted her head again. 'Here in
this castle I am gathering the best theologians of all the monasteries. You
shall choose young brothers from your monks, one for each of your parishes, and
send them here to me, to be trained by my monks. If in any case I do not
approve of your choice in young men, I shall send them back to you, and demand
others in their places. When they have finished their studies and taken their
Orders, I shall return them to you, to be your parish priests.' The
lords slammed to their feet, shouting and gesturing, fists thudding on the
table. Catharine's
voice crackled, into the uproar. 'Enough! Be still!' Slowly, one by one, the
Great Lords fell into sullen silence and sank back into their seats, glaring. But
their councillors' faces seemed lit with a suppressed joy; their eyes were
burning, and each face held a smile just short of a grin. 'I have
spoken,' Catharine said, voice and eyes bath chill. 'It shall be done.' Trembling,
the old Lard Loguire rose. Will your Majesty not-' 'I will
not.' Brom
O'Berin cleared his throat. 'If your Majesty will permit-' 'I will
not.' Silence
sat over the council chamber. Once again. Catharine surveyed the faces of her
lords and their councillors. Then,
turning to her left, she bowed her head. 'My lord Loguire.' The old
nobleman rose, his jaw clamped tight under the grizzled beard, his
liver-spotted fist palsied with barely-held anger. He drew
back the great, gilded chair, and Catharine rose. He stepped back to his place.
Catharine turned away, and the great oak doors were thrown wide. Guardsmen fell
in before and behind her. She
paused in the doorway, and turned. 'Consider, my lards,' she said, 'and
consent; for you cannot stand against me.' The
great doors slammed behind her. The
council chamber burst into pandemonium. 'Oh,
come off it! It's the classic pattern, right down to the last look of outrage!' His
day's duty done, Rod was riding Fess back to the inn, bent on picking up a
little gossip and a lot of beer. Big Tom was tending the home fires at the
Royal Castle, with orders to keep his ears open for juicy tidbits of
information. 'I
disagree, Rod. It's the classic pattern with something added.' 'Bull!
It's a simple, premature attempt at centralization of authority. She's trying
to unify Gramarye under one law and one ruler, instead of twelve
near-independent dukedoms. This business with the judges is that, and nothing
more. Five'll get you ten some of those dukes have been playing god on their
estates, forcing half the women to sleep with them and over-taxing everybody
and anything else that occurred to them. Catharine's a reformer, that's all;
she's trying to cure all the evils she can find by making herself the only law
in Gramarye - and
she won't make it. The noblemen just won't stand for it. She might have gotten
away with the judges; but this business with the priests'll bring on a
rebellion for sure. Priests have more influence over the people than any other
officials in this kind of society. If she makes them responsible to her, and
only her, she's really puffing the noblemen's teeth, and they know it. And they
won't give up without a fight.' 'So
far, I'll agree with you,' the robot said. 'So far, it is the classic pattern,
closely resembling the attempt of the English King John to centralize his
nation before 'such a project could succeed.' 'Yes.'
Rod nodded. 'And we can hope that, like King John's n3blemen, the great dukes
will insist on a Magna Carta.' 'But...' Rod
assumed a look of martyr-like patience. 'But what, Fess?' 'But
there is a foreign element: a group of councillors to the Great Lords, a group
that seems to be very cohesive.' Rod
frowned. 'Well, yes. There is that.' 'And
from what you tell me of the scene after Catharine left...' 'Yii!'
Rod shuddered. 'It was just as though she'd thrown down a gauntlet, and all the
dukes were out to see who'd get the honor of taking it up. The girl might know
some elementary political science, but she sure doesn't know any diplomacy! She
was just daring them to fight her!' 'Yes,
and the councillors were egging them on very nicely -each one councilling his
lard not to fight, because he was too weak. . . and then telling them that if
he must fight, he'd better ally with the other lords, because each was too weak
to stand alone. Expert use of reverse psychology. One would almost think the
councillors were out to eliminate central authority completely.' 'Yes .
. .' Rod frowned, musing. 'That's not quite normal to this kind of society, is
it, Fess?' 'No,
Rod. The theory of anarchy does not usually arise until the culture has
attained a much higher degree of technology.' Rod
chewed at his lip. 'Outside influence, maybe?' 'Perhaps.
And that brings us to the popular totalitarian movement: another anomaly. No,
Rod, this is not the classic pattern.~ 'No,
dammit. We've got three groups contending for power: the peasants, the dukes
and their councillors, and the Queen and whoever supports her. That support
seems to be limited to Brom O'Berin at the moment.' 'Totalitarians,
anarchists, and the Queen in the middle,' Fess murmured. 'Which one do you
support, Rod?' 'Catharine,
dammit!' Rod grinned. 'I'm out to plant the seeds of democracy; and it looks
like the only chance to do that is to engineer a constitutional monarchy.' 'I
might be mistaken,' Fess murmured, 'But I do believe you're delighted to find
you must support her.' Around
them the few lights were dimmed by the night mist, a wall of fog thirty feet
away. Rod rode alone through a world of smoke; Fess's hooves rang strangely
weird in the echoing silence. A long
yell split the night, followed by the slapping clash of swords. 'A rescue, a
rescue!' a young voice cried. Rod
froze, hand on the pommel of his sword; then he dug his heels
into Fess's metal sides, and the great black horse sprang toward the ruckus. A torch
smoldered red through the fog at the mouth of an alley. There, under its smoky
light, one man battled three, his back against the wall. Rod
bellowed and landed horse and all in the middle of the melee. He laid about him
with the flat of his sword, howling like an Indian studying to be a Confederate
soldier. He yanked the dagger from the small of his back, just in time to catch
a rapier coming at him from his left. His own sword swung in an arc over his
head and clashed against steel as his opponent caught the blow. Then
steel points were jabbing up at him like sawgrass. Rod was forced back on the
defensive, swatting the blades aside. But the
intended victim let loose a yell that would have shamed a banshee and waded in
from the rear. All at
once the three swords fell away, their owners pelting down the alley. Rod sat a
moment dazed; then he yelled and Fess sprang after the retreating figures. But
they gained the dark at the end of the alley and when Rod caught up, the stones
were empty. It was a dead end; they had gone through one of the shadowed,
evil-smelling doorways. Their
would-be victim came running up behind, looked about, and panted. 'Gone,
and no use to seek them further. They'll be five leagues away in as many
minutes.' Rod
swore and slapped his sword back into its scabbard. He winced, and touched his
forearm gingerly; one of the rapier. points had slashed through his doublet and
sliced his skin. He
turned to the stranger. 'You all right?' The
young man nodded, sheathing his sword. Rod
looked down into an open, snub-nosed, blue-eyed face with a grin that flashed
white through the fog. The cheekbones were high, and the eyes large and wide,
with a look of innocence. Blond hair was cropped round in a bowl cut. It was a
young, inexperienced, very handsome face - Rod felt a surge of resentment. He
swung down from his horse. The top of the youth's head was about on a level
with Rod's eyes; but what the boy lacked in height, he made up in bulk. A
barrel chest swelled into bull shoulders, a good six inches wider than Rod's.
The arms would Ј0 have
looked more appropriate on a bear or gorilla; and the legs were two small tree
trunks, rammed into narrow hips. He wore
a leather jerkin over a white shirt, a wide black belt, hose, and high, soft
boots. He
frowned, seeing the blood on Rod's sleeve. 'You're hurt.' Rod snorted. 'A
scratch,' he said, and fumbled in Fess's saddlebag for an antiseptic bandage.
He wound the bandage around his forearm, threw the youth a bard grin. 'You can
pay the tailor bill, though.' The boy
nodded, blue eyes sober. 'That will I gladly; for they would have cut my heart
out, had it not been for your timely rescue. Tuan McReady stands in your debt.' Rod
looked him up and down, nodding slowly. A good kid, he thought. He held
out his hand. 'Rod Gallowglass, at your service; and there's no debt involved.
Always glad to help one against three.' 'Ah,
but debt there is!' said the boy, clasping Rod's hand with a grip like a
sentimental vise. 'You must, at the least, let me buy you a tankard of ale!' Rod
shrugged. 'Why not? I was on my way to an inn just now, anyway; come on along!' To his
surprise, Tuan hesitated. 'By your leave, good Master Gallowglass . . . there
is only one house in this town where I am welcomed. All others have known my
custom of old, and' -the round face suddenly broke into a grin - 'my manner of living
does not please the peaceful and proper.' Rod
grimaced, nodding. 'Post jocundum juventutem. Well, one inn's as good as
another, I guess.' The
route to Tuan's inn was somewhat out of keeping with his well-bred looks. They
dodged down two dark alleys, wriggled through a weathered brick wall, and came
out in a wide, moonlit courtyard that had been elegant in its day. That day
must have been a century or two in the past. The remains of a fountain burbled
in the center of cracked flagstones, sending up a stench redolent of primitive
plumbing. Weeds, themselves in a state of dire poverty, poked through the
paving everywhere. The brick of the walls was cracked and split, the mortar
crumbling. Heaps of garbage lay by the walls and in the corners, with stray
mounds of refuse here and there about the yard. The inn
itself was a rotting granite block with tumbledown eaves. The overhanging
second storey was propped up with roughhewn timbers, not to be trusted due to
the infirmities of age. The windows were boarded over, the boards split, moldy,
and fungoid. The massive oak door was the only sound piece of wood in sight,
and even it was sagging. 'Ah,
they tolerate your behavior here?' Rod asked, surveying the stagnant courtyard
as Tuan knocked on the door with the hilt of his dagger. 'Tolerate,
yes,' said Tuan, 'though even their hospitality is sometimes strained.' Rod
felt a chill between his shoulder blades and wondered just what kind of
mild-mannered youth he'd run into. Tuan
knocked again. Rod wondered that be expected an answer; not a gleam of light
showed through the sagging window boards. By the look of it, the place must be
totally deserted. But the
door began to move, and groaned that it was going on strike for an oil break,
till it was open just wide enough to admit the two men. 'Your
host,' said Tuan cheerily, 'the Mocker.' A
gnarled, hunched, desiccated travesty of a human being peered around the door,
making gobbling sounds in its throat. One ear was cauliflower, and the other
was gone; a few strands of greasy hair straggled over a scabby skull. The nose
was bulbous, the mouth a slash in a mass of warts, the eyes malevolent,
gleaming slits. It was dressed in a collection of tatters and patches that
might once have laid claim to being a doublet and hose, sagging badly on the
scarecrow figure. The
troll scurried away into the foul-smelling dark of its lair. Tuan strode
through the door, following. Rod took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and
looked back over his shoulder to make sure Fess was still standing there, by
the fountain, head lowered in a good imitation of a horse grazing. For a
moment, Rod envied the robot his ability to cut off his olfactory receptors. Then,
lifting his chin, he followed Tuan into the inn. The
door ground shut behind him; there was a scurrying sound as the Mocker ran
ahead to open another door. This
one opened easily, slammed back against the wall, flooding them with a blaze of
torchlight and gales of coarse, bawdy laughter. Rod stared. They
stepped through the door, and Rod looked about him. It was a great common room,
with four roaring open fires and score upon score of torches bracketed along
the walls. Roasting meat hung over the fires; waiters wove their way through
the '111 crowd
with tankards of ale and wine from two huge, flowing kegs that dominated the
far side of the room. The
clientele were the lees of the city. Their clothes were crusted, patched
castoffs. Their bodies bore the marks of primitive justice: this one was
missing an ear, that one an eye. Their faces were disfigured and scarred by
disease. Yet here in their own den they roared merrily, all of them grinned,
though malice glinted in their eyes as they looked at Rod. But the
malice faded, was transmuted into something almost like worship, as they looked
at young Tuan. 'It is
said,' and the boy smiled, 'that there is no honor among thieves; but there is
at least kinship here, among the beggars of Gramarye. Welcome, Rod Gallowglass,
to the House of Clovis.' The
hair at the base of Rod's skull prickled. He remembered the torchlight mob he
had seen on the waterfront the night before. His
eyes widened; he stared at Tuan. He couldn't be. He couldn't be. Oh, but
he could. Yes, he could. Tuan
McReady was the young rabble-rouser who'd been haranguing the mob to march on
the castle. This
apple-cheeked, wholesome youth was top rat in the local sewer. The
crowd broke into a raucous, cheering clamor, welcoming their Galahad. Tuan
grinned and waved. A slight flush crept up from his collar. He seemed almost
embarrassed by the reception. He led
Rod to a dark corner at the back of the hail. He hadn't said a word to the
Mocker, but two steaming mugs of mulled wine thumped down on the table almost
as they sat. The landlord scuttled away without pay. Rod watched
him go, one eyebrow lifted in cynicism. He turned to Tuan. 'You don't use money
here?' 'None.'
Tuan smiled. 'All who come to the House of Clovis bring what little money they
have. It is put into a common chest, and meat and wine given out to all according
to their needs.' 'And a
place to sleep, I suppose?' 'Aye,
and clothing. It is poor fare by a gentleman's standards; but it is great
wealth to these my poor brethren.' Rod
studied Tuan's face and decided the boy might have meant it when he said brethren. He sat
back and crossed his legs. 'Would you call yourself a religious man?' 'I?'
Tuan tried to choke back a laugh and almost succeeded. 'Oh, nay! Would that I
were; but I have not seen the inside of a church for three score and more
Sundays!' So, Rod
noted, his motive for helping the poor probably wasn't too hypocritical,
whatever else it might be. He
looked into his mug. 'So you feed and clothe all these people out of the
pennies they bring you, eh?' 'Nay;
that is but a beginning. But with that much earnest proof of our good
intentions, our noble Queen found us worthy of a livelihood.' Rod
stared. 'You mean the Queen is putting the lot of you on the dole?' Tuan
grinned with mischief. 'Aye, though she knows not whom she aids. She knows not
the House of Clovis by name, knows only that she gives the good Brom O'Berin
moneys to care for her poor.' 'And
Brom gives it to you.' 'Aye.
And for his part, he is grateful that there are fewer thievings and murders
among the dark alleys.' Rod
nodded. 'Very shrewd. And this whole setup is your idea, is it'?' 'Oh,
nay! 'Twas the Mocker who thought of it; but none would give ear to him.' Rod
stared. 'The Mocker? You mean that twisted fugitive from the late show is boss
of this operation?' Tuan
frowned, shaking his head. 'Men will not follow him, friend Gallowglass; there
is nothing of governance in him. He is host, keeping the inn, doling out goods
as they are needed - a steward, and only a steward, but a good one. You will
find him a sharper clerk than any; aye, even the Queen's Lord Exchequer.' 'I see,
just a steward.' But also the man who holds the pocketbook, Rod added mentally.
The brains of the outfit, too. Tuan might know how to make people do what he
wanted; but did he know what he wanted? Yes, of
course he did. Hadn't the Mocker told him? Which made the Mocker the local
political economist, and probably Tuan's speech-writer. Rod
leaned back, rubbing his chin. 'And you manage to keep 72 them in
this decadent luxury with only the alms the beggars bring in? Plus the Queen's
shilling, of course.' Tuan
grinned sheepishly and leaned forward, nodding. ''Tis not easy done, friend
Gallowglass. These beggars are loath to let any man rule them. It is tedious
labor, cajoling, threatening, flattering - a man grows a-weary of it. Yet it is
well worth the doing.' Rod
nodded. 'It would take a man with no false pride, and less false humility, and
one who could see into his fellow's heart.' Tuan
blushed. 'Such a
man,' said Rod, 'could make himself king of the beggars.' But
Tuan shook his head, eyes closed. 'No, there is no king here, friend
Gallowglass. A lord of the manor, perhaps, but naught more.' You
don't want to be king?' Tuan's
shoulders shrugged with a snort of laughter. 'The beggars would not hear of
it?' 'That
wasn't what I asked.' Tuan's
eyes locked with Rod's, the smile fading from the boyish face. Then Tuan caught
Rod's meaning, and his eyes hardened. 'Nay!' he spat. 'I do not seek the
throne.' 'Then
why are you trying to lead the beggars against the Queen?' Rod rapped out. The
smile eased across Tuan's face again; he sat back, looking very satisfied with
himself. 'Ah, you know of my plotting! Then may I ask of you outright, friend
Rod, will you join with us when we march on the castle?' Rod
felt his face setting like plaster. His eyes locked with Tuan's again; his
voice was very calm. 'Why me?' ~'We
shall have need of as many friends in the Queen's Guard as we may ..... 'You
must already have quite a few,' Rod murmured, 'if you know already- that I
joined the Queen's Guard today.' Tuan's
grin widened; his eyelids drooped. A stray
fact clicked into place in Rod's mind. 'If I
were to search through this hail,' he said carefully, 'would I find the three
men who attacked you tonight?' Tuan
nodded, eyes dancing. 'A
put-up job,' Rod said, nodding with him. 'A small performance, arranged solely
for my benefit, with the single purpose of maneuvering me in here for a
recruiting lecture. You do know how to manage people, Tuan McReady.' Tuan blushed,
and looked down. 'But
what if I don't want to join you, Tuan McReady? Will I leave the House of
Clovis alive this night?' Tuan's
head came up, eyes boring into Rod's. 'Only,'
he said, 'if you are an excellent swordsman, and a warlock to boot.' Rod
nodded slowly, the events of the past two days whirling through his mind. For a
moment, he was tempted to join; he had no doubt that he could maneuver himself
into the throne after the revolution. But no;
what Tuan said was true. It took a man with an inborn gift of mass hypnotism to
control the beggars. Rod might take the throne, but the beggars - and the
Mocker, and whoever was behind him - would not let him keep it. No, the
power structure had to stay the way it was; a constitutional monarchy was the
only hope for democracy on this planet. Then,
too, there was Catharine.... Then,
the jarring note in the score of events caught Rod's ear. He was hung up on
Catharine, probably she was the Dream. But he
had liked Tuan at first sight. How could he like them both if they were really
working against one another? Of
course, all Tuan's forthright charm might be an act, but somehow Rod doubted
it. No. If
Tuan had really wanted the throne, he could have wooed Catharine, and could
have won her - Rod had no doubt about that. So Tuan
was supporting the Queen. How he figured his demagoguery could help her, Rod
couldn't figure, but somehow it made sense that Tuan believed he was. Then
why the elaborate plot to get Rod into the House of Clovis? To test
Rod, of course; to find out if he was to be trusted next to the Queen. Which
made sense, if this kid had dealings with Brom O'Berin. It would be just like
Brom to try to drum up popular support for the Queen in just this way - but why
the propaganda for a march on the castle? Tuan
probably had an answer to that one, and speaking of answers, it was about time
Rod came up with one. He gave
Tuan a savage grin and rose, with his hand on his sword. 'No thanks. I'll take
my chances with swordcraft and sorcery.' Tuan's
eyes lit with joy; he caught Rod's arm. 'Well spoken, friend Gallowglass! I had
hoped you would answer thus. Now sit, and hear the truth of my plot.' Rod
shook his hand off. 'Draw,' he said between his teeth. 'Nay,
nay! I would not draw 'gainst a friend. I have played a low trick on you, but
you must not hold anger; 'twas for a good purpose. But sit, and I shall tell
you.' 'I've
heard all I want.' Rod started to draw his sword. Tuan
caught Rod's forearm again, and this time his hand wouldn't shake off. Rod
looked into Tuan's eyes, jaw tightened and arm muscles straining; but slowly
and steadily, his sword was forced back into its scabbard. 'Sit,'
said Tuan, and he forced Rod back into his chair as easily as though Rod had
been a child. 'Now
hear my plot.' Tuan let go of Rod's arm and smiled, as warmly as though nothing
had happened. 'The Queen gives us money, and the beggars know that she gives
it; but the taking of a gift raises only burning anger in the taker. It we
would win friends for the Queen, we must find a way to transmute this anger to
gratitude. Rod
nodded, frowning. 'Thus
we must make the Queen's shilling something other than a gift.' 'And
you found a way to do it.' 'Not
I,' Tuan confessed, 'but the Mocker. "When is a gift not a gift?" he
riddled me, and answered, "Why, when 'tis a right."' Tuan
leaned back, spreading his hands. 'And there you have • it,
so easily done. The beggars shall march to the castle and cry to the Queen that
she owes them bread and meat, because it is their right. And she will give it
to them, and they will be grateful.' Rod
smiled, rubbing his chin. 'Very shrewd,' he said, nodding, but to himself he
added: If it works. But it won't; people who have money enjoy giving for
charity, but they won't give a cent if you tell them they must. And how
grateful will the beggars be when she refuses them, and calls out the army to
drive them away? And
even if she did yield to their demands, what then? What about the sense of
power it would give them? Beggars, forcing a Queen's hand! They wouldn't stop
at bread and meat; no, they'd be back with more demands in a week, with or
without Tuan. Oh,
yes, it was a very shrewd plan; and Tuan had been sucked into it beautifully.
The Mocker couldn't lose; and neither could the off-planet totalitarians who
were behind him. But
Tuan meant well. His intentions fairly gleamed. He was a little weak on
political theory; but his intentions were fine. Rod
raised his mug for a deep draft, then stared into it, watching the swirl of the
heated wine. 'Yet some say that the House of Clovis would pull Catharine off
her throne.' 'Nay,
nay!' Tuan stared, appalled. 'I love the Queen!' Rod studied the boy's sincere,
open face and made his own interpretation of the statement. He
looked back into his mug. 'So do I,' he said, with more truth than he liked.
'But even so, I'd have to admit she's, shall we say, not acting wisely.' Tuan
heaved a great sigh and clasped his hands. 'That is true, most true. She means
so well, but she does so badly.' Have
you looked in a mirror lately, Mr Kettle? Rod wondered. Aloud, he said, 'Why,
how is that?' Tuan
smiled sadly. 'She seeks to undo in a day what ages of her grandsires have
wrought. There is much evil in this kingdom, that I will gladly admit. But a
pile of manure is not moved with one swing of a shovel.' 'True,'
Rod admitted, 'and the saltpeter under it can be explosive.' 'The
great lords do not see that she is casting out devils,' Tuan went on. 'They see
only that she seeks to fill this land with one voice, and only one - and that
hers.' 'Well'
- Rod lifted his mug, face bleak with resignation -'here's to her; let's hope
she makes it.' 'An'
you think it possible,' said Tuan, 'tha'rt a greater fool than I; and I am
known far and wide as a most exceptional fool.' Rod
lowered the mug untasted. 'Are you speaking from a general conviction, or do
you have some particulars in mind?' Tuan
set one forefinger against the other. 'A throne rests on two legs: primus, the
noblemen, who are affronted by anything new, and therefore oppose the Queen.' 'Thanks,'
said Rod With a bittersweet smile, 'for letting me in on the secret.' 'Left
to themselves,' said Tuan, 'the nobles might abide her for love of her father;
but there are the councillors.' 'Yes.'
Rod caught his lower lip between his teeth. 'I take it the lords do whatever
their councillors tell them?' 'Or
what they tell the lords not to do, which comes to the same thing. And the
councillors speak with one voice - Durer's.' 'Durer?'
Rod scowled. 'Who's he?' Councillor
to my Lord Loguire.' Tuan's mouth twisted, bitter. 'He bath some influence with
Loguire, which is a miracle; for Loguire is a most stubborn man. Thus, while
Loguire lives, Catharine may stand. But when Loguire dies, Catharine falls; for
Loguire's heir hates the Queen.' 'Heir?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Loguire has a son?' 'Two,'
said Tuan with a tight smile. 'The younger is a fool, who loves his best enemy;
and the elder is a hothead, who loves Durer's flattery. Thus, what Durer will
say, Anselm Loguire will do.' Rod
raised his mug. 'Let us wish the Loguire long life.' 'Aye,'
said Tuan, fervently. 'For Anselm hath an ancient grievance against the Queen.' Rod
frowned. 'What grievance?' 'I know
not.' Tuan's face sagged till he looked like a bloodhound with sinus trouble.
'I know not.' Rod sat
back, resting one hand on the hilt of his sword. 'So he and Durer both want the
Queen's downfall. And the other nobles'll follow their lead - if old Loguire
dies. So much for one leg of the throne. What's the other one?' 'Secundus,'
said Tuan, with a Cub Scout salute, 'the people: peasants,
tradesmen, and merchants. They love her for this newfound easing of their
sorrows; but they fear her for her witches.' 'Ah.
Yes. Her. . . witches.' Rod scowled, managing to look sharp-eyed and competent
while his brain reeled. Witches as a political element?! 'For
ages,' said Tuan, 'the witches have been put to the torture till they forswore
the Devil, or have undergone the trial of water or, failing all else, been
burned at the stake.' For a
moment, Rod felt a stab of compassion for generations of espers. 'But
the Queen harbors them now; and it is rumored by some that she is herself a
witch.' Rod
managed to shake off his mental fog long enough to croak,
'I take it this doesn't exactly inspire the people with unflagging zeal for the
Queen and her cause.' Tuan
bit his lip. 'Let us say that they are unsure...' 'Scared
as hell,' Rod translated. 'But I notice you didn't include the beggars as part
of the people.' Tuan
shook his head. 'Nay, they are apart, frowned and spat upon by all. Yet of this
flawed timber, I hope to carve a third leg for the Queen's throne~' Rod
digested the words, studying Tuan's face. He sat
back in his chair, lifted his mug. 'You just may have what the Queen needs,
there.' He drank. Lowering the mug, he said, 'I suppose the councillors are
doing everything they can to deepen the people's tear?' Tuan
shook his head, brow wrinkled in puzzlement. 'Nay. they do nothing of the sort.
Almost, one would think, they do not know the people live.' He frowned into his
mug, sloshing the wine about inside. 'Yet there is little need to tell the
people they must fear.' 'They
know it all too well already?' 'Aye,
for they have seen that all the Queen's witches cannot keep the banshee off her
roof.' Rod
frowned, puzzled. 'So let it wear a groove in the battlements if it wants to 1
It's not doing any harm, is it?' Tuan
looked up, surprised. 'Dost not know the meaning of the banshee, Rod
(3allowglass?' Rod's
stomach sank; nothing like displaying your ignorance of local legends when
you're trying to be inconspicuous 'When
the banshee appears on the roof,' said Tuan, 'someone in the house will die.
And each time the banshee has walked the battlements, Catharine hath escaped
death by a hair.' 'Oh?'
Rod's eyebrows lifted. 'Dagger? Falling tiles? Poison?' 'Poison.' Rod sat
back, rubbing his chin. 'Poison: the aristocrat's weapon; the poor can't afford
it. Who among the great lords hates Catharine that much?' 'Why,
none!' Tuan stared, appalled. 'Not one among them would stoop to poison, Rod
Gallowglass; 'twould be devoid of honor.' 'Honor
still counts for something here, eh?' Seeing the scandalized look on Tuan's
face, Rod hurried on. 'That lets out the noblemen; but someone on their side's
up to tricks. Wouldn't be the councillors, would it?' Understanding
and wary anger rose in Tuan's eyes. He sat back, nodding. 'But
what do they gain by her death?' Rod frowned. 'Unless one of them wants to
crown his lordling and be the King's Councillor. Tuan
nodded. 'Mayhap all wish that, friend Gallowglass.' Rod had
a sudden vision of Gramarye carved up into twelve petty kingdoms, constantly
warring against one another, each run by a warlord who was ruled by his
councillor. Japanese usurpation, the man behind the throne, and anarchy. Anarchy. There
was an outside force at work in Gramarye, agents with a higher technology and
sophisticated political philosophies at work. The great nobles were slowly
being divided, and the people were being set against the nobility, by means of
the House of Clovis. The twelve petty kingdoms would be broken down to warring
counties, and the counties to parishes, and so on until real anarchy prevailed. The
councillors were the outside force, carefully engineering a state of anarchy.
But why? Why
could wait for later. What mattered now was that skullduggery was afoot, and it
sat next to the Lord Loguire its name was Durer. And his
top-priority goal was Catharine's death. The
castle loomed up black against the sky as Rod rode back, but the drawbridge and
portcullis were a blaze of torchlight. Fess's hooves thudded hollow on the
drawbridge. A blob of shadow detached itself from the larger shadow of the
gate, a shadow that reached up to clamp a hand on Rod's shin. 'Hold,
Rod Gallowglass 1' Rod
looked down and smiled, nodding. 'Well met, Brom O'Berin.' 'Mayhap,'
said the dwarf, searching Rod's face. 'Thou must come before the Queen for this
night's work, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod was
still wondering how Brom could have known where he'd been as they came to the
Queen's audience chamber. Brom had a spy in the House of Clovis, of course; but
how could the word have gotten back to Brom so fast? The
door was massive, oak, iron-studded, and draped with velvet, the green and gold
of the Queen's house. Brom ran a practiced
eye over the two sentries, checking to see that all leather was polished and
all metal gleaming. Rod gave them a nod; their faces turned to wood. Was he
under suspicion of high treason? At
Brom's nod, one Guardsman struck the door backhanded, three slow heavy knocks,
then threw it wide. Rod followed Brom into the room. The door boomed shut
behind them. The
room was small but high-ceilinged, paneled in dark wood, lit only by four great
candles that stood on a velvet-draped table in the center of the room, and by a
small fire on the tiled hearth. A rich carpet covered the stone floor;
tapestries hung on the walls. A huge bookcase filled the wall at the far end of
the room. Two
heavy carved armchairs stood at either side of the fireplace; two more were
drawn up at the table. Catharine' sat in one of these, head bent over a large
old leather-bound book. Five or six more lay open on the table about her. Her
blonde hair fell unbound about her shoulders, contrasting with the dark russet
of her gown. She
lifted her head; her eyes met Rod's. 'Well come.' Her voice was a gentle,
slightly husky contralto, so different from the crisp soprano of the council
chamber that Rod wondered, for a moment, if it could be the same woman. But the
eyes were wary, arrogant. It was Catharine, all right. But the
heavy crown lay on the table beside her, and she seemed smaller, somehow. 'Hast
been to the House of Clovis?' she demanded. Her eyes read like a subpoena. Rod
showed his teeth in a mock-grin and inclined his head in a nod. ''Tis
even as you said, my Queen.' Brom's voice had a grim overtone. 'Though how you
knew-' '-is
not your affair, Brom O'Berin.' She threw the dwarf a glare; Brom smiled
gently, bowed his head. 'How?'
Rod snorted. 'Why, spies of course. A very excellent spy service, to get the
word back to her so fast.' 'Nay.'
Brom frowned, puzzled. 'Our spies are few enough, f or loyalty is rare in 'this
dark age; and we keep no spies at all at the House of Clovis.' 'No
spies,' Catharine agreed, 'and yet I know that thou hast had words with Twin of
the beggars this day.' Her
voice softened; her eyes were almost gentle as she looked at the dwarf. 'Brom' The
dwarf smiled, bowed his head, and turned to the door. He struck the wood with
the heel of his hand. The door swung open; Brom turned with one foot on the
threshold, and a malevolent glare stabbed at Rod from under the bushy eyebrows;
then the door slammed behind him. Catharine
rose, glided to the fireplace. She stood stating at the flames, hands clasped
at her waist. Her shoulders sagged; and for a moment, she looked so small and
forlorn - and so beautiful, with the firelight streaming up like a mist about
her face and shoulders - that Rod's throat tightened in an old, familiar way. Then
her shoulders straightened, and her head snapped around toward him. 'You are
not what you seem, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
stared. Catharine's
hand strayed to her neck, playing with a locket at her throat. Rod
cleared his throat, a trifle nervously. 'Here I am, just a simple blank-shield
soldier, just carrying Out my orders and taking my pay, and 'three times in
thirty hours I get accused of being something mysterious.' 'Then I
must needs think that it is true.' Catharine's mouth twisted in a mocking
smile. She sat
in one of the great oaken chairs, grasping the arms tightly, and studied Rod
for a few moments. 'What
are you, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
spread his arms in a shrug, trying to look the picture of offended innocence.
'A blank shield, my Queen! A soldier of fortune, no more!' '"No
more," ' Catharine mimicked, malice in her eyes. 'What is your profession,
Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
scowled, beginning to feel like the rodent half of a game of cat-and-mouse. 'A
soldier, my Queen.' 'That
is your avocation,' she said, 'your pleasure and your game. Tell me now your
profession.' The
woman was A) uncanny; and B) a bitch, Rod decided. Trouble was, she was a
beautiful bitch, and Rod had a weakness. His
brain raced; he discarded several lies and chose the most obvious and least
plausible. 'My
profession is the preserving of your Majesty's life.' 'Indeed!'
Catharine mocked him with her eyes. 'And who hath trained you to that
profession? Who is so loyal to me that he would send you?' Suddenly,
Rod saw through the mocking and the belligerence. It was all a mask, a shield;
behind it lay a very frightened, very lonely little girl, one who wanted
someone to trust, craved someone to trust. But there had been too many
betrayals; she couldn't let herself trust any more. He
looked into her eyes, giving her his gentlest, most sincere gaze, and said in-
his best couch-side manner, 'I call no man master, my Queen. It is myself who
has sent me, out of love for Catharine the Queen and loyalty to the nation of
Gramarye.' Something
desperate flickered in her eyes; her hands clutched at the chair arms. 'Love,'
she murmured. Then
the mockery was back in her eyes. 'Yes, love - for Catharine the Queen.' She
looked away, into the fire. 'Be that as it may. But I think you are in most
comely truth a friend - though why I believe that, I cannot say.' 'Oh,
you may be sure that I am!' Rod smiled. 'You knew that I was at the House of
Clovis, though you couldn't say how, and you were right about that.' 'Be
still!' she snapped. Then slowly her eyes lifted to his. 'And what affairs took
you to the House Of Clovis this night?' Was she
a mind reader, maybe? Rod
scratched along his jaw; the bone-conduction microphone would pick up the
sound. . 'There's
some confusion Fesstering in my mind,' he said. 'How did you know I was at the
House of Clovis?' 'Here,
Rod,' a voice murmured behind his ear. Catharine
gave him a look that fairly dripped with contempt. 'Why, I knew you spoke with
Tuan Loguire. Then where could you be but the House of Clovis?' Very
neat - only how had she known he was with Tuan... Loguire? Loguire! Rod
stared. 'Excuse me, but-uh-did you say Tuan Loguire?' Catharine
frowned. 'I
thought his name was, uh - McReady.' Catharine
almost laughed. 'Oh, nay! He is the second son of Milord Loguire! Did you not
know?' Second
son! Then Tuan was himself the man he had been condemning for a fool! And his
big brother was the man who had 'an ancient grievance 'gainst the Queen,' and
was a major threat to the throne. 'No,'
said Rod, 'I did not know.' Fess's
voice murmured, 'Data indicate existence of excellent intelligence system.' Rod
groaned mentally. Robots were a great help! He
pursed his tips, staring at Catharine. 'You say you have no spies in the House
of Clovis,' he said, 'and if I assume that you speak the truth, then that
means...' He left
the sentence hanging; Fess would fill in the blank. There
was a moment of silence; then a loud hum behind Rod's ear, ended in a sharp
click. Rod
cursed mentally. If Catharine had ho spies, she logically couldn't have known
what she did know. He'd given Fess another paradox, and the robot's circuits
had overloaded. Epileptic robots could be very inconvenient. Catharine
glared at him. 'Of a certainty, I speak truth!' 'Oh, I
never doubted!' Rod held up a hand. 'But you are a ruler, and you were reared
to it; one -of the first lessons you must have learned was lying with a
straight face.' Catharine's
face froze; then, slowly, she bent her head, looking down at her hands. When
she looked up, her face was drawn; the mask had been stripped away, and her
eyes were haunted. 'Once again, my knowledge was true,' she murmured. 'You know
more than soldiering, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
nodded heavily. He'd made another slip; blank-shield soldiers don't know
politics. 'Then
tell me,' she murmured, 'how you came to the House of Clovis, this night.' 'My
Queen,' Rod said gravely, 'one man was set upon by three, in an alley. I helped
him out; he took me to the House of Clovis to tell me his thanks with a glass
of wine. That is how I came to meet Tuan Loguire.' Her
brows drew together in an anxious little frown. 'If I might but credit your
words with truth,' she murmured. She
rose and went to the fireplace. All at once, her shoulders slumped, her head
bowed forward. 'I shall need all my friends in this hour that comes upon us,'
she murmured, voice husky, 'and I think thou art the truest of my friends,
though I cannot say why.' She
raised her head to look at him, and he saw with a shock that her eyes swam with
tears. 'There are still some to guard me,' she said, her voice so low he could
scarcely hear; but her eyes shone through the tears, and an invisible band
tightened around Rod's chest. His throat tightened, too; his eyes were burning. She
turned away, biting her clenched fist. After a moment, she spoke again, her
voice trembling. 'The time shall come soon when each of the Great Lords shall
declare himself for or against me; and I think they will be few who ride to my
standard.' She
turned, came toward him again, eyes alight and a shy, trembling smile on her
lips. Rod rose to meet her, staring, fascinated, heart pounding in his ears. She
stopped just before him, one hand touching the locket at her throat again, and
whispered, 'Will you stand by my side in that day, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
nodded awkwardly and garbled out something affirmative. At that particular
moment, his answer would probably have been the same if she'd requested his
soul. Then,
suddenly, she was in his arms, lithe and squirming, and her tips were moist and
full on his own. Some
timeless while later, she lowered her head and moved reluctantly away, holding
to his arms as if to steady herself. 'Nay, but I am a weak woman," she
murmured, exultant. 'Go now, Rod Gallowglass, with the thanks of a queen.' She
said something else, but Rod didn't quite follow it; and, somehow, he was on
the other side of the door, walking down a wide, cold, torchlit corridor. He
stopped, shook himself, made a brave try at collecting his wits, and went on
down the hail with a step that was none too firm. Whatever
else you might think of her political abilities, the gal sure knew how to bind
a man to her service.... He
stumbled and caught himself; his stumbling block shoved a hand against his hip
to steady him. 'Nay,
mind thy great feet,' grumbled Brom O'Berin, 'ere thou trip headlong and foul
the paving.' The
dwarf studied Rod's eyes anxiously; he found whatever he was looking for
someplace between iris and cornea, and nodded, satisfied. He
reached up to grab Rod's sleeve and turned away, guiding him down the hail. 'What
had you from Catharine, Rod Gallowglass?' 'Had
from her?' Rod frowned, eyes unfocused. 'Well, she took my pledge of
loyalty...' Ah!'
Brom nodded, as though in commiseration. 'What more could you ask, Rod
Gallowglass?' Rod
gave his head a quick shake, eyes opening wide. What the hell more could he
ask, anyway? What in heaven's name had he expected? And what, in the seventh
smile of Cerebus, was he getting moon-eyed for? His jaw
tightened, sullen anger rising in him. This bitch was nothing to him - just a
pawn in the Great Game, a tool that might be used to establish a democracy. And
what the hell was he getting angry about? He had no right to that, either. Hell!
He needed a little objective analysis! 'Fess!' He meant it as a mutter, but it
came out as a shout. Brom O'Berin scowled up at him. 'What is a fess?' 'An
unreliable gear train with a slipped cam,' Rod improvised. Where the hell was
that damn robot, anyway~? Then he
remembered. Fess had had a seizure. But
Brom bad stopped, and was studying Rod's face with his ultra-suspicious look.
'What are these words, Rod Gallowglass? What is a gear train? And what is a
cam?' Rod
pressed his lips together and mentally recited the books of the Bible. Careful,
boy, care full You're at the brink! You'll blow the whole bit! He met
Brom's eyes. 'A gear train is the pack mule a knight uses to carry his armor
and weapons,' he growled, 'and a cam is a half-witted squire.' Brom
scowled, puzzled. 'Half-witted?' 'Well,
some kind of an eccentric. In my case, it all adds up to a horse.' 'A
horse?' Brom stared, completely at sea. 'Yea.
My horse, Fess. The sum and total of my worldly goods and supporting personnel.
Also the only soul - well, consciousness, anyway - that I can tell my troubles
to.' Brom
caught at the last phrase and held to it with all the vigor of a drowning man.
His eyes softened; he smiled gently. 'You are of us now, Rod Gallowglass, of we
few who stand by the Queen.' Rod saw
the sympathy in Brom's eyes and wondered what bound the deformed little man to
Catharine's service - and suddenly
hated Catharine again for being the kind of bitch that enjoyed using men. He set
off down the hall, striding long. Brom marched double-time to keep up with him. 'Unless
I miss in my judgment of a man,' Rod growled through his teeth, 'the Queen has
another friend in the House of Clovis; yet she calls him her enemy. Why is
that, Brom? Is it just because he's the son of her enemy the Duke of Loguire?' Brom
stopped him with a hand on his hip and looked up into Rod's eyes with a
half-smile. 'Not enemy, Rod Gallowglass, but one that she loves well: her
uncle, blood-kin, who gave her sanctuary and cared for her five years while her
father tamed the rebel Northern lordlings.' Rod
raised his head slowly, keeping his eyes on Brom O'Berin's. 'She chooses
strange ways to show her love.' Brom
nodded. 'Aye, most truly strange, yet doubt not she loves them, both the Duke and
his son Tuan.' He held
Rod's eyes a moment, not speaking. He
turned away, pacing slowly down the hail. Rod watched him a moment, then
followed. 'It is
a long tale, and a snarled one,' Brom murmured as Rod caught up with him. 'And
the end and beginning and core of it is Tuan Loguire.' 'The
beggar king?' 'Aye.'
Brom nodded heavily 'The lord of the louse of Clovis.' 'And
one who loves the Queen.' 'Oh,
aye!' Brom threw his head back, rolling his eyes upward. 'One who loves her
right well, be certain; he will tell you as much!' 'But
you don't believe him?' Brom
locked his hands behind his back and stamped as he walked, head bowed. 'He is
either truthful, Rod Gallowglass, or a most excellent liar; and if he lies, he
has learned the way of it right quick. He was trained only in truth, in the
house of his father. Yet he is lord of the House of Clovis, of they who claim
the ruler should be chosen as the ancient King Clovis was, or as they say he
was - by the acclamation of those whom he rules.' 'Well,
they've warped history a little bit there,' Rod muttered. 'But 1 take it their
plan calls for pulling Catharine off her throne?' 'Aye;
and how can I then believe him when he says that he loves her?' Brom shook his
head sadly. 'He is a most worthy young man, high-minded and honest; and a
troubador who will sing
you the beauties of milady's eyetooth as quick as he will twist the sword from
your hands with his rapier. He was always a gentleman withal, and in him was
nothing of deception.' 'Sounds
like you knew him pretty well.' 'Oh,
aye! I did, most surely I did! But do I know him now?' Brom heaved a sigh,
shaking his head. 'They met when she was but seven years of age, and he but
eight, at the keep of Milord Loguire in the South, where her father had sent
her for safety. There two children met and frolicked and played - under my eye,
for I was ever a-watch over them. They were the only two of their age in the
whole of the castle, and' - he smiled, and gave a bitter laugh - 'I was a
miracle, a grown man who was smaller than they.' Brom
smiled, throwing his head back, looking past the stones of the hail into the
years that were dead. 'They were so innocent then, Rod• Gallowglass! So
innocent, aye, and so happy! And he worshipped her; he would pluck the flowers
for her crown, though the gardener scolded him. Did the sun chasten her? He
would put up a canopy of leaves! Had she broken milady's crystal goblet? He
would claim the fault for his own!' 'Spoiled
her rotten,' Rod muttered. 'Aye;
but he was not the first to play Tom Fool for her; for even then, she was a
most beautiful princess, Rod Gallowglass. 'Yet
over their happiness stood a dark, brooding shadow, a lad of fourteen, heir to
the keep and estates, Anselm Loguire. He would look down from the tower, watch
them at play in their garden, his face twisted and knotted all sour; and he
alone in the land bated Catharine Plantagenet - why, no man can say.' 'And he
still hates her?' 'Aye;
and let us therefore wish my lord of Loguire long life. 'For near to five years
Anselm's hatred did fester; but then at long last he did stand triumphant. For
the lords of the North were subdued, and her father called for her to be
brought again to his side, here in his castle. And then did they vow, Tuan and
Catharine, she at eleven and he twelve, that they would never forget, that she
would wait till he came for her.' Brom
shook his great shaggy head sadly. 'He came for her. He came for her, a lad of
nineteen, a golden prince riding out of the South on a great white charger - broad-shouldered,
golden-haired and handsome, with muscles that would thicken any woman's tongue
and make it cleave to her palate. A troubador, with a harp on his back and a
sword by his side, and a
thousand extravagant praises for her beauty. And his laugh was as clear, his
heart as open, and his temper as frolicsome as when he was twelve.' He
smiled up at Rod. 'She was eighteen, Rod Gallowglass, and her life had been as
still and smooth as a summer stream. Eighteen, and ripe for a husband, and her
head filled with the giddy gossamer dreams that a girl learns from ballads and
books.' He
peered sharply, but his voice was gentle, echoing strangely in the emptiness of
his years. 'Was there never a dream of a princess for you, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
glared at him and swallowed, hard. 'Go on,' he said. Brom
turned away, shrugging. 'What need to say it? She loved him, of course; what
woman would not? He knew not what a woman was for, and I'll swear it, and
neither did she; but it may be that together, they learned, you may be sure
that they had golden chances.' He
shook his head, scowling. 'If 'twas so, 'twas the crown of the last days of her
youth; for it was that spring that her father died, and the scepter was set in
her hands.' He fell
still, measuring the hall with his stride, and was silent so long that Rod felt
the need to say something. 'Here
is no matter for hating, Brom O'Berin.' 'Oh,
aye! But bear the end of the tale, for only when the crown was on her head did
Catharine come to see that Tuan was a second son; that he thus inherited his
family's honor, but no more. She swore then that he loved her not, that he
coveted only her throne. She would not have him; but in wrath and scorn she
sent him away - without due cause, it seemed, though only they two could know
the truth of that. She banished him to the Wild Lands with a price on his head,
to dwell midst the beast-men and elves, or to die.' He fell
silent again. Rod
prodded him. 'And Milord Loguire rose up in wrath?' 'Aye,'
grated Brom, 'and all his liegemen with him, and half the nobles of the kingdom
besides. If Tuan failed in his courting, wrath and scorn were his due, quoth
Loguire; but banishment comes only for treason. '"And
was it not treason," Catharine answered hotly. "to conspire for the
crown?" 'Then
Loguire stood tall in cold pride and declared that Tuan had sought only the
love of Catharine; but his words rang hollow,
for he whom the Queen marries must reign; and this Catharine told him. 'Then
did Loguire speak in sorrow, that his son was no traitor but only a fool, a
fool to be courting a silly, spoiled child; and then would Catharine have cried
"Treason!" again, had I not prevented her.' 'And
yet you say she loves them, Loguire and Tuan?' 'Aye;
why else such harshness?' Brom
lapsed into silence again. Rod cleared his throat and said, 'Tuan doesn't seem
to have stayed banished too well....' 'Aye.'
Brom's mouth drew back at the corners. 'The fool would be near her, he swore,
though his head should be forfeit. But with a price on his life, he must live
like a murderer or thief.' Rod
smiled sourly. 'And, somewhere, he got hold of the idea that the beggars would
cause less trouble if someone took care of them.' Brom
nodded. 'And thus the beggars became somewhat a power, but Tuan swears he will
throw all his forces to guard the Queen's back. He professes that he still doth
love her; that he will love her though she hew off his head.' 'And
she, of course,' Rod mused, 'claims there isn't a reason in the world why he
shouldn't hate her.' 'And in
that she is right; yet I think Tuan loves her.' They had come to the guard room
door; Rod put a hand on the latch and smiled down at Brom O'Berin, smiled and
shook his head sadly. 'Brainless,' he said. 'The pair of them.' 'And
most tender loving enemies they are,' Brom smiled, with a touch of
exasperation. 'And here is your lodging, good night.' Brom
turned on his heel and stalked off. Rod
looked after him, shaking his head and cursing himself silently. 'Fool that I
am,' he murmured; 'I thought he stood by her because he was in love with her.
Oh, well, Fess makes mistakes too....' The
great candle in the barracks was burned down to a stub. Time in Gramarye was
kept by huge candles banded in red and white, six rings of red and six white.
One candle was lit at dawn, the other twelve hours later. According
to this candle, it was 3 a.m. Rod's eyelids suddenly felt very heavy. They
seemed downright leaden when he remembered that an hour on Gramarye was roughly
equal to an hour and twenty minutes Galactic Standard. He
staggered toward his bunk and tripped. The object underfoot gave a muffled
grunt; Rod had forgotten that Big Tom would be sleeping at the foot of the bed,
on the floor. The big
man sat up, yawning and scratching. He looked up and saw Rod. 'Oh, gode'en,
master! What's the time?' 'Ninth
hour of the night,' Rod said softly. 'Go back to sleep, Big Tom. I didn't mean
to wake you.' ''S
what I'm here for, master.' He shook his head to clear it of sleep. Which
was somewhat strange, Rod suddenly realized, since the man's eyes had been wide
awake. A synapse flicked in Rod's brain, and he was wide awake and wary, once
again the subversive agent. So, to
keep from arousing Big Tom's suspicions, he tried to appear even more sleepy
than he had been. 'It was
a great night, Big Tom,' he mumbled, and fell face forward into his bunk. He
hoped Big Tom would leave matters as they were and go back to sleep; but he
heard a deep, warm chuckle from the foot of the bed, and Big Tom started
pulling off Rod's boots. 'A bit
of folly in you, hadn't you, master?' he muttered. 'Aye, and a wench or two
under your belt, I'll warrant.' 'Wake
me at the lighting of the candle,' Rod mumbled into his pillow. 'I'm to wait on
the Queen at breakfast.' 'Aye,
master.' Big Tom worried loose the other boot and lay down, chuckling. Rod
waited till Tom began to snore again, then propped himself up on his elbows and
looked back over his shoulder. Generally, the big oaf seemed thoroughly loyal
and superbly stupid; but there were times when Rod wondered... He let
his head slump down onto the pillow, closed his eyes, and willed himself to
sleep. Unfortunately,
the mind-over-matter bit wasn't working tonight. All his senses seemed boosted
past maximum. He would've sworn he could feel every thread in the pillow under
his cheek, could hear the mouse gnawing at the baseboard, the frog croaking in
the moat, the festive laughter wafted on the breeze. His
eyelids snapped open. Festive laughter? He
rolled out of bed and went to the high silt window. Who the hell was partying
at this hour of the night? The
moon stood behind the castellated north tower; silhouettes flitted across its
face, youthful figures in a three-dimensional dance; and some of them seemed to
be riding on broomsticks. Witches.
In the north tower... Rod
climbed the worn stone steps of the tower, toiling up the spiral. The granite
walls seemed to crowd closer and closer the higher he went. He reminded himself
that, having been declared a warlock by the elves - unreasonable little
bastards I - he quail-fled for membership in this group. But his
stomach didn't get the message; it was still suing for a Dramamine. His mouth
was bone-dry. Sure, the elves approved of him; but had they gotten the word to
the witches? All the
old tales of his childhood came flooding back, liberally interspersed with
chunks of the witch scenes from Macbeth. Now that he stopped to think about it,
he couldn't remember one single instance of a philanthropic witch, except
Glinda the Good, and you couldn't really call her a witch. One
thing in his favor: these witches seemed happy enough. The music floating down
the stairwell was an old Irish jig, and it was salted with laughter, buoyant
and youthful. The
wall glowed with torchlight ahead of him. He turned the last curve of the
spiral and came into the great tower room. A
round, or rather globular, dance was in progress, a sort of three-dimensional
hora. Through the clouds of torch-smoke he could make out couples dancing on
the wails, the ceiling, in mid-air, and occasionally on the floor. Here and
there were knots of chattering, giggling people. Their clothes were bright to
the point Of - well, hell, they were downright gaudy. Most of them held mugs,
filled from a great cask near the stairwell. They
were all young, teenagers. He couldn't spot a single face that looked old
enough to vote. He
paused on the threshold, possessed of a distinct feeling that he didn't belong.
He felt like the chaperon at a high school prom - a necessary evil. The
youngster tapping the keg saw Rod and grinned. 'Hail!' he cried. 'You are
laggard in coming.' A full tankard slapped into Rod's hand. 'I
didn't know I was coming,' Rod muttered. 'Be
assured that we did.' The youth grinned. 'Molly foresaw it; but she said you
would be here half an hour agone.' 'Sorry.'
Rod's eyes were a trifle glazed. 'Ran into a couple of delays ... 'Eh,
think naught of it. 'Twas her miscalling, not yours; the wine, no doubt. Yet we
have expected you since you set foot in the castle; the elves told us last
night you were a warlock.' Rod's
mind snapped clear. 'Baloney! I'm no more a warlock than you. . - I mean... 'Oh,
thou art a warlock.' The boy nodded sagely. 'A warlock, and a most puissant
one. Did you not come in a falling star?' 'That's
science, not magic! And I'm not a warlock!' The youth smiled roguishly.
'Knowing or not, thou'rt most surely a warlock.' He saluted Rod with the mug.
'And therefore one of us.' 'Uh ...
well, thanks.' Rod returned the salute and took a draft from the mug. It was
mulled wine, hot and spicy. He
looked around the room, trying to grow accustomed to the constant clamor and
the flagrant violations of Newton's Laws. His
eyes lit on a couple seated under one of the windows, deep in conversation,
which is to say, she was talking and he was listening. She was a looker, fairly
bursting her bodice; he was thin and intent, eyes burning as he watched her. Rod
smiled cynically and wondered about the boy's motives for such steadfast
devotion. The
girl gasped and spun around to glare outraged at Rod. Rod's mouth sagged open.
Then he began to stammer an apology; but before it reached his lips, the girl
smiled, mollified, bowed her head graciously at him, and turned back to her
one-man audience. Rod's
mouth sagged again. Then he reached out, groping for the tapster's arm, his
eyes fixed on the girl. The boy
threw an arm around his shoulders, his voice worried. 'What troubles thee,
friend?' 'That -
that girl,' Rod stammered. 'Can she read my mind?' 'Oh,
aye! We all can, somewhat; though she is better than most.' Rod put
a hand to his head to stop it from spinning. Tele paths. A whole room full of
them. There were supposed to be about ten proven telepaths in the whole of the
known galaxy. He
looked up again. It was a mutation, or genetic drift, or something. He drew
himself up and cleared his throat. 'Say, pal... uh, what's your name, anyway?' 'Ay de
mi!' The boy struck his forehead with the heel of his hand. 'A pox upon my
lacking courtesy. I am Tobias, Master Gallowglass; and thou must needs meet us
all.' He
whirled Rod away toward the nearest group. 'But -
but I just wanted to ask-' 'This
is Nell, this is Andreyev, this Brian, this Dorothy...' A half hour and
fifty-three introductions later, Rod collapsed on a wooden bench. He swung his
tankard up and swallowed the dregs. 'Now,' he said, slamming it down on his
knee, 'we're both drained.' 'Ah,
let me fetch you another!' Toby snatched the mug from his hands and flew away. Literally. Rod
watched him drift across the room, ten feet off the floor, and shook his head.
He was beyond astonishment now. It
seemed what he had on his hands was a budding colony of espers - levitative,
precognitive, and telepathic. But if
they could all teleport, how come the girls all rode broomsticks? Toby
appeared at Rod's elbow, with a slight pool! of displaced air. Rod goggled at
him, then accepted the refilled mug. 'Uh, thanks. Say, you can, uh, levitate
and teleport?' 'Pardon?'
Toby frowned, not understanding. 'You
can uh - fly? And, uh - wish yourself from one place to another?' 'Oh,
aye!' Toby grinned. 'We all can do that.' 'What?
Fly?' 'Nay;
we all can wish ourselves to places that we know. All the boys can fly; the
girls cannot.' Sex-linked
gene, Rod thought. Aloud, he said, 'That's why they ride broomsticks?' 'Aye.
Theirs is the power to make lifeless objects do their bidding. We males
cannot.' Aha!
Another linkage. Telekinesis went with the Y-chromosomes, levitation with the
X. But
they could all teleport. And read minds. A
priceless colony of espers. And, if their lives were anything like those of the
rare telepaths outside this planet . . 'And
the common people hate you for this?' Toby's
young face sobered to the point of gloom. 'Aye, and the nobles too. They say we
are leagued with the Devil. 'Twas the trial by water, or a most thorough
roasting for us, till our good Queen Catharine came to reign.' Turning away, he
shouted, 'Ho, Bridgett!' A young
girl, thirteen at the most, spun away from her dance partner and appeared at
Toby's side. Friend
Gallowglass would know how the people do like us,' Toby informed her. All the
joy went out of the child's face; her eyes went wide and round; she caught her
lower lip between her teeth. She
unbuttoned the back of her blouse from neck to bodice and turned away. Her back
was a crisscross of scars, a webbing of welts - the sign of the
cat-o'-nine-tails. She
turned back to Rod as Toby buttoned her blouse again, her eyes still round and
tragic. 'That,' she whispered, 'for naught but suspicion; and I but a child of
ten years at the time.' Rod's
stomach tried to turn itself inside out and climb out through his esophagus. He
reprimanded it sternly, and it sank back to its ordinary place in the
alimentary tract. Bile soured the back of Rod's tongue. Bridgett
spun and disappeared; a nano-second later she was back with her partner, giddy
and exuberant again. Rod
frowned after her, brooding. 'So you
may see,' said Toby, 'that we are most truly grateful to our good Queen.' 'She
did away with the fire and/or water bit?' 'Oh,
she revoked the law; but the witch-burnings went on, in secret, There was only
one way to protect us, and that she chose: to give sanctuary to any of us who
would come here and claim it.' Rod
nodded, slowly. 'She's not without wisdom, after all.' His
eyes wandered back to Bridgett where she danced on the ceiling. 'What
troubles you, friend Gallowglass?' 'She
doesn't hate them,' Rod growled. 'She has every reason in the world to hate the
normal folk, but she doesn't.' Toby
shook his head, smiling warmly. 'Not she, nor any of us. All who come to
shelter in the Queen's Coven swear first to live by Christ's Law.' Slowly,
Rod turned to look at him. 'I see,' he said after a moment. 'A coven of white
witches.' Toby nodded. Are all
the witches of Gramarye white?' 'Shame
to say it, they are not. Some there are who, embittered through greater
suffering than ours - the loss of an ear or an eye, or a loved one, or all -
have hidden themselves away in the Wild Lands of the mountains, and there
pursue their vengeance on all mankind.' Rod's
mouth pulled back into a thin, grim line, turned down at the corners. 'They
number scarce more than a score,' Toby went on. 'There are three in the prime
of life; all the rest are withered crones and shrunken men.' 'The
fairy-tale witches,' Rod growled. 'Of a
truth, they are; and their works are noised about just sufficient to cover
report of any good works that we may deal.' 'So
there are two kinds of witches in Gramarye: the old and evil ones, up in the
mountains; and the young white ones in the Queen's castle.' Toby
shook his head and smiled, his eyes lighting once again. 'Nay, there are near
threescore white witches beside us, who would not trust to the Queen's promise
of sanctuary. They are thirty arid forty years aged, good folk all, but slow
indeed to be trusting.' Understanding
struck with all the power of Revelation. Rod leaned back, his mouth forming a
silent 0; then nodding rapidly, he leaned forward and said, 'That's why you're
all so young! Only the witches who still had some trust and recklessness left
in them took the Queen's invitation! So she got a flock of teenagers!' Toby
grinned from ear to ear, nodding quick with excitement. 'So the mature
witches,' Rod went on, 'are very good people, but they're also very cautious!' Toby
nodded. His face sobered a trifle. 'There are one or two among them who had
daring enough to come here. There was the wisest witch of all, from the South.
She grows old now. Why, she must be fair near to thirty!' That
line caught Rod right in the middle of a drink. He choked, swallowed, gagged,
coughed, wheezed, and wiped at his eyes. 'Is
aught wrong, friend Gallowglass?' Toby inquired with the kind of solicitousness
usually reserved for the octogenarian. 'Oh,
nothing,' Rod gasped. 'Just a little confusion between the esophagus and the
trachea. Have to expect a few quirks in us old folk, you know. Why didn't this
wise witch stay?' Toby
smiled, fairly oozing understanding and kindness. 'Ah, she said that we made
her feel too much her age, and went back to the South. If thou shouldst come to
trouble there, but call out her name, Gwendylon, and thou'lt right quick have
more help than thou needst.' 'I'll
remember that,' Rod promised, and immediately forgot as he had a sudden vision
of himself calling a woman for help. He almost went into another coughing fit,
but he didn't dare laugh; he remembered how sensitive he'd been in his teens. He took
another swig of the wine to wash down his laughter and pointed the mug at Toby.
'Just one more question, now: why is
the Queen protecting you?' Toby
stared. 'Didst thou not know?' 'Know I
didst not.' Rod smiled sweetly. 'Why,
she is herself a witch, good friend Gallowglass!' Rod's
face faded. 'Hmm.' He scratched the tip of his nose. 'I'd heard rumors to that
effect. They're true, eh?' 'Most
true. A witch unschooled, but a witch nonetheless.' Rod
raised an eyebrow. 'Unschooled?' 'Aye.
Our gifts need a stretching and exercising, a training and schooling, to come
to their full. Catharine is a witch born, but unschooled. She can hear
thoughts, but not at any time that she wishes, and not clearly.' 'in.
What else can she do?' 'Naught
that we know of. She can but hear thoughts.' 'So
she's sort of got a minimum union requirement.' Rod scratched in back of his
ear. 'Kind of handy talent for a Queen. She'd know everything that goes on in
her castle.' Toby
shook his head. 'Canst hear five speak all at once, friend Gallowglass? And
listen to them all the hours of the day? And still be able to speak what they
spoke?' Rod
frowned and rubbed his chin. 'Canst
repeat even one conversation?' Toby smiled indulgently and shook his head. 'Of
course thou canst not - and neither can our Queen.' 'She
could write them down. . . 'Aye;
but remember, she is unschooled; and it needs high training
of an excellent good gift to make words of thoughts.' 'Hold
on.' Rod's hand went up, palm out. 'You mean you don't hear thoughts as words?' 'Nay,
nay. An instant's thought suffices for a book of words, friend Gallowglass.
Must you needs put words to your thoughts in order to have them?' Rod
nodded. 'I see. Quantum thought mechanics.' 'Strange
. . .' murmured a voice. Looking up. Rod found himself the center of a
fair-sized group of young witches and warlocks who bad apparently drifted over
to get in on an interesting conversation. He
looked at the one who had spoken, a burly young warlock, and smiled with a
touch of sarcasm. 'What's strange?' He wondered what the kid's name was. The boy
grinned. 'Martin is my name.' He paused to chuckle at Rod's startled look; he
still hadn't gotten used to the mind-reading. 'And what is strange is that you,
a warlock, should not know the ins and outs of hearing thoughts.' 'Aye.'
Toby nodded. 'You are the only warlock we have known, friend Gallowglass, that
cannot hear thoughts.' 'Uh,
yes.' Rod ran a hand over the stubble on his cheek. 'Well, as I mentioned a
little earlier, I'm not really a warlock. You see...' He was
cut off by a unanimous burst of laughter. He sighed, and resigned himself to
his reputation. He
reverted to his former line of questioning. 'I take it some of you can hear-
thoughts as words.' 'Oh,
aye,' said Toby, wiping his eyes. 'We have one.' He turned to the ring of
listeners. 'Is Aldis here?' A
buxom, pretty sweet-sixteen elbowed her way through to the front rank. 'Who
shall I listen to for you, sir?' A spark
arced across a gap in Rod's mind. A malicious gleam came into his eyes. 'Durer.
The councillor to Milord Loguire.' Aldis
folded her bands in her lap, settled herself, sitting very straight. She stared
at Rod; her eyes lost focus. Then she began to speak in a high-pitched nasal
monotone. 'As you
will, milord. Yet I cannot help but wonder, are you truly loyal?' Her voice
dropped two octaves in pitch but kept the monotonous quality. 'Knave! Have you
the gall to insult me to me face?' 'Nay,
milord!' the high voice answered hurriedly. 'I do not insult you; I do but
question the wisdom o1 your actions.' Durer,
Rod thought. The high voice was Durer, practicing his vocation - the care and
manipulation of the Duke Loguire. 'Remember,
milord, she is but a child. Is it kindness to a child to let her have her
willful way? Or is it kindness to spank her when she needs it?' There
was a silence for a moment; then the deeper voice of the Lord Loguire answered,
'There is some measure of truth in what you say. Certain, there is ~something
of the wanton child in her taking up the power to appoint the priests.' 'Why,'
murmured the high voice, "tis an act against tradition, milord, and
against the wisdom of men far older than herself. 'Tis in bitter truth the act
of a rebellious child.' 'Mayhap,'
Loguire rumbled. 'Yet she is the Queen, and the Queen's Law shall be obeyed.' 'Even
should the Queen make evil laws, milord?' 'Her
actions are not evil, Durer.' The deep voice took on an ominous quality.
'Reckless, perhaps, and thoughtless, and ill-considered; for the good they
bring today may bring havoc down upon our heads tomorrow. Foolish laws,
perhaps; but evil, no.' The
high voice sighed. 'Mayhap, milord. Yet she threatens the honor of her
noblemen. Is that not evil?' 'Why,'
rumbled Loguire, 'how is this? She has been haughty, aye, taking to herself
greater airs than ever a Queen may own to, mayhap; but she has never yet done
aught that could be construed as insult.' 'Aye,
milord, not yet.' 'Why,
what do you mean?' 'The
day shall come, milord.' 'What
day is that, Durer?' 'When
she shall put the peasants before the noblemen, milord.' 'Have
done with your treasonous words!' Loguire roared. 'On your knees, slight man,
and thank your God that I leave you with your head!' Rod
stared at Aldis' face, still not recovered from the shock of hearing two
disembodied male voices coming from the mouth of a pretty girl. Slowly,
her eyes focused again. She let out a long breath and smiled up at him. 'Did
you hear, friend Gallowglass?' no Rod
nodded. She
spread her hands, shrugging. 'I cannot recall a word of what I said.' 'Don't
let it worry you, I remember it all.' Rod rubbed the stubble on his chin. 'You
were acting as a channel, a medium in the purest sense of the word.' He
threw his head back, drained his mug, and tossed it to one of the young
warlocks. The youth caught the tankard, disappeared, and reappeared. He handed
the tankard, brimming full, to Rod, who shook his head in mock despair. He
leaped back and sipped at the wine, looking up at the young faces around him,
smiling and fairly glowing with the knowledge of their power. 'Have
you ever done this before?' he asked, with a wave of the mug that took them all
in. 'Listened to skull sessions like that one, I mean.' 'Only
of the Queen's enemies,' Aldis answered with a toss of her head. 'We often
listen to Durer.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Learn anything?' Aldis
nodded. 'He is much concerned with the peasants of late.' Rod was
very still for a moment. Then he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. 'What's
his interest in the peasants?' Toby
grinned knowingly. 'Hark now to his latest exploit! He hath brooded trouble
'twixt two serfs on the Queen's own estate. A young peasant wished to marry an
old farmer's daughter, and the old man said nay. And the youth would've thrown
up his hands in despair and let himself waste away with a broken heart.' 'But
Durer stepped in. 'Aye.
He was after the young one night and day; for knowledge of the boy's suit
spread throughout all the villages, and saw to it that the rumor was told with
one question appended: Could the youth be a man who would let a doddard idiot
rob him of the girl he loved?' Rod
nodded. 'And the other peasants started throwing that up to the kid.' 'Most
certainly. Taunts and jeers and mocking - and the lad stole the girl away by
night and got her with child.' Rod
pursed his lips. 'I imagine Papa was a trifle perturbed.' Toby
nodded. 'He hauled the boy before the village priest and demanded the lad be
hanged for a rapist.' 'And
the priest said . . .7' 'That
it was love, not rape, and the fitting punishment was marriage, not hanging.' Rod
grinned. 'Bet the two kids were real sad about that.' 'Their
grief was so great it set them to dancing.' Toby chuckled. 'And the old man
gave a heavy sigh, and would have judged it the wisdom of God, and blessed
them.' 'And
Durer stepped in again.' 'Most
certainly. He was up before the Queen, when she was at table before all her
lords and ladies, crying that the Queen must prove the justice of her new order
by declaring herself what was just in this case; for were these not peasants on
the Queen's own estates?' Rod
grinned and slapped his thigh. 'She must have been ready to spit in his eye!' 'Oh.
you know not the Queen!' Toby rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling. 'She would
most cheerfully have slipped a knife 'twixt his ribs. But the challenge must
needs be answered; she must needs hear the case herself, when next she held
General Court.' 'General
Court?' Rod scowled. 'What the hell is that?' 'One
hour each month the Queen opens her court to all in her realm who wish her ear;
and peasants, nobility, and clergy come to her Great Hall. Mostly the great
lords but look on while the petty nobility and peasantry bring forth their
grievances. And with the great ones watching, you may be sure the grievances
brought up are petty indeed.' 'Like
this case.' Rod nodded. 'When's this next General Court?' 'Tomorrow,'
said Toby, 'and I think the great lords shall have their tame clergy and
peasantry protest the Queen's new judges and priests. The lords shall lodge
their protest first, of course; and the other, more common folk shall be
echoing them.' Rod
nodded. 'Put the whole matter on public record. But what does Durer hope to
gain by bringing in this seduction case?' Toby
shrugged. 'That, only Durer may know.' Rod
leaned back, frowning, and pulled at his mug. He studied the young faces around
him and scratched at the base of his skull. 'Sounds to me like this is
information the Queen would like to have. Why don't you tell her?' The
faces sobered. Toby bit his lip and looked down at the floor. Rod
scowled. 'Why don't you tell her, Toby?' 'We
have tried, friend Gallowglass!' The boy looked up at Rod in mute appeal. 'We
have tried; yet she would not hear us!' Rod's
face turned to wood. 'How's that again?' Toby
spread his hands in helplessness. 'The page we sent to her returned to tell us
that we should be thankful for the protection she accorded us, and not be so
ingracious and insolent as to seek to meddle in her governing.' Rod
jerked his head in tight, quick nods, mouth drawn back in grim agreement.
'Yeah, that sounds like Catharine.' 'Mayhap,'
one of the boys murmured thoughtfully, 'it is all to the best; for she bath
cares enough without warnings of doom from us.' Rod
grinned with humor. 'Yeah. Between the noblemen and the beggars, she's got more
than enough worries to keep her busy.' Toby
nodded, eyes wide and serious. 'Aye, she hath troubles sufficient, between the
councillors, the House of Clovis, and the banshee on her roof. She hath great
cause to be most afeard.' 'Yes.'
Rod's voice was tight, rasping. 'Yes, she bath good cause; and I think that she
is thoroughly afeard.' Big Tom
must have been a very light sleeper; he sat up on his pallet as Rod came
tiptoeing up to his bunk. 'Mt
well, master?' he whispered in a rasping voice that had about as much secrecy
as a bullfrog in rut. Rod
stopped and frowned down at his manservant 'Yes, very well. Why shouldn't I
be?' Big Tom
smiled sheepishly. 'Thou hast small use for sleep,' he muttered. 'I had thought
it might be a fever.' 'No.'
Rod smiled with relief, shaking his head. He pushed past Big Tom. 'It's not a
fever.' 'What
is it, then?' Rod
fell backward onto the bed, cupping his bands under his head. 'Did you ever
hear of a game called cricket, Tom?' 'Cricket?'
Tom scowled. ''us a chirping creature on the hearth, master.' 'Yeah,
but it's also the name of a game. The center of the game is a wicket, see, and
one team tries to knock down the wicket
by throwing a ball at it. The other team tries to protect the wicket by
knocking the ball away with a paddle.' 'Strange,'
Big Tom murmured, eyes wide with wonder. 'A most strange manner of game,
master.' 'Yes,'
Rod agreed, 'but it gets worse. The teams trade sides, you see, and the team
that was attacking the wicket before is defending it now.' He looked down over
his toes at Tom's round beehive face. 'Nay,'
the big man muttered, shaking his head in confusion. 'What is the point to it
all, master?' Rod
stretched, let his body snap back to relaxation. 'The point is that no matter
who wins, it's going to be hard on the wicket.' 'Aye!'
Big Tom nodded vigorously. 'Most certain true, master.' 'Now I
get the feeling that there's a colossal game of cricket going on around here;
only there's three teams in the game: the councillors, the beggars... 'The
House of Clovis,' Tom muttered. Rod's
eyebrows went up in surprise. 'Yes, the House of Clovis. And, of course, the
Queen.' 'Then
who,' asked Big Tom, 'is the wicket?' 'Me.'
Rod rolled over on his side, thumped the pillow with his fist, and lowered his
head onto it with a blissful sigh. 'And now I am going to sleep. Good night.' 'Master
Gallowglass,' piped a page's voice. Rod
closed his eyes and prayed for strength. 'Yes, page?' 'You
are called to wait upon the Queen at her breakfast, Master Gallowglass.' Rod
forced an eyelid open and peered out the window; the sky was rosy with dawn. He
squeezed his eyes shut and counted to ten, almost dozing off in the process. He
drew in a sigh that would have filled a bottomless pit, swung his legs over the
side of the bed, and sat up. 'Well, no rest for the wicked. What'd I do with my
damn uniform, Tom?' Rod had
to admit that Catharine Plantagenet had a good dramatic instinct and, moreover,
knew how to use it on her court. The guards were at their stations in the
dining hail before sunrise. The lords and ladies who were privileged - or, more
accurately, cursed - to share the Queen's dawn breakfast arrived right after
the cock's crow. Not till they were all assembled, and all
waiting some time eyeing the breakfast meats, did Catharine make her entrance. And she
definitely made an entrance, even at that hour. The doors of the hail were
thrown wide, revealing Catharine standing in a pool of torchlight. Six buglers
blew a fanfare, at which all the lords and ladies rose and Rod winced (pitch
was more or less a matter of taste in that culture). Then
Catharine stepped into the hail, head high and shoulders back. She paced a
quarter way around the wall to the great gilded chair at the head of the table.
The Duke of Loguire stepped forth and pulled the chair back. Catharine sat,
with the grace and lightness of a feather. Loguire sat at her right hand, and
the rest of the company followed suit. Catharine picked up her two-tined fork,
and the company fell to, while livened stewards invaded from the four corners
of the hall with great platters of bacon and sausage, pickled herring, white
rolls, and tureens of tea and soup. Each
platter was brought first to Brom O'Berin, where he sat at the Queen's left
hand. Brom took a sample of each platter, ate a morsel of it, and placed the
remainder on a plate before him. Then the huge platters were placed on the
table. By this time Brom, finding himself still alive, passed the filled plate
to Catharine. The
company fell to with gusto, and Rod's stomach reminded him that all that had
hit his digestive tract that night had been spiced wine. Catharine
picked daintily at her food with the original birdlike appetite. Rumor had it
that she ate just before the formal meal in the privacy of her apartments. Even
so, she was so thin that Rod found it in himself to doubt the rumor. The
stewards wove in and out with flagons of wine and huge meat pies. Rod was
stationed at the east door; he thus had a good view of Catharine, where she sat
at the north end of the table, Milord Loguire at her right hand, Durer, at
Loguire's right band, and the back of Brom O'Berin's head. Durer
leaned over and murmured something to his lord. Loguire waved a hand
impatiently and nodded. He tore the meat off a chop with one bite, chewed,
swallowed, and washed it down with a draft of wine. As he lowered the cup to
the table, he turned to Catharine and rumbled, 'Your Majesty, I am concerned.' Catharine
gave him the cold eye. 'We are all concerned, Milord Loguire. We must bear with
our cares as well as we may.~ Loguire's
lips pressed tight together, his mouth almost becoming lost between moustache
and beard. 'My care,' he said, 'is for your own person, and for the welfare of
your kingdom.' Catharine
turned back to her plate, cuffing a morsel of pork with great care. 'I must
hope that the welfare of my person would indeed affect the welfare of my
kingdom.' Loguire's
neck was growing red; but he pushed on obstinately. 'I am glad that your
Majesty sees that a threat to your welfare is a threat to this kingdom.' The
skin furrowed between Catharine's eyebrows; she frowned at Loguire. 'Indeed I
do.' 'Knowing
that the Queen's life is threatened, the people grow uneasy.~ Catharine
put down her fork and sat back in her chair. Her voice was mild, even sweet.
'Is my life, then, threatened, milord?' 'It
would seem so,' Loguire murmured carefully. 'For the banshee was upon your roof
again last night.' Rod's
ears pricked up. Catharine's
lips turned in, pressed between her teeth; her eyes closed. Silence fell around
the table. Brom O'Berin's voice rumbled into the sudden quiet. The banshee bath
often been seen upon her Majesty's battlements; yet still she lives.' 'Be
still!' Catharine snapped at him. Her shoulders straightened; she leaned
forward to take up her goblet. 'I do not wish to hear of the banshee.' She
drained the goblet, then held it out to the side. 'Steward, more wine!' Durer
was out of his seat and at the Queen's elbow in an instant. Plucking the goblet
from her hand, he turned to the steward who had come running up. He held the
goblet up while the steward filled it from his ewer and the court stared; such
courtesy to the Queen was, from Durer, somewhat unusual. He
swung back to the Queen, dropping to one knee and holding up the goblet.
Catharine stared, then slowly accepted it. 'I thank you, Durer; yet I must
confess that I had not expected such courtliness from you.~ Durer's
eyes glinted. He rose with a mocking smile and bowed very low. 'Drink deep in
health, my Queen.' But Rod
was a trifle less trusting than Catharine; moreover, he had
seen Durer pass his left hand over the goblet just before the steward poured. He left
his post and caught the goblet just as Catharine raised it to her lips. She stared
at him, face paling, rage rising in her eyes. 'I did not summon you, sirrah.' 'Your
Majesty's pardon.' Rod unclipped his dagger from his belt, shook the blade out
onto the table, and filled the conical sheath with wine. Thank Heaven he'd
taken the precaution of resetting Fess before he went on duty! He held
up the silver horn and said, 'I conFess, with apologies to your Majesty, that I
cannot analyze my actions; it is only that I fear for your Majesty's life.' But all
Catharine's anger had vanished in fascination at Rod's action. 'What,' she
said, pointing to the silver horn, 'is that?' 'Unicorn's
horn,' Rod answered, and looked up to see Durer's eyes, burning with rage at
him. 'Analysis
complete,' murmured the voice behind his ear. 'Substance poisonous to human
metabolism.' Rod
smiled grimly and pressed the knob at the apex of the horn with his little
finger. The
'unicorn's horn' turned purple. A gasp
of horror went up from the whole court; for they all knew the legend, that a
unicorn's horn will turn purple if poison is placed in it. Catharine
turned pale; she clenched her fists to conceal their trembling. Loguire's
hand balled into a huge fist; his eyes narrowed as he glared at Durer. 'Slight
man, if any part of this treachery was yours... 'Milord,
you saw.' Durer's voice crackled. 'I but held the cup.' But his
burning eyes were fixed on Rod's, seeming to suggest that Rod could save
himself a lot of trouble and agony if he would just drink the wine right there
and then. Rod was
assigned as one of the four guards who would ~ escort Catharine from her
apartments to the Great Hall for the ~ General Court. The four of them waited
outside her chambers till the door opened, and Brom O'Berin stepped out,
preceding the Queen. Two soldiers fell in before the Queen and behind Brom; Rod
and another Guardsman fell in behind her. They
moved down the corridor slowly, matching their pace to
Catharine's; and the Queen, draped in a heavy fur cloak and weighed down by the
great gold crown, moved very slowly. Somehow, she contrived to look stately
rather than clumsy. As they
drew near the Great Hall, a slight, emaciated, velvet-clad figure came
scurrying up - Durer. 'Your
pardon,' he said, bowing three times, 'but I must speak with your Majesty.' His
lips were pressed tight, anger in his eyes. Catharine
stopped and drew herself up to her haughtiest. Chip on her shoulder as large as
a two-by-jour, Rod thought. 'Speak, then,' she said, looking down her nose at
the cringing little man before her; 'but speak quickly, sirrah.' Durer's
eyes flared at the word of contempt; 'sirrah' was a term reserved for peasants. He
managed to keep his manner respectful, though. 'Your Majesty, I beg you to
brook no delay in hearing the Great Lords' petition, for they are most greatly
overwrought.' Catharine
frowned. 'Why should I delay?' Durer
bit his lips, looking away. Catharine's
eyes kindled in anger. 'Speak, sirrah,' she snapped. 'Or do you mean to imply
that the Queen fears to hear her noblemen?' 'Your
Majesty . . .' Durer spoke with great reluctance; then the words came in a
rush. 'I had heard there were two peasants to be heard in Court today...' 'There
are.' Catharine's mouth hardened. ''Tis the case you recommended to me, Durer.' The
little man's eye shot a malevolent gleam at her; then he was all fawning
humility again. 'I had thought.. . I had heard ...I had feared...' 'What
hast thou feared?' 'Your
Majesty bath been most concerned for your peasants of late. . . .' Durer
hesitated, then stumbled on. 'I had feared. -. that your Majesty might . . .
perhaps .. Catharine's
eyes hardened. 'That I might bear these two peasants before I gave ear to the
petitions of my noblemen?' 'Your
Majesty must not!' Durer dropped to his knees, hands clasped in supplication.
'Thou must not risk offense of the Great Lords today! Fear for thy very life if
thou-' 'Sirrah,
do you call me coward?' Rod
closed his eyes; his heart sank. 'Your
Majesty,' cried Durer, 'I meant but to-' 'Enough!'
Catharine turned away, spurning the meager form of the councillor. Brom O'Berin
and the Guardsmen moved with her. The great oaken doors swung open before them. Rod
risked a glance back over his shoulder. Durer's
face was contorted with malevolent glee; his eyes glittered with triumph. The best
way to get a teenager to do something is to tell her not to... Brom
led the Queen's entourage into a great vaulted room, lighted by a row of
clerestory windows on each side. Fifty feet above, the roof-beam ran through
the hail like a spine, with oaken ribs running down to the granite walls. Two
great wrought-iron chandeliers hung from the ceiling, with candles burning in
the sconces. They
had come in onto a raised dais, ten feet above the floor of the hail. A huge
gilded throne rose before them. Brom led
them in a swing around the lip of the dais to the throne. There the Guardsmen
lined up on either side, and Catharine mounted the last half-step to stand
slender and proud before the throne, gazing out over the multitude gathered
below. The
multitude looked like a sampling of the population. They filled the great hall,
from the steps of the dais to the triple doors at the far end of the hail. In the
first rank were the twelve great nobles, seated in wooden hourglass-shaped
chairs in a semicircle twelve feet out from the steps of the throne. Behind
them stood forty or fifty aging men in brown, gray, or dark green robes with
velvet collars and small, square, felt hats. Chains of silver or gold hung down
over their ample bellies. Burghers, Rod guessed - local officials, merchants,
guildmasters - the bourgeoisie. Beyond
them were the black, cowled robes of the clergy and beyond them were the
dun-colored, patched clothing of the peasantry, most of whom, Rod felt
moderately certain, had been sent up from the castle kitchen so that the Great
Court would have representatives of all classes. But in
the center of the peasants stood four soldiers in green and gold - the Queen's
colors - and between them stood two peasants, one young and one old, both
looking awed and scared almost to the point of panic, caps twisting in their
horny hands. The oldster had a long, grizzled beard; the youngster was clean- shaven.
Both wore dun-colored smocks of coarse cloth; more of the same material was
bound to their legs, to serve as trousers. A priest stood by them, looking
almost as much out of place as they did. All
eyes were on the Queen. Catharine was very much aware of it; she stood a little
taller, and held her pose until the hail was completely quiet. Then she sat,
slowly, and Brom sank cross-legged at her feet. Pike-butts thudded on stone as
Rod and the other three Guardsmen stood to rest, pikes slanting outward at
twenty degrees. Brom's
voice boomed out over the hail. 'Who comes before the Queen this day?' A
herald stepped forward with a roll of parchment and read off a list of twenty
petitions. The first was that of the twelve noblemen; the last was Durer's two
peasants. Catharine's
hands tightened on the arms of the throne. She spoke in a high, clear voice.
'Our Lord hath said that the humble shall be exalted, the last shall be first;
therefore let us first hear the testimony of these two peasants.' There
was a moment's shocked silence; old Lord Loguire was on his feet bellowing. 'Testimony!
Have you such great need of their testimony that you must set these clods of
earth before the highest of your nobles?' 'My
lord,' Catharine snapped, 'you forget your place in my court.' 'Nay,
it is you who forget! You who forget respect and tradition, and all the law
that you learned at your father's knee!' The old
lord drew himself up, glaring. 'Never,' he rumbled, would the old king have
disgraced his liegemen so!' 'Open
thine eyes, old man!' Catharine's voice was chill and arrogant. 'I would my
father still lived; but he is dead, and I reign now.' 'Reign!'
Loguire's lips twisted in a sour grimace. ''Tis not a reign, but a tyranny!' The
hail fell silent, shocked. Then a whisper began and grew: 'Treason!
Treasontreasontreason Treason!' Brom
O'Berin rose, trembling. 'Now, Milord Loguire, must thou kneel and ask pardon
of milady the Queen, or be adjudged forever a traitor to the throne.' Loguire's
face turned to stone, he drew himself up, back straightening,
chin lifting; but before he could answer, Catharine spoke in a tight, quavering
voice. 'There
shall be no forgiveness asked, nor none given. Thou, Milord Loguire, in
consideration of insults offered our Royal Person, art henceforth banished from
our Court and Presence, to come near us nevermore.' Slowly,
the old Duke's eyes met the Queen's. 'How then, child,' he murmured, and Rod
saw with a shock that there were tears in the corners of the old man's eyes.
'Child, wilt thou serve the father as thou hast served the son?' Catharine's
face went dead white; she half rose from her throne. 'Hie
thee from this place, Milord Loguire!' Brom's voice shook with rage. 'Hie thee
from this place, or I shall hound thee hence!' The
Duke's gaze slowly lowered to Brom. 'Hound me? Aye, for thou art most surely
our gentle Queen's watchdog!' He raised his eyes to Catharine again. 'Lady,
lady! I bad hoped to grace thee with a greyhound ere I died.' Catharine
sat down again, drawing herself up proudly. 'I have a mastiff, milord; and let
my enemies beware!' The old
man nodded slowly, his grieving eyes never leaving her face. 'Thou wilt, then,
call me enemy. ... Catharine
tilted her chin a little higher. Loguire's
eyes hardened; the grief was swept from his face by cold pride. He spun
on his heel, stalking down the length of the great hail. A lane through the
crowd opened before him. The Guardsmen at either side of the great central door
snapped to attention and threw the portals open. The
Duke stopped short under the lintel and pivoted to look back over the throng at
Catharine. His heavy old voice filled the hail one last time. And his
voice was somehow gentle, almost kindly. 'Yet
take this of me, Catharine, whom once I called my niece - you shalt not fear
the armies of Loguire while I live.' He
stood motionless a moment, holding Catharine's eyes. Then he
swung about, cape swirling, and was gone. The
court was silent for the space of three breaths; then, as a man, the eleven
remaining Great Lords rose and filed down the lane to the great central door,
and followed Loguire into exile. 'So how
did she decide the case of the two peasants?' Fess asked. Rod was
riding the robot horse on the slope outside the castle, 'for exercise,' or so
he had told the stableboy. Actually, he needed Fess's advice as to What It All
Meant. 'Oh,'
he answered, 'she upheld the parish priest's decision: the
fitting punishment for the kid was marriage. The old man didn't like that too
well, but Catharine had an ace up her sleeve - the
kid would have to support his father-in-law in his old age. The old man grinned
at that, and the kid walked out looking like he wasn't quite so sure he'd come
out on top after all.' 'An
excellent decision,' Fess murmured. 'Perhaps the young lady should seek a
career in jurisprudence.' 'Anything,
so long as it keeps her out of politics... . Glorious sunsets on this planet.' They
were riding into the setting sun; the dying globe painted the sky russet and
gold halfway around the horizon and nearly to the zenith. 'Yes,'
the robot supplied, 'the excellence of the sunsets is due to the density of the
atmosphere, which is nearly one point five Terra-normal. At this latitude,
however, due to the inclination of the planet's axis, which is-' 'Yes,
yes, I wrote it all down in the logbook when we landed. Have the grace to let
it rest in peace. . . . I notice the sun's rays turn almost blood-red . . 'Appropriate,'
Fess murmured. 'Hmm,
yes. That brings us back to the point, doesn't it? What's this about another
assassination coming up?' 'Not an
assassination, Rod - an attempt.' 'All
right, an attempt. Pardon my denotations, and get on with it.' Fess
paused a moment to set up the readout for a prefabricated report. 'The
political situation an the island of Gramarye is comprised of three definite
factions, one Royalist and two Anti-Royalist. The Royalist faction consists of
the Queen, her chief councillor - one Brom O'Berin - the clergy, the Royal
Army, the Queen's Bodyguard, and a group of espers known by the local term
"witches".' 'How
about the judges?' 'As I
was about to say, the civil servants may also be included in the Royalist
faction, with the exception of those officials whose
corruption leaves them opposed to the Queen's reforms.' 'Hmm,
yes. I'd forgotten that hitch. Anybody else on the Plantagenet side?' 'Yes, a
subspecies of Homo sapiens characterized by extreme dwarfism and referred to by
the local term "elves".' 'Well,
they sure don't seem to be against her, anyway,' Rod murmured. 'The
Anti-Royalist factions are significantly not united by their common opposition
to the Throne. The first of these factions is the aristocracy, led by twelve
dukes and earls, who are in turn led by the Duke Loguire. It is worth noting
that the aristocrats are unanimous in their opposition to the Queen. Such
unanimity among the aristocrats of a feudal culture is totally without
precedent, and must therefore be regarded as an anomaly.' 'And
just where did this strange united front come from?' 'The
unanimity may be attributed to the presence of a group termed the councillors,
each member of which serves in an advisory capacity to one of the twelve great
lords. The physical coherence of this group indicates-' Rod
jerked his head around, staring at the robot horse's ears. 'How's that again?' 'Each
of the councillors is physically characterized by a stooped posture, extreme
leanness, sparse cranial hair, pale skin, and a general appearance of advanced
age.' Rod
pursed his lips. 'Ve-ry interesting! I hadn't caught any significance in that.' 'Such a
physical appearance is characteristic of an extremely advanced technological
society, in which the problems of longevity, metabolic adjustment, and exposure
to ultraviolet have been controlled.' 'Modern
medicine and a barroom pallor.' Rod nodded. 'But how do you account for the
hunched-over posture?' 'We may
assume that is a part of the obsequious manner employed by this group. The
extremeness of this behavior would seem to indicate that it is not natural to
the men in question.' 'Finagle's
Law of Reversal.' Rod nodded. 'Go on.' 'The
goal of the Royalist faction is to increase the power of the central authority.
The goal of the councillors seems to be the elimination of the central
authority, which will result in that form of political organization known as
warlordism.' 'Which,'
said Rod, 'is a kind of anarchy.' 'Precisely;
and we must therefore entertain the possibility that the councillors may pursue
the pattern of political breakdown from warlordism through parochialism to the
possible goal of total anarchy.' 'And
that's why they're out to kill Catharine.' 'An
accurate observation; any chance to eliminate the central authority will be
taken.' 'Which
means she's in danger. Let's get back to the castle.' He
pulled on the reins, but Fess refused to turn. 'She is not in danger, Rod, not
yet. The mythos of this culture requires that preliminary to a death, an
apparition known as a banshee must be seen on the roof of the dwelling. And the
banshee cannot appear until nightfall.' Rod
looked up at the sky. It was twilight; there was still some of the sunset's
glow around the horizon. 'All
right, Fess. You've got fifteen minutes, maybe a half-hour.' 'The
evidence of the councillors' origin in a high-technology society,' the robot
droned on, 'indicates that the group derives from off-planet, since the only
culture on the planet is that of Catharine's realm, which is characterized by a
medieval technology. The other Anti-Royalist faction also bears indications of
off-planet origin.' 'I
think I've heard that before,' Rod mused. 'Run through it again, will you?' 'Certainly.
The second Anti-Royalist faction is known as the House of Clovis, a name
deriving from the supposedly elective process of choosing ancient kings. The
rank and file of the House of Clovis consists of beggars, thieves, and other
criminals and outcasts. The titular leader is a banished nobleman, Tuan
Loguire.' 'Hold
it a moment,' said Rod. 'Titular leader?' 'Yes,'
said Fess. 'The superficial structure of the House of Clovis would seem to
verge on the mob; but further analysis discloses a tightly-knit
sub-organization, one function of which is the procurement of nourishment and
clothing for the members of the House.' 'But
that's what Tuan's doing!' 'Is it?
Who supplies the necessities of life at the House of -
Clovis, Rod?' 'Well,
Tuan gives the money to the innkeeper, that twisted little monkey they call the
Mocker.' 'Precisely.' 'So
you're saying,' Rod said slowly, 'that the Mocker is using Tuan as a
fund-raiser and figurehead, while the Mocker is the real boss.' 'That,'
said Fess, 'is what the data would seem to indicate. What is the Mocker's
physical appearance, Rod?' 'Repulsive.
~ 'And
how did he earn his nickname of "the Mocker"?' 'Well,
he's supposed to be a sort of Man of a Thousand 'But
what is his basic physical appearance, Rod?' 'Uh. .
.' Rod threw his head back, eyes shut, visualizing the Mocker. 'I'd say about
five foot ten, hunched over all the time like he had curvature of the spine,
slight build - very slight, looks like he eats maybe two hundred calories a day
- not much hair -. .' His eyes snapped open. 'Hey! He looks like one of the
councillors!' 'And is
therefore presumably from a high-technology society,' Fess agreed, 'and
therefore also from off-planet. This contention is reinforced by his political
philosophy, as indicated in Tuan Loguire's speeches to the rabble....' 'So
Tuan is also the mouthpiece,' Rod mused. 'But of course; he never could have
thought up proletarian totalitarianism by himself.' "~' - 'It is
also worth noting that the Mocker is the only member of the House of Clovis of
this particular type.' 'Ye-e-e-s!'
Rod nodded, rubbing his chin. 'He's playing a lone game. All his staff are
locals trained to back him up.' 'His
long-range goal,' said Fess, 'may be assumed to be the establishment of a dictatorship.
Consequently, he would wish someone on the throne whom he could control.' 'Tuan.' 'Precisely.
But he must first eliminate Catharine.' 'So the
councillors and House of Clovis are both out for Catharine's blood.' 'True;
yet there is no indication that they have joined forces. If anything, they
would seem to be mutually opposed.' 'Duplication
of effort - very inefficient. But, Fess, what're they doing here?' 'We may
assume that they derive from two opposed societies, both of
which wish to control some commodity which may be found on Gramarye.' Rod
frowned. 'I haven't heard of any rare minerals around-about 'I had
in mind human resources, Rod.' Rod's
eyes widened. 'The espers! Of course! They're here because of the witches!' 'Or the
elves,' Fess reminded. Rod
frowned. 'What would they want with the elves?' 'I have
no hypothesis available; yet the logical possibility must be entertained.' Rod
snorted. 'All right, you stick with the logical possibility, and I'll stand by
the witches. Anyone who could corner the market on telepaths could control the
galaxy. Hey!' He stared, appalled. 'They probably could control the galaxy.' 'The
stakes,' Fess murmured. 'are high.' 'I'll
have mine - - -, Rod began; but he was cut off by a ululating, soaring wail
that grated like nails on glass. Fess
swung about Rod looked back at the castle. - A dim
shape glowed on the battlements, just below the east tower, like a fox-fire or
a will-o'-the wisp. It must have been huge; Rod could make out detail even at
this distance. It was dressed in the rags and tatters of a shroud, through
which Rod could see the body of a voluptuous woman; but the head was a
rabbit's, and the muzzle held pointed teeth. The
banshee began to wail again, a low moan that rose to a keening cry, then
stabbed up the scale to a shriek, a shriek that held, and held and held till
Rod's ears were ready to break. 'Fess,'
he gasped, 'what do you see?' 'A
banshee, Rod.' Rod
rode down, ran into, through and over five pairs of sentries en route to the
Queen's chambers. But there, at her doors, he met an insurmountable roadblock
about two feet high - Brom
O'Berin, standing with feet set wide and arms akimbo. 'Thou
hast been long in coming,' the little man growled. His face was beet-red with
anger, but fear haunted the back of his eyes. 'I came
as fast as I could,' Rod panted. 'Is she in danger?' Brom
grunted. 'Aye, in danger, though there is as yet no sign of it. Thou must stand
watch at her bedside this night, warlock.' Rod
stiffened. 'I,' he said, 'am not a warlock. I am a simple soldier-of-fortune
who happens to know a little science. • Brom
tossed his head impatiently. 'This is a poor time to mason, thou hast still
warlock's powers. But we waste time.' He
rapped back-handed on the door; it swung in, and a sentry stepped out. He
saluted and stood aside. Brom
bowed Rod into the room. 'After you, Master Gallowglass.' Rod
smiled grimly and went through the door. 'Still don't trust me behind your
back, eh?' 'Nearly,'
said Brom. 'That's
what I said.' The
sentry entered behind them and closed the door. The
room was large, with four shuttered slit windows on one side. The floor was
covered with fur rugs; the walls were hung with silk, velvet, and tapestries. A
fire crackled on a small hearth. Catharine
sat in a huge four-poster bed, covered to the waist with quilts and furs. Her
unbound hair flowed down over the shoulders of a velvet, ermine-trimmed
dressing gown. She was surrounded by a gaggle of ladies-in-waiting, several
serving girls, and two pages. Rod
knelt at~ her bedside. 'Your Majesty's pardon for my tardiness!' She
gave him a frosty glance. 'I had not known you were called.' She turned away. Rod
frowned, looked her over. She sat
back against eight or ten fluffy satin pillows; her eyelids drooped in languid
pleasure; there was a half-smile on her lips. She was enjoying the one spot of
real luxury in her day. She
might be in mortal danger, but she sure didn't know about it. Brom had been
keeping secrets again. She
held out a hand to one of her ladies; the woman gave her a steaming goblet of
wine. Catharine brought it to her lips with a graceful flourish. 'Whoa."
Rod jumped to his feet, intercepted the goblet on its way to her lips, and
plucked it away with his left hand while his right brought out his 'unicorn's
horn'. Catharine
stared, amazed; then her eyes narrowed, her face reddened. 'Sirrah, what means
this?' But Rod
was staring at the 'unicorn's horn' dagger-sheath; Fess's voice spoke behind
his ear: 'Substance with the analysis unit is toxic to human metabolism.' But Rod
hadn't poured the wine into the horn yet. There was nothing in it. Except
air. Rod
pressed the stud that turned the horn purple. Catharine
stared in horror as the violet flush crept over the surface of the
dagger-sheath. 'Sirrah,'
she gasped, 'what means this?' 'Poison
air,' Rod snapped. He shoved the goblet at a servant girl and looked about the
room. Something in here was emitting poison gas. The
fireplace. Rod
crossed to the hearth and held the horn upside-down over the flames; but the
color of the sheath dimmed to lavender. 'Not
there.' Rod spun about, coming to his feet. He paced about the room, holding
the horn before him like a candle. It stayed lavender. He
frowned, scratched at the base of his skull. What would be the best place to
put a poison-gas cartridge? As
close to the Queen as possible, of course. He
turned, moving slowly to the four-poster. As he came to Catharine's side, the
horn's color darkened to violet. Catharine
stared at the horn in fascination and horror. Rod knelt, slowly. The horn's
colour darkened to purple and began to shade toward black. Rod
threw up the bedskirts and looked under the four-poster. There before him, on
the stone floor, steamed a warming-pan. Rod
grabbed the long handle and yanked the pan out. He inverted the horn over one
of the holes in the cover - if his memory was correct, warming-pans didn't
usually have holes.... The
horn turned dead black. He
looked up at Catharine. She had the knuckles of one hand jammed between her
teeth, biting them to keep from screaming. Rod
turned, holding the pan out to the sentry. 'Take this,' he said, 'and fling it
into the moat.' The
sentry dropped his pike, took the warming-pan, and rushed out, holding it at
arm's length. Rod
turned slowly back to Catharine. 'We have cheated the banshee again, my Queen.' Catharine's
hand trembled as she took it away from her mouth. Then her lips clamped shut,
her eyes squeezed tight, little fists clenched so bard the knuckles were white. Then
her eyes opened, slowly; there was a wild light in them, and a faint smile
crept over her lips. 'Master Gallowglass, stay by me. All else, remove
yourselves I' Rod
swallowed and felt his joints liquefy. She was, at that moment, the most beautiful
woman he had ever seen. The
Guardsmen, ladies, and pages were already in motion, heading for an incipient
traffic jam at the door. Brom
bawled orders, and the jam failed to develop. In thirty seconds, the room was
clear, except for Rod, the Queen, and Brom O'Berin. 'Brom,'
Catharine snapped, eyes locked on Rod's face. Her teeth were beginning to show
through her smile. 'Brom O'Berin, do you leave us also.' Brom
stared a moment, outraged; then his shoulders slumped, and he bowed heavily. 'I
will, my Queen.' The
door closed quietly behind him. Slowly,
Catharine lay back against the pillows. She stretched with a luxurious, liquid
grace. One hand snaked out to clasp Rod's. Her hand was very soft. 'It is
twice now you have given me my life, Master Gallowglass.' Her voice was a
velvet purr. 'My -
my privilege, my Queen.' Rod cursed himself, he was gawking like an adolescent
with a copy of Fanny Hill. Catharine
frowned prettily, tucking her chin in and touching a forefinger to her lips. Then
she smiled, rolled over onto her side. The velvet gown fell open. Apparently it
was the custom to sleep nude. Remember,
boy, Rod told himself, you're just a traveling salesman. You'll wake up in the
morning and be on your way. You're here to peddle democracy, not to court a
Queen. Not lair to take advantage of her if you're not going to be here to take
advantage of it... . Did that make sense? Catharine
was toying with a pendant that hung from her neck. Her teeth were worrying her
lower lip. She looked him over like a cat sizing up a canary. 'Blank-shield
soldiers,' she murmured, 'have a certain repute...' Her
lips were moist, and very full. Rod
felt his lips moving, heard his own voice stammering, 'As - as my
Queen seeks to reform the ills of her land, I.. . hope to reform the reputation
of soldiers. I would do ... only good to your Majesty.' For a
moment, it seemed Catharine's very blood must have stopped, so still she lay. Then
her eyes hardened, and the silence in the room stretched very, very thin. She sat
up. gathering her dressing gown about her. 'Thou art much to be commended,
Master Gallowglass. I am indeed fortunate to have such loyal servitors about
me.' It was
much to her credit, under the circumstances, Rod thought, that there was only a
faint tone of mockery to her voice. Her
eyes met his again. 'Accept the Queen's thanks for the saving of her life.' Rod
dropped to one knee. 'I am
indeed fortunate,' Catharine went on, 'to be so loyally served. You have given
me my life; and I think that few soldiers would have given me safe deliverance,
as you have done.' Rod
flinched. She
smiled, her eyes glittering malice and satisfaction for just a moment. Then
her eyes dropped to her hands. 'Leave me now, for I shall have a trying day
tomorrow, and must make good use of the night, for sleeping.' 'As the
Queen wishes,' Rod answered, poker-faced. He rose and turned away, his belly
boiling with anger - at himself. It wasn't her fault he was a fool. He
closed the door behind him, then spun and slammed his fist against the rough
stone of the entryway wall. The nerves in his fist screamed agony. He
turned back to the hail, forearm laced with pain - and there stood Brom
O'Berin, face beet-red, trembling. 'Well,
shall I kneel to thee? Art thou our next king?' The anger in Rod's belly shot
up, heading for Brom O'Berin. Rod clamped his jaws shut to hold it back. He
glared at Brom, eyes narrowing. 'I have better use for my time, Brom O'Berin,
than to rob the royal cradle.' Brom
stared at him, the blood and fury draining out of his face. ''Tis true,' he
murmured, nodding. 'By all the saints, I do believe 'tis true I For I can see
in thy face that thou art filled with Furies, screaming madness at thy
manhood!' Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. His jaw tightened till it felt as if a molar must
break. 110 Something
had to break. Something had to give, somewhere. Somewhere, far away, he heard
Brom O'Berin saying, 'This one hath a message for thee, from the witches in the
tower Rod
forced his eyes open, stared down at Brom. Brom
was looking down and to his left. Following his gaze, Rod saw an elf sitting
tailor-fashion by Brom's foot. Puck. Rod
straightened his shoulders. Smother the anger; vent it later. If the witches
had sent word, it was probably vital. 'Well,
spill it,' he said. 'What word from the witches?' But
Puck only shook his head and murmured, 'Lord, what fools these mortals be!' He
skipped aside a split second before Rod's fist slammed into the wall where he'd
been sitting. Rod
howled with pain, and spun. He saw Puck and lunged again. But
'Softly' said Puck, and a huge chartreuse-and-shock-pink filled the hail, a
full-size, regulation, fire-breathing dragon, rearing back on its hind feet and
bellowing flame at Rod. Rod
goggled. Then he grinned, baring his teeth in savage joy. The dragon belched
fire as it struck. Rod ducked under the flames and came up under the monster's
head. His fingers closed on the scaly neck, thumbs probing for the carotid
arteries. The
dragon flung its head up and snapped its neck like a whip. Rod held on grimly,
held on and held on while the dragon battered him against the granite walls.
His head slapped stone and he yelled with pain, stars and darkness before his
eyes, but he tightened his grip. The
great neck bowed, and the huge talons of the hind feet raked at Rod's belly,
splitting him from collarbone to thigh. Blood fountained out, and Rod felt
himself reeling into black. ness; but he held on, determined to take the dragon
with him into death. Yeah,
death, he thought, amazed, and was outraged that he should die over a puny fit
of anger, anger over a slip of a bitch of a girl. Well,
at least he'd have a mount in the land of the dead. As darkness sucked him
down, ~he felt the great head drooping, bobbing lower and lower, following him
down to death.... His
feet felt solid ground and, for a miracle, his legs held him up. Light misted
through the dark around him, misted and gathered and grew, and he saw the beast
lying dead at his feet. The
darkness ebbed away from the dragon; light showed Rod granite walls and brocade
hangings; and the castle hail swam about him, reeled, and steadied. At his
feet, the dragon's colors faded. Its outlines blurred and shimmered, and the
beast was gone; there was only clean gray stone beneath Rod's feet. He
looked down at his chest and belly; his doublet was whole, not even wrinkled.
Not a trace of blood, not a scratch on him. lie
squeezed an elbow, expecting the pain of bruises; there was none. His
head was clear, without the ghost of even an ache. Slowly,
he raised his eyes to Puck. The elf
looked back, eyes wide and mournful. Amazingly, he wasn't smiling. Rod
covered his face with his hands, then looked up again. 'Enchantment?' Puck
nodded. Rod
looked away. 'Thanks.' 'Thou
hadst need of it,' Puck answered Rod
squared his shoulders and breathed deeply. 'You had a message for me?' Puck
nodded again. 'Thou art summoned to a meeting of the Coven.' Rod
frowned, shaking his head. 'But I'm not a member.' Brom O'Berin chuckled like a
diesel turning over. 'Nay, thou art of them, for thou art a warlock.' Rod
opened his mouth to answer, thought better of it, and closed his jaw with a
snap. He threw up his hands in resignation. 'Okay, have it your own way. I'm a
warlock. Just don't expect me to believe it.' 'Well,
thou wilt, at least, no longer deny it.' Toby filled Rod's mug with the hot,
mulled wine. 'We ha' known thou wert a warlock even before we had set eyes on
thee.' Rod
sipped at the wine and looked about him If he'd thought it was a party last
night, his naпvetй had been showing. That had just been a Kajjeeklatsch. This
time the kids were really whooping it up. He
turned back, to Toby, bellowing to hear his own voice. 'Don't get me wrong; I
don't mean to be a cold blanket, but what's the occasion? How come all the
celebrating?' 'Why,
our Queen lives!' yelled Toby. 'And thou art hero of the night! Thou hast
banished the banshee!' 'Hero .
. - ' Rod echoed, a wry smile twisting his face. He lifted his mug and took a
long, long draft. Suddenly
he swung the mug down, spluttering and coughing. 'What ails thee?' Toby asked,
concerned. He pounded Rod on the back till the older man wheezed, gasping. 'Leave
off,' he said, holding up a hand, 'I'm okay. I just thought of something,
that's all?' 'What
is thy thought?' 'That
banshee ain't real.' Toby
stared. 'What dost thou say?' Rod
clamped a hand on the back of Toby's neck and pulled the boy's ear down to his
own level. 'Look,'
he yelled, 'the banshee only appears before someone dies, right?' • 'Aye,' said Toby, puzzled. 'Before
someone dies,' Rod repeated, 'not every time someone's just in danger of death.
And the Queen's still alive!' Toby
pulled back, staring at Rod. Rod
smiled, eyes dancing. 'It's only supposed to show up when death's inevitable.' He
turned, looked out over the great tower room. The witches were dancing on the
walls, the ceiling, occasionally the floor, and in mid-air, with a fine
disregard for gravity. They were twisting through gyrations that would have
given a snake triple lumbago. Rod
looked back at Toby, lifted an eyebrow. 'Doesn't look much like a funeral~' Toby
frowned; then his face split into a grin. 'I think thou hast not seen a
Gramarye wake,' he yelled. 'Still, thou art aright; we dance this night for
Life, not Death.' Rod
grinned savagely, took another pull from his mug, and wiped his lips with the
back of his hand. 'Now. If it's a fake, and it is, the next question is, who
put it there?'' Toby's
jaw dropped open. He stared. 'Get me
Aldis,' Rod shouted. Toby
closed his mouth, gulped, and nodded. He closed his eyes; a moment later, Aldis
swooped down and brought her broomstick in for a two-point landing. 'What
don thou wish?' she panted. She was blushing, face lit with excitement and joy.
The sight of her gave Rod a sudden pang of mourning for his own lost youth. •~. He
leaned forward. 'See if you can tune in on Durer, Loguire's chief councillor.' She
nodded, closed her eyes. After a few moments she opened them again, staring at
Rod in fear. 'They
are much wroth,' she reported, 'that the Queen did not die. But they are more
wroth in that they know not who put the banshee on the roof of the castle this
night.' Rod
nodded, lips pressed into a tight, thin line. He took a last draft from his mug
and rose, turning away toward the stairwell. Toby
reached up, catching his sleeve. 'Where dost thou go?' 'To the
battlements,' Rod called back. 'Where else would you look for a banshee?' The
night breeze cut chill through his clothes as he stepped out onto the battlements.
The moon, over his shoulder, sent his shadow pacing before him. The
battlements stretched out before him like a great gap-toothed row of incisors. 'Fess,'
Rod called softly. 'Here,
Rod,' murmured the voice back of his ear. 'Does
this banshee seem to be fonder of one stretch of battlements than another?' 'Yes,
Rod. During the period in which we have been in Gramarye, the banshee has
appeared under the east tower.' 'Always?' 'To
judge by an inadequate sample, yes.' Rod
turned to his left, strolling east. 'Well, you go on collecting an adequate
sample while I do something about it.' 'Yes,
Rod,' said the robot, somehow managing a tone of martyred patience. Rod
looked out over the battlements at the town, nestled below them at the foot of
the great hill that served as the foundation for the castle. A long, white road
wound up from the town to the drawbridge, with here and there the outpost of a
low, rambling inn. And
down there below, in the rotting heart of the town, like some great basalt gravestone,
stood the House of Clovis. A
stumbling, a scrabbling behind him. Rod snapped about into a wrestler's crouch,
dagger a bite of moonlight in his hand. Big Tom
stumbled out of the winding stairway, with something draped across his arm. He
stood, looking about him with wide,
white-rimmed eyes, heaving hoarse gusts of air into his lungs. He
turned, saw Rod, and came running, his face flooded with relief. 'Eh, master,
thou'rt still whole!' Rod
relaxed and straightened up, sliding the dagger back into its sheath. 'Of
course I'm whole! What're you doing here, Big
Tom?' - The big
man stopped, the grin wavering on his face. He looked
down at the cold stones, shuffling his feet. ''EU, master, I had
heard.. . I.. . well...' He looked up; the words came in a rush:
'Tha must not go again' the banshee; but if thou'lt go, thou'lt
not go alone.' Rod
studied the big man's face for a long moment, wondering where this deep
devotion had come from. Then he
smiled gently. 'Your knees have turned to jelly at the mere thought of the
monster, but you still won't let me go alone.' He
clapped Tom on the shoulder, grinning. 'Well, then, come along, Big Tom; and
I'm downright glad of your company, I don't mind telling you.' Tom
grinned and looked down at the stones again. It was hard to be sure in the
moonlight, but Rod thought there was a faint blush creeping up from the big
man's collar. He
turned and set out toward the tower. Tom plodded along by his side. ''Ere now
master, thou'lt grow a-cold,' and Tom flung the cloak he had been carrying over
his arm around Rod's shoulder. A warm,
friendly gesture, Rod thought as he thanked Big Tom. He was touched that the
clumsy ape should be worried about him - but he was also aware that the cloak
hampered his knife hand, and was pretty sure Big Tom was aware of it, too. 'Art
not afraid, master?' Rod
frowned, considering the question. 'Well, no, not really. After all, the
banshee's never been known to hurt anybody. It's just, well, a forecast, you
know? Herald of Death and all that.' 'Still,
'tis a marvel thou'rt not afeard. Wilt thou not even walk in the shadows by the
wall, master?' Rod
frowned and looked at the shadows along the battlements. 'No, I'll take the
center of the way when I can. I'd always rather walk tall in the sunlight than
skulk in the shadows at the side of the road.' Big Tom
was silent a moment, his eyes on the shadows. 'Yet,'
he said, 'of necessity, a man must go through the shadows at one time or other,
master.' With a
shock, Rod realized Tom had picked up the allegory. Illiterate peasant, sure! He
nodded, looking so serious it was almost comic. 'Yes, Big Tom. There's times
when he has to choose one side of the road or the other. But for myself, I only
stay on the sidelines as long as I have to. I prefer the light.' He grinned.
'Good protection against spirits.' 'Spirits!'
Tom snorted. He quickly threw Rod a half-hearted grin. He
turned away, frowning. 'Still, master, I do much marvel that you will take the
middle road; for there may a man be attacked from both sides. And, more to the
point, he cannot say that he has chosen either the right or the left.' 'No,'
Rod agreed, 'but he can say that he has chosen the middle. And as to attack,
well, if the road is well-built, the center is highest; the pavement slopes
away to right and left, and the shoulder is soft and may give way beneath you.
A man in the middle can see where his enemies are coming from; and it's firm
footing. The sides of the road are treacherous. Sure it's an exposed position.
That's why not too many have the courage to walk it.' They
walked a moment in silence; then Rod said, 'Did you ever hear of dialectical
materialism, Tom?' 'How..
. ?' The big man's head jerked up in surprise, almost shock. He recovered,
scowling and shaking his head fervently, and muttering, 'No, no, master, no,
never, never!' Sure,
Big Tom, Rod thought. Aloud, he said, 'It's a Terran philosophy, Big Tom. Its
origins are lost in the dark ages, but some men still hold by it.' 'What
is Terran?' the big man growled. 'A
dream,' Rod sighed, 'and a myth.' 'Are
you one man who lives by it, master?' Rod
looked up, startled. 'What? The dream of Terra?' 'No,
this dialec - what magic didst thou term it?' 'What,
dialectical materialism?' Rod grinned. 'No, but I find some of its concepts
very handy, like the idea of a synthesis. Do you know what a synthesis is,
Tom?' 'Nay,
master.' Tom shook his head, eyes round in wonder. The wonder, at least, was
probably real. The last thing Big Tom could have looked for was Rod to start
quoting a totalitarian philosophy. 'It's
the middle way,' Rod said. 'The right-hand side of the road is the thesis, and
the left-hand side is the antithesis. Combine them, and you get a synthesis.' 'Aye,'
Big Tom nodded. Pretty
quick thinking for a dumb peasant, Rod noted. He went on, 'The thesis and
antithesis are both partly false; so you throw away the false parts, combine
the true parts - take the best of both of them - call the result a synthesis,
and you've got the truth. See?' Tom's
eyes took on a guarded look. He began to see where Rod was going. 'And
the synthesis is the middle of the road. And, being true, it's naturally
uncomfortable.' He
looked up; the east tower loomed over them. They stood in its shadow. 'Well,
enough philosophizing. Let's get to work.' 'Pray
Heaven the banshee come not upon us!' Big Tom moaned. 'Don't
worry; it only shows up once a day, in the evening, to predict death within
twenty-four hours,' Rod said. 'It's not due again till tomorrow evening.' There
was a sudden scrabbling in the shadows. Big Tom leaped back, a knife suddenly
in his hand. 'The banshee!' Rod's
blade was out too, his eyes probing the shadows. They locked with two fiery
dots at the base of the tower wall. Rod
stepped out in a crouch, knife flickering back and forth from left hand to
right. 'Declare yourself,' he chanted, 'or die.' A
squeal and a skitter, and a huge rat dashed away past him, to lose itself in
the shadows near the inner wall. Big Tom
almost collapsed with a sigh. 'Saints preserve us! 'Twas only a rat.' 'Yes.'
Rod tried to hide the trembling of his own hands as his knife went back to its
sheath. 'There seem to be a lot of rats in the walls of this castle.' Big Tom
straightened again, wary and on his guard. 'But I
saw something as that rat ran by me...' Rod's voice trailed away as he knelt by
the outer wall, running his hands lightly over the stone. 'There!' 'What
is it, master?' Big Tom's garlic breath fanned Rod's cheek. Rod
took the big man's hand and set it against his find. Tom drew in a shuddering
breath and yanked his hand away. ''Tis
cold,' his voice quavered, 'cold and square, and - it bit me!' 'Bit
you?' Rod frowned and ran his fingers over the metal box. He felt the stab of a
mild electric shock and jerked his fingers away. Whoever had wired this gadget
must have been the rankest of amateurs. It wasn't even grounded properly. The box
was easy to see once you knew where to look for it. It was white metal, about
eight inches on a side, two inches deep, recessed so that its front and top
were flush with the stone, halfway between two of the crenelations. But
come to think of it, that faulty grounding might have been intentional, to keep
people from tampering. Rod
drew his dagger, glad of the insulation provided by the leather hilt.
Carefully, he pried open the front of the box. He
could make out the silvery worm-trails of the printed circuit and the flat,
square pillbox of the solid-state components - but the whole layout couldn't have been
larger than his thumbnail! His
scalp prickled uneasily. Whoever had built this rig knew a little more about
molecular circuitry than the engineers back home. But why
such a big box for such a small unit? Well,
the rest of the box was filled with some beautifully-machined apparatus with
which Rod was totally unfamiliar. He
looked at the top of the box; there was a round, transparent circle set in the
center. Rod frowned. He'd never run into anything quite like this before. At a
guess, the circuitry was part of a remote-control system, and the machined
parts were -what? 'Master,
what is it?' 'I
don't know,' Rod muttered, 'but I have a sneaking suspicion it's got something
to do with the banshee.' He
probed the mechanism with his dagger, trying to find a moving part. He felt sublimely
reckless; the gadget could very easily have a destruct circuit capable of
blowing this whole section of the battlements halfway back to Sol. The
probing point found something; the machine clicked and began to hum, almost
subsonic. 'Away,
master!' Big Tom shouted. ''Tis accursed!' But Rod
stayed where he was, hand frozen for fear the knife-point would lose whatever
contact it had closed. Smoke
billowed out of the transparent circle, shooting ten feet into the air, then
falling back. In less than a minute, a small localized cloud had formed. A
second machine clicked, somewhere in front of Rod, and a shaft of light stabbed
upward from the outer wall, toward Rod but over his head, shooting into the
smoke-cloud. The shaft of light spread into a fan. Big Tom
wailed in terror. 'The banshee! Flee, master, for your life!' Looking
up, Rod saw the banshee towering ten feet above him. It seem'ed he could almost
smell the rotting, tattered •
shrouds that covered the voluptuous woman's body. The
rabbit mouth opened, showing long, pointed teeth. A hidden loudspeaker hummed
into life; the apparition was about to start its wailing. Rod
lifted his dagger a quarter of an inch; the fan of light blacked out, the hiss
of mechanical smoke-pot died. The
wind murmured over the battlements, dispelling the last of the smoke-cloud. Rod
knelt immobile, still staring upward; then, shaking himself, he picked up the
front of the box and forced it back into place. 'Master,'
whispered Big Tom, 'what was it?' 'A
spell,' Rod answered, 'and the banshee it called up was a sham.' He
stood, drumming his fingers on the stone. He
struck his fist against the wall. 'No help for it. Come on, Big Tom, hold my
ankles.' He lay
face-downward between the two great granite blocks, his knees above the
smoke-pot machine. 'What,
master?' 'Hold
my ankles,' Rod snapped. 'I've got to take a look at the outside of the wall.
And you've got to keep me from falling into the moat.' Tom
didn't answer. 'Come
on, come on!' Rod looked back over his shoulder. 'We haven't got all night.' Big Tom
came forward slowly, a huge, hulking shape in the shadow. His great hands
clamped on Rod's ankles. Rod
inched forward until his head was clear of the stone. There, just under his
chin, was a small, square box with a short snout: ~ miniaturized projector,
shooting a prerecorded banshee
into the cloud of smoke, giving the illusion of three dimensions - a very
compact projector' and removable screen, all susceptible to remote control From
where? Rod
craned his neck. All he could see was gray stone. 'Hold tight, Big Tom.' He
inched forward, hoping he'd guessed right about the big peasant. He
stopped crawling when he felt the granite lip of the battlements pressing his
belt buckle. His upper body jutted free beyond the castle wall, with nothing
underneath but air, and, a long way down, the moat. He
looked down. Mm,
yes, that was a long way, Wasn't it? Now, just what would happen if he'd judged
Big Tom wrong? If, contrary to expectation, the big lug let go of Rod's ankles? Well,
if 'that happened, Fess would send a report back to SCENT headquarters, and
they'd send out another agent. No need to worry. Tom's
hoarse, labored breathing sounded very loud behind him. Get it
over with quick, boy. Rod scanned the wall under him. There
it was, just the projector, a deep, silver-lined cup recessed into the wall - a
hyperbolic antenna. Why a
hyperbolic? he wondered. So that
the radio impulse that turned the projection machines on could be very, very
small, impossible to detect outside the straight line between the transmitting
and receiving antennas. So, if
you want to find the transmitting antenna, just sight along the axis of the
receiving dish. And,
looking along that line and allowing for parallax, he found himself staring
straight at the rotting basalt pile of the House of Clovis. For a
moment, he just stared, dumbfounded. So it hadn't been the councillors after
all. Then he
remembered Durers poison attempt at breakfast, and amended his earlier guess:
it hadn't been the councillors all the time. And,
come to think of it, that warming-pan trick would have been much easier for a
servant to pull than for a councillor. He was
jarred out of his musing rather abruptly; Big Tom's hands were trembling on his
ankles. Hell, I
don't weigh that much, he thought; but he wriggled backward while he thought. He
thought be heard a sigh of relief as Big Tom hauled him in. Rod
rose and turned. Sweat streamed down Big Tom's face; his complexion looked very
much like dirty dishwater, and his lower lip still trembled as he sucked in a
noisy deep breath. Rod
looked into the big man's eyes for a long moment, without saying anything. Then he
murmured, 'Thanks.' Tom
held Rod's eyes a moment longer, then turned away. Rod
fell into step beside him. They
were halfway back to the stairwell before Big Tom said, 'And dost thou know who
hath sent this enchantment, master?' Rod
nodded. 'The House of Clovis.' Their
boots echoed hollow on the stone. 'Why
hast thou not destroyed it?' Rod
shrugged. 'It's a good warning that the Queen's in danger.' 'Then
who wilt thou tell of it?' Rod
looked up at the stars. 'My horse,' he said slowly. 'Horse?'
Big Tom frowned. 'Yes,
my horse. And no one else, until I've figured out just where Tuan Loguire
stands - for the Queen or against her.' 'Ah.'
Big Tom seemed to think that was explanation enough. Rod boosted his estimate
of Big Tom's status. Apparently the man knew what was going on, more thoroughly
than Rod did. Big Tom
was silent till they came to the stairwell. 'Thou wast not a hair's breadth
from Death this night, master.' 'Oh, I
don't think so.' Rod folded his arms and leaned against the wall. 'That was
just a fake banshee; it couldn't have hurt us. And even as it was, I knew the
spell that got rid of it' 'I was
not speaking of the banshee, master.' 'I
know.' Rod looked straight into Tom's eyes. Then he turned and started down the
stairs. He'd gone six steps before he realized Big Tom hadn't followed. He
looked back over his shoulder. Tom was staring at him, mouth slack with shock. Then
the mouth closed, the face froze. 'Thou didst know thy danger, master?' 'I
did.' Tom
nodded, very slowly. Then he looked down to the stairs and came down. 'Master,'
he' said after the first landing, 'thou'rt either the bravest man or the
greatest fool that ever I met.' 'Probably
both,' said Rod, keeping his eyes on the torchlit steps. 'Thou
shouldst have slain me when first thou guessed.' Tom's voice had an edge. Rod
shook his head, wordless. 'Why not?'
Tom barked. Rod let
his head loll back. He sighed. 'Long ago, Tom, and far away - Lord, how far
away!' 'Tis no
time for fairy tales!' 'This
isn't a fairy tale. It's a legend - who knows? Maybe true. A king named
Hideyoshi ruled a land called Japan; and the greatest duke in the land was
named Ieyayasu.' 'And
the duke wished to be king.' '1 see
you know the basic techniques. But Hideyoshi did not want to kill Ieyayasu.' 'He was
a fool,' Tom growled. 'No, he
needed Ieyayasu's support. So he invited Ieyayasu to take a walk in the garden
with him, just the two of them, alone.' Tom
stopped, turned to look down at Rod. His eyes glittered in the torchlight. 'And
they fought.' Rod
shook his head. 'Hideyoshi said he was getting old and weak, and asked Ieyayasu
to carry his sword for him.' Tom
stared. Then
his tongue flicked out over his lips. He swallowed and nodded. 'Aye. What
happened?' 'Nothing.
They talked a while, and then Ieyayasu gave Hideyoshi his sword again, and they
went back to the castle.' 'And?' 'And
Ieyayasu was loyal until the old man died.' Big Tom's eyes were hooded; he
could have been carved from wood. He
nodded, mouth tightening. 'A calculated risk.' 'Pretty
high-falutin' language for a peasant.' Tom
snarled and turned away. Rod stood a moment, looking after him. Then he smiled
and followed. They
were almost back to the guard room when Tom laid a hand on Rod's shoulder. Rod
turned to face him. 'What
are you?' Tom growled. Rod
smiled with one side of his mouth. 'You mean who do I work for? Only myself,
Big Tom.' 'Nay.'
Tom shook his head. 'I'll not believe that. But 'twas not what I asked.' Rod
raised an eyebrow. 'Oh?' 'Oh. I
mean what are you, you, yourself, what manner of man?' Rod
frowned. 'Nothing so strange about me.' 'Aye,
there is. Thou wilt not kill a peasant out of hand.' Rod stared. 'Oh?' He
pursed his lips. 'That's out of the ordinary?' 'Most
surely. And thou'lt fight for a manservant. And trust him. And speak with him,
more than commands. What art thou, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
shook his head and spread his hands in bewilderment. He laughed once, hollow.
'A man. Just a man.' Tom
eyed him for a long moment. 'Thou
art,' he said. 'I am answered.' He
turned away to the guard room door, flung it open. 'Master Gallowglass,' said
the page, 'the Queen summons you. One of
life's greatest and least expensive treasures is false dawn. The world lies
waiting for the sun, lit by a glowing sky, chill and fresh, filled with
rippling bird song. Big Tom
took one long, deep breath of the morning air, filling his lungs with the
innocence he had never known. 'Eh, master!' he called back over his shoulder,
'this is the world for a man!' Rod
answered with a feeble smile as Tom turned away, to ride on ahead of Rod,
singing jubilantly and with gusto, though somewhat off-key. Rod,
unfortunately, was in no condition to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of the
dawn, having had about three hours of sleep in the last forty-eight hours. Then,
too, there was Catharine. The
interview had been short and sour. She'd received him in her audience chamber,
and had kept her eyes on the fire, not once looking at him. Her face had been
cold, lips drawn tight against her teeth. 'I fear
for my Uncle Loguire,' she had said. 'There are men about
him who would rejoice to see his eldest son become the Duke.' Rod had
answered in the same stiff, formal tone. 'If he dies, you lose your strongest
friend among the lords.' 'I lose
one who is dear to me,' she snapped. 'I care not for friendship among the lords;
but I care greatly for my uncle.' And
that, Rod reflected, was probably true - to her credit as a woman, and her
detriment as a ruler. 'Do
you,' she reminded, 'ride south this day to Loguire's demesne; and do you see
that none bring harm to him.' And
that, aside from a very formal leavetaking, had been that. Hell bath no
stupidity like a woman scorned, Rod thought; she was sending her most competent
bodyguard as far away as she could. 'Fess?' 'Yes,
Rod?' The horse turned its head to look back at its rider. 'Fess.
I am without a doubt the prize booby ever hatched.' 'You
are a great man, Rod, from a line of great men. 'Oh
yeah, I'm so great! Here I am, supposed to be turning the kingdom into a
constitutional monarchy; and while I'm jauntily wandering southward, the
councillors are tearing apart any possibility of a constitution, while the
House of Clovis is on the verge of killing off the monarch! 'And
here I ride south, with a manservant who would probably gleefully slip a knife
between my ribs if his sense of duty got the upper hand over his conscience for
half a minute. 'And
what have I accomplished? I've established that the place is filled with
ghosts, elves, witches, and a lot of other monsters that can't possibly exist;
I've given you five or six seizures; and to top it all off, a beautiful woman
propositioned me, and I refused! Oh, I'm so great it's unbelievable! If I were
just a little bit more efficient, I'd have managed to botch the whole thing by
now! Fess, wouldn't I be better off if I just gave up?' The
robot began to sing softly. 'I am a man of constant sorrow, rye seen trouble
all my days 'Oh, shut up.' PART
found them in the midst of hayfields, half-mown and dew-laden. Rod looked about
him from the top of the rise, looking down on rolling farmland and tidy hedges,
with here and there a clump of trees, dark against the rising sun. 'Big
Tom!' Tom
turned in the saddle and looked back, then reined in his horse when he saw Rod
had halted. 'Breakfast!'
Rod called, dismounting. He led Fess off the road to a rock outcrop beneath a
thicket of gorse. Tom shrugged and turned his mount. Rod had
the fire laid and kindled by the time Big Tom had hobbled his pony and turned
it to graze. The big man stared in amazement as Rod unlimbered a frying pan and
coffeepot, then turned away, shaking his head in wonder, and dried a place to
sit on a log further down the slope. He sniffed at the scent of frying barn,
sighed, and took out a pack of hardtack. Rod
looked up, frowning, and saw Big Tom sitting in wet grass with a biscuit and a
skin of ale. He scowled and shouted. 'Hey!' The
shout caught Big Tom in mid-swig; he choked, spluttered, and looked up. 'Eh,
master?' 'My
food not good enough for you?' Big Tom
stared, open-mouthed. 'Come
on, come on!' Rod waved an arm impatiently. 'And bring those biscuits with you;
they'll go good fried in ham-fat.' Big Tom
opened and closed his mouth a few times, then nodded vaguely and stood up. The
water was boiling; Rod pried the lid off the coffeepot and threw in a handful
of grounds. He looked up as Big Tom came to the fire, brow furrowed, staring. Rod's
mouth turned down at the corners. 'Well, what're you looking at? Never saw a
campfire before?' 'Thou
bid me eat with my master!' Rod
scowled. 'Is that some major miracle? Here, give a drag of that ale-skin, will
you? That road gets dusty.' Tom
nodded, eyes still fixed on Rod's and held out the skin. Rod took a swig,
looked up, and frowned. 'What's the matter? Never saw a man take a drink? What
am I, some alien monster?' Tom's
mouth closed; his eyes turned dark and brooding. Then he grinned, laughed, and
sat down on a rock. 'Nay, master, nay. Thou'rt a rare good man, and that only.
Nay, only that!' Rod
frowned. 'Why, what's so rare about me?' Tom
threw two cakes of hardtack into the frying pan and looked up, grinning. 'In
this country, master, a gentleman does not take food with his servant.' 'Oh,
that!' Rod waved the objection away. 'It's just you and me out here on the
road, Big Tom. I don't have to put up with that nonsense.' 'Aye,'
Big Tom chuckled. 'A most wonderous rare man, as I said.' 'And a
fool, eh?' Rod served up two slices of ham on wooden saucers. 'Guess we eat
with our knives, Tom. Dig in.' They
ate in silence, Rod scowling at his plate, Torn leaning back and looking out
over the countryside. They
were at the head of a small valley, filled now with the morning mist, a trap
for small sunbeams. The sun lurked over the hedges, and the mist was golden. Tom
grinned as he chewed and jerked his thumb toward the valley. ''Tis the end of
the rainbow, master.' 'Hm?'
Rod jerked his head up. He smiled sourly; it was, after all, more of a pot of
gold than he'd had any right to expect. Tom
gave a rumbling belch and picked at his teeth with his dagger. 'A golden mist,
master, and mayhap golden girls within it.' Rod
swallowed quickly and objected. 'Oh, no! No tomcatting on the side of this
trip, Big Tom! We've got to get down to the South and get down there fast!' 'Eh,
master!' Tom wailed in shocked protest, 'what harm another hour or four, eh?
Besides' - he sat forward and poked Rod in the ribs, grinning - 'I'll wager
thou'lt outdo me. What lasses may not a warlock have, mm? . . . Eh, what's the
matter?' Rod
wheezed and pounded his chest. 'Just a piece of hardtack having an argument
with my gullet. Tom, for the umpteenth penultimate unprintable time, I am not a
warlock!' 'Oh,
aye, master, to be sure!' Big Tom said with a broad-lipped grin. 'And thou mayst
be certain thou'rt as poor a liar as thou art an executioner.' Rod
frowned. 'I haven't killed a man the whole time I've been here!' 'Aye,
and that is my meaning.' 'Oh.'
Rod turned and looked out over the fields. Well, you might as well add lover to
that list of things I'm not good at, Tom.' The big
man sat forward, frowning, searching Rod's face. 'In truth, I think he doth
mean it!' 'Be
sure that I doth.' Tom sat
back, studying his master and tossing his dagger, catching it alternately by
the hilt and the point. 'Aye, thou speakest aright of thy knowledge.' He sat
forward, looking into Rod's eyes. 'And therefore shall I dare to advise thee.' Rod
grinned and gave him a hollow laugh. 'All right, advise me. Tell me how it's
done.' 'Nay.'
Tom held up a palm. 'That much I am sure that you knowest. But it is these farm
girls against which I must caution thee, master.' 'Oh?' 'Aye.
They are-' Tom's face broke into a grin. 'Oh, they are excellent, master,
though simple. But' - he frowned again -'never give them a trace of hope.' Rod
frowned too, 'Why not?' ''Twill
be thy undoing. Thou mayst love them well, master, once - but once only. Then
must thou leave them, right quickly, and never look back.' 'Why?
I'll be turned into a pillar of salt?' 'Nay,
thou'lt be turned into a husband. For once given the merest shred of hope,
master, these farm girls will stick tighter than leeches, and thou'lt never be
rid of them.' Rod
snorted. 'I should have a chance to worry about it! Come on, drink up your
coffee and mount up.' They
doused the fire and packed up, and rode down into the red-gold mist. They
had gone perhaps three hundred yards when a longdrawn alto voice hailed them. Rod
looked up, tensed and wary. Two big
peasant girls stood with pitchforks at the base of a haystack in one of the
fields, laughing and waving. Big
Tom's eyes locked on them with an almost-audible click. 'Eh, master! Pretty
little mopsies, are they not?' They
were pretty, Rod had to admit - though certainly anything but little. They were
both full-hipped and high-breasted, wearing loose low-cut blouses and full
skirts, their hair tied in kerchiefs. Their skirts were girded up to their
knees, to keep them from the dew on the hay. They
beckoned, their laughter a mocking challenge. One of them set her hands on her
hips and executed a slow bump-and-grind. Big Tom
sucked his breath in, his eyes fairly bulging. 'Eh, now, master,' he pleaded,
'are we in so much of a hurry as all that?' Rod
sighed, rolling his eyes up, and shook his head. 'Well, I'd hate to see them
suffering from neglect, Big Tom. Go ahead.' Tom
kicked his horse with a yelp' of joy, leaped the ditch, and galloped full tilt
into the field. He was out of the saddle before the horse slowed past a trot,
catching a girl in each arm, lifting them off the ground and whirling them
about. Rod
shook his head slowly, saluted Big Tom and his playmates, and turned away to
find a neighboring haystack where he could catnap in peace. 'Rod,'
said the quiet voice behind his ear. 'Yes,
Fess?' 'Your
conduct disturbs me, Rod. It's not natural for a healthy young male.' 'It's
not the first time someone's told me that, Fess. Hut I'm methodical; I can't
keep two girls on my mind at once.' He
found another haystack just over the next hedge. Rod parked in the shadow and
unbridled Fess, who began to crop at the hay, to keep up appearances. Rod
remounted and jumped from the horse's back to the top of the haystack and
wallowed down into the soft, fragrant hay with a blissful sigh. The pungent
smell of new-mown hay filled his head, taking him back to his boyhood in the
fields of his father's manor, during haying time; a real Eden, without any
soft, nubile problems to run around creating havoc. Just robots. . . He
watched the gilt-edged clouds drifting across the turquoise sky, not realizing
when he dozed off,' He came
wide awake and stayed very still, wondering what had wakened him. He ran
through the catalog of sensations that were apt to start the alarm clock
ringing in his subconscious. Somebody
was near. His
eyes snapped open, every muscle in his body tensed to fight. He was
looking into a very low-cut bodice. He
raised his eyes from the pleasant pastoral view, a task which required no small
amount of willpower, and saw two large sea-green eyes looking into his. They
were long-lashed, moist, and looked worried. Their
surroundings came into focus: arched eyebrows, a snub nose sprinkled with
freckles, a very wide mouth with full, red lips all set in a roundish face
framed in long, flowing red hair. The
full red lips were pouting, the eyes were troubled. Rod smiled, yawned, and
stretched. 'Good morning.' The pouting lips relaxed into a half-smile. 'Good
morning, fine gentleman.' She was
sitting beside him, propped on one hand, looking into his eyes. 'Why do
you sleep here alone, sir, when nearby a woman awaits your call?' It felt
as though someone had just poured bitters into Rod's circulatory system; a
thrill, and not completely a pleasant one, flooded through him. He
smiled, trying to make it warm. 'I thank you, lass, but I'm not feeling
gamesome today.' She
smiled, but there was still a frown between her eyes. 'I thank you for your
gentleness, sir; but I scarce can credit your words.' 'Why?'
Rod frowned. 'Is it so impossible that a man shouldn't want a frolic?' The
girl gave a forlorn half of a laugh. 'Oh, it might be, milord, but scarce is it
likely. Not even with a peasant, and even less with a lord.' 'I'm
not a lord.' 'A
gentleman, then. That, surely, thou art. And therefore, surely, thou wouldst
never lack interest.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Why?' She
smiled, sadly. 'Why, milord, a peasant might fear forced marriage; but a lord,
never.' Rod
frowned again and studied the girl's face. He judged her to be a little younger
than himself, about twenty-nine or thirty. And for
a peasant girl in this kind of society to be unmarried at thirty... He
threw out an arm. 'Come here to me, lass.' There
was hope, for a moment, in the girl's eyes; but it faded quickly, was replaced
by resignation. She fell into the hay beside him with a sigh, rolling onto her
side to pillow her head on his shoulder. Hope,
Rod mused, very conscious of her breasts and hips against the side of his body.
Hope to be tumbled, and thrown away.... He
shuddered; and the girl raised her head, concerned. 'Art chilled, milord?' He
turned to her and smiled, a sudden wave of gratitude and tenderness surging up
to clog his throat. He clasped her tight against him, closing his eyes to
better savor the touch of her body against his own. An aroma filled his head,
not rose-oil or lilac, but simply the salt-sweet scent of a woman. A pain
was ebbing away inside him, he realized, faintly surprised, a pain that he had
not known was there till it began to leave him. She
clung to him, fists clenched in the cloth of his doublet, face pressed into the
angle of his neck and shoulder. Then,
gradually, he began to relax again, his embrace loosening. He lay very still,
letting the focus of his mind widen, open him again to the world around him;
faint in the distance he heard birdsong, and the gossip of the wind through the
hedges and trees. Somewhere near his head, a cricket chirped in the hay. Her
embrace had loosened with his; her arms and head lay leaden on him now. He kept
his eyes closed, the sun beating down on the lids; he lay in crimson light,
'seeing' the world with his ears. There
was a rustle, and her body rose away from his; she had sat up now. She would be
looking down at him, hurt aching in her eyes, lower lip trembling, a tear on
her cheek. Pity
welled up in him, pity for her and, close behind it, anger at himself; it
wasn't her fault that all he wanted just now was peace, not romance. He
opened his eyes, rolling onto his side and frowning up at her. But
there was no hurt in her eyes - only a grave, deep acceptance, and concern. She
raised her fingertips to his cheek, shyly, not quite touching the skin. He
caught it, nestling the palm against the line of his jaw, and was amazed at how
small her hand was in his own. He closed
his eyes, pressing her hand tighter. A cow
lowed far away; the wind chuckled in the grain. Her
voice was low, and very gentle. 'Milord, use me as you will. I ask no more.' I ask
no more.... Love, she must have love, if only for a minute, even if desertion
came hard on its heels; even if looking back, she must know that it was lust,
and not love. Even if it brought only sorrow and pain, she must have love. 'He
looked into her eyes; they held tears. He
closed his eyes again, and Catharine's face was before him, and Tuan's face
next to hers. A part of him stood back, aloof, and contemplated the faces; it
remarked on how well they looked together, the beautiful princess and the
gallant young knight. Then
his own face came up next to Tuan's, and, compare, the aloof part of him
murmured, compare. Rod's
hands tightened, and he heard the peasant girl give a little cry of startled
pain. He let
go his grip, and looked up at her; and Catharine's face swam next to hers. He
looked on the two of them, the one bent on using him, the other bent on being
used by him, and anger suddenly burned in a band across his chest, anger at
Catharine for her self-righteousness and determination to bend her world to her
will; and at the peasant girl for her mute acceptance and deep resignation, for
the depth of her warmth and her gentleness. The band of anger across his chest
tightened and tightened, anger at himself for the animal in him, as his fingers
bit into her shoulders, and he drew her down in the hay. She gasped with the
pain, crying out softly till his lips struck hers, crushing and biting and
bruising, his fingers clamped on the points of her jaw, forcing her mouth open
and his tongue stabbed hard under hers. His hand groped over her body, fingers
jabbing deep into the flesh, lower and lower, gnawing and mauling. Then
her nails dug into his back as her whole body knotted in one spasm of pain.
Then she went loose, and her chest heaved under him in one great sob. Half
his anger sublimed into nothingness; the other half turned
about and lanced into him, piercing something within him that loosed a tide of
remorse. He
rolled to the side, taking his weight off her. His lips were suddenly gentle,
warm and pleading; his hands were gentle, caressing slowly, soothingly. She
drew in breath, her body tensing again. Fool, the detached voice within him
sneered, Fool! You only hurt her the more! Ready
to turn away from her in shame, he looked up into her eyes.. . and saw the
longing burning naked there, craving and demanding, pulling him down into the
maelstrom within her. Her lips parted, moist and full and warm, tugging and
yielding, pulling him down and down, into blind, light-flooded depths where
there was no sight nor hearing, but only touch upon touch. Rod
levered himself up on one elbow and looked down at the girl, lying naked beside
him with only his cloak for a rather inadequate coverlet. It clung to her
contours, and Rod let his eyes wander over them, drinking in the sight of her,
fixing every feature of her body in his mind. It was a picture he did not want
to lose. He
caressed her, gently, very tenderly. She smiled, murmured, closing her eyes and
letting her head roll to the side. Then
her eyes opened again; she looked at him sidelong, her lips heavy and languid. 'You
have emerald eyes,' Rod whispered. She
stretched luxuriously, her smile a little smug, wrapped her arms around his
neck, and hauled him down to her, her kisses slow, almost drowsy, and lasting. Rod
looked into her eyes, feeling enormously contented and very much at peace with
the world. Hell, the world could go hang! He
raised himself up again, his eyes upon her; then, slowly, he looked away and
about him. There was only the bowl of hay under and about them, and the blue of
the sky arching overhead.., and a mound of clothing to each side. He
looked down again; there was nothing in his world now except her, and he found,
vaguely surprised, that he rather liked it that way. The peace within him was
vast; he felt completely filled, completely satisfied with the world, with
life, at one with them and with God - and with her most of all. He let
his hand linger over the cloaked curve of her breast. She
closed her eyes, murmuring; then, as his hand stilled, she looked up at him
again. Her smile faded to a ghost; concern stole into her eyes. She
started to say something, stopped, and said instead, almost warily, 'Are you
well, lord?' He
smiled,' his eyes very sober; then he closed them and nodded, slowly. 'Yes. I
am very well.' He bent
to kiss her again - slowly, almost carefully - then lifted away. 'Yes, I am
well, most strangely well, more than I have ever been.' The
smile lit her face again, briefly; then she turned her eyes away, looking down
at her body, then up at him again, her eyes touched with fear. He
clasped her in his arms and rolled onto his back. Her body stiffened a moment,
then relaxed; she gave a little cry, half sob and half sigh, and burrowed her
head into the hollow of his shoulder and was still. He
looked down at the glory of her hair spread out over his chest. He smiled
lazily and let his eyes drift shut. 'Rod.'
Fess's voice whispered behind his ear, and the world came flooding in again. Rod
tensed, and clicked his teeth once in acknowledgment. 'Big Tom is dressed
again, and coming toward your haystack.' Rod sat bolt upright, squinting up at
the sun; it was almost to the meridian. Time and distance nagged him again. 'Well,
back to the world of the living,' he growled, and reached out for his clothes. 'Milord?' She was
smiling regretfully, but her eyes were tight with hurt - a
hurt which faded into the deep acceptance and resignation even as he watched. 'The
memory of this time will be dear to me, lord,' she whispered, clasping the
cloak to her breast, her eyes widening. It was
a forlorn plea for reassurance a reassurance he could not honestly give, for he
would never see her again. It came
to him then that she was expecting refusal of any reassurance, expecting him to
lash out at her for her temerity in implying that she had some worth, that she
was worthy of thanks. She
knew her plea would bring hurt, yet she pled; for a woman lives on love, and
this was a woman near thirty in a land
where girls married at fifteen. She had already accepted that there was to be
no lasting love in her life; she must subsist on the few crumbs she could
gather. His
heart went out to her, somewhat impelled by the jab of self-reproach. So, of
course, he told her one of the lies that men tell women only to comfort them,
and later realize to be very true. He
kissed her and said, 'This was not Life, lass, it was what living is for.' And
later, when he mounted his horse and turned back to look at her, with Big Tom
beside him waving a cheery farewell to his wench, Rod looked into the girl's
eyes again and saw the desperation, the touch of panic at his leaving, the
silent, frantic plea for a shred of hope. A
shred, Tom had said, would be too much, but Rod would probably never see this
girl again. Not even a spark of hope -just a glimmer. Could. that do any hurt? 'Tell
me your name, lass.' Only a
spark, but it flared in her eyes to a bonfire. 'Gwendylon am I called, lord.' And
when they had rounded a turn in the road and the girls were lost to sight
beyond the hill behind them, Tom sighed and said, 'Thou hast done too much,
master. Thou shalt never be rid of her now.' There
was this to be said for a roll in the hay: it had sapped enough of Big Tom's
vitality so that he wasn't singing any more. Probably still humming, to be
sure; but he was riding far enough ahead so Rod couldn't hear him. Rod
rode in silence, unable to rid his mind of flaming hair and emerald eyes. So he
cursed at the vision, under his breath; but it seemed to his aloof self that
the cursing lacked something - vehemence, perhaps. Certainly sincerity. It
was his aloof self accused, a very halfhearted attempt at malediction. Rod had
to admit it was. He was still feeling very much at one with creation. At the
moment, he couldn't have been angry with his executioner.. . . And that worried
him. 'Fess.' 'Yes,
Rod?' The voice seemed a little more inside his head than usual. 'Fess,
I don't feel right.' The
robot paused; then, 'How do you feel, Rod?' 142 There
was something about the way Fess had said that Rod glanced sharply at the
pseudo-horse head. 'Fess, are you laughing at me?' 'Laughing?' 'Yes,
laughing. You heard me. Chuckling in your beard.' 'This
body is not equipped with a beard.' 'Cut
the comedy and answer the question.' With
something like a sigh, the robot said, 'Rod, I must remind you that I am only a
machine. Tam incapable of emotions. I was
merely noting discrepancies, Rod.' 'Oh,
were you!' Rod growled. 'What discrepancies, may I ask?' 'In
this instance, the discrepancy between what a man really is and what he wishes
to believe of himself.' Rod's
upper lip turned under and pressed against his teeth. 'Just what do I wish to
believe?' 'That
you are not emotionally dependent Upon this peasant Woman.' 'Her
name is Gwendylon.' 'With
Gwendylon. With any woman, for that matter. You wish to believe that you are
emotionally independent, that you no longer enjoy what you call "being in
love".' 'I
enjoy love very much, thank you!' 'That
is a very different thing,' the robot murmured, 'than being in love.~ 'Damn
it, I wasn't talking about making love!' 'Neither
was I.' Rod's
lips pressed into a thin white line. 'You're talking about emotional
intoxication And if that's what you mean - no, I am not in love. I have no
desire to be in love. And if I have any say in the matter, I will never be in
love again!' Precisely
what I said you wished to believe,' mused the robot. Rod ground his teeth and
waited for the surge of anger to pass. 'Now what's the truth about me?' 'That
you are in love.' 'Damn
it, a man's either in love, or he's not, and he damn well knows which.' 'Agreed;
but he may not be willing to admit it.' 'Look,'
Rod snapped, 'I've been in love before, and I know what it's like. It's . . .
well . . 'Go
on,' the 'robot prodded. 'Well,
it's like' - Rod lifted his head and looked out at the I A~ countryside
- 'you know the world's there., and you know it's real; but you don't give a
damn, 'cause you know for a certainty that you're the center of the world, the
most important thing in it.' 'Have
you felt that way recently?' Fess murmured. 'Well.
. . yes, damn it.' Rod's mouth twisted. 'With
Catharine?' Rod
stared, and glared at the back of the horse's head. 'How the hell would you
know?' His eyes narrowed. 'Logic,
Rod.' The robot's voice had a touch of smugness. 'Only logic. And how did you
feel while you were with Gwendylon?' 'Oh . .
.' Rod threw his shoulders back, stretching. 'Great, Fess. Better than I ever
have. The world's clearer, and the day's younger. I feel so healthy and
clearheaded I can't believe it. It's just the opposite to how I feel when I'm
in love, but I like it.' Rod
frowned at the back of Fess's head. 'Well?' The robot plodded on, not
answering. 'Cat
got your tongue?' 'I am
not equipped with a tongue, Rod.' 'Don't
change the subject.' The
horse was silent a moment longer; then, 'I -was mistaken, Rod. You love, and
are loved - but you are not in love.' Rod
frowned down at the roadway. 'Why not, Fess?' The
robot made a sound like a sigh. 'How do the two Women differ, Rod?' 'Well...'
Rod chewed at the inside of his cheek. 'Gwendylon's human. I mean, she's just
an ordinary, everyday woman, like I'm an ordinary man.' 'But
Catharine is more?' 'Oh,
she's the kind of woman I tend to put on a pedestal... something to be
worshiped, not courted.. 'And
not loved?' the robot mused. 'Rod, of the two women, which is the better human
being?' 'Uh. .
. Gwendylon.' 'The
prosecution,' said the robot-horse, 'rests.' The
demesne of the Loguires was a great, broad plain between the mountains and the
sea. The low, rolling mountains stood at the north and east; beach curved in a
wide semi-circle in the south; a sheer, hundred foot high cliff face towered in
the northwest. The ocean battered at its seaward side; a waterfall 144 poured
over the other face into the valley. A long, old river twisted over the plain
to the sea. The
plain itself was a patchwork of fields, with here and there a cluster of
peasant huts - Loguire's people. Tom and
Rod stood at the verge of one of the mountain forests, where the road from the
North fell away to the plain. Rod
turned his head slowly, surveying the demesne. 'And where,' he said, 'is the
castle?' 'Why,
back of the waterfall, master.' Rod's
head jerked around, staring at Tom; then he followed the road with his eyes. It
wound across the plain to the foot of the waterfall; there, where the cliff met
the plain, a great gate was carved in the rock, complete with portcullis and a
drawbridge over the natural moat formed by an oxbow of the river. The lords of Loguire
had honeycombed the cliff for their home. An
exclamation point formed between Rod's eyebrows as they drew together. 'Is that
a dike to either side of the drawbridge, Big Tom?' 'Aye,
master; and there are said to be charges of gunpowder within it.' Rod
nodded, slowly. 'And the land before the portcullis gate sinks down. So if
unwelcome callers come knocking, you blow up the dike, and your front door gets
covered with thirty feet of water. Very neat. Then you just sit and wait out
the siege. The waterfall gives you plenty of fresh water, so your only worry is
food.' 'There
are said to be gardens within the keep,' Big Tom supplied helpfully. Rod
shook his -head in silent respect. 'So you're completely defended, and stocked
for a ten years' siege. This place ever been taken, Tom?' The big
man shook his head. 'Never, master.' He grinned. 'Wonder
if the old boy who built this place was maybe a little bit paranoid. . . .
Don't suppose they'd have room in that place for a couple of weary travelers,
do you?' Big Tom
pursed his lips. 'Aye, master, if they were noblemen. The hospitality of the
Loguires is famed. But for the likes of me, and even yourself, who are no more
than a squire, master, that hospitality lies in the cottages.' The sun
winked. Rod scowled and peered into the sky. 'There's that damn bird again.
Doesn't it know we're too big for
lunch?' He unlimbered his crossbow and cranked it back to cocked. 'Nay,
master.' Big Tom put out a hand 'You've lost four bolts on it already.' 'I just
don't like anything airborne following me, Tom. They're not always what they
seem.' Tom's brow furrowed at the cryptic statement. Rod tucked the stock into
his shoulder. 'Besides, I've taken one shot a day at it for the last four days;
it's getting to be a habit.' - The bow
hummed, and the quarrel leaped upward; but the bird sailed up faster. The bolt
passed through the place where the bird had been, rose another fifty feet, hit
the top of its arc, and began to fall. The bird, fifty feet higher, watched it
sink. Big Tom
raised an eyebrow, his mouth quirked up on one side. 'You'll never strike it,
master. The fowl knows the meaning of a crossbow.' 'You'd
almost think it does.' Rod slung the bow over his shoulder. 'What kind of
country is this, with elves under every tree and hawks in the sky shadowing
you?' ''Tis
not a hawk, master,' Big Tom reproved. ''Tis an osprey.' Rod
shook his head. 'It started following us the second day out. What would a fish
hawk be doing that far inland?' 'Myself,
I cannot say. Thou might ask it, though, master.' 'And I
wouldn't really be all that surprised if it answered,' Rod mused. 'Well, it
isn't doing us any harm, I suppose, and we've got bigger problems at the
moment. We came here to get into that castle. Do you sing, Big Tom?' - Tom did a double take. 'Sing, master?' 'Yeah,
sing. Or play the bagpipes, or something.' Tom
tugged at his lip, frowning. 'I can make some manner of noise on a shepherd's
flute, and the half dead might put the word music to it. But what folly is this,
master?' 'Fool's
folly.' Rod unstrapped a saddlebag and took out a small harp. 'As of now, we're
minstrels. Let's hope the cliff-dwellers are a little short on music at the
moment.' He pulled an alto recorder out of the saddlebag and gave it to Tom. 'I
hope that's enough like your shepherd's flute to do some good.' 'Aye,
master, very like it. But-' 'Oh,
don't worry, they'll let us in. Folks this far away from the capital tend to
be- out of touch; they're hungry for news and new songs, and minstrels carry
both. Do you know "Eddy-stone Light"?' 'Nay
master.' 'Too
bad; that's one that always goes over well in a seaport town. Well, no matter,
I can teach it to you as we go.' They
set off down the road, singing in accidentals unknown to any human mode or
scale. The fish hawk screamed and sheered off. Bring
ye news from the North?' the sentry had asked eagerly; and Rod, recollecting
that minstrels were the closest medieval equivalent to journalists, had replied
in the affirmative. Now he
and Tom stood before a gathering of twenty-eight noblemen, their wives and
attendants, ranging in age from pretty teenage serving maids to the
ninety-year-old Earl of Vallenderie, all with the same eager, hungry glint in
their eyes, and Rod without a scrap of news to tell them. Well,
no matter; he'd make it up as he went along. He wouldn't be the first
journalist who'd done it. The
crusty old Duke of Loguire sat in a great oaken chair in the midst of the
company; he didn't seem to recognize Rod. But Durer did; he stood hunched over
Loguire's left shoulder, eyes twisting hate at Rod. But it would have done him
no good to expose Rod, and he knew it; Loguire still loved his niece, though he
was at odds with her. He would have honored Rod for saving Catharine's life. It was
Loguire who voiced the question for all his people; and Rod, reflecting that
the Duke had very personal reasons for wanting news of the House of Clovis, had
replied that as yet, all was quiet in the North. 'Oh, one heard talk and saw
signs of the House; but that was talk, and talk only - so far. Then he
and Tom swung into a foot-stamping rendition of 'Eddystone Light'. The
gathering stood in astounded silence a moment; then grins broke out, and hands
started clapping the rhythm. Encouraged,
Big Tom picked up both the tempo and the volume; Rod struggled to match him
while he scanned the faces of the audience. The old
Duke was trying to look sternly disapproving, and not succeeding too well. A
tall young man of about Rod's age stood behind the old man's right shoulder, a
grin coming to his lips and a gleam to his eye as he listened to the song,
displacing a
grimace of discontent, self-pity, and bitterness. The elder son, Rod guessed,
with a host of weaknesses Durer could prey upon. It was
easy to pick out Loguire's vassal lords; all were richly dressed, and
accompanied by an even more richly dressed wire scarecrow of a man: the
councillors, Durer's boys. Rod
felt strangely certain that anything Durer proposed would have the unanimous
approval of all the Southern lords, with only Loguire dissenting. And
Loguire, of course, had one more vote than all the vassal lords put together.
Rod remembered Loguire's unsolicited promise to Catharine: 'No harm shall come
to the Queen while I live. ...' 'While
I live....' The
performance was literally a howling success; Rod had managed to keep it on a
ribald rather than a political level, walking the thin line between the risquй
and the pornographic. The audience had loved it; Rod decided that the tin ear
must be a genetic dominant in Gramarye. He'd noticed, too, that the eyes of all
the serving girls had been riveted to himself and Big Tom; he was still trying
to understand why. It didn't seem to have done Big Tom's ego any harm, though. But now
and again, one of the councillors had asked a question that could not be put
off; and when Rod had answered with rumors that the House of Clovis would rise
against the Crown, a frantic, acid joy had burned in their eyes. That,
at least, he understood. The important thing about a revolution is that it
begin; you can always take control of it later. That he
understood; but now, with the singing done, as he was going to the loft which
had been temporarily assigned to Tom and himself, he was still pondering the
look on the faces of the serving maids. When they had looked at Tom, he'd been
quite sure what it was; he expected to find the loft fully occupied by the time
he arrived, since Big Tom had gone on ahead. But
that look couldn't mean the same thing when applied to himself - unless the
occupation of minstrel carried a great deal more prestige than he'd thought. So, all
in all, he was even more confused but not too surprised when one of the servant
girls intercepted him with a cup of wine. 'Salve
for a parched throat, Master Minstrel,' she murmured, her eyes shining as she
held the cup out to him. He
looked at her out of the corner of his eye and reluctantly accepted the cup; no
call for bad manners, was there? 'And,'
she murmured as she drank, 'warmth for your bed, if you will.' Rod
choked and spluttered, lowered the cup, glaring at her; then he looked her up
and down quickly. She was full-bodied and high-breasted, with a wide,
full-lipped mouth - very like (3wendylon, in some ways Suddenly
suspicious, Rod looked more sharply; but no, this girl's eyes were tilted
upward at the outer corners, and her nose was long and straight, not snub.
Besides, her hair and eyes were black. He
smiled wryly and drank off the rest of the cup and returned it to her. 'Thank
you, lass, right deeply.' It was
indicative, he thought, that she had come to him instead of Big Tom. Tom was
certainly the more appealing chunk of man; but Rod was obviously the one who
had the status. A bitch like any of them, he thought: she doesn't give a damn
for who the man is, just as long as what he is is a station higher than hers. 'I
thank you,' he said again, 'but I have been long on the road, and am like to
swoon from my weariness.' A very pretty speech, he thought; and go ahead, let
her think less of my manhood for it. At least she'll leave me alone. The
serving maid lowered her eyes, biting her lip. 'As you will, good master.' And
she turned away, leaving Rod staring after her. Well,
that hadn't taken much refusing. Come to think of it, he was a little indignant
.. . but had there been just a hint of triumph in her eyes, a shard of
rejoicing? Rod
went on his way, wondering if perhaps he hadn't inadvertently stepped into the
pages of a Machiavellian textbook. The
door to the loft was closed, as Rod had guessed; a muffled feminine squeal,
followed by Tom's bass laugh, further confirmed his guess. So he
shrugged philosophically, settled his harp over his shoulder, and turned back
down the long, winding staircase. He could put the time to good use, anyway.
The castle had so obviously been built by a paranoid that he was certain there
had to be secret passages. He
sauntered down the main corridor, whistling. The granite walls
were painted ocher, ornamented with standing suits of armor and here and there
a tapestry. Some of the tapestries were huge, reaching from floor to ceiling;
Rod noted their locations carefully in his mind. They could very easily conceal
the mouths of passageways. Twelve
sub-corridors intersected the main hall at right angles. As he came near the
seventh, he noticed that his footsteps seemed to have acquired an echo - a very
curious echo, that took two steps for each one of his. He stopped to look at a
tapestry; the echo took two more steps and stopped. Looking out of the corner
of his eye, Rod caught a glimpse of one of the wizened, richly dressed
scarecrows; he thought he recognized Durer, but it was hard to tell by
peripheral vision. He
turned away and swaggered on down the hail, humming 'Me and My Shadow'. The
echo started again. Now,
Rod was mildly gregarious; he didn't really mind company. But it was a safe bet
that he wasn't going to learn very much with Durer on his tail with a
saltshaker. Ergo, he had to figure some way to lose his emaciated companion.
This would not be easy, since Durer almost surely knew the castle very
thoroughly, while Rod knew it not at all. But the
ninth cross-corridor seemed as though it would do nicely for the purpose - it
was unlit. Strange, Rod mused; the other halls had all had a torch every
several paces. But this was as dark as Carlsbad before the tourists came; it
also had a thick carpet of dust, with not a single footprint in evidence.
Cobwebs hung thick from the ceiling; trickles of moisture ran down the walls,
watering patches of moss. But the
darkness was the main feature. He would leave a nice trail in the dust, but the
darkness offered a chance of ducking into a room or side-hall; also. Durer
couldn't very well pretend he just happened to be going the same way. Rod
turned into the corridor, sneezing in the cloud of dust he kicked up, and heard
a sudden scurrying behind him. A claw grabbed his shoulder; he turned to face
the little man, ready to swing. Yes, it
was Durer, glaring at Rod with his usual look of hate and suspicion. 'What seek
you in there?' he croaked. Rod
brushed the bony hand off his shoulder and leaned back against the wall.
'Nothing in particular; just looking around. I don't have much of anything to
do at the moment unless you'd like a song?' 'Damn
your caterwauling!' Durer snapped. 'And you may leave off your pretense of
minstrelsy; I know you for what you are. 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'How'd you know I'm not really a minstrel?' 'I
heard you sing. Now off to your chamber, if you've no business elsewhere 1' Rod
scratched his nose. 'Ah - about that chamber,' he said delicately. 'My
companion seems to have found, uh, a better use for it than sleeping. So I'm,
ah, sort of locked out, if you follow me.~ 'Corruption!'
the councillor hissed. 'No, I
suspect Big Tom goes about it in a very healthy manner. And since I have no
place to stay at the moment, I thought none would mind my wandering about.' Durer
glared at him, a look like a laser beam. Then, very reluctantly, he backed off
a pace or two. 'True,'
he said. 'There are no secrets here for you to pry out.' Rod managed to limit
his laughter to a mild convulsion in the depths of his belly. 'But
did you not know,' the scarecrow continued, 'that this is the haunted quarter?' Rod's
eyebrows shot up. 'You don't say.' He tugged at his lower lip, eyeing Durer
judiciously. 'You seem to know the castle pretty well.' Durer's
eyes snapped like a high-voltage arc. 'Any in this castle could tell you that.
But I am Durer, councillor to the Duke of Loguire! It is my place to know the
castle well - as it is not yours!' But Rod
had turned away, looking, down the dark hallway. 'You know,' he mused, 'I've
never seen a ghost before 'None
have, and lived to tell of it! To enter there is the act of a fool!' Rod
turned, smiling cheerfully. 'Well, I'm qualified. Besides, a meeting with a
ghost would make a good ballad.' The
little man stared; then a contemptuous smile twisted into his face. He began to
chuckle, sounding strangely like ball bearings rolling over corrugated iron.
'Go then, fool! I should have seen 'twould be no matter whether you went there
or not.' Rod
grinned, shrugged, and stepped into the black corridor. 'A
moment!' Darer called. Rod
sighed and turned. 'What do you want now?' 'Before
you go to your death,' said Durer, his eyes feverishly bright, 'tell me: what
are you?' A chill
ran down Rod's back. The little man had seen through his cover. He
leaned against the wall, radiating boredom. 'A minstrel, of course. What else
would I be?' 'Nay,
fool! Do you think me so blind? You are a spy!' Rod's hand crept to his
dagger-hilt. It was balanced for throwing. 'A spy
from the House of Clovis!' Durer howled. Rod's hand relaxed; he let out a
breath that he hadn't known he'd been holding. 'Guess again, little man.' Darer
scowled. 'Not from the House? But then. . . Nay, you are their spy! Even now
you will not admit to it!' A
synapse spat in Rod's brain. He
leaned back against the wall, folding his arms, grinning. 'Why, what interest
have you in the House of Clovis, good councillor? And why would Clovis wish to
know of your doings here?' 'Nay!'
Darer hissed, his eyes widening. 'Fool, do you think I would answer such. . .
Me! Curse my old mind, not to have thought it! You are a spy from the Queen!' Rod
stepped away from the wall, loosening the dagger in its sheath. He didn't
particularly care if Durer knew Catharine had sent him; but he did want an
answer. 'I asked you a question,' he said mildly. Terror
welled up in the little man's eyes. He leaped back against the far wall. 'Hold!
At my call a score of soldiers come!' Rod
gave him a look that was somewhere between a sneer and a smile. 'That won't do
you much good if you're dead by the time they get here.' He gestured toward the
dark corridor. 'Also, I'd probably be gone by the time they arrive. The
little man stared, horrified, and began to tremble. But the little bastard had
guts, Rod had to give him that. His voice broke like a cicada in autumn, but he
kept talking. 'It
might be.. . it just might be that it is even as you say, that you are not of
Clovis! And if you come from the Queen, why, then, you are Welcome among us!' Rod
half-turned his head, giving the little man a measuring, sidewise look. 'I will
tell all that you wish to know!' The councillor's hands came up
in pathetic eagerness. A strange light came into his eyes. 'Aye, all will I
tell you, even to the day that we march on the Queen's capital! Then you may
tell her, and she can march south to meet us halfway! Even this will I tell
you!' He
leaped forward, hands clawing. 'Only come out from the hallway! If you come
from the Queen, I would not have you die!' Rod's
face turned to stone. 'No. You've got something hidden in there, and I've got a
strange notion it might be more important than the date set for your rebellion.
I think I'll just have a look.' He turned back into the dusty hallway. Durer
ran after him a few steps, almost wailing. 'No, no! You must carry word North!
Come away, you fool!' Rod
kept walking. Behind
him, the little man screeched in anger. 'Go, then, to your death! There is no
need for you! I will take word to the North myself! Die, like the fool that you
are!' His
shrill, hysterical laughter echoed and slapped from the walls, beating into
Rod's ears as he strode into the moldering, lightless depths of the Castle
Loguire. He
turned a corner, and the laugh died away. The faint torchlight from the main
hail died with it; here the darkness was complete. Rod
walked through it, chewing at the inside of his cheek. Obviously, the little
man really expected him to die.. . . which was strange, since he had tried to
keep Rod from going in. Which meant he'd really wanted Rod to carry word of the
rebellion back to Catharine. But why did he want to doublecross the rebels? Unless
it was a triple-cross, somehow. Then,
too, he obviously had something hidden back in these corridors, and might be
afraid Rod would find it and somehow manage. to come out alive. However,
he expected Rod to die, which meant automated defenses surrounding Darer's Big
Secret. ... Unless,
of course... Rod
stopped, suddenly realizing he didn't know the way out. He had a hazy
recollection of having turned several corners while he'd been pondering; but he
couldn't remember which corners, or how many, or which way he'd turned. He
noticed that his voice shook just a trifle when he murmured 'Fess', 'Yes,
Rod,' the calm voice behind his ear answered instantly. It was vastly
reassuring. 'Fess,
I'm in the haunted part of the castle.' 'Haunted?' 'It has
that reputation, yes.' There
was a pause; then the robot said, 'Rod, an analysis of your voice patterns
indicates mild fear. Surely you do not believe in ghosts.' 'No, I
don't. But I just remembered, Fess - I didn't believe in elves, either. Or
banshees. Or-' 'Elves,'
Fess replied evenly, 'are a myth.' 'Uh,
Fess . 'Yes,
Rod?' 'I've
seen quite a few elves since we landed.' 'A fait
accompli,' the robot admitted reluctantly, 'which I am constrained to
acknowledge. I have not as yet sufficient data to explain the seeming conflict
with known principles.' 'You're
as bad as a Catholic,' Rod growled. 'But at least it doesn't give you fits any
more?' 'No-o-o.'
The robot was thoughtful. 'The initial datum caused an overload; but that datum
has since been assimilated.' 'As
long as you're sure there's a rational explanation.' 'Precisely.' 'So
you're capable of handling the practical matters?' 'Quite
capable.' 'Because
you're sure you'll be able to fit it into the Laws of Science eventually.' 'Very
perceptive, Rod.' 'Sounds
like a Jesuit,' Rod growled. 'But the practical matter at hand is that I am
scared. And for a very good reason. Fess...' 'Yes,
Rod?' 'If
elves can exist on this crazy planet, why not ghosts?' There was another pause;
then Fess admitted, 'There is no evidence that would directly contradict the
hypothesis.' A moan,
so deep that Rod could hardly hear it, and so loud that he winced in pain,
shook the wails of the hallway. Rod
gasped. 'What was that?' 'A
complex wave-pattern of low frequency and high amplitude;' Fess answered
obligingly. 'Thank
you, Dr Slipcam. What caused it?' 'There
is as yet insufficient data for-' The
moan came again, and a wraith of mist with hollow black eyes and a black circle
of mouth swooped straight at Rod's head, starting as a pinpoint far down the
hall and towering over him a second later. Rod
screamed and plastered himself against the wall. Fear knotted his belly, fear
slackened his limbs, fear jellied his brain and squeezed at his heart. Another
moan sounded, a half-step above the first; Rod jerked his head to his right.
Another ghost loomed over him. A third
moan, and Rod's eyes slapped up; a third specter towered before him. Three
ghosts, towering high about him, ringing him in against the stone wall. Their
mouths formed great, lightless 0's, cold bony fingers reaching out for him. Through
the moiling panic of his brain fought a single thought: Fess didn't believe in
ghosts. 'Ghosts
I' Rod screamed. 'Ghosts, Fess, ghosts!' 'Ghosts,'
droned the robot, 'are immaterial, even if they did exist. They are
manifestations of neither energy nor matter, incapable of causing damage to a
material being.' 'Tell
them! Tell them!' Rod shrieked. The
hand around his heart tightened. He gasped and coughed. Something was mashing
his lungs, a steel band around his chest, tightening, tightening. . . . Fear
was a physical thing, a looming presence, armed and hating. Fear could
paralyze, fear could kill . 'Rod,
cover your ears.' Rod
tried to obey the robot's order, and couldn't. 'Fess!' he screamed. 'Fess, I
can't move!' A loud,
raucous buzz shook his skull, blotting out the moans. It modulated into
monotone words: 'C-O-V-E-R Y-O-U-R E-A-R-S.' And the
fear was gone, vanished - or almost gone, at least; reduced to the cold,
familiar lump in the pit of the belly. Rod could move again, as easily as he
ever had. He put his fingers in his ears. The buzz stopped, and he could hear
the ghosts again, their moans dulled and distant through his fingers. The fear
rose into his throat again, but it was no longer paralyzing. 'Can
you hear them, Rod?' 'Yeah,
but it's not so bad now. What'd you do, Fess?' 'Nothing,
Rod. Their moans have a harmonic frequency in the
subsonic range, capable of inducing fear in members of your species.' 'Oh.' 'The
fear-inducing tone is a beat frequency produced by the simultaneous emission of
subsonic harmonics incorporated in the three moans.' 'So it
takes three of them to scare me?' 'Correct,
Rod.' 'And
they're not really scaring me, just making me feel scared?' 'Again,
correct.' 'Well,
that's a relief. For a minute there I was afraid I'd all of a sudden turned
into a full-blown coward.' 'All
men fear, Rod.' 'Yeah,
but only a coward lets it stop him.' 'That
is a redundant statement, Rod.' 'Oh,
the hell with theory! Pardon me while I put it into practice:' Rod
stepped away from the wall, forcing himself to move. He kept walking, right
through the ghost in front of him. The moans suddenly ceased; then, with a howl
of despair, the ghosts disappeared. 'They're
gone,' Rod croaked. 'Of
course, Rod. Once you have demonstrated their inability to control you, they
begin to fear you.' 'Ye-e-es,'
Rod breathed. He set his, feet wide apart, jammed his fists on his hips, flung
his head back, and grinned. 'Okay, spooks! Any doubts about who's boss?' He
stood, listening to the echoes of his voice die away among the empty corridors.
A loud voice could be pretty impressive in here. A
mournful, sepulchral voice answered him out of thin air, moaning. 'Leave us,
mortal. Leave us to the peace of our graves. We harm no one here, in our cold,
old halls.' 'No one
except the people who come in here,' Rod snapped. 'Them you kill, as you would
have killed me, through weight of fear alone.' 'Few'
mourned the ghost. 'Very, very few, mortal man. Only madmen, and fools.' 'If you
have killed one man here in your halls, you have killed one too many!' Rod
rapped back. 'Would
you not slay, Man, in defense of your home?' Rod
snorted. 'What right have you to these halls?' Suddenly the ghost was there, towering
over him. 'I once was Horatio, first Duke Loguire!' it thundered in anger. 'I
it was built this keep! Have I no right to a poor, cold quarter of its halls?' Fear
lanced Rod's belly; he took a step back, then set his teeth and stepped forward
again. 'You got a point there,' he admitted. 'And possession is nine-tenths of
the law. But how many did you have to kill to gain possession?' 'None.'
The ghost sounded very unhappy about it. 'All fled in fear.' Rod
nodded, revising his estimate of the ghost. Apparently Horatio didn't kill if
he could help it. Probably delighted when it became necessary, though. 'I mean
you no harm, Horatio.' He grinned suddenly, sardonically. 'What harm could I do
you, even if I wanted to?' The
ghost's head snapped up, empty eyes staring into Rod's. 'You know not, mortal?' 'A
ghost,' Fess's voice said hurriedly behind Rod's ear, 'like all supernatural
creatures, can be hurt by cold iron or silver, or any medium of good
conductivity, though gold is usually regarded as too expensive for such uses.' The
ghost loomed larger over Rod, advancing on him. Rod stepped back, his dagger at
the ready. 'Hold it right there,' he snapped. 'Cold iron, remember?' 'Then,
too,' Fess murmured, 'you do know the secret of their power. You could bring in
an army with earplugs.' 'Then,
too,' said Rod, 'I do know the secret of your power. I could bring in an army
with earplugs.' The
ghost halted, the corners of its mouth turning down. 'I had thought thou hadst
said thou knew not.' 'I do
now. One step backward, if you please.' The ghost reluctantly retreated,
groaning. 'What phantom stands at your side to advise you?' Rod's
teeth bared in a grin. 'A black horse, made of cold iron. It's in the castle
stables, but it can talk to me from there.' 'A
pouka,' Horatio growled, 'a spirit horse, and one who is a traitor to the world
of ghosts.' 'No.'
Rod shook his head grimly. 'It's not a spirit at all. I said it was made of
cold iron, didn't I?' The
ghost shook its head decisively. 'No such thing could exist.' Rod
sighed. 'There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
in your philosophy. But that's beside the point. All that matters to you is
that I don't mean any harm here. I'm just looking for something. I'll find it
and go. Okay?' 'You
are master. Why dost thou ask?' the ghost said bitterly. 'Courtesy,' Rod
explained. Then a vagrant and vague possibility crossed his mind. 'Oh, by the
way, I'm a minstrel.. ..' The
ghost's mouth dropped open; then it surged forward, hands grasping hungrily.
'Music! Oh, sweet strains of melody! But play for us, Man, and we are thine to
command!' 'Hold
on a second.' Rod held up a hand. 'You built these halls, Horatio Loguire, and
therefore do I ask of you the boon that I may walk these halls in peace. Grant
me this. and I will play for you.' 'You
may walk, you may walk where you will! * the ghost quavered. 'Only play for us,
Man!' Very
neat, Rod thought. As good a job of face-saving as he'd ever done. After all,
no sense making enemies if you can help it. He
looked up, started, and stared in shock. He was ringed by a solid wall of
ghosts, three deep at least, all staring like' a starving man in a spaghetti
factory. He
swallowed hard and swung his harp around with a silent prayer of thanks that he
hadn't been able to leave it in the sleeping-loft. He
touched the strings, and a groan of ecstasy swept through the ghost like the
murmur of distant funeral bells on the midnight wind. It then
occurred to Rod that he was in an excellent bargaining position. 'Uh, Lord
Horatio, for two songs, will you tell me where the secret passages are?' 'Aye,
aye!' the ghost fairly shrieked. 'The castle is thine, my demesne. all that I
have! The kingdom, if thou wish it! Only play for us. Man! For ten hundreds of
years we have heard not a strain of Man's music. But play, and the whole world
is thine!' His
fingers started plucking then, and the ghosts shivered like a schoolgirl
getting her first kiss. He gave
them 'Greensleeves.' and 'The Drunken Sailor.' they being the oldest songs he
knew. From there he went on to 'The Ghost's High Noon,' and 'The Unfortunate
Miss Bailey'. He was about to swing into 'Ghost Riders in the Sky' when it
occurred to him that ghosts might not particularly like songs about ghosts. After
all, mortals told spook stories for escapism; and by that yardstick, specters
should want songs about humdrum, ordinary, everyday life, something peaceful
and comforting, memories of green pastures and babbling brooks, and the lowing
herd winding slowly o'er the lea. So he
went through as much of Beethoven's Sixth as he could remember, which was not
easy on an Irish harp. The
last strains died away among the hollow halls. The ghosts were silent a moment;
then a satiated, regretful sigh passed through them. Horatio
Loguire's great voice spoke quietly at Rod's elbow. 'In truth, a most fair
roundelay.' Then, very carefully: 'Let us have another, Man.' Rod
shook his head with a sorrowful smile. 'The hours of the night crowd down upon
us, my lord, and I have much that I must do ere daybreak. Another night I shall
return and play for you again; but for this night, I must away.' 'Indeed,'
Horatio nodded, with another mournful sigh. 'Well, you have dealt fairly with
us, Man, and shown us courtesy without constraint to it. And shall we, for
hospitality, be beholden to a guest? Nay; but come within, and I will show you
doors to the pathways within the walls of this keep, and tell you of their
twists and turnings.' All the
ghosts but Horatio disappeared, with the sound of mouse feet running through
the autumn leaves. Horatio turned abruptly and fled away before Rod, who dashed
after him. Rod
counted his running steps; after fifty, the ghost made a right-angle turn with
a fine disregard for inertia and passed through a doorway. Rod made a manful
attempt at the inertia-less turn, and got away with only a slight skid. The
ghost's voice took on the booming echo of the cavern-like room. 'This was a
cavern indeed, ready-made by God, lo, many centuries before I came. Loath to
begrudge His gifts, I took it for my great banquet hail.'. The room seethed
with the voices of a thousand serpent-echoes as the patriarch ghost heaved a
vast sigh. 'Boisterous and many were the feastings held within this great hail,
Man. Beauteous the maidens and valiant the knights.' His voice lifted,
exulting. 'Brilliant with light and music was my banquet hail in that lost day,
the tales and sagas older and more vital than the singing of this latter world.
Wine flushed the faces of my court, and life beat high through
the veins of their temples, filling their ears with its drumming call! 'The
call of life...' The spirit's voice faded; its echoes died away among the cold
cavern stones, till the great hail stood silent in its enduring midnight. Somewhere
a drop of water fell, shattering the silence into a hundred echoes. 'Gone
now, o Man,' mourned the ghost. 'Gone and dead, -while threescore of the sons
of my blood have ruled these marches in my stead, and come home to me here in
my hails. Gone, all my bold comrades, all my willing maidens - gone, and dust
beneath our feet.' Rod's
shoulders tightened as though a chill wind had touched him between the shoulder
blades. He tried to stand a little more lightly in the dust carpet of the old
banquet hall. 'And
now!' The ghost's voice hardened in sullen anger. 'Now others rule these halls,
a race of jackals, hyenas who blaspheme my old comrades by walking in the forms
of men.' Rod's
ears pricked up. 'Uh, how's that again, my lord?' Somebody's stolen this hail
from you?' 'Twisted,
stunted men!' grated the wraith. 'A race of base, ignoble cowards - and the
lord of them all stands as councillor to a scion of my line, the Lord Duke
Loguire!' 'Durer,'
Rod breathed. 'Calls
he himself by that name,' growled the ghost. 'Then well is he named, for his
heart is hard, and his soul is brittle. 'But
mark you, Man,' and the ghost turned his cavern eyes on Rod, and the base of
Rod's scalp seemed to lift a little away from his skull, for embers burned at
the backs of the specter's eyes. 'Mark
you well,' it intoned, stretching forth a hand, forefinger spearing at Rod,
'that the hard and brittle steel will break at one strong blow of iron forged.
And so may these evil parodies of humankind be broken by a man that you may
call a man!' The
ghost's hand dropped. His shoulders sagged, his head bowed forward. 'If,' he
mourned, 'if any live in this dark day who may call themselves men in
truth....' Rod's
eyes broke away from the ghost and wandered slowly about the great chamber.
There was only blackness, close and thick. He blinked and shook his head,
trying to rid himself of the feeling that the darkness was pressing against his
eyeballs. 'My
Lord Loguire,' he began, stopped, and said again, 'My Lord Loguire, I may be
your lump of iron - I've been called things like that before, anyway. But if I
am to break the councillors, I must know as much about them as I can. Therefore
tell me: what work do they do within these halls?' 'Witchcraft,'
growled the ghost, 'black witchcraft! Though the manner of it I scarce could
tell...' 'Well,
tell me what you can,' Rod prodded. 'Anything you can spare will be gratefully
appreciated.' 'Thou
speakest like the parish priest a-tithing,' the ghost snorted. 'Naetheless, I
will tell thee what I can. Know, then, Man, that these twisted men have builded
themselves a great altar here, of a shining metal, it is not steel, nor silver
or gold, nor any metal that I wot of - here in the center of my hall, where
once my courtiers danced!' 'Oh.'
Rod pursed his lips. 'Uh, what worship do they make before this altar?' 'What
worship?' The ghost's head lifted. 'Why, I would warrant, 'tis a sacrifice of
themselves; for they step within that evil artifice, and then are gone; then
lo! there they are again, and come forth whole! I can only think they must have
given of their life's blood to the dark demon within that shining altar, for
they come forth gaunt and shaken. Indeed,' he mused, 'why otherwise would they
be shriveled, little men?' An
uneasy prickle began at the base of Rod's skull and worked its way down his
neck to spread out across his shoulders. 'I must see this artifice, my lord.'
He fumbled at his dagger. 'Let us have some light?' 'Nay!'
The shriek tore at Rod's eardrums. The ghost pulsed, shrinking and growing, its
outline wavering, like a candle-flame. 'Would
you destroy me, Man, and send me screaming to a darker realm than this?' Rod
massaged the back of his neck, trying to loosen the muscles that had cramped
themselves together at the ghost's shriek. 'Forgive me, Lord Loguire; I had
forgotten, My torch will rest darkened; but you must, then, lead me to this
strange altar, that I may see it with my hands.' 'Would
you worship there, then?' The hollow eyes deepend ominously. 'No, my
lord; but I would know this thing, that I may bring it down in the fullness of
time.' The
ghost was silent a moment; then it nodded gravely, and glided ahead. 'Come.' Rod
stumbled forward, hands outstretched, in the ghost's wake, till his palm came
up against something hard and cold. 'Beware,
Man,' rumbled the ghost, 'for here lie dark powers.' Hand
over hand, Rod felt his way slowly along the metal, glinting softly in the
ghost's faint luminescence. Then his right band fell on nothingness. He groped,
found it was a corner, wished the ghost gave off just a little more light, and
groped until he had located the outline of a door, or rather a doorway, seven
feet high by three wide. 'What
lies within, my lord?' he whispered. 'It is
a coffin,' the ghost moaned; 'a metal coffin without a lid, standing on end,
and you have found its open side.' Rod
wondered what would happen if he stepped into the cubicle; but for some strange
reason, he lacked the experimental urge of the true scientist. He
groped across the doorway. A circle pressed into his palm, a circle protruding
slightly from the face of the metal block. Running
his fingers over the area to the right of the doorway, he discovered a full
array of circles, oblongs, and buttons. The area within their outlines was
smoother and less cold than the metal around them - glass, he decided, or
plastic. He had found a control panel. 'My
Lord Loguire,' he called softly, 'come here to me now, I beg of you, for I must
have light.' The
ghost drifted up beside him; and, by the light of its cold radiance, Rod made
out a set of meters, a vernier dial, and a set of color-coded buttons. The
ghost's voice was gentle, almost sympathetic. 'Why do you tremble, Man?' 'It's
cold,' Rod snapped. 'Milord Loguire, I'm afraid I have to agree with your
opinion of this monstrosity. I don't know what it is, but it ain't pretty.' The
ghost rumbled agreement. 'And that which is evil to look upon must be doubly so
in its action.' 'Well,
I'm not so sure about that as a basic principle,' Rod demurred, 'but it might
apply in this case. Milord, pay no heed to my mumblings in the next small
while; I must, ah, recite an incantation against the malice of this, ah,
engine.' C-' He
switched to the patois of the galactic deckhand while the ghost scowled in
perplexity. 'Fess, you there?' 'Yes,
Rod.' 'Have
you been listening in?' 'Certainly,
Rod.' 'Urn.
Well, then, uh, this thing's a hunk of metal, rectangular, about, uh, twenty
feet long by, say, ten high, and maybe ten wide. Got a little cubicle cut into
the front, just about the size of a coffin.' 'Appropriate,'
the -robot murmured. 'No
kibitzing on the job please. It's white metal with a dull finish, and colder
than hell, right now, anyway. Set of controls next to the cubicle - a long
strip-meter with a scale and a slider.' 'How is
the scale calibrated, Rod?' 'Looks
like logarithms, Fess. Arabic numerals. The zero's about three-quarters of the
way from left end. Left side of the scale is marked to ten thousand. The
right-hand side goes up to, uh, 2,385. Sound like anything you've heard of?' There
was a pause; then the robot answered, 'Filed for analysis. Proceed with the
description.' Rod
ground his teeth; apparently the huge gizmo was as much of an unknown to Fess
as it was to himself. 'There's
a dial with a knob in the middle of it, just to the right of the strip-meter.
Reference point at the top, twelve o'clock, negative numbers to the left,
positive to the right. At least, I assume they're numbers. The thing just to
the right of the reference point looks something like a French curve, or maybe
a paranoid sine wave. Then there's a shape like an upside-down pear. Then
there's a pair of circles with a line lying across them. The last one is a
question mark lying on its side; then there's infinity in the six o'clock
position. Left-hand side is the same way, only all the symbols are marked with
a negative sign.' The
robot hummed for a moment; Rod recognized the tune~ 'Sempre Libera' from La
Traviata. Fess was enjoying himself. 'Filed
for analysis and reference, Rod. Proceed with description.' -'You don't
recognize 'em either, huh?' 'They
are totally without precedence in the discipline of mathematics, Rod. But if
there is any logic to their derivation, I will decipher them. Proceed.' 'Well,
there're seven buttons set flush with the surface, in a row just under the
strip-meter, color-coded. Colors are - uh -hey, it's the spectrum!' 'So I
feared,' the robot murmured. 'Use of the spectrum in color-coding would
indicate arbitrary assignation of values. There is no anomaly in the color
sequence?' 'Well,
the paint's iridescent . . 'Not
quite what I meant by anomaly. Well, it is filed. Proceed.' 'Nothing.
That's all.' 'All?
Only three controls?' 'That's
all.' The
robot was silent a moment. 'What
do you make of it, Fess?' 'Well..
.' the robot's voice was hesitant. 'The control system appears to be designed
for the layman, Rod. . 'Why?
Because it's so simple?' 'Precisely.
Beyond that, there is insufficient data for-' 'Oh,
make a guess, damn it! Make a wild guess!' 'Rod,
guesswork is not within the capabilities of a cybernetic mechanism, involving
as it does an exercise of the intuitive-' 'So
extrapolate from available data, already!' He
heard La Traviata, as it might have been sung by a wistful audio generator;
then Fess said, 'The irregularity of the figure 2,385 would seem to indicate
the number of a year, Rod, due to its juxtaposition with the figure ten
thousand.' 'Uh,
how's that again?' 'The
figure ten thousand,' Fess lectured, 'has many probable referents, one of which
is the period of recorded human history.' 'Now,
wait a minute, Fess. Written history doesn't go back beyond 2000 B.C.; even I
know that.' 'And a
miracle it is, Rod, considering your resistance to instruction from your earliest
ages.' 'All
right, all right! I was a bad little boy who didn't do his homework! I'm sorry
I repent! Just get on with the
extrapolation, will ya?' He
heard the burring of serially closing relays that always reminded him of a
chuckle; then Fess said, 'Human history prior to the development of written
language may be said to have been recorded in the legends and mythology of the
vocal tradition, in works such as The Epic of Gilgamesh. The period included
by such works may be estimated as having begun nearly four thousand years B.C.
This figure, added to the present date, gives us the figure 9,432, which is a
sufficiently close approximation to the figure ten thousand to be included as a
referent.' '11mm.'
Rod gnawed his upper lip. 'Well, when you look at it that way, I suppose 2,385
could be a date. But what does that mean?' 'Why,
the inference is obvious, Rod.' 'So I'm
a microcephalic idiot. Spell it out.' The
robot hesitated. 'The accuracy of the inference has a very low probability
rating....' 'I
asked for guesswork, didn't I? Come on, out with it.' 'The
artifact, Rod, would by this theory be a vehicle for chronicle travel.' Rod
stared at the strip-meter. 'You mean it's a time machine?' The slider was
shoved all the way to the right, resting over the figure 2,385. 'Rod,
you must bear in mind that the theory's probability index-' 'A time
machine!' Rod's brain whirled. 'Then the little bastards came out of the
future!' 'Rod, I
have cautioned you before about your tendency to accord an unproved hypothesis
the weight of a conviction.' Rod
gave his head a quick shake. 'Oh, don't worry, Fess. It's just a guess,
probably wrong. I'm keeping that in mind.' He
turned away from the control panel, eyes glowing. 'A time machine! Whaddaya
know!' He became
aware of the faint glow to his left again. Horatio Loguire towered over him,
brooding. 'What
witchcraft is it, Man?' Rod
frowned, turning back toward the machine. 'Strange, my lord, both dark and
strange. I have some knowledge of the various, ah, magics; but this is one with
which I have no acquaintance. 'What
then will you do?' Rod
scowled at the floor, looked up with a bleak smile. 'Sleep. And ponder what I
have seen.' 'And
when will you destroy this plaything of Satan?' 'When I
am sure,' murmured Rod, turning back to look at the machine again~ 'sure that
this is the plague, and not the cure, of this benighted world.' Loguire's
eyebrows drew together as his scowl deepened. He seemed almost to swell,
looming taller and wider, dwarfing the man before him. Rod had the insane
feeling that an ancient locomotive was roaring down on him. The
voice was distant thunder. '1 charge you, then, with the exorcizing of this
demon altar and the rending of its rag-tag priests.' The old
boy, Rod decided, had definitely slipped a cog. The
ghost's sword flashed out of its scabbard; involuntarily, Rod fell back into
defense stance. Then he straightened, cursing himself; a spectral sword could
scarcely hurt him. The
sword floated before him, point downward, a glittering cruciform ghost-light. 'Swear
now upon the hilt of this my sword, that you shall not rest until you have
purged this land of corruption in the seats of power, that you shall exorcize
this dark altar and all its minions, and more: that you shall never till you
die desert this Isle of Gramarye in the hour of its peril' Awe
slacked Rod's jaw; he stared wide-eyed at the sudden power and majesty of the
ghost. An 'alien, formless dread crept into his belly. The hairs at the nape of
his neck lifted with a chill of nameless apprehension. He
shrank back. 'My lord, this scarce is necessary. I love the Isle of Gramarye; I
would never-' 'Lay
your hand upon this hilt and swear!' The words were terse and stern. Rod
fairly cowered, well aware that the oath would bind him to the planet for life.
'My lord, are you asking me to take a loyalty oath? I am insulted that you
should doubt my-' 'Swear!'
the ghost thundered. 'Swear! Swear!, 'Art
there, old mole?' Rod muttered under his breath, but it didn't work; he had
never felt less funny. He
stared at the glowing hilt and the stern face beyond it, fascinated. Almost
against his will, he took one step forward, then another; he watched his hand
as it closed itself around the hilt. His palm felt nothing within it, no
pressure of solid metal; but the air within his fist was so cold it paralyzed
the knuckles. 'Now
swear to me and mine!' Horatio rumbled. Oh,
well, Rod thought, it's only words. Besides, I'm an agnostic, aren't 1? 'I. . -
swear,' he said reluctantly, fairly forcing out the words. Then inspiration
glimmered in his brain, and he added easily. 'And I
further swear that I will not rest until the Queen and all her subjects with
one voice shall rule again.' He took
his hand from the sword, rather pleased with himself. That additional clause
gave him a clear track to the goal of his mission, whether or not Horatio
counted democracy among the perils of Gramarye. The
ghost frowned. 'Strange,' he grumbled, 'a most strange oath. Yet from the
heart, I cannot doubt, and binding to you. Of
course, Rod admitted to himself, the oath still bound him to Gramarye; but he
would bridge that gulf when he came to it. The
sword glided back to its scabbard. The ghost turned away, his voice trailing
over his shoulder. 'Follow now, and I shall show you to the halls within these
halls.' Rod
followed until they came to the wall. The ghost pointed a long, bony finger.
Grope until you find a stone that yields to your hand.' Rod
reached for the stone the ghost pointed to, and pushed, leaning all his weight
against it. The stone groaned and grudgingly gave way, sliding back into the
wall. As it fell back, a door ground open with the protest of hinges that were
long overdue for an oil break. Cold, dank air fanned Rod's cheek. 'Leave
me now,' said the ghost, tall and regal beside him, 'and go to your duty. Yet
remember, Man, your oath; and be assured that if ever you should lay it aside,
the first Duke Loguire shall ever stand beside your bed until at last you yield
to fear.' 'Definitely
a comforting thought,' Rod mused. He groped his way down the moss-grown steps,
humming 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. This
time, the door to the loft was open, and Tom's deep earthquake snores echoed in
the rocky chamber. Rod
paused in the doorway, chewing at his lip. He went back into the hail, pulled a
torch from its bracket, and thrust it ahead of him into the room, peering in
cautiously, just to be sure there was no one trying to rearouse Tom with a
paternity suit in mind. The
wavering light of the torch disclosed the stocky peasant's slumbering
form, his cape thrown over his body from the rib cage down. One ursine arm was
curled comfortably about the soft, rounded body of a blonde, covered (or
uncovered) to the same degree by the cape. Her small, firm breasts were pressed
against Tom's side; her head rested on his shoulder, long hair flung in a
glorious disarray over her shoulders. One sun-browned arm was flung
possessively across the big man's beer-keg chest. Rod
frowned, and stepped over for a closer look. The face was slender, the nose
tilted, mouth small, with a smug little smile of content. It was
obviously not the brunette who had accosted Rod in the hallway earlier. He
grunted in surprise; so the wench hadn't gone after the servant when she was
refused by the master. Of
course, it might be just that she hadn't moved fast enough But no, Big Tom
would've been glad to accommodate both. He replaced the torch, came back to the
loft with a nod of grudging admiration at Big Tom, and without bothering to
pull off his doublet, dropped into the heap of hay that served for a bed. It
brought back fond memories. He yawned, cushioned his head on his forearm, and
drifted slowly toward sleep. 'Man
Gallowglass!' The
voice boomed in the little room. Rod jerked bolt upright; the girl screamed,
and Big Tom swore. A ghost
towered before them, glowing cold in the dark. Rod
came to his feet, flicking a glance at Tom and the girl. She cowered in abject
terror against the bear-hide of his chest. Tom's face had already settled into
surly (and probably frightened) defiance. Rod
switched his eyes to the ghost, standing tall above him in plate armor, its
face incredibly long and thin. The sword at its hip was a rapier; it was not
Horatio Loguire. Rod
reminded himself that he was boss, a fact he bad almost forgotten. He repaid
the hollow gaze with the haughtiest look he could manage. 'What sty were you
raised in,' he snapped, 'that you come before a gentleman with such ill
ceremony?' The
cavern eyes widened, the ghost's jaw dropping down inside its mouth. It stared
at Rod, taken aback. The
mortal pressed his advantage. 'Speak, and with courtesy, or I'll dance on your
bones 1' The
ghost fairly cringed; Rod had struck pay dirt. Apparently there was some sort
of ectoplasmic link between a ghost
and its mortal remains. He made a mental note to track down the graves of all
relevant ghosts. 'Your
pardon, milord,' the ghost stammered. 'I meant no offense; I only-' Rod cut
him off. 'Now that you have disturbed my rest, you may as 'well speak. What
brings you to me?' 'You
are summoned-' Rod
interrupted him again. 'None summon me.' 'Your
pardon, lord.' The ghost bowed. 'Milord Loguire requests your presence.' Rod
glared a moment longer, then caught up his harp with a sigh. 'Well, he who
deals with spirits must deal at odd hours.' He cocked his head. 'Horatio
Loguire?' 'The
same, my lord.' The
servant girl gasped. Rod
winced; he had forgotten his audience. His reputation would be all over the
castle by noon. 'Well,'
he said, shouldering his harp, 'lead on.' The
ghost bowed once more, then turned toward the wall, stretching out a hand. 'Hold
it,' Rod snapped. Better to leave the secret passages secret. 'Go ye to Milord
Loguire and tell him I shall come to him presently. You forget that I cannot
walk through walls, like yourself.' The
ghost turned, frowning. 'But, my lord...' 'Go to
Milord Loguire!' Rod stormed. The
ghost shrank away. 'As you will, my lord,' it mumbled hastily, and winked out. In the
sudden darkness, the girl let out her breath in a long, sobbing sigh; and, 'How
now, master,' said Big Tom, his voice very calm with only a trace of wonder,
'do you traffic with spirits now?' 'I do,'
said Rod, and flung the door open, wondering where Tom had picked up a word
like 'traffic'. He
turned to look at the couple in the light from the doorway, his eyes narrowed
and piercing. 'If word of this passes beyond this room, there shall be uneasy
beds and n1idn~ght guests for the both of you.' Big
Tom's eyes narrowed, but the girl's widened in alarm. Good, thought Rod, I've
threatened her income. Now I can be sure she'll keep quiet. He spun
on his heel, pulling the door shut behind him. Big Tom
would console her, of course, and his master's control over ghosts wouldn't
exactly hurt his standing with her. And, of
course, she'd keep her mouth shut. Which
was just as well. For a man who didn't believe in magic, Rod already had
altogether too much of a name as a warlock. He
prowled along the hall till he found an empty chamber with access to the hidden
tunnel. The granite blocks of one wall had been carved into a bas-relief of an
orange flute being burned at the stake; apparently the Loguires took their
adopted Irish name rather seriously. Rod found the one coal in the pile of
faggots that was cut a little deeper than the rest, and threw all his weight
against it, pushing it to his right. The ancient machinery gave a deep-throated
grumble, and a trapdoor pivoted up from the stone flags of the floor. Rod
felt for the steps with his toes, reached up for the great iron ring set in the
underside of the trapdoor, and pulled it shut as he went down the stairs. He
emerged from the massive door in the great hail with the dark altar. His
phantom guide was there before him, waiting. The
ghost bowed. 'If you would be so good as to follow me, master - - .' It turned
away, drifting toward the archway into the corridor. Rod
followed, muttering, 'A little lighter on the sarcasm there.' They
came out into the corridor; and, off to his right, Rod saw the fox-firelight of
a cluster of ghosts. They were motionless, their heads bent, looking at
something on the floor in the center of their circle.. Rod heard a very mortal,
and very terrified, whimper. Horatio
looked up at Rod's approach. He glided apart from the knot of ghosts, his
cadaverous face knotted with anger. 'My
Lord Loguire!' Rod bowed his most courtly, straightened. 'Why do you summon
me?' The
ghost's brow smoothed a little, somewhat mollified. 'Man Gallowglass,' it
growled, 'wherefore did you not tell me you had come accompanied into our
halls?' 'Accompanied?'
Rod's eyebrows lifted. 'Oh, was I, now?' Loguire's
frown deepened again, puzzled: 'In truth, there was one who followed after you,
as I found upon my outgoing from the chamber with the strange device.' 'Excelsior,'
Rod murmured. 'Gesundheit,'
said Loguire. 'If we are to have a continual passage of mortals here, I shall
have to see to the heating of these halls. But anon: I found your servant, as I
have said, directly without the chamber.' 'Servant?'
Rod frowned. 'How do you know it was a servant?' 'It was
listening at the door. And we may know that it is yours, for when we advanced
upon it, it cried your name.' 'Oh.'
Rod scratched the base of his skull, frowning. 'It did, did it?' 'Aye;
else would we have slain it. And therefore did I send to you to claim it.' Loguire
stepped aside; the circle of ghosts parted, and Rod stepped up. By the cold
light of the ghosts, he saw a huddle of misery trying to push itself into the
wall. The face was turned away from him. Long black hair flowed down over the
shoulders. It wore white blouse, full skirt, and black bodice. The last was
very well filled. 'My
Lord Loguire,' Rod began; his voice cracked; he tried again. 'My Lord Loguire,
this is scarcely an "it".' Then, in the gentlest voice he could
manage, 'Look at me, wench.' The
girl's head jerked up staring, lips parted. Joy and relief flooded her face.
'My lord!' Then
her arms were about his neck, so tight he had to fight for breath; and her body
was pressed tight against him, head burrowing into his shoulder, her whole
frame trembling with sobs. 'My lord, 0 my lord!' 'My
Lord!' Rod echoed, prying at her shoulder to get clearance for his larynx. He
recognized her, of course. It was the servant girl who had propositioned him
earlier in the evening. 'There,
there, now, lass, it's all right,' he murmured, .rubbing her back. The room
seemed to reel about him; he picked out a fixed point of light and stared at
it. It
turned out to be Horatio Loguire, face contorted by a touch of disgust. 'Take
her out from my halls, Man. They are damp enough of their own.' Rod was
just noticing how nicely the peasant girl fitted in his arms. He closed his
eyes, savoring the warmth and closeness of her. He nodded. 'Aye, my lord, that
I shall. There, there, now, lass, you mustn't cry.' He pulled a handkerchief
from his cuff
and dabbed at her cheeks with it. 'No more tears, there's a darling, you're
raising the humidity, and Horatio's got arthritis, if he can. just remember
where he put his bones - there, that's right.' Her
head lay against his chest, sniffling. Her eyes closed, her face relaxed; it
almost seemed she was asleep. Rod was swept with a sudden wave of tenderness,
aided and abetted by a feeling of towering strength contributed by his
protective instinct, and silently cursed the adhesive effect of a damsel in
distress. He
looked up into the brooding, empty eyes of the Loguire. 'Thou'rt
ensnared, Man.' 'Who,
me?' Rod scowled and thumped his throat in the carotid region. 'Fire seven
times tried this.' 'And
found it wanting,' Loguire agreed, 'and seven times tried that judgment is.
Take her from my halls, Man.' Rod
threw him one last look of defiance and turned to the girl. 'Come, lass,' he
murmured, 'we must go out from this place now.' He
swung her up into his arms. She stirred, murmured petulantly, and burrowed her
head tight into his shoulder again, her arms tight about his neck. Babies
and women, Rod thought, exasperated; they're worse than quicksand. 'My
lord,' he said to Loguire, 'will you lead me? You may understand that I am
somewhat turned about....' 'Aye,'
said the ghost, and turned away down the hall; but not before Rod had glimpsed
a faint, phantom smile on the ghost's face. . He came
out into the torchlit corridor, where he had met Durer earlier. The little man
was gone; apparently he had assumed the worst and gleefully gone his way. Rod
lowered the girl's feet to the floor. She murmured another little inarticulate
protest, and pressed her head tighter against him. Rod
tightened his arms about her and brushed his cheek against her hair, drawing
out the moment as long as he could. Then he
smiled sadly and lifted his hand to stroke along her jaw, tilting her chin up. The
long-lashed eyes were still closed; the full red lips pursed and parted, just a
little... Rod
steeled himself and said gently, 'You must tell me now, lass. Why did you
follow me?' Her
eyes flew open, widened in alarm. Then she bit her lip, bowing her head, and
stood away from him, clenching her bands in the cloth of his doublet. 'You
must tell me, lass,' he repeated softly. 'Who sent you to spy on me?' Her
head flew up, eyes wide in dismay. She shook her head. 'None, my lord. None,
only myself.' 'Oh?'
Rod smiled sadly. 'Of your own doing, you followed me into the haunted
quarter?' She
looked down again. 'I did not fear the spirits, lord.' Rod pursed his lips in
surprise. If it was so, she had uncommon courage for a serving maid. Her nerve
hadn't broken till she actually saw the ghosts - and having experienced their
moans himself, Rod could understand her breaking then. Too,
she might have followed him in hopes that he might reconsider his decision to
sleep alone. Or maybe' she'd thought she could help if he got into trouble. Rod
smiled at that last thought. But he had to make sure. 'Still,
you have not yet told me: why did you follow me?' She bit her lip again, her
face twisting. Rod waited, quietly. Grudging every word, she said, 'I - I
feared for you, my lord.' Rod
stared; then his mouth twisted into a wry smile. He shook his head, slowly.
'You feared for me!' 'Aye!'
Her head snapped up, eyes flashing. 'I had no knowing you were a warlock, and .
. . a man alone, in those halls...' Her
voice trailed off; her eyes dropped again. Rod
heaved a sigh and clasped her to him. She resisted a 'Lass,
lass!' he murmured. 'What could you have done to help me?' 'I - I
have some small way with some spirits, lord.' Her voice was muffled by the
cloth of his tunic. 'I had thought...' Rod
scowled. Was communication with the spirit world the norm on this kooky planet? He
rubbed her back gently, pressed his cheek against her hair. She could be lying,
of course; but that would imply she was an excellent actress, and she seemed a
little too ingenuous for that. He
sighed and tightened his arms about her. She murmured sulkily and pushed her
hips against him. Rod
closed his eyes and wiped his mind of all but the touch of her body. She felt
good, very good. Almost like that farm wench, Gwendylon. His
eyes snapped open. He stared into the torchlit dusk of the hall, picturing the
two faces before him, side by side. Dye the hair black, tilt the eyes a little,
straighten the nose She had
felt him tense; she looked up at him. 'What is it, my lord?' The
voice was a little higher-pitched, yes; but it had that same quality. He
looked down at her. The complexion was flawless, not a single freckle; but it
didn't take that much technology to concoct a makeup base. He
pointed his forefinger between her eyes. 'You,' he said, 'have been deceiving
me.' His finger came to rest on the tip of her nose. There
was a flicker of disappointment in her eyes; then she was all innocence.
'Deceiving you, my lord? I -. I know not Rod
flicked his finger; the tip of her nose came off. He smiled grimly, nodding.
Cornstarch and water. But you were wrong to straighten it. I like it much
better with that little tilt at the end. He
rubbed his fingertip across the corner of her eye; the eye was no longer
slanted, and there was a dark smudge on his finger. 'Cornstarch and water, and
black paint at the eye-fold. Flour mixed with a little burnt umber on the face,
and henna in the hair.' The
corners of her mouth tightened. Her face flushed with the heat of anger under
the paint. He
shook his head, brow puckered. 'But why, lass? Your face is so much more
beautiful.' He
allowed himself a shot of self-satisfaction as the anger in her face melted
into tenderness and longing. She
lowered her eyes. '1 - 1 could not leave you, lord.' He
closed his eyes, grinding his teeth, and only by main force of will kept
himself from squeezing her. 'But .
. .' He stopped, and drew a long hissing breath. 'But how did you follow me,
lass?' She
looked up, eyes wide in innocence. 'In the guise of an osprey, lord.' His
eyes snapped open with a near-audible click. He stared. 'A witch? You? But...' 'You
will not despise me for it, lord?' she said anxiously 'You, who are a warlock?' His
eyes had lost focus. 'Hub? Uh - warlock?' He shook his head, trying to clear
it. 'Uh, I mean... No, of course I don't I mean. . . well, some of my best
friends are ... uh...' 'My
lord?' She peered into his face. 'Art thou well?' 'Who,
me? Of course not! No, wait a minute. . .' He stopped and drew a very, very
deep breath. 'Now, look. You're a witch. So. Big deal. I'm far more interested
in your beauty than your talents.' Embers
there, in her eyes, ready to flame if he breathed upon them. He took
another deep breath and called his hormones to order. 'Now. Let's get one thing
straight.' She
brushed up against him, breathing, 'Aye, my lord.' 'No,
no! I didn't mean that!' He took a step back, hands coming up to hold her off.
'Look. The only reason you followed me here was because you were afraid I'd get
into trouble I couldn't handle, right?' She
paused, the glow dying in her eyes under a chill flow of disappointment. She
lowered her eyes. 'Aye, my lord.' The way
she said it made him think she was leaving an awful lot to implication; but he
hurried on to the next point. 'But
now you know I'm a warlock. Right?' 'Aye,
my lord.' He could scarcely bear her. 'So you
know I don't have to be afraid of anything, right? So there's no reason to
follow me any more, right?' Nay, my
lord!' Her face whipped up to him, glaring; then her chin lifted a little
higher, proud and haughty and stubborn. 'Still will I follow you, Rod
Gallowglass. There be spells in this world that you wot not of.' And one
of the most galling things about her, he decided, was that she was always so
damned right. In this crazy, topsy-turvy world, there probably were quite a few
'spells' he couldn't even imagine. But, on
the other hand, there seemed to be a few that she didn't know, either. An
amateur witch, most likely, and too old to join the union - she must be almost
as old as Rod was. In fact, her 'witchcraft' seemed to consist of cosmetic
skill, the ability to go birdie (he hadn't quite figured that one out yet), and
a degree of courage that was totally unexpected in a Woman. So she
was right, she had good cause to worry about him, he would still be in danger -
but so would she. No. It
wouldn't do any good to tell her she couldn't follow him - she would anyway.
And he'd come out of it alive, like he always did, but she'd get murdered in a
ditch somewhere along the way. Or maybe she'd handicap him enough so they'd
both wind up dead. His
head moved from side to side, tightening into a quick shake. He couldn't let
her get killed. He had to shake her somehow - . and he knew just how. His
mouth quirked into a sour smile. 'It's true, what they say about farm girls:
give them a moment of kindness, and you'll never be rid of them. My dear, you
have an excellent nuisance rating.' She
gasped, stepping away from him, her face twisting into a grimace of pain, the
back of her hand coming up to her ups. Her eyes flooded with tears;. she bit on
her hand, turned, and fled. He
stared at the floor, listening to her sobs fading, feeling the hollowness grow
within him. A fist
thundered on the heavy oaken door. Rod struggled up out of the depths of sleep,
floundering to sit up in the hay. Big Tom
and his wench lay still, eyes fixed on the door. Rod
grunted and levered himself to his feet. 'Don't worry,' he growled. 'Ghosts
don't knock.' 'Ho,
minstrel!' a gruff beery voice bellowed. 'Come forth to my master!' Rod
struggled into his doublet and caught up his harp. He swung open the great
oaken door, shaking his head to clear the traces of his meager sleep. 'You
might at least try to be civil at this hour of the damn morning,' he growled.
'And just who the hell is your master?' The
heavy fist caught him under the ear, sent him sprawling against the wail. He
fought down the instant impulse to break the man's neck. Through
a ringing, blurred haze he heard a deep, sadistic chuckle. 'Mind how you speak
to your betters, gleeman. 'us a good rule for a peasant' Rod
gathered himself, hands braced against the wall, and sized up his persecutor.
It was a common foot soldier in leather and mail, both of which needed
cleaning, as did the soldier himself. He might have been a commoner, but he had
an uncommon case of B.O., and halitosis on top of it, possibly due to the
rotting teeth he was exhibiting in a self-satisfied grin. Rod
sighed and straightened, deciding it might be better to play his part; in fact,
he'd deserved the blow, for having dropped out of character. The jester in
medieval society served as an emotional release, not only through entertainment
but also through providing an outlet for aggressions by becoming their object. 'All
right,' he said, 'I'm schooled. Let's go.' The
fist caught him beneath the jaw this time. As he rolled with the blow, he heard
the gleeful voice growl, 'Thou'rt not Schooled enough. To address your betters
with master is the rule.' Rod
fought the anger down into a cold, calm, calculating rage and lunged, his hands
chopping out in three quick blows. 'I've
got a better rule for a soldier,' he informed the crumpled heap at his feet.
'First be sure who your betters are. Now take me to your master.' The
master, as it turned out, was Loguire. Rod was ushered into a medium-sized
room, high-ceilinged and hung with tapestries. Three tall, narrow windows,
through which Rod saw sunlight, dawn-colored broken by the shifting prism of
the waterfall. The room was filled with its roaring. But the sound was muted;
looking closer, Rod saw the windows were double. paned, and three feet deep.
Somebody had remembered some of the old technology. The
walls were hung with tapestries; there was a heavy carpet underfoot. A great
oval table took up the center of the chamber. At its head sat Loguire; at his
right, his eldest son. Durer sat at his left. The other places were taken up by
eight men who had a familiar look. Rod's eyes widened as he recognized them:
the Duke di Medici, the Earl of Romanoff, the Duke Bourbon, and the Prince
Hapsburg, and their councillors. After
Loguire, they were the four most powerful of the Great Lords. And if these five
were gathered together, might not the other seven be close by? All
were at breakfast, but none of them really seemed to realize they were eating.
Take Anselm, there, Loguire's son - he ate
like a machine, glaring at his plate, face set like a sculpture of cold fury. His
father sat with head bowed, hands pressed tight to the table before him. At a
guess, Rod decided, there had been a bit of a quarrel here, between father and
son, and Loguire had won - but only by ordering his son to shut up. And Rod
had been called in to heal the breach. Oy! The things people expect of
performers!' Durer's
face was lit with a subterranean glow of vindictive joy; the other councillors
had milder versions of the same look. Whatever had happened here had gone the
way Durer wanted; 'in fact, he'd probably instigated it. The man was the
perfect catalyst, Rod decided: he never got involved in the reactions he
caused. Loguire
looked up at his son, mute appeal in the old, red-rimmed eyes. But Anselm gave
him not so much as a glance, and Loguire's face firmed into flint. Turning,
the old man saw Rod. 'Minstrel!~ he barked. 'Why stand you there idle? Give us
merriment!' Durer's
head snapped around, his eyes locked on Rod. Alarm chased shock across his
face, to be followed by distilled, murderous hate. Rod
smiled cheerfully, bowed, and touched his forelock in salute. Inwardly, he
wondered what song could possibly burn away the tensions in this room. He
strongly suspected the custom was to clear the air by beating the minstrel for
failing to fulfil his assignment. He
began to play 'Matty Groves', figuring his only chance lay in giving them
something more gruesome than anything that could possibly have just taken
place. He held
off on the words for a few minutes, though, to give him time to study the faces
of the four lords. Their looks ranged from ruminative speculation to outright
(though veiled) contempt, the last apparently directed at the old Duke. It
would seem that Loguire had no virulent supporters here; the balance of opinion
seemed to rest with his son. 'Minstrel!' Rod
looked up; it was Anselm who had spoken. The
young man's face seemed to have soured so much it had curdled. 'Have you a song
for a lad made a fool by a woman, yet doubly a fool, still, to love her?' 'Ha'
done!' Loguire snapped; but before Anselm could reply, Rod said, 'Many, my
lord, of a man still loving a woman who scorned him; and in all of them, the
lady comes back to him.' 'Comes
back!' Anselm. spat. 'Aye, she'd take him back - to hang him in shame at her
castle gate!' The old
Duke drew himself to his feet roaring, 'Enough of your slander!" 'Slander!'
Anselm's chair crashed over as he rose to meet his father. 'And is it' slander
to say she has spit on the proud name of Loguire, aye, and not once but twice,
and will do so again? 'Nay I'
He slammed his fist on the board, turning to rake the lords with his glare.
'This vile wench shall learn that she dare not trample the honor of her peers!
We must tear her from the seat of power and break her beneath us for ever and
aye!' Loguire's
face reddened, his throat swelled with a rebuke; but before he could speak it,
Rod murmured, 'Nay, my lord, not so harsh. Not a defeat, but a discipline.' He was
caught in a crossfire of laser-beam glares from Anselm and Durer; but Loguire
boomed 'Aye!' with a giant's joy and relief. 'He speaks out of place, but his
speaking is true! Our young Queen is headstrong: but so is a filly before it is
bridled. She must learn her' authority is not absolute, that there are checks
upon her power; but she is the sovereign, and must not be torn down!' Anselm
made a gurgling sound, his face swollen red and his eyes starting forth from
their sockets, choking with rage; then he managed to speak, fairly stuttering
in his wrath. 'Nay.
now! Now I say nay! A woman for a sovereign? 'Tis a mockery! And a whoring,
arrogant bitch of a-' 'Be
still!' Loguire thundered, and even the four great lords shrank away from the
savage power of his voice. As for
Anselm, he fairly cowered, stating appalled at the white-bearded giant before
him, who almost seemed to swell and tower higher as they watched. Then,
slowly, and with greater dignity than Rod had ever seen in a man, the true
regal dignity that only comes unaware, Loguire resumed his seat, never taking
his eyes from his son. 'Retire to your chambers,' he said in a cold, still
voice. 'We shall speak no more of this till the conclave at sunset.' Anselm
somehow managed to summon the strength to lift his chin again, a gesture that
somehow seemed pompous and ridiculous,
and turned on his heel. As he stalked to the door, his eyes fell on Rod. Rage
and humiliation boiled up in him, and he swung up his arm to favor the minstrel
with a backhanded slap. 'Nay!'
barked Loguire, and Anselm froze. 'This
man,' said the Duke, speaking in centimeters, 'has spoken truth. I will not
have him maltreated.' Anselm
locked glares with his father; then his look faltered, and dropped. He turned
away: the door slammed behind him. 'Minstrel,'
rumbled Loguire, 'play!' Rod let
his fingers ramble through 'The Old Man of Tor Tappan' while he reflected. So
there would be a council of war tonight, eh? And the main issue would
apparently be constitutional monarchy versus warlordism, though only he and
Durer might know it. Well, he knew which side he was on. He looked
again at the straight-backed old Duke, eating token bits of food, lips pressed
tight under his flowing white beard, brow locked in a slight scowl, only the
slightest hint of his grief showing in the deep, shadowed eyes. Yes,
Rod knew which side he was on. They
met in the great hail, large enough to act as a hangar for a good-sized
spaceship, if the Gramarians had known what a spaceship was. The
stone floor was inlaid with Loguire's coat of arms. Great silver sconces
supported torches every yard or so along the walls. The ceiling was concave and
gilded, with an immense silver chandelier suspended from its center. There were
'no windows; but that made little difference, since night had fallen. Loguire
sat in a great carved chair at one end of the hail, bunting of his family's
colors draped on the wall behind him. His chair was raised on a four-foot dais,
so that the standing lords 'must look up at him. There
were a good many of them, not only the twelve greats, but with them a host of
counts, barons, and knights, their vassals. And at
each one's elbow stood, or rather hunched, a thinfaced, bony little man, with
scant light hair lying close against his scalp. Rod
surveyed the hail; his lips pursed into a soundless whistle.
He hadn't realized the councillors were so numerous, There were at least fifty,
maybe seventy. And
there might be more outside his field of view. At the moment, be had literal
tunnel-vision, and one-eyed at that. The torches that illuminated the hail sat
in sconces that were held to the wall with three rough bolts. But one
of the sconces behind Loguire's throne was missing a bolt, and the stone behind
it was bored through for an inch, then hollowed out to the depth and width of a
man's head. 'The head, at the moment4 was Rod's, where he stood in the clammy
darkness of a narrow passage behind the wall. His
peephole afforded him an excellent view of the back of Loguire's head, and some
nice over-the-shoulder shots of anyone addressing him. His
right hand rested on a lever; if he pushed it down - if it wasn't rusted tight
- the stone before him should swing wide to make a handy door. From the looks
on the faces of the lords confronting the Duke, it might be very handy. • The
man immediately in front of the Duke was Anselm. Bourbon and di Medici stood at
either side of the young man. Durer, of course, stood at Loguire's left hand. Loguire
rose heavily. 'We are met,' he rumbled. 'Here in this room is gathered all the
noble blood of Gramarye, the true power of the land.' He scanned the faces
before him slowly,' looking each of his brother Great Lords directly in the
eye. 'We are
met,' he said again, 'to decide on a fitting rebuke for Catharine the Queen.' The
Duke of Bourbon stirred, unfolding his arms and setting his feet a little further
apart. He was a great black bear of a man, with shaggy brows and a heap of
beard on his chest. His
fists clenched, his mouth tightened. There was something furtive, sheepish, in
his stance. He
glared at Loguire. 'Nay, good Uncle, you have the wrong of it. We are met to
say how we may pull her down, she who would trample upon the honor and the
power of our noble Houses.' Loguire
stiffened, his eyes widening in outrage. 'Nay!' he choked, 'there is not cause
enough...' 'Cause!'
Bourbon straightened, his black beard jumping with his jaw. 'She hath taxed our
lands more heavily than ever in the traditions of our lore, and wasted the
substance upon the filth and dirt of peasants; she sends her judge amongst us every
month to hear complaints from all the manor, and now she will appoint her
priests within our lands - and we have no cause? She robs us of out rightful
rule within our own demesnes, and then upon this all insults us to our faces by
hearing the petitions of besotted beggars ere she will bend her ear to ours!' Di
Medici had bent to listen to the slight man at his elbow; now he straightened,
smiling faintly, and murmured, 'And was it custom, ever, for a monarch to
receive petitions from his peasants within his own Great Hall?' 'Never!'
thundered Bourbon. 'But now our gentle monarch will place the rabble thus
before us! And these, my reverend Duke, be but the greatest of her enormities,
and the atrocities she hath wreaked upon the custom of the land. And this while
she is but a child. What will she do, my lord, when she is grown!' He
paused for breath, then shook his head and growled, 'Nay, good coz! We must
needs pull her down!' 'Aye,'
murmured di Medici, and, 'Aye,' declared the other lords, and 'Aye'
rolled through the hall and swelled, till the word came full, clamoring from
every throat, again and yet again. 'Aye!'
and 'Aye!' and 'Aye!' 'Now I
say nay!' Loguire roared above them all. The
hall fell still. Loguire drew himself up to his full height and breadth,
looking more a king than duke. His
voice was only a little calmer, falling like the toll of a battle tocsin. 'She
is the sovereign. Capricious, aye, and arbitrary, hot and headstrong, aye. But
these are faults of youth, of a child who must be taught that there are limits
to her power. We must now show her those limits that she has exceeded. That may
we do, and nothing more. Our cause does not admit of further action.' 'A
woman cannot rule wisely,' murmured di Medici's councillor, and di Medici took
it up: 'My good and gentle cousin, God did not make Woman wise in ruling.' Bourbon
took his cue. 'Aye, good Uncle. Why will she give us not a king? Let her marry,
if she doth wish this land well governed.' Rod
wondered if Bourbon was a disappointed suitor. There was something vaguely
lecherous about him, and nothing at all romantic. 'The
rule is hers by right!' Loguire rumbled. 'Hers is the blood of Plantagenet, the
Crown of this land since its birth! What, good nephew, have you so easily
forgotten the oath you swore in fealty to that good name?' 'Dynasties
grow corrupt,' muttered Bourbon's councillor, eyes gleaming. 'Aye!'
Bourbon bellowed. 'The blood Plantagenet has thinned and soured, good my lord!' Ah, so!
Rod thought. He's not an uncle any more. 'Weakened sore, my lord!' Bourbon ranted.
'Weakened till it can no longer sire a man, but only a woman, a slip of a girl,
with a woman's moods and whims, to reign! The bloodline of Plantagenet is worn
and spent; we must have new blood now for our kings!' 'The
blood of Bourbon?' Loguire lifted an eyebrow, his smile contemptuous. Bourbon's
face swelled red, eyes bulging. He had begun to splutter when di Medici's voice
interposed itself smoothly. 'Nay,
good cousin, not the blood of Bourbon. What throne-blood should we have but the
noblest in all the South?' Loguire
stared, the blood draining out of his face in shock and horror. 'I will not!'
he hissed. 'Nay,
my lord, and this we knew.' Di Medici went wilily on. 'Yet must we have good
blood, and a man of courage and decision, a man of youth who knows what must be
done and will not hesitate to do it.' His
voice rose. 'What king should we have but Anselm, Loguire's son?' Loguire's
head jerked as though he had been slapped. He stared, his face paling to a
waxen texture, taking on a-grayish hue. He
reached behind him with a palsied hand, groping for his chaff, and age draped
heavy on his shoulders. He
lowered himself to the edge of the seat, leaning heavily on the arm. His vacant
eyes sought out his son, then turned slowly from side to side. 'Villains!'
he whispered. 'Bloody, bawdy villains! And thus you steal my son...' Anselm's
chin was lifted in defiance, but guilt and fear had hollowed his eyes. 'Nay, my
lord, I was with them from the first.' Loguire's
empty eyes sought him out again. 'But thou, even thou...' His
voice strengthened. 'But it is, thou more than any. Above all, it is thou!' Durer
now stepped forward, away from Loguire, to take his place by Anselm's side, his
smile split into a grin of triumph. Loguire's
eyes gradually focused on him. Their eyes met, and held. A
slight rustle passed through the hail as all the councillors craned for a
better view. 'Nay,'
Loguire whispered, 'it was thou He
straightened slowly. Then, deliberately and slowly, he looked each Great Lord
in the eyes once more. His eyes turned back to Durer. 'You
are all of one mind.' His voice had gained strength4 but it was the strength of
bitterness and contempt. 'The debate has been before this, has it not? For you
are all agreed; each man among you has quarreled with his conscience and won
over it.' His
voice hardened even more. 'What wasp has flown among you, to sting your souls
to such accord?' Durer's
eyes snapped fire. His mouth broke open for retort; but Loguire cut him off. 'Thou!
Thou from the start! Thou calmest to me five years ago, and I, aged fool,
thought "Well and good"; and as thy bastard, cringing servants crept
one by one into our households, still I rejoiced - poor, aged, doddering fool
1' He
lifted his eyes to seek out Anselm's. 'Anselm, who once I called my son, awake
and hear! Beware the man who tastes thy meat, for be it is who best may poison
it.' Rod
suddenly realized how the meeting would end. The councillors couldn't risk
leaving L1pguire alive; the old man was still strong and vital, still
indomitable. He just might be able to sway the lords to loyalty again. The
chance was slight, but definite, and Durer couldn't afford it. Anselm
straightened his shoulders, his face set with rebellion. He clapped a hand to
Durer's shoulder, not noticing that the little man's teeth grated as his jaws
clamped shut. 'This
man I trust,' he stated in what might have been intended to be ringing tones.
'He was with me from the first, and I welcome his wisdom - as I will welcome
yours, if you are with us.' Loguire's
eyes narrowed. 'Nay,' he spat. 'Away with you, false child, and your tongue of
treachery! I had sooner die than join you.' 'You
shall have your preference, manner
of your dying.' Durer snapped. 'Name the
Loguire glared, then threw himself to his full height in one lurching
motion. Anselm
stared, then reddened. 'Be - be still, Durer! He is -is a fool, aye, and a.
traitor to the land. But he is my father, and none shall touch him!' Durer's
eyebrows shot up. 'You would harbor snakes within your bed, my lord?
Naetheless, it is the wish of all the nobles, not yours alone, that must be
done.' He
raised his voice, shouting, 'What say you, lords? Shall this man die?' There
was a moment's pause. Rod rested his hand on the door-lever; he had to get
Loguire out of there. He could open the door and pull Loguire into• the passage
before anybody realized what was happening . -. But
could he close it before they came running? Probably not; there were just too
many too close. And Durer, at least, would react very quickly. If only
the hinges and springs were in decent shape! But he had a notion they hadn't
been too well maintain few
centuries. ed in the last A
chorus of reluctant 'Ayes' rolled through the great hail. Durer
turned to Loguire, bowing his head politely. The verdict, my lord, is death.' He drew
his poniard and started forward. And the
lights went out. Rod
stood a moment in the total blackness, stunned. How...? Then he
threw his weight on the lever. He jerked out his dagger as the stone slab
groaned open. Act now, understand later. The
grating of the stone door broke the instant of shocked silence. Pandemonium
struck as every voice in the hall started shouting - some in anger, some in
distress, some calling for a porter to bring a torch. The
noise would be a good cover. Rod lunged out of the passage, groping blindly
till he slammed into somebody's rib cage. The Somebody roared and lashed out at
him. Rod ducked on general principles, felt the blow skim his hair. He flicked
the button on the handle of his dagger and identified Somebody as the
Duke Loguire in the flicker of light that stabbed up from the hilt. A
kindling-wood, twisting body struck into Rod with a howl of rage. Rod gasped
and stumbled as steel bit into his shoulder. Apparently Durer had seen the
flicker of light, too. The
dagger wrenched itself out of Rod's shoulder; he felt the warm welling flow of
the blood, and rolled away. But the
scarecrow was on him again. Rod groped, and by great good luck caught the man's
knife-wrist. But the
little man was unbelievably strong. He forced Rod's arm down, down, and Rod
felt the dagger's point prick his throat. He
tried to force his other hand up to help push the needlepoint away. His
shoulder screamed pain, but the hand wouldn't budge. The
dagger pricked a fraction of an inch deeper. Rod felt blood rise on his throat,
and fear clawed its way up from his guts. Total,
numbing, paralyzing fear - and Rod heard a booming moan. Durer
gasped; the poniard clattered to the floor, and the weight rose off Rod's body. The
whole hail rang with a triple, very low moan, counter-pointed with shrieks of
terror. Three
huge white forms towered high in the blackness. At the tops were skeletal
faces, their mouths rounded into 0's: Horatio
and two other erstwhile Lords Loguire, having the time of their afterlives. Rod
forced a shout out of his terror. 'Fess! Sixty cycles!' His head clamored with
the raucous buzzing, and the fear evaporated. His light flicked again, found
Loguire. Rod sprang, struck him in the midriff. The breath went out of the old
lord in a whoof! and he doubled over Rod's shoulder - the good one,
fortunately. Rod
turned and ran, stumbling, hoping he was headed in the right direction. Behind
him, Direr was shrieking, 'Clap your hands to your ears, fools! Fools! Fools!' Rod
blundered about in the dark, Loguire's weight dragging heavier on his shoulder.
He couldn't find the door! And now he heard staccato steps in short, quick
bursts - Durer, trying to find Rod by blind chance. And now that he had his
earplugs I OC in,
Durer would once again be a formidable enemy. Also, Rod couldn't fight with one
shoulder shot and the other under Loguire. Cold
air fanned his cheek, and a dim white form brushed past him. 'Follow!' boomed
Horatio Loguire. Rod
followed. He ran
after Horatio, his good arm out like a broken-field runner. It didn't help; his
wounded shoulder slammed against the stone of the doorway and spun him around
with a wrench of pain. He gasped, almost dropping Loguire, and stumbled back
against the wall of the narrow passage. He
leaned against the wall, breathing hoarsely. 'Quickly,
Man!' boomed Horatio. 'The slab I You must close it!' Rod
nodded, gasping, and groped for the lever, hoping Loguire would stay balanced
on his shoulder. His hand found rusty metal. lie hauled upward; the door grated
shut. He
stood hunched over, just breathing. After a
small eternity, Loguire began to struggle. Rod called up the energy to lower
him to the floor. Then, still panting, he looked up at Horatio. 'Many
thanks,' he wheezed, 'for this timely rescue.' Horatio
waved away the thanks, coming dangerously close to a smile. 'Why, Man, how
could you fulfil your oath to me dead?' 'Oh, I
don't know.' Rod sagged against the wall. 'You seem to manage all right. I'd
love to know how you pulled the fuse on those torches.' 'Pulled
. - . the fuse?' Horatio frowned. 'You
know, the trick with the lights.' The
ghost's frown deepened. 'Was that not your doing?' Rod
stared. Then he raised a hand, palm out. 'Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Now. You thought I did it ... and I thought you did it.' 'Aye.' 'But,
you didn't do it?' 'Nay.' 'And I
didn't do it.' 'It
would seem not.' 'Then'
- Rod gulped - 'who...?' 'Who is
this?' Loguire rumbled at Rod's elbow. A beam
of light stabbed through the peephole. Horatio
gave one moan of fear, and winked out. Rod put
his eye to the peephole. The torches were lit again. Durer was on the dais,
stabbing the air about him with his dagger and screaming, 'Where? Where?' Rod
lifted his head away from the peephole and smiled up at Loguire thinly. 'I
don't think we ought to stay to find out, my lord. Shall we go?' He
turned to go, but Loguire's fingers dug into his shoulder. Rod gasped. 'Please,
milord - would you mind - the other shoulder, please. - - 'What
man was that?' Loguire growled. 'Man?'
Rod looked about him. 'What man?' 'Why,
he who stood before us in white!' 'Oh.'
Rod scanned the old man's face. Apparently Loguire was still in shock, not
quite yet ready to face reality, such as it was. 'Uh, just a relative, milord' 'Your
relative? Here?' 'No,
milord. Yours.' He turned away, groping down the passage. After a
moment, Loguire followed. The
light from the peephole fell off after a few yards. Rod groped his way,
cursing; it would be pitch dark when they turned the corner to go down the
narrow steps. He
turned the corner, fumbling out his dagger - and ~aw a ball of fox-fire before
him. He stared, an eerie tingling nesting at the base of his neck; then, as his
eyes adjusted to the dim glow, he made out a face and a body (it was impossible
to see them as a unit, since each was worthy of independent study), one arm
extended, with the fox-fire sitting on her palm. Her face was tense with worry. 'Gwendylon,'
he stated. Her
face flooded with relief and joy, but only for a moment then the light of
mischief was in her eyes. She
bobbed in a mock courtsy. 'My lord.' 'My
Aunt Nanny!' he growled. ¶What the hell are you doing here?' Her
eyes widened in offended innocence. 'I followed you, lord.' 'No,
no, no!' Rod squeezed his eyes shut. 'That's not in the script. You were
supposed to hate me now. You were supposed to quit following me.' 'Never,
lord.' Her voice was very low. He
looked up to see if she was joking. No luck. Tom's line about farm girls ran
through his mind. 'What,'
he said, nodding at the ball of fox-fire, 'have you got there?' 'This?'
She glanced at the ball of light. 'Only a little spell my mother taught me.
'Twill light us through this maze, lord.' 'Light,'
Rod agreed. 'And may I ask how you killed the torches in the great hail?' She
started to answer, then frowned. 'Tis not quickly said, lord. Have we time?' Rod
studied her face with his lips pursed. 'But it was you who did it?' 'Aye,
lord.' 'Just
another little spell that - - my
mother taught me, yes.' She nodded brightly. 'Oka-a-a-y!'
He shrugged. 'Why not? Let's go, babe.' He started groping his way down the
narrow stairs, wincing as his shoulder brushed the wall. 'My
lord!' Gwendylon gasped, her hand darting out to touch his shoulder. 'You're
hurt!' He
half-turned toward her, lurching against the wall, still groping for the stone;
but the full, firm mound that his hand found was anything but granite. He
jerked his hand away. She stared at him a moment, surprised; then her lids
drooped, she smiled lazily, and caught up his hand, puffing it toward her.
'Milord, you need not-' 'Egad!'
He pulled his hand away, shrinking back against the wall. She swayed toward
him, lips parting. 'My dear
lady ... 'I ha'
ne'er claimed that title,' she murmured, her voice warm, rich, and husky. Her
body pressed softly against him. 'Woman,
please!' Rod made a valiant attempt to push his way into the stone. 'I can't
imagine a less aesthetic atmosphere.' 'Neither
time nor place matter to me, lord, when you are near,' she breathed into his
ear, and nibbled. And I
thought I had some lines, Rod told himself. 'Look,' he said, wriggling, 'we
don't have time, we don't have room - . .'
He gasped and shivered as she caught just exactly the right spot. 'Look, baby,
just get us out of here, and I'm yours to command!' She
caught her breath and stood just far enough back to look up at him. 'Truly,
lord?' 'Well,
uh. . .' Rod backpedaled furiously. 'For twenty-four hours, anyway.' 'That
will do,' she murmured smugly, with a similar quality in her smile. He
glowered down at her for a moment; then, 'Take those canary feathers out of
your mouth,' he growled, 'and get us out of here!' 'Aye,
lord!' She turned in a swirl of skirts and ran lightly down the mossy steps. He
watched her run for a moment, a gleam coming into his eye. He
caught up to her in three bounds and swung her around to face him. She
looked up in surprise, then turned on the sultry look again. 'My lord, we must
not delay....' • 'This
won't take long,' he answered, and pulled her hard against him. Her lips were
moist and warm, and parted. - - She
gave a happy little sigh and pushed him away. 'Well I And what was that for?' 'Promissory
note.' He grinned. She
giggled, then spun away, tugging him down the hail. 'We must hurry!' He
freed his arm and watched her run. A deep,
warm chuckle sounded behind him. Rod
threw Loguire a look of disgust. 'Dirty old man,' he growled, and ran after
Gwen. The
slimy stones of the passage slid by on either side, scarcely three inches from
each shoulder. Up a flight of steps~ turn, up another flight, the stones greasy
and slippery with dripping water, seepage from the lake overhead. Patches of
pale moss grew like sores on the walls. Old spiderwebs festooned the low
ceiling. At the
top of the twelfth staircase, Rod heard water chuckling somewhere in the
distance. 'The
inlet to the lake,' Gwendylon informed him. 'We shall come out along its
border.' She glanced back over her shoulder. 'Your shoulder, Lord Rod?' 'Oh,
it'll wait,' he growled. 'Doth
it yet bleed?' 'No;
the doublet seems to have stanched it. Be a hell of a cleaning bill though.' 1 OA 'Hmm.'
She turned away, hurrying. ''Twill hold till we come to the riverbank, then.
Hurry, lords; we must be away ere they think to search in the stables.' Rod
frowned. 'Why? Are we coming out in the stableyard?" 'Nay,
by the river; but when they look in the stables, they shall see that your black
and the Duke's dun stallion have fled.' 'You
don't say!' He cleared his throat and spoke a~ little louder than necessary.
'And where would my horse be?' 'By the
riverbank, Rod,' Fess's voice murmured, 'with Big Tom and two real nags.' Gwendylon
had started to answer, but Rod cut her off. 'Yes, yes, they're by the
riverbank, I know.' Gwen
looked faintly surprised. 'But
how,' Rod went on, 'did Big Tom know we'd be needing horses?' She
frowned at him a moment,. then turned away. ''Twas at my urging, lord. 'Twas
but a thought, and could do little harm. I had a seeming they might be needed.' 'A
seeming,' Rod echoed. Was she clairvoyant, too? 'Aye, lord, a seeming.' She
slowed suddenly. 'Walk• wary, lords.' She stepped carefully over something
lying in the passage. Rod
stopped and stared at it. It was
a miniature skeleton, perhaps eighteen inches long; but the proportions were
those of an adult, not a baby. It was green with mold. He
looked up at Gwendylon. 'This has not been here so very long,' he said. 'What
is it?' 'One of
the Wee Folk, lord.' Her mouth hardened. 'There ha' been evil spells in this
keep of late.' Rod
looked up, surprised at the tone of her voice, ignoring Loguire's startled
exclamation. Her
face was flint, set in a mold of bitterness. 'Poor wee fellow,' she murmured.
'And we dare not stop to give him burial.' She spun about and hurried on. Rod
stepped carefully over the tiny skeleton and followed. 'What manner of spell?'
he asked as he caught up to her. ''Twas a sort of . - - singing - - . in the
air, lord, though not for the ear, but the mind. If you or I tried to move
against it, 'twould but stop us, like a wall. But it slew the Wee Folk.' Rod
frowned. 'A singing, you say?' 'Aye,
lord. Yet not of the ear, as I told you.' A force
field! But that was impossible. Ask any physicist, he'd tell you. - 'How
long ago?' 'It was
cast five years agone, milord. It lasted no more than a month, for its master
took no note of my stopping it, nor did he cast it again.' Rod
stopped so fast Loguire stumbled into him. He stared at the gentle, very
feminine form hurrying down the passage before him. Then he closed his mouth,
swallowed, and followed. A force
field! And five years ago, that was when Durer had shown up. - Rod
thought again of the dial on the supposed time machine. Then he stared at
Gwen's long, red hair, swinging with her steps. And she
had stopped it? A machine out of the future, and she bad stopped it? He
looked at his farm girl with new respect. 'Uh,
Gwen, dear... 'Aye,
my lord?' She looked back at him, with a look of pleased surprise and a faint
blush. He
frowned. What. - .? Oh. He'd called her 'Gwen'. Also 'dear'. 'Aye,
my lord, exorcized it. But the Wee Folk would not come here more, and I too
thought it wise.' Yes,
Rod mused, very wise. Durer & Co. would not have taken kindly to diminutive
spies, and could probably have devised some very unpleasant preventatives. He
fastened his eyes on Gwendylon's retreating back, watching her absently; she
was just full of surprises, this one.... 'We
come near, lords!' Rod
jerked his head up and saw a point of dim light ahead. The ball of light in
Gwen's hand flickered out. A
moment later, they stepped through the weathered, weed-grown mouth of the
tunnel into the moonlit night. The river flowed by a few dozen yards away,
bordered with willow and cypress. The breeze was chill after the dampness of
the tunnel. Loguire shivered. 'Master!'
came a soft, low cry, and Big Tom stepped out of the riverbank shadows, leading
three horses. Rod
grabbed Gwendylon's hand and ran for the horses... and was brought up sharp by
a most unfeminine jerk on his arm -
fortunately, the good one. 'Nay, my lord,' she said firmly. 'First we
must see to your arm.' 'Which
one,' Rod grumped, swiveling his good shoulder; it had developed a sudden ache.
'Look, we don't have time...' 'It
will slow us in our ride soon or late,' she said sternly. 'Better to tend it
now, when it will take but a moment.' Rod
sighed and capitulated. He watched her run to the riverbank with a
connoisseur's interest and wondered what the strange, pleasant feeling inside
him was. 'She
hath the right of it,' growled Loguire, Swinging Rod about to face him. 'Clamp
your teeth.' He
unbuttoned Rod's doublet. Rod's nascent protest was cut off by a gasp of agony
as Loguire snapped the doublet open, tearing the scab off in the process. 'Let it
bleed freely a moment,' Loguire growled, jerking the doublet off the injured
shoulder. Then
Gwendylon came up with a handful of some sort of herb and a small wineskin -
trust Big Tom to have one on him, Rod thought - and perhaps five minutes later,
Rod swung her onto Fess's saddle and leaped up behind her. He dug his heels
into Fess's sides. Gwendylon started at the muted clang, and, as Fess sprang
out into a gallop, she twisted to frown, puzzled, at Rod. 'That's
why I call him Old Ironsides,' Rod explained. 'Just relax and lean back against
me. It's going to be a long ride.' 'But,
my lord, I have no need to-' 'There're
only three horses, Gwen. Somebody has to ride double. Don't worry, Fess won't
even notice the difference.' 'But my
lord, I-' 'Hush.
My Lord Loguire!' he called back over his shoulder. 'Lead us, my lord; you know
this land best.' Loguire
nodded mutely and spurred the big bay; it speeded a little, and passed Rod. Rod
followed him, listening to the drum of hooves from Tom's mount behind him. 'Believe
me, my lord, there is no need for-' 'Time
enough to talk later,' Rod growled. 'We're leaving a trail as clear as Polaris.
We've got to get far enough away fast enough so it won't matter if they follow
us.' Gwendylon
sighed. 'Look behind you, my lord.' Rod
turned, and saw a crowd, of at least a hundred elves lined along their trail
with miniature brooms, sweeping away every
trace of their passing - even straightening the grass the horses' hooves had
flattened. Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. 'No. Oh, no- Why me, Lord? Why me?' He
turned back to Gwendylon. 'Gwen, did you call out these Gwen!' The
saddle was empty. She was gone. 'Gwen!'
he shouted, and sawed back on the reins. 'Really, Rod,' protested the murmur in
his mastoid, 'I must ask you that you attempt to control-' 'Gwendylon!'
Rod yelled. A cry
like the mew of a seagull drifted down from, the sky. Rod
looked up. The
osprey. The same one. He was willing to swear to it. Anyway, he was willing to
swear. The
bird plummeted low and circled Rod's head, mewing Urgently. How the
hell could she make a fish hawk sound so feminine? The osprey shot away in
front of him, skimming low over the ground after Loguire's horse. Then it
wheeled back, circled his head again, then lit out on the straightaway again. 'Yeah,
yeah,' Rod growled, 'I get the message. I should quit holding up the party.
Fess, follow that bird! Fess? Fess!' The
horse stood stiff-legged, head swinging between the fetlocks. Oh,
well, it had been a strain on Rod's neurology, too. He slapped at the reset
button. They
rode the moon down, slowing to a trot after the first half-hour. Loguire was
slumped in his saddle, almost too exhausted to stay on his horse, by the time
the air freshened with dawn. Rod,
frankly, wasn't in much better shape. He reined in beside the Duke. 'There're
haystacks in that field over there, my lord. We must pause to rest, it will be
dawn soon, and we dare not travel by day.' Loguire
lifted his head, blinking. 'Aye. Aye, most certain.' He reined in his horse.
Rod and Tom followed suit. They
broke through the hedge at the roadside and trotted for the
nearest haystack. Rod dismounted and caught Loguire as he all but fell from his
saddle. Big Tom unsaddled the horses and turned them out to the field with a
slap on the rump as Rod half-led, half-carried the old nobleman to the top of
the haystack. He
lowered Loguire into the hay, stepped back, and murmured, 'Fess.' 'Yes, Rod.' 'Get
those nags far away from here, someplace where it's not too likely they'll be
noticed, will you? And bring them back at sundown.' 'I
will, Rod.' Rod
stood a moment, listening to the fading drum of hooves. He looked down at Loguire; the old man was
out cold: the strain, and a long night ride, to say nothing of how long it had been
since he'd slept. Rod
pulled hay over the sleeping lord to hide him. Looking for Big Tom, he saw
shins and feet disappearing into the side of the haystack. The saddles and
bridles had already disappeared into the hay. The
feet were likewise removed from sight; then there was a protracted rustling,
and Tom's ruddy face popped out of his burrow-hole. 'Thou must take this'll
from sight right quickly, master. 'Twill be sunrise ere long, and the peasants
mustn't see us. 'They
won't come near this stack?' 'Nay.
This field is far from the keep, so 'twill be some days yet ere they take in
this hay.' Rod
nodded. He threw up his hands and jumped, sliding down the side of the stack.
He turned to see Tom's burrow fast closing. He grinned. 'Good night, Big Tom.' 'Good
morn, master,' answered the muffled voice within. Rod
chuckled, shaking his head, as he went to the nearest other haystack. He
climbed to the top, mashed the hay down into a bowl, and stretched out with a blissful
sigh. There
was a soft mew, and the osprey dropped down beside him into the hay. It fell
Onto its side, its form fluxed and stretched, and Gwendylon was lying beside
him. She
smiled mischievously and began to untie the strings of her bodice. 'Twenty-four
hours, my lord. Sunrise to sunrise. You ha' said you would obey my commands for
so long.' 'B Ut -
but - but. . -, Rod stared and swallowed as the bodice fell open and was thrown
away. The blouse began to inch upward. He
swallowed again and stammered, "Bu-but somebody's got to keep watch!' 'Never
fear,' she murmured. The blouse went flying. 'My friends shall do that.' 'Your
friends?' In a detached sort of way, Rod noted that in this culture the concept
of the brassiere was not yet developed. Gwendylon
was, though. 'Aye,
the Wee Folk.' Skirt and slippers joined the discard pile with one smooth,
sinuous motion. The
setting sun turned the straw blood-gold as Rod's head poked up out of the hay. He
looked around, sniffed the cool, fresh evening breeze, and expelled a sigh of
great satisfaction. He felt
immensely well. He
thrust the covering of hay aside with one sweep of his arm and reflected that
it had been a busy day, as his eyes traveled slowly and lovingly over Gwen's
curves. He
leaned forward and touched his lips to hers for a long, deep kiss. He felt her
come awake beneath him. He drew
back; her eyes opened halfway. Her lips curved in a slow, sultry smile. She
stretched, slow and feline. Rod was surprised to feel his pulse quicken. His
opinion of himself went up a notch. His
opinion of her was altogether too high already. With a twinge of alarm, Rod
realized he was regretting that he was a traveling man. He also realized
something was gnawing at the base of his conscience. She looked into his eyes
and sobered. 'What
saddens you, lord?' 'Don't
you ever worry about being used, Gwen?' She
smiled lazily. 'Do you, lord?' 'Well,
no. - .' Rod frowned at his palms. 'But that's different. I mean, I'm a man.' 'I
would never ha' guessed,' she murmured, biting his ear lobe in the process. He
grinned and twisted, trying to retaliate; but she wasn't done with his ear yet. 'Men
are fools,' she murmured between bites. 'You are forever saying what is not
instead of what is. Be done with the night, and live in the evening while you
are in it.' She
eyed him then through heavy lids with a somewhat proprietary joy, looking him
up and down slowly. Oh,
well, Rod thought, so much for my one attempt to be honorable. . - 'Camera!'
After all, there was only one way to wipe that smug smile off her face. Big Tom
chose just that moment to call, 'Master! The sun has set, and we must away.' Rod let
go of Gwen with a disgusted growl. 'That boy has definitely the greatest sense
of timing . - .' He started puffing up his hose. 'Up and away, my dear!' 'Must
we, lord?' she said, pouting. 'We
must,' he answered. 'Duty calls - or at least Big Tom. Onward for the glory of
France I or something like that. - - Two
nights of pushing the pace, alternating canter and walk, brought them back to
the capital. As they
came to the bridge over the river that curved around the town, Rod was
surprised to see two foot soldiers armed with pikes, torches flaring by their
sides in the darkness of the seventh hour of night. 'I
shall clear the way,' Tom muttered, and spurred his horse ahead of Rod and
Loguire. 'Stand aside,' he called to the guards, 'for my masters wish to
enter.' The
pikes clashed as they crossed, barring the bridge. 'Who are your masters?'
retorted the one of them. 'Be they rebels? Or Queen's men?' 'Rebels?'
Tom frowned. 'What ha' passed in the Queen's Town while we ha' been to the
South?' 'The
South?' The guard's eyes narrowed. ''us the lords of the South that rebel.' 'Aye,
aye!' Big Tom waved the objection away impatiently. 'We ha' been there on the
Queen's affairs - spies, i' truth. We bear word that the lords of the South
rise in revolt, and the name of the day that they march; but how has this news
come here afore us?' 'What
is this badinage?' snapped Loguire, riding up with Rod at his side. 'Stand
aside, sirrahs, that a man of noble blood may enter 1' The
guards' heads swiveled to stare up at Loguire; then both pikes jumped forward,
their points scarce an inch from his chest.
'Dismount and stand, Milord Duke of Loguire!' The first guard's voice was firm,
but deferential. 'We must hold you in arrest, on command of her Majesty the
Queen.' And the
other guard bawled, 'Captain! Captain of the Guard!' Loguire
stared in disbelief. Rod nudged his way past the lord and glared at the guard.
'Name the crime for which the Queen holds Milord Loguire in arrest!' The
guard's eyes flicked from Loguire's face to Rod's, and back; then, dubiously,
he answered, 'Most high treason to the body and person of her Majesty the
Queen.' Loguire's
jaw sagged. Then his lips pressed thin and his brows beetled down, hiding his
eyes in caves of shadow. His face seemed bloody in the torchlight. 'I am
most sternly loyal to her Majesty the Queen!' he exploded. 'Be done with your
impertinence and stand aside!' The
sentry swallowed and stood his ground. 'It is said Loguire leads the rebels,
milord.' 'Soldier.'
Rod spoke quietly, but with the tone of an old field sergeant. The
sentry's eyes jumped to him, but the pike didn't waver. 'You know me,' and
Rod's voice held the veiled threat of non-corn authority. It had
more effect than all Loguire's lofty phrases. The soldier licked his lips and
agreed, 'Aye, master.' 'Who am
I?' 'You are
Master Gallowglass, late of the Queen's Guard.' 'Still
of the Queen's Guard,' Rod corrected, still softly. 'Sent to the South a week
agone, to guard Milord Loguire.' Loguire's
head jerked up; his eyes blazed at Rod. 'We ha' known that you were gone,' the
soldier mumbled. 'And now you know why.' Rod kept his voice under careful
control, managing to imply that the Queen's Own Wrath would fall on the guard's
miserable head if he disobeyed. 'My Lord Loguire cries sanctuary from his
kinswoman and suzerain, her Majesty the Queen. She would be wroth to hear him
detained. Let us pass.' The
guard took a firmer hold on his pike, gulped, and thrust out his jaw
stubbornly. 'The order ha' gone forth that Milord Loguire be held in arrest in
the Queen's dungeon, good master. More than that I know not.' 'Dungeon!'
Loguire thundered, beet-red. Am I a tuppenny footpad, to be crooked from a
hedgerow to a dungeon cell? Is it thus that the Queen would acknowledge her
vassal? Nay, nay! The blood of Plantagenet hath not ebbed so low! Knave, I'll
hale thy lying tongue from thy head!' His
hand went to his dagger, and the soldier cowered back; but Rod's hand stayed
the nobleman's. 'Calm
yourself, milord,' he murmured, ''Tis Durer hath sent this word here before us.
The Queen could not know of your loyalty.' Loguire
checked his temper with vast effort, subsiding into a sort of gurgling fury.
Rod leaned over and whispered to Tom. 'Tom,
can you find someplace to hide the old man where he'll be safe?' 'Aye,
master,' Tom frowned down at bins. 'With his son. But-why...? 'At the
House of Clovis?' 'Aye,
master. 'Twould take all the Queen's men, and great bombardments, to hale them
forth from the House.' 'I
would have said a good strong wind would've done it,' Rod muttered, 'but I guess
it's the best we can do. So...' 'Speak
so that all may hear!' shouted a new voice. 'That had a familiar ring,' Rod
muttered, looking up. Sir Mans strode forth between the two vastly relieved
guardsmen. 'Well done, Rod Gallowglass! Thou hast brought ~ most pernicious
rebel to the safekeeping of our stronghold!' Loguire's
narrowed eyes stabbed hate at Rod. 'Do not
speak among yourselves,' Sir Mans went on; 'I forbid it. And hearken well to my
orders, for there are twelve good crossbowmen with their quarrels aimed at your
hearts.' Loguire
sat back in his saddle, tall and proud, his face composed in the granite of
fatalism. 'Twelve?'
Rod gave Sir Mans a one-sided mocking. smile. 'Only twelve quarrels, to kill
the Loguire? Good Sir Mans, I must think you grow rash in your old age.' The
granite mask cracked; Loguire darted a puzzled glance at Rod. Rod
dismounted and stepped out toward the bridge, away from the horses. He shook
his head woefully. 'Sir Mans, Sir Mans! My good Sir Mans, to think that-' Suddenly
he whirled, with a high, piercing cry, slapping at the horses' chests. 'Turn
and ride!' he shrieked. 'Ride!' Sir
Mans and his men stood frozen with surprise as the horses
reared, wheeled about, and sprang away. An instant later, twelve crossbow bolts
bit the ground where they had been. One
archer had been a little quicker than his fellows; his bolt struck Fess's metal
hindquarters with a clang and ricocheted off into the river. There
was an instant's shocked silence; then the whisper ran through the ranks,
swelling with fear: 'Witch horse! Witch horse!' 'Cloud
the trail, Fess,' Rod murmured, and the great black horse reared, pawing the
air and screaming. combat; then it wheeled away and was gone, lost in the
night, hoofbeats drumming away. Rod smiled
grimly, sure that Fess's trail would cross and re-cross Tom and Loguire's till
an Italian spaghetti cook wouldn't be able to unsnarl it. He
peered up into the sky. He couldn't see beyond the circle of torchlight, but he
thought he heard a faint mewing. He
smiled again, a little more sincerely this time. Let Catharine try to imprison.
Let her try. Then
his smile settled and soured as he turned to face Sir Mans. The old
knight was struggling manfully to look angry; but the fear in his eyes blared
as loud as a TV commercial. His voice quavered. 'Rod Gallowglass, you have
abetted the escape of a rebel.' Rod
stood mute, eyes glittering. Sir
Mans swallowed hard and went on. 'For high treason to the body and person of
her Majesty Queen of all Gramarye, Rod Gallowglass, in arrest I must hold
thee.' Rod
inclined his head politely. 'You may try.' The
soldiers muttered fearfully and drew back, None wished to match arms with the
warlock. Sir
Mans' eyes widened in alarm; then he spun and grabbed one of his soldiers by
the arm. 'You there! Soldier! Soldier!' he hissed. 'Run ahead and bear word to
the Queen. Say what transpires here.~ The
soldier bolted, overwhelmingly glad to lose out on the action. Sir
Mans turned back to Rod. 'Thou must now come to judgment before the Queen,
Master Gallowglass.' Oho!
thought Rod. I'm a master now, am I? 'Wilt
thou go to her freely'?' said Sir Mans apprehensively, 'Or must I compel thee?' Rod
fought to keep his shoulders from shaking with laughter at the dread in the old
knight's voice. His reputation had decided advantages. 'I will
come freely, Sir Mans,' he said, stepping forward. 'Shall we go?' Sir
Mans' eyes fairly glowed with gratitude. Abruptly,
he sobered. 'I would not be in thy place for a castle and dukedom, Rod
Gallowglass. Thou must needs now stand alone before our Queen's tongue.' 'Well,
yes,' Rod agreed. 'But then, I've got a few things to say to her too, now
haven't I? Let us go then, Sir Mans.' Unfortunately,
the march to the castle gave Rod time to mull over Catharine's latest churlish
tricks; so by the time they came to the door to her chambers, Rod's jaw was
clenched and shivering with rage. And,
equally unfortunately, there was a reception committee, consisting of two
sentries, the soldier who had been sent ahead as messenger, and two pikes
pointed right at Rod's midriff. The
procession halted. 'And what,' said Rod, with icy control, 'is this supposed to
mean?' The
messenger stammered an answer. 'Th-the Queen forbids that the w-warlock be
brought before her unch-chained.' 'Oh.'
Rod pursed his lips for a moment, then gave the messenger a polite lift of the
eyebrow. 'I am to be chained?' The
messenger nodded, on the verge of panic. The
pikes crashed as Rod knocked them away to each side. He grabbed the messenger
by the scruff of the neck and threw him into the pack of Guardsmen as they
surged forward. Then he lashed out with a kick that wrenched the crude metal
hinges from their bolts. The
door crashed down, and he strode in over it, stepping hard. Catharine,
the Mayor of the Queen's Town, and Brom O'Berin shot to their feet from their
chairs around a map laden table. Brom
sprang to bar Rod's path. 'What devil possesses you, Rod Gallowglass, that you
. . -, But Rod
was already past him and still moving. He
swung to a stop before the table, glaring across at her, his eyes chips of dry
ice. Catharine
stepped back, one band coming to her throat, disconcerted and afraid. Brom
leaped to the tabletop, thundering, 'What means this unseemly intrusion, Rod
Gallowglass? Get thee hence, till the Queen shall summon thee!' 'I
would prefer not to come before her Majesty in chain-' his words cold and
clipped. 'And I will not allow that a nobleman of the highest rank be clapped
in a common, noisome dungeon with rats and thieves.' 'Thou
wilt not allow!' Catharine gasped, outraged; and, 'Who art thou to allow or not
allow?' roared Brom. 'Thou hast not even gentle blood!' 'Then I
must think that blood is opposed to action,' Rod snapped. He
flung the table out of his way and advanced on the Queen. 'I had thought you
noble.' The word was a sneer. 'But now I see that you will turn against your
very family, even to one near as nigh you as a father! Certes, if you would
fight any of your nobles, you must needs fight a kinsman but your very uncle?
Fie, woman! Were he the foulest murderer, you had ought to receive him with
courtesy and the honor due his station. Your finest chamber you should appoint
his cell; 'tis but your duty to blood!' He
backed her up against the fireplace, glowering deep into her eyes. 'Nay, were
he but a murderer, no doubt you would receive him with all honor! But no, he
has committed the heinous crime of objecting to your high-handed, arbitrary
laws, and the further calumny of maintaining his honor against your calculated
insults. He will insist on being accorded the respect due a man during the
reign of a vindictive, childish, churlish chit of a girl who hath the title of
a Queen but none of 'the graces, and for this he must needs be damned!' 'Fie,
sirrah,' she quavered, waxen pale, 'that you would speak so to a lady!' 'Lady!'
he snorted. 'A lady
born!' It was a forlorn, desperate cry. 'Will you, too, desert me? Will you
speak with the tongue of Clovis?' 'I may
speak like a peasant, but you act like one! And now I see why all desert you;
for you would whip to scorn Loguire, who alone of all your lords is loyal I' 'Loyal!'
she gasped. 'He, who leads the rebels?' 'Anselm
Loguire leads the rebels! For keeping faith with you, the old Duke is now
deposed in favor of his son!' He
smiled bitterly as the horror and guilt dawned in her, then turned his back
upon her and stepped away, giving her time to realize the breadth of her
betrayal. He heard a long-drawn, shuddering breath behind him; Brom rushed past
him to aid his Queen. He heard a chair creak as Brom made her sit. Looking
up, he saw the Lord Mayor staring past him wide-eyed. Rod cleared his throat;
the burgher's eyes shifted to him. Rod jerked his head toward the door. The
Mayor glanced back at the Queen, hesitating. Rod toyed with the hilt of his
dagger. The Mayor saw, blanched, and fled. Rod
turned back to the stricken girl. Brom,
at her elbow, threw Rod a glance of withering hatred and growled, 'Ha' done!
Have you not cut deep enough?' 'Not
yet.' Rod's lips thinned. He stepped up to the Queen again, his voice cold.
'This good nobleman, the Duke Loguire, your own uncle, out of bye for you stood
against the whole of your nobility, even his own son!' His voice crackled. Her
eyes jerked up to him, filling with dread. 'And it is your doing, by your
high-handed lawmaking and utter lack of diplomacy, that Anselm turned against
his father. He had two sons, and you have robbed him of both!' She
shook her head, faster and faster, lips shaping silent denials. 'Yet
still he is loyal!' Rod murmured. 'Still he is loyal, though they would have
slain him for it - and damn near did!' She
stared in horror. Rod
tapped his shoulder. 'This took the dagger that would have pierced his heart.
And even at that, 'twas only by a miracle, and the help of one of the witches
whom you scarce acknowledge, that I managed to bring him out alive!' Brom's
head snapped up, searching Rod's face for something. Rod frowned, and went on. 'But
bring him out I did, at peril of my life, and brought him safely back. And what
do I find? He is to be held a prisoner! And not even as befits a royal
prisoner! No, no1 to be treated with due courtesy and deference, but as a
common cutpurse, in a lightless, damp, dank dungeon!' He paused
for effect, rather proud of the last bit of alliteration. But he
had overdone it a bit; she rallied. Her chin came up and she sniffled back some
tears. 'Before my laws, sirrah, al] are equal!' 'Yes,'
Rod agreed, 'but that should mean you treat a peasant like a lord, not that you
treat a lord like a peasant!' He
leaned over her, his face an inch from hers. 'Tell me, Queen: why is it that
Catharine must treat all with contempt?' It was
a lie; she didn't treat all with contempt, just the noblemen; but anguish and
sudden self-doubt showed in her eyes. Still
she tilted her chin a fraction of an inch higher, and declaimed, 'I am the
Queen, and all must bow to my power!' 'Oh,
they bow, they bow! Until you slap them in the face; then they slap back!' He
turned away, glowering at the hearth. 'And I can't say I blame them, when you
deprive them of liberty.' Catharine
stared. 'Liberty? What talk is this, sirrah? I seek to give the serfs greater
liberty I' 'Aye,
so you seek.' Rod smiled sourly. 'But how do you go about giving it? You gather
all ever more tightly unto you. You deprive them today, that you may give them
more later!' He
slammed his fist onto the arm of her chair. 'But later will never come, don't
you see that? There is too much ill in the land, there will always be another
evil to fight, and the Queen's word must be law unquestioned to command the
army against the evil.' He drew
his hand back slowly, eyes burning. 'And so it will never come, the day that
you set them free; in your land, none will have liberty, save the Queen.' He
locked his hands behind his back and paced the room. 'There is only just so
much of it to go around, you know - this liberty. If one man is to have more,
another must needs have less; for if one is to command, another must obey.' He held
his hand before her, slowly tightening it into a fist. 'So little by little,
you steal it away, till your slightest whim is obeyed. You will have complete
freedom, to do whatever you wish, but you alone will be free. There will be none
of this liberty left over for your people. All, all, will be gathered unto
Catharine.' His
hand loosened and clasped her throat lightly. She stared and swallowed,
pressing against the back of the chair. "A" 'But a
man cannot live without at least a little liberty,' he said softly. 'They must
have it, or die.' His hand tightened slowly. 'They will rise up against you,
made one by their common enemy - you. And then will squeeze their liberties out
of you again, slowly, slowly.' Catharine
tore at his hand, fighting for breath. Brom leaped to free her, but Rod loosed
her first. 'They
will hang you from your castle gates,' he murmured, 'and the nobles will rule
in your stead; your work will all be undone. And of this you may be certain,
for thus was it ever with tyrants.' Her
head jerked up, hurt deep in her eyes. She gasped for breath to speak, shaking
her head in ever harder denial. 'No,
not I,' she finally rasped. 'Not that, no! Never a tyrant!' 'Always
a tyrant,' Rod corrected gently, 'from your birth. Always a tyrant to those
about you, though you never knew it till now.~ He
turned away, hands locked behind his back. 'But now you know, and know also
that you have none to blame but yourself for rebellion. You pushed them and
pushed them, harder and harder, your nobles - for the good of your people, you
said.' He
looked back over his shoulder. 'But was it not also to see which among them
would dare say you nay? To see which among them were men?' Contempt
curdled her face. 'Men!' The word was obscenity. 'There are no men in Gramarye
any more, only boys, content to be a woman's playpretties!' He
smiled, one-sided. 'Oh, there be men still. Men in the South, and men in the
House of Clovis - or one, at least, there. Men, my Queen, but gentle men, loving
their Queen, and loath to strike at her.' Her
lids lowered, the contempt playing over her lips in a smile. 'It is as I have
said: there are no men in Gramarye more.' 'They
are men,' Rod answered, very quietly, 'and they march north to prove it.' She stared. Then
slowly sat back. 'Well, then, they march north, and I shall meet them on Breden
Plain. Yet still there is none among them I would call man. Beasts, every one.' 'Oh,
you shall meet them.' Rod gave her a syrupy, mocking smile. 'And what shall you
use for an army? And who will command it?' 'I will
command,' she replied haughtily. 'I and Brom. And there be five hundred of the
Queen's Guard, and seven hundred of the Queen's Army, and threescore knights at
my manors.' 'Sixty
knights!' Rod's lips tightened, puffing down at the corners. 'Not even enough
to give the Southern knights entertainment for one full charge! Sixty knights
out of how many hundreds in your kingdom? And all the rest arrayed there
against you! And twelve hundred footmen against the rebels' thousands!' Her
hands seized the arms of the chair in a spasm, to hide their trembling; fear
drained her face of its color. 'We shall win, for the honor of Plantagenet or
Gramarye, or die nobly.' 'I have
yet,' Rod said tightly, 'to see a noble death in battle. They re all Just a
little on the messy side.' 'Be
still!' she snapped, then closed her eyes and bowed her head, knuckles
whitening on the chair arms. She
rose, proud and calm again, and Rod couldn't help a brief, admiring thought for
her spunk. She sat
at the table, drew up parchment and quill, scribbled a moment, then folded the
parchment and held it out to Rod. 'Bear this to my Uncle~ Loguire,' she said.
''Tis a command that he appear here before me, and a warrant of safe-conduct;
for I bethink me that I shall -need all loyal to me by my side ere greatly
long.' Rod
took the parchment and crumpled it slowly in his fist. He flung it into the
fire without taking his eyes from Catharine. 'You shall write a letter to the
Duke, and I shall bear it,' he said in an Antarctic voice; 'but in it you shall
beg of him the courtesy of an audience.' Her
back stiffened and her chin came up. Rod warmed his voice hastily, smiling.
'Come, come, my Queen! You already have all the liberty; can you not expend a
little in courtesy?' His
eyes darkened, the smile faded. 'Or will you be swept by the sin of pride, and
allow your liberty to become license?' He
stepped a little closer, towering over her. 'Will your people pay the price of
your pride, my Queen? Or will you?' She
glared back at him a moment, but something inside her was clamoring for
attention. She dropped her eyes and sat quiet a moment, then turned to the
table again and wrote. She
folded the letter, sealed it, and held it out to him. He took it,
bowed a little too deeply, with a click of the heels, and turned for the door. He
caught a quick scurry of movement along the baseboard out of the corner of his
eye. He turned, saw a mouse duck under the tapestry, where it stayed very
still. Rod's
jaw tightened. He crossed the room in two strides, lifted the tapestry. The
mouse looked up at him, its eyes very wide, very green, and very intelligent. 'I do
not appreciate eavesdroppers,' Rod said coldly. The
mouse flinched, but stared back defiantly. Rod
frowned at a sudden thought. Then his stern look melted. He picked the mouse
up, gently, held it level with his eyes, with a tender look that did a very
nice job of negating any image of dignity he might have built up. He
shook his head slowly. 'You didn't really think I'd need help in here, did
you?' The
mouse lowered its eyes, whiskers twitching a little. 'Certes,' murmured
Catharine, 'methinks the man is possessed.' 'Your
Majesty,' Brom said with a musing tone and a gleam in his eye, 'may speak more
truth than she knows.' The
drawbridge echoed hollowly under Rod's striding feet. He ran lightly down the
slope, away from the. castle, and slipped into a copse of spruce. 'Fess,'
he called softly. 'Here,
Rod.' The great black steel horse came through the trees. Rod
smiled, slapped the metal side affectionately. 'How the hell'd you know I'd
come here?' 'Quite
simply, Rod. An analysis of your behavior patterns, coupled with the fact that
this grove is the closest to-~ 'Skip
it,' Rod growled. 'Big Tom took Loguire to the House of Clovis?' 'Affirmative,
Rod.' Rod
nodded. 'Under the circumstances, it's probably the safest place for the Duke.
What a comedown for a nobleman.' He
swung into the saddle, then fumbled in his doublet and brought out the little
mouse. It looked up at him apprehensively. 'Well,'
he sighed, 'it doesn't seem to make any difference what I tell
you to do; you're going to go right ahead and do whatever you want anyway.' The
mouse lowered its eyes, trying to look guilty and ashamed; but its whiskers
quivered with delight. It
rubbed its cheek against the skin of his palm. 'Affection
will get you nowhere,' Rod growled. 'Now, listen. You go to the House of
Clovis; that's where I'm bound. That's an order.' The
mouse looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. 'And
it's one order I can be sure you'll obey,' Rod went on, 'since it's what you
were going to do anyway. But, look!' A note of anxiety crept into his voice.
'Be careful, will ya?' He
brought his hand forward and kissed the mouse's nose, very gently. The
mouse leaped, wriggled with delight, dancing gleeful on his hand; as it danced,
it reared up, its front paws stretching and broadening into wings. Its tail
fanned out; feathers sprouted on its body; its nose blurred and became a beak,
and a wren was dancing on Rod's hand. Rod
caught his breath. 'Uh. . . yeah,' he said after a while. 'That's just a little
hard to take the first time I watch it happen. But don't worry, I'll get used
to it.' The
bird hopped from his hand, flew once around his head, hovered in front of him,
then sprang arrowing into the sky. Rod
looked after the wren, murmured, 'Do you think she'll do what I tell her this
time, Fess?' 'She
will.' There was a strange quality to the robot's voice. Rod
looked sidewise at the great black head. 'Thought robots couldn't laugh.' 'A
misconception,' Fess replied. 'Git.'
Rod knocked his heels against the steel sides. Fess leaped into his long, steel
canter. 'What
else could I do?' Rod growled. 'With
that lady,' Fess answered, 'nothing. But have no regrets, Rod. It's excellent
policy. Many kings have used it.' 'Yes,'
Rod mused. 'And after all, being obeyed is the important thing, isn't it?' Fess
galloped silently into the moonlit courtyard on rubber-padded hooves and
stopped abruptly. Rod's chest slammed against the horse's neck. 'Whuff
I' 11e slammed back into the saddle. 'Ohhhh I My tail- bone!
Look, Fess, warn me before you pull a stunt like that, will ya? Inertia may be
just a nuisance to you, but it hits me right where I live.' 'Where
is that, Rod?' 'Never
mind,' Rod growled, dismounting. 'Suffice to say that I just learned why the
cavalry used split saddles.' He
crossed the courtyard, glancing at the moon as he went. It was low in the sky;
dawn was not far off. He
pounded on the door. There was a rustle of movement inside, then the door
opened. The gnarled, bent figure of the Mocker stood before him. 'Aye,
milord?' he said with a snaggle-toothed grin. Wouldn't do to let him know that
Rod knew he was the power behind the throne. Rod stepped in through the door,
scarcely noticing the little man's presence. 'Take me to the Lord Loguire,
fellow.' 'Certes,
milord.' The Mocker scurried around Rod and opened the inner door. Rod passed
through it, puffing off his gauntlets . .. and stepped into the middle of a
semicircle of beggars and thieves, standing three deep and armed with •
truncheons and knives. They
grinned, their eyes hungry; here and there one licked his lips. Their
faces were dirty and scarred, mutilated and festering with sores; their clothes
were threadbare, patched, torn; but their knives were remarkably well-kept. Rod
tucked his gloves into his belt, hands stiffening into karate swords, and
turned to the Mocker. That worthy was now flanked by five or six prime samples
of the lees of society. 'I come
here in friendship.' Rod's -face was immobile. 'Do ye, now?' The Mocker
grinned, exposing bleeding gums, and cackled. Suddenly his eyes gleamed with
hate. 'Declare yourself, lordling!' Rod
frowned. 'Declare myself how?' 'For
the noblemen, for the Queen, or for the House of Clovis I 'Be
done with your blathering!' Rod snapped. 'I have small stomach for nonsense,
and I'm beginning to feel very full. Take me to Loguire, now!' 'Oh,
aye, that we shall. Yes, milord, at once, milord, straightaway.' He rubbed his
hands, chortling with glee. Then his glance darted over Rod's shoulder, and he
nodded. Rod
started to turn, but something exploded on the back of his head. Stars reeled
about him, then blackness. Slowly,
Rod became aware of pink light, pain and a thousand discordant bass fiddles
tuning up inside his head. Slower
yet, he became aware of something cold and slimy against his cheek. The pink
light, he realized, was sunlight filtered through closed eyelids. The
pain pulled itself in and concentrated in his head. He winced, then by heroic
measures managed to open his eyes, and winced again. Everything
was blurred, out of focus, sunlight and blobs of color. The
slime under his cheek was moss, and the coldness beneath it was stone. He
shoved hard with his hands; the slimy surface swung away, left him reeling,
leaning on his hands heavily, stomach churning. He
shook his head, flinched at the pain, and blinked several times. His lids
rasped over gummy eyeballs, but slowly his vision cleared. He forced his eyes
to focus on - . . the face of Tuan Loguire. Tuan
sat with his back against black, old stone. There were huge iron staples in the
stone, and the chains that hung from them ran to manacles on Tuan's wrists and
ankles. He sat in a heap of dirty, moldering straw, in the watery light of a
weak sunbeam. Tuan
smiled with irony as heavy as the rusty chains on his body, and lifted a hand
in greeting, chain jangling with the movement. 'Welcome.' Rod turned
his eyes away, looking about him. The old Duke sat against the next wall,
chained beside his son. 'Cold welcome, Rod Gallowglass,' the old lord mumbled,
face heavy and brooding. 'It is scant safety your serving man has brought me
to.' Treachery!
Rod should have known better than to trust Tom. 'Big Tom, you... I' 'Here,
master.' Rod
looked, turning; Big Tom sat against the far wall, chained like the rest of
them. Tom
smiled sadly, bent a reproachful, bloodhound-eyed look on his master. 'I had
thought you would free us, master. Yet here art thou, chained one amongst us.' Rod
scowled, looked down at his wrist. A rusty, thick iron band circled it. It had
mates on his ankle and other wrist. He
looked up at Tom, smiled, and raised his hand, giving the chain a shake. 'Ever
hear tell that stone walls don't make a prison?' 'Who
spoke those words was a fool,' said Tom bitterly, from the shadows. Rod
lifted his eyes to the small, barred window set high in the wall. It was the
only light in the room, a chamber perhaps ten feet wide by fifteen long, with a
ten foot high ceiling, all moss-grown, rotting stone, floored with moldering
straw. The
only decoration was a skeleton, held together by mummified ligament, chained to
the wall like themselves. Rod
eyed the silent partner warily. 'Not such great housekeepers, are they? They
could at least have lugged the bones into the nether room.' ~ He
turned to the window again. 'Fess,' he mumbled, low enough so the others
couldn't make out the words. 'Fess, where are you?' 'In the
most filthy, broken-down stable I've ever seen,' the robot answered, 'along
with five of the sorriest nags outside of a glue factory. I think we're
supposed to be the cavalry of the House of Clovis, Rod.' Rod
chuckled softly. 'Any mice with large green eyes running around, Fess?' 'No,
Rod, but there is a wren perched on my head.' Rod
grinned. 'Ask her if she has any power over cold iron.' 'How am
Ito speak with her, Rod?' 'Broadcast
on human thought-wave frequency, of course! She's a telepath, you idiot
savant!' 'Rod, I
strongly resent the derogatory connotations of references to my abilities in
areas in which I am not programmed to- 'All right, all right, I'm sorry, I
repent! You're a genius, a prodigy, an Einstein, an Urth! Just ask her, will
you?' There
was a pause; then Rod heard a faint series of chirpings in the background. 'What's
the chirping, Fess?' 'Gwendylon,
Rod. She reacted significantly to the novel experience of telepathy with a
horse.' 'You
mean she almost fell off her perch. But did she say anything?' 'Of
course, Rod. She says that now she is certain you're a warlock.' Rod
groaned and rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. 'Look, get her back to business,
will you? Can she get us out of these chains and cut the bars on our window?' There
was another pause; then Fess answered, 'She says she has no power over cold
iron, Rod, nor has any witch or elf that she knows. She suggests a blacksmith,
but fears it is impractical.' 'Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus . . - Well, tell her I'm glad she hasn't lost her sense of
humor. And ask her how the hell she's going to get us out of here!' 'She
says there is no need for hard language, Rod.' 'You
didn't have to transmit me literally, you bumble-brain!' 'And
she thinks that the Prince of the Elves may be able to free you. She thinks he
will come, but he is some short distance away, so it may be a while.' 'I
thought she said elves couldn't handle cold iron!' There was another pause;
then Fess said, 'She says that the Prince of the Elves is not quite an elf,
Rod, being but half of the Old Blood.' 'Only
half... Wait a minute!' Rod scowled. 'You mean he's a half-breed between elf
and mortal?' 'Precisely,
Rod.' Rod
tried to imagine how an eighteen-inch elf and a six-foot mortal could have a child;
his brain reeled. 'She
departs now, Rod, to summon him, and will return as quickly as she may, but
will be a while. She bids you be of stout heart.' 'If my
heart were any stouter, it'd be positively obese! Give her my . . . No, just
tell her I thank her, Fess.' He
seemed to hear a faint sigh behind his ear, and the robot said, with a touch of
resignation, 'I'll tell her, Rod.' 'Thanks;
Fess. Stay lively.' Rod
turned back to his prison. The Loguires were both plastered against the wall,
looking at him strangely. 'He
speaks to thin air,' murmured Tuan. 'Certes, the man is possessed!' 'Seems
to me I've heard that before,' Rod mused, 'and the air in here is anything but
thin.' 'Still,'
muttered Loguire, ''Us the act of one crazed!' Big Tom
rumbled a laugh. 'Not so, my lords. This man speaks with spirits.' Rod
smiled bleakly. 'How come so cheerful all of a sudden, Big Tom?' The big
man stretched, chains clashing. 'I had thought for a moment they had beaten
you, master. Now I know 'twas fool thinking.' 'Don't
be so sure, Tom. Cold iron is a tough spell to break.' 'Nay,
master.' Tom's eyelids drooped lazily. 'Thou'lt find a way to it, I warrant.' He
clasped his hands over his belly, leaned his head back against the wall. Rod
smiled as Tom began snoring. He looked at the Loguires and jerked his head
toward Tom. 'There's confidence for you. While I work things out, he takes a
nap.' 'Let us
hope 'Us a faith warranted,' said Tuan. He eyed Rod dubiously. 'Let's,'
Rod echoed grimly. He
nodded at the Duke. 'Been renewing acquaintance?' Loguire
smiled. 'I rejoice to see my son again, though I had life it were more open
welcome.' Tuan
frowned at his hands. 'It is sad news he hath brought me, Rod Gallowglass, most
sad and sorrowful.' He looked at Rod, bright anger in his face. 'I had known my
brother hateful and ambitious, but I had not thought he would sink into
treason.' 'Oh,
don't be too hard on the poor boy.' Rod leaned back against the wall, closing
his eyes wearily. 'Durer's got him spellbound. And if his magic came so close
on the father, how could it fail on the son?' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed darkly. 'Myself had fallen like prey to the Mocker.' 'Oh?'
Rod opened one eye. 'You've realized that, have you?' 'Oh,
aye! A most excellent villain is that! He will bow him most humbly before you,
while his henchman is slitting your purse - and thus hath he served me!' Rod
pursed his lips. 'He's the one who gave you the idea for organizing the
beggars?' 'Aye.'
Tuan nodded heavily. 'I had first thought only to provide them relief from
hunger and chill; but his word in my ear made me think of an army, for defense
of the Queen. And I had seen and heard in the South that which led me to think
such an army might well be needed.' The old
Duke made a choking sound. 'Pardon,
my father,' said Tuan, bowing his head, 'but I knew even thou couldst not check
them forever. But I had not thought' - and his voice hardened - ''twould be
treason from Anselm.' Rod
twisted, feeling decidedly uncomfortable. 'Well, as I said, you shouldn't blame
him too much. After all, he did try to keep Durer from killing your father.' He
stretched his legs and crossed them. 'So when the Mocker learned that the South
was up in arms, he decided it was time to assert his rightful authority and
overthrow the Queen. Right?' 'Aye.'
Tuan's lips tightened as though he had his first taste of straight vermouth.
'When I spoke against, saying that 'twas our time to defend the Queen, he
called me traitor, and' - he frowned, words coming very hard - 'one of the
beggars would ha' slain me. But the Mocker would not hear of it; no, he threw
me here without -food or fire.' He
looked up at Rod frowning. 'Which is most truly strange, Rod Gallowglass. Would
not you ha' thought he would ha' killed me himself?' 'No.'
Rod closed his eyes, shaking his head. 'He needs somebody to be figurehead king
after they've pulled down Catharine.' 'Nay,
not a king,' Tuan said, brooding. 'He cries that we shall ne'er have a king
more, but only a sort of chieftain, raised by acclaim of the people.' "'A
sort of chieftain."' Rod scowled. 'What name does he call this chieftain
by?' 'Dictator.'
Tuan chewed at the inside of his cheek. 'A most strange title. There shall be
no nobles or king, only the dictator. In all truth, most strange.' Rod's
mouth tightened with sourness. 'Not so strange as all that. But you don't mean
to say the beggars think they can take the castle?' 'Nay,
but it is known that the South is in arms, and Catharine was never one to be
waiting till the battle was brought to her.' 'Oh.'
Rod chewed that one over. 'You mean the Mocker's pretty sure she'll march south
to meet them?' 'Most
assuredly. And the Mocker will march south behind her.' Rod
nodded. 'So when the armies join battle, the beggars will attack the royal
forces from the rear.~ 'Ever
their way,' rumbled Loguire. Tuan
nodded agreement. 'And caught between two forces, her armies will last scarce
half an hour.' 'And
.what does the Mocker propose to do about the council-Ions and noblemen after
the battle's over? Durer means to make your brother king.' 'So it
would seem,' Tuan agreed, 'but the Mocker bath an answer to that, and to all
the noblemen.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Aye.
'us a tube of metal fitted into a crossbow stock, nothing more; but it throws a
ball of lead which can pierce the stoutest armor.~ 'And he
means to put one of these into the hands of every man in the army?' 'Oh,
nay.' Tuan frowned. 'He bath but the five of them, one for himself, one for
each of his three lieutenants, and one for his fourth lieutenant.' Tuan jerked
his head toward Tom's recumbent mountain form. 'But that one bath lately fallen
into disfavor. He assures us the five tubes shall answer for the full force of
noblemen and councillors.' But Rod
was staring at Tom. 'Big Tom?' He gulped. 'A lieutenant?' 'Aye.'
Tuan frowned. 'Did you not know he was of Clovis?' Tom
opened one hound's eye and looked back at Rod. Rod
looked away, cleared his throat, and pursed his lips. 'Well, ah, that does
explain a few things.' He switched
his eyes back to Tom. 'So you're part of the Inner Circle?' Big Tom
smiled sourly and held up one lumber forearm. The chain clashed and rattled.
'Was,' he said. 'He
stood against them,' rumbled Loguire, 'stood against his fellows and this - how
do you name him? The Mocker - stood against the Mocker and his three jackals
when they commanded I be 'prisoned with my son. "Nay," quoth your man
Tom, "I must needs take him back to my master, where he will be aid to
your plans." "The plans are changed," quoth they, and would not
hear of enlarging me; and then your man Tom, here, fought cheek by jowl at my
side, and accounted for a most goodly number of them.' This last was said in a
tone of surprised respect. Tom
grinned, and Rod saw with a shock that one tooth was missing from the big man's
smile. 'Thou art braw brawler tha'self,'
Tom chuckled. 'I ha' not thought gentlemen could fight so well without armor or
sword.' Rod
peered into the shadows at Tom's end of the room and saw that the big man's eye
was swollen and purple; also, there was a slash with a new scab across one
lumpy cheek. He sat
back, smiling on one side of his face. 'How many heads did you bash in, Big
Tom?' 'Scarce
a round score,' Tom replied with disgust. 'I had but this one stalwart gentleman
to guard my back, and there were too many for us.' Rod
grinned, wondering if Loguire knew just how deeply he had been complimented. He
stretched, yawned. 'Well, that pretty well brings us up to date. Anybody got a
poker deck?' The two
Loguires frowned, puzzled; but a flicker of recognition passed in Big Tom's
eyes. Rod
smiled sourly at the big peasant, and Tom's face turned wooden. He stared back
at Rod. 'Oh,
come on now, Tom!' Rod snapped. 'Your secret's official knowledge now. No more
point to playing games, is there?' Tom
glowered at him; then slowly, his face livened again, to a brooding, meditative
look. He
leaned back against the wall, half closing his eyes. 'Aye, tha hast the right
of it, as when hast thou not?' With a
sinking feeling, Rod began to realize that Big Tom saw him as more than just an
employer, or a piece in the game. 'My lot
is cast with thee now,' said Tom, 'whether I would have it or no; so wherefore
should I dissemble?' 'Dissemble?'
Rod cocked an eyebrow at his serving man. 'Pretty high-falutin' vocabulary for
a simple peasant, Big Tom.' Tom
waved a hand impatiently. 'Be done with your games! I am unmasked; do me the
courtesy to take off your own.' Rod
froze. Then,
slowly, he smiled. 'You're quicker than the average ursine, Big Tom. How long
have you known?' The
Loguires stared, totally lost. Big Tom
gave a short bark of laughter. 'Why, master, since first you used judo on me!' 'Ah.'
Rod's eyebrows lifted. 'From the first, then? So that's why you wangled the
batrnan job.' Tom
smiled lazily. 'Under
orders?' Tom
nodded. Rod
lowered his eyes, studying the chain on his wrist. 'What
are you, master?' 'A
warlock.' Rod winced inside; but it was the best answer under the
circumstances. Big Tom
spat. 'Games, master, games! 'Twas yourself said to be done with 'em! You are
not of the councillors, else you would not ha' stolen the Lord Loguire away
from them; and you are not of the House, or I would ha' known you of old. What
are you, then?' 'A
warlock,' Rod repeated. 'A new player in the game, Big Tom, and one who stands
squarely behind the Queen. X, the unknown factor in the councillors' and
Clovis' equations, here by pure happenstance and coincidence.' 'Warruh!'
Big, Tom spat again. 'I ha' small faith in happenstance, master. I ha' known
that you back the Queen; may I ask who stands behind you?' 'Strange
manner of talk,' growled Loguire, angering, 'for a footman to his lord.' Rod
smiled bleakly. 'A most strange footman, my lord.' 'Aye,
and a most strange lord,' Tom snarled. 'Who backs you, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
studied the big man, then shrugged. The word would mean nothing to the
Loguires, and Tom was on his side now anyway. 'SCENT,'
he answered. Tom
stared; then, almost whispering, he said, 'I ha' thought the last of them were
dead.' He swallowed, bit his lip. 'Eh, but tha'rt alive. Tha might be a ghost,
but nay; tha'rt alive, or the witch would scarce be so fond of thee. I ha'
heard ye were dispersed, after ye won; but nay, I ought to ha' known. 'Twas
secret, and secret from all, mayhap; but thou lived.' 'Won?'
Rod frowned. And was
answered by a frown of even deeper perplexity from Tom. Then
the big man's face cleared. He grinned, rocking back against the wall, and
roared with laughter. The
Loguires stared from him to Rod, who spread his hands, shaking his head. They
looked back at Tom, wiping his eyes and eking the remains of his laugh into
chuckles. 'Eh, eh, now I see it, aye, now, and fool that I was not to see it
before. What age art thou, master?' 'Age?'
Rod scowled. 'Thirty-two. Why?' 'Nay,
nay!' Tom shook his head impatiently. 'What age art thou from?' Rod's
mouth formed a round, silent 0 as the light dawned. 'It was a time machine!' fig
Tom's face froze as he realized the implications of Rod's answer. 'And,'
Rod pressed, 'there's another one hidden in this building isn't there?' 'Enough!'
Big Tom snapped, and his eyes were very cold. 'You know too much already, Rod
Gallowglass.' Fear
gathered in Rod's belly and crawled up his spine as he saw chill, amoral murder
come into the man's eyes. 'Big
Tom.' He cleared his throat, spoke in a swift, driving monotone. 'Big Tom, your
own kind have turned against you now. You owe them no allegiance; and the
wrongs they said they'd fix, I can fix, too. Go back to them, and they'll kill
you. I won't, you know that.' The
annihilation ebbed from Tom's eyes, the huge body relaxed. 'Nay,'
Tom growled, 'thou hast right again, though not in the way tha knowest. They
ha' but bottled me up for now, till the great deeds are done; but they will
hale me forth again, for I am too costly a man to discard so lightly. But
tha'rt right they will slay me - in a year, two years, or five, when my office
is done. And I do wish to live.' Rod
raised an eyebrow skeptically. 'They don't doubt your loyalty?' Big Tom
chuckled deeply. 'They ha' no need to, master. I disagree only on means, not on
goals. But I disagree, and for that, soon or late, they will slay me.' 'Rod,'
said a quiet voice that only he could hear. Rod
held up a hand. 'Hold it! Late news on the Rialto!' 'Rod,
the Prince of the Elves has arrived. He is leading a squad of elves toward your
cell.' There was a touch of laughter to the robot's voice. 'All
right, what's so funny?' Rod muttered. 'You
have a surprise in store. Rod.' Two
gnarled, bent, white-bearded figures scurried up to the window. Rod frowned. 'Fess,
those are gnomes, not elves.' 'Gnomes?
Oh, yes, metal-working elves. Purely semantics, Rod. They are still incapable
of dealing with iron.' The
gnomes pulled out a hammer and cold chisel with a faint bronze sheen, then
stepped back and handed them to a larger, darker figure that blocked out the
sunlight. The
Loguires, chained under the window, craned their necks backwards to try to see
as the first blow sounded. Big Tom
frowned. 'There be something that pricks at my memory about that form at the
window. Ah, for light, to see his face!' Rod
frowned. 'What's so great about his face? Probably pretty ugly.' Tom
gave a toothy grin. ''Twould be excellent fine to tell my children, good
master, if I should live long enough to sire them. No mortal has yet looked
upon the faces of the royalty of the Elves, though they are said to be aged
past believing. They are. . .uh. .. ah.. .mammon!' Tom's
head lolled forward; he began to snore. Two
other snores answered him. Turning, Rod saw the Loguires, chins on their
chests, sleeping blissfully. Rod
stared. A metal
bar dropped from the window and bounced on the floor. The ends were sheered
through. Rod
whistled. This Prince of the Elves might be old, but he certainly wasn't
languishing - not if he could still cut through inch-thick iron with nothing
but a cold chisel and a mallet. The
third bar fell down. There was a scrabbling sound, and the squat broad form
shot through the window and leaped to the floor. Rod
stared, squeezed his eyes shut, and shook his head. Then he looked again, and
understood why Tom and the Loguires had suddenly dozed off. He
swallowed, fought for composure, and smiled. 'Well met, Brom O'Berin.' 'At
your service.' The little man bowed, smiling maliciously. 'I owe you a rap on
the head, Master Gallowglass, for the way that you spoke to the Queen: a rap on
the head, or great thanks, I know not which.' He
turned to the window and called softly in a strange, fluid tongue. The cold
chisel arced through the air and fell to his feet. He reached up and caught the
hammer as it dropped. 'Now,
them' He dropped to his knees and pressed Rod's forearm
flat against the floor. 'Stir not, or thou'lt have a gouge out of thy
wristbone.' He set the chisel against the first link of chain and tapped
lightly with the hammer. The link fell off, sheared through. Brom grunted and
moved to Rod's other side. 'Thou'lt
wear bracelets when I've done,' he grumbled, 'but no chains. The manacles must
wait till we're at the castle smithy.' 'Uh...
that's pretty hard bronze you've got there,' Rod ventured, watching the chisel
slide through the iron. 'Most
hard,' Brom agreed, attacking the ankle chains. 'An old recipe, known long in
my family.' 'Uh...
in your family?' 'Aye.'
Brom looked up. 'There were elves in lost Greece, too, Rod Gallowglass. Didst
thou not know?' Rod
didst not; but he didn't figure this was the time to mention it. He
stood up, free of the chains at least, and watched Brom cutting the others
loose. The Prince of the Elves bit explained a lot about Brom: his size and
bulk, for one thing. 'Never
knew you were royalty, Brom.' 'Hm?'
Brom looked back over his shoulder. 'I would have thought thou'd have guessed
it. Why else am I named as I am?' He
turned back to his work. Rod frowned. Name? What did that have to do with
anything? Brom? O'Berin? He couldn't see the connection. 'There,
the last,' said Brom, cutting through Big Tom's foot shackle. 'Do thou now lend
me aid of thine shoulder, Master Gallowglass.' He
jumped back out through the window. Rod got a shoulder in Tom's midriff and,
staggering, somehow manhandled him over to the window as a rope flew through. Rod
tied it under Tom's arms, threw the loose end out, and called 'Heave!' He
heard Brom grunt, and marveled again at the little man's-muscles as Big Tom
moved jerkily up the wall, still snoring happily. What
with the barebelly and the muscles, and the minimal size of the window, Big Tom
was a tight fit. 'Why
don't you just wake him and let him shove himself out?' Rod grunted as he
shoved at Tom's ample rear. 'I have
no wish for my office to be known among mortals,' came Brom's muffled reply. The
window now framed only Tom's sizable posterior and sequoia shanks. Rod eyed the
former, weighing the merits of a well-placed kick, and decided against it. 'So
why'd you let me stay awake?' he grunted as he pushed. 'One
amongst you must needs aid me with the others,' answered Brom, but Rod had a
notion that wasn't quite the whole story. He left
off the questions, however, until his cellmates were deposited on the ground
outside the window. Tuan's shoulders had proved even more of an obstacle than
Tom's belly; they had to back him up, feed his hands through in front of his
head. while Rod wondered fleetingly about brachiator ancestry. Then
Brom hauled Rod out, muttering something about the fish being undersized these
days. Rod snarled a return compliment as he gained his feet, then bowed double,
putting his head on Brom's level. 'And
what's that for?' Brom growled. 'For
belting,' Rod answered. 'You owe me a rap on the head, remember?' The
dwarf chuckled, clapped him on the shoulder. 'Nay, lad; you did only that which
I should ha' done myself years ago; but I had never the heart. But come now, we
must away.' Brom
caught up Tuan's midsection. The gnomes took his shoulders and feet, and bore
him away toward the ruined fountain in the center of the courtyard. More
gnomes materialized out of the stonework and tucked their shoulders under Big
Tom. Rod
shook his head wonderingly, and stooped to sling Loguire over a shoulder. Brom
fumbled with a stone at the fountain's base and pulled it away to disclose the
dark mouth of a small tunnel three feet in diameter. Rod
tapped Brom on the shoulder. 'Wouldn't this be a little easier if we woke them
first?' Brom
stared, scandalized; then his face darkened. 'We go to Elfland, Master
Gallowglass! And no mortal may journey there and remember it!' 'I
have.' 'Well,
truth,' Brom admitted, turning back to the Tuan problem, 'but then thou'rt not
so mortal as some. Thou'rt a warlock.' He disappeared into the burrow. Rod
started to reply, then thought better of it. He contented himself with a few
grunted remarks about discrimination and a report to the Human Rights
Commission as he lugged Loguire into the tunnel. Two
gnomes started to swing the stone back into place, but Rod stopped them with an
upraised hand. 'Fess,'
he murmured, looking at the stable, 'we're on our way. Get out of that hole and
meet me at the castle.' There
was a moment's silence; then a crash and the sound of splintering wood came
from the stables. The door crashed open, and the great black horse came
trotting out into the morning sunlight, head held high, mane streaming. Heads
popped out of slit-windows in the inn as a bleary-eyed hostler came stumbling
out of the stable in Fess's wake, screaming for the horse to stop. 'Come
on, get moving!' Rod growled, but instead, Fess stopped and looked back over his
shoulder at the hostler. The
youth came running up, shouting, one hand outstretched to grab Fess's bridle. A
great, blue electric spark crackled from Fess's hide to the youth's hand. The
hostler screamed and fell backward, nursing his hand and moaning as he rolled
on the cobbles. Fess was off in a swirl and a clatter of hooves. 'Show-off,'
Rod growled as the horse disappeared. 'Not at all, Rod,' came the horse's quiet
answer. 'Merely providing an instructive object lesson - at low amperage, it
shook him up but didn't hurt him - and enhancing your reputation as a warlock.' Rod
shook his head slowly. 'As if it needed enhancing!' 'Why,
Master Gallowglass,' one of the gnomes chuckled in a voice strongly reminiscent
of a rusty can opener, 'wouldst thou have us believe thou'rt not a warlock?' 'Yes!
Uh, that is, I, uh.. .' Rod glanced back at the tunnel. 'Warlock? Of course I'm
a warlock! Till we get through Elfland, anyway. Shall we go, boys?' Not so
very much later, they sat around the fire in the Queen's council chamber.
Catharine had apologized profusely to Loguire, pointedly ignoring Tuan the
while; and, the amenities over, reverted to type. Tuan
sat to the left of the fireplace, eyes fixed in brooding on the flames. Catharine
sat in the angle of the room, as far from Turn as possible, with a heavy oak
table and Brom O'Berin carefully interposed between. and
that is full standing in the South, my Queen,' said Loguire, gnarled hands
twisting as he wound up his report, which had abounded in nuances of intrigue
that Rod couldn't follow at all. 'I am no longer duke; and the rebel lords
march already.' Catharine
stirred. 'Thou shalt be Duke Loguire again,' she stated coldly, 'when we have
beaten these traitors!' Loguire
smiled sadly. 'They shall not be easily beaten, Catharine.' '"Your
Majesty"!' she snapped. "'Catharine"!'
Rod barked. She
glared at him. He
glared back. Catharine
turned haughtily away. 'What am I, Brom?' '"Your
Majesty," ' Brom answered with the ghost of a smile. 'But to your uncle,
and to his son, your cousin, you must needs be Catharine.' Rod
fought down a smile as Catharine sank back in her chair, staring aghast at
Brom. She
composed herself, and gave Brom the best et too, Brute? look in her repertoire.
'I had thought you were for me, Brom O'Berin.' 'Why,
so I am,' Brom smiled, 'and so is this gyrfalcon, here' - he
jerked a thumb toward Rod - 'if you would but see it.' Catharine
favored Rod with a cold glance. 'A gyrfalcon, aye.' Her voice hardened. 'And
what of the poppinjay?' Tuan's
head shot up as though he'd been slapped. He stared at her, appalled, eyes wide
with hurt. Then
his mouth tightened, and a crease appeared between his eyebrows. Some
day, Rod thought, she will push him just a little too far, and that may be the
luckiest day of her life - ii she lives through it. 'I am
for you,' Turn breathed. 'Even now, Catharine my Queen.' She
smiled, smug and contemptuous. 'Aye, I had known you would be.' Oh,
bitch! Rod thought, his fist tightening. Bitch! Catharine noticed the silent
motions of his lips. She smiled archly. 'What words do you mumble there,
sirrah?' 'Oh,
ah, just running through a breath-exercise my old voice-and-diction coach
taught me.' Rod leaned back against the wall, folding his arms. 'But about the
rebels, Queenie dear, just what do you propose to do about them?' 'We
shall march south,' she snapped, 'and meet them on Breden Plain!' 'Nay!'
Loguire bolted from his chair. 'Their force is ten to our one, if not more!' Catharine
glared at her uncle, the corners of her mouth curled into tight little hooks.
'We shall not stay to be found like a rat in a crevice!' 'Then,'
said Rod, 'you will lose.' She
looked down her nose at him (no mean trick, when she was seated and he was
standing). 'There is naught of dishonor in that, Master Gallowglass.' Rod
struck his forehead and rolled his eyes up. 'What else ought I do?' she
sneered. 'Prepare for a siege?' 'Well, now that you mention it,' said Rod,
'yes.' 'There is this, too,' Turn put in, his voice flat. 'Who shall guard your
back 'gainst the House of Clovis?' Her lip
curled. 'Beggars!' 'Beggars
and cutthroats,' Rod reminded her. 'With very sharp knives.' 'Shall
the Queen fear a beggar?' she snapped. 'Nay! They are dust at my feet!' 'That
which crawls in the dust at your feet is a snake,' Brom rumbled, 'and its fangs
are sharpened, and poisonous. She
caught her lip between her teeth and lowered her eyes, uncertain, then she
lifted her chin again, and glared at Tuan. 'So you
have armed them against me, and beaten them into an army, 'ruled and ordered
and forged them into a dagger for my back! Most bravely well done, King of
Vagabonds!' Rod's
head snapped up. He stared. He turned his head slowly toward Tuan, a strange
light in his eyes. - 'I will
march,' said Catharine. 'Will you march at my side, my Lord Loguire?' The old
lord bent his head slowly in affirmation. 'You play the fool, Catharine, and
will die; but I will die with you.' Her
composure wavered for a moment; her eyes moistened. She
turned briskly to Brom. 'And you, Brom O'Berin?' The
dwarf spread his hands. 'Your father's watchdog, milady, and yours.' She
smiled fondly. Then
her eyes snapped hard as she looked at Tuan. 'Speak, Tuan Loguire.' The
youth raised his eyes, very slowly, to the fires. 'It is strange,' he murmured,
'at but twenty-two years of age, to look back over so very short a time, and
see so much folly.' Rod
heard a choked gasp from Catharine. Tuan
slapped his thigh. 'Well, then, 'tis done; and if I have lived in folly, I might
as well die in it.' He
turned, his eyes gentle, brooding. 'I shall die with you, Catharine.' Her
face was ashen. 'Folly...' she whispered. 'He
knows not what wisdom he speaks,' Brom growled. He looked over Tuan's shoulder
at Rod. 'What say you to folly, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod's
eyes slowly focused on Brom's. '"Wise fool, brave fool,"' he
murmured. Brom
frowned. 'How say you?' 'I say
that we may yet live through this!' Rod grinned, eyes kindling. 'Ho, King of
the Vagabonds!' He slapped Tuan's shoulder. 'If the Mocker and his henchmen
were gone, could you sway the beggars to fight for the Queen?' Tuan's
face came alive again. 'Aye, assuredly, were they gone!' Rod's
lips pulled back in a savage grin. 'They shall be.' The
moon was riding high when Rod, Tuan, and Tom darted from the shadow of the
tottering wall to the shadow of the ruined fountain in the courtyard of the
House of Clovis. 'Thou
wouldst make most excellent burglars, .thou,' growled Big Torn. 'I might ha'
heard thee a league or three away.' It
hadn't been easy to persuade Big Tom to come along. Of course, Rod had started
on the wrong tack; he'd assumed Tom's loyalties to the proletarian idea had
died when he was clapped into irons. He'd clapped Tom on the back, saying,
'How'd you like a chance to get back at your friends?' Tom bad
scowled. 'Get back at 'em?' 'Yeah.
They booted you out, didn't they'? Threw you in the calaboose, didn't they?
After your blood now, ain't they?' Tom
chuckled, 'Nay, master, not by half! Eli, no! They'd ha' freed me when the
trouble was done!' 'Oh.'
Rod scowled. 'I see. Trained men are hard to come by.' Tom's
face darkened. 'Thou seest too quick for my liking.' 'Well,
be that as it may...' Ro4 slung an arm around the big man's shoulders, almost
dislocating his arm in the process. 'Uh, in that case. . . what did they lock
you up for?' Tom
shrugged. 'Disagreement.' 'Ways
and means, eh?' 'Aye.
They held for attacking Queen and nobles both at one time, though 'twould mean
dividing of forces.' 'Sounds
risky. What did you want to do?' 'Why,
to bring down the noblemen and their councillors first, under guise of loyalty
to the throne. Then we might slowly woo all the land to the House of Clovis,
and, secured by the people, pull down the Queen and Brom O'Berin with two blows
of a knife.' Rod
swallowed and tried to remember that the man was on his side now. 'Very neat.'
He slapped Tom on the back. 'Spoken like a good little Bolshevik. How much does
that way of doing things mean to you, Tom?' Big Tom
gave him a long, calculating look. 'What price were you minded of, master?' Rod
grinned. 'Shall we throw your four colleagues in the cell they'd reserved for
you?' ''Twould
be pleasant,' said Tom slowly. 'What comes after, master?' 'Why,
then,' said Rod, 'the House of Clovis fights on the Queen's side, against the
nobles. That gives you a better chance of beating the councillors and nobles;
and afterward, you can follow through with your own plan.' Tom
nodded, slowly. 'But will the beggars fight for the Queen?' 'That,
we leave to Tuan Loguire.' Tom's
face stretched into a huge grin. He threw back his head and roared, slapping
Rod on the back. Rod
picked himself up off the floor, hearing Big Tom gasp between spasms of
laughter, 'Eli, I should ha' thought of it, master! Aye, that boy will charm
them! You know not the powers
of that silver tongue, master. The lad could make a leopard believe it had no
spots!' Rod
held his peace, trying to remember if he'd seen a leopard on Gramarye, while he
tried to rub the sore spot between his shoulders. 'Thou'll
twist thine arm loose that way.' Tom grinned. He turned Rod around and began to
massage his back. 'Thou knowest, master, if together we bring down the
councillors, 'twill be thy head, alongside Brom's and the Queen's. that I'll
next be a-chasing.' Rod
closed his eyes, savoring the massage. 'It oughta be a great fight. A little
further to the left, Big Tom.' So now
they stood in the shadows of the fountain with Tuan between them, planning
assault on the moldering heap of stone that stood across a moon-filled expanse
of courtyard. Rod
counted his pulse beats, wondering if his heart had really slowed that much,
until Tom whispered, 'No alarm. They ha' not seen us, good masters. Ready
thyselves, now.' Tom
gathered himself, looking like a diesel semi that had decided to turn
cat-burglar. 'Now!'
he growled, and ran. They
charged lightly, quietly, through the seeming glare of the moonlight to the
welcoming shadow of the walls, then flattened themselves against the stone,
hearts thudding, breath held as they strained their ears for some sound of
alarm. After a
small eternity of three minutes, Big Tom loosed his breath in a great, gusty
sigh. 'Eli,
then, lads!' he hissed. 'Come along, now.' They
crept around the corner of the great dank stone pile. Big Tom splayed his
fingers out wide, set his elbow at the corner of the wall, and marked the spot
where his second finger ended. He put his other elbow against the mark. 'Big
Tom!' Rod called in an agonized whisper, 'we don't have time for-' 'Hsst!'
Tuan's fingers clamped on Rod's shoulders. 'Silence, I pray thee! He measures
in cubits!' Rod
shut up, feeling rather foolish. Tom
made a few more measurements, which apparently resulted in his finding what he
was looking for. He pulled a pry from the pouch at his belt and began to lever
at the base of a three-foot block. Rod
stared, uncomprehending. It would take all night and most of the next day to
dig the block out. What was Tom trying to do? Tom
gave a last pry, and caught the sheet of stone as it fell outward. It was
perhaps an inch thick. He laid
the slab on the ground and looked up at his companions. His grin flashed chill
in the moonlight. 'I had thought I might have need of a bolthole one day,' he
whispered. 'Gently now, lads.' He
ducked head and arms through the hole, kicked off with his feet and slithered
through. Rod
swallowed hard and followed Tom. Tuan came through at his heels. 'All
in?' Tom whispered as Tuan's feet stood hard to the floor, and the moonlight
was cut off as Tom fitted the stone plug back into place. 'Light,'
he whispered. Rod cupped his hand over the hilt of his dagger and turned it on,
letting a ray of light escape between two fingers. It was enough to see Big Tom
grope up a worm-eaten panel from the floor and fit it back into place in the
bolthole. Tom
straightened, grinning. 'Now let them wonder at our coming. To work, masters.' He
turned away. Rod followed, looking quickly about him. They were in a large
stone room that had once been paneled. The panels were crumbled and fallen away
for the most part. The room held only cobwebs, rusty iron utensils, and long
trestle tables, spongy now with rot. ''Twas
a kitchen, once,' Tom murmured. 'They cook at the hearth in the common room,
now. None ha' used this place for threescore years or more.' Rod
shuddered. 'What's a good kid like you doing in a place like this, Tom?' Big Tom
snorted. 'No, I
mean it,' said Rod urgently. 'You can judge a god, an ideal, by the people who
worship it, Tom.' 'Be
still!' Tom snapped. 'It's
true, though, isn't it? The councillors are all rotten, we know that. And the
Mocker and his buddies are lice. You're the only good man in the bunch. Why
don't you-' 'Be
still!' Tom snarled, swinging about so suddenly that Rod blundered into him.
Rod felt the huge, hamlike hand grabbing a fistful of his doublet, right at the
throat, and smelled the beery, garlic reek of Tom's breath as the man thrust
his face close to Rod's. 'And
what of the Queen?' Tom hissed. 'What says she for her gods, eh?' He let
Rod go, with a shove that threw him back against the wall, and turned away. Rod
collected himself and followed, but not before he had caught a glimpse of
Tuan's eyes, narrowed and chill with hate, in the beam of the torch. 'We approach
a corner,' Tom muttered. 'Dampen the light.' The torch winked out; a few
moments later, Rod felt the • stone
wall fall away under his left hand. He turned, and saw a faint glow at the end
of the blackened, short hallway ahead. Big Tom
stopped, ''Tis a corner again, and a sentry beyond. Walk wary, lads.' He
moved away again, stepping very carefully. Rod followed, feeling Tuan's breath
hot on the back of his neck. As they
neared the corner, they heard a rhythm of faint snores to their right, from the
new hallway. Big Tom
flattened himself against the wall with a wolfish grin. Rod followed suit. ..
and drew away with a gasp and a convulsive shudder. Tom
scowled at him, motioning for silence. Rod
looked at the wall and saw a thick blob of grayish-white stuff fastened to the
wall. It had brushed the back of his neck, and he could say with authority that
the texture was flaccid, the touch cold and moist. He
looked at the obscene glob and shuddered again. ''Tis but witch-moss, Rod
Gallowglass,' Tuan whispered in his ear. Rod
frowned. 'Witch-moss?' Tuan
stared, incredulous. 'Thou'rt a warlock, and knowest not witch-moss?' Rod was
saved from an answer by the cessation of the snores from around the corner. The
trio caught their collective breath and flattened themselves against the wall,
Rod carefully avoiding the witchmoss. Tom glared at his sidekicks. The
moment of silence stretched out as thin as the content of a congressman's
speech. 'Hold!'
shouted a voice from around the corner. Their
muscles snapped tight in a spasm. 'Where
do you go at this hour?' the sentry's voice snarled. Dread
clambered its way up Rod's spine. A
quaking, nasal voice answered the sentry. 'Nay, I do but seek the jakes!' The
three men let their breath out in a long, silent sigh. 'Sir,
when yer speak to a soldier!' 'Sir,'
the whining voice echoed, surly. 'What
was your reason for walking past curfew?' the sentry threatened in ominous
tones. '1 do
but seek the jakes, sir,' the nasal voice whined. The
sentry chuckled, mollified. 'And the jakes are near to the women's hall? Nay, I
think not! Back to your pallet, scum! Your doxie's not for you this night!' 'But
I-' 'Nay!'
the guard snapped. 'You do know the rule, fellow. Do you ask of the Mocker
first.' The voice became almost confidential. ''Tain't so much as all that,
chum. Like as not he'll give yer the paper says yer can do't, an' set yer a fit
place an' time. He's free 'nough about it.' The
nasal one hawked and spat. 'Come
on, now,' the guard growled. 'Yer've but to ask of him.' 'Aye,'
sneered the nasal voice, 'and ask again every night that I'm wishin' to see
her! Hell, 'twas the one thing in this world that came cheap!' The
guard's voice hardened again. 'The Mocker's word is the law in this House, and
my club'll remind you of it, if my word's not enough!' There
was a pause, then an angry, despairing snarl, and feet padded away. There
was silence again; after a while, the guard began to Snore again. Rod
glanced at Tuan. The boy's face was dead white, lips pressed so tight the
color'd gone out of them. '1 take
it you didn't know anything about this?' Rod whispered. 'Nay,'
Tuan whispered back. 'Once they'd set me by, they wasted no time. A guard at
each hail, a writ ere two may share a bed - this is worse than the lords of the
South!' Tom's
head jerked up. 'Nay!' he snarled. ''Tis but inconvenience. The gains to be got
from it are well worth the price.' For his
part, Rod agreed with Tuan. Police state, control over every facet of the
people's lives - yes, the Mocker's Marxism was showing. 'What
gains are worth that price?' Tuan snorted, raising his whisper a trifle. 'Why,'
growled Big Tom, at minimum bullfrog volume, 'more food for all, more and
better clothing, none poor and none starving.' 'And
all thanks to planned parenthood,' Rod murmured, with an apprehensive glance at
the corner. 'And
how may this come?' asked Tuan, hiking his voice another notch and ignoring
Rod's frantic signals. 'From a writ of consent for a lovemaking? I cannot see
how!' Tom's lip
twisted in scorn, and the bullfrog croaked louder. 'Nay, you cannot! But the
Mocker can!' Tuan
stared; then his jaw tightened, and his hand slipped to his dagger. 'Do you
place yourself and your kind above a nobleman, churl?' 'Uh,
gentlemen,' Rod whispered. Big Tom
tensed, grinning; his eyes danced mockery. 'Blood will tell,' he said, full
voice. Tuan's
dagger leaped out as he sprang. Tom
lugged out his minor sword. Rod
threw out his hands, stiff-arming both of them at the collarbone. 'Gentlemen, gentlemen!
I realize you both feel very strongly about the issues at hand; but it is my
bounden duty to remind you that a sentry fully capable of bringing the wrath of
the House down on our heads is dozing, and not too heavily either, just around
the corner!' 'This
is not to be borne, Rod Gallowglass!' 'Aye,'
chuckled Big Tom, 'the truth was ever hard to bear.' Tuan lunged, trying to
stab at Tom over Rod's head. Rod shoved back on the boy's collarbone and ducked
as the knife arced past his head. Tom
chuckled softly. 'There is a nobleman for you! A fool could see the reach is
too great! Ever will he overreach himself, when he knows he must fail.' Rod
eyed Tom sideways. 'You're slipping, Big Tom. That was almost a compliment.' 'Nay!'
Tom hissed, his eyes fire. 'To attempt the impossible is the act of a fool! The
nobles are fools, and the roads to their utopias
are paved with the bones of the peasants I' Tuan
spat. 'And what else are they-' 'Be
still!' Rod gave them both a shake. 'Could I possibly persuade you to overlook
your obvious differences in favor of the common good for a moment?' Tom
straightened to his full height and looked down his nose at Tuan. 'Little man,'
he crooned. Rod let
go of Tuan and swung on Big Tom, grabbing the big man's collar with both bands.
Tom grinned and brought up a hamlike fist. 'Aye, master?' 'What's
the utopia right now, Big Tom?' Rod breathed. Tom's grin faded to a frown.
'Why, that the people of Gramarye should rule their own land for themselves.' 'Right!'
Rod let go of Tom's collar, patting the man's cheek. 'Bright boy! You get the
silver star this week! And what do you have to do first?' 'Kill
the councillors and noblemen!' Tom grinned. 'Very good! A gold star for the
boy! You'll make valedictorian yet, Big Tom! Now, if you really want to be a
good boy, tell teacher what y5u have to do before that!' Tom
sobered. 'Jail the Mocker.' 'A-plus!
And what comes before that?' Big Tom
knit his brow, confused. 'What?' 'Be
quiet!' Rod roared in his face, in a stage whisper. He spun on Tuan. 'Now! What
do we do about that sentry?' And to himself, he mumbled, 'Sheesh! I should
maybe have brought a political convention in here!' Tuan's
chin jutted out stubbornly. 'Ere we go further, this fellow must acknowledge me
lord!' Tom
took a breath for a fresh blast. 'Down,
boy!' Rod said hurriedly. 'High blood pressure's bad for you! Is Tuan Loguire a
nobleman born, Tom?' 'Aye,'
Tom grudged, 'but that does not-' 'Is
Loguire one of the greatest of the noble houses?' 'It is,
but-' 'And
your mother and father were peasants?' 'Yes,
but that's not to say that-' 'And
you have absolutely no wish to have been born a nobleman!' 'Never!'
Tom hissed, eyes glowing. 'May I be hanged from the highest gallows in Gramarye
if ever I had wished that!' 'And
you wouldn't want to be a nobleman if you could?' 'Master!'
Big Tom pleaded, wounded to the core. 'Hast so little regard for me that thou
couldst think such of me?' 'No, I
trust you, Big Tom,' said Rod, patting his shoulder, 'but Tuan has to be
shown.' He turned to the young nobleman. 'You satisfied? He knows his place,
doesn't he?' 'Aye.'
Tuan smiled like a fond father. 'Fool I was to doubt him.' Understanding
come into Tom's eyes as his mouth dropped open. His heavy band closed on Rod's
neck. 'Why, thou lump of...!' Rod
reached up and squeezed Tom's elbow just at the funny bone. Tom let go, eyes
starting from their sockets, mouth sagging in a cry of agony that he dared not
voice. 'Now,'
said Rod briskly, 'how do we get rid of that sentry?' 'Oh,
thou scum!' Tom breathed. 'Thou slimy patch of river-moss, thou mongrel
son-of-a-democrat, thou!' 'Precisely,'
Rod agreed. 'Nay,
but tell me,' Tuan breathed in Rod's ear, eyes glowing. 'What didst thou do to
him? Thou didst but touch him and-' 'Uh...
warlock trick,' said Rod, falling back on the easiest, though most distasteful,
excuse. He caught the back of Tuan's neck and jerked the youth's head down into
the huddle with himself and Big Tom. 'Now, how do we knock out that sentry?' 'There
is but one way,' murmured Tuan. 'Wake him and fight him.' 'And
let him give the alarm?' Tom stared, horrified. 'Nay, nay! Come catpaw behind
him, and give him a blow o' the head!' 'That,'
said Tuan grimly, 'tacks honor!' Tom
spat. 'Bit
Tom's plan is okay,' said Rod, 'except what happens if he wakes while we're
sneaking up? And there's a very good chance of it; that lecherous beggar proved
it for us!' Tom
shrugged. 'Then a quick rush, and a hope. If we die, then we die.' 'And
the Queen dies with us,' Rod growled. 'No good.' Tom
pulled out his short sword and balanced it on a finger. 'I'll strike him in the
throat with this blade at full fifty paces.~ Tuan
stared, appalled. 'A man of your own men, sirrah!' 'One
for the good of the cause.' Tom shrugged. 'What of it?' Tuan's
eyes froze. 'That is worse than a stab in the back! We must needs give him lief
to defend himself.' 'Oh,
aye!' Tom snorted. 'Lief to defend himself, and to raise the whole House with
his cries! Lief to...' Rod
clapped a hand over each mouth, glad that he hadn't brought three men with him.
He hissed at Big Tom, 'Be patient, will you? He's new to commando work!' Tom
sobered. Tuan
straightened, eyes icy. Rod put
his mouth next to Tom's ear and whispered, 'Look, if you hadn't known he was an
aristocrat, how would you have judged him?' 'A
brave man, and a strong fighter,' Tom admitted, 'though foolish and young, with
too many ideals.' Rod
shook a finger at him. 'Prejudice, Big Tom! Discrimination! I thought you
believed in equality!' 'Well
said,' Tom growled reluctantly; 'I'll bear him. But one more of his pious
mouthings and...' 'If we
get this job done fast, he won't have a chance to. Now, I've got an idea.' 'Then
why didst thou ask us?' growled Tom. ''Cause
I didn't get my idea till you two started haggling. What we need is a
compromise solution, right? Tuan won't stand for a knife in the back, or a
knife while the guy's sleeping, or for killing a loyal retainer who might make
good cannon fodder tomorrow. Right?' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed. 'And
Big Tom won't stand for him giving the alarm - and neither will I, for that
matter: we're all good fighters, but just the three of us against the whole
Houseful of cutthroats is straining the bonds of fantasy just a little bit far.
So, Tom! If that sentry should come running around this corner all of a sudden,
will you clobber him lightly?' 'Aye!'
Tom grinned. 'Lightly,
I said. Does that satisfy honor, Tuan?' 'Aye,
since he faces us.' 'Good!
Now, if we could just get him to chase a mouse around this corner, we'd be all
set.' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed, 'but where's the mouse that would so nicely oblige us?' 'The
master could make one,' Tom growled. 'Make
one?' Rod stared. 'Sure if I had a machine shop and a... 'Nay,
nay!' Tuan grinned. 'I know not those spells; but thou hast the witch-moss, and
thou'rt a warlock! What more dost thou need?' 'Huh?'
Rod swallowed. 'Witches make things out of that stuff?' 'Aye,
aye! Dost thou not know? Living things, small things -like mice!' The
missing piece in the puzzle of Gramarye clicked into place in Rod's mind. 'Uh,
say, how do they work that trick?' 'Why,
they have but to look at a lump of the stuff, and it becomes what they wish
it!' Rod
nodded slowly. 'Very neat, ve-ry neat. The only hitch in the plan is, that's
not my style of witchcraft.' Tuan
sagged. 'Thou craftest not witch-moss? Then how are we to . . .? Still, 'tis
most strange that thou shouldst not know of it.' 'Not
so,' Tom dissented. 'A very poor briefing bureau . . 'Oh, shut up!' Rod
growled. 'There are other ways to get a mouse.' He cupped his hands around his
mouth and called softly, 'Gwen! Oh, Gwe-en!' A
spider dropped down on a thread right in front of his nose. Rod
jumped. 'Ye cats! Don't do that, girl!' 'Vermin!'
Tom hissed, and swung his hand back for a swat. Rod
poked him in the solar plexus. 'Careful, there! Squash a spider, and you get
bad luck, you know - namely, me!' He
cupped the spider in his hand and caressed it very gently with a finger. 'Well,
at least you didn't choose a black widow. Prettiest spider I ever saw, come to
think of it.' The
spider danced on his hand. 'Listen,
sweetheart, I need a mouse to bring me that sentry. Can you handle it?' The
spider shape blurred, fluxed, and grew into a mouse. It jumped from his hand
and dashed for the corner. 'Oh, no you don't!' Rod sprang, cupped a hand over
it, then very carefully picked it up. 'Sorry, sweetheart, you might get stepped
on - and if anything like that happened to you, I'd be totally crushed.' He
kissed its nose, and heard Tom gagging behind him. The mouse wriggled in
ecstasy. 'No,'
said Rod, running a fingertip over its back and pinching the tail, 'you've got
to make me one instead, out of that, blob of witch-moss. Think you can handle
it, pet?' The
mouse nodded, turned, and stared at the witch-moss. Slowly, the blob pulled
itself in, extruded a tendril into a tail, grew whiskers at the top end,
changed color to brown, and a mouse crept down off the wall. Tom
gulped and crossed himself. Rod
frowned. 'Thought you were an atheist.' 'Not at
times like this, master.' The
witch-moss mouse scurried around the corner. Big Tom
lifted his dagger, holding it by the tip, the heavy, weighted handle raised
like a club. The
snores around the corner stopped with a grunt. 'Gahhh!
Nibble on me, will ya, y' crawlin' ferleigh?' The
sentry's stool clattered over. He stamped twice, missed both times; then the
waiting men heard running footsteps approaching. Tom
tensed himself. The
mouse streaked around the corner. The
sentry came right behind it, cursing. His feet slipped on the turn. He looked
up, saw Tom, and had just time enough to begin to look horrified before Tom's
knife-hilt caught him at the base of the skull with a very solid thunk. Rod let
out a sigh of relief. 'At last!' The
sentry folded nicely into Tuan's waiting arms. The young nobleman looked at
Rod, grinning. 'Who
fights by the side of a warlock,' he said, 'wins.' 'Still,
it was a pretty ratty trick,' said Rod sheepishly. Tom winced and pulled a
length of black thread from his pouch. 'Nay,
that will not hold him,' Tuan protested. Tom's
only answer was a grin. 'Fishline?'
Rod lifted an eyebrow. 'Better,'
said Big Tom, kneeling, beginning to wrap up the sentry. 'Braided synthetic
spider silk.' 'And we
owe it all to you,' said Rod, petting the mouse in his hand. It
wriggled its nose, then dove between the buttons on his doublet. Rod
stifled a snicker, cupped a hand over the lump on his belly. 'Hey, watch it!
That tickles!' Tom had
the sentry nicely cocooned, with a rag jammed in his mouth and held in place by
a few twists of thread. 'Where
shall we hide him?' Tuan whispered. 'There's
nary a place close to hand,' Tom muttered, tongue between his teeth as he tied
a Gordion knot. 'Hey!'
Rod clapped a cupped hand over a lump moving south of his belt buckle. 'Cut
that out!' 'There's
a torch-sconce on this wall,' said Tuan, pointing. 'The very thing,' Tom
growled. He heaved the inert sentry up, hooked one of the spider-thread loops
over the sconce. Rod
shook his head. 'Suppose someone comes by this way? We can't have him hanging
around like that.' He
reached in his doublet and hauled the mouse away from its exploratory tour of
his thorax. 'Listen, baby, you know what a dimensional warp is?' The
mouse rolled its eyes up and twitched its whiskers. Then it shook its head
firmly. 'How
about a, uh, time-pocket?' The
mouse nodded eagerly; then the little rodent face twisted up in concentration .
. . and the sentry disappeared. Tuan
goggled, mouth gaping open. Big Tom
pursed his lips, then said briskly, 'Ah. . . yes! Well, let's get on with it,
then.' Rod
grinned, put the mouse on the floor, turned it around, gave it a pat on the
backside. 'Get
lost, you bewitching beast. But stay close; I might need you.' The
mouse scampered off with a last squeak over her shoulder. 'The
Mocker will be sleeping in what was Tuan's chamber, I doubt not,' Tom muttered,
'and his lieutenants, we may hope, will not be far off.' 'May
not one of them be wakeful?' whispered Tuan. 'Or might one be set Master of the
Watch?' Tom
turned slowly, eyeing Tuan with a strange look on his face. He raised an
eyebrow at Rod. 'A good man,' he admitted, 'and a good guess.' Then, 'Follow,'
and he turned away. They
were able to bypass the only other sentry between themselves and the common
room. The
room itself, cavernous and slipshod as ever, was lit only by the smoky glow
from the great fireplace, and a few smoldering torches. It was enough, however,
to make out the great stone staircase that curved its way up the far wall with
a grace that belied its worn treads and broken balustrade. A
gallery jutted out into the ball at the top of the stair. The doors opening off
it gave onto private rooms. A
broad-shouldered, hatchet-faced man sat sprawled and snoring in a huge chair by
the side of the vast fireplace. A sentry stood guard at the foot of the great
staircase, blinking and yawning. Two more guards slouched at either side of the
door in the center of the balcony. 'Here's
a pretty mess,' said Big Tom, ducking back into the hallway. 'There's one more
of them than there are of us, and they be so far between that two must surely
take alarm as we disable two others.' 'To say
nothing of that wasteland of lighted floor that we have to cross to get to any
of them,' Rod added. 'We
might creep up through the tables and stools,' Tuan suggested, 'and he at the
foot of the stairs must surely nod himself asleep ere long.' 'That
takes care of the two on the ground floor,' Rod agreed, 'but how about the pair
on the balcony?' 'To
that,' said Tuan, 'I have some small skill at the shepherd's bow.' He drew
out a patch of leather with two rawhide thongs wrapped about it. 'How
didst thou learn the craft of that?' Torn growled as Tuan unwound the strings.
''Tis a peasant's weapon, not a lordling's toy.' There
was a touch of contempt in the glance Tuan threw Tom. 'A knight must be
schooled in all weapons, Big Tom.' Rod
frowned. 'I didn't know that was part of the standard code.' 'It is
not,' Tuan admitted. 'But 'tis my father's chivalry, and mine, as you shall
see. Both yon knaves shall measure their length on cold stone ere they could
know what has struck them.' 'I
don't doubt it,' Rod agreed grimly. 'Okay, let's go. I'll take the one by the
fireplace.' 'Thou'lt
not,' Big Tom corrected him. 'Thou'lt take him by the stairway.' 'Oh?
Any particular reason?' 'Aye.'
Tom grinned wolfishly. 'He in the great chair is the lieutenant that Tuan
foresaw - and one among those who ha' jailed me. 'us my meat, master.' Rod looked
at Tom's eyes and felt an eerie chill wind blow up along his spine. 'All
right, butcher,' he muttered. 'Just remember, the lady's not for carving, yet.' "'Let
each man pile his dead according to his own taste and fashion,"' Tom
quoted. 'Go tend your corpses, master, and leave me to mine.' They
dropped to their bellies and crawled, each to his own opponent. To Rod,
it was an eternity of table-legs and stool-feet, with plenty of dropped food
scraps between, and the constant fear that one of the others might reach his
station first and get bored. There
was a loud, echoing clunk. Rod
froze. One of the others had missed his footing. There
was a moment's silence; then a voice called, 'What was that?' Then, 'Eh, you
there! Egbert! Rouse yourself, sot, and have a mind for the stairs you're
guarding!' 'Eh?
Wot? Wozzat?' muttered a bleary, nearer voice; and, 'What fashes ye?' grumbled
a deeper, petulant voice from the fireplace. 'Must ye wake me for trifles?' There
was a pause; then the first voice said, with a note of obsequiousness, ''Twas a
noise, Captain, a sort of knock 'mongst the tables.' 'A
knock, he says!' growled the captain. 'A rat, mayhap, after the leavings, nowt
more! Do ye wake me for that? Do it more, an' thoul't hear a loud knock indeed,
a blow on thy hollow head.' Then the voice grumbled to itself, 'A knock, i'
faith! A damned knock!' Then
there was silence again, then a muted clang as one of the sentries shifted his
weight uneasily. - Rod let
out a sigh of relief, slow and silent. He waited
for the sentry to start snoring again. Then he
wormed his way forward again, till at last he lay quiet under the table nearest
the stairway. .~It
seemed he lay there for a very long time. There
was a piercing whistle from the fireplace, and a clatter as Big Tom overturned
a stool in his charge. Rod
sprang for his man. Out of
the corner of his eye, he saw Tuan leap upright, his sling a blurred arc; then
Rod crashed into the sentry, fist slamming at the midriff, left hand squeezing
the throat. The man
folded. Rod chopped at the base of the skull lightly,
just under the iron cap, and the sentry went limp. He looked up just in time to
see a sentry on the balcony sag to the
floor. The other lay writhing on the stones, hands clasped at his throat. Rod was
up the stairs in five leaps. He landed a haymaker on the man's jaw. The man's
eyes closed as he went under. His
larynx was pushed out of line. It was not a pretty sight. But at that, he'd
been lucky. If it had been a direct blow, his trachea would have been crushed. His
companion hadn't been so lucky. The pebble had crushed his forehead. Blood
welled over his face and puddled to the floor. 'Forgive
me, man,' whispered Tuan, as he contemplated his handiwork. Rod had never seen
the boy's face so grim. 'Fortunes
of war, Tuan,' he whispered. 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed, 'and had he been my peer, I could dismiss it at that. But a man of
my blood is intended to protect the peasants, not slay them.' Rod
looked at the boy's brooding face and decided it was men like the Loguires who
had given aristocracy what little justification it had had. Tom had
glanced once and turned away to bind the remaining man, his face thunderous. There
had been only the one casualty; the captain and stair-guard lay securely
trussed with Tom's black thread. Tom
came up, glowering at Tuan. ''Twas well done,' he growled. 'You, took two of
them out, and were able to spare the one; tha'rt braw fighter. And for the
other, do not mourn him: thou couldst scarce take the time for better aim. Tuan's
face was blank in confusion. He couldn't rightly object to Tom's manner; yet it
was disquieting to have a peasant offer him fatherly advice, and forgiveness. Rod
gave him an out. 'You used to sleep there?' He jerked a thumb over his shoulder
at the door the sentries had guarded. He
broke through Tuan's abstraction; the youth turned, looked, and nodded. 'Well,
that's where the Mocker'll be, then.' Rod looked up at Tom. 'That captain
downstairs was one of the Mocker's cadre?' 'Aye.' 'That
leaves two lieutenants, then. How's chances for one of them being in each of
these rooms next to the Mocker's?' As Tom pulled at his lower lip and nodded,
Rod went on: 'One -'An for
each of us then. You boys take the lieutenants. I'll take the Mocker.' He turned
to the door. Big Tom's meaty hand fell on his shoulder. 'How
now?' growled the big peasant. 'How is the Mocker your meat, not mine?' Rod
grinned. 'I'm the middleman, remember? Besides, what belt do you hold?' 'Brown,'
Tom admitted. 'And
the Mocker?' 'Black,'
Tom answered reluctantly. 'Fifth dan.' Rod
nodded. 'I'm black, eighth dan. You take the lieutenant.' Tuan
frowned. 'What is this talk of belts?' 'Just a
jurisdictional dispute; don't worry about it.' Rod turned- to the center door. Big Tom
caught his arm again. 'Master,' and this time he sounded like he meant it.
'When this is done, thou must teach me.' 'Yeah,
sure, anything. I'll get you a college degree, just let's get this over with,
shall we?' 'I
thank thee.' Tom grinned. 'But I've a doctorate already.' Rod did
a double take, then stared at him. 'In what?' 'Theology. Rod
nodded. 'That figures. Say, you haven't come up with any new atheist theories,
have you?' 'Master!'
Tom protested, wounded. 'How can one prove or disprove the existence of a
non-material being by material data? Tis an innate contradiction of-' 'Gentlemen,'
said Tuan sarcastically, 'I greatly dislike to interrupt so learned a
discourse, but the Mocker awaits, and may shortly awake.' 'Huh?
Oh! Oh, yes!' Rod turned to the door. 'See you in a few minutes, Big Tom.' 'Aye,
we must have further converse.' Tom grinned and turned away to the right-hand
door. Rod
eased his own door open, hands stiffened. The
door creaked. It groaned. It shrieked. It lodged formal protest. Rod
threw himself forward, having just time to realize that the Mocker had left his
hinges carefully unoiled as a primitive but very effective burglar alarm,
before the Mocker screamed 'Bloody Murder!' and jumped from his bed, hands
chopping. Rod
blocked an overhead blow and thrust for the solar plexus. His hand was
skillfully rerouted, the Mocker's scream for help dinning in his ears. Rod had
just time to appreciate the humor of a black belt calling for help before he
saw the kick smashing at his groin. He
leaped back, and the Mocker leaped after him. This time, the kick landed. Rod
rolled on the floor, curled around his agony. He saw
the foot aimed at his jaw and managed to turn his head aside just enough; the
foot glanced off the side of his head. He saw
a shower of red asterisks, glowing against black, and shook his head
frantically, trying to clear it. Through
the ringing in his ears, he heard another scream, suddenly cut off, then a
thud; then Big Tom was bellowing, 'Thy sling, Tuan! There'll be guards to
answer that scream!' Then
the big man was bending over him, face close. 'How bad art thou hurt, master?' Rod had
never known stale beer and onions could smell so good. 'I'm
all right,' he gasped. 'The blow landed a little off-center, thank heaven!' 'Canst
thou stand?' 'In a
minute. Gwen may be in for a temporary disappointment, though. How'd you do it,
Big Tom?' 'Caught
his foot on the upswing,' Tom grinned, 'and threw him high. Then I got in an
uppercut ere he landed.' Rod
stared. 'A what?' 'An
uppercut. A haymaker.' Rod
rolled over, got his knees under him, shook his head in amazement.
"'Uppercut takes out Black Belt."' Call the' newspapers.~ There
was a cry outside, choked off suddenly. Rod's
head snapped up, listening. Then he stumbled to his feet, hands still pressed
to his groin, and all but fell out the door, ignoring Big Tom's solicitous
protests. Three
more bodies lay on the stone floor of the common room. Tuan
stood at the balcony rail, sling stretched tight between his hands, jaw clamped
shut, bleak dismay in his eyes. 'First
the one came,' he said in a monotone, 'then the other, then
the third. The first two I dispatched ere they could cry, but on the third, I
was tardy.' Tuan turned back to the hail. After a moment, he said, slow and
hard, 'I do not like this killing.' Then
his vision cleared. 'Huh.'
Rod nodded, gasping, as a brief spasm of nausea made him clutch at the railing.
'No man worthy to be called a man does like it, Tuan. Don't let it worry you.
It's war.' 'Oh, I
ha' slain before.' Tuan's lips pressed thin. 'But to slay men who three days
agone drank my health... !' Rod
nodded, closing his eyes. 'I know. But if you have any hope of being a king,
Tuan, or even a good Duke, you've got to~ learn not to let it bother you.' He
looked up at the boy. 'Besides, remember - they'd have killed you if they
could.' Tom
came out on the balcony, carrying the trussed-up Mocker in his arms, like a
baby. He
looked briefly at the common room; his face hardened. 'More killing?' He
turned away, laying the Mocker carefully on the floor next to the prone bodies
of his lieutenants, and sighed. 'Ay de mi! But 'tis the times, and the
fashion.' He bent
to the work of binding up one of the lieutenants, a tall, emaciated skeleton of
a man with a scar where he should have had an ear, a souvenir of royal justice. Rod
looked, and nodded; the Mocker had chosen his confederates well. They bad cause
for hating the monarch. Rod
slowly straightened, wincing at the pain. Tuan
glanced at him. 'Thou ought to seat thyself and take rest, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
pulled in a sharp, quick breath and shook his head. 'It's just pain. Hadn't we
better cart these three down to the dungeon?' A gleam
sparked in Tuan's eye. 'Nay. Bind them and keep them here; I have uses for
them.' Rod
frowned. 'What do you mean, uses'?' Big Tom
held up a hand. 'Do not ask, master. If Tuan has need of them, let him have
them. This lad knows his craft; I ha' ne'er seen, and but rarely heard, of any
man who could so sway the mob.' He
turned and leaped down the stairs, checked for heartbeats in the fallen men,
bound up the One that still lived, and dragged
them all under the balcony. Then he caught up the third lieutenant from the
hearth, slung him over a shoulder. 'Tom!'
Tuan called, and the big man looked up. 'Bring that horn that hangs o'er the
mantle, and the drum beside it!' Tuan called. Tom
nodded and took down the battered, curled hunting horn from its nail and
plucked one of the rude drums - nothing more than an empty cask with hide
stretched over each end -from its place on the mantle. Rod
frowned, perplexed. 'What do you want the drum and bugle for?' Tuan
grinned. 'Canst play at the horn?' 'Well,
I wouldn't exactly qualify for first chair in the Philharmonic, but...' 'Thou'lt
do,' said Tuan, eyes dancing. Big Tom
bounded up the stairs with the Mocker's lieutenant over one shoulder and the
trumpet and drum over the other. He
dropped the instruments and laid the bound man by his companions. He
straightened, fists on hips, grinning. 'Halloa, my masters! What would you have
us do with 'em, lordling?' 'Do
thou take the drum,' said Tuan, 'and when I give the word, hang these four from
the balcony rail, but not by their necks. 'Tis far more to our credit we've taken
them living.' Rod
cocked an eyebrow. 'Not that old wheeze about being powerful enough to be
merciful?' He
didn't hear the answer, because Tom started pounding the drum. The tenor
throbbing filled the room. Rod
caught the horn. Tuan
grinned, jumped up on the rail, stood with feet wide apart and arms folded.
'Summon them, Master Gallowglass,' he shouted. Rod set
the mouthpiece to his lips and blew 'Reveille'. It sounded rather weird on a
hunting horn, but it had its effect. Before he was halfway through with the
second chorus, the hall had filled with beggars, muggers, lame, one-armed,
thieves and cutpurses and murderers. Their
muttering, surf and wind before a storm, filled the hail as an undercurrent to
the drum and horn. They were fresh-woken, bleary-eyed and fuzzy-brained,
hurling a thousand incredulous
questions at one another, shaken and cowed to see Tuan, whom they had jailed,
standing tall and proud in the hail he'd been exiled from. He
should fear them; he should have feared to return; and if he had come back, it
should have been as a thief in the night, skulking and secret Yet
here he stood, free in their eyes, summoning them to him with bugle and drum -
and where was the Mocker? They
were shaken, and more than a little afraid. Men who had never been taught how
to think now faced the unthinkable. Rod
ended with a flourish, and flipped the trumpet away from his lips, whirling it
in a flashing circle to land bell-down at his hip. Big Tom
gave the drum a last final boom. Tuan
held his hand out to Tom and began clicking his fingers very softly. The
drum spoke again, throbbing, insistent, but very soft. Rod
looked up at Tuan, who was grinning, arms akimbo, a royal elf come into his
kingdom. He looked down at the audience, shaken and fearful, staring, mouths
agape, at the lordly, commanding figure above them. Rod had
to admit it was a great way to open a speech. Tuan
flung up his arms, and the hail stilled, except for the low-pitched throb of
Tom's drum. 'You
cast me out!' Tuan shouted. The mob
shrank back on itself, muttering, fearful. 'Cast out, thrown to exile!' Tuan
called. 'You had turned your eyes from me, turned away from me, thought never
to look upon me!' The
muttering grew, began to take a surly, desperate quality. 'Was I not banished?'
Tuan called, then, 'Be still!' he snapped. And,
miraculously, the room stilled. He
leveled an accusing forefinger at the crowd and growled, 'Was I not banished?' This
time there were a few muttered 'Ayes'. 'Was I
not?' The
mutter of 'Ayes' grew. 'Was I
not?' 'Aye!'
rolled across the heads of the crowd. 'Did
you not call me traitor?' 'Aye,'
the crowd growled again. 'Yet
here I stand,' Tuan cried, 'strong and free, and master again of the House of
Clovis!' Nobody
disputed it. 'And
where are the real traitors, who would ha' seen you all torn to bits in
hopeless battle? The traitors, who ha' turned this House to a jail in my
absence? Where are they now, to dispute my mastership?' He
rested his hands on his hips while the crowd took up the question in its own
ranks, and Tom quickly lashed ten feet of thread to the Mocker's bonds, lashing
the other end to a railing-pillar. As the mutters of 'Where?' and 'The Mocker!'
began to grow, he served the three lieutenants likewise. Tuan
let the mutters swell and grow; then, just as they hit their peak, he gave Tom
the signal. Tom and
Rod threw the bound men over, where they hung two on each side of Tuan. The
Mocker had regained consciousness; he began writhing and kicking at the end of
his rope. A shocked
silence filled the hail. Tuan
grinned and folded his arms. The
crowd roared like one huge, savage beast, and pressed forward. The front ranks
began to jump at the dangling feet. Obscene epithets, cursing the Mocker and
his men, blasted from the packed floor. 'Behold!'
Tuan shouted, throwing up his arms, and the crowd fell silent. 'Behold them,
the traitors who once you called masters! Behold them, the traitors, the
thieves who took from you all the liberty I had gained for you!' Big Tom
was grinning, eyes glowing and fixed on the young lord, swaying to the rhythm
of the boy's words. For,
truly, the lad seemed twelve feet tall now. 'Were
you not born without masters?' Tuan shouted. 'Aye!'
the crowd roared at him. 'You
were born to freedom!' Tuan bellowed. 'The freedom of outlawry and poverty,
aye, but born free!' Then,
'Were you not born wild?' he fairly shrieked; and: 'Aye!'
the crowd shrieked in response, 'Aye, aye! Aye!' 'Did I
steal your freedom from you?' 'Nay,
nay!' A
twisted hunchback with a patch over his eye shouted, 'Nay, Tuan! You gave us
more!' The
crowd clamored. Tuan
crossed his arms again, grinning, letting the acclamation run its course. When it
had just passed its peak, he threw up his arms again, and shouted. 'Did I tell
you?' Silence
fell. 'Did I
tell you that you must have my permission for a night's loving?' 'Nay!'
they roared back, both sexes united for a change, 'And never I will!' They
cheered. Tuan
grinned, and bowed his head in thanks, almost shyly. 'And
yet!' Tuan's voice dropped down, low, surly, angry. He hunched forward, one
fist clenched, shaking at the audience. 'When I came back to your halls this
dark eventide, what did I find?' His voice rose, building. 'You had let these
base knaves steal away all I bad given you!' The
crowd roared. Tuan
flicked his left hand; Tom struck the drum with a boom that cut the crowd
short. 'Nay,
more!' Tuan cried. His forefinger jabbed out at the crowd, his eyes seeking hot
individual faces. His voice was cold, - now, and measured. 'I found that in your
base cowardice you had let them steal from you even that liberty you were born
with!' The
crowd murmured, frightened, unsure. The front ranks shrank back. 'Even
your birthright you had let them steal from you!' The
murmuring was a wave of fright at the contempt in the silver tongue. 'You
would let them take from you even bed-freedom!' He
flicked his hand; the drum boomed. 'And
you call yourselves men!' Tuan laughed, harsh and contemptuous. The
murmuring wave came back at him now, with sullen, protesting voices. 'We are
men!' someone cried, and the crowd took it up, 'We are men! We are men! We are
men!' 'Aye!'
shrieked the eye-patched hunchback. 'But give us these dangling knaves who ha'
robbed us, Tuan, and we shall prove we are men! We shall rend them, shall flay
them! We shall leave not an ounce of flesh to cling to their bones! We shall
crack even their bones and hale out the marrow!' The
crowd howled in blood-lust. Tuan
straightened and folded his arms, smiling grimly. The crowd saw him; their roar
subsided to a growl, with an undertone of guilt, then broke up into sullen
lumps of murmurs, and stilled. 'Is
this manhood?' said Tuan, almost quietly. 'Nay!' His arm snapped out, pointing,
accusing. 'I ha' seen packs of dogs could do better!' The
muttering ran through the crowd, growing angrier, louder and louder. 'Careful,
there!' Rod called to Tuan. 'You'll have them tearing us apart next!' 'No
fear,' said Tuan, without taking his eyes from the crowd. 'Yet let it work a
while.' The
muttering rose sharply. Here and there a man shouted, angry shouts, fists waved
at Tuan where he stood on the balcony rail. Tuan
flung up his arms again, shouting, 'But I say you are men!' The
crowd quieted, staring. 'There
are others who slander you; but I call you men!' Then, looking from face to
face: 'And who will gainsay me?' For a
moment, they were quiet; then someone called, 'None, Tuan!' and another
answered, 'None!' 'None!'
called the several, and 'None!' called the many, till 'None!' roared the crowd. 'Will
you prove you are men?' Tuan shouted. 'Aye!'
the crowd bellowed. 'Will
you fight?' Tuan howled, shaking a fist. 'Aye!'
they cried, crowding closer with blood-thirst. Tuan's
hands shot out waist-high, palms down, fingers spread. The
crowd stilled. His
voice was hushed, chanting. 'You were born to filth and the scabs of disease!' 'Aye,'
they muttered. 'You
were born to the sweat of your joints, and the ache of your back in hard labor
I, 'Aye!' 'You
were born to the slack, empty belly and the want of a home!' 'Aye!' 'Who
filled your bellies? Who gave you a roof for your head in this very house?' 'You
did!' 'Who
gave you a fortress?' 'You
did!' 'Who?' 'You!' 'Tell
me the name!' 'Tuan
Loguire!' they shrieked. 'Aye!'
Tuan's hands went out again; he stood crouched, eye afire. 'This
was the misery I took from you. But who gave it to you at birth? Who is it has
beaten you down, century upon century, from father to son, age upon age to the
time of your remotest grandfathers?' The
crowd muttered, uncertain. 'The peasants?' 'Nay,'
the crowd answered. 'Was it the soldiers?' 'Aye!'
they shouted, come to life again. 'And
who rules the soldiers?' 'The nobles!' Rod
winced at the hate they packed into the word. 'Aye!
'Twas the nobles!' Tuan shouted, thrusting upward with his fist, and the crowd
howled. He let
pandemonium reign for a few moments, then threw up his arms again. Then
his hands dropped down to belt-level again, he fell into the crouch. 'Who!'
he demanded, and the drum throbbed behind him. 'Who! Who alone of all the
high-born took your part? Who gave you food when you cried for it, heard your
petitions? Who sent judges among you, to give you justice instead of a
nobleman's whim?' His
fist thrust upward with his whole body behind it, 'The Queen!' 'The
Queen!' they echoed him. 'She,
shut her ears to the noblemen, that she might hear your cries!' 'Aye!' 'She
hath shed tears for you!' 'Aye!' 'Yet,'
cried the hunchback, 'she cast you out, our Tuan Loguire!' Tuan
smiled sourly. 'Did she? Or did she send me among you!' He threw up his arms,
and they roared like an avalanche. 'It is
the Queen who has given you your birthright again!' 'Aye!' 'Are
you men?' Tuan shouted. 'We are!' 'Will
you fight?' 'We
will fight! We will fight!' 'Will you fight the noblemen?' 'Aye!' 'Will
you fight for your Queen?' 'Aye!' 'Will
you fight the noblemen for Catharine your Queen?' 'Aye!
Ayeayeayeaye!' Then
the noise of the crowd covered all. The people leaped and shouted; men caught
women and swung them about. 'Have
you weapons?' Tuan shouted. 'Aye!'
A thousand daggers leaped upward, gleaming. 'Catch
up your packs, fill them with journeybread! Burst out of this house, through
the south gate of the city! The Queen will give you food, give you tents! So
run you all to the South, south along the great highway to Breden Plain, there
to wait for the noblemen! 'Go to
it!' he shouted. 'Go now! For the Queen!' 'For
the Queen." Tuan
flipped his hand; the drum boomed loud and fast. 'Hunting call' Tuan snapped in
aside to Rod. Rod
flourished the trumpet to his lips and began the quick. bubbling notes. 'Go!'
Tuan roared. The
people broke, to their rooms, to the armory. In ten minutes' time they had
caught up packs, staffs, and knives. 'It is
done!' Tuan leaped down off the rail to the balcony floor. 'They'll ha' run
down to Breden Plain in two days!' He grinned, slapping Big Tom's shoulders.
'We ha' done it, Tom!' Tom
roared his laughter and threw his arms about Tuan in a bear-hug. 'Whew!'
Tuan gasped as Tom dropped him. He turned to Rod. 'Do you, friend Gallowglass,
tell the Queen, and see that the word of it goes out to her soldiers. Tell her
to send meat, tents, and ale, and right quickly. And do you hurl these lackeys' - his thumb jerked at the Mocker and his
lieutenants - 'deep into
the Queen's dungeon. Farewell!' And he was bounding and leaping down the
stairs. 'Hey,
wait a minute!' Rod shouted, running to the rail. 'Where do you think you're
going?' 'To
Breden Plain!' Tuan shouted, stopping to look back up. 'I must guard my people,
or they'll strip the countryside worse than any plague of locusts could do, and
kill themselves off in a fight o'er the spoils. Do you tell Catharine of my' -
he paused; a shadow crossed his face - 'loyalty.' Then he
was gone, leading the mob that boiled out the great front doors of the house,
running before them in a wild, madcap dance. Rod and
Tom exchanged one glance, then turned and ran for the stairs to the roof. They
watched from the rooftop as the chanting mob poured out the south gate.
Somehow, by means of the chant, Tuan had gotten them moving in good order,
almost marching. 'Do you
think he needs any help?' Rod murmured. Tom
threw back his head and guffawed. 'Him, master? Nay, nay! Rather, help those
who come up against him, with that army at his back!' 'But
only one man, Tom! To lead two thousand misfits!' 'Canst
doubt it, master, when thou hast seen his power? Or didst thou not see?' 'Oh. I
saw.' Rod nodded, light-headed. 'There's more witchcraft in this land than I
thought, Big Tom. Yes, I saw.' 'Waken
the Queen, and beg of her that she join us here in her audience chamber!' Brom
snapped at a hastily-wakened lady-in-waiting. 'Go!' He
slammed the door and turned to the fireplace, where Rod sat with a bleary-eyed
Toby, rudely awakened after only an hour of sleep; the nightly party in the
Witches' Tower had run a little late tonight. He held a steaming mug in his
hand and a throb in his head. 'Assuredly,'
he muttered thickly, 'we wish to aid the Queen in any manner we may; but what
aid would we be in a battle?' 'Leave
that to me.' Rod smiled. 'I'll find something for you to do. You lust get the
Queen's Witches down to Breden Plain 'Three
days hence.' Brom smiled. 'We march at dawn, and will be three days in our
journey.' Toby
nodded, hazily. 'We shall be there, my masters. And now, with your leave... He
started to rise, gasped, and sank back in his chair, hand pressed to his head. 'Easy
there, boy!' Rod grasped an elbow, steadying him. 'First hangover?' 'Oh,
nay!' Toby looked up, blinking watery eyes. ''Tis but the first time I've been
wakeful when the drunk turned to the hangover. If you'll pardon me, masters. .
-' The air
slammed at their eardrums as it rushed in to fill the space where Toby had
been. '~...
yes,' Rod said. He shook his head and eyed Brom. 'Tcleportative, too?' Brom
frowned. 'Tele-what?' 'Uh. .
.' Rod closed his eyes a moment, cursing the slip of the tongue. 'I take it
he's just gone back to bed.' 'Aye.' 'He can
disappear from here and reappear there?' 'Quick
as thought, aye.' Rod
nodded. 'That's what I thought. Well, it oughta come in handy.' 'What
wilt thou have them do, Rod Gallowglass?' 'Oh, I
dunno.' Rod waved his mug airily. 'Conjure up feathers inside the Southern
knights' armor, maybe. Or something like that, good for a joke. They'll just
die laughing." 'Thou
knowest not what thou'lt be having them do, yet thou would bring them?' 'Yeah,
I'm beginning to think a little witchcraft can come in handy at times.' 'Aye,'
Brom smiled covertly. 'She hath saved your life twice over, hath she not?' Rod
swung about. 'She? Who? She who, huh? What're you talking about?' 'Why,
Gwendylon!' Brom's smile absorbed mischief. 'Oh, yes! Uh - . . you know of
her?' Rod raised a cautious eyebrow; then he smiled, relaxing. 'No, of course
you'd know of her. I forget; she's on pretty good terms with the elves.' 'Aye, I
know of her.' Brom's eyebrows pinched together. 'Nay, but tell me,' he said,
almost anxiously, 'didst thou love her?' 'Love
her?' Rod stared. 'What the hell business is that of yours?' Brom
waved a hand impatiently. 'Tis of concern to me; let it pass at that. Dost thou
love her?' 'I
won't let it pass at that!' Rod drew himself up with a look of offended honor. 'I am
Prince of the Elves!' Brom snapped. 'Might I not have concern for the most
powerful witch in all Gramarye?' Rod
stared, appalled. 'The most - . - what?' Brom
smiled sourly. 'Thou didst not know? Aye, Rod Gallowglass. Tis a most puissant
wench thou hast grappled with. Therefore, do you tell me: dost thou love her?' 'Well,
uh, I, uh ... I don't know!' Rod sat, cradling his head in his hands. 'I mean,
uh, this is all so sudden, I, uh...' 'Nay,
nay!' Brom growled impatiently. 'Surely thou must know if thou lovest!' 'Well,
I mean, uh. . - well, no, I don't know! I mean, that's a subject that it's a
little hard to be objective about, isn't it?' 'Thou
dost not know?' Thunderclouds gathered in Brom's face. 'No,
damn it, I don't!' 'Why,
thou fool of a puling babe, thou mock of a man! Dost thou not know thine own
heart?' 'Well,
uh, there's the aortic ventricle, and, uh. -'Then how am I to know if thou
lovest her?' Brom thundered. 'How the hell should I know?' Rod shouted. 'Ask my
horse!' A quivering page thrust his head in, then came quivering into the room.
'My lords, her Majesty the Queen!' Brom
and Rod swung about, bowed. Catharine
entered, in a dressing gown of the royal purple, her loosened hair a pale,
disordered cloud around her head. She looked very tired, and scarcely wakened. 'Well,
milord's,' she snapped, seating herself by the fire, 'what great news is it
makes you wake me at so slight an hour?' Rod
inclined his head toward the page. The boy paled, bowed, and left. 'The
House of Clovis is up, into arms, and away,' Rod informed her. She
stared, lips parting. 'They
have boiled out of the south gate, and this very night run south toward Breden
Plain.' Catharine's
eyes closed; she sank back in her chair with a sigh. 'May Heaven be praised!' 'And
Tuan Loguire,' Rod murmured. Her
eyes opened, staring. 'Aye. And Tuan Loguire,' she said reluctantly. Rod
turned away, running his hand over the mantle. 'They must be sent food and
drink, so that they will not strip the countryside as they pass. And a courier
must ride ahead to tell soldiers to let them pass.' 'Aye,'
she said grudgingly, 'surely.' Her
eyes wandered to the fire. 'And yet it is strange, that they who have ever
raised their voices in clamor against me, now should fight for me,' she
murmured. Rod
looked at her, his smile tight and ironic. 'Tuan.
. .' she murmured. Brom
cleared his throat and stumped forward, hands locked behind his back. 'And this
very night,' he growled, 'have I spoken with the King of the Elves; all his
legions are ours.' She was
her old self again, smiling sourly. 'Legions of elves, Brom O'Berin?' 'Oh,
don't underestimate them.' Rod rubbed the back of his head, remembering a clout
on the skull and a prisoned werewolf. 'And to top it off, we've got your own
personal coven of witches...' and the
most powerful witch in all Gramarye,' Brom interjected. 'Uh,
yes, and her,' Rod agreed with a shish-kebab glance at Brom. 'All ready and
eager to serve the only ruler in history who has protected witches.' Catharine's
eyes had slowly widened as she listened now her eyes took on a distant look,
and wandered to the fire. 'We will win,' she murmured. 'We will win!' 'Well,
uh, with all due respect to your Majesty, uh, it might be a trifle more correct
to say we stand an even chance.' .5 Breden
Plain was a delta, open to the south but closed on the north by the meeting of
two rivers. A dense thicket of trees ran along each river, bordering the field.
The field itself was tall grass and lavender. Not
that they could see much of it, Rod thought as he squatted by a campfire. A
thick, chill mist covered the field; at least Rod, who had seen something of
civilized smog, would have called it a mist but Tuan, chafing his hands across
the fire from Rod, shook his head and muttered, 'A most dense and inclement
fog, Master Gallowglass! 'Twill weigh heavily on the spirit of the troops!' Rod
cocked an eyebrow at him and listened to the sounds of revelry drifting over
the field from the beggars' pickets. The witches were at it, too; the usual
party had started at noon today, out of respect for the weather. His
shoulders shrugged with a snort of laughter. 'Well, don't let it worry you,
Tuan. The precog - uh, witches, say it'll be a beautiful, sunny day, tomorrow.' 'And
St. George be praised, we will not have to fight until then!' Tuan drew his
cloak about him, shivering. The
latest word from Brom's miniature spies - whom Rod had immediately dubbed the
Hobgoblin Associated Reconnaissance Korps - was that the Southern troops were
just half a day away. Catharine had arrived with Brom and her army the
preceding evening, and the beggars had been resting a full day already. They
were, in fact, so primed and ready that Than was having a little trouble
holding them in check; they were all for marching south and attacking the
noblemen on the run. 'Still,'
said Rod, tugging at his lip, 'I don't see why we should wait for morning to do
the fighting. We could ambush them tonight, when they're drawing up their
troops.' 'Attack
at night!' Tuan gasped, horrified. Rod
shrugged. 'Sure, why not? They'll be tired from a day's march, and won't know
where we are. We'd stand a much better chance of winning.' 'Aye,
and you would stand a better chance of killing a man if you kicked at his head
while he was down!' Rod
sighed and forebore saying that he had once done exactly that, when the man was
one of five excellently trained seasoned killers who'd ambushed him. As a
matter of fact, he'd fought dirtier than that with a lot less justification;
but this didn't seem quite the time for telling it. He did
say, 'I thought the point in fighting was to win.' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed, staring out into the fog toward the south end of the meadow, 'but
not by such foul means. Who would be loyal to a Queen who maintained her power
thus?' And
that, Rod admitted, was the kernel of it. Prestige was everything in this
world; an honor was the cornerstone of prestige. 'Well,'
he sighed, 'you're the doctor.' Tuan
frowned at him. 'Doctor? I have no skill in healing.' 'No,
but you're an excellent practical psychologist. So I'll follow your lead when
it comes to handling people.' Tuan
smiled sadly, shaking his head. 'Friend Rod, I have no skill at ruling.' Rod
allowed himself a skeptical look. 'Well, maybe not, but you're one hell of a
leader.' 'Ho!' a
voice bellowed. Rod
turned and grinned at the huge shape that loomed in the fog. 'Everyone happy
over there?' Big Tom
shouldered his way out of the mist, grinning. 'Most happy, master. They've
ne'er in their lives drunk such wine, or so much of it.' 'Hmmm.'
Rod tugged at his lip. 'Better roll the wine away in a little while. We don't
want them drunk so soon before battle.' But,
'Nay,' Tuan corrected, almost automatically, Rod noticed. 'Let them drink their
fill; 'twill put them abed sooner. Then rouse them early in the morning and
give each a tankard or two - then they'll fight like the very demons.' Well,
Rod had to allow that was true. They weren't asking precision from the beggars,
just wanted them to get out and beat up the enemy. The
night was prickled with the pinholes of watch-fires, softened by the lifting
mist. More
dots of light sprang up to the south, where the noblemen and councillors were
bringing up their army. In the
northern meadow, there was bawdy laughter and shouting, and the din of music,
where the beggars were in the last stages of gleeful compliance with the order
to get drunk as fast as possible. On the
hillside across the river there was a stern, disapproving silence, and the
gentle glow of lamps within silken tents, where Catharine and her army of
regulars went sober to bed. But in
the largest tent, Catharine's, things were anything but quiet. 'Nay,
nay' and again I say nay!' she cried, angrily pacing the floor. She
swung about, clapping her bands sharply. 'I shall have no more of your
arguments! Have done, have done; for I will ride tomorrow at the head of my
armies I shall brook no further
objection!' Rod and
Brom exchanged glances. Tuan's
face was beet-red with anger, frustration, and worry. 'Begone,' snapped
Catharine, and turned her back. Reluctantly, the three men bowed, and filed out
of the tent. 'What she will, she will,' Brom growled. 'We three must guard her,
then, and leave the plan of the battle to Sir Mans.' 'That's
one sure road to defeat,' Rod growled. 'His way of running a battle is as
outdated as the phalanx.' Brom
sighed and rubbed his eyes. 'But as I have said, I will die by her. Yet mayhap
we shall live, for I have a slight plan.' He
stumped away into the darkness before they could question him, from which Rod
inferred that his 'plan' was limited to buoying up Rod's and Tuan's spirits by
insinuating that there was yet hope. 'We
shall die in her defense,' Tuan whispered, drawn and pale. 'Yet when we are
gone, she will die too, and for that I am loath.' He spread his hands
helplessly. 'But what can I do?' 'Well .
. .' Rod pursed his lips, and looked back over his shoulder at the lighted
tent. 'I know one way to make sure she won't ride tomorrow. ... 'Tell
it, then!' Tuan's face lit with frantic eagerness. 'Make sure she won't be able
to sit down in the morning.' Tuan stared. A slow flush crept into his face,
then drained away, leaving him pale and trembling. 'What . . . dost. . . thou
mean?' His voice was choked and threatening. He lifted a clenched, trembling
fist. Rod
looked at him, frowned. 'Why, spank her. Smack her so hard she'll have to stand
till next Sunday. How else would you do it?' Tuan's
fist slowly dropped; the color came back to his face in a blush. 'Oh,' he said,
and turned away. 'I' truth,' he said, "twould be well done.' 'It's
that, or let her die.' Tuan
nodded, life coming back to him. He turned to the Queen's tent, paused a
minute, then squared his shoulders. 'That
shall I do, then. Pardon me, friend Gallowglass, for my anger; for a moment I
had thought you meant.., something else.' He took
a deep breath and stepped off briskly toward the tent. He
paused at the entrance, nodded at the guards, squared his shoulders again, and
marched in. Rod
smiled, amused. 'And I thought I had a dirty mind!' He
chuckled, shaking his head, and turned toward the witches' campfires,
reflecting that Tuan's years in the House of Clovis had taught him a lot about
life. Gwendylon
materialized out of the darkness (literally). She smiled shyly. 'What amuses my
lord?' Rod
grinned, caught her by the waist, and swung her up for a kiss, a warm kiss, and
lasting. 'My
lord!' she said, blushing prettily, patting her hair back into place. The
night breeze wafted a sudden slapping sound to them, accompanied by squeals and
cries. The
guards at the tent jerked bolt upright, then swung to-ward the tent. One put up
a hand to swing aside the cloth of the doorway; but the second caught the hand
and cried, 'Does your Majesty require aid?' Stay
out!' squealed an agonized voice. 'On pain of your life, do not enter!' The
sentries exchanged puzzled looks, then shrugged and turned back to their posts,
albeit with some nervous looks over their shoulders. The
squeals became muffled, then turned into sobs. The slapping sounds ceased. Then
all was still. Rod
looked down at Gwen. 'What are you grinning about?' She
looked up at him out of the corner of her eyes. 'I ha' told you, my lord, that
I can hear all thoughts but yours.' 'Oh?' 'Aye.
And there are most goodly thoughts in that tent at this moment.' The
lights in the tent went out. Gwendylon
giggled and turned away. 'Come, my lord. 'Twould be most improper to listen
further. Come. Thou must be early abed this night.' 'Waken,
Rod Gallowglass!' Something
jarred his shoulder. Rod
growled and levered his eyes open. 'What the hell do you think...' He
stopped as he saw the look on Brom's face. 'Aye,'
Brom growled.. 'Now robe thyself and come with me.' 'I
don't sleep naked on battle nights,' Rod growled, and rose very carefully, so
as not to disturb Gwendylon. His
face softened for a moment as he looked down at her. He touched his lips to her
cheek. She stirred, murmured in her sleep, and smiled. Then he
rose, his face hardening. Brom
was already striding away through the chill pre-dawn mist, beckoning curtly. 'All
right, what's happened?' Rod growled as he caught up with Brom. 'Nay,
be still!' Brom snapped, and was silent till they had climbed the hillside far above
the tents. Then he
swung on Rod and. snapped, 'Now tell me! Dost thou love her?' Rod's
face emptied. Then he
said, softly, 'You woke me just to ask that?' 'It is
of some importance to me,' Brom snapped. 'Dost thou love her!' Rod
folded his arms, leaning back on one hip. 'Just what the hell business is it of
yours? What right have you to know my soul?' Brom
looked away, his face working; and when he spoke, the words seemed almost
dragged out of him. 'She is
my daughter, Rod Gallowglass.' He glanced
up at Rod's stunned face, and a sardonic gleam came into his eye. 'Aye. Thou
scarce can credit it, canst thou?' He
turned away, looking out over the valley. His voice softened with memory and
musing. 'She
was naught but a servant wench in the King's halls, Rod Gallowglass - yet I
loved her. She was small, scarce half the height of another woman, yet still a
head taller than I. And mortal, much too mortal 'And
she was beautiful, ah, so beautiful! And, strange though it may seem, highly
desired by the men of the court. And yet' -
Brom's voice took on a tone of wonder and awe - 'yet she loved me. She alone,
of all women living, elf or mortal, saw me not as dwarf, elf, or Prince - but
only as a man. 'And
desired me... 'And loved me...' He
broke off, shaking his head in wonder. He
sighed. 'I loved her, Rod Gallowglass, I loved her only, and begat a child
within her.' His
face darkened. He locked his hands behind his back and scowled at the ground.
'When she proved by child, and her time grew apace, and she would soon be so
swollen that all would know, and would shame her with cruel jests, though we
were wed, I sent her away to the wild wood, to my people. And there, midwived
by elves and leprechauns, she birthed a beautiful, laughing, part-elven child.' His
eyes misted over. He lifted his head, staring through Rod. 'She died. When her
daughter was aged of two years, she died of a chili. And we buried her there,
'neath a tree in the forest. And yearly I come there.... His
eyes focused on Rod again. 'But I had, still, the child.' He
turned away, restless. 'Yet what should I do? Raise her near me, and have her
know her father for a gnarled thing, and the butt of bad jests? Raise her to
shame of me? 'She
was raised in the woods, therefore, knowing her mother's grave and the elves,
but never her father.' Rod
started to protest, but Brom waved him silent. 'Be still! 'Twas better so!' He
turned slowly, murder in his eyes. 'As 'tis still. And if ever she learns of it
from thee, Rod Gallowglass, I'll hale out thy tongue by its roots, and lop off
thy ears.' Stone-faced,
Rod studied him, and found nothing to say. 'And
therefore, now tell me!' Brom slammed his fists against his hips, and lifted
his chin, 'For know this: half mortal am I, and may therefore be slain, and it
may be that this day I shall die.' His
voice lowered. 'So tell me, tell a poor, anxious father, an thou wilt: dost
thou love my child?' 'Yes,'
Rod said, low. Then, 'So it was no accident that I met her on my ride south?' Brom
smiled, sourly. 'Nay, of course not. Couldst thou ever have thought that it
was?' The
east was reddening, embarrassed with dawn, and the mist lifting as Rod rode
into the beggars' camp to waken them. But
Tuan was there before him, going from pallet to pallet, shaking the beggars
awake. A soldier was with him, placing a mug of hot mulled wine by each pallet. Tuan
looked up, saw Rod, and came up to him with arms outstretched and a grin a yard
wide. He
clapped Rod on the shoulder, gripped his hand in a crushing
shake. There was a deep, almost intoxicated quiet content in his eyes. 'My
thanks, friend Rod,' he said simply. 'Dost thou wish my life! Thou mayst have
it! Such is the debt that I owe.' Rod
smiled slyly. 'So you made double sure, did you? Well, all the better.' Tuan
seemed to have things well in hand in the beggars' camp, so Rod turned Fess's
steps toward the witches' lines. All was
in good order there; the baskets with ropes and harnesses stood ready; and the
morning brew was passing from hand to hand. It was a potent beverage, something
like concentrated tea with a touch of brandy, and served much the same purpose:
a stimulant4 to bring the witch powers to their peak. Elves
were underfoot everywhere about the camp, distributing good-luck tokens and
preventive-magic charms to all who would take them. Witches or no witches, the
little folk argued, it never hurt to be sure. The charms could do no harm, and
they might... There
was nothing for Rod to do there, either, so he rode in search of Gwendylon. He found
her seated in the midst of a knot of witches, old ones, as Gramarye witches
went; they must have been into their twenties. Gwendylon
seemed to be explaining something to them with great earnestness, marking
diagrams in the dust with a pointed stick. They were hanging on her words as
though every syllable might mean life or death. It
didn't look like a good time to interrupt. Rod
turned and rode through a maze of scurrying forms, cooking smells, clamor of
voices and discordant bugle calls, out past the pickets into Breden Plain. The
first rays of sunlight slanted through the meadow now, burning away the last
tatters of mist. The long grass was moist and chill with the dew, the sky clear
and blue. , And the
glitter of spear-points flashed from the south verge of the field. Sun gleamed
off burnished armor. The wind blew him the metallic din, the horse-cries, and
the mutter of a war-camp awaking. The councillors, too, were awake early. Hooves
approaching: Rod turned to see a page pelting across the meadows toward him. 'How
now, my lad?' Rod called, grinning and waving for appearances. 'Thou
must come to the Queen, Master Gallowglass,' the page gasped, out of breath, as
he clutched at -Rod's stirrup. 'My Lord O'Berin and the Lords Loguire are there
already before you. 'Tis a council of war!' The
council of war was quickly over, no more than a summary of existent plans, and
a brief prayer, plus the news that Catharine wouldn't ride after all. Rod had
noticed that Catharine had stood through the meeting. Then
they were up and away, each to his station: Sir Mans to the center, old Duke
Loguire to the right flank, and Rod to the left flank. Brom would stay high on
the hillside with Catharine and Gwendylon, to direct the whole battle, an
innovation Rod had recommended, and which Brom had accepted without
reservation: the little man was a mighty fighter, but his legs weren't long
enough to hold his seat in a joust. Tom,
offered the option of fighting with the beggars or staying by Rod, had chosen
the latter option, probably because he wanted to be in the thick of the battle. Tuan.
of course, would stay with his beggars. As Tuan
swung into the saddle, Catharine stopped him with a hand on his knee. Rod saw
her tie a veil of silk about Tuan's upper arm. Then
her hands lifted to him, pleading. Tuan caught them and pressed them to his
mouth, bowed to kiss her lips, then wheeled his horse away, rode perhaps ten
yards forward, then wheeled again. They
stood frozen a moment, the young Queen and the white knight. Then Tuan reared
his horse, pivoted, and galloped after his ragtag-and-patchwork troops. Rod
smiled covertly. 'The
time to feel smug is not yet, Rod,' Fess reminded him. Rod
made a face. 'Who do you think you are, Pinocchio's Cricket?' He
turned back for one last look at Gwendylon, standing near the Queen's tent;
then he rode for the left flank. He was
the only horseman who rode without armor. It was
full, 14th-century plate armor, on both sides of the field; but the Southern
armor was massed together in a solid, glaring
wall, while Catharine's knights were spaced out, twenty yards apart, over the
length of the enemy line. Yes,
there are a few holes, Rod thought. And the single line of foot soldiers behind
the Queen's knights didn't compare too favorably with the packed masses that
backed the rebel lords. No, it was not a sight to inspire confidence. But the
beggars weren't in sight. Nor, for that matter, were the witches. Or the elves. The
rebels were in for some very unpleasant surprises. At the
southern end of the field, a bugle called. The
rebel knights couched their lances. The
Queen's knights followed suit. There
was a long, straining, pause; then the horses plunged forward. Horses'
hooves muttered and rose to the roar of an avalanche as the two metal lines
fell toward each other. And as
they fell, the North's line drew in upon itself till the knights rode shoulder
to shoulder in the center. A cheer
went up from the rebel line as they saw easy victory coming; it would be easy
for the rebel flanks to sweep around the Northern line and trap the Queen's
forces. The
Queen's knights met the center of the rebel line with a grinding crash. Knights
were unhorsed and blood spurted, but the center of the line held. And
with a victorious roar the rebels swung about to outflank the North. ... The
yell broke into wild screams as the ground fell away beneath their mounts. Knights
and horses floundered in a six-foot trench. The
elves had done a good night's work. The
footmen came running up to their masters' rescue; but now the beggars broke
howling from the trees at the sides of the field, with knife and sword and
bludgeon, and fell on the footmen with extreme good will. Still,
they were vastly outnumbered. But now
the aerial army got into the action. Teams of four levitating, fuzz-cheeked
warlocks supported a swinging basket beneath them and in each basket was a
telekinetic witch. The warlocks fired arrows into the scrimmage at random,
their hands freed by the leather harness at their waists; and pebbles flew out
of their baskets, guided by the witches, to strike with more than enough impact
to stun. Arrows speared up at them out of
the Southern ranks: but the witches deflected them, and sometimes even managed
to turn them back on their owners. The
simple, orderly battle deteriorated into band-to-hand chaos. But the
Southern knights were still overly busy. The Code dictated that only a knight
could fight another knight - a foot soldier could be killed just for trying it,
and Heaven help him if he tried and won! So
Catharine's knights worked their way outward from the center along the rebel
lines, a large percentage of them dying on the way. But the percentage of
rebels was greater, for Catharine, like her father before her, had seen fit to
give her knights a little extra in the way of training. Toby,
the young warlock, suddenly appeared in the air just above Rod. 'Master
Gallowglass! The Duke Loguire is sorely pressed; you must come to him!' He
disappeared as abruptly as he bad come. It might not have been the greatest
form of military communication, but it was better than the rebels had. Rod
dispatched his current preoccupation with a parry and a thrust between
breastplate and helmet and backed Fess out of the melee. - He ran
around the lines to the other end of the line, where a spindly, armored-clad
form with a glowing sword had just finished cutting its way through the troops
to Loguire. One of the councillors was trying to save the day by eliminating
the leadership. The sword bad a strange, radiant quality. Rod didn't know what
it was, but it was something mighty potent disguised as a sword. Rod
sailed into the ruckus, bulldozing his way through grappling pairs of beggars,
and soldiers, slipping on blood and loose heads. Loguire
saw the blow coming and threw up his shield to ward it off. The councilor's
sword sheared through it silently, but missed Loguire. The old Duke yelled in
pain as the heat was conducted through shield and armor to his skin and
momentarily dropped his guard. The councillor
swung the sword up for the final blow. Fess
slammed full tilt into the councillor's horse. The animal went down and the
councillor went flying with a scream of terror, sword flinging wide from his
grasp. Soldiers
scurried back to be clear when the magic sword fell. Rod,
without the slightest tremor of conscience, wheeled about and trampled the
councillor under Fess's iron hooves. The man gave a bubbling scream, choked
off; and the scream rang ,on in Rod's mind. Now his
conscience began to clamor; but he locked it away till the battle was done. He
whirled about toward the sword, hearing the soldiers gasp 'Witchcraft!' 'No,
just magic,' Rod shouted as he swung down, caught the sword, and remounted.
'That's not so strange, is it?' He
threw the sword to Loguire hilt-first; the old nobleman caught it and saluted
him, and Rod broke out of the lines again. The
battle clamored about him, steel on steel and bone and gristle, no quarter
asked. The locked armies lay in the middle of the field like some great,
pulsing, obscene amoeba. Overhead
the esper-witches turned and wheeled home, no longer able to tell friend from
foe. Rod
charged back and forth through the battle-lines - Fess plowing his way easily
through mere mortal flesh - guarding the three generals and as many knights as
he could, directing the clearing of the wounded when he could, adding the
weight of his - arm to break deadlocks. The
beggars seemed to have the soldiers hopelessly outclassed; this was their kind
of fighting. Many of them were killed, but seldom without having first
accounted for six or more of the enemy, with wooden staves, rusty swords, keen
knives, and total disrespect for age and/or rank. Rod
thought of Karl Marx and winced. Big Tom
had long since gotten lost in the battle. Rod hoped he was all right. Then at
the back of the rebel line, Big Tom rose up roaring 'Tome! Tome!' A
thousand beggars raffled to him and began to chop their way through the
Southern ranks. - The
idea spread; beggar groups sprang up all along the line, and began to press the
amoeba of war in on itself. Big Tom
was hewing his way through to a very definite goal. Rod frowned and stood up in
his stirrups, trying to plot Big Tom's course. There,
in the center of the battle, twenty frantic scarecrows labored furiously to
construct some-sort of machine: a spidery tripod topped by a wasp-waisted
contraption with alien curves. It was the councillors, with their last hope. Rod
rapped with his heels, and Fess leaped - but the robot had responded a touch slow.
With a sense of dread, Rod realized that the strain of battle was beginning to
tell on Fess. The
horse bounded over the beads of the army and plowed through to the force of
councillors, just as Tom broke through from the other side, with only a fraction
of his beggar troops. A long,
lurking moment of silence filled the little circle as the councillors saw their
executors. Then
the councillors howled, drawing back into a tight circle about the machine, the
ferocity of despair in their eyes, their glowing swords leaping out. Tom's
boys circled out around the councillors and closed in. The councillors' swords
were deadly; but they bad to hit to be effective, and the beggars were good at
hitting and getting clear. A lot
of beggars dropped, cut in half; but a lot more lived. They outnumbered the
councillors four to one. They whittled away at the ranks. The
councillors screamed, chopping, and died. In the
center of the circle, Rod could make out one lonely figure still working
frantically at the machine - Durer. Then.,
suddenly, there were only five councillors left. Durer
spun away from the machine with a shriek of despair and lugged something out of
his wallet-pouch. A laser
pistol. Rod
dropped down to Fess's far side, the bulk of the horse between him and the
councillors, knowing that only a head shot could hurt the robot, and snapped
open a hidden panel in his horse's side. In it was his last-ditch defense: the
latest-issue DDT laser pistol. He
fumbled the weapon out, hearing the screams of the beggars as their legs were
sheared off at the knee, and shot around under Fess's neck. His
shot creased Durer's leg. The scarecrow-man clasped his knee and fell, howling. Tom
bellowed. The
beggars stepped in. Oaken staves whirled, knocking the remaining councillors
off their feet. The
staves rose high, poised a moment, and fell with a sickening, moist crunch. "'1 Big Tom
bellowed victorious laughter and scooped up a fallen councillor's sword. Durer
rolled back up to one knee and fired. The red
pencil of light caught Tom in the shoulder. He roared, spinning, and fell. Hall-crawling,
half-leaping, Durer went for him, struggling to get a clear shot. Rod
snapped a shot at him, and missed. - Durer
howled and dove behind a fallen body. Rod
slammed his heels into Fess. 'Quick! Before he can recover to shoot!' The
horse leaped; the laser beam caught it in the belly - a hollow steel belly, no
harm. But the
robot's legs stiffened, its head lolled forward, even while it was in the air. Rod
sprang free as Fess landed, crumpled, rolled. Rod rolled too, came up to see
Durer, risen to one knee, level the pistol at him. Tom's
huge body smashed into him. Durer
caromed away, pistol flying wide from his hand. The same had happened to Rod's.
He cast about him, frantically searching. Tom
rolled, came to his feet, lurched after Durer, catching up a fallen
councillor's sword. . . and tripped over a body. Quick
as an eel, Durer was up, catching Tom's fallen sword, chopping down... Rod
dove. His
shoulder caught Durer in the belly, whipped the little man around; the sword
landed harmlessly in the earth. Durer
leaned on the sword, kept his feet, and swung the sword up, turning to Rod. Rod
rolled to his knees, saw the sword coming.... Tom bellowed, slammed into Rod, striking
him out of the sword's path. - The
glowing sword fell, shearing off Tom's shoulder and a third of his rib cage. Rod
screamed as he rolled to his feet and swung around. His arm locked around
Durer's throat, his knee came up into the small of the back. Something snapped. Durer
screamed arid went limp, screaming still, the sword falling from his fingers. Rod
threw him down. Still
screaming, the scarecrow groped for the sword. Rod
dropped to his knee and chopped down. The
callused edge of his hand smashed larynx and vertebrae. Durer
gurgled, convulsed, and lay still. Rod
stood, gasping, and turned, to see Tom's shoulder pumping blood in great gouts,
the big man's face contorted in a silent grimace. Rod was
down again, groping frantically in the welter of blood and spare bodies. He came
up with the laser pistol and swung back to Tom. The remaining beggars lurched
forward, too slow', before they could reach him, Rod pulled the trigger and,
holding it down, sliced off another half-inch along Tom's wound. Tom screamed. Then
they were on Rod, mauling and clubbing. 'Nay!'
Tom rasped, a sickening parody of his former bellow. 'Fools, let him be! Do y'
not see! He stopped the blood!' He sank
back as the grasping hands hesitated, then loosened. Rod limped back to him,
bruised on face and body, rubbing the worst of them - his scarcely-healed
shoulder. He sank
to one knee by the gasping hulk of a man, face still wrenched with pain. The
stink of cauterized flesh filled his head. Tom
forced his eyes open a fraction and tried to grin. 'Twas. - . well meant. . .
master. Two minutes ago, it.. might ha' saved me.' Rod
jerked off his cloak, balled it up, thrust it under Tom's head. 'Lie back and
rest,' he growled through a tight throat. 'You're a healthy hunk, you'll make
it. You haven't lost all that much blood.' 'Nay,'
Tom panted, 'too much. .. lost. And the. . - body's shock.,.' His
face twisted with a spasm of pain. Rod turned away to Fess, slapped the reset
switch and fumbled in one of the horse's hidden pockets for an ampul. He
limped back to Tom, slapped the ampul against the burned flesh. Tom
relaxed with a huge sigh as the anesthetic took hold. 'My thanks, master,' he
murmured weakly. 'Thou hast given me, at least, painless death.' 'Don't
talk that way.' Rod's face was frozen. 'There's many a roll in the hay for you
yet.' 'Nay
master.' Tom shook his head, closing his eyes. 'My time is nigh.' 'You're
not going to die. You'll leave me in your debt if you do. I won't have it.' 'A pox
on What thou wilt or wilt not!' Tom spat, with a touch of life again. 'I am not
thine to command or deny now, lordling. He who now bath me in thrall is far
more puissant than thou, and will one day command thee also.' He
sagged back on the pillow, heaving gasps of air. Rod
knelt silent by his side. Tom's
remaining hand groped over his belly to catch Rod's forearm. 'Aye, thou'rt now
in my debt, though 'twas not of my choice.' 'Not
your choice?' Rod scowled. 'What are you talking about? You saved my life!' 'Aye,
and thereby lost my own. But I would never ha' done so with a clear head.' 'Clear
head?' 'Aye.
In battle, one sees and one does, whatever comes first to mind. Twas thee, or
living my life longer to serve the House of Clovis; and in the heat of the
battle I chose thee, in my folly!' He was
silent a moment, breathing hoarsely, then his hand tightened again. 'Yet while
I die, thou wilt live in my debt! And what thou canst not pay to me, thou must
pay to my people.' Rod
tried to draw his hand back. 'No!' 'Aye!' Tom's
eyes flew wide, glaring, angrily. ''Tis the payment I demand! Thy life for
mine, thy life spent here on Gramarye, to work for the good of my people!' 'I'm
not my own master...' 'Nay,
thou art.' Tom sank back, weary. 'Thou art, and if thou knowest it not, thou'rt
true fool.' 'The
price is too high, Tom. My death in battle, yes, gladly. But living here, all
my days, I cannot. I too serve a dream ''Twas
my choice, also,' Tom sighed, 'the dream or the man. Nay, then, choose what
thou wilt.' 'I'm
under a geas . . 'Then
my geas also is on thee, freeing thee from the other. Thou must serve me and
mine now.... The
dying face darkened. 'I had thought I knew what was best for them. . . but now,
as all darkens about me...' He
heaved up suddenly, body wracked with a spasm, coughing blood. Rod threw his
arms about the big man, holding him up. The
spasm passed. Tom clutched weakly at Rod's arm, gasping. 'Nay, then. . . thy
mind is. . . clearer.. - thou must decide . . 'Be
still,' Rod pleaded, trying to lower him again. 'Don't waste what little life
is left-' 'Nay!'
Tom clutched at him. 'Let me speak! Espers Tribunal.. . they'll make it. . .
work... We... fight them... here.. .inthe. ..' 'Be
still,' Rod pleaded. 'Save your breath, I know what you're saying.' Tom
craned his neck to look up at him. 'You. . .?' Rod nodded. 'Yes. You told me
the last little bit I needed, Just now. Now lie down.' Tom
sagged in his arms. Rod lowered him gently, letting his head rest on the
blood-soaked cape. Tom lay
panting. 'Tell me . . . I must know. . . if you know...' 'Yes, I
know,' Rod murmured. 'The DDT will win out. You can only fight it back here.
And you fight each other as well.' 'Aye.'
Tom nodded, a barely perceptible movement. 'Thou must
decide. . . now. . . and. . . master...' He
mumbled, too soft to hear, and labored for another breath, eyes opening,
anxious. Rod
bent forward, putting his ear to Tom's lips. 'Don't
die for. . - a dream.. Rod
frowned. 'I don't understand.' He
waited, then said, 'What do you mean, Tom?' There
was no answer. Rod
straightened slowly, looking down at the vacant eyes, the loose mouth. He
touched the base of the throat, the jugular. He let
his fingertips rest there long minutes, then slowly reached up to close the
man's eyes. He
stood, slowly, and turned away, his eyes not seeing. Then, slowly, his eyes
focused. He looked around at the stating, pathetic beggars, their eyes fixed on
the huge body. A
slight, slender shape stepped hesitantly into the ring. 'M-master Gallowglass?' Rod
turned, saw, and stepped forward as the beggars began to move in, to kneel by
Tom's body. 'Milord.
. .' Toby's face was strangely tragic in its confusion as he looked at the
group of beggars, disturbed without knowing why. 'Milord, they.. . They cry for
quarter, milord. Shall we give it them?' 'Quarter?
Oh, yes. They want to surrender.' Rod nodded, closing his eyes. He
turned and looked at the group of beggars. 'Oh, I don't know. What does Brom
say?' 'My
lord O'Berin says, aye, grant it them, but the Queen says nay. The Lords
Loguire are with Brom.' 'And
still the Queen says nay.' Rod nodded, bitterness tightening his mouth. 'And
they want me to break the deadlock, is that it?' 'Aye,
milord.' The
circle of beggars parted a little. Rod saw Tom's waxen, still face. He
turned to Toby. 'Hell, yes. Give 'em quarter.' The sun
had sunk behind the hills, leaving the sky a pale rose, darkening to the east. The
twelve Great Lords stood, bound in chains, before Catharine. Near
her sat Loguire and Tuan, Brom and Sir Mans. Rod
stood a little distance away, leaning back against Fess, arms folded, chin sunk
on his breast. The old
Duke Loguire's head was also bowed, deep misery in his eyes, for his son Anselm
stood a pace in advance of the rest of the lords, directly before the Queen. Catharine
held her head high, eyes shining with triumph and pride, face flushed with the
joy of her power. Rod
looked at her and felt ~twist of disgust in his belly; her arrogance had
returned with her victory. At a
sign from Brom O'Berin, two heralds blew a flourish. The trumpets whirled away
from their lips, and a third herald stepped forward, loosening a scroll. 'Be it
known to all by these presents, that on this day the miscreant vassal, Anselm,
son of Loguire, did rise in most vicious rebellion against Catharine, Queen of
Gramarye, and is therefore liable to the judgment of the Crown, even unto
death, for the crime of high treason!' He
rolled the scroll and slapped it to his side. 'Who speaks in defense of Anselm,
chief of the rebels?' There
was a silence. Then
old Loguire rose. He
bowed gravely to Catharine. She returned his courtesy with a glare, astonished
and angry. 'Naught
can be said in defense of a rebel,' Loguire rumbled. 'Yet for a man who, in the
haste of hot blood, rises to avenge what he may consider to be insults to his
father and house, much may be said; for, though his actions were rash and, aye,
even treacherous, still he was moved by honor, and filial piety. Moreover,
having seen the outcome of rash action, and being under the tutelage of his
duke and his father, might well again realize his true loyalties and duties to
his sovereign.' Catharine
smiled; her voice was syrup and honey. 'You would then, milord, have me enlarge
this man, upon whose head must be laid the deaths of some several thousand,
once again to your protection and discipline; to you who have, as this day has
proved, failed once already in these duties?' Loguire
winced. 'Nay,
good milord!' she snapped, face paling, lips drawing thin. 'Thou hast fostered
rebels against me before, and now seek to do it again!' Loguire's
face hardened. Tuan
half-bolted from his chair, flushed with anger. She
turned to him with a haughty, imperious look. 'Has milord of the beggars aught
to say?' Tuan fought
for calm, grinding his teeth. He straightened and bowed gravely. 'My Queen,
father and son have this day battled valiantly for you. Will you not,
therefore, grant us the life of our son and our brother?' Catherine's
face paled further, eyes narrowing. 'I
thank my father and brother,' said Anselm, in a clear, level voice. 'Be
still!' Catharine fairly shrieked, turning on him. 'Treacherous, villainous,
thrice-hated dog!' Rage
came into the Loguires' eyes; still they held themselves silent. Catherine
sat back in her chair, gasping. clasping the arms tight, that her hands might
not tremble. 'Thou wilt speak when I ask thee, traitor,' she snapped. 'Till
then, hold thy peace!' 'I will
not hold my peace! Thou canst not hurt me more; I will have my say! Thou, vile
Queen, hast determined I shall die, and nothing will sway thee! Why, then, slay
me!' he shouted.
'The penalty for treason is death! I had known much before I rebelled; slay me
and be done with it!' Catharine
sat back, relaxing a trifle. 'He is sentenced by his own mouth,' she said. 'It
is the law of the land that a rebel shall 'The
law of the land is the Queen,' rumbled Brom. 'If she says a traitor shall live
he shall live.' She
spun on him, stating in horror. 'Wilt thou, too, betray me? Will not one of my
generals stand beside me this day?' 'Oh, be
done with it!' Rod stormed, looming up over the throne. 'No, not one of your
generals will support you now, and it seems to me that might give you some
slight hint you're in the wrong. But oh, no, not the Queen! Why hold a trial?
You've already decided he'll die!' He turned away and spat. 'Come on, get this
farce of a trial over with,' he growled. 'Thou
too?' she gasped. 'Wilt thou also defend a traitor, one who bath caused death
to three thousand...' 'You
have caused the death of three thousand,' Rod bellowed. 'A noble man of low
birth lies dead in that field, his right side torn away, the birds pecking at
him, and why? To defend a willful child who sits on a throne, not worth the
life of a beggar! A child who is so poor a queen she gave birth to rebellion!' Catharine
cowered back in her throne, trembling. 'Be still!' she gasped. 'Was it I who
rebelled?' 'Who
was it gave the nobles cause to rebel by too-hasty reforms and too-lofty
manner? Cause, Catharine, cause! There is no rebellion without it; and who but
the Queen has given it?' 'Be
still, oh be still!' The back of her hand to her mouth, as though she would
scream. 'You may not speak so to a Queen!' Rod
looked down at the cowering Queen. His face twisted with disgust. He
turned away. 'Ah, I'm sick to the belly! Let them live; there has been too much
death this day already. Let them live. They'll be loyal, without their.
councillors to needle them. Let them live, let them all live. They're schooled
now, even if you're not.' 'This
cannot be true!' Catharine gasped. 'It is
not!' Tuan stepped forward, his hand going to his sword. 'The Queen gave cause,
aye, but she did not make the rebellion.' Catharine's
eyes leaped up to him with a look of radiant gratitude. 'Speak
truth,' Tuan went on, 'and you may chastise her. But
when you charge her with that which she bath not done' -he shook his head
slowly - 'I cannot let you speak.' Rod
ached to spit in his face. Instead,
he turned again to Catharine, who sat straight again, regaining her haughty
look. 'Do not
forget,' he said, 'that a queen who cannot control her own whims is a weak
queen.' She
paled again, and 'Walk wary!' Tuan snapped. Rage
surged up in Rod, higher and higher as he stood rigid against it, till it broke
some bond within him and drained away, leaving an icy calm and a great clarity,
a clarity in which he saw what he must do and why.. . and what the consequences
to himself must needs be. Catherine
was almost smiling now, smug and haughty again, seeing Rod hesitate at Tuan's
threat. 'Has
more to say, sirrah?' she demanded, lifting her chin. 'Yes,' Rod said between
his teeth. 'What kind of queen is it who betrays her own people?' His
hand whipped out and slapped her. She screamed,
falling back in the chair, and Tuan was on him, fist swinging square into Rod's
face. Rod
ducked under the blow and grappled Tuan to him, shouting 'Fess!' Tuan's
fists slammed into his belly, trip-hammer blows; but Rod held on, seeing the
other generals rushing up. But
Fess got there first. Rod
tried to forget what a nice, clean young kid Tuan was and drove his knee into
Tuan's groin. He let
go and leaped to the saddle as Tuan fell, doubled with pain, rattling in his
throat. Fess
spun and leaped over the heads of the approaching Guardsmen. He
landed and stretched into a gallop. Rod heard Catharine screaming Tuan's name
and grinned savagely. Then
his grin stretched into a silent scream as pain exploded in his wounded
shoulder. Turning,
he saw the nook of a crossbow bolt sticking out of his shoulder. And,
beyond the bouncing shoulder, in the midst of the circle of Guardsmen around
the throne, Catherine bending over Tuan. who knelt, still curled around his
pain, with a Guardsman's crossbow dropping from his hand. I 274 They
came back to a hill overlooking the field as dusk gathered, having run a long
circle through wood and field and waded a mile of stream to hide their trail. Rod
slumped out of the saddle as Fess came to the edge of a grove. He limped to a
large tree and sat, leaning back against the trunk, hidden from eyes in the
field below by the gathering gloom. He
looked down over the glowing fires on the field, listening to the faint sounds
of the victory merry-making. He
sighed and turned to the problem at hand, or more accurately, at shoulder. He
opened his doublet and probed the shoulder gently, wincing with the pain that
he felt even through the anesthetic he'd applied on the run. The
barbed bolt-head seemed buried just in front of collarbone and joint; by some
miracle, it bad missed both bone and artery. There
was a faint puff of air, like a miniature shockwave, and he looked up to see
Gwendylon bending toward him, tears welling from her eyes. 'My lord, my lord!
Art badly hurt?' Rod
smiled and reached up to pull her head down to his. He held her against him for
a good, long time. 'Nay,
then,' she said blushing as she drew away, 'I warrant thou'rt not so sorely
wounded as I had feared.' 'Ah,
lass, lass!' Rod leaned back, cradling her in his arm. 'I was lonely, on that
ride.' 'I'd
ha' come to you sooner, lord,' she said apologetically, 'but I must needs wait
till you'd come to rest. 'Now to
that shoulder.' She took on a brisk, almost businesslike air. ''Twill hurt
some, my lord.' Rod
ground his teeth as she stripped the blood-soaked tunic off his shoulder.
'Bandages in the saddlebag,' he gritted as she finished. She
turned to Fess, brought out the small metal box, frowned. What is this red
cross here, my lord?' 'Just a
symbol,' Rod wheezed. 'Means it's a, uh, healing kit.' She
knelt by his side again, very still. Rod
frowned, wondering what she was doing. Then
pain lanced him again, and he felt the bolt-head receding, withdrawing slowly
along the channel it had cut on its way in, and, seemingly, all of its own
accord. Through
a pain-blurred haze, a random thought burrowed: these
witches were the answer to the surgeon's prayer. The
bolt-head eased itself past his skin, then suddenly whirled spinning through
the air to smash itself against a stone. 'Thus,'
she hissed, 'may I serve all who would harm thee, my lord.' Rod
shivered as he realized the extent of the power he'd been dallying with. She
reached for the bandages. 'No,
no!' Rod touched her arm with his good hand. 'The powder in the silver envelope
first. It'll stop the bleeding.' 'I
would rather use compress of herbs,' she said dubiously. 'But as thou wilt have
it, my lord.' Rod
shuddered as the sulfa bit into him. Then
the pain numbed, and she was winding the bandage. 'It seems you're always
bandaging that shoulder,' Rod muttered. 'Aye,
my lord. I would that thou wert more chary of it.' Someone coughed, somewhat
delicately, nearby. Rod looked up and saw a squat silhouette lurking in the
shadows. Rod's
mouth tightened. 'Well, if it isn't the Atrophied Ajax himself!' Gwendylon
laid a reproving finger gently on his lips. Rod gave a short nod, irritated at
himself; the fingers lifted away. He
beckoned with his good arm. 'Well, come on and join the party, Brom. But be
careful; the fruits of victory are sour tonight.' Brom
came forward, bands locked behind him, head bowed, and sat on a nearby root. Rod
frowned. There was something sheepish, almost furtive, in the dwarf's manner.
'What's eating you?' he growled. Brom
sighed and rested his bands on his knees. 'Thou hast caused me much heartache
this day, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
smiled, one-sided. 'Sounds more like a bellyache. I take it you weren't too
pleased at the way things went?' 'Oh,
nay, I was most enormously pleased! And yet' - Brom rested~ his chin on his
clenched hands, looking sheepish again -'I confess that at first I was somewhat
wroth with thee.' 'You
don't say!' 'Aye;
but that was before I realized your plan.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised one eyebrow. 'But you did figure out what I was up to?' 'Nay. I
grow old, Rod Gallowglass ...' Rod
snorted. 'My
thanks.' Brom inclined his head. 'But 'tis truth; I grow old, and must needs be
shown.' 'And
what were you shown?' 'Oh,
'twas a most touching scene!' Brom smiled with a touch of sarcasm. 'At first
Catharine could but cry, "My love, thou'rt hurt!" and call for
doctors and herbs, till Tuan managed to rise, saying his hurt was but slight;
and then she fell to weeping on his shoulder, the while crying him her lord and
protector and the guard of her honor, and would not be comforted till he'd
swore he would wed her!' Brom's smile softened, 'Aye, 'twas most tender to look
upon.' Rod
nodded wearily, closing his eyes. 'When's the wedding?' 'As
soon as they shall be thrice called in church. Catherine would have had it
right then, but Tuan cried no, that she was Queen and the flower of womanhood,
and must be wed as befitted her estate.' 'A
promising beginning.' 'Oh,
'twas more promising still! For Tuan then turned to the twelve lords and, quoth
he, "And how shall we deal with these?" And Catharine cried,
"Oh, as thou wilt, my lord, as thou wilt! But be done with them right
quickly, and come away!"' 'Very
auspicious,' Rod agreed. 'What did he do with them?' 'Struck
off their chains, and bade them once more take up the care of their demesnes.
But he required of them each a hostage, of twelve years old or less, of their
blood and body and legitimate household, to dwell in the Queen's castle.' Rod
frowned, nodded. 'Should work. He gets a deterrent, and a chance to raise a new
generation very loyal to the throne.' He
leaned back against the rough bark, feeling totally drained. 'Glad it worked.' 'Aye.'
Brom's eyes glowed. 'This land shall stand ever in thy debt, Rod Gallowglass.
Thou hast saved us our Crown, and banished the ghost of a long and full bloody
civil war; and, moreover, thou hast given us a King.' 'And a
Public Enemy No. 1,' Rod said bitterly. A
shadow darkened Brom's face. Rod
lifted an eye to him. 'You must admit that I'm slightly persona non grata.' 'Aye,'
Brom growled, 'Yet ever wilt thou find sanctuary in the land of the elves.' Rod
smiled weakly. 'Thanks, Brom.' 'Yet
tell me!' Brom hunched forward, frowning. 'How is it thou hast come? When all
looked bleak in our land, and hope had been exiled, then did you come, falling
from the skies like an answer to prayer - you, who had no stake in our country.
side, no manor to defend. Our cares were not yours, yet you made them so.' He
thrust his head forward, eyes burning. 'Why hast thou saved us?' Rod's
smile soured. 'For the Dream.' Brom
frowned. 'How...?' Rod
looked up at the stars. He hesitated a moment, then said, 'Fess, record this.' He
turned to Brom, then to Gwendylon, lifting his good arm to point to the sky. 'Look
up there. See those stars? Each one has worlds circling about it, worlds like
this one, where lovers meet and men feud, and kings topple. 'But
most of them are united under one rule, one government - the Decentralized
Democratic Tribunal. And the voice that commands is that of the people
themselves.' 'Nay!'
Brom boomed. 'How can that be?' 'Because
each man's voice can be heard, his opinions adding weight to those of his
fellows. That's the key, communications. You can't have that kind of government
here because your communications are lousy, which is strange, because you've
got the potential for the best system, if you'd just use it.' He
folded his arms and leaned back. 'But they've got bad trouble up there. They're
growing, you see. Every day, at least one new world joins the Tribunal. At that
rate, they'll have reached the limit of their communications. After that,
they'll start running downhill to dictatorship.' 'But
how is this thy concern?' Brom growled. 'I work
for them. I'm the salesman. I'm the boy who goes out and gets new planets ready
for membership... if they want it, which they always do, once they're ready!' 'And
what is this readiness?' Brom smiled, fighting for tolerance. 'Communications,
as I told you, but even more than that, learning. Education.' He
sighed. 'The education, we've got licked. Took a long while, but it's licked.
Communications, though, that's another matter. ''Cause
there's one other ingredient to freedom: a frontier. It prevents a stratified
society - never mind what that is, my Lord O'Berin, King of the Elves - and a
stratified society is another road to totalitarianism. 'So the
Tribunal's got to keep growing. But if it grows much more, slowing
communications will be its death. And I, very personally, don't want that.
Because the Dream has a name, you see - Freedom. That's my Dream. And that's
why Gramarye means so much to me.' Brom
scowled. 'I do not comprehend.' Rod
turned to him, smiling. 'The witches. Their power to hear thoughts. That's the
communications system we need.' He
watched understanding, and a certain dread, dawn in Brom's face, then turned
away. 'We
need them,' he said, 'we need lots of them. Up till now, their numbers have
been growing slowly. But, under Catharine's protection, they'll grow faster;
and from their winning in today's battle, they'll begin to be respected, and
before too long, every parent will be hoping for a witch to be born in the
family. Then their numbers will soar.' Brom
scowled. 'But how is it this world alone, of all the ones you speak of, bath
witches?' 'Because
the men who brought life to this land, your ancestors, who dropped from the
skies, selected only those persons who had at least a trace of witch-power in
them, to come here. They didn't know they had it, it was too little, and hidden
too deeply, to be seen; but as the generations rolled and they married one
another again and again, that little bit grew and grew, until at last a witch
was born.' 'And
when was that?' Brom smiled tolerantly. 'When
the elves appeared. Also the banshees, werewolves, and other supernatural
fauna. Because there's a strange substance on this planet, called witch-moss,
that shapes itself to the forms a witch thinks of. If the witch thinks of an
elf, the moss turns into an elf.' Brom
paled. 'Dost thou say...' 'Don't
feel bad about it, Brom,' Rod said quickly. 'All men • were
once just pulsing blobs floating in the sea it's just that in your remote
ancestor's case, the process was speeded up a trifle, through the witches. And
it was your first ancestor, not you; my guess is that the critter formed out of
the moss is such a
perfect copy, it can breed true - and even cross-breed with mortal men.' He
leaned back and sighed. 'Be proud, Brom. You and your people are the only ones
who can claim to be real native citizens.' Brom
was silent a long moment; then he growled, 'Aye, then, this is our land. And
whet wouldst thou do with it, warlock from the skies?' 'Do?'
Rod cocked an eye. 'Only what you yourself are trying to do, Brom, through the
reforms you've suggested to Catharine. Equality before the law, isn't that your
aim?' 'It is,
aye.' 'Well,
it's mine, too. And my job is to show you the least bloody road to it, which
job I have just finished.' He
scowled, suddenly brooding. Brom
studied him. Gwendylon touched his head, stroking the hair, worried. Rod
looked up at her and tried to smile. He
turned to Brom. 'That's why I fought for Catharine, you see: because she
protects the witches, and because she's a reformer; and so is Tuan, thank
Heaven. 'And
that's why the councillors and the Mocker fought against her.' Brom
scowled. 'I am old, Rod Gallowglass. Show me.' Rod looked up at the stars
again. 'Someday the Tribunal will govern all the stars you can see, and a lot
more that you can't. And almost all the people who live on those worlds will be
witches, because they'll have the blood of Gramarye flowing in their veins. 'How's
that for a laurel wreath, Brom? "Father to a Galaxy..." 'But
some people won't be witches. And because they're not, they'll hate the
witches, and their government, more violently then you can imagine. That kind
is called a fanatic. 'And
they'll go for any system of government, any, as long as it isn't democracy.
And they'll fight democracy with every breath in their bodies.' 'If it
is to be as you say,' growled Brom, 'these men will lose; for how could they
fight so many worlds?' 'They
can't,' Rod answered, 'unless they kill it before it's born.' 'But
how shall they do that? For to kill the witch in the womb, they must come to
the womb, here to Gramarye, and try to.. .why...to slay...' Brom
stared, horrified. 'Catherine,'
Rod finished for him, nodding sourly. 'Right, Brom. The councillors and the
leader cadre of the House of Clovis are somebody's great -great-fifty-times-great-grand.
children.' • 'But
how could that be?' Brom gasped. 'What man can visit his ancestors?' 'They
can. They've got a thing called a time machine. There's one of them hidden
somewhere in the House of Clovis, and another in the haunted tunnels of the
Castle Loguire. 'So
guard those four men in your dungeon very carefully, Brom. They might have a
few surprises in store.' 'Be
assured that I will!' 'And
the councillors are all dead.' Rod leaned back, eyes closing. 'Which nicely wraps
up the report. Send it home, Fess. Oh, and corroborative material: a
description of the time machine, and descriptions of the witches' main tricks -
you know, telekinesis, levitation, telepor-' 'I do
know, Rod,' the robot's voice reminded him. 'Umph.
Some self-effacing retainer you are. Well, send it home.' The
warp transmitter deep within Fess's basketball brain spat a two-second squeal
at the stars. All was
silent a moment then Gwendylon said, hesitantly, 'My lord?' Rod
lifted an eyelid and smiled. 'You shouldn't call me that. But I like it.' She
smiled, shyly. 'My lord, you ha' finished your work here...' Rod's
face darkened. He
turned away, glowering down at the earth. 'Where
will you go now, Rod Warlock?' Brom murmured. 'Oh,
cut it out!' Rod snapped. He
turned away again, sullen. 'I'm not a warlock,' he growled. 'I'm an agent from
a very advanced technology, and as such have a bag of tricks you wouldn't
believe, but they're all cold iron and its breed. I haven't a witch trick to my
name, and I certainly don't have the tiniest shred of witch power.' He
lifted his eyes to the stars again. 'I'm not a warlock, not the
slightest bit, not so much as the meanest of your peasants. I don't belong
here.' He felt
a tearing in him as he said it. 'I
don't belong here. I belong out there, chasing a dream.' He looked down at the
earth and said heavily, 'The men of the Tribunal will tell Fess, and Fess will
tell me. I'll go where they send me.' Brom
was very quiet for a moment. Then he
plucked a blade of grass and tore it between his fingers. 'You are not your own
master, Rod Gallowglass?' 'I
chose this life,' Rod growled. 'I take orders, yes, but I do it voluntarily.' 'A
point,' Brom admitted, 'but a weak one. By choice or not by choice, thou'rt still
enslaved.' 'Yes,'
Rod admitted. 'But some must give up their freedom, so that their children may
have it.' But it
didn't even sound convincing to him. Brom
gusted a sigh and slapped his thighs, standing. He gazed at Rod, his eyes weary
and old. 'If thou
must go, thou must go; a geas is a thing no man can deny. Go on to the stars,
Rod Gallowglass, but be mindful: if ever thou seekest a haven, 'tis here.' He
turned and strode away, down the hillside. Gwendylon sat quietly beside him,
clasping his hand. 'Tell me,' she said after a little while, 'is it only one
dream that takes you away from me?' 'Yes.
Oh, yes.' Rod's hand tightened on hers. 'You sort of blotted out any other
dreams.' She
turned, smiling tremulously, tears glittering on her lashes. 'Then may not I
accompany you to the stars, good my lord?' Rod
clamped down on her hand, throat tightening. 'I wish that you could; but you'd
wither and die there, like an uprooted flower. You belong here, where they need
you. I belong there. It's as simple as that.' 'No.'
She shook her 'head sadly. 'You go not for belonging, but for a geas. But, good
my lord' - she turned, tears flowing now - 'is not my geas as strong as your
dream?' 'Look,'
he said tightly, 'try to understand. A man has to have a dream. That's the
difference between animals and man, a dream.
And a man who's lost his dream is something less than a man, and worthy of no
woman. How could I dare claim you if I wasn't a man? 'A man
has to prove his worth to himself, before he can claim a woman, and the dream
is the proof. As long as he's working for it,
he's got a right to her, because he's worth something. I could stay here and be
very, very happy with you. But in my depths I'd know I didn't deserve you.
Because I'd be a drone, a male with no purpose. How could I father children if
I knew their mother was more valuable to the world than I am?' 'Then
it wouldst be thou who wouldst wither and die?' she murmured. Rod
nodded. 'But
the geas, my lord, if not mine alone, is not Big Tom's geas added to it, and
the old Duke Loguire's enough to balance the geas of the stars?' Rod sat
rigid. 'They
bade you watch over their people,' she murmured. 'And what would become of
them, lord, if these fiends from tomorrow come again? As surely they will, if they
hate as deep as thou say.' Rod
nodded, very slowly. 'And
what of the Dream then, my lord?' she murmured. Rod sat rock-still for a
moment. 'Fess,'
he said quietly. 'Yes,
Rod?' 'Fess,
send them my resignation.' 'Your
what?' 'My
resignation!' Rod snapped. 'And hurry it up!' 'But,
Rod, your duty. . . the honor of your house...' 'Oh,
stuff it! The councillors might be back, Fess, even if we smash the time
machines. They did it once, they can do it again. Send it!' Fess
obediently beeped at the stars. Then,
slowly, Rod's head lolled forward. 'My
lord?' Gwendylon gasped. Rod
raised a hand weakly. 'I'm all right. I've done the right thing, and the one
that'll make me happiest. For the first time in my life, I'm working on my own. 'And
that's it. I've cut myself off. They're not backing me anymore - the house, the
clan, Big Brother watching over me . . 'Thou
hast a house here, lord,' she murmured. 'I
know, I know. And in a little while this'll pass' and I'll be happier than I
ever have been. But now...' He
looked up at her, smiled weakly. 'I'll be all right.' 'Rod,'
Fess murmured. He
lifted his head. 'Yes, Fess?' 'They
have replied, Rod.' Rod
tensed. 'Read it.' 'Report
accepted. Request send coordinates for verifying expedition.' Rod
nodded, mouth twisting back with bitterness. 'Send 'em. Go on.' 'Request
you reconsider resignation. Accept permanent assignment planet Gramarye guard
against further infiltration-subversion.' Rod
straightened, staring. 'What?' 'They
would like to make your chosen position official, Rod,' the robot replied. 'Whet
is it, my lord?' 'They
want me to stay on,' Rod answered mechanically. He turned to her, life
replacing the stunned look. 'They want me to stay on!' • 'Stay
on where, my lord?' she asked, catching the first traces of his enthusiasm. 'Stay
on here!' he bellowed, jumping to his feet and flinging his arm wide to include
the whole planet. 'Here on Gramarye! As an agent! Gwen, I'm free! And I'm
home!' He
dropped to his knees, spinning to face her, bands biting into her shoulders. 'I love
you!' he bellowed. Marry me!' 'At
once and forever, my lord!' she cried, clasping his face in her hands, and the
tears poured. He
grabbed for her, but she held him off with a palm over his lips. 'Nay, my lord.
Only a warlock may kiss a witch.' 'All
right, I'm a warlock, I'm a warlock! Just kiss me, will you?' She
did. He
locked his hands in the small of her back, grinning. 'Hey,' he said, 'is it
true, what they say about farm girls?' 'Aye, my lord.' She lowered her eyes and
began unbuttoning his doublet. 'You'll never be rid of me now.' The End Christopher
Stasheff The
Warlock In Spite of
Toronto Sydney New York PART
asteroid hurtled in from Capricorn, nosed around a G-type sun, swerved off
toward the fifth planet. Such a trajectory is somewhat atypical for asteroids. It
slapped into the planet's gravity net, swooped around the globe three times in
three separate orbits, then stabbed into atmosphere, a glorious shooting star. At a
hundred feet altitude it paused, then snapped to the surface - but only to the
surface. No fireworks, no crater - nothing more drastic than crushed grass. It~
surface was scarred and pitted, blackened by the friction-heat of its fall; but
it was intact. Deep
within its bowels echoed the words that would change the planet's destiny. 'Damn
your bolt-.brained bearings!' The
voice broke off; its owner frowned, listening. The
cabin was totally silent, without its usual threshold hum. The
young man swore, tearing the shock-webbing from his body. He lurched out of the
acceleration chair, balanced dizzily on the balls of his feet, groping till his
hand touched the plastic wall. Steadying
himself with one hand, he stumbled to a panel on the other side of the circular
cabin. He fumbled the catches loose, cursing in the fine old style of galactic
deckhands, opened the panel, pressed a button. Turning, he all but fell back to
the chair. The
soft hum awoke in the cabin again. A slurred voice asked, with varying speed
and pitch, 'Izzz awwl (Hic!) sadizfagtoreee. . . M'lorrrr' Rodney?' 'All
the smooth, glossy robots in the galaxy,' muttered Milord, 'and I get stuck
with an epileptic!' 'Ivv ut
bleeezz m'lorr', thuh c'passsider c'n be-' 'Replaced,'
finished Rodney, 'and your circuits torn out and redesigned. No, thank you, I
like your personality the way it is - except when you pull off a landing that
jam my clavicles loose!' 'Ivy
m'lorrd will vorgive, ad thuh cruzhial momend ovvv blanetfall, I rezeived zome
very zingular radio waves thad-' 'You
got distracted, is that what you're trying to say?' 'M'lorrrd,
id was imberative to analyze-' 'So
part of you was studying the radio waves, and part of you was landing the ship,
which was just a wee bit too much of a strain, and the weak capacitor gave.. .
. Fess! How many times do I have to tell you to keep your mind on the job!' 'M'lorrd
egzbressed a wizh to be like thuh-' 'Like
the heroes of the Exploration Sagas, yes. But that doesn't mean I want their
discomforts.' Fess's
electronic system had almost recovered from the post-seizure exhaustion. 'But,
milord, the concept of heroism implies-' 'Oh,
forget it,' Rodney groaned. Fess dutifully blanked a portion of his memory
banks. Fess
was very dutiful. He was also an antique, one of the few remaining FCC
(Faithful Cybernetic Companion) robots, early models now two thousand years out
of date. The FCC robots had been programmed for extreme loyalty and, as a
consequence, had perished in droves while defending their masters during the
bloody Interregnum between the collapse of the ancient Galactic Union and the
rise of the Proletarian Eclectic State of Terra. Fess (a
name derived from trying to pronounce 'FCC' as a single word) had survived,
thanks to his epilepsy. He had a weak capacitor that, when overstrained,
released all its stored energy in a massive surge lasting several milliseconds.
When the preliminary symptoms of this electronic seizure - mainly a fuzziness
in Fess's calculations - appeared, a master circuit breaker popped, and the
faulty capacitor discharged in isolation from the rest of Fess's circuits; but
the robot was out of commission until the circuit breaker was reset. Since
the seizures occurred during moments of great stress - such as trying to land a
spaceship-cum-asteroid while analyzing an aberrant radio wave, or trying to
protect a master from three simultaneous murderers - Fess had survived the
Interregnum; for, when the Proletarians had attacked his masters, he had fought
manfully for about twenty-five seconds, then collapsed. He had thus become a
rarity - the courageous servant who had survived. He was one of the five FCC
robots still functioning. He was,
consequently, a prized treasure of the d'Armand family - prized as an antique,
but even more for his loyalty; true loyalty to aristocratic families has always
been in short supply. So,
when Rodney d'Armand had left home for a life of adventure and glory - being
the second son of a second son, there hadn't been much else he could do - his
father had insisted on his taking Fess along. Rod had
often been very glad of Fess's company; but there were times when the robot was
just a little short on tact. For instance, after a very rough planetfall, a
human stomach tends to be a mite queasy; but Fess had the bad sense to ask,
'Would you care to dine, m'lord? Say, scallops with asparagus?' Rod
turned chartreuse and clamped his jaws, fighting back nausea. No,' he grated,
'and can the "m'lord" bit. We're on a mission, remember?' 'I
never forget, Rod. Except on command.' 'I
know,' growled his master's voice. 'It was a figure of speech.' Rod
swung his legs to the floor and painfully stood up. 'I could use a breath of
fresh air to settle my stomach, Fess. Is there any available?' The
robot clicked for a moment, then reported, 'Atmosphere breathable. Better wear
a sweater, though.' Rod
shrugged into his pilot's jacket with a growl 'Why do old family retainers
always develop a mother-hen complex?' 'Rod,
if you had lived as long as I have-' '-I'd
want to be deactivated. I know, "Robot is always right." Open the
lock, Fess.' The
double doors of the small air lock swung open, showing a circle of black set
with stars. A chill breeze poured into the cabin. Rod
tilted his face back, breathing in. His eyes closed in luxury. 'Ah, the blessed
breath of land! What lives here, Fess?' Machinery
whirred as the robot played back the electron-telescope tapes they had taken in
orbit, integrating the pictorial data into a comprehensive description of the
planet. 'Land
masses consist of five continents, one island of noteworthy dimensions, and a
host of lesser islands. The continent and the minor islands exhibit similar
flora - equatorial rain forest.' 'Even
at the poles?' 'Within a hundred miles of each pole; the ice
caps are remarkably small. Visible animal life confined to amphibians and a
host of insects; we may assume that the seas abound with fish.' Rod
rubbed his chin. 'Sounds like we came in pretty early in the geologic
spectrum.' 'Carboniferous
Era,' replied the robot. 'How
about that one large island? That's where we've landed, I suppose?' 'Correct.
Native flora and fauna nonexistent. All life-forms typical of Late Terran
Pleistocene.' 'How
late, Fess?' 'Human
historical.' Rod
nodded. 'In other words, a bunch of colonists came in, picked themselves an
island, wiped out the native- life, and seeded the land with Terran stock. Any
idea why they chose this island?' 'Large
enough to support a good-sized population, small enough to minimize problems of
ecological revision. Then too, the island is situated in a polar ocean current,
which lowers the local temperature to slightly below Terran normal.' 'Very
handy; saves them the bother of climate control. Any remains of what might have
been Galactic Union cities?' 'None,
Rod.' 'None!'
Rod's eyes widened in surprise. 'That doesn't fit the pattern. You sure, Fess?' The
developmental pattern of a lost, or retrograde, colony - one that had been out
of touch with Galactic civilization for a millennium or more - fell into three
well-defined stages: first, the establishment of the colony, centered around a
modern city with an advanced technology; second, the failure of communications
with Galactic culture, followed by an overpopulation of the city, which led to
mass migrations to the countryside and a consequent shift to an agrarian,
self-sufficient economy; and, third, the loss of technological knowledge,
accompanied by a rising level of superstition, symbolized by the abandonment
and eventual tabooing of a coal-and-steam technology~, social relationships
calcified, and a caste system appeared. Styles of dress and architecture were
usually burlesques of Galactic Union forms: for example, a small hemispherical
wooden 'hut, built in imitation of the vaulting Galactic geodesic domes. But
always there were the ruins of the city, acting as a constant symbol and a
basis for mythology. Always. 'You're
sure, Fess? You're really, really sure there isn't a city?' 'I am
always certain, Rod.' 'That's
true.' Rod pulled at his lower lip. 'Sometimes mistaken, but never in doubt.
Well, shelve the matter of the city for the time being; maybe it sank in a
tidal wave. Let's just make a final check on the life-forms' being Terran.' Rod
drove head-first through the three-foot circle of the lock, landed in a forward
roll, rose to his knees. He unclipped the guerilla knife from his belt - a
knife carefully designed so that it could not be attributed to any one known
culture - and drew the dagger from its sheath. The
sheath was a slender cone of white metal, with a small knob at the apex. Rod
plucked several blades of grass, dropped them into the sheath, and turned the
knob. The miniature transceiver built into the sides of the sheath probed the
grass with sonics to analyze its molecular structure, then broadcast the data
to Fess, who determined if any of the molecules were incompatible with human
metabolism. If the grass had been poisonous to Rod, Fess would have beamed a
signal back to the sheath, whereupon the white metal would have turned purple. But in
this particular case, the sheath stayed silver. 'That
ties it,' said Rod. 'This is Terran grass, presumably planted by Terrans, and
this is a Terran colony. But where's the city?' 'There
is a large town - perhaps thirty thousand souls - in the foothills of a mountain
range to the north, Rod.' 'Well...'
Rod rubbed his chin. 'That's not exactly what I had in mind, but it's better
than nothing. What's it look like?' 'Situated
on the lower slopes of a large hill, at the summit of which is a large stone
structure, strongly reminiscent of a Medieval Terran castle.' 'Medieval!'
Rod scowled. 'The
town itself consists of half-timbered and stuccoed buildings, with second
stories overhanging the narrow streets - alleys would be a better term - along
which they are situated.' 'Half-timbered!'
Rod rose to his feet. 'Wait a minute, wait a minute! Fess, does that
architecture remind you of anything?' The
robot was silent a moment, then replied, 'Northern European Renaissance.' 'That,'
said Rod, 'is not the typical style of a retrograde colony. How closely do
those buildings resemble Terran Renaissance, Fess?' 'The
resemblance is complete to the last detail, Rod.' 'It's
deliberate then. How about that castle? Is that Renaissance too?' The
robot paused, then said, 'No, Rod. It would appear to be a direct copy from the
German style of the 13th Century A.D.' Rod
nodded eagerly. 'How about styles of dress?' 'We are
currently on the night side of the planet, and were upon landing. There is a
good deal of illumination from the planet's three satellites, but relatively
few people abroad. There
is, however, a small party of soldiers, riding Terran horses. Their uniforms
are - uh - copies of English Beefeaters'.' 'Very
good! Anyone else in the streets?' 'Um. .
. a couple of cloaked men - uh - doublet and hose, I believe and.. . yes, a
small party of peasants, wearing smocks and cross-gartered buskins. . . 'That's
enough.' Rod cut him off. 'It's a hodgepodge, a conglomeration of styles.
Somebody has tried to set up his idea of the ideal world, Fess. Ever hear of
the Йmigrйs?' The
robot was silent a moment, mulling through his memory banks. Then he began to
recite: 'Malcontents
abounded toward the end of the 22nd Century A.D. Bored with their "lives
of quiet desperation," people turned primarily to mysticism, secondarily
to escapist literature and entertainment. Gradually the pseudo-Medieval became
the dominant entertainment form. 'Finally,
a group of wealthy men pooled their funds to buy an outmoded FTL liner and
announced to the world that they were the Romantic Йmigrйs, that they intended
to reestablish the glory of the Medieval way of life on a previously
uncolonized planet, and that they would accept a limited number of emigrants in
the capacities of serfs and tradesmen. 'There
were, of course many more applicants than could be accommodated. Emigrants were
selected "for the poeticness of their souls'' -whatever that may mean.~ 'It
means they loved to listen to ghost stories,' said Rod. 'What happened?' 'The
passenger list was swiftly completed. The thirteen tycoons who had organized
the expedition 3nnounced that they thereby rejected their surnames and adopted
instead the family names of great Medieval aristocrats - Bourbon, di Medici,
and so forth. 'Then
the ship departed, with its destination carefully unspecified, so that there
would be "no contamination from the materialist world". Nothing more
was ever heard of them.' Rod
smiled grimly. 'Well, I think we've just found them. How's that set with your
diodes?' 'Quite
well, Rod. In fact, a statistical analysis of the probability of this being the
Йmigrйs' colony reveals the following-' 'Skip
it,' Rod said quickly. Statistics was Fess's hobby; given half a chance, he
could bore you for hours. Rod
pursed his lips and eyed the section of the hull that housed Fess's brain.
'Come to think of it, you might send the statistics back to SCENT with our
educated guess that we've found the Йmigrйs' colony. Might as well get at that
right now-, I'd like them to know where we are in case anything happens.' SCENT,
the Society for the Conversion of Extraterrestrial Nascent Totalitariamsms, was
the organization responsible for seeking out the lost colonies. The Proletarian
Eclectic State of Terra had shown remarkably little interest in any colony that
was lacking in modern technology-, so that the lost colonies had stayed lost
until the totalitarian rule of PEST had
been overthrown by DDT, the Decentralized Democratic Tribunal. DDT had quickly
consolidated its rule of Terra, governing in accordance with the
almost-unattainable goals of Athenian democracy. It had
long been known that the inefficiency of democratic governments was basically a
problem of communication and prejudice. But, over a period of two centuries,
DDT cells had functioned as speakeasy schoolrooms, resulting in total literacy
and masters' degrees for seventy-two percent of the population; prejudice had
thus joined polio and cancer on the list of curable diseases. The problems of
communication had been solved by the development, in DDT laboratories, of
sub-molecular electronics, which had lowered the bulk and price of electronic
communication gear to the point where its truly extensive use became practical
for the first time. Every individual was thus able to squawk at his Tribune at
a moment's notice; and, being educated, they tended to do a lot of squawking
just on general principles - all very healthy for a democracy. Squawking
by radio had proved singularly effective, due largely to an automatic record of
the squawk. The problems of records and other bureaucratic red tape had been
solved by red oxide audio recording tape, with tracks a single molecule in
width, and the development of data-retrieval systems so efficient that the
memorization of facts became obsolete. Education thus became exclusively a
training in concepts, and the success of democracy was assured. After
two centuries of preparing such groundwork, the DDT revolution had been a mere
formality. But
revolutionaries are always out of place when the revolution is over, and are
likely to prove an embarrassing factor to the police forces of the new
government. Therefore,
DDT had decided not to be selfish; rather, they would share the blessings of
democracy with the other remnants of the old Galactic Union. But democrats
are seldom welcome on planets run by totalitarian governments, and scarcely
more welcome on planets where anarchy prevails - this due to the very nature of
democracy, the only practical compromise between totalitarianism and anarchy. What
was needed was a permanent organization of revolutionaries, subversive
republican democrats. Since there was a large supply of out-of-work
revolutionaries on hand, the organization was quickly formed, and christened
the Society for the Conversion of Extraterrestrial Totalitarianisms. The
'Nascent' was added a century later, when all the known inhabited planets had
been subverted and had joined DDT. The old revolutionaries were still a
problem, the more so since there were more of them so they were sent out singly
to find the Lost Colonies. Thus
was formed SCENT, the organization whose mission it was to sniff out the
backward planets and put them on the road to democracy. Since
Rod had found a medieval planet, he would probably have to foster the
development of a constitutional monarchy. Rod,
born Rodney d'Armand (he had five middle names, but they make dull reading) on
a planet inhabited exclusively by aristocrats and robots, had joined SCENT at
the tender age of eighteen. In his fourteen years of service, he had grown from
a gangling, ugly youth to a lean, well-muscled, ugly man. His
face was aristocratic; you could say that for it - that, and no more. His
receding hairline gave onto a flat, sloping forehead that ran up against a
brace of bony brow-ridges, somewhat camouflaged by bushy eyebrows. The eyebrows
overhung deep sockets, at the back of which were two, somewhat hardened gray
eyes - at least Rod hoped they looked hardened. The eye
sockets were thresholded by high, flat cheekbones, divided by a blade of nose
that would have done credit to an eagle. Under the cheekbones and nose was a
wide, thin-lipped mouth which, even in sleep, was twisted in a sardonic smile.
Under the mouth was a square jawbone and a jutting chin. Rod
would have liked to say that it was a strong face, but it tended to soften
remarkably when/if a girl smiled at it. Dogs and children had the same effect,
with a great deal more frequency. He was
a man with a Dream. (There had been a Dream Girl once, but she was now one with
his callow youth.) - Dream of one unified Galactic government (democratic, of
course). Interstellar communications were still too slow for~ a true democratic
federation; the DDT was actually a loose confederation of worlds, more of a
debating society and service organization than anything else. But
adequate communication methods would come along some day, Rod was sure of that,
and when they did, the stars would be ready. He would see to that. 'Well,
let's be about our business, Fess. No telling when someone might wander by and
spot us.' Rod swung up and into the air lock, through and into the cabin again.
He went to the plate in the wall, released the catches. Inside was a control
panel; above this was a white metal sphere with a dull finish, about the size
of a basketball. A massive cable grew out of the top of the sphere and
connected to the wall of the shop. Rod
unscrewed the connection, released the friction clamp that held the sphere in
place, and carefully lifted it out. 'Easy,'
Fess's voice said from the earphone implanted in the bone behind Rod's right
ear. 'I'm fragile, you know.' 'A
little confidence, please,' Rod muttered. The microphone in his jawbone carried
his words to Fess. '1 haven't dropped you yet, have I?' 'Yet,'
echoed the robot. Rod
cradled the robot 'brain' in the crook of one arm, leaving one arm free to
negotiate the air lock. Outside again, he pressed a stud in the side of the
ship. A large door lifted from the side of the pseudo-asteroid. Inside, a great
black horse hung from shock webbing, head between its forelegs, eyes closed. Rod
pressed a button; a crane extended from the cargo space. The horse swung out on
the crane, was lowered till its hooves touched the ground. Rod twisted the
saddlehorn, and a panel in the horse's side slid open. Rod
placed the brain inside the panel, tightened the clamp and the connections,
then twisted the saddlehorn back; the panel slid shut. Slowly the horse raised
its head, wiggled its ears, blinked twice, gave a tentative whinny. 'All as
it should be,' said the voice behind Rod's ear. The horse champed at the bit.
'If you'll let me out of this cat's cradle, I'll check the motor circuits.' Rod
grinned and freed the webbing. The horse reared up, pawing the air, then sprang
into a gallop. Rod watched the robot run, taking a good look at his
surroundings in the process. The
asteroid-ship had landed in the center of a meadow, shaggy with summer grass,
ringed by oak, hickory, maple, and ash. It was night, but the meadow was
flooded with the light of three moons. The
robot cantered back toward Rod, reared to a halt before him. Forehooves thudded
on the ground; the great indigo eyes turned to look at Rod, the ears pricked
forward. 'I'm
fit,' Fess reported. Rod
grinned again. 'No sight like a running horse.' 'What,
none?' 'Well,
almost none. C'mon, let's get the ship buried.' Rod
pressed studs on the side of the ship; the cargo hatch closed, the air lock
sealed itself. The ship began to revolve, slowly at first, then faster and
faster as it sank into the ground. Soon there was only a crater surrounded by a
ring-wall of loam, and the roof of the asteroid curving three feet below. Rod
pulled a camp shovel from Fess's saddlebags, unfolded it, and bent to his task.
The horse joined in, flashing out with its heels at the ring-wall. In ten
minutes the wall had been reduced to six-inch height; there was a large mound
of earth in the center, twenty feet across and two feet high. 'Stand
back.' Rod drew his dagger, twisted the hilt 180 degrees, pointed the haft at
the earth-mound. A red light lanced out; the loam glowed cherry red, melted,
and flowed. Rod
fanned the beam in a slow arc over the whole of the filled-in crater till the
soil had melted down a foot below ground level He shoveled the rest of the
ring-wall into the hole, making a slight mound, but the next rain would take
care of that. 'Well,
that's it,' Rod wiped his brow. 'Not
quite.' Rod
hunched his shoulders; there was a sinking feeling in his belly. 'You
have still to assume clothing appropriate to this society and period, Rod.' Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. 'I took
the precaution of packing a doublet in my left-hand saddlebag while you were
testing the grass, Rod.' 'Look.'
Rod argued, 'my uniform will do well enough, won't it?' 'Skintight
trousers and military boots will pass, yes. But a pilot's jacket could not
possibly be mistaken for a doublet. Need I say more?' 'No, I
suppose not.' Rod sighed. He went to the saddlebag. 'The success of the mission
comes first, above and before any considerations of personal comfort, dignity,
or - hey!' He stared at something long and slender, hanging from the saddle. 'Hey
what, Rod?' Rod
took the strange object from the saddle - it had a handle on one end, he
noticed, and it rattled - and held it up where Fess could see it. 'What
is this?' 'An
Elizabethan rapier, Rod. An antique sidearm, a sort of long knife, designed for
both cutting and thrusting.' 'Sidearm.'
Rod eyed the robot as if doubting his sanity. 'I'm supposed to wear it?' 'Certainly,
Rod. At least, if you're planning to adopt one of your usual covers.' Rod
gave a sign appropriate to a Christian martyr and pulled the doublet from the
saddlebag. He wriggled into it and belted the rapier to his right side. 'No,
no, Rod! Belt it to your left side. You have to cross-draw it.' 'The
things I go through for the sake of democracy. . Rod
belted the rapier to his left hip. 'Fess, has it ever occurred to you that I
might be a fanatic?' 'Certainly,
Rod. A classic case of sublimation.' 'I
asked for an opinion, not an analysis,' the man growled. He looked down at his
costume. 'Hey! Not bad, not bad at all!' He threw his shoulders back, lifted
his chin, and strutted. The gold and scarlet doublet fairly glowed in the
moonlight. 'How do you like it, Fess?' 'You
cut quite a figure, Rod.' There was, somehow, a tone of quiet amusement in the
robot's voice. Rod
frowned. 'Needs a cape to top it off, though.' 'In the
saddlebag, Rod.' 'Think
of everything, don't you?' Rod rummaged in the saddlebag, shook out a
voluminous cloak of the same electric blue as his uniform tights. 'The
chain passes under the left armpit and around the right-band side of the neck,
Rod.' Rod
fastened the cloak in place and faced into the wind, the cloak streaming back
from his broad shoulders. 'There,
now! Ain't I a picture, though?' 'Like a
plate from a Shakespeare text, Rod.' 'Flattery
will get you a double ration of oil.' Rod swung into the saddle. 'Head for the
nearest town, Fess. I want to show off my new finery.' 'You
forgot to seed the crater, Rod.' 'What?
Oh! Yeah.' Rod pulled a small bag from the right-hand saddlebag and sprinkled
its contents over the circle of raw earth. 'There! Give it a light rainstorm
and two days to grow, and you won't be able to tell it from the rest of the meadow.
Let's hope nobody comes this way for two days, though....' The
horse's head jerked up, ears pricked forward. 'What's
the matter, Fess?' 'Listen,'
the robot replied. Rod
scowled and closed his eyes. Distant,
blown on the wind, came youthful shouts and gay laughter. 'Sounds
like a bunch of kids having a party.' 'It's
coming closer,' Fess said softly. Rod
shut his eyes and listened again. The sound was growing louder.., He
turned to the northeast, the direction the sound seemed to be coming from, and
scanned the horizon. There were only the three moons in the sky. A
shadow drifted across one of the moons. Three more followed it. The
laughter was much louder now. 'About
seventy-five miles per hour,' Fess murmured. 'What?' 'Seventy-five
miles per hour. That's the speed at which they seem to be approaching.' 'Hmmm.'
Rod chewed at his lower lip. 'Fess, how long since we landed?' 'Almost
two hours, Rod.' Something
streaked by overhead. Rod looked up. 'Ah, Fess?' 'Yes,
Rod.' 'They're
flying, Fess.' There
was a pause. 'Rod, I
must ask you to be logical. A culture like this couldn't possibly have evolved
air travel yet.' 'They
haven't. They're flying.' Another
pause. 'The
people themselves, Rod?' 'That's
right.' Rod's voice held a note of resignation. 'Though I'll admit that one who
just flew over us seemed to be riding a broomstick. Not too bad-looking,
either. Matter of fact, she was stacked like a Las Vegas poker deck... Fess?' The
horse's legs were locked rigid, its head swinging gently between its legs. 'Oh,
hell!' Rod growled. 'Not again!' He
reached down under the saddlehorn and reset the circuit breaker. Slowly, the
horse raised its head and shook it several times. Rod caught the reins and led
the horse away. 'Whaddappend,
RRRawwwd?' 'You
had a seizure, Fess. Now, whatever you do, don't whinny. That airborne
bacchanalia is coming our way, and there's an off-chance they might be out to
investigate the shooting star. Therefore, we are heading for the tall timber -
and quietly, if you please.' Once
under the trees at the edge of the meadow, Rod looked back to check on the
flying flotilla. The
youngsters were milling about in the sky half a mile away, emitting joyful
shrieks and shouts of welcome. The wind tossed Rod an intelligible phrase or
two. 'Rejoice,
my children! Tis Lady Gwen!' 'Hast
thou, then, come at last to be mother to our coven, Gwendylon?' 'Thy
beauty hath but waxed, sweet Gwendylon! How dost thou?' 'Not
yet robbing cradles, Randal... 'Sounds
like the housemother dropping in on a party at the Witches' College,' Rod
grunted. 'Sober, Fess?' 'Clearheaded,
at least,' the robot acknowledged, 'and a new concept accepted in my basic
programming.' 'Oh.'
Rod pursed his lips. 'My observation is confirmed?' 'Thoroughly.
They are flying.' The
aerial sock-hop seemed to have rediscovered its original purpose. They swooped
toward the meadows with shouts and gales of laughter, hovered over the ring of
newly turned earth, and dropped one by one to form a circle about it. 'Well,
not too many doubts about what they're here for, is there?' Rod sat on the
ground, tailor-fashion, and leaned back against Fess's forelegs. 'Nothing to do
but wait, I guess.' He twisted the signet on his ring ninety degrees, pointed
it at the gathering. 'Relay, Fess.' The
signet ring now functioned as a very powerful, very directional microphone; its
signal was relayed through Fess to the earphone behind Rod's ear. 'Ought
we to tell the Queen of this?' 'Nay,
'twould fash her unduly.' Rod~
frowned. 'Can you make anything out of it, Fess?' 'Only
that it's Elizabethan English, Rod.' 'That,'
said Rod, 'is why SCENT always sends a man with a robot. All right, let's start
with the obvious: the language confirms that this is the Йmigrйs' colony.' 'Well,
of course,' Fess muttered, somewhat piqued. 'Now,
now, old symbiote, no griping. I know you don't consider the obvious worth
reporting; but overlooking obvious facts does sometimes lead to overlooking
secrets hidden right out in plain sight, doesn't it?' 'Well...' 'Right.
So. They mentioned a Queen. Therefore, the government is a monarchy, as we
suspected. Tb1s teenage in-group referred to themselves as a coven therefore
they consider themselves witches.... Considering their form of locomotion, I'm
inclined to agree. But...' He left
the but hanging for a few minutes. Fess pricked up his ears. 'They
also spoke of telling the Queen. Therefore, they must have access to the royal
ear. What's this, Fess? Royal approval of witchcraft?' 'Not
necessarily,' said Fess judiciously. 'An applicable precedent would be the case
of King Saul and the Witch of Endor....' 'But
chances are they've got an in at court.' 'Rod,
you are jumping to conclusions.' 'No,
just coming up with a brilliant flash of insight.' 'That,'
said Fess, 'is why SCENT always sends a robot with a human.' 'Touchй.
But they also said that telling the Queen would "fash her unduly".
What's fash mean, Fess?' 'To
cause anxiety, Rod.' 'Urn.
This Queen just might be the excitable type, then.' 'Might
be, yes.' Music
struck up in the field - Scottish bagpipes playing the accompaniment to an old
Gypsy tune. The young folk were dancing on the cleared earth, and several feet
above it. 'Bavarian
peasant dance,' Fess murmured. "'Where
the ends of the earth all meet,"' Rod quoted, stretching his legs out
straight. 'An agglomerate culture, carefully combining all the worst Old Earth
had to offer.' 'An
unfair judgment, Rod.' Rod
raised an eyebrow. 'You like bagpipes?' He
folded his arms and let his chin rest on his sternum, leaving Fess the
sleepless to watch for anything significant. The
robot watched for a couple of hours, patiently chewing his data. When the music
faded and died, Fess planted a hoof on Rod's hip. 'Gnorf!'
said Rod, and was instantly wide awake, as is the wont of secret agents. 'The
party's over, Rod.' The
young folk were leaping into the air, banking away to the northeast. • One broomstick shot off at right angles to
the main body; a boyish figure shot out after it. 'Do
thou not be so long estranged from us again, Gwendylon.' 'Randal,
if thou wert a mouse, thou wouldst woo oliphants! Farewell, and see to it from
now thou payest court to wenches only six years thy elder!' The
broomstick streaked straight toward Rod, climbed over the trees and was gone. 'Mmmm,
yes!' Rod licked his tips. 'Definitely a great build on that girl. And the way
she talks, she's a wee bit older than these birdbrains....' 'I had
thought you were above petty conquest by now, Rod.' 'Which
is a nice way of saying she wouldn't have anything to do with me. Well, even if
I haven't got the buying power, I can still window-shop.' The
junior coven sailed over the horizon; their laughter faded away. 'Well,
that's that.' Rod gathered his feet under him. 'The party's over, and we're
none the wiser.' He rose to his feet. 'Well, at least we're still a secret;
nobody knows there's a spaceship under that circle of earth.' 'Nay,
not so,' chuckled a pixie voice. Rod
froze, turned his head, stared. There,
among the roots of an old oak, stood a man, broad-shouldered, grinning, and all
of twelve inches tall. He was clad in doublet and hose ~in varying shades of
brown, and had very white teeth and a general air of mischief. 'The
King of the Elves shall be apprised of your presence, Lord Warlock,' said the
apparition, chuckling. Rod
lunged. But the
little man was gone, leaving only a chortle behind hum Rod
stood staring, listening to the wind commenting to the leaves and the list
faint snicker dying away among the oak roots. 'Fess,'
he said. 'Fess, did you see that?' There
was no answer. Rod
frowned, turning. 'Fess? Fess!' The
robot's bead swung gently between its fetlocks. 'Oh,
hell!' A
deep-toned bell was proclaiming the advent of nine o'clock somewhere in the
large, ramshackle town that was, as near as Rod and Fess could figure from
speed and bearing, the juvenile witches' borne base. In view of their remark
about the Queen, Rod had hopes the town would turn out to be the capital of the
island. 'Only a
guess, of course,' he added hurriedly. 'Of
course,' Fess murmured. The robot voice gave the distinct impression of a
patient sigh. 'On a
more immediate level, what name should I go by in this culture?' 'Why
not Rodney d'Armand VII? This is one of the few cases where your natural name
is appropriate.' Rod
shook his head. 'Too pretentious. My forebears never did get over their
aristocratic aspirations.' 'They
were aristocrats, Rod.' 'Yeah,
but so was everybody else on the planet, Fess, except the robots. And they'd
been in the family so long they had a right to claim some of the honors.' 'It was
honor enough to-' 'Later,'
Rod cut him off. Fess had a standardized sermon on the noblesse oblige
tradition of the Maxima robots, which he would gladly deliver at the drop of anything
resembling a cue. 'There's a small problem of a name, remember?' 'If you
insist.' Fess was disgruntled. 'Mercenary soldier, again?' 'Yes.
It gives me an excuse to travel.' Fess
winced. 'You could pose as a wandering minstrel...' Rod shook his head.
'Minstrels are supposed to be up on the current news. Might not be a bad idea
to pick up a harp, though - especially if the' ruler's a woman. Songs
can get you places where swords can't....' 'We go
through this every time. . . . Would "Gallowglass" suit you, Rod? It
was the Irish term for a mercenary soldier.' 'Gallowglass..
.' Rod rolled the word over his tongue. 'Not bad. That's got some dash to it.' 'Like
yourself.' 'Do I
detect a touch of irony there? But it is a good, solid word. . - and it's not
exactly what you'd call pretty....' 'Definitely
like yourself,' the robot murmured. 'I
daresay it'll do. Rod Gallowglass it is. Whoa!' Rod
sawed back on the reins, frowning. From someplace ahead of them came the low
mutter of a mob. Rod
frowned. 'What's all the commotion?' 'Rod,
may I recommend caution... 'Not a
bad idea. Gee-up again, but lightly with the hooves, please.' Fess
went at a walk through the narrow moonlit street. sidling up against the
weathered wall of a building. He stopped at the corner, thrust his horse's head
around the angle. 'What
do you see, Sister Ann?' 'A
mob,' said Fess. 'Astute
observation, Watson. Anything else?' 'Torchlight,
and a young man climbing up on a platform. If you'll pardon the analogy, Rod,
it closely resembles a pep rally at your alma mater.' 'Just
might be what it is,' Rod swung out of the saddle. 'Well, you stay here, big
fella. I'll scout the terrain.' He
rounded the corner and let himself fall into a soldierly swagger, one hand on
the pommel of his sword. Not a
bad idea, from the look of the crowd. Must be a meeting of the local Vagabond's
Union. Not an unpatched doublet among them. He wrinkled his nose; a washed body
seemed to be even more rare. Definitely a seedy lot. The
meeting-place was a large, open square, bordered by a wide river on one side;
there were wharves with wooden ships riding at their moorings. On the other
three sides of the square were cheap, decaying lodging-houses; sea-tackle
stores and other cheap shops, and warehouses. The warehouses, at least, were in
good repair. All the buildings were hall-timbered, with the characteristic
overhanging second storey. The
shouting, jostling mob filled the whole square. Flaming pine knots lent a
demonic light. A
closer look at the crowd revealed patched eyes, shriveled limbs, heads minus
ears - an odd contrast to the figure that stood on the jury-rigged platform. He was
young, broad-shouldered and blond-headed. His face was clean and unscarred,
snub-nosed and blue-eyed. It was a round, almost innocent face, open and
honest, filled with the eerie light of a Man with a Mission. His doublet and
hose were clean, for a wonder, and well-tailored from good cloth. A sword hung
at his hip. 'A kid
from the right side of the tracks,' Rod mused. 'What in the Seventh Hell is he
doing in this rathole?' The
youth threw up his hands: the crowd roared, pine-knot torches surged forward to
light him. 'Whose
shoulders have borne up the weightiest burdens?' the boy shouted. 'Ours
I' roared the crowd. 'Whose
hands are worn hard and scarred with rough toil?' 'Ours!' 'Who is
it have built all the wealth that the noblemen squander?' 'We!' 'Who is
it have reared up their lofty castles of granite?' 'We!' 'Shall
you not have a share in these riches and luxuries?' 'We
shall!' 'Why,'
roared the young spokesman, 'there is wealth enough in even one of these
castles to make each one of you a king t' The
crowd went wild. 'You
catching this, Fess?' 'I am,
Rod. It sounds like a mixture of Karl Marx and Huey Long.' 'Strange
synthesis,' Rod muttered. 'And yet, maybe not so strange, when you come to
think of it.' 'This
is your wealth!' shouted the youth. 'You have a right to it!' The
crowd went wild again. 'Will
they give you your due?' The
crowd went suddenly quiet. An ugly murmur began. 'No!' the young man bellowed.
'You must therefore demand it, as is your right!' He
threw up his arms. 'The Queen has given you bread and wine when the famine was
upon you! The Queen has given meat and good wine to the witches whom she
harbors!' The
crowd fell deathly still. A whisper ran through the ranks: 'The
witches! The witches!' 'Aye,'
roared the spokesman, 'even the witches, the outcast and spurned. How much
more, then, will she give to you, who have borne the heat of the day? 'She
will give you your duel' The
crowd echoed his roar. 'Where
do you go?' yelled the young Demosthenes. 'To the
castle I' someone shouted, and other voices took up the cry. 'To the castle! To
the castle!' It became a rhythmic chant. 'To the castle! To the castle! To the
castle!' A high,
keening wail cut across the chant. The crowd fell silent. A narrow, twisted
figure hobbled to the edge of a warehouse roof and called out over the square: 'Soldiers,
a company or more!' 'Out
through the alleys and wharves!' bellowed the young man. 'At the House of
Clovis we shall meet, within the hour!' To
Rod's amazement, the crowd remained silent. Streams of people began to pour
down the twisted alleys. There was no panic, no crush. Rod
shrank into a doorway and watched as the torches were grounded. Score upon
score of beggars ran past him, light-footed and silent, to be swallowed up by
the dark mouths of the byways. The
square emptied; the light sounds of scampering faded away. In the sudden quiet,
Rod heard the drum of approaching hooves - the soldiers, coming to check up on
the Queen's loyal subjects. Rod
stepped out onto the cobbles, running on the bails of his feet, -around the
corner where Fess stood waiting. He was
into the saddle without breaking stride. 'The good part of town,' he whispered,
'fast and quiet.' Fess
could extrude inch-thick rubber pads from his hooves when silence was called
for-, he had also memorized a photo-map of the city from their aerial survey.
There are advantages to a robot horse. They
fled through the town; the ground rose beneath them, building into the hill
crowned by the royal castle. The quality of ~he buildings improved gradually
they were coming to the more affluent districts. 'What
do you make of all that, Fess?' 'A
totalitarian movement, beyond question,' the robot replied. 'A rabble-rouser,
no doubt power-hungry, who will lead the people to make demands on the
government, demands which cannot be met. The crown's refusals will be used to
incite the mob to violence, and you have your revolution made.' 'Couldn't
be just an ambitious nobleman trying to usurp the crown?' 'Usurpation
derives its support from the upper classes, Rod. No, this is a proletarian
revolution - a prelude to a totalitarian government.' Rod pursed
his lips. 'Would you say there was evidence of outside intervention from a more
advanced society? I mean, proletarian revolutions aren't usually found in this
kind of culture, are they?' 'Rarely,
Rod, and the propaganda is rudimentary when they do occur. Persuasion in a
medieval society never refers to basic rights; the concept is alien to the
culture. The probability of intervention is quite strong.. ..' Rod's
lips pulled back in a savage grin. 'Well, old mechanism, it looks like we've
come to the right place to set up shop.' At the
uphill edge of the town, they came on a rambling, two-storied structure built
around three sides of a torch lit courtyard. A timber palisade with a gate
closed the fourth side. A party of laughing, well-dressed young men sauntered
out of the gate; Rod caught a snatch of drunken song. Tableware rattled, and
voices called for meat and ale. 'I take
it we've found one of the better inns.' 'I
would say that was a warranted assumption, Rod.' Rod leaned back in the saddle.
'Looks like .a good place to spend the night. Is garlic sausage possible in
this culture, Fess?' The
robot shuddered. 'Rod, you have the most unearthly tastes!' 'Make
way, make way!' a voice trumpeted behind him. Turning, Rod saw a party of
soldiers, cavalry, trotting toward him. Behind them rolled a gilded,
richly-carved carriage. A
herald rode in front of the soldiers. 'Stand aside from the road, fellow I' he
called. 'The Queen's coach passes!' 'Queen!'
Rod's eyebrows shot up. 'Yes, yes! By all means, let's stand aside!' He
nudged Fess with his knee. The horse whirled off the road and jockeyed for a
position on the shoulder that would give Rod a good look at the royal party. The
curtains on the coach were half drawn, but there was looking space. A lantern
cast a warm yellow glow inside the coach, affording Rod a brief glimpse as the
coach spun by. A
slender, frail form wrapped in a dark, hooded traveling cloak; a pale,
small-boned face framed with blonde, almost platinum hair; large, dark eyes;
and small, very red lips drawn up in a pout. And
young, very young - scarcely past childhood, Rod thought. She sat
ramrod straight, looking very fragile but also very determined - and, somehow,
forlorn, with the hostile, chip-on-the-shoulder attitude that so often goes
with fear and loneliness. Rod
stared after the retreating party. 'Rod.' Rod
started, shook his head, and realized that the coach had been out of sight for
a while. He
glowered at the back of the horse's head. 'What is it, Fess?' 'I
wondered if you'd fallen asleep.' The black head turned to Rod, the great eyes
laughing gently. 'No.'
Rod twisted, looking back at the turn where the coach had disappeared. Fess
schooled his voice to patience. 'The Dream again, Rod?' Rod scowled. 'I thought
robots didn't have emotions.' 'No. But we do have an innate dislike of a lack
of that quality which has often been termed common sense.' Rod
threw him a sour smile. 'And, of course, an appreciation for that quality
called irony, since it's basically logical. And irony implies-' '-a
sense of humor, yes. And you must admit, Rod, that there is something innately
humorous in a man's chasing an object of his own invention over half a galaxy.' 'Oh
yeah, it's a million yuks, sure. But isn't that the difference between a man
and a robot, Fess?' 'What?
The ability to form imaginary constructions?' 'No.
the ability to get hung up on them. Well, let's see if we can't find you a
quiet stall where you can chew your data in peace.' Fess
turned and trotted through the inn-yard gate. A
hostler came running from the stables as Rod dismounted. Rod tossed him the
reins, said, 'Don't give him too much water,' and strolled into the big common
room. Rod
hadn't known that rooms could be smoky without tobacco. Obviously, chimney-building
was numbered among the underdeveloped sciences on this planet. The
customers didn't seem to mind, though. The room was filled with laughter,
coarse jokes, and coarser voices in loud conversation. The great room was taken
up by twenty or so large, round tables; there were several smaller tables,
occupied by people whose dress marked them above the common (but not high
enough to be staying at the castle). Lighting consisted of pine torches, which
added to the atmosphere; tallow candles, dripping nicely on the guests; and a
huge fireplace, fit to roast an ox, which was exactly what it was doing at the
moment. A small
horde of boys and stocky peasant girls kept a steady stream of food and drink
passing between the tables and the kitchen; many of them displayed considerable
skill at broken-field running. A large
balding man with an apron tied around his ample middle burst out of the kitchen
with a great smoking platter - the
landlord, at a guess. Business was good tonight. The man
looked up, saw Rod, took in the gold and scarlet doublet, sword and dagger,
the~ general air of authority, the well-filled purse - most especially the
purse - and shoved the platter at the nearest serving girl. He bustled up to
Rod, rubbing his hands on his apron. 'And
how may I serve you, good master?' 'With a
tankard of ale, a steak as thick as both your thumbs, and a table alone.' Rod
smiled as he said it. The
innkeeper stared, his lips forming a round 0 - Rod had apparently done
something out of the ordinary. Then
the old man's eyes took on a calculating look, one that Rod had seen before; it
was usually accompanied by a remark to the waiter. sotto voce, 'Soft touch.
Soak him for all he's worth.' Rod had
smiled. He
should have known better. Some
things can be undone, though. Rod let his smile droop into a scowl. 'Well,
what are you waiting for?' he barked. 'Be quick about it, or I'll dine on a
slice off your backside!' The
landlord jumped, then cringed, bowing rapidly. 'But of course, m'lord, of
course! Quickly it will be, good master; yes, quickly indeed!' He turned away. Rod's
hand clamped onto his shoulder. 'The table,' he reminded. The
landlord gulped and bobbed his head, led Rod to a table beside an upright log
that served as a pillar, and scurried away - cursing under his breath, no doubt. Rod
returned the courtesy, but enlarged the object to include all that the landlord
stood for, namely the mercenary ways of • mankind. And, of
course, wound up cursing himself for having catered to Mammon by getting tough. But
what could he do? SCENT agents were supposed to remain inconspicuous, and a
softhearted medieval bourgeois was a contradiction in terms. But
when the landlord said quickly, he meant it. The steak and ale appeared almost
before Rod bad sat down. The landlord stood by rubbing his hands on his apron
and looking very worried. Waiting for Rod to accept the cooking, probably. Rod
opened his mouth to reassure the man, and stopped with a word not quite past
his larynx. His nose twitched; a slow grin spread over his face. He looked up
at the landlord. 'Do I
smell garlic sausage?' 'Oh
yes, your worship!' The landlord started bobbing again. 'Garlic sausage it is,
your worship, and very fine garlic sausage too, if I may say so. If your
worship would care for some. . .7' 'My
worship would,' said Rod, 'and presto allegro, sirrah.' The landlord shied,
reminding Rod of Fess regarding a syllogism, and ran. Now,
what was that all about? Rod wondered. Must have been something he said. And
he'd been rather proud of that sirrah. ... He
sampled the steak, and had just washed it down when a plate of sausage thunked!
onto the table. 'Very
good,' said Rod, 'and the steak is acceptable.' The
landlord's face broke into a grin of relief; he turned to go, then turned back. 'Well,
what is it?' Rod asked around a mouthful of sausage. The
landlord was twisting his hands in his apron again. 'Beg pardon, my master,
but. . .' His lips twisted too, then the words burst out. 'Art a warlock,
m'master?' 'Who,
me? A warlock? Ridiculous!' For emphasis, Rod jabbed his table knife in the
landlord's general direction. The huge belly shrank in amazingly; then it
bolted, taking its owner along. Now
where did he get the idea I was a warlock? Rod mused as he chewed a mouthful of
steak. Never
had a better steak, he decided. Must be the smoke. Wonder what wood they're
using? Must
have been the presto allegro bit. Thought they were magic words, probably.... Well,
they had worked wonders. Rod
took a bite of sausage and a swig of ale. Him, a
warlock? Never! He might be a second son of a second son, but he wasn't that
desperate. Besides,
being a warlock involved signing a contract in blood, and Rod bad no blood to
spare. He kept losing it in the oddest places.. He
drained his tankard, set it down with a thump. The landlord materialized with a
jug and poured him a refill. Rod started a smile of thanks, remembered his
station, and changed the smile to a sneer. He fumbled in his purse, felt the
irregular shape of a gold nugget - acceptable currency in a medieval society -
remembered the quickness of the house to gyp the generous, and passed over the'
nugget in favor of a sliver of silver. The
landlord stared at the small white bar in the palm of his hand, his eyes making
a valiant attempt to turn into hemispheres. He made a gargling sound, stuttered
elaborate thanks, and scurried away. Rod bit
his lip in annoyance. Apparently even so small a chunk of silver was enough to
excite comment here. The
touch of anger dissipated quickly, though; a pound or two of beef in the belly
did tend to make the world look better. Rod threw his legs out in the aisle,
stretched, and slumped backward in the chair, picking his teeth with the table
knife. Something
was strangely wrong in this common room. The happy were a little too
professional about it - voices a shade too loud, laughter a trifle strained,
with a dark echo. The glum, on the other hand, were really glum; their brown
studies were paneled in walnut. Fear. Take
that pair at three o'clock on the third table from the right, now - they were
awfully earnest about whatever it was they were bashing over. Rod gave his ring
a surreptitious nudge and pointed it at the twosome. 'But
such meetings do no good if the Queen is continually sending her soldiers against
us!' ''Tis
true, Adam, 'tis true; she won't hear us, for, when all's said and done, she
won't let us close enough to speak.' 'Why,
then, she must be forced to listen!' 'Aye,
but what good would that do? Her nobles would not let her give what we demand.' Adam
slammed his open hand on the table. 'But we've a right to be free without being
thieves and beggars! The debtors' prisons must end, and the taxes with them!' 'Aye,
and so must the cutting off of an ear for the theft of a loaf of bread.' He rubbed
the side of his head, with a hangdog look on his face. 'Yet she hath contrived
to do summat for us... 'Aye,
this setting-up of her own judges now! The great lords will no longer give each
their justice, by style and taste.' 'The
nobles will not bear it, and that thou knowest. The judges will not stand
long.' One-Ear's face was grim; he traced circles on the wet tabletop. 'Nay,
the noblemen will stand for naught that the Queen designs!' Adam plunged his
knife into the tabletop. 'Will not the Loguire see that?' 'Nay,
speak not against the Loguire!' One-Ear's face darkened. 'If 'twere not for
him, we would still be a ragtag horde, with no common purpose! Speak not
against Loguire, Adam, for
without him, we would not have the brass to sit in this inn, where the Queen's
soldiers are but guests!' 'Oh,
aye, aye, he pulled us together and made men of us thieves. Yet now be holds
our new manhood in check; he seeks to keep us from fighting for that which is
ours!' One-Ear's
mouth turned down tight at the corners. 'Thou hast hearkened too much to the
idle and envious chatter of the Mocker, Adam!' 'Yet
fight we must, mark my words!' Adam cried, clenching his fist. 'Blood must be
shed ere we come to our own. Blood must answer for blood, and 'tis blood the
nobles have ta'en from-' Something
huge slammed into Rod, knocking him back against the table, filling his head
with the smell of sweat and onions and cheap wine. Rod
braced an arm against the table and shoved with his shoulder. The heavy form
swayed away with a whuff! of breath. Rod drew his dagger and thumbed the signet
ring to off. The man
loomed over him, looking eight feet tall and wide as a wagon. 'Here
now!' he growled. 'Why doncha look where I'm going at?' Rod's
knife twisted, gleaming light into the man's eyes. 'Stand away, friend,' he
said softly. 'Leave an honest man to his ale.' 'An
honest man, is it!' The big peasant guffawed. 'A sojer, callin' hisself an
honest man!' His roaring laughter was echoed from the tables. On an
off bet, Rod decided, strangers weren't popular here. The laughter stopped
quite suddenly. 'Nay, put down your plaything,' said the big man, suddenly
sober, 'and I'll show you an honest villager can outfight a sojer.' A
prickle ran down Rod's spine as be realized it was a put-up job. The landlord
had advised the big ox of the whereabouts of a heavy purse.... 'I've
no quarrel with you,' Rod muttered. He realized it was the worst thing he could
have said almost before the words were off his tongue. The big
man leered, gloating. 'No quarrel, he says now. He throws hisself in the path
of a poor staggering man so's he can't help but ran into him. But, "No
quarrel," sez he. when he's bad a look at Big Tom!' A huge,
meaty hand buried itself in the cloth at Rod's throat, puffing
him to his feet. 'Nay, I'll show you a quarrel,' Big Tom snarled. Rod's
right hand lashed out, chopping into the man's elbow, then bouncing away. The
big man's hand loosened and fell, temporarily numbed. Big Tom stared at his
hand, a look of betrayal. Rod
pressed his lips together, tucked his knife into the sheath. He stepped back,
knees flexed, rubbed his right fist in his left palm. The peasant was big, but
he probably knew nothing of boxing. Life
came back into Tom's band, and with it, pain. The huge man bellowed in anger,
his hand balling into a fist, swinging at Rod in a vast roundhouse swipe that
would have annihilated anything it struck. But Rod
ducked under and to the side and, as the fist went by him, reached up behind
Tom's shoulder and gave a solid push to add to the momentum of the swing. Big Tom
spun around; Rod caught the man's right wrist and twisted it up behind Tom's
back. Rod jerked the wrist up a little higher; Big Tom howled. While he was
howling, Rod's arm snaked under Tom's armpit to catch the back of his neck in a
half nelson. Not
bad, Rod thought. So far he hadn't needed boxing. Rod
planted a knee in Tom's backside as he released his holds; Tom blundered into
the open space before the hearth, tried to catch his balance, and didn't make
it. Overturned tables clattered and thudded as the patrons scuttled back, all
too glad to leave the fireside seat to Big Tom. He came
to his knees, shaking his head, and looked up to see Rod standing before him in
a wrestler's crouch, smiling grimly and beckoning with both arms. Tom
growled low in his throat and braced a foot against the fieldstones of the
hearth. He shot
at Rod head-first, like a bull. Rod
sidestepped and stuck out a foot. Big Tom went flailing straight for the first
row of tables. Rod squeezed his eyes shut and set his teeth. There
was a crash like four simultaneous strikes in a bowling alley. Rod winced. He
opened his eyes and forced himself to look. Big
Tom's head emerged out of a welter of woodwork, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. "I Rod
shook his head sadly, clucking his tongue. 'You've had a rough night, Big Tom.
Why don't you go home and sleep it off?' Tom
picked himself up, shin, wristbone, and clavicle, and put himself back
together, taking inventory the while. Satisfied
that he was a gestalt again, he stamped a foot, planted his fists on his hips,
and looked up at Rod. 'Here
now, man!' he complained. 'You don't half fight like an honest gentleman!' 'Not
hardly a gentleman at all,' Rod agreed. 'What do you say we try one more throw,
Tom? Double or nothing!' The big
man looked down at his body as if doubting its durability. He kicked at the
remains of an oak table tentatively, slammed a fist into his own tree-trunk
biceps, and nodded. 'I'll
allow as I'm fit,' he said. 'Come on, little man.' He
stepped out onto the cleared floor in front of the hearth, walking warily
around the perimeter, keeping one baleful eye on Rod. 'Our
good landlord told you I had silver in my purse, didn't he?' said Rod, his eyes
snapping. Big Tom
didn't answer. 'Told
you I was an easy mark, too.' Rod mused. 'Well, he was wrong on both counts.' Big
Tom's eyes bulged. He gave a bellow of distress. 'No silver?' Rod
nodded. 'I thought he told you.' His eyes flicked over to the landlord, ashen
and trembling by a pillar. And
looked back to see Big Tom's foot heading right toward his midriff. Rod
fell back, swinging both hands up to catch Big Tom's heel and inspire it to
greater heights. Tom's
foot described a neat arc. For a moment, he hung in the air, arms flailing;
then he crashed howling to the floor. Rod's
eyes filled with pain as Big Tom floundered about, struggling for the breath
that the floor had knocked out of him. Rod
stepped in, grabbed the front of Tom's tunic, braced his foot against Tom's and
threw his weight back, hauling the big man to his feet. Tom immediately sagged
forward; Rod shoved a shoulder under Tom's armpit and pushed the big man back
to the vertical. 'Ho,
landlord!' he shouted. 'Brandy - and fast! Rod
liked to think of himself as the kind of man people could lean on, but this was
ridiculous. When
Big Tom had been somewhat revived and commended to the gentle jeers of his
booze buddies, and the guests had somewhat restored the room and resumed their
places, and Rod had still not wreaked anything resembling vengeance on the
landlord, that worthy's eyes sparked with a sudden hope. He appeared again
before Rod, his chin thrust out and the corners of his mouth drawn down. Rod
hauled himself out of the depth of a rather cynical contemplation of man's
innate goodness and focused on the landlord. 'Well, what do you want?' The
landlord swallowed thickly. 'If it please your worship there's a little matter
of some broken chairs and tables....' 'Chairs,'
said Rod, not moving. 'Tables.' He
slammed to his feet and coiled a hand around the innkeeper's neck. 'Why, you
slimy little curmudgeon! You set that ox on me, you try to rob me, and you have
the gall to stand there and tell me I owe you money?' He emphasized each point
with a shake of the landlord's neck, slowly pushing him back against the
pillar. The landlord made a masterful attempt to blend into the bark, but only
succeeded in spreading himself thin. 'And to
top it all off, my ale's gotten warm!' Rod shouted. 'You call yourself a
landlord, and you treat a gentleman of arms like this?' 'Forgive,
master, forgive!' the landlord rattled, clawing at Rod's hand with commendable
effort and negative effect. 'I meant no harm, your worship; I meant only-' 'Only
to rob me, yes!' Rod snorted, letting him go with a toss that fetched him up
backward over a table. 'Beware the kind, for they tend to grow cruel when you
cross them. Now! a goblet of hot mulled wine by the time I count three, and I
may refrain from stretching your ears out and tying them under your chin. Git!' He
counted to three, with a two-second pause between numbers, and the goblet was
in his hand. The landlord scuttled away with his hands clapped over his ears,
and Rod sat down to sip at the wine and wonder what a curmudgeon was. Looking
up, he saw half a garlic sausage sitting on the table. He picked it up with a
heavy hand and tucked it into his purse. Might as well take it along; it was
about the only good thing that had happened today. He
surged to his feet and called, 'Ho, landlord!' Mine
host came bobbing up. 'A
chamber alone, with heavy blankets!' 'A
chamber alone, sir? At once, sir!' The landlord scuttled away, still bobbing
his head. 'Heavy blankets, sir! Quite surely, sir!' Rod
ground his teeth and turned away to the door. He stepped out and leaned back
against the jamb, letting his head slump forward onto his chest, eyes closed. 'The
law of the jungle,' he muttered. 'If it looks weak, prey upon it. If it turns
out to be strong, bow to it; let it prey upon you and hope it won't devour
you.' 'Yet
all men have pride,' murmured a voice behind his ear. Rod
looked up, smiled. '"Art there, old mole?"' '"Swear!
Swear!"' Fess answered. Rod let
loose a stream of invective that would have done credit to a sailor with a
hangover. 'Feel
better?' Fess asked, amused. 'Not
much. Where does a man like mine host hide his pride, Fess? He sure as hell
never lets it show. Obsequiousness, yes; avarice, yes; but self-respect? No. I
haven't seen that in him.' 'Pride
and self-respect are not necessarily synonymous, Rod.' Someone tugged at Rod's
elbow. He snapped his head around, muscles tensed. It was
Big Tom, his six-foot-five bent strangely in a valiant attempt to put his head
below the level of Rod's. 'God
e'en, master.' Rod
stared at him for a moment without answering. 'God e'en,' he replied, his voice
carefully neutral. 'What can I do for you?' Big Tom
hunched his shoulders and scratched at the base of his skull. 'Eh, master,' he
complained, 'you made a bit of a fool of me back a while.' 'Oh?'
Rod lifted an eyebrow. 'Do tell!' 'I do,'
the big man admitted, 'and... well.. .' He pulled off his cap and twisted it in
his great hands. 'It do seem like... well, master, you've finished me here, and
that's gospel.' Rod
felt his back lifting. 'And I'm supposed to make it up to you, is that it? Pay
you damages, I suppose!' 'Eh,
no, master!' Big Tom shied away. ''Tisn't that, master, not that at all! It's
just. .. well. - . I was a-wonderin', I was, if you might. . . that is. ..I,..' 34 He
twisted the hat through some gyrations that would have astounded a topologist;
then the words came out in a rush. 'I was
wonderin' if you might be needin' a servin'-man, you know - a sort of groom and
lackey, and.. .' His voice trailed off. He eyed Rod sidewise, fearful and
hopeful. Rod
stood frozen for a moment or two. He searched the big man's open, almost
worshipful face. He
crossed his arms and leaned back against the jamb again. 'Why, how's this, Big
Tom? Not half an hour agone, you sought to rob me! And now I am supposed to
trust you for a squire?' Big Tom
caught his nether lip between his teeth, frowning. "Taint tight-seeming,
master, that I know, but-' His hands gestured vaguely. 'Well, the fact of it
is, you're the only man what I ever raised hand against, could beat me, and...' His
voice ran out again. Rod nodded slowly, his eyes on Big Tom's. 'And
therefore you must serve me.' Tom's
lower lip thrust out, pouting. 'Not must, my master -only that I wants to.' 'A
robber,' said Rod, 'A cutpurse. And I'm to trust you.' Big
Tom's hat twisted again. 'You've
got an open face,' Rod mused, 'not the kind of face that hides its feelings.' Big Tom
smiled widely, nodding.. 'Of
course, that doesn't mean anything,' Rod went on. 'I've known quite a few
gentle-seeming girls that turned out to be first-class bitches.' Tom's
face fell. 'So you
might be honest - or you might be a thorough rogue. It's a Fess-cinating
puzzle.' The
voice behind his ear murmured, 'Preliminary interpretation of available data
indicates basically simplistic personality structure. Probability of individual
serving as reliable source of information on local social variables exceeds
probability of individual practicing serious duplicity.' Rod
nodded slowly. He would have settled for an even chance. He
fished a scrap of silver from his purse - it smelt slightly of garlic - and
slapped it into the big man's band. Tom
stared at the silver in his palm, then at Rod, then back at the metal. Abruptly,
his hand closed into a fist, trembling slightly. His staring eyes came up to
Rod again. 'You've
accepted my coin,' said Rod. 'You're my man.' Big
Tom's face split from ear to ear in a grin. He ducked his head. 'Yes master! I
thanks you, master! Forever I thanks you, master! I-' 'I get
the message.' Rod bated to see a grown man grovel. 'You go on duty right now.
Tell me, what are the chances of getting a job with the Queen's army?' 'Oh,
most excellent, master!' Big Tom grinned. 'They're always needing new sojers.' A bad
omen, Rod decided. 'Okay,'
he said. 'Duck back inside, find out which room we've been assigned, and check
it to make sure there isn't a cutthroat in the closet.' 'Yes,
master! Right away!' Big Tom bustled back into the inn. Rod smiled, closed his
eyes, and let his head fall back against the jamb. He rolled his head from side
to side, laughing silently. He would never cease to be amazed at the bully
psychology; how a man could go from arrogance to servility in less than ten
minutes, he would never understand. A low,
quavering wail cut the night air, soaring into a shriek. Rod's
eyes snapped open. Sirens? In this culture? The
sound was coming from the left he looked up, and saw the castle, there on its
hilltop. And
there, at the base of the tower, something glowed, and keened like a paddy
wagon lamenting the death of some squad cars. The
guests tumbled out of the inn to stand in the courtyard, staring and pointing. ''Tis
the banshee!' 'Again!' 'Nay,
all will be well. Hath it not appeared thrice before? And yet the Queen lives!' 'Fess,'
Rod said carefully. 'Yes,
Rod.' 'Fess,
there's a banshee. On the castle battlements. A banshee, Fess.' There
was no answer. Then a
raucous buzz snarled behind Rod's ear, swelled till it threatened to shake his
head apart, and cut off. Rod
shook his head and pounded his temple with the heel of his hand. 'I'm
going to have to have that boy overhauled,' he muttered. 'He used to have quiet
seizures.' It
would have been unwise for Rod to go to the stables to reset Fess while the
inn-yard was full of gawkers; he would have been thoroughly conspicuous. So he
went up to his room, to lie down till things had quieted down a bit; and, of
course, by the time the courtyard was clear, Rod was too comfortable to take
the trouble of going down to the stables. No real reason to reset the robot,
anyway; it would be a quiet night. The
room was dark, except for a long swathe of light streaming in the window from
the largest moon. There was a subdued murmur and clatter from the common room -
night-owl guests drinking late. Rod's chamber was very peaceful. Not
quiet, though. Big Tom, curled up on a pallet at the foot of the bed, snored
like a bulldozer on idle, making more noise asleep than he did awake. Now
there was a riddle - Big Tom. Rod had never before been in a fight where he
hadn't been hit at least once. Big Tom had left himself wide open, every time;
and sure, he was big, but he didn't have to be that clumsy. Big men can be
quick.... But why
would Big Tom have thrown the fight? So Rod
would take him on as a serving-man? And
what about Adam and One-Ear? Their talk would seem to indicate they'd been at
the pep rally down by the wharf, which would mean they were members of the
proletarian party. What had the young rabble-rouser called it? The House of
Clovis, yes. But if
Adam and One-Ear were a representative sample, the House of Clovis was a house
divided against itself. There seemed to be two factions, one backing the
Loguire - the juvenile orator? - and one led by the Mocker, whoever that might
be. The usual two factions, nonviolent and violent, tongue and sword. Now,
why would Big Tom have wanted a butler job? Social climber, maybe? No, he
wasn't the fawning type. Better wages? But he'd seemed to be moderately
prosperous as the neighborhood heavy. To keep
an eye on Rod? Rod
rolled over on his side. Tom just might be a member in good standing of the
House of Clovis. But why would the House want to keep tabs on Rod? They
couldn't suspect anything,. could they? If
Fess's guess was right, and the House was backed by an off-planet power, they
definitely might suspect something -never mind how. But
wasn't Rod letting his paranoia show again? He was
wide awake, every muscle tense. He sighed and rolled out of bed; he couldn't
sleep now. Better reset Fess and have a talk. Rod needed the robot's electronic
objectivity; he bad very little of his own. Big Tom
stirred and wakened as Rod lifted the rusty door latch. 'Master?
Where dost thou go?' 'Just
got a little worried about my horse, Big Tom. Think I'll run down to the
stables and make sure the hostler's treating him right. Go back to sleep.' Big Tom
stared a moment. Certes,'
he said, 'thou'rt a most caring one, master.' He
rolled over and burrowed his head into the folded cloak he used for a pillow.
'To be so much concerned for a horse,' he muttered, and snored again. Rod
grinned and let himself out of the room. He
found a stairway a few paces away - dark and musty, but closer to the stables
than the main door. There
was a door at the bottom of the stair, one that was not very often used; it
groaned like a bullfrog in heat when he opened it. The
inn-yard was flooded with the soft, golden light of the three moons. The
largest was only a little smaller than Terra's, but much closer, it filled a
full thirty degrees of sky, a perpetual harvest moon. 'Great
planet for lovers,' Rod mused; and, because his eyes were on the moon, he
didn't notice the gray strand of cord stretched a little above the doorstep. He
tripped. His arms
swung up, slapping the ground to break his fall. Something hard struck the back
of his head, and the world dissolved in a shoal of sparks. There
was a ruddy glow about him, and a throbbing ache in his
head. Something cold and wet moved over his face. He shuddered, and came wide
awake. He lay
on his back; a limestone roof vaulted over him, glimmering with bits of
captured light. Pinch-waisted limestone columns stretched from the roof to a
green carpet - stalactites and stalagmites joined. The green carpet stretched
away in all directions for at least a mile. He was in a vast underground
cavern. The light seemed to come from everywhere, a dancing, wavering light,
setting the sparks in the ceiling into an intricate ballet. The
green carpet spread under him; he could feel it, cold and springy, damp, under
his back: moss, three inches thick. He tried to put out a hand to touch the
moss, and discovered that he couldn't move his arms or legs. Lifting his head,
he looked for ropes binding him, but there was not so much as a thread. He
shook his head, trying to get the ache out of it so he could think clearly. 'Fess,'
he muttered, 'where am I?' There
was no answer. Rod bit
his lip. 'Come on, iron horse! Are you asleep at the switch?' Switch Fess
had had a seizure. Rod had been en route to reset him. Rod was
on his own. He
sighed and lay back on the green moss carpet. A deep
voice began singing. off to his right. Rod looked. A fire
fluttered in a bare stone circle. A tripod stood over it, supporting a cauldron
- a covered cauldron, bubbling merrily, with a tube leading from a hole in the
cover. Drops of water fell from the roof, striking the tube; and a beaker sat
under the far end of the tube, collecting drops. A
primitive still. And a
moonshiner, a moonshiner perhaps eighteen inches high, very broad-shouldered
and generally stocky, clad in doublet and hose. He had a round, cheerful face,
twinkling green eyes, a snub nose, and a very wide mouth curved in an impish
smile. To top it off, he wore a Robin Hood hat with a bright red feather. The
green eyes looked up and caught Rod's. 'Hal' said the little man in a buzzing
baritone. 'Tha'rt come to thy senses, warlock!' Rod
scowled. 'Warlock? I'm not a warlock!' 'To be
sure,' said the little man, 'tha'rt not. Thou comest in a falling star, and
thou last a horse made of cold iron...., 'Just a
minute, there,' Rod interrupted. 'How'd you know the horse was made of cold
iron?' 'We are
the Wee Folk,' said the little man, unperturbed. 'We live by Oak. Ash. and Thorn.
by Wood, Air, and Sod; and those who live by cold iron seek the end of our
woodlands. Cold iron is the sign of all that cannot abide us; and therefore we
know cold iron, no matter what form or disguise it may be in. He
turned back to the kettle, lifting the lid to check the mash. 'Then, too, thou
canst hear what is said a good half mile off; and thy horse can run as silent
as the wind and faster than a falcon, when it has cause to. But tha'rt not a
warlock, eh?' Rod
shook his head. 'I'm not. I use science, not magic!' 'Assuredly,'
said the little man. 'and a rose by any other name -. .
Nay, tha'rt a warlock, and as such tha'rt known already, throughout the length
and breadth of Gramarye!' Gramarye?
What's that?' The
little man stared in surprise. 'Why, the world, warlock! The world we live in,
the land between the Four Seas, the realm of Queen Catharine I' 'Oh.
She rules the whole world?' 'Certes,'
said the elf, giving Rod a sidelong glance. 'And
the name of her castle? And the town around it?' 'Runnymede.
In truth, tha'rt a most untutored warlock I' 'That's
just what I've been trying to tell you,' and Rod sighed. The little man turned
away, shaking his head and muttering. He opened a pippet on the collection
beaker and drained some of the distillate into a shot-glass-sized mug. Rod
suddenly realized he was very thirsty. Uh, say - what're you brewing up there?
Wouldn't be brandy, would it?' The elf
shook his head. 'Gin,
Rum? Aqua Vitae?' 'Nay;
'tis spirits of another sort.' He bounced over to Rod and held the minuscule
mug to the man's lips. 'Thanks.'
Rod took a sip. He looked up at the roof, smacking his lips. 'Tastes like
honey.' 'Where
the wild bee sucks, there suck I.' The little man hopped back to the fire. 'Not
bad at all. Could you spare the recipe?' 40 '1 'Aye,
assuredly.' The elf grinned. 'We would do aught within our power for a guest.' 'Guest
I' Rod snorted. 'I hate to impugn your hospitality, but immobilizing me isn't
exactly what I'd call a welcome.' 'Oh, we
shall make amends ere long.' The little man lifted the cauldron lid and stirred
the mash. Something
clicked in Rod's mind. The hairs, at the base of his skull began to prickle. 'Uh,
say, uh... I don't believe we've been introduced, but... your name wouldn't be Robin
Goodfellow, would it? Alias Puck?' 'Thou
speakest aright.' The elf replaced the lid with a clang. 'I am that merry
wanderer of the night.' Rod
fell back onto the moss carpet. It'd make a great story to tell his
grandchildren; nobody else would believe it. 'Say,
Puck - you don't mind if I call you Puck?' - 'Oh,
nay.' 'Thanks,
..... I'm Rod Gallowglass.' 'We ha'
known it.' 'Well,
just thought I'd make it official. Now, you don't seem to bear me any
particular ill-will, so, uh, may I ask. . . ~... why am I paralyzed?' 'Ah,
that,' said Puck. 'We must find if you are a white warlock, or black.' 'Oh.'
Rod chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment. 'If I'm a white warlock,
you'll, urn ... let me go?' Puck
nodded. 'What
happens if you decide I'm a black warlock?' 'Then,
Rod Gallowglass, you shall sleep till the Trump of Doom.' Rod
felt as though a weak electric current had been applied to his jaw. 'Great. The
Trump of Doom. And I never was much good at bridge.' Puck
frowned. 'How...?' 'Skip
it. "Sleep till the Trump of Doom." A very neat euphemism. Why don't
you just come right out and say you'll kill me?' 'Nay.'
Puck thrust his lower lip out, shaking his head. 'We would not kill you, Rod
Gallowglass. Thou shouldst but sleep forever, and with pleasant dreams.' 'I see.
Suspended animation?' Puck's
brow wrinkled. 'I know not that word. Yet rest assured,
thou shalt not be suspended. The Wee Folk have no fondness for a hanging.' 'Well,
I suppose that's something of a comfort. So how do I prove I'm a white
warlock?' 'Why,'
said Puck, 'by our enlarging you.' Rod
stared. 'How's that again? Aren't I big enough already? The
elf's face split into a broad grin. 'Nay, nay! Enlarging you! Removing the
spell that binds you!' 'Oh.'
Rod lay back with a sigh of relief. Then he jerked back up. 'Freeing me? That's
going to prove I'm a white warlock?' 'By
itself, no,' said Puck. 'Tis a question where we free you.~ He
clapped his hands. Rod heard the scurrying of scores of small feet coming from
behind him; a fold of dark cloth was drawn over his eyes, knotted behind his
head. 'Hey!'
he protested. 'Peace,'
said Puck. 'We do but bear you forth to your freedom.' A host
of tiny hands lifted Rod. He resigned himself and lay back to enjoy the trip. It was
a rather pleasant way to travel, actually
like an innerspring mattress with four-wheel drive. His
feet tilted up higher than his head and the pace of the scuttling feet under
him slowed - they were mounting an incline. Damp
night air struck his face; he heard the breeze sighing in the leaves,
accompanied by a full complement of crickets, with an owl and maybe a curlew
providing the harmony. He was
dropped unceremoniously; the blindfold was whipped from his eyes. 'Hey!'
he protested. 'What do you think I am, a sack of potatoes?' He
could hear a stream gurgling off to his left. 'Tha'rt
free now, Rod Gallowglass,' Puck's voice husked in his ear. 'May God be with
you!' And the elf bounded away. Rod sat
up, flexing his limbs to make them realize they could move again. He looked
about. It was
a moonlit forest glade, with a silver stream trickling past on the left. The
trees were bright steel trunk and tinsel leaf, and black shadow among the
trunks. One of
the shadows moved. It
stepped forward, a tall figure in a dark, hooded monk's robe. Rod
scrambled to his feet. The
figure moved slowly toward. Rod, baited ten feet away, and threw back the hood. Wild,
disordered hair over a long, thin face, with hollows under the cheekbones and
caves for eye sockets, with two burning coals at their backs - and the whole
face twisted, curdled with bitterness. The
voice was flat and thin, almost a hiss. 'Are you, then, so tired of life that
you come to a werewolf's cage?' Rod
stared. 'Werewolf!' Well,
why not? If elves were a basic assumption. Then
Rod frowned. 'Cage?' He looked around. 'Looks like the great outdoors to me.' 'There
is a wall of magic around this grove,' hissed the werewolf. ''us a prison the
Wee Folk have made me - and they do not feed me in my proper fashion.' 'Oh?'
Rod looked at the werewolf out of the corner of his eye. 'What's your proper
fashion?' 'Red
meat.' The werewolf grinned, showing a mouthful of canines. 'Raw, red meat, and
blood for my wine.' Something
with lots of cold little feet ran down Rod's spine. 'Make peace with your God,'
said the werewolf, 'for your hour has come.~ Fur
appeared on the backs of his hands, and his fingernails grew, curving outward.
Forehead and cheeks sprouted fur; nose, mouth, and chin slipped together and
bulged, tapering outward to a muzzle. His ears moved upward to the top of his
head and stretched into points. He
flung off the dark cloak; his whole body was silvery fur, his legs had become
haunches. He
dropped to all fours. His upper arms shortened and his forearms lengthened; his
hands had become paws. A tail sprouted and grew into a long, silvery plume. The
silver wolf crouched close to the earth, snarling, growling low in its throat,
and sprang. Rod
whirled aside, but the wolf managed to change course mid-air just enough; its
teeth ripped Rod's forearm from in to wrist. elbow The
wolf landed and spun about with a howl of joy. It crouched, tongue lolling out,
then it sprang again. Rod
ducked, dropping to one knee, but the wolf checked itself in mid-leap and fell
on top of him. Its hindlegs clawed at his chest; the great jaws fumbled for a
hold on his spine. Rod
surged to his feet, bowing forward and shoving against the wolf's belly with
all his strength. The wolf went flying, but its claws had raked Rod's back
open. The
wolf landed on its back, hard, and howled with the pain. It scrambled to its
feet and stalked around Rod in a circle, growling with blood-lust. Rod
pivoted, keeping his face toward the wolf. How do you handle a werewolf? Fess
would know, but Fess was still out of order. The
wolf snarled and leaped for Rod's throat. Rod
crouched low and lunged with his hand stiffened. His fingers caught the wolf
right in the solar plexus. Rod
leaped back, falling into a crouch. The wolf clawed at the ground, struggling
to regain its breath as life poured back into its nerves. Rod circled around
it, widdershins for luck. How do
you fight a werewolf? Wolfbane,
obviously. But Rod
couldn't tell wolfbane from poison ivy without a botany text. The
wolf dragged in a long, grating breath and rose into a crouch. It snarled and
began to prowl, widdershins around Rod, watching for an opening. So much
for widdershins, Rod thought, and reversed direction, turning clockwise in an
attempt to get behind the wolf. The
wolf sprang. Rod
pivoted aside and let fly a right jab at the wolf's jaw; but the wolf caught
his fist in its teeth. Rod
bellowed with pain and kicked the beast in the belly. Fang went down for a
breather again, freeing Rod's hand as the toothy jaws gaped for air. Silver
bullets. But chemical sidearms had been out of vogue for thousands of years,
and the DDT had gone off the silver standard quite a while before. A
crucifix. Rod made a firm resolution to take up religion. He needed a hobby,
anyway. His
furry friend had meanwhile pulled itself back together. Haunches tensed, it
sprang. Rod
sidestepped, but the wolf had apparently counted on his so
doing. It landed full on his chest, slavering jaws snapping for Rod's jugular
vein. Rod
fell on his back. He pulled up his legs, planted his feet in the wolf's belly,
and shoved, catapulting the canine clear of his corpus. The wolf fell hard and
squirmed, getting its feet under its body. What
else didn't werewolves like? Garlic. Rod
circled around the wolf, fumbling in his purse for the garlic sausage left over
from dinner. The
wolf spread its jaws wide and hacked a cough. Rod
munched a mouthful of sausage. The
wolf came to its feet with an ugly, very determined growl. It tensed and
sprang. Rod
caught the beast under the forelegs, staggering back under the weight of its
body, and breathed full in its face. He dropped the wolf and sprang away. The
wolf rolled, spitting and coughing, drew in a shuddering gasp, and collapsed. Its
form stretched, relaxed, and slowly stretched again - and a tall, lean wiry man
lay naked, facedown, in the grass, unconscious body heaving with great panting
breaths. Rod
sank to his knees. Saved by garlic sausage! Grass
whispered by his knee; he looked into the smiling eyes of Robin Goodfellow. 'Return
with us if you will, Rod Gallowglass, for our paths are yours, to walk at your
pleasure, now.' Rod
smiled wearily. 'He might have killed me,' he said, with a nod at the
unconscious werewolf. Puck
shook his head. 'We looked on, and would have prevented death to either of you;
and as for your wounds, why! we shall quickly have them mended.' Rod
rose, shaking his head in disbelief. 'Then,
too,' said Puck, 'we knew you to be a warlock of such potency that you could
defeat him - . . if you were a white warlock.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'What if I wasn't? What if I was black?' 'Why,
then,' Puck said, grinning, 'you would have leagued with him against us, and
sought to fight loose of the prison.' 'Urn.'
Rod gnawed at his lower lip. 'Wouldn't that have put you in a rather delicate
position?' 'Nay.'
Puck grinned again. 'The magic of a score of elves has never been equaled by
two warlocks.' '1
see.' Rod rubbed his chin. 'Hedged your bets, didn't you? But you couldn't let
me know, of course. As long as I was in the dark, fighting the werewolf proved
I was one of the good guys?' 'Partly.' 'Oh?
What's the other part?' 'Why,
Rod Gallowglass, there were several times when you had rendered the werewolf
helpless, but you did not kill him.' 'And
that shows I've got a good heart.' 'That,'
Puck agreed, 'and also that you are sure enough of your own power that you dare
be merciful. And there is proof that you are white, but greater proof that you
are a warlock.' Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. With exaggerated patience, he said, 'Of course, it
might just be that I'm a trained fighter.' 'It
might,' Puck agreed, 'but it was by sorcery that you overcame him.' Rod
took a deep breath. 'Look,' he said carefully~ 'I am not a
warlock. I have never been a warlock. I never want to be a warlock.
I'm just a mercenary soldier who happens to know a few
tricks.' 'Assuredly,
Master Warlock,' said Puck cheerfully. 'Will you come back to the cavern? We
shall guide you forth to your inn.' 'Oh,
all right,' Rod grumbled. But he
turned to look at the miserable collection of bone and sinew that was the
sleeping werewolf, lying in the center of the glade. 'Master
Gallowglass?' Puck's voice was puzzled, disturbed. 'What troubles you?' Rod
shook his head, coming out of his reverie. 'Nothing,' he said, turning away.
'Just wondering.' 'What
of, warlock?' 'They
used to call me a lone wolf when I was a schoolboy ... Never mind. Which way
did you say the cavern was?' The
stars wheeled toward dawn as 'Rod stumbled, footsore and weary, across the
inn-yard and into the stable. A
single candle-lantern lit the row of stalls, serving only to deepen the
shadows. Rod
flung an arm across Fess's back to steady himself, his other hand groping
across the robot's withers till he found the enlarged vertebra that was the
reset switch. He pressed; the steel
body stirred under its horsehair camouflage. The velvet black head lifted,
shook twice, turned to look back over its shoulder, great brown eyes focusing
on Rod. The robot was silent a moment; then the voice behind Rod's ear spoke
with a touch of reproach: 'You
have left me inactive a long time, Rod, I have no aftereffects from the
seizure.' 'Sorry,
old iron.' Rod kept his arms across the horse's back; his legs felt a trifle
wobbly. 'I was on my way to reset you when I got clobbered.' 'Clobbered!'
Fess's voice writhed with shame. 'While I slept! May my casing lie forever
corroding on the junkpile! May my germanium be consigned to the Converter for
reclamation! May my-' 'Oh,
stow it!' Rod growled. 'It wasn't your fault.' He stepped away from the horse,
-straightened his shoulders. 'I wasn't in any real danger, anyway. Just a busy
night, that's all.' 'How
so, Rod?' Rod
started to answer, then changed his mind. 'I'll tell you in the morning, Fess.' 'I have
reoriented my circuits to accept the discrepancies between accepted theory and
actual occurrence, Rod. You may confide in me without fear of overload.' Rod
shook his head and turned to stumble out of the stall. 'In the morning, Fess.
You might be able to believe it right now, but I'm not sure I could.' Rod sat
down to a whopping breakfast, but he was on a starvation diet compared to Big
Tom. The man was surrounded by unbelievable stacks of food. Some of
it was familiar to Rod - the eggs, pancakes, and ham. The 'cakes had a subtly
alien flavor, though, and the eggs bad three-inch yolks. There was some sort of
grain on any human-inhabited planet, usually a descendant of Terran cereals;
but the soil of another planet sometimes produced weird variations in the
grain. There was always some sort of domesticated fowl; but more often than not
it was a local life-form. Hogs, of course, were ubiquitous; they were found on
Terran planets even more consistently than dogs. Rod sometimes wondered about
his species. The
food was all digestible, of course, and probably nourishing: genetic drift
couldn't change human metabolism all that much. But trace elements were another
matter; Rod swallowed an all-purpose pill just to be on the safe side. Big Tom
noticed it.' What was that, master?' Rod
forced a smile. 'Just a minor spell. Don't let it worry you, Big Tom.' Tom
stared, then looked down at his plate, muttering a quick prayer under his
breath. He attacked the pancakes with a shaking fork. The big
man started to speak, but his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tried
again. 'What
doth the new day bring, good master?' 'A trip
to the castle,' said Rod. 'We'll see if the Queen's in the market for a new
soldier.' Tom
wailed a protest. 'A Queen's sojer I Nay, master, that's no trade for a honest
man!' Rod
cocked an eyebrow. 'Are you trying to tell me that one of us might be honest?' Big Tom
shut up. The
landlord bad a spare horse, or so he suddenly remembered when Rod rested a hand
on the hilt of his dagger. It was an old, swaybacked gray gelding with a
slightly longer neck and smaller ears than the Terran-standard animal. That was
bad, since it would call a certain amount of attention to Fess; but then, the
great black horse wasn't exactly inconspicuous anyway. The
church bells were ringing as they rode out of the inn-yard, Rod on Fees and Tom
on the equine antique. The sound of the bells reminded Tom of the early hour;
he began to grumble at masters who kept unreasonable hours. But his
gripes trailed off as they mounted the slope above the town, where they could
look out to the horizon and see the east pregnant with the morning sun. Tom
took a deep breath of the dawn and grinned back over his shoulder at Rod. 'Eh,
master! 'Twill be a fine day!' 'And a
chill one,' said Rod, turning up his collar, for the wind was at his back. 'Aye,
aye! Did I not say 'twould be fine?' 'I
don't quite share your enthusiasm for low thermometer readings,' Rod growled.
'Look alive, Tom; we're almost to the castle.' 'Stand
and declare yourselves I, cried the sentry on the drawbridge. 'Oh, ye
gods!' Rod rolled his eyes upward. 'Your name and your concern at the Queen's
castle.' 'Overdoing
it a bit, aren't you?' Rod eyed the sentry sidewise. The footman's mouth turned
down sharply at the corners. 'None
of your mouthings,' he barked. 'I'm a Queen's man, and you'll speak with
respect.' 'Not
likely,' said Rod, smiling benignly. 'My name is Rod Gallowglass.' 'Gallowglass?'
The sentry frowned. 'Your time is wasted; the Queen already has a fool.' 'From
the look of you, I'd say she has many.' Rod grunted. 'My trade is soldier, and
my manservant's, too. Call the master-at-arms, and let him enroll me.' The
sentry glowered. 'Enlisting in the Queen's army is not so easily done as that.' 'Why,
how now!' Rod scowled. 'Must I prove I'm a soldier?' He dismounted, swinging
out of the saddle to land just a yard from the sentry. 'If
you're a soldier, you're a poor one,' the sentry said with a sneer, 'or you'd
not leave your horse untethered.' Rod
threw him a saccharine smile and called out, 'Fess, back up four feet, take a
half step to the left, come forward four and a half feet, then stand till I
call you.' The
sentry stared, mouth gaping open, as Fess executed the maneuver with
machine-like precision. 'I'm a
soldier,' said Rod, 'and a good one.' The
sentry's mouth opened and closed like a fish's. His eyes bulged slightly as
they flicked over Rod's lean frame, the black-gloved hand on the pommel of the
sword. 'You
see,' Rod explained, 'I might have need of my horse. It s easier to let him
come to me.' His
right hand jumped out in a feint. The soldier grunted with surprise and stepped
back as Rod's foot snaked out to catch him behind the ankle. The sentry went
down in a clatter of tinware. Rod
twisted the pike from the sentry's hands as be fell and threw it back under the
portcullis. 'Now,'
he said, 'let's try it again, shall we?' 'Well
done, oh! Well done, my master!' Big Tom pounded his nag's withers, grinning
from ear to ear. The
sentry staggered to his feet, shouting, 'A rescue! A rescue I' 'Oh,
no!' Rod dropped his forehead into his palm. 'Oh, no!' - shaking his head. He
leaned back against Fess' shoulder and folded his arms. Three guardsmen came
running up, pikes at the ready. The leader looked from Rod to the sentry, back
to Rod, then back to the sentry. He frowned. 'What need for a rescue?' The
sentry fluttered a hand in Rod's general direction. 'This man...' 'Yes?'
Rod smiled. 'Why,
he knocked me down, that's what he did, and took my pike from me!' 'I
wouldn't brag, if I were you,' Rod murmured. Big Tom bent low over his
saddlebow, convulsed with silent laughter. 'Is
that the truth of it, man?' The leader glowered at Rod. 'True.'
Rod bowed his head. 'Well,
then!' The leader straightened, planting his fists on his hips and scowling. 'Well,
what?' Rod raised an eyebrow. The
sergeant was beginning to get flustered. 'Well, what's your reason?' 'I wish
to enlist in the Queen's army. This man-at-arms indicated I should prove
myself.' The
sergeant looked from the flabbergasted sentry to Rod, and nodded. 'You'll
have your chance,' he said. 'Come.' The
chance consisted of a hulking sergeant equipped with a broadsword and buckler. 'Will you
not take a. buckler, man?' growled the old knight who was Master of the Guard. 'No
thanks.' Rod slipped his dagger from its sheath. 'This will do me quite well.' 'Naught
but a poniard and a wisp of a sword 'gainst broad-sword and buckler!' Sir Mans
shook his head sadly. 'You must truly wish to die young!' Rod's
eyes widened in surprise. 'Thank you,' he said. 'I haven't been told I looked
young since I was thirteen.' 'Well,
cross your swords,' Sir Mans sighed. Rod and the sergeant complied; Sir Mans limped
forward, his own broad-sword coming up to separate their blades. The
sergeant's broadsword swung up for a full-armed chop. Rod took advantage of the
moment's delay to feint once at the sergeant's belly. The buckler dropped down
to catch the sword-tip,
and Rod's blade leaped over the sergeant's arm to rip the cloth over his heart. 'Hold!'
cried Sir Mans, and the sergeant's broadsword paused in mid-chop. He dropped
his buckler, staring about him. 'Wot 'appened?' 'Had
this Gallowglass not fought in sport alone,' said Sir Mans, thou wert a dead
man this day, Sergeant Hapweed.' He
scowled at Rod, puzzled. 'Who would ha' thought to use a sword's point?' 'Shall
we have at it again?' Rod's blade whined through the air and slapped against
his leg. Sir Mans
studied Rod's face, his brow furrowing. 'Nay,' he said, lifting his head. 'I'll
warrant you're a swordsman.' 'Aye,'
muttered Big Tom, and Sir Mar is glanced over at him; but the big man was only
beaming with pride. The
Master of the Guard turned and caught up a quarter-staff. 'Here!' He tossed it
to Rod. 'We'll try you with this.' Rod
sheathed his dagger and caught the staff by the middle. He slipped his sword
into its scabbard. The big
sergeant was practicing quick one-two-three blows with his quarterstaff. 'Have
at it!' Sir Mans called, and the big sergeant stepped forward, knees bent,
quarterstaff on guard. Rod followed suit. Then he
was in the middle of an oaken rain, blows from the sergeant's staff drubbing
about his head and shoulders, seeking an opening, a half second drop of Rod's
guard. Rod set
his jaw and matched the sergeant's pace, catching the blows as quick as they
came - just barely. His stomach sank as he realized he was on the defensive. He
blocked a swing at his shin, caught the rebound toward his head, swung the
lower end of his staff to catch the answering blow at his belly - but the blow
never came. It had been a feint. Frantically,
he tried to recover to guard his head, but the sergeant had gained his half
second opening. Rod saw the heavy oak staff swinging at him out of the corner
of his eye. He sank
back, rolling with the blow. It cracked on his skull like a thunderclap. The
room darkened, filled with dancing motes of light; there was a roaring in Rod's
ears. He gave
ground, blocking the sergeant's blows by sheer reflex, and heard the onlooking
soldiers yell with triumph. Won't
do at all, Rod's thoughts whirled. He'd been trained at
quarterstaff; but he hadn't had a bout in a year, whereas the sergeant had all
the skill of a devout hobbyist. It was just a game to him, probably, as the
swordplay had been to Rod. The sergeant was in the driver's seat, and he knew
it. There
was one chance. Rod leaped back, his hands slipping to the middle of the staff.
It began to turn end-over-end, twirling like a baton. Rod set
his jaw and put some muscle into it. His staff leaped into a whirling, whining
blur. It was
French single-stick play, le moullnet. The sergeant probably knew it as well as
Rod; but chances were he wasn't any better practiced at it than Rod was. It was
rather exotic form, unless you were French. And with a name like Sergeant
Hapweed Sir
Mans and Co. gaped. The sergeant stepped back, startled. Then a wariness came
into his face, and his staff jumped into a whirl. So he
knew the style. But he wasn't a master; in fact, Rod had the advantage. The
sergeant's staff was a blur, but a quiet blur. Rod's staff was doing a very
nice imitation of a buzz saw. He had the edge on the sergeant in angular
velocity, and consequently greater striking power. Sergeant
Hapweed knew it too; the muscles of his neck knotted as he tried to speed up
his wing. Now!
Rod leaped forward. His staff snapped out of its whirl, swinging down counter
to the rotation of the sergeant's. The
sticks met with a crack of a rifle and a shudder that jarred Rod's back teeth.
He recovered a half second ahead of the sergeant and brought his staff crashing
down on the sergeant's in two quick blows, knocking the other's staff out of
his hands. Rod
straightened, drawing a deep breath and letting the tension flow out of him as
he grounded the butt of his staff. The
sergeant stared at his hands, numb. Rod
reached out and tapped the man's temple gently with the tip of his staff.
'Bang! You're dead.' 'Hold!'
cried Sir Mans, making things official. Rod grounded his staff again, and
leaned on it. Sir
Mans scowled at Rod, eyes bright under bushy eyebrows. Rod
gave him a tight smile. Sir
Mans nodded slowly. 'Shall I try you with a longbow?' Rod
shrugged, bluffing. With a crossbow, maybe. But a longbow... A deep,
skirling laugh rolled from the rafters. The Master of the Guard and all his men
jumped. Big Tom fell on his knees, arms flung up to protect his head. Rod's
head snapped out, eyes searching for the source of the laugh. On one
of the great oaken beams crossing the hall sat a dwarf, drumming his heels
against the wood. His head was as large as Rod's, his shoulders broader, his
arms and legs as thick as Rod's. He looked as though someone had taken a big,
normal man and edited out three feet here and there. He was
barrel-chested, broad-shouldered, and bull-necked. The shaggy black head seemed
strangely large for such a truncated body. Black, curly hair hung down to the
point of the jaw and the nape of the neck; bushy black eyebrows jutted out-from
a flat sloping forehead. The eyes were large, coal-black, and, at the moment,
creased with mirth. They were separated by a hawk-beak nose under which thick,
fleshy lips grinned through a bushy black beard, jutting forward at the chin.
Square, even teeth gleamed white through the beard. Someone
bad tried to cram a giant into a nail-keg, and had almost succeeded. 'Longbow!'
he cried in a booming bass voice. 'Nay, I'll wager he's .as fair a shot as the
county ram in springtime!' Sir
Mans glowered up at the dwarf. 'A plague on you and your stealthy ways, Brom
O'Berin I Is there not enough salt in my hair already, but you must whiten it
all with your pranks?' 'Stealthy
ways!' cried the dwarf. 'Forsooth I Had you some pride in your calling, Sir
Mans, you would thank me for showing you your own lack of vigilance!' 'Brom?'
muttered Rod, staring 'O'Berin?' The
dwarf turned to Rod, glowering. 'Black Brom O'Berin, aye!' 'That's,
uh, a combo of Dutch, Irish, and Russian, if I've got it right.' 'What
words of nonsense are these?' growled the dwarf. 'Nothing.'
Rod looked away, shaking his head. 'I should have seen it coming. I should
expect something else, on this crazy -uh... in Gramarye?' The
dwarf grinned, mischief in his eyes. 'Nay, unless I mistake me, that hath the
sound of a slur on the great land of Gramarye I 'No,
no! I didn't... I mean. . .' Rod
paused, remembering that
apologies were unbecoming for a fighting man in this culture. He
straightened, chin lifting. 'All right,' he said, 'it was an insult, if you
want it that way.' The
dwarf gave a howl of glee and jumped to his feet on the rafter. 'You
must fight him now, Gallowglass,' Sir Mans rumbled, 'and you shall need every
bit of your skill.' Rod
stared at the Master of the Guard. Could the man be serious? A dwarf, give Rod
a hard fight? The
dwarf chuckled deep in his throat and slipped off the beam. It was a twelve
foot drop to the stone floor, more than three times Brom's height, but he hit
the floor lightly, seeming almost to bounce, and wound up in a wrestler's
crouch. He straightened and paced toward Rod, chuckling mischief. There
was a roar behind Rod, and Big Tom blundered forward. ''Tis a trap, master!' he
bellowed. 'Witchcraft in this land, and he is the worst witch of all! None has
ever beaten Black Brom I Yet I shall-' Every
soldier in the room. descended on Big Tom in a shouting chaos of anger and
outrage. Rod
stood a moment in shock~ Then he dropped his staff and waded into the melee,
hands flashing out in karate punches and chops. Soldiers dropped to the floor. 'Hold!'
thundered Brom's voice. Silence
gelled. Brom
had somehow gotten up on the rafters again. 'My
thanks, lads,' the miniature Hercules growled. 'But the the big fellow meant no
harm; let him go.' 'No
harm!' yelped half a dozen outraged voices. Brom
took a deep breath and sighed out, 'Aye, no harm. He meant only defense of his
master. And this Gallowglass meant only defense of his manservant. Stand away
from them now~, they're both blameless.' The
soldiers reluctantly obeyed. Rod
slapped Tom on the shoulder and murmured, 'Thanks, Big Tom. And don't worry
about me; that Dutch Irishman is only a man, like you and me. And if he's a
man, I can beat him.' The
dwarf must have had very keen ears, for he bellowed, 'Oh, can you, now? We'll
see to that, my bawcock!' 'Eh,
master!' Big Tom moaned, rolling his eyes. 'You know not what you speak of.
That elf is the devil's black own I' 'A
warlock?' Rod snorted. 'There ain't no such beasts.' Sir Mans stepped back
among his men, ice-eyed and glowering. Harm a hair of his head, and we'll flay
you alive!' 'No
fear,' Brom O'Berin chuckled. 'No fear, Gallowglass. Try all that you may to
harm me. Be assured, you shall fail. Now look to yourself.' He jumped
on the rafter, bellowed 'Now!' Rod
dropped into a crouch, hands drawn back to chop. Brom
stood on the beam, fists on hips, great head nodding. 'Aye, hold yourself
ready. But' - his eyes lit with a malicious • gleam; he chuckled - 'Brom O'Berin is not a
light man.' He leaped from the rafter feet-first, straight at Rod's head. • Rod stepped back, startled at the
suddenness of the dwarf's attack. Reflex took over; his hand swung up, palm
upward, to catch Brom's heels and flip them up. Then,
expecting the dwarf to land flat on his back on the granite floor, Rod jumped
forward to catch; but Brom spun through a somersault and landed bouncing on his
feet. He
slapped Rod's hands away with a quick swipe. 'A courtly gesture,' he rumbled,
'but a foolish one; your guard is down. Save gentleness for those who need it,
man Gallowglass.' Rod
stepped back, on guard again, and looked at the little man with dawning
respect. 'Seems I underestimated you, Master O'Berin.' 'Call
me not master!' the dwarf bellowed. 'I'm no man's master; I'm naught but the
Queen's fool!' Rod
nodded, slowly. A fool.' He
beckoned with both arms, and a savage grin. 'Well enough then, wise fool.' Brom
stood his ground a moment, measuring Rod with a scowl. He grunted, mouth
snapping into a tight smile, and nodded. He
sprang, flipped in mid-air, feet heading straight for Rod's chin Rod
swung a hand up to catch Brom's heels again, muttering, 'I'd've
thought you'd learn.' He
shoved the dwarf's feet high; but this time Brom flipped his head up under
Rod's chin. He had a very solid head. Rod
rolled with the punch, wrapping his arms tightly around Brom O'Berin's body in
the process. The
dwarf shook with merriment. 'How now?' he chortled. I 'Now
that you've got me, what shall you do with me?' Rod
paused, panting. It was
a good question. If he relaxed his grip for a moment, he could be sure Brom
would twist a kick into his belly. He could drop the little man, or throw him;
but Brom had a tendency to bounce and would probably slam right into Rod's chin
on the rebound. Well,
when in doubt, pin first and think later. Rod dropped to the floor, shoving
Brom's body out at right angles to his own, catching the dwarf's knee and neck
far a cradle hold. But
Brom moved just a little bit faster. His right arm snaked around Rod's left; he
caught Rod's elbow in a vise-like grip and pulled. • Rod's
back arched with the pain of the elbow lock. He now had a simple choice: let go
with his left hand, or black out from pain. Decisions,
decisions I Rod took
a chance on his stamina; he tightened his hold on Brom's neck. Brom
grunted surprise. 'Another man would have yelped his pain and leaped away from
me, man Gallowglass.' Brom's
knee doubled back; his foot shoved against Rod's chest, slid up under the chin,
and kept on pushing. Rod
made a strangling noise; fire lanced the back of his neck as vertebrae ground
together. The roam darkened, filled with points of coloured light. 'You
must let go of me now, Gallowglass,' Brom murmured, ere sight fails, and you
sleep.' Did the
damn half-pint always have to be right? Rod
tried a furious gurgle by way of reply; but the room was dimming at an
alarmingly rapid rate, the points of light were becoming pinwheels, .and a fast
exit seemed indicated. He
dropped his hold, shoved against the floor with his arms, and came weaving to
his feet, with a throaty chuckle filling his ears. For
Brom had kept his hold on Rod's arm and had wrapped his other hand in the
throat of Rod's doublet, his weight dragging Rod back toward the floor. Brom's
feet touched the ground; he shoved, throwing Rod back. Rod
staggered, overbalanced, and fell, but habit took over again. He tucked in his
chin, slapped the floor with his forearms, breaking his fall. Brom
bowled with glee at seeing Rod still conscious, and leaped. Rod
caught what little breath remained to him and snapped in his feet. He caught
Brom right in the stomach, grabbed a flailing arm, and shoved, letting the arm
go. Brom
flipped head over heels, sailed twenty feet past Rod, and landed on the stone
flags with a grunt of surprise. He landed on his feet, of course, and spun
about with a bellow of laughter. 'Very neat, lad, very neat! But not enough...' Rod was
on his feet again, panting and shaking his head. Brom hopped toward him, then
sprang. Rod
ducked low, in a vain hope that Brom might be capable of missing once; but the
little man's long arm lashed out to catch Rod across the throat, stumpy body
swinging around to settle between Rod's shoulders. One
foot pressed into the small of Rod's back, both arms pulled back against the
base of his throat. Rod
gurgled, coming to his feet and bending backward under Brom's pull. He seized
the dwarf's forearms, then bowed forward quickly, yanking Brom's arms. Brom
snapped over Rod's head and somersaulted away. He crowed as his feet hit the
floor. 'Bravely
done, lad! Bravely done!' He
turned about, the glint of mischief still in his eyes. 'But I grow weary of
this game. Let us be done with it.' 'Tr-try,'
Rod panted. Brom
hunched forward, his long arms flailing out, slapping at Rod's guard. He
grabbed for Rod's knee. Rod dropped his right hand to block Brom's attempt,
then threw his left about Brom's shoulders, trying to shove him forward to lose
his balance; but the dwarf's hands seemed to have gotten tangled in Rod's
collar again. Rod
straightened, trying to throw Brom off, hands chapping at the little man's
elbows; Brom's grip only tightened. The
dwarf kicked out, throwing all his weight forward. Rod stumbled, saw the floor
coming up at him. Brom
leaped past him, catching Rod's foot on the way. Rod did a bellywhopper on the
stone floor, but he slapped out with his forearms and kept his head from
hitting. He
tried to rise but someone had tied a millstone across his shoulders. A snake
coiled under his left arm and pressed against the back of his neck. Rod
tried to roll to break the half nelson, but a vise closed on his right wrist
and drew it up into a hammerlock. 'Yield,
lad,' Brom's voice husked in his ear. 'Yield, for you cannot be rid of me now.' He
shoved Rod's arm higher in the hammerlock to emphasize his point. Rod ground
his teeth against the pain. He
struggled to his feet somehow, tried to shake the little man off. But Brom's
feet were lacked around his Waist. 'Nay,'
the dwarf muttered, 'I told you you'd not be rid of me.' Rod
shook himself like a terrier, but Brom held on like a bulldog. For a moment,
Rod considered falling on his back to crush Brom under him. It was galling to
be beaten by a man one-third your size. He discarded the idea quickly, though;
there were many times in this bout where Brom could have played equally shabby
tricks on Rod. So Brom
had a strong sense of fair play; and Rod was damned if he'd come off as smaller
than a dwarf. Brom's
voice was a burr in his ear. 'Will you not yield, man?' And Rod gasped as his
right hand tried to touch the nape of his neck. Then
Brom shoved hard an Rod's neck, forcing his chin down to touch his collarbone.
Rod staggered, lurched forward, and threw out a leg to keep himself from
falling. The muscles across his back and neck screamed at the torture; his
right aria begged to give in. His diaphragm folded in on itself, stubbornly
refusing to pull in another breath of air. His windpipe crooked into a kink,
and his lungs called f or air. In a weird, detached moment he noted that night
seemed to have fallen all of a sudden; and, stranger yet, the stars were
tumbling... Water
splashed cold on his face. The mouth of a bottle thrust between his lips,
feeling as large as a cartwheel. Liquid trickled aver his tongue and down to
his belly, where it exploded into fire. He
shook his head, and noticed that there was cold stone under his back. Now, what
the hell was he doing, trying to sleep on a stone floor? Voices
echoed in his head. He opened his eyes, saw a round face with great brawn eyes
framed in shaggy black hair and beard, peering down at him. The
head swam away, and gray stone blocks reeled about him. He
gasped, stared at the glint of light from a spearhead, and the room slowly
steadied. A voice
thundered in his ear. 'He is a miracle, Sir Mans I He made me sweat I' A
massive arm cradled Rod's head and shoulders, lifting them from the stone. Big
Tom's great round face swain into view, brows knit with concern. 'Be you
well, master?' Rod
grunted something, waving a hand and nodding. Then the shaggy head was there,
too, a shaggy head with a chimpanzee's body, and a hand heavy with muscle
clasped his. 'Well
fought, lad,' rumbled Brom O'Berin. 'I've not bad such a bout since I came to
my manhood.' Rod
gripped the dwarf's hand and tried to grin. Then
Sir Mans' scarred, white-bearded face bowed over him, his old hand clasping
Rod's upper arm, lifting him to his feet. 'Come, lad, stand tall! For you're a
man of the Queen's army flaw!, 'Queen's
army!' boomed Brom, somehow up on the rafters again. The room rocked with his
laughter. 'Nay, Sir Mans, 1 claim this lad I 'Tis the Queen's own bodyguard for
him!' 'No,
admit, Big Tom! Get away from me with that thing!' 'But,
master!' Tom chased after him, holding up the breastplate. 'You must wear some
armor!' 'Give
me one good reason only,' growled Rod. 'Why,
to turn away arrows and swords, master!' 'Swords
I can turn easily enough with my own. Arrows I can duck. And against crossbow
quarrels, it won't do a damn bit of good anyway! No, Big Tom! All it'll do is
slow me down.' The
guard room door groaned an its hinges, boomed shut. Brom O'Berin stood watching
them, fists on his hips, a silver glimmer draped over one shoulder. 'How is
this, Rod Gallowglass? Will you not wear the Queen's livery?' 'I'll
wear livery when you do, you motley manikin!' The dwarf grinned, teeth flashing
white through the wilderness of beard. 'A touch, a distinct touch! But I'm not
a Guardsman, Rod Gallowglass; I'm a fool, and motley is foal's livery. Come,
soldier, into your colors!' 'Oh,
I'll wear the Queen's colors well enough. Fact is, I'm kinda partial to purple
and silver. Only thing I've got against them is that they're livery but I'll
wear 'em. But, dammit, Brom, I
absolutely refuse to have anything to do with that damn sweatbox you call
armor!' The
dwarf's face sobered; he nodded slowly, his eyes holding Rod's. 'Oh, aye. I had
thought you to be of such persuasion. The
silver cloth flew jingling from his shoulder, slapped against Rod's chest. Rod
caught it. held it up. inspected it with a frown. 'Will
you wear a mail shirt, Rod Gallowglass?' 'I'd as
soon wear a hair shirt,' Rod growled; but he wriggled into the iron vest. 'Goad
fit,' he muttered, and gave the mail shirt a baleful eye; but his chest
expanded and his shoulders came back, almost as though he were strutting. His
glance stabbed out at Brom O'Berin. 'How is this, Brom? How come you'll let me
get away without a breastplate? Out of uniform, aren't I?' 'Not
so,' Brom rumbled, 'for the armor is hidden under the livery. And you are the
only man of the Guard who would not wish plate armor.' Rod
looked at the little man out of the corner of his eye. 'How'd you know I didn't
want the breastplate?' Brom
chuckled, deep in his beard. 'Why, I've fought you, Rod Gallowglass, and 'twas
well you fought me, in my own manner!' His smile disappeared. 'Nay, you'd no
sooner wean armor than I would.' Rod
scowled, studying the great bearded face. 'You don't quite trust me yet, do
you?' Brom
smiled, a tight grimace of irony. 'Rod Gallowglass, there's no man I trust, and
I regard any Queen's Guard with suspicion till he has given his life to save
hers.' Rod
nodded. 'And how many is that?' Brom's
eyes burned into his. 'Seven,' he said. 'In the last year, seven Guards have I
come to trust.' Rod
jerked the left side of his mouth into a hard smile. He
caught up the silver-on-purple doublet, shrugged into it. 'So if you really
come to think highly of me, you may let me taste the Queen's food to see if
it's poisoned.' 'Nay,'
Brom growled. 'That pleasure is mine, mine to me alone.' Rod was
silent a moment, looking into the little man's eyes. 'Well,' he said, and
turned away to buckle on the purple cloak. 'I notice you're still alive.' Brom
nodded. 'Though 'tis several times I've been ill - ill for fair,
my lad. But I seem to have the knack of telling poison by taste; I need not
wait f or death's proof.' He
grinned, and strode across the floor to slap at Rod's ironclad belly. 'But
came, there's no cause to be glum! All you'll have to face is swords, and
perhaps now and again a crossbow, so be of good cheer.' 'Oh,
I'm just trembling with eagerness,' Rod muttered. Brom
pivoted, headed f or the door. 'But now to the Queen's council chamber! Come,
I'll show you your station.' He
spun, arm pointing at Big Tom. 'You there, man Tom! Back to the barracks with
you; your master will call you at need.' Tom
looked to Rod for confirmation; Rod nodded. Brom
slammed the door open and strode through. Rod shook his head, smiling, and
followed. The
Queen's council chamber was a large, round room, mostly filled with a great
round table twenty feet in diameter. There were ponderous doors at the south,
east, and west points of the compass; the north point was taken up by a yawning
fireplace, crackling with a small bonfire. The
walls were hung with gaudy tapestries and rich furs. A great shield blazoned
with the royal arms hung over the fireplace. The ceiling arched concave, almost
a dome, crossed by great curving beams. The
table was polished walnut. Around it sat the twelve Great
Lords of the realm: the Duke di Medici, the Earl of Romanoff,
the Duke of Gloucester, the Prince Borgia, the Earl
Marshall, Duke Stewart, the Duke of Bourbon, the Prince Hapsburg,
Earl Tudor, the Baronet of Ruddigore, the Duke of Savoy,
and the great grizzled old Duke of Loguire. All
were there, Rod saw, listening to a herald read their names from a scroll - all
except the Queen, Catharine Plantagenet. Mulling over the list of names the
elite of the Йmigrйs had chosen for themselves, Rod decided that they had been
not only romantics, but also genuine crackpots. Plantagenet f or-sooth! Next to
each of the great lords sat a slight, wiry, wizened little man, an old man;
each had an almost emaciated face, with burning blue eyes, and a few wisps of
hair brushed flat over a leathery skull. Councillors?
Rod wondered. Strange that they all looked so much alike. ... All sat
in massive, ornately carved, dark-wood chairs. A larger, gilded chair stood
vacant at the east point of the table. A drum
railed, a trumpet sneezed, and the lords and councillors rose to their feet. The
great double leaves of the east door boomed wide, and Catharine stepped into the
chamber. Rod was
stationed at the side of the west door; he had an excellent view, one which
gave his heart pause. A cloud
of silver hair about a finely chiseled, pouting face; great blue eyes and
rosebud lips; and a slender child's body, budding breasts and kitten hips under
clinging silk, molded tighter to her by the wide belt of her girdle, a Y from
hips to floor. She sat
in the vacant chair, bands gripping the arm rests, back braced stiff against
the gilded wood. Brom
O'Berin hopped up onto a stool at her right. Directly across from her, at the
west point of the table, sat the Duke Loguire. His councillor leaned close,
whispering. The Duke shushed him impatiently. Brom
O'Berin nodded to a herald. 'The
Queen's Grand Council is met,' the herald cried. 'The high and great of the
land of Gramarye are gathered. Let all among them who seek redress of wrongs
petition now the Queen, in the presence of their peers.' Silence
filled the room. The
Duke of Bourbon stirred uneasily and coughed. Brom's
head swiveled to the man. 'My lord of Bourbon,' he rumbled, 'will you address
the Queen?' Slowly,
the Duke rose. His doublet was blazoned with fleurs-de-lis, but his hair and
moustache were blond. 'Your
Majesty,' said the Duke, bowing gravely to the Queen, 'and my brother lards.'
He nodded his head toward the table in general, then lifted his chin,
straightening his shoulders. 'I must protest,' he growled. Catharine
tilted her back so that she gave the impression of looking down her nose at the
tall nobleman. 'What must you protest, my lord?' The
Duke of Bourbon looked down at the walnut tabletop. 'Since our ancestors came
from beyond the stars, the peasants have been subject to their lords; and the
lords have been subject to the Great Lords. The Great Lords, in their turn, are
subject to the
King. . . the Queen,' he amended, with a slight bow to Catharine. Her
lips pressed into a tight, thin line, but she took the slight with good grace. 'This,'
the Duke resumed, 'is the natural order Of mankind, that each man be subject to
the man above him; that justice and order be the concern of the lord; within
his demesne, he is, and should be, the law, subject, of course, to the Queen.' Again
the polite nod to Catharine, and again, she accepted the slight; but her hands
pinched the arms of the chair so tightly the knuckles turned white. 'Yet
now your Majesty would overturn this great and lasting order, and force upon us
judges of your own appointing to dispense justice within our demesnes, judges
subject only to yourself. This, though it be contrary to the wisdom of your
father, noble Queen, and his father before him, and all your ancestors from the
beginning of your line. If I may speak plainly, I find it almost a mockery of
your great and noble forebears; and, speaking for myself, I cannot abide this
peasant underling of yours, who thinks to lord it over me in my own manor!' He
finished almost in a shout, glaring red-faced at the Queen. in 'Are you done?'
asked Catharine in a tone she'd been keeping storage
f or just such an occasion. Slowly,
the Duke of Bourbon bowed his head. 'I am.' He sat. Catharine closed her eyes a
moment, then looked to Brom O'Berin and nodded, almost imperceptibly. Brom
stood. 'Do any speak in support of my lord of Bourbon?' A young man with fiery
red hair came to his feet. 'I agree with all that my lord of Bourbon has said.
I will add, moreover, that the Queen might do well to consider the question of the
corruptibility of her appointed judges; for a man without lands or means, and
no family name to uphold, might easily be tempted to sell his justice.' 'If
they do,' Catharine snapped, 'they shall be hanged from the highest gallows; and the men they have
wronged shall serve for their executioners.' She was
silent for the space of three breaths, eyes locked with the young nobleman's;
then Brom O'Berin growled, 'Our thanks to the noble Duke of Savoy.' The
young man bowed, and sat. 'Who
else will speak in favor of my lords of Bourbon and Savoy?' One by
one, the other ten lords rose to second the Duke of Bourbon. The Queen's Grand
Council was unanimously against her. Catharine
held her eyes closed a moment; her Lips pressed tight. She looked up to sweep
the table with a glare. 'My lords, I am deeply grieved to find you all so much
opposed to the Queen's justice.' She gave them a brittle smile. 'I thank you
for your honest council. Yet I am constant in my purpose; my judges shall
remain on your estates.' The
noblemen stirred in their seats, muttering to one another in low, husky voices.
They seemed to comprise one large, restless animal, growling. The old
Duke of Loguire rose slowly, and leaned heavily on the table. 'My Queen,' he
rumbled, 'consider: even kings may fault in judgment, and you are young in
statecraft yet. It is known that many minds together may come to clearer
knowledge than one mind alone; and here are gathered with you twelve men of
most ancient and honorable lineage, of families grown hoary in statecraft, old
men of old families; and, it is to be hoped, wise with the weight of their
years. Will you persist in your course, when so many are so sure that you are
wrong?' Catharine's
face was pale, almost dead white. Her eyes were burning. 'I will,' she said
quietly. The
Lord Loguire held her eyes for a long moment, then slowly sat. Catharine
surveyed the faces around her, taking time to look deep into each pair of eyes. Then,
lifting her chin, she said, 'My judges will remain on your estates, my lords.
As to their corruptibility, you will find them almost saintly in their disregard
for money, wine, and - comforts. They care for one thing only, and
that is justice.' She
paused to let her words sink in; and Rod noted that there were several beet-red
faces among the great lords. At a rough guess, he decided, justice had not been
quite as pure as it might have been on some of their estates. The
Duke Loguire did not have a red face. The only emotion Rod could read in him
was grief. 'This
whole matter of the judges is, however, secondary to the purpose far which I
have called you here today.' Catharine smiled, with more than a hint of malice. Heads
jerked up in alarm, all around the board. Brom O'Berin looked more shocked than
any. Apparently Catharine had not consulted with her Prime Councillor; even
Brom was due for a surprise. Each
lord bent his head for a quick, whispered conference with his councillor; and
the looks of alarm on their faces deepened into sullen anger. 'On
each of your estates,' said Catharine, 'there is a monastery. You have been
accustomed to appointing the priests for the parishes of your demesnes from
your own monasteries.' She
looked down at the tabletop for a moment, then lifted her head again. 'Here in
this castle I am gathering the best theologians of all the monasteries. You
shall choose young brothers from your monks, one for each of your parishes, and
send them here to me, to be trained by my monks. If in any case I do not
approve of your choice in young men, I shall send them back to you, and demand
others in their places. When they have finished their studies and taken their
Orders, I shall return them to you, to be your parish priests.' The
lords slammed to their feet, shouting and gesturing, fists thudding on the
table. Catharine's
voice crackled, into the uproar. 'Enough! Be still!' Slowly, one by one, the
Great Lords fell into sullen silence and sank back into their seats, glaring. But
their councillors' faces seemed lit with a suppressed joy; their eyes were
burning, and each face held a smile just short of a grin. 'I have
spoken,' Catharine said, voice and eyes bath chill. 'It shall be done.' Trembling,
the old Lard Loguire rose. Will your Majesty not-' 'I will
not.' Brom
O'Berin cleared his throat. 'If your Majesty will permit-' 'I will
not.' Silence
sat over the council chamber. Once again. Catharine surveyed the faces of her
lords and their councillors. Then,
turning to her left, she bowed her head. 'My lord Loguire.' The old
nobleman rose, his jaw clamped tight under the grizzled beard, his
liver-spotted fist palsied with barely-held anger. He drew
back the great, gilded chair, and Catharine rose. He stepped back to his place.
Catharine turned away, and the great oak doors were thrown wide. Guardsmen fell
in before and behind her. She
paused in the doorway, and turned. 'Consider, my lards,' she said, 'and
consent; for you cannot stand against me.' The
great doors slammed behind her. The
council chamber burst into pandemonium. 'Oh,
come off it! It's the classic pattern, right down to the last look of outrage!' His
day's duty done, Rod was riding Fess back to the inn, bent on picking up a
little gossip and a lot of beer. Big Tom was tending the home fires at the
Royal Castle, with orders to keep his ears open for juicy tidbits of
information. 'I
disagree, Rod. It's the classic pattern with something added.' 'Bull!
It's a simple, premature attempt at centralization of authority. She's trying
to unify Gramarye under one law and one ruler, instead of twelve
near-independent dukedoms. This business with the judges is that, and nothing
more. Five'll get you ten some of those dukes have been playing god on their
estates, forcing half the women to sleep with them and over-taxing everybody
and anything else that occurred to them. Catharine's a reformer, that's all;
she's trying to cure all the evils she can find by making herself the only law
in Gramarye - and
she won't make it. The noblemen just won't stand for it. She might have gotten
away with the judges; but this business with the priests'll bring on a
rebellion for sure. Priests have more influence over the people than any other
officials in this kind of society. If she makes them responsible to her, and
only her, she's really puffing the noblemen's teeth, and they know it. And they
won't give up without a fight.' 'So
far, I'll agree with you,' the robot said. 'So far, it is the classic pattern,
closely resembling the attempt of the English King John to centralize his
nation before 'such a project could succeed.' 'Yes.'
Rod nodded. 'And we can hope that, like King John's n3blemen, the great dukes
will insist on a Magna Carta.' 'But...' Rod
assumed a look of martyr-like patience. 'But what, Fess?' 'But
there is a foreign element: a group of councillors to the Great Lords, a group
that seems to be very cohesive.' Rod
frowned. 'Well, yes. There is that.' 'And
from what you tell me of the scene after Catharine left...' 'Yii!'
Rod shuddered. 'It was just as though she'd thrown down a gauntlet, and all the
dukes were out to see who'd get the honor of taking it up. The girl might know
some elementary political science, but she sure doesn't know any diplomacy! She
was just daring them to fight her!' 'Yes,
and the councillors were egging them on very nicely -each one councilling his
lard not to fight, because he was too weak. . . and then telling them that if
he must fight, he'd better ally with the other lords, because each was too weak
to stand alone. Expert use of reverse psychology. One would almost think the
councillors were out to eliminate central authority completely.' 'Yes .
. .' Rod frowned, musing. 'That's not quite normal to this kind of society, is
it, Fess?' 'No,
Rod. The theory of anarchy does not usually arise until the culture has
attained a much higher degree of technology.' Rod
chewed at his lip. 'Outside influence, maybe?' 'Perhaps.
And that brings us to the popular totalitarian movement: another anomaly. No,
Rod, this is not the classic pattern.~ 'No,
dammit. We've got three groups contending for power: the peasants, the dukes
and their councillors, and the Queen and whoever supports her. That support
seems to be limited to Brom O'Berin at the moment.' 'Totalitarians,
anarchists, and the Queen in the middle,' Fess murmured. 'Which one do you
support, Rod?' 'Catharine,
dammit!' Rod grinned. 'I'm out to plant the seeds of democracy; and it looks
like the only chance to do that is to engineer a constitutional monarchy.' 'I
might be mistaken,' Fess murmured, 'But I do believe you're delighted to find
you must support her.' Around
them the few lights were dimmed by the night mist, a wall of fog thirty feet
away. Rod rode alone through a world of smoke; Fess's hooves rang strangely
weird in the echoing silence. A long
yell split the night, followed by the slapping clash of swords. 'A rescue, a
rescue!' a young voice cried. Rod
froze, hand on the pommel of his sword; then he dug his heels
into Fess's metal sides, and the great black horse sprang toward the ruckus. A torch
smoldered red through the fog at the mouth of an alley. There, under its smoky
light, one man battled three, his back against the wall. Rod
bellowed and landed horse and all in the middle of the melee. He laid about him
with the flat of his sword, howling like an Indian studying to be a Confederate
soldier. He yanked the dagger from the small of his back, just in time to catch
a rapier coming at him from his left. His own sword swung in an arc over his
head and clashed against steel as his opponent caught the blow. Then
steel points were jabbing up at him like sawgrass. Rod was forced back on the
defensive, swatting the blades aside. But the
intended victim let loose a yell that would have shamed a banshee and waded in
from the rear. All at
once the three swords fell away, their owners pelting down the alley. Rod sat a
moment dazed; then he yelled and Fess sprang after the retreating figures. But
they gained the dark at the end of the alley and when Rod caught up, the stones
were empty. It was a dead end; they had gone through one of the shadowed,
evil-smelling doorways. Their
would-be victim came running up behind, looked about, and panted. 'Gone,
and no use to seek them further. They'll be five leagues away in as many
minutes.' Rod
swore and slapped his sword back into its scabbard. He winced, and touched his
forearm gingerly; one of the rapier. points had slashed through his doublet and
sliced his skin. He
turned to the stranger. 'You all right?' The
young man nodded, sheathing his sword. Rod
looked down into an open, snub-nosed, blue-eyed face with a grin that flashed
white through the fog. The cheekbones were high, and the eyes large and wide,
with a look of innocence. Blond hair was cropped round in a bowl cut. It was a
young, inexperienced, very handsome face - Rod felt a surge of resentment. He
swung down from his horse. The top of the youth's head was about on a level
with Rod's eyes; but what the boy lacked in height, he made up in bulk. A
barrel chest swelled into bull shoulders, a good six inches wider than Rod's.
The arms would Ј0 have
looked more appropriate on a bear or gorilla; and the legs were two small tree
trunks, rammed into narrow hips. He wore
a leather jerkin over a white shirt, a wide black belt, hose, and high, soft
boots. He
frowned, seeing the blood on Rod's sleeve. 'You're hurt.' Rod snorted. 'A
scratch,' he said, and fumbled in Fess's saddlebag for an antiseptic bandage.
He wound the bandage around his forearm, threw the youth a bard grin. 'You can
pay the tailor bill, though.' The boy
nodded, blue eyes sober. 'That will I gladly; for they would have cut my heart
out, had it not been for your timely rescue. Tuan McReady stands in your debt.' Rod
looked him up and down, nodding slowly. A good kid, he thought. He held
out his hand. 'Rod Gallowglass, at your service; and there's no debt involved.
Always glad to help one against three.' 'Ah,
but debt there is!' said the boy, clasping Rod's hand with a grip like a
sentimental vise. 'You must, at the least, let me buy you a tankard of ale!' Rod
shrugged. 'Why not? I was on my way to an inn just now, anyway; come on along!' To his
surprise, Tuan hesitated. 'By your leave, good Master Gallowglass . . . there
is only one house in this town where I am welcomed. All others have known my
custom of old, and' -the round face suddenly broke into a grin - 'my manner of living
does not please the peaceful and proper.' Rod
grimaced, nodding. 'Post jocundum juventutem. Well, one inn's as good as
another, I guess.' The
route to Tuan's inn was somewhat out of keeping with his well-bred looks. They
dodged down two dark alleys, wriggled through a weathered brick wall, and came
out in a wide, moonlit courtyard that had been elegant in its day. That day
must have been a century or two in the past. The remains of a fountain burbled
in the center of cracked flagstones, sending up a stench redolent of primitive
plumbing. Weeds, themselves in a state of dire poverty, poked through the
paving everywhere. The brick of the walls was cracked and split, the mortar
crumbling. Heaps of garbage lay by the walls and in the corners, with stray
mounds of refuse here and there about the yard. The inn
itself was a rotting granite block with tumbledown eaves. The overhanging
second storey was propped up with roughhewn timbers, not to be trusted due to
the infirmities of age. The windows were boarded over, the boards split, moldy,
and fungoid. The massive oak door was the only sound piece of wood in sight,
and even it was sagging. 'Ah,
they tolerate your behavior here?' Rod asked, surveying the stagnant courtyard
as Tuan knocked on the door with the hilt of his dagger. 'Tolerate,
yes,' said Tuan, 'though even their hospitality is sometimes strained.' Rod
felt a chill between his shoulder blades and wondered just what kind of
mild-mannered youth he'd run into. Tuan
knocked again. Rod wondered that be expected an answer; not a gleam of light
showed through the sagging window boards. By the look of it, the place must be
totally deserted. But the
door began to move, and groaned that it was going on strike for an oil break,
till it was open just wide enough to admit the two men. 'Your
host,' said Tuan cheerily, 'the Mocker.' A
gnarled, hunched, desiccated travesty of a human being peered around the door,
making gobbling sounds in its throat. One ear was cauliflower, and the other
was gone; a few strands of greasy hair straggled over a scabby skull. The nose
was bulbous, the mouth a slash in a mass of warts, the eyes malevolent,
gleaming slits. It was dressed in a collection of tatters and patches that
might once have laid claim to being a doublet and hose, sagging badly on the
scarecrow figure. The
troll scurried away into the foul-smelling dark of its lair. Tuan strode
through the door, following. Rod took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and
looked back over his shoulder to make sure Fess was still standing there, by
the fountain, head lowered in a good imitation of a horse grazing. For a
moment, Rod envied the robot his ability to cut off his olfactory receptors. Then,
lifting his chin, he followed Tuan into the inn. The
door ground shut behind him; there was a scurrying sound as the Mocker ran
ahead to open another door. This
one opened easily, slammed back against the wall, flooding them with a blaze of
torchlight and gales of coarse, bawdy laughter. Rod stared. They
stepped through the door, and Rod looked about him. It was a great common room,
with four roaring open fires and score upon score of torches bracketed along
the walls. Roasting meat hung over the fires; waiters wove their way through
the '111 crowd
with tankards of ale and wine from two huge, flowing kegs that dominated the
far side of the room. The
clientele were the lees of the city. Their clothes were crusted, patched
castoffs. Their bodies bore the marks of primitive justice: this one was
missing an ear, that one an eye. Their faces were disfigured and scarred by
disease. Yet here in their own den they roared merrily, all of them grinned,
though malice glinted in their eyes as they looked at Rod. But the
malice faded, was transmuted into something almost like worship, as they looked
at young Tuan. 'It is
said,' and the boy smiled, 'that there is no honor among thieves; but there is
at least kinship here, among the beggars of Gramarye. Welcome, Rod Gallowglass,
to the House of Clovis.' The
hair at the base of Rod's skull prickled. He remembered the torchlight mob he
had seen on the waterfront the night before. His
eyes widened; he stared at Tuan. He couldn't be. He couldn't be. Oh, but
he could. Yes, he could. Tuan
McReady was the young rabble-rouser who'd been haranguing the mob to march on
the castle. This
apple-cheeked, wholesome youth was top rat in the local sewer. The
crowd broke into a raucous, cheering clamor, welcoming their Galahad. Tuan
grinned and waved. A slight flush crept up from his collar. He seemed almost
embarrassed by the reception. He led
Rod to a dark corner at the back of the hail. He hadn't said a word to the
Mocker, but two steaming mugs of mulled wine thumped down on the table almost
as they sat. The landlord scuttled away without pay. Rod watched
him go, one eyebrow lifted in cynicism. He turned to Tuan. 'You don't use money
here?' 'None.'
Tuan smiled. 'All who come to the House of Clovis bring what little money they
have. It is put into a common chest, and meat and wine given out to all according
to their needs.' 'And a
place to sleep, I suppose?' 'Aye,
and clothing. It is poor fare by a gentleman's standards; but it is great
wealth to these my poor brethren.' Rod
studied Tuan's face and decided the boy might have meant it when he said brethren. He sat
back and crossed his legs. 'Would you call yourself a religious man?' 'I?'
Tuan tried to choke back a laugh and almost succeeded. 'Oh, nay! Would that I
were; but I have not seen the inside of a church for three score and more
Sundays!' So, Rod
noted, his motive for helping the poor probably wasn't too hypocritical,
whatever else it might be. He
looked into his mug. 'So you feed and clothe all these people out of the
pennies they bring you, eh?' 'Nay;
that is but a beginning. But with that much earnest proof of our good
intentions, our noble Queen found us worthy of a livelihood.' Rod
stared. 'You mean the Queen is putting the lot of you on the dole?' Tuan
grinned with mischief. 'Aye, though she knows not whom she aids. She knows not
the House of Clovis by name, knows only that she gives the good Brom O'Berin
moneys to care for her poor.' 'And
Brom gives it to you.' 'Aye.
And for his part, he is grateful that there are fewer thievings and murders
among the dark alleys.' Rod
nodded. 'Very shrewd. And this whole setup is your idea, is it'?' 'Oh,
nay! 'Twas the Mocker who thought of it; but none would give ear to him.' Rod
stared. 'The Mocker? You mean that twisted fugitive from the late show is boss
of this operation?' Tuan
frowned, shaking his head. 'Men will not follow him, friend Gallowglass; there
is nothing of governance in him. He is host, keeping the inn, doling out goods
as they are needed - a steward, and only a steward, but a good one. You will
find him a sharper clerk than any; aye, even the Queen's Lord Exchequer.' 'I see,
just a steward.' But also the man who holds the pocketbook, Rod added mentally.
The brains of the outfit, too. Tuan might know how to make people do what he
wanted; but did he know what he wanted? Yes, of
course he did. Hadn't the Mocker told him? Which made the Mocker the local
political economist, and probably Tuan's speech-writer. Rod
leaned back, rubbing his chin. 'And you manage to keep 72 them in
this decadent luxury with only the alms the beggars bring in? Plus the Queen's
shilling, of course.' Tuan
grinned sheepishly and leaned forward, nodding. ''Tis not easy done, friend
Gallowglass. These beggars are loath to let any man rule them. It is tedious
labor, cajoling, threatening, flattering - a man grows a-weary of it. Yet it is
well worth the doing.' Rod
nodded. 'It would take a man with no false pride, and less false humility, and
one who could see into his fellow's heart.' Tuan
blushed. 'Such a
man,' said Rod, 'could make himself king of the beggars.' But
Tuan shook his head, eyes closed. 'No, there is no king here, friend
Gallowglass. A lord of the manor, perhaps, but naught more.' You
don't want to be king?' Tuan's
shoulders shrugged with a snort of laughter. 'The beggars would not hear of
it?' 'That
wasn't what I asked.' Tuan's
eyes locked with Rod's, the smile fading from the boyish face. Then Tuan caught
Rod's meaning, and his eyes hardened. 'Nay!' he spat. 'I do not seek the
throne.' 'Then
why are you trying to lead the beggars against the Queen?' Rod rapped out. The
smile eased across Tuan's face again; he sat back, looking very satisfied with
himself. 'Ah, you know of my plotting! Then may I ask of you outright, friend
Rod, will you join with us when we march on the castle?' Rod
felt his face setting like plaster. His eyes locked with Tuan's again; his
voice was very calm. 'Why me?' ~'We
shall have need of as many friends in the Queen's Guard as we may ..... 'You
must already have quite a few,' Rod murmured, 'if you know already- that I
joined the Queen's Guard today.' Tuan's
grin widened; his eyelids drooped. A stray
fact clicked into place in Rod's mind. 'If I
were to search through this hail,' he said carefully, 'would I find the three
men who attacked you tonight?' Tuan
nodded, eyes dancing. 'A
put-up job,' Rod said, nodding with him. 'A small performance, arranged solely
for my benefit, with the single purpose of maneuvering me in here for a
recruiting lecture. You do know how to manage people, Tuan McReady.' Tuan blushed,
and looked down. 'But
what if I don't want to join you, Tuan McReady? Will I leave the House of
Clovis alive this night?' Tuan's
head came up, eyes boring into Rod's. 'Only,'
he said, 'if you are an excellent swordsman, and a warlock to boot.' Rod
nodded slowly, the events of the past two days whirling through his mind. For a
moment, he was tempted to join; he had no doubt that he could maneuver himself
into the throne after the revolution. But no;
what Tuan said was true. It took a man with an inborn gift of mass hypnotism to
control the beggars. Rod might take the throne, but the beggars - and the
Mocker, and whoever was behind him - would not let him keep it. No, the
power structure had to stay the way it was; a constitutional monarchy was the
only hope for democracy on this planet. Then,
too, there was Catharine.... Then,
the jarring note in the score of events caught Rod's ear. He was hung up on
Catharine, probably she was the Dream. But he
had liked Tuan at first sight. How could he like them both if they were really
working against one another? Of
course, all Tuan's forthright charm might be an act, but somehow Rod doubted
it. No. If
Tuan had really wanted the throne, he could have wooed Catharine, and could
have won her - Rod had no doubt about that. So Tuan
was supporting the Queen. How he figured his demagoguery could help her, Rod
couldn't figure, but somehow it made sense that Tuan believed he was. Then
why the elaborate plot to get Rod into the House of Clovis? To test
Rod, of course; to find out if he was to be trusted next to the Queen. Which
made sense, if this kid had dealings with Brom O'Berin. It would be just like
Brom to try to drum up popular support for the Queen in just this way - but why
the propaganda for a march on the castle? Tuan
probably had an answer to that one, and speaking of answers, it was about time
Rod came up with one. He gave
Tuan a savage grin and rose, with his hand on his sword. 'No thanks. I'll take
my chances with swordcraft and sorcery.' Tuan's
eyes lit with joy; he caught Rod's arm. 'Well spoken, friend Gallowglass! I had
hoped you would answer thus. Now sit, and hear the truth of my plot.' Rod
shook his hand off. 'Draw,' he said between his teeth. 'Nay,
nay! I would not draw 'gainst a friend. I have played a low trick on you, but
you must not hold anger; 'twas for a good purpose. But sit, and I shall tell
you.' 'I've
heard all I want.' Rod started to draw his sword. Tuan
caught Rod's forearm again, and this time his hand wouldn't shake off. Rod
looked into Tuan's eyes, jaw tightened and arm muscles straining; but slowly
and steadily, his sword was forced back into its scabbard. 'Sit,'
said Tuan, and he forced Rod back into his chair as easily as though Rod had
been a child. 'Now
hear my plot.' Tuan let go of Rod's arm and smiled, as warmly as though nothing
had happened. 'The Queen gives us money, and the beggars know that she gives
it; but the taking of a gift raises only burning anger in the taker. It we
would win friends for the Queen, we must find a way to transmute this anger to
gratitude. Rod
nodded, frowning. 'Thus
we must make the Queen's shilling something other than a gift.' 'And
you found a way to do it.' 'Not
I,' Tuan confessed, 'but the Mocker. "When is a gift not a gift?" he
riddled me, and answered, "Why, when 'tis a right."' Tuan
leaned back, spreading his hands. 'And there you have • it,
so easily done. The beggars shall march to the castle and cry to the Queen that
she owes them bread and meat, because it is their right. And she will give it
to them, and they will be grateful.' Rod
smiled, rubbing his chin. 'Very shrewd,' he said, nodding, but to himself he
added: If it works. But it won't; people who have money enjoy giving for
charity, but they won't give a cent if you tell them they must. And how
grateful will the beggars be when she refuses them, and calls out the army to
drive them away? And
even if she did yield to their demands, what then? What about the sense of
power it would give them? Beggars, forcing a Queen's hand! They wouldn't stop
at bread and meat; no, they'd be back with more demands in a week, with or
without Tuan. Oh,
yes, it was a very shrewd plan; and Tuan had been sucked into it beautifully.
The Mocker couldn't lose; and neither could the off-planet totalitarians who
were behind him. But
Tuan meant well. His intentions fairly gleamed. He was a little weak on
political theory; but his intentions were fine. Rod
raised his mug for a deep draft, then stared into it, watching the swirl of the
heated wine. 'Yet some say that the House of Clovis would pull Catharine off
her throne.' 'Nay,
nay!' Tuan stared, appalled. 'I love the Queen!' Rod studied the boy's sincere,
open face and made his own interpretation of the statement. He
looked back into his mug. 'So do I,' he said, with more truth than he liked.
'But even so, I'd have to admit she's, shall we say, not acting wisely.' Tuan
heaved a great sigh and clasped his hands. 'That is true, most true. She means
so well, but she does so badly.' Have
you looked in a mirror lately, Mr Kettle? Rod wondered. Aloud, he said, 'Why,
how is that?' Tuan
smiled sadly. 'She seeks to undo in a day what ages of her grandsires have
wrought. There is much evil in this kingdom, that I will gladly admit. But a
pile of manure is not moved with one swing of a shovel.' 'True,'
Rod admitted, 'and the saltpeter under it can be explosive.' 'The
great lords do not see that she is casting out devils,' Tuan went on. 'They see
only that she seeks to fill this land with one voice, and only one - and that
hers.' 'Well'
- Rod lifted his mug, face bleak with resignation -'here's to her; let's hope
she makes it.' 'An'
you think it possible,' said Tuan, 'tha'rt a greater fool than I; and I am
known far and wide as a most exceptional fool.' Rod
lowered the mug untasted. 'Are you speaking from a general conviction, or do
you have some particulars in mind?' Tuan
set one forefinger against the other. 'A throne rests on two legs: primus, the
noblemen, who are affronted by anything new, and therefore oppose the Queen.' 'Thanks,'
said Rod With a bittersweet smile, 'for letting me in on the secret.' 'Left
to themselves,' said Tuan, 'the nobles might abide her for love of her father;
but there are the councillors.' 'Yes.'
Rod caught his lower lip between his teeth. 'I take it the lords do whatever
their councillors tell them?' 'Or
what they tell the lords not to do, which comes to the same thing. And the
councillors speak with one voice - Durer's.' 'Durer?'
Rod scowled. 'Who's he?' Councillor
to my Lord Loguire.' Tuan's mouth twisted, bitter. 'He bath some influence with
Loguire, which is a miracle; for Loguire is a most stubborn man. Thus, while
Loguire lives, Catharine may stand. But when Loguire dies, Catharine falls; for
Loguire's heir hates the Queen.' 'Heir?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Loguire has a son?' 'Two,'
said Tuan with a tight smile. 'The younger is a fool, who loves his best enemy;
and the elder is a hothead, who loves Durer's flattery. Thus, what Durer will
say, Anselm Loguire will do.' Rod
raised his mug. 'Let us wish the Loguire long life.' 'Aye,'
said Tuan, fervently. 'For Anselm hath an ancient grievance against the Queen.' Rod
frowned. 'What grievance?' 'I know
not.' Tuan's face sagged till he looked like a bloodhound with sinus trouble.
'I know not.' Rod sat
back, resting one hand on the hilt of his sword. 'So he and Durer both want the
Queen's downfall. And the other nobles'll follow their lead - if old Loguire
dies. So much for one leg of the throne. What's the other one?' 'Secundus,'
said Tuan, with a Cub Scout salute, 'the people: peasants,
tradesmen, and merchants. They love her for this newfound easing of their
sorrows; but they fear her for her witches.' 'Ah.
Yes. Her. . . witches.' Rod scowled, managing to look sharp-eyed and competent
while his brain reeled. Witches as a political element?! 'For
ages,' said Tuan, 'the witches have been put to the torture till they forswore
the Devil, or have undergone the trial of water or, failing all else, been
burned at the stake.' For a
moment, Rod felt a stab of compassion for generations of espers. 'But
the Queen harbors them now; and it is rumored by some that she is herself a
witch.' Rod
managed to shake off his mental fog long enough to croak,
'I take it this doesn't exactly inspire the people with unflagging zeal for the
Queen and her cause.' Tuan
bit his lip. 'Let us say that they are unsure...' 'Scared
as hell,' Rod translated. 'But I notice you didn't include the beggars as part
of the people.' Tuan
shook his head. 'Nay, they are apart, frowned and spat upon by all. Yet of this
flawed timber, I hope to carve a third leg for the Queen's throne~' Rod
digested the words, studying Tuan's face. He sat
back in his chair, lifted his mug. 'You just may have what the Queen needs,
there.' He drank. Lowering the mug, he said, 'I suppose the councillors are
doing everything they can to deepen the people's tear?' Tuan
shook his head, brow wrinkled in puzzlement. 'Nay. they do nothing of the sort.
Almost, one would think, they do not know the people live.' He frowned into his
mug, sloshing the wine about inside. 'Yet there is little need to tell the
people they must fear.' 'They
know it all too well already?' 'Aye,
for they have seen that all the Queen's witches cannot keep the banshee off her
roof.' Rod
frowned, puzzled. 'So let it wear a groove in the battlements if it wants to 1
It's not doing any harm, is it?' Tuan
looked up, surprised. 'Dost not know the meaning of the banshee, Rod
(3allowglass?' Rod's
stomach sank; nothing like displaying your ignorance of local legends when
you're trying to be inconspicuous 'When
the banshee appears on the roof,' said Tuan, 'someone in the house will die.
And each time the banshee has walked the battlements, Catharine hath escaped
death by a hair.' 'Oh?'
Rod's eyebrows lifted. 'Dagger? Falling tiles? Poison?' 'Poison.' Rod sat
back, rubbing his chin. 'Poison: the aristocrat's weapon; the poor can't afford
it. Who among the great lords hates Catharine that much?' 'Why,
none!' Tuan stared, appalled. 'Not one among them would stoop to poison, Rod
Gallowglass; 'twould be devoid of honor.' 'Honor
still counts for something here, eh?' Seeing the scandalized look on Tuan's
face, Rod hurried on. 'That lets out the noblemen; but someone on their side's
up to tricks. Wouldn't be the councillors, would it?' Understanding
and wary anger rose in Tuan's eyes. He sat back, nodding. 'But
what do they gain by her death?' Rod frowned. 'Unless one of them wants to
crown his lordling and be the King's Councillor. Tuan
nodded. 'Mayhap all wish that, friend Gallowglass.' Rod had
a sudden vision of Gramarye carved up into twelve petty kingdoms, constantly
warring against one another, each run by a warlord who was ruled by his
councillor. Japanese usurpation, the man behind the throne, and anarchy. Anarchy. There
was an outside force at work in Gramarye, agents with a higher technology and
sophisticated political philosophies at work. The great nobles were slowly
being divided, and the people were being set against the nobility, by means of
the House of Clovis. The twelve petty kingdoms would be broken down to warring
counties, and the counties to parishes, and so on until real anarchy prevailed. The
councillors were the outside force, carefully engineering a state of anarchy.
But why? Why
could wait for later. What mattered now was that skullduggery was afoot, and it
sat next to the Lord Loguire its name was Durer. And his
top-priority goal was Catharine's death. The
castle loomed up black against the sky as Rod rode back, but the drawbridge and
portcullis were a blaze of torchlight. Fess's hooves thudded hollow on the
drawbridge. A blob of shadow detached itself from the larger shadow of the
gate, a shadow that reached up to clamp a hand on Rod's shin. 'Hold,
Rod Gallowglass 1' Rod
looked down and smiled, nodding. 'Well met, Brom O'Berin.' 'Mayhap,'
said the dwarf, searching Rod's face. 'Thou must come before the Queen for this
night's work, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod was
still wondering how Brom could have known where he'd been as they came to the
Queen's audience chamber. Brom had a spy in the House of Clovis, of course; but
how could the word have gotten back to Brom so fast? The
door was massive, oak, iron-studded, and draped with velvet, the green and gold
of the Queen's house. Brom ran a practiced
eye over the two sentries, checking to see that all leather was polished and
all metal gleaming. Rod gave them a nod; their faces turned to wood. Was he
under suspicion of high treason? At
Brom's nod, one Guardsman struck the door backhanded, three slow heavy knocks,
then threw it wide. Rod followed Brom into the room. The door boomed shut
behind them. The
room was small but high-ceilinged, paneled in dark wood, lit only by four great
candles that stood on a velvet-draped table in the center of the room, and by a
small fire on the tiled hearth. A rich carpet covered the stone floor;
tapestries hung on the walls. A huge bookcase filled the wall at the far end of
the room. Two
heavy carved armchairs stood at either side of the fireplace; two more were
drawn up at the table. Catharine' sat in one of these, head bent over a large
old leather-bound book. Five or six more lay open on the table about her. Her
blonde hair fell unbound about her shoulders, contrasting with the dark russet
of her gown. She
lifted her head; her eyes met Rod's. 'Well come.' Her voice was a gentle,
slightly husky contralto, so different from the crisp soprano of the council
chamber that Rod wondered, for a moment, if it could be the same woman. But the
eyes were wary, arrogant. It was Catharine, all right. But the
heavy crown lay on the table beside her, and she seemed smaller, somehow. 'Hast
been to the House of Clovis?' she demanded. Her eyes read like a subpoena. Rod
showed his teeth in a mock-grin and inclined his head in a nod. ''Tis
even as you said, my Queen.' Brom's voice had a grim overtone. 'Though how you
knew-' '-is
not your affair, Brom O'Berin.' She threw the dwarf a glare; Brom smiled
gently, bowed his head. 'How?'
Rod snorted. 'Why, spies of course. A very excellent spy service, to get the
word back to her so fast.' 'Nay.'
Brom frowned, puzzled. 'Our spies are few enough, f or loyalty is rare in 'this
dark age; and we keep no spies at all at the House of Clovis.' 'No
spies,' Catharine agreed, 'and yet I know that thou hast had words with Twin of
the beggars this day.' Her
voice softened; her eyes were almost gentle as she looked at the dwarf. 'Brom' The
dwarf smiled, bowed his head, and turned to the door. He struck the wood with
the heel of his hand. The door swung open; Brom turned with one foot on the
threshold, and a malevolent glare stabbed at Rod from under the bushy eyebrows;
then the door slammed behind him. Catharine
rose, glided to the fireplace. She stood stating at the flames, hands clasped
at her waist. Her shoulders sagged; and for a moment, she looked so small and
forlorn - and so beautiful, with the firelight streaming up like a mist about
her face and shoulders - that Rod's throat tightened in an old, familiar way. Then
her shoulders straightened, and her head snapped around toward him. 'You are
not what you seem, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
stared. Catharine's
hand strayed to her neck, playing with a locket at her throat. Rod
cleared his throat, a trifle nervously. 'Here I am, just a simple blank-shield
soldier, just carrying Out my orders and taking my pay, and 'three times in
thirty hours I get accused of being something mysterious.' 'Then I
must needs think that it is true.' Catharine's mouth twisted in a mocking
smile. She sat
in one of the great oaken chairs, grasping the arms tightly, and studied Rod
for a few moments. 'What
are you, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
spread his arms in a shrug, trying to look the picture of offended innocence.
'A blank shield, my Queen! A soldier of fortune, no more!' '"No
more," ' Catharine mimicked, malice in her eyes. 'What is your profession,
Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
scowled, beginning to feel like the rodent half of a game of cat-and-mouse. 'A
soldier, my Queen.' 'That
is your avocation,' she said, 'your pleasure and your game. Tell me now your
profession.' The
woman was A) uncanny; and B) a bitch, Rod decided. Trouble was, she was a
beautiful bitch, and Rod had a weakness. His
brain raced; he discarded several lies and chose the most obvious and least
plausible. 'My
profession is the preserving of your Majesty's life.' 'Indeed!'
Catharine mocked him with her eyes. 'And who hath trained you to that
profession? Who is so loyal to me that he would send you?' Suddenly,
Rod saw through the mocking and the belligerence. It was all a mask, a shield;
behind it lay a very frightened, very lonely little girl, one who wanted
someone to trust, craved someone to trust. But there had been too many
betrayals; she couldn't let herself trust any more. He
looked into her eyes, giving her his gentlest, most sincere gaze, and said in-
his best couch-side manner, 'I call no man master, my Queen. It is myself who
has sent me, out of love for Catharine the Queen and loyalty to the nation of
Gramarye.' Something
desperate flickered in her eyes; her hands clutched at the chair arms. 'Love,'
she murmured. Then
the mockery was back in her eyes. 'Yes, love - for Catharine the Queen.' She
looked away, into the fire. 'Be that as it may. But I think you are in most
comely truth a friend - though why I believe that, I cannot say.' 'Oh,
you may be sure that I am!' Rod smiled. 'You knew that I was at the House of
Clovis, though you couldn't say how, and you were right about that.' 'Be
still!' she snapped. Then slowly her eyes lifted to his. 'And what affairs took
you to the House Of Clovis this night?' Was she
a mind reader, maybe? Rod
scratched along his jaw; the bone-conduction microphone would pick up the
sound. . 'There's
some confusion Fesstering in my mind,' he said. 'How did you know I was at the
House of Clovis?' 'Here,
Rod,' a voice murmured behind his ear. Catharine
gave him a look that fairly dripped with contempt. 'Why, I knew you spoke with
Tuan Loguire. Then where could you be but the House of Clovis?' Very
neat - only how had she known he was with Tuan... Loguire? Loguire! Rod
stared. 'Excuse me, but-uh-did you say Tuan Loguire?' Catharine
frowned. 'I
thought his name was, uh - McReady.' Catharine
almost laughed. 'Oh, nay! He is the second son of Milord Loguire! Did you not
know?' Second
son! Then Tuan was himself the man he had been condemning for a fool! And his
big brother was the man who had 'an ancient grievance 'gainst the Queen,' and
was a major threat to the throne. 'No,'
said Rod, 'I did not know.' Fess's
voice murmured, 'Data indicate existence of excellent intelligence system.' Rod
groaned mentally. Robots were a great help! He
pursed his tips, staring at Catharine. 'You say you have no spies in the House
of Clovis,' he said, 'and if I assume that you speak the truth, then that
means...' He left
the sentence hanging; Fess would fill in the blank. There
was a moment of silence; then a loud hum behind Rod's ear, ended in a sharp
click. Rod
cursed mentally. If Catharine had ho spies, she logically couldn't have known
what she did know. He'd given Fess another paradox, and the robot's circuits
had overloaded. Epileptic robots could be very inconvenient. Catharine
glared at him. 'Of a certainty, I speak truth!' 'Oh, I
never doubted!' Rod held up a hand. 'But you are a ruler, and you were reared
to it; one -of the first lessons you must have learned was lying with a
straight face.' Catharine's
face froze; then, slowly, she bent her head, looking down at her hands. When
she looked up, her face was drawn; the mask had been stripped away, and her
eyes were haunted. 'Once again, my knowledge was true,' she murmured. 'You know
more than soldiering, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
nodded heavily. He'd made another slip; blank-shield soldiers don't know
politics. 'Then
tell me,' she murmured, 'how you came to the House of Clovis, this night.' 'My
Queen,' Rod said gravely, 'one man was set upon by three, in an alley. I helped
him out; he took me to the House of Clovis to tell me his thanks with a glass
of wine. That is how I came to meet Tuan Loguire.' Her
brows drew together in an anxious little frown. 'If I might but credit your
words with truth,' she murmured. She
rose and went to the fireplace. All at once, her shoulders slumped, her head
bowed forward. 'I shall need all my friends in this hour that comes upon us,'
she murmured, voice husky, 'and I think thou art the truest of my friends,
though I cannot say why.' She
raised her head to look at him, and he saw with a shock that her eyes swam with
tears. 'There are still some to guard me,' she said, her voice so low he could
scarcely hear; but her eyes shone through the tears, and an invisible band
tightened around Rod's chest. His throat tightened, too; his eyes were burning. She
turned away, biting her clenched fist. After a moment, she spoke again, her
voice trembling. 'The time shall come soon when each of the Great Lords shall
declare himself for or against me; and I think they will be few who ride to my
standard.' She
turned, came toward him again, eyes alight and a shy, trembling smile on her
lips. Rod rose to meet her, staring, fascinated, heart pounding in his ears. She
stopped just before him, one hand touching the locket at her throat again, and
whispered, 'Will you stand by my side in that day, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
nodded awkwardly and garbled out something affirmative. At that particular
moment, his answer would probably have been the same if she'd requested his
soul. Then,
suddenly, she was in his arms, lithe and squirming, and her tips were moist and
full on his own. Some
timeless while later, she lowered her head and moved reluctantly away, holding
to his arms as if to steady herself. 'Nay, but I am a weak woman," she
murmured, exultant. 'Go now, Rod Gallowglass, with the thanks of a queen.' She
said something else, but Rod didn't quite follow it; and, somehow, he was on
the other side of the door, walking down a wide, cold, torchlit corridor. He
stopped, shook himself, made a brave try at collecting his wits, and went on
down the hail with a step that was none too firm. Whatever
else you might think of her political abilities, the gal sure knew how to bind
a man to her service.... He
stumbled and caught himself; his stumbling block shoved a hand against his hip
to steady him. 'Nay,
mind thy great feet,' grumbled Brom O'Berin, 'ere thou trip headlong and foul
the paving.' The
dwarf studied Rod's eyes anxiously; he found whatever he was looking for
someplace between iris and cornea, and nodded, satisfied. He
reached up to grab Rod's sleeve and turned away, guiding him down the hail. 'What
had you from Catharine, Rod Gallowglass?' 'Had
from her?' Rod frowned, eyes unfocused. 'Well, she took my pledge of
loyalty...' Ah!'
Brom nodded, as though in commiseration. 'What more could you ask, Rod
Gallowglass?' Rod
gave his head a quick shake, eyes opening wide. What the hell more could he
ask, anyway? What in heaven's name had he expected? And what, in the seventh
smile of Cerebus, was he getting moon-eyed for? His jaw
tightened, sullen anger rising in him. This bitch was nothing to him - just a
pawn in the Great Game, a tool that might be used to establish a democracy. And
what the hell was he getting angry about? He had no right to that, either. Hell!
He needed a little objective analysis! 'Fess!' He meant it as a mutter, but it
came out as a shout. Brom O'Berin scowled up at him. 'What is a fess?' 'An
unreliable gear train with a slipped cam,' Rod improvised. Where the hell was
that damn robot, anyway~? Then he
remembered. Fess had had a seizure. But
Brom bad stopped, and was studying Rod's face with his ultra-suspicious look.
'What are these words, Rod Gallowglass? What is a gear train? And what is a
cam?' Rod
pressed his lips together and mentally recited the books of the Bible. Careful,
boy, care full You're at the brink! You'll blow the whole bit! He met
Brom's eyes. 'A gear train is the pack mule a knight uses to carry his armor
and weapons,' he growled, 'and a cam is a half-witted squire.' Brom
scowled, puzzled. 'Half-witted?' 'Well,
some kind of an eccentric. In my case, it all adds up to a horse.' 'A
horse?' Brom stared, completely at sea. 'Yea.
My horse, Fess. The sum and total of my worldly goods and supporting personnel.
Also the only soul - well, consciousness, anyway - that I can tell my troubles
to.' Brom
caught at the last phrase and held to it with all the vigor of a drowning man.
His eyes softened; he smiled gently. 'You are of us now, Rod Gallowglass, of we
few who stand by the Queen.' Rod saw
the sympathy in Brom's eyes and wondered what bound the deformed little man to
Catharine's service - and suddenly
hated Catharine again for being the kind of bitch that enjoyed using men. He set
off down the hall, striding long. Brom marched double-time to keep up with him. 'Unless
I miss in my judgment of a man,' Rod growled through his teeth, 'the Queen has
another friend in the House of Clovis; yet she calls him her enemy. Why is
that, Brom? Is it just because he's the son of her enemy the Duke of Loguire?' Brom
stopped him with a hand on his hip and looked up into Rod's eyes with a
half-smile. 'Not enemy, Rod Gallowglass, but one that she loves well: her
uncle, blood-kin, who gave her sanctuary and cared for her five years while her
father tamed the rebel Northern lordlings.' Rod
raised his head slowly, keeping his eyes on Brom O'Berin's. 'She chooses
strange ways to show her love.' Brom
nodded. 'Aye, most truly strange, yet doubt not she loves them, both the Duke and
his son Tuan.' He held
Rod's eyes a moment, not speaking. He
turned away, pacing slowly down the hail. Rod watched him a moment, then
followed. 'It is
a long tale, and a snarled one,' Brom murmured as Rod caught up with him. 'And
the end and beginning and core of it is Tuan Loguire.' 'The
beggar king?' 'Aye.'
Brom nodded heavily 'The lord of the louse of Clovis.' 'And
one who loves the Queen.' 'Oh,
aye!' Brom threw his head back, rolling his eyes upward. 'One who loves her
right well, be certain; he will tell you as much!' 'But
you don't believe him?' Brom
locked his hands behind his back and stamped as he walked, head bowed. 'He is
either truthful, Rod Gallowglass, or a most excellent liar; and if he lies, he
has learned the way of it right quick. He was trained only in truth, in the
house of his father. Yet he is lord of the House of Clovis, of they who claim
the ruler should be chosen as the ancient King Clovis was, or as they say he
was - by the acclamation of those whom he rules.' 'Well,
they've warped history a little bit there,' Rod muttered. 'But 1 take it their
plan calls for pulling Catharine off her throne?' 'Aye;
and how can I then believe him when he says that he loves her?' Brom shook his
head sadly. 'He is a most worthy young man, high-minded and honest; and a
troubador who will sing
you the beauties of milady's eyetooth as quick as he will twist the sword from
your hands with his rapier. He was always a gentleman withal, and in him was
nothing of deception.' 'Sounds
like you knew him pretty well.' 'Oh,
aye! I did, most surely I did! But do I know him now?' Brom heaved a sigh,
shaking his head. 'They met when she was but seven years of age, and he but
eight, at the keep of Milord Loguire in the South, where her father had sent
her for safety. There two children met and frolicked and played - under my eye,
for I was ever a-watch over them. They were the only two of their age in the
whole of the castle, and' - he smiled, and gave a bitter laugh - 'I was a
miracle, a grown man who was smaller than they.' Brom
smiled, throwing his head back, looking past the stones of the hail into the
years that were dead. 'They were so innocent then, Rod• Gallowglass! So
innocent, aye, and so happy! And he worshipped her; he would pluck the flowers
for her crown, though the gardener scolded him. Did the sun chasten her? He
would put up a canopy of leaves! Had she broken milady's crystal goblet? He
would claim the fault for his own!' 'Spoiled
her rotten,' Rod muttered. 'Aye;
but he was not the first to play Tom Fool for her; for even then, she was a
most beautiful princess, Rod Gallowglass. 'Yet
over their happiness stood a dark, brooding shadow, a lad of fourteen, heir to
the keep and estates, Anselm Loguire. He would look down from the tower, watch
them at play in their garden, his face twisted and knotted all sour; and he
alone in the land bated Catharine Plantagenet - why, no man can say.' 'And he
still hates her?' 'Aye;
and let us therefore wish my lord of Loguire long life. 'For near to five years
Anselm's hatred did fester; but then at long last he did stand triumphant. For
the lords of the North were subdued, and her father called for her to be
brought again to his side, here in his castle. And then did they vow, Tuan and
Catharine, she at eleven and he twelve, that they would never forget, that she
would wait till he came for her.' Brom
shook his great shaggy head sadly. 'He came for her. He came for her, a lad of
nineteen, a golden prince riding out of the South on a great white charger - broad-shouldered,
golden-haired and handsome, with muscles that would thicken any woman's tongue
and make it cleave to her palate. A troubador, with a harp on his back and a
sword by his side, and a
thousand extravagant praises for her beauty. And his laugh was as clear, his
heart as open, and his temper as frolicsome as when he was twelve.' He
smiled up at Rod. 'She was eighteen, Rod Gallowglass, and her life had been as
still and smooth as a summer stream. Eighteen, and ripe for a husband, and her
head filled with the giddy gossamer dreams that a girl learns from ballads and
books.' He
peered sharply, but his voice was gentle, echoing strangely in the emptiness of
his years. 'Was there never a dream of a princess for you, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
glared at him and swallowed, hard. 'Go on,' he said. Brom
turned away, shrugging. 'What need to say it? She loved him, of course; what
woman would not? He knew not what a woman was for, and I'll swear it, and
neither did she; but it may be that together, they learned, you may be sure
that they had golden chances.' He
shook his head, scowling. 'If 'twas so, 'twas the crown of the last days of her
youth; for it was that spring that her father died, and the scepter was set in
her hands.' He fell
still, measuring the hall with his stride, and was silent so long that Rod felt
the need to say something. 'Here
is no matter for hating, Brom O'Berin.' 'Oh,
aye! But bear the end of the tale, for only when the crown was on her head did
Catharine come to see that Tuan was a second son; that he thus inherited his
family's honor, but no more. She swore then that he loved her not, that he
coveted only her throne. She would not have him; but in wrath and scorn she
sent him away - without due cause, it seemed, though only they two could know
the truth of that. She banished him to the Wild Lands with a price on his head,
to dwell midst the beast-men and elves, or to die.' He fell
silent again. Rod
prodded him. 'And Milord Loguire rose up in wrath?' 'Aye,'
grated Brom, 'and all his liegemen with him, and half the nobles of the kingdom
besides. If Tuan failed in his courting, wrath and scorn were his due, quoth
Loguire; but banishment comes only for treason. '"And
was it not treason," Catharine answered hotly. "to conspire for the
crown?" 'Then
Loguire stood tall in cold pride and declared that Tuan had sought only the
love of Catharine; but his words rang hollow,
for he whom the Queen marries must reign; and this Catharine told him. 'Then
did Loguire speak in sorrow, that his son was no traitor but only a fool, a
fool to be courting a silly, spoiled child; and then would Catharine have cried
"Treason!" again, had I not prevented her.' 'And
yet you say she loves them, Loguire and Tuan?' 'Aye;
why else such harshness?' Brom
lapsed into silence again. Rod cleared his throat and said, 'Tuan doesn't seem
to have stayed banished too well....' 'Aye.'
Brom's mouth drew back at the corners. 'The fool would be near her, he swore,
though his head should be forfeit. But with a price on his life, he must live
like a murderer or thief.' Rod
smiled sourly. 'And, somewhere, he got hold of the idea that the beggars would
cause less trouble if someone took care of them.' Brom
nodded. 'And thus the beggars became somewhat a power, but Tuan swears he will
throw all his forces to guard the Queen's back. He professes that he still doth
love her; that he will love her though she hew off his head.' 'And
she, of course,' Rod mused, 'claims there isn't a reason in the world why he
shouldn't hate her.' 'And in
that she is right; yet I think Tuan loves her.' They had come to the guard room
door; Rod put a hand on the latch and smiled down at Brom O'Berin, smiled and
shook his head sadly. 'Brainless,' he said. 'The pair of them.' 'And
most tender loving enemies they are,' Brom smiled, with a touch of
exasperation. 'And here is your lodging, good night.' Brom
turned on his heel and stalked off. Rod
looked after him, shaking his head and cursing himself silently. 'Fool that I
am,' he murmured; 'I thought he stood by her because he was in love with her.
Oh, well, Fess makes mistakes too....' The
great candle in the barracks was burned down to a stub. Time in Gramarye was
kept by huge candles banded in red and white, six rings of red and six white.
One candle was lit at dawn, the other twelve hours later. According
to this candle, it was 3 a.m. Rod's eyelids suddenly felt very heavy. They
seemed downright leaden when he remembered that an hour on Gramarye was roughly
equal to an hour and twenty minutes Galactic Standard. He
staggered toward his bunk and tripped. The object underfoot gave a muffled
grunt; Rod had forgotten that Big Tom would be sleeping at the foot of the bed,
on the floor. The big
man sat up, yawning and scratching. He looked up and saw Rod. 'Oh, gode'en,
master! What's the time?' 'Ninth
hour of the night,' Rod said softly. 'Go back to sleep, Big Tom. I didn't mean
to wake you.' ''S
what I'm here for, master.' He shook his head to clear it of sleep. Which
was somewhat strange, Rod suddenly realized, since the man's eyes had been wide
awake. A synapse flicked in Rod's brain, and he was wide awake and wary, once
again the subversive agent. So, to
keep from arousing Big Tom's suspicions, he tried to appear even more sleepy
than he had been. 'It was
a great night, Big Tom,' he mumbled, and fell face forward into his bunk. He
hoped Big Tom would leave matters as they were and go back to sleep; but he
heard a deep, warm chuckle from the foot of the bed, and Big Tom started
pulling off Rod's boots. 'A bit
of folly in you, hadn't you, master?' he muttered. 'Aye, and a wench or two
under your belt, I'll warrant.' 'Wake
me at the lighting of the candle,' Rod mumbled into his pillow. 'I'm to wait on
the Queen at breakfast.' 'Aye,
master.' Big Tom worried loose the other boot and lay down, chuckling. Rod
waited till Tom began to snore again, then propped himself up on his elbows and
looked back over his shoulder. Generally, the big oaf seemed thoroughly loyal
and superbly stupid; but there were times when Rod wondered... He let
his head slump down onto the pillow, closed his eyes, and willed himself to
sleep. Unfortunately,
the mind-over-matter bit wasn't working tonight. All his senses seemed boosted
past maximum. He would've sworn he could feel every thread in the pillow under
his cheek, could hear the mouse gnawing at the baseboard, the frog croaking in
the moat, the festive laughter wafted on the breeze. His
eyelids snapped open. Festive laughter? He
rolled out of bed and went to the high silt window. Who the hell was partying
at this hour of the night? The
moon stood behind the castellated north tower; silhouettes flitted across its
face, youthful figures in a three-dimensional dance; and some of them seemed to
be riding on broomsticks. Witches.
In the north tower... Rod
climbed the worn stone steps of the tower, toiling up the spiral. The granite
walls seemed to crowd closer and closer the higher he went. He reminded himself
that, having been declared a warlock by the elves - unreasonable little
bastards I - he quail-fled for membership in this group. But his
stomach didn't get the message; it was still suing for a Dramamine. His mouth
was bone-dry. Sure, the elves approved of him; but had they gotten the word to
the witches? All the
old tales of his childhood came flooding back, liberally interspersed with
chunks of the witch scenes from Macbeth. Now that he stopped to think about it,
he couldn't remember one single instance of a philanthropic witch, except
Glinda the Good, and you couldn't really call her a witch. One
thing in his favor: these witches seemed happy enough. The music floating down
the stairwell was an old Irish jig, and it was salted with laughter, buoyant
and youthful. The
wall glowed with torchlight ahead of him. He turned the last curve of the
spiral and came into the great tower room. A
round, or rather globular, dance was in progress, a sort of three-dimensional
hora. Through the clouds of torch-smoke he could make out couples dancing on
the wails, the ceiling, in mid-air, and occasionally on the floor. Here and
there were knots of chattering, giggling people. Their clothes were bright to
the point Of - well, hell, they were downright gaudy. Most of them held mugs,
filled from a great cask near the stairwell. They
were all young, teenagers. He couldn't spot a single face that looked old
enough to vote. He
paused on the threshold, possessed of a distinct feeling that he didn't belong.
He felt like the chaperon at a high school prom - a necessary evil. The
youngster tapping the keg saw Rod and grinned. 'Hail!' he cried. 'You are
laggard in coming.' A full tankard slapped into Rod's hand. 'I
didn't know I was coming,' Rod muttered. 'Be
assured that we did.' The youth grinned. 'Molly foresaw it; but she said you
would be here half an hour agone.' 'Sorry.'
Rod's eyes were a trifle glazed. 'Ran into a couple of delays ... 'Eh,
think naught of it. 'Twas her miscalling, not yours; the wine, no doubt. Yet we
have expected you since you set foot in the castle; the elves told us last
night you were a warlock.' Rod's
mind snapped clear. 'Baloney! I'm no more a warlock than you. . - I mean... 'Oh,
thou art a warlock.' The boy nodded sagely. 'A warlock, and a most puissant
one. Did you not come in a falling star?' 'That's
science, not magic! And I'm not a warlock!' The youth smiled roguishly.
'Knowing or not, thou'rt most surely a warlock.' He saluted Rod with the mug.
'And therefore one of us.' 'Uh ...
well, thanks.' Rod returned the salute and took a draft from the mug. It was
mulled wine, hot and spicy. He
looked around the room, trying to grow accustomed to the constant clamor and
the flagrant violations of Newton's Laws. His
eyes lit on a couple seated under one of the windows, deep in conversation,
which is to say, she was talking and he was listening. She was a looker, fairly
bursting her bodice; he was thin and intent, eyes burning as he watched her. Rod
smiled cynically and wondered about the boy's motives for such steadfast
devotion. The
girl gasped and spun around to glare outraged at Rod. Rod's mouth sagged open.
Then he began to stammer an apology; but before it reached his lips, the girl
smiled, mollified, bowed her head graciously at him, and turned back to her
one-man audience. Rod's
mouth sagged again. Then he reached out, groping for the tapster's arm, his
eyes fixed on the girl. The boy
threw an arm around his shoulders, his voice worried. 'What troubles thee,
friend?' 'That -
that girl,' Rod stammered. 'Can she read my mind?' 'Oh,
aye! We all can, somewhat; though she is better than most.' Rod put
a hand to his head to stop it from spinning. Tele paths. A whole room full of
them. There were supposed to be about ten proven telepaths in the whole of the
known galaxy. He
looked up again. It was a mutation, or genetic drift, or something. He drew
himself up and cleared his throat. 'Say, pal... uh, what's your name, anyway?' 'Ay de
mi!' The boy struck his forehead with the heel of his hand. 'A pox upon my
lacking courtesy. I am Tobias, Master Gallowglass; and thou must needs meet us
all.' He
whirled Rod away toward the nearest group. 'But -
but I just wanted to ask-' 'This
is Nell, this is Andreyev, this Brian, this Dorothy...' A half hour and
fifty-three introductions later, Rod collapsed on a wooden bench. He swung his
tankard up and swallowed the dregs. 'Now,' he said, slamming it down on his
knee, 'we're both drained.' 'Ah,
let me fetch you another!' Toby snatched the mug from his hands and flew away. Literally. Rod
watched him drift across the room, ten feet off the floor, and shook his head.
He was beyond astonishment now. It
seemed what he had on his hands was a budding colony of espers - levitative,
precognitive, and telepathic. But if
they could all teleport, how come the girls all rode broomsticks? Toby
appeared at Rod's elbow, with a slight pool! of displaced air. Rod goggled at
him, then accepted the refilled mug. 'Uh, thanks. Say, you can, uh, levitate
and teleport?' 'Pardon?'
Toby frowned, not understanding. 'You
can uh - fly? And, uh - wish yourself from one place to another?' 'Oh,
aye!' Toby grinned. 'We all can do that.' 'What?
Fly?' 'Nay;
we all can wish ourselves to places that we know. All the boys can fly; the
girls cannot.' Sex-linked
gene, Rod thought. Aloud, he said, 'That's why they ride broomsticks?' 'Aye.
Theirs is the power to make lifeless objects do their bidding. We males
cannot.' Aha!
Another linkage. Telekinesis went with the Y-chromosomes, levitation with the
X. But
they could all teleport. And read minds. A
priceless colony of espers. And, if their lives were anything like those of the
rare telepaths outside this planet . . 'And
the common people hate you for this?' Toby's
young face sobered to the point of gloom. 'Aye, and the nobles too. They say we
are leagued with the Devil. 'Twas the trial by water, or a most thorough
roasting for us, till our good Queen Catharine came to reign.' Turning away, he
shouted, 'Ho, Bridgett!' A young
girl, thirteen at the most, spun away from her dance partner and appeared at
Toby's side. Friend
Gallowglass would know how the people do like us,' Toby informed her. All the
joy went out of the child's face; her eyes went wide and round; she caught her
lower lip between her teeth. She
unbuttoned the back of her blouse from neck to bodice and turned away. Her back
was a crisscross of scars, a webbing of welts - the sign of the
cat-o'-nine-tails. She
turned back to Rod as Toby buttoned her blouse again, her eyes still round and
tragic. 'That,' she whispered, 'for naught but suspicion; and I but a child of
ten years at the time.' Rod's
stomach tried to turn itself inside out and climb out through his esophagus. He
reprimanded it sternly, and it sank back to its ordinary place in the
alimentary tract. Bile soured the back of Rod's tongue. Bridgett
spun and disappeared; a nano-second later she was back with her partner, giddy
and exuberant again. Rod
frowned after her, brooding. 'So you
may see,' said Toby, 'that we are most truly grateful to our good Queen.' 'She
did away with the fire and/or water bit?' 'Oh,
she revoked the law; but the witch-burnings went on, in secret, There was only
one way to protect us, and that she chose: to give sanctuary to any of us who
would come here and claim it.' Rod
nodded, slowly. 'She's not without wisdom, after all.' His
eyes wandered back to Bridgett where she danced on the ceiling. 'What
troubles you, friend Gallowglass?' 'She
doesn't hate them,' Rod growled. 'She has every reason in the world to hate the
normal folk, but she doesn't.' Toby
shook his head, smiling warmly. 'Not she, nor any of us. All who come to
shelter in the Queen's Coven swear first to live by Christ's Law.' Slowly,
Rod turned to look at him. 'I see,' he said after a moment. 'A coven of white
witches.' Toby nodded. Are all
the witches of Gramarye white?' 'Shame
to say it, they are not. Some there are who, embittered through greater
suffering than ours - the loss of an ear or an eye, or a loved one, or all -
have hidden themselves away in the Wild Lands of the mountains, and there
pursue their vengeance on all mankind.' Rod's
mouth pulled back into a thin, grim line, turned down at the corners. 'They
number scarce more than a score,' Toby went on. 'There are three in the prime
of life; all the rest are withered crones and shrunken men.' 'The
fairy-tale witches,' Rod growled. 'Of a
truth, they are; and their works are noised about just sufficient to cover
report of any good works that we may deal.' 'So
there are two kinds of witches in Gramarye: the old and evil ones, up in the
mountains; and the young white ones in the Queen's castle.' Toby
shook his head and smiled, his eyes lighting once again. 'Nay, there are near
threescore white witches beside us, who would not trust to the Queen's promise
of sanctuary. They are thirty arid forty years aged, good folk all, but slow
indeed to be trusting.' Understanding
struck with all the power of Revelation. Rod leaned back, his mouth forming a
silent 0; then nodding rapidly, he leaned forward and said, 'That's why you're
all so young! Only the witches who still had some trust and recklessness left
in them took the Queen's invitation! So she got a flock of teenagers!' Toby
grinned from ear to ear, nodding quick with excitement. 'So the mature
witches,' Rod went on, 'are very good people, but they're also very cautious!' Toby
nodded. His face sobered a trifle. 'There are one or two among them who had
daring enough to come here. There was the wisest witch of all, from the South.
She grows old now. Why, she must be fair near to thirty!' That
line caught Rod right in the middle of a drink. He choked, swallowed, gagged,
coughed, wheezed, and wiped at his eyes. 'Is
aught wrong, friend Gallowglass?' Toby inquired with the kind of solicitousness
usually reserved for the octogenarian. 'Oh,
nothing,' Rod gasped. 'Just a little confusion between the esophagus and the
trachea. Have to expect a few quirks in us old folk, you know. Why didn't this
wise witch stay?' Toby
smiled, fairly oozing understanding and kindness. 'Ah, she said that we made
her feel too much her age, and went back to the South. If thou shouldst come to
trouble there, but call out her name, Gwendylon, and thou'lt right quick have
more help than thou needst.' 'I'll
remember that,' Rod promised, and immediately forgot as he had a sudden vision
of himself calling a woman for help. He almost went into another coughing fit,
but he didn't dare laugh; he remembered how sensitive he'd been in his teens. He took
another swig of the wine to wash down his laughter and pointed the mug at Toby.
'Just one more question, now: why is
the Queen protecting you?' Toby
stared. 'Didst thou not know?' 'Know I
didst not.' Rod smiled sweetly. 'Why,
she is herself a witch, good friend Gallowglass!' Rod's
face faded. 'Hmm.' He scratched the tip of his nose. 'I'd heard rumors to that
effect. They're true, eh?' 'Most
true. A witch unschooled, but a witch nonetheless.' Rod
raised an eyebrow. 'Unschooled?' 'Aye.
Our gifts need a stretching and exercising, a training and schooling, to come
to their full. Catharine is a witch born, but unschooled. She can hear
thoughts, but not at any time that she wishes, and not clearly.' 'in.
What else can she do?' 'Naught
that we know of. She can but hear thoughts.' 'So
she's sort of got a minimum union requirement.' Rod scratched in back of his
ear. 'Kind of handy talent for a Queen. She'd know everything that goes on in
her castle.' Toby
shook his head. 'Canst hear five speak all at once, friend Gallowglass? And
listen to them all the hours of the day? And still be able to speak what they
spoke?' Rod
frowned and rubbed his chin. 'Canst
repeat even one conversation?' Toby smiled indulgently and shook his head. 'Of
course thou canst not - and neither can our Queen.' 'She
could write them down. . . 'Aye;
but remember, she is unschooled; and it needs high training
of an excellent good gift to make words of thoughts.' 'Hold
on.' Rod's hand went up, palm out. 'You mean you don't hear thoughts as words?' 'Nay,
nay. An instant's thought suffices for a book of words, friend Gallowglass.
Must you needs put words to your thoughts in order to have them?' Rod
nodded. 'I see. Quantum thought mechanics.' 'Strange
. . .' murmured a voice. Looking up. Rod found himself the center of a
fair-sized group of young witches and warlocks who bad apparently drifted over
to get in on an interesting conversation. He
looked at the one who had spoken, a burly young warlock, and smiled with a
touch of sarcasm. 'What's strange?' He wondered what the kid's name was. The boy
grinned. 'Martin is my name.' He paused to chuckle at Rod's startled look; he
still hadn't gotten used to the mind-reading. 'And what is strange is that you,
a warlock, should not know the ins and outs of hearing thoughts.' 'Aye.'
Toby nodded. 'You are the only warlock we have known, friend Gallowglass, that
cannot hear thoughts.' 'Uh,
yes.' Rod ran a hand over the stubble on his cheek. 'Well, as I mentioned a
little earlier, I'm not really a warlock. You see...' He was
cut off by a unanimous burst of laughter. He sighed, and resigned himself to
his reputation. He
reverted to his former line of questioning. 'I take it some of you can hear-
thoughts as words.' 'Oh,
aye,' said Toby, wiping his eyes. 'We have one.' He turned to the ring of
listeners. 'Is Aldis here?' A
buxom, pretty sweet-sixteen elbowed her way through to the front rank. 'Who
shall I listen to for you, sir?' A spark
arced across a gap in Rod's mind. A malicious gleam came into his eyes. 'Durer.
The councillor to Milord Loguire.' Aldis
folded her bands in her lap, settled herself, sitting very straight. She stared
at Rod; her eyes lost focus. Then she began to speak in a high-pitched nasal
monotone. 'As you
will, milord. Yet I cannot help but wonder, are you truly loyal?' Her voice
dropped two octaves in pitch but kept the monotonous quality. 'Knave! Have you
the gall to insult me to me face?' 'Nay,
milord!' the high voice answered hurriedly. 'I do not insult you; I do but
question the wisdom o1 your actions.' Durer,
Rod thought. The high voice was Durer, practicing his vocation - the care and
manipulation of the Duke Loguire. 'Remember,
milord, she is but a child. Is it kindness to a child to let her have her
willful way? Or is it kindness to spank her when she needs it?' There
was a silence for a moment; then the deeper voice of the Lord Loguire answered,
'There is some measure of truth in what you say. Certain, there is ~something
of the wanton child in her taking up the power to appoint the priests.' 'Why,'
murmured the high voice, "tis an act against tradition, milord, and
against the wisdom of men far older than herself. 'Tis in bitter truth the act
of a rebellious child.' 'Mayhap,'
Loguire rumbled. 'Yet she is the Queen, and the Queen's Law shall be obeyed.' 'Even
should the Queen make evil laws, milord?' 'Her
actions are not evil, Durer.' The deep voice took on an ominous quality.
'Reckless, perhaps, and thoughtless, and ill-considered; for the good they
bring today may bring havoc down upon our heads tomorrow. Foolish laws,
perhaps; but evil, no.' The
high voice sighed. 'Mayhap, milord. Yet she threatens the honor of her
noblemen. Is that not evil?' 'Why,'
rumbled Loguire, 'how is this? She has been haughty, aye, taking to herself
greater airs than ever a Queen may own to, mayhap; but she has never yet done
aught that could be construed as insult.' 'Aye,
milord, not yet.' 'Why,
what do you mean?' 'The
day shall come, milord.' 'What
day is that, Durer?' 'When
she shall put the peasants before the noblemen, milord.' 'Have
done with your treasonous words!' Loguire roared. 'On your knees, slight man,
and thank your God that I leave you with your head!' Rod
stared at Aldis' face, still not recovered from the shock of hearing two
disembodied male voices coming from the mouth of a pretty girl. Slowly,
her eyes focused again. She let out a long breath and smiled up at him. 'Did
you hear, friend Gallowglass?' no Rod
nodded. She
spread her hands, shrugging. 'I cannot recall a word of what I said.' 'Don't
let it worry you, I remember it all.' Rod rubbed the stubble on his chin. 'You
were acting as a channel, a medium in the purest sense of the word.' He
threw his head back, drained his mug, and tossed it to one of the young
warlocks. The youth caught the tankard, disappeared, and reappeared. He handed
the tankard, brimming full, to Rod, who shook his head in mock despair. He
leaped back and sipped at the wine, looking up at the young faces around him,
smiling and fairly glowing with the knowledge of their power. 'Have
you ever done this before?' he asked, with a wave of the mug that took them all
in. 'Listened to skull sessions like that one, I mean.' 'Only
of the Queen's enemies,' Aldis answered with a toss of her head. 'We often
listen to Durer.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Learn anything?' Aldis
nodded. 'He is much concerned with the peasants of late.' Rod was
very still for a moment. Then he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. 'What's
his interest in the peasants?' Toby
grinned knowingly. 'Hark now to his latest exploit! He hath brooded trouble
'twixt two serfs on the Queen's own estate. A young peasant wished to marry an
old farmer's daughter, and the old man said nay. And the youth would've thrown
up his hands in despair and let himself waste away with a broken heart.' 'But
Durer stepped in. 'Aye.
He was after the young one night and day; for knowledge of the boy's suit
spread throughout all the villages, and saw to it that the rumor was told with
one question appended: Could the youth be a man who would let a doddard idiot
rob him of the girl he loved?' Rod
nodded. 'And the other peasants started throwing that up to the kid.' 'Most
certainly. Taunts and jeers and mocking - and the lad stole the girl away by
night and got her with child.' Rod
pursed his lips. 'I imagine Papa was a trifle perturbed.' Toby
nodded. 'He hauled the boy before the village priest and demanded the lad be
hanged for a rapist.' 'And
the priest said . . .7' 'That
it was love, not rape, and the fitting punishment was marriage, not hanging.' Rod
grinned. 'Bet the two kids were real sad about that.' 'Their
grief was so great it set them to dancing.' Toby chuckled. 'And the old man
gave a heavy sigh, and would have judged it the wisdom of God, and blessed
them.' 'And
Durer stepped in again.' 'Most
certainly. He was up before the Queen, when she was at table before all her
lords and ladies, crying that the Queen must prove the justice of her new order
by declaring herself what was just in this case; for were these not peasants on
the Queen's own estates?' Rod
grinned and slapped his thigh. 'She must have been ready to spit in his eye!' 'Oh.
you know not the Queen!' Toby rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling. 'She would
most cheerfully have slipped a knife 'twixt his ribs. But the challenge must
needs be answered; she must needs hear the case herself, when next she held
General Court.' 'General
Court?' Rod scowled. 'What the hell is that?' 'One
hour each month the Queen opens her court to all in her realm who wish her ear;
and peasants, nobility, and clergy come to her Great Hall. Mostly the great
lords but look on while the petty nobility and peasantry bring forth their
grievances. And with the great ones watching, you may be sure the grievances
brought up are petty indeed.' 'Like
this case.' Rod nodded. 'When's this next General Court?' 'Tomorrow,'
said Toby, 'and I think the great lords shall have their tame clergy and
peasantry protest the Queen's new judges and priests. The lords shall lodge
their protest first, of course; and the other, more common folk shall be
echoing them.' Rod
nodded. 'Put the whole matter on public record. But what does Durer hope to
gain by bringing in this seduction case?' Toby
shrugged. 'That, only Durer may know.' Rod
leaned back, frowning, and pulled at his mug. He studied the young faces around
him and scratched at the base of his skull. 'Sounds to me like this is
information the Queen would like to have. Why don't you tell her?' The
faces sobered. Toby bit his lip and looked down at the floor. Rod
scowled. 'Why don't you tell her, Toby?' 'We
have tried, friend Gallowglass!' The boy looked up at Rod in mute appeal. 'We
have tried; yet she would not hear us!' Rod's
face turned to wood. 'How's that again?' Toby
spread his hands in helplessness. 'The page we sent to her returned to tell us
that we should be thankful for the protection she accorded us, and not be so
ingracious and insolent as to seek to meddle in her governing.' Rod
jerked his head in tight, quick nods, mouth drawn back in grim agreement.
'Yeah, that sounds like Catharine.' 'Mayhap,'
one of the boys murmured thoughtfully, 'it is all to the best; for she bath
cares enough without warnings of doom from us.' Rod
grinned with humor. 'Yeah. Between the noblemen and the beggars, she's got more
than enough worries to keep her busy.' Toby
nodded, eyes wide and serious. 'Aye, she hath troubles sufficient, between the
councillors, the House of Clovis, and the banshee on her roof. She hath great
cause to be most afeard.' 'Yes.'
Rod's voice was tight, rasping. 'Yes, she bath good cause; and I think that she
is thoroughly afeard.' Big Tom
must have been a very light sleeper; he sat up on his pallet as Rod came
tiptoeing up to his bunk. 'Mt
well, master?' he whispered in a rasping voice that had about as much secrecy
as a bullfrog in rut. Rod
stopped and frowned down at his manservant 'Yes, very well. Why shouldn't I
be?' Big Tom
smiled sheepishly. 'Thou hast small use for sleep,' he muttered. 'I had thought
it might be a fever.' 'No.'
Rod smiled with relief, shaking his head. He pushed past Big Tom. 'It's not a
fever.' 'What
is it, then?' Rod
fell backward onto the bed, cupping his bands under his head. 'Did you ever
hear of a game called cricket, Tom?' 'Cricket?'
Tom scowled. ''us a chirping creature on the hearth, master.' 'Yeah,
but it's also the name of a game. The center of the game is a wicket, see, and
one team tries to knock down the wicket
by throwing a ball at it. The other team tries to protect the wicket by
knocking the ball away with a paddle.' 'Strange,'
Big Tom murmured, eyes wide with wonder. 'A most strange manner of game,
master.' 'Yes,'
Rod agreed, 'but it gets worse. The teams trade sides, you see, and the team
that was attacking the wicket before is defending it now.' He looked down over
his toes at Tom's round beehive face. 'Nay,'
the big man muttered, shaking his head in confusion. 'What is the point to it
all, master?' Rod
stretched, let his body snap back to relaxation. 'The point is that no matter
who wins, it's going to be hard on the wicket.' 'Aye!'
Big Tom nodded vigorously. 'Most certain true, master.' 'Now I
get the feeling that there's a colossal game of cricket going on around here;
only there's three teams in the game: the councillors, the beggars... 'The
House of Clovis,' Tom muttered. Rod's
eyebrows went up in surprise. 'Yes, the House of Clovis. And, of course, the
Queen.' 'Then
who,' asked Big Tom, 'is the wicket?' 'Me.'
Rod rolled over on his side, thumped the pillow with his fist, and lowered his
head onto it with a blissful sigh. 'And now I am going to sleep. Good night.' 'Master
Gallowglass,' piped a page's voice. Rod
closed his eyes and prayed for strength. 'Yes, page?' 'You
are called to wait upon the Queen at her breakfast, Master Gallowglass.' Rod
forced an eyelid open and peered out the window; the sky was rosy with dawn. He
squeezed his eyes shut and counted to ten, almost dozing off in the process. He
drew in a sigh that would have filled a bottomless pit, swung his legs over the
side of the bed, and sat up. 'Well, no rest for the wicked. What'd I do with my
damn uniform, Tom?' Rod had
to admit that Catharine Plantagenet had a good dramatic instinct and, moreover,
knew how to use it on her court. The guards were at their stations in the
dining hail before sunrise. The lords and ladies who were privileged - or, more
accurately, cursed - to share the Queen's dawn breakfast arrived right after
the cock's crow. Not till they were all assembled, and all
waiting some time eyeing the breakfast meats, did Catharine make her entrance. And she
definitely made an entrance, even at that hour. The doors of the hail were
thrown wide, revealing Catharine standing in a pool of torchlight. Six buglers
blew a fanfare, at which all the lords and ladies rose and Rod winced (pitch
was more or less a matter of taste in that culture). Then
Catharine stepped into the hail, head high and shoulders back. She paced a
quarter way around the wall to the great gilded chair at the head of the table.
The Duke of Loguire stepped forth and pulled the chair back. Catharine sat,
with the grace and lightness of a feather. Loguire sat at her right hand, and
the rest of the company followed suit. Catharine picked up her two-tined fork,
and the company fell to, while livened stewards invaded from the four corners
of the hall with great platters of bacon and sausage, pickled herring, white
rolls, and tureens of tea and soup. Each
platter was brought first to Brom O'Berin, where he sat at the Queen's left
hand. Brom took a sample of each platter, ate a morsel of it, and placed the
remainder on a plate before him. Then the huge platters were placed on the
table. By this time Brom, finding himself still alive, passed the filled plate
to Catharine. The
company fell to with gusto, and Rod's stomach reminded him that all that had
hit his digestive tract that night had been spiced wine. Catharine
picked daintily at her food with the original birdlike appetite. Rumor had it
that she ate just before the formal meal in the privacy of her apartments. Even
so, she was so thin that Rod found it in himself to doubt the rumor. The
stewards wove in and out with flagons of wine and huge meat pies. Rod was
stationed at the east door; he thus had a good view of Catharine, where she sat
at the north end of the table, Milord Loguire at her right hand, Durer, at
Loguire's right band, and the back of Brom O'Berin's head. Durer
leaned over and murmured something to his lord. Loguire waved a hand
impatiently and nodded. He tore the meat off a chop with one bite, chewed,
swallowed, and washed it down with a draft of wine. As he lowered the cup to
the table, he turned to Catharine and rumbled, 'Your Majesty, I am concerned.' Catharine
gave him the cold eye. 'We are all concerned, Milord Loguire. We must bear with
our cares as well as we may.~ Loguire's
lips pressed tight together, his mouth almost becoming lost between moustache
and beard. 'My care,' he said, 'is for your own person, and for the welfare of
your kingdom.' Catharine
turned back to her plate, cuffing a morsel of pork with great care. 'I must
hope that the welfare of my person would indeed affect the welfare of my
kingdom.' Loguire's
neck was growing red; but he pushed on obstinately. 'I am glad that your
Majesty sees that a threat to your welfare is a threat to this kingdom.' The
skin furrowed between Catharine's eyebrows; she frowned at Loguire. 'Indeed I
do.' 'Knowing
that the Queen's life is threatened, the people grow uneasy.~ Catharine
put down her fork and sat back in her chair. Her voice was mild, even sweet.
'Is my life, then, threatened, milord?' 'It
would seem so,' Loguire murmured carefully. 'For the banshee was upon your roof
again last night.' Rod's
ears pricked up. Catharine's
lips turned in, pressed between her teeth; her eyes closed. Silence fell around
the table. Brom O'Berin's voice rumbled into the sudden quiet. The banshee bath
often been seen upon her Majesty's battlements; yet still she lives.' 'Be
still!' Catharine snapped at him. Her shoulders straightened; she leaned
forward to take up her goblet. 'I do not wish to hear of the banshee.' She
drained the goblet, then held it out to the side. 'Steward, more wine!' Durer
was out of his seat and at the Queen's elbow in an instant. Plucking the goblet
from her hand, he turned to the steward who had come running up. He held the
goblet up while the steward filled it from his ewer and the court stared; such
courtesy to the Queen was, from Durer, somewhat unusual. He
swung back to the Queen, dropping to one knee and holding up the goblet.
Catharine stared, then slowly accepted it. 'I thank you, Durer; yet I must
confess that I had not expected such courtliness from you.~ Durer's
eyes glinted. He rose with a mocking smile and bowed very low. 'Drink deep in
health, my Queen.' But Rod
was a trifle less trusting than Catharine; moreover, he had
seen Durer pass his left hand over the goblet just before the steward poured. He left
his post and caught the goblet just as Catharine raised it to her lips. She stared
at him, face paling, rage rising in her eyes. 'I did not summon you, sirrah.' 'Your
Majesty's pardon.' Rod unclipped his dagger from his belt, shook the blade out
onto the table, and filled the conical sheath with wine. Thank Heaven he'd
taken the precaution of resetting Fess before he went on duty! He held
up the silver horn and said, 'I conFess, with apologies to your Majesty, that I
cannot analyze my actions; it is only that I fear for your Majesty's life.' But all
Catharine's anger had vanished in fascination at Rod's action. 'What,' she
said, pointing to the silver horn, 'is that?' 'Unicorn's
horn,' Rod answered, and looked up to see Durer's eyes, burning with rage at
him. 'Analysis
complete,' murmured the voice behind his ear. 'Substance poisonous to human
metabolism.' Rod
smiled grimly and pressed the knob at the apex of the horn with his little
finger. The
'unicorn's horn' turned purple. A gasp
of horror went up from the whole court; for they all knew the legend, that a
unicorn's horn will turn purple if poison is placed in it. Catharine
turned pale; she clenched her fists to conceal their trembling. Loguire's
hand balled into a huge fist; his eyes narrowed as he glared at Durer. 'Slight
man, if any part of this treachery was yours... 'Milord,
you saw.' Durer's voice crackled. 'I but held the cup.' But his
burning eyes were fixed on Rod's, seeming to suggest that Rod could save
himself a lot of trouble and agony if he would just drink the wine right there
and then. Rod was
assigned as one of the four guards who would ~ escort Catharine from her
apartments to the Great Hall for the ~ General Court. The four of them waited
outside her chambers till the door opened, and Brom O'Berin stepped out,
preceding the Queen. Two soldiers fell in before the Queen and behind Brom; Rod
and another Guardsman fell in behind her. They
moved down the corridor slowly, matching their pace to
Catharine's; and the Queen, draped in a heavy fur cloak and weighed down by the
great gold crown, moved very slowly. Somehow, she contrived to look stately
rather than clumsy. As they
drew near the Great Hall, a slight, emaciated, velvet-clad figure came
scurrying up - Durer. 'Your
pardon,' he said, bowing three times, 'but I must speak with your Majesty.' His
lips were pressed tight, anger in his eyes. Catharine
stopped and drew herself up to her haughtiest. Chip on her shoulder as large as
a two-by-jour, Rod thought. 'Speak, then,' she said, looking down her nose at
the cringing little man before her; 'but speak quickly, sirrah.' Durer's
eyes flared at the word of contempt; 'sirrah' was a term reserved for peasants. He
managed to keep his manner respectful, though. 'Your Majesty, I beg you to
brook no delay in hearing the Great Lords' petition, for they are most greatly
overwrought.' Catharine
frowned. 'Why should I delay?' Durer
bit his lips, looking away. Catharine's
eyes kindled in anger. 'Speak, sirrah,' she snapped. 'Or do you mean to imply
that the Queen fears to hear her noblemen?' 'Your
Majesty . . .' Durer spoke with great reluctance; then the words came in a
rush. 'I had heard there were two peasants to be heard in Court today...' 'There
are.' Catharine's mouth hardened. ''Tis the case you recommended to me, Durer.' The
little man's eye shot a malevolent gleam at her; then he was all fawning
humility again. 'I had thought.. . I had heard ...I had feared...' 'What
hast thou feared?' 'Your
Majesty bath been most concerned for your peasants of late. . . .' Durer
hesitated, then stumbled on. 'I had feared. -. that your Majesty might . . .
perhaps .. Catharine's
eyes hardened. 'That I might bear these two peasants before I gave ear to the
petitions of my noblemen?' 'Your
Majesty must not!' Durer dropped to his knees, hands clasped in supplication.
'Thou must not risk offense of the Great Lords today! Fear for thy very life if
thou-' 'Sirrah,
do you call me coward?' Rod
closed his eyes; his heart sank. 'Your
Majesty,' cried Durer, 'I meant but to-' 'Enough!'
Catharine turned away, spurning the meager form of the councillor. Brom O'Berin
and the Guardsmen moved with her. The great oaken doors swung open before them. Rod
risked a glance back over his shoulder. Durer's
face was contorted with malevolent glee; his eyes glittered with triumph. The best
way to get a teenager to do something is to tell her not to... Brom
led the Queen's entourage into a great vaulted room, lighted by a row of
clerestory windows on each side. Fifty feet above, the roof-beam ran through
the hail like a spine, with oaken ribs running down to the granite walls. Two
great wrought-iron chandeliers hung from the ceiling, with candles burning in
the sconces. They
had come in onto a raised dais, ten feet above the floor of the hail. A huge
gilded throne rose before them. Brom led
them in a swing around the lip of the dais to the throne. There the Guardsmen
lined up on either side, and Catharine mounted the last half-step to stand
slender and proud before the throne, gazing out over the multitude gathered
below. The
multitude looked like a sampling of the population. They filled the great hall,
from the steps of the dais to the triple doors at the far end of the hail. In the
first rank were the twelve great nobles, seated in wooden hourglass-shaped
chairs in a semicircle twelve feet out from the steps of the throne. Behind
them stood forty or fifty aging men in brown, gray, or dark green robes with
velvet collars and small, square, felt hats. Chains of silver or gold hung down
over their ample bellies. Burghers, Rod guessed - local officials, merchants,
guildmasters - the bourgeoisie. Beyond
them were the black, cowled robes of the clergy and beyond them were the
dun-colored, patched clothing of the peasantry, most of whom, Rod felt
moderately certain, had been sent up from the castle kitchen so that the Great
Court would have representatives of all classes. But in
the center of the peasants stood four soldiers in green and gold - the Queen's
colors - and between them stood two peasants, one young and one old, both
looking awed and scared almost to the point of panic, caps twisting in their
horny hands. The oldster had a long, grizzled beard; the youngster was clean- shaven.
Both wore dun-colored smocks of coarse cloth; more of the same material was
bound to their legs, to serve as trousers. A priest stood by them, looking
almost as much out of place as they did. All
eyes were on the Queen. Catharine was very much aware of it; she stood a little
taller, and held her pose until the hail was completely quiet. Then she sat,
slowly, and Brom sank cross-legged at her feet. Pike-butts thudded on stone as
Rod and the other three Guardsmen stood to rest, pikes slanting outward at
twenty degrees. Brom's
voice boomed out over the hail. 'Who comes before the Queen this day?' A
herald stepped forward with a roll of parchment and read off a list of twenty
petitions. The first was that of the twelve noblemen; the last was Durer's two
peasants. Catharine's
hands tightened on the arms of the throne. She spoke in a high, clear voice.
'Our Lord hath said that the humble shall be exalted, the last shall be first;
therefore let us first hear the testimony of these two peasants.' There
was a moment's shocked silence; old Lord Loguire was on his feet bellowing. 'Testimony!
Have you such great need of their testimony that you must set these clods of
earth before the highest of your nobles?' 'My
lord,' Catharine snapped, 'you forget your place in my court.' 'Nay,
it is you who forget! You who forget respect and tradition, and all the law
that you learned at your father's knee!' The old
lord drew himself up, glaring. 'Never,' he rumbled, would the old king have
disgraced his liegemen so!' 'Open
thine eyes, old man!' Catharine's voice was chill and arrogant. 'I would my
father still lived; but he is dead, and I reign now.' 'Reign!'
Loguire's lips twisted in a sour grimace. ''Tis not a reign, but a tyranny!' The
hail fell silent, shocked. Then a whisper began and grew: 'Treason!
Treasontreasontreason Treason!' Brom
O'Berin rose, trembling. 'Now, Milord Loguire, must thou kneel and ask pardon
of milady the Queen, or be adjudged forever a traitor to the throne.' Loguire's
face turned to stone, he drew himself up, back straightening,
chin lifting; but before he could answer, Catharine spoke in a tight, quavering
voice. 'There
shall be no forgiveness asked, nor none given. Thou, Milord Loguire, in
consideration of insults offered our Royal Person, art henceforth banished from
our Court and Presence, to come near us nevermore.' Slowly,
the old Duke's eyes met the Queen's. 'How then, child,' he murmured, and Rod
saw with a shock that there were tears in the corners of the old man's eyes.
'Child, wilt thou serve the father as thou hast served the son?' Catharine's
face went dead white; she half rose from her throne. 'Hie
thee from this place, Milord Loguire!' Brom's voice shook with rage. 'Hie thee
from this place, or I shall hound thee hence!' The
Duke's gaze slowly lowered to Brom. 'Hound me? Aye, for thou art most surely
our gentle Queen's watchdog!' He raised his eyes to Catharine again. 'Lady,
lady! I bad hoped to grace thee with a greyhound ere I died.' Catharine
sat down again, drawing herself up proudly. 'I have a mastiff, milord; and let
my enemies beware!' The old
man nodded slowly, his grieving eyes never leaving her face. 'Thou wilt, then,
call me enemy. ... Catharine
tilted her chin a little higher. Loguire's
eyes hardened; the grief was swept from his face by cold pride. He spun
on his heel, stalking down the length of the great hail. A lane through the
crowd opened before him. The Guardsmen at either side of the great central door
snapped to attention and threw the portals open. The
Duke stopped short under the lintel and pivoted to look back over the throng at
Catharine. His heavy old voice filled the hail one last time. And his
voice was somehow gentle, almost kindly. 'Yet
take this of me, Catharine, whom once I called my niece - you shalt not fear
the armies of Loguire while I live.' He
stood motionless a moment, holding Catharine's eyes. Then he
swung about, cape swirling, and was gone. The
court was silent for the space of three breaths; then, as a man, the eleven
remaining Great Lords rose and filed down the lane to the great central door,
and followed Loguire into exile. 'So how
did she decide the case of the two peasants?' Fess asked. Rod was
riding the robot horse on the slope outside the castle, 'for exercise,' or so
he had told the stableboy. Actually, he needed Fess's advice as to What It All
Meant. 'Oh,'
he answered, 'she upheld the parish priest's decision: the
fitting punishment for the kid was marriage. The old man didn't like that too
well, but Catharine had an ace up her sleeve - the
kid would have to support his father-in-law in his old age. The old man grinned
at that, and the kid walked out looking like he wasn't quite so sure he'd come
out on top after all.' 'An
excellent decision,' Fess murmured. 'Perhaps the young lady should seek a
career in jurisprudence.' 'Anything,
so long as it keeps her out of politics... . Glorious sunsets on this planet.' They
were riding into the setting sun; the dying globe painted the sky russet and
gold halfway around the horizon and nearly to the zenith. 'Yes,'
the robot supplied, 'the excellence of the sunsets is due to the density of the
atmosphere, which is nearly one point five Terra-normal. At this latitude,
however, due to the inclination of the planet's axis, which is-' 'Yes,
yes, I wrote it all down in the logbook when we landed. Have the grace to let
it rest in peace. . . . I notice the sun's rays turn almost blood-red . . 'Appropriate,'
Fess murmured. 'Hmm,
yes. That brings us back to the point, doesn't it? What's this about another
assassination coming up?' 'Not an
assassination, Rod - an attempt.' 'All
right, an attempt. Pardon my denotations, and get on with it.' Fess
paused a moment to set up the readout for a prefabricated report. 'The
political situation an the island of Gramarye is comprised of three definite
factions, one Royalist and two Anti-Royalist. The Royalist faction consists of
the Queen, her chief councillor - one Brom O'Berin - the clergy, the Royal
Army, the Queen's Bodyguard, and a group of espers known by the local term
"witches".' 'How
about the judges?' 'As I
was about to say, the civil servants may also be included in the Royalist
faction, with the exception of those officials whose
corruption leaves them opposed to the Queen's reforms.' 'Hmm,
yes. I'd forgotten that hitch. Anybody else on the Plantagenet side?' 'Yes, a
subspecies of Homo sapiens characterized by extreme dwarfism and referred to by
the local term "elves".' 'Well,
they sure don't seem to be against her, anyway,' Rod murmured. 'The
Anti-Royalist factions are significantly not united by their common opposition
to the Throne. The first of these factions is the aristocracy, led by twelve
dukes and earls, who are in turn led by the Duke Loguire. It is worth noting
that the aristocrats are unanimous in their opposition to the Queen. Such
unanimity among the aristocrats of a feudal culture is totally without
precedent, and must therefore be regarded as an anomaly.' 'And
just where did this strange united front come from?' 'The
unanimity may be attributed to the presence of a group termed the councillors,
each member of which serves in an advisory capacity to one of the twelve great
lords. The physical coherence of this group indicates-' Rod
jerked his head around, staring at the robot horse's ears. 'How's that again?' 'Each
of the councillors is physically characterized by a stooped posture, extreme
leanness, sparse cranial hair, pale skin, and a general appearance of advanced
age.' Rod
pursed his lips. 'Ve-ry interesting! I hadn't caught any significance in that.' 'Such a
physical appearance is characteristic of an extremely advanced technological
society, in which the problems of longevity, metabolic adjustment, and exposure
to ultraviolet have been controlled.' 'Modern
medicine and a barroom pallor.' Rod nodded. 'But how do you account for the
hunched-over posture?' 'We may
assume that is a part of the obsequious manner employed by this group. The
extremeness of this behavior would seem to indicate that it is not natural to
the men in question.' 'Finagle's
Law of Reversal.' Rod nodded. 'Go on.' 'The
goal of the Royalist faction is to increase the power of the central authority.
The goal of the councillors seems to be the elimination of the central
authority, which will result in that form of political organization known as
warlordism.' 'Which,'
said Rod, 'is a kind of anarchy.' 'Precisely;
and we must therefore entertain the possibility that the councillors may pursue
the pattern of political breakdown from warlordism through parochialism to the
possible goal of total anarchy.' 'And
that's why they're out to kill Catharine.' 'An
accurate observation; any chance to eliminate the central authority will be
taken.' 'Which
means she's in danger. Let's get back to the castle.' He
pulled on the reins, but Fess refused to turn. 'She is not in danger, Rod, not
yet. The mythos of this culture requires that preliminary to a death, an
apparition known as a banshee must be seen on the roof of the dwelling. And the
banshee cannot appear until nightfall.' Rod
looked up at the sky. It was twilight; there was still some of the sunset's
glow around the horizon. 'All
right, Fess. You've got fifteen minutes, maybe a half-hour.' 'The
evidence of the councillors' origin in a high-technology society,' the robot
droned on, 'indicates that the group derives from off-planet, since the only
culture on the planet is that of Catharine's realm, which is characterized by a
medieval technology. The other Anti-Royalist faction also bears indications of
off-planet origin.' 'I
think I've heard that before,' Rod mused. 'Run through it again, will you?' 'Certainly.
The second Anti-Royalist faction is known as the House of Clovis, a name
deriving from the supposedly elective process of choosing ancient kings. The
rank and file of the House of Clovis consists of beggars, thieves, and other
criminals and outcasts. The titular leader is a banished nobleman, Tuan
Loguire.' 'Hold
it a moment,' said Rod. 'Titular leader?' 'Yes,'
said Fess. 'The superficial structure of the House of Clovis would seem to
verge on the mob; but further analysis discloses a tightly-knit
sub-organization, one function of which is the procurement of nourishment and
clothing for the members of the House.' 'But
that's what Tuan's doing!' 'Is it?
Who supplies the necessities of life at the House of -
Clovis, Rod?' 'Well,
Tuan gives the money to the innkeeper, that twisted little monkey they call the
Mocker.' 'Precisely.' 'So
you're saying,' Rod said slowly, 'that the Mocker is using Tuan as a
fund-raiser and figurehead, while the Mocker is the real boss.' 'That,'
said Fess, 'is what the data would seem to indicate. What is the Mocker's
physical appearance, Rod?' 'Repulsive.
~ 'And
how did he earn his nickname of "the Mocker"?' 'Well,
he's supposed to be a sort of Man of a Thousand 'But
what is his basic physical appearance, Rod?' 'Uh. .
.' Rod threw his head back, eyes shut, visualizing the Mocker. 'I'd say about
five foot ten, hunched over all the time like he had curvature of the spine,
slight build - very slight, looks like he eats maybe two hundred calories a day
- not much hair -. .' His eyes snapped open. 'Hey! He looks like one of the
councillors!' 'And is
therefore presumably from a high-technology society,' Fess agreed, 'and
therefore also from off-planet. This contention is reinforced by his political
philosophy, as indicated in Tuan Loguire's speeches to the rabble....' 'So
Tuan is also the mouthpiece,' Rod mused. 'But of course; he never could have
thought up proletarian totalitarianism by himself.' "~' - 'It is
also worth noting that the Mocker is the only member of the House of Clovis of
this particular type.' 'Ye-e-e-s!'
Rod nodded, rubbing his chin. 'He's playing a lone game. All his staff are
locals trained to back him up.' 'His
long-range goal,' said Fess, 'may be assumed to be the establishment of a dictatorship.
Consequently, he would wish someone on the throne whom he could control.' 'Tuan.' 'Precisely.
But he must first eliminate Catharine.' 'So the
councillors and House of Clovis are both out for Catharine's blood.' 'True;
yet there is no indication that they have joined forces. If anything, they
would seem to be mutually opposed.' 'Duplication
of effort - very inefficient. But, Fess, what're they doing here?' 'We may
assume that they derive from two opposed societies, both of
which wish to control some commodity which may be found on Gramarye.' Rod
frowned. 'I haven't heard of any rare minerals around-about 'I had
in mind human resources, Rod.' Rod's
eyes widened. 'The espers! Of course! They're here because of the witches!' 'Or the
elves,' Fess reminded. Rod
frowned. 'What would they want with the elves?' 'I have
no hypothesis available; yet the logical possibility must be entertained.' Rod
snorted. 'All right, you stick with the logical possibility, and I'll stand by
the witches. Anyone who could corner the market on telepaths could control the
galaxy. Hey!' He stared, appalled. 'They probably could control the galaxy.' 'The
stakes,' Fess murmured. 'are high.' 'I'll
have mine - - -, Rod began; but he was cut off by a ululating, soaring wail
that grated like nails on glass. Fess
swung about Rod looked back at the castle. - A dim
shape glowed on the battlements, just below the east tower, like a fox-fire or
a will-o'-the wisp. It must have been huge; Rod could make out detail even at
this distance. It was dressed in the rags and tatters of a shroud, through
which Rod could see the body of a voluptuous woman; but the head was a
rabbit's, and the muzzle held pointed teeth. The
banshee began to wail again, a low moan that rose to a keening cry, then
stabbed up the scale to a shriek, a shriek that held, and held and held till
Rod's ears were ready to break. 'Fess,'
he gasped, 'what do you see?' 'A
banshee, Rod.' Rod
rode down, ran into, through and over five pairs of sentries en route to the
Queen's chambers. But there, at her doors, he met an insurmountable roadblock
about two feet high - Brom
O'Berin, standing with feet set wide and arms akimbo. 'Thou
hast been long in coming,' the little man growled. His face was beet-red with
anger, but fear haunted the back of his eyes. 'I came
as fast as I could,' Rod panted. 'Is she in danger?' Brom
grunted. 'Aye, in danger, though there is as yet no sign of it. Thou must stand
watch at her bedside this night, warlock.' Rod
stiffened. 'I,' he said, 'am not a warlock. I am a simple soldier-of-fortune
who happens to know a little science. • Brom
tossed his head impatiently. 'This is a poor time to mason, thou hast still
warlock's powers. But we waste time.' He
rapped back-handed on the door; it swung in, and a sentry stepped out. He
saluted and stood aside. Brom
bowed Rod into the room. 'After you, Master Gallowglass.' Rod
smiled grimly and went through the door. 'Still don't trust me behind your
back, eh?' 'Nearly,'
said Brom. 'That's
what I said.' The
sentry entered behind them and closed the door. The
room was large, with four shuttered slit windows on one side. The floor was
covered with fur rugs; the walls were hung with silk, velvet, and tapestries. A
fire crackled on a small hearth. Catharine
sat in a huge four-poster bed, covered to the waist with quilts and furs. Her
unbound hair flowed down over the shoulders of a velvet, ermine-trimmed
dressing gown. She was surrounded by a gaggle of ladies-in-waiting, several
serving girls, and two pages. Rod
knelt at~ her bedside. 'Your Majesty's pardon for my tardiness!' She
gave him a frosty glance. 'I had not known you were called.' She turned away. Rod
frowned, looked her over. She sat
back against eight or ten fluffy satin pillows; her eyelids drooped in languid
pleasure; there was a half-smile on her lips. She was enjoying the one spot of
real luxury in her day. She
might be in mortal danger, but she sure didn't know about it. Brom had been
keeping secrets again. She
held out a hand to one of her ladies; the woman gave her a steaming goblet of
wine. Catharine brought it to her lips with a graceful flourish. 'Whoa."
Rod jumped to his feet, intercepted the goblet on its way to her lips, and
plucked it away with his left hand while his right brought out his 'unicorn's
horn'. Catharine
stared, amazed; then her eyes narrowed, her face reddened. 'Sirrah, what means
this?' But Rod
was staring at the 'unicorn's horn' dagger-sheath; Fess's voice spoke behind
his ear: 'Substance with the analysis unit is toxic to human metabolism.' But Rod
hadn't poured the wine into the horn yet. There was nothing in it. Except
air. Rod
pressed the stud that turned the horn purple. Catharine
stared in horror as the violet flush crept over the surface of the
dagger-sheath. 'Sirrah,'
she gasped, 'what means this?' 'Poison
air,' Rod snapped. He shoved the goblet at a servant girl and looked about the
room. Something in here was emitting poison gas. The
fireplace. Rod
crossed to the hearth and held the horn upside-down over the flames; but the
color of the sheath dimmed to lavender. 'Not
there.' Rod spun about, coming to his feet. He paced about the room, holding
the horn before him like a candle. It stayed lavender. He
frowned, scratched at the base of his skull. What would be the best place to
put a poison-gas cartridge? As
close to the Queen as possible, of course. He
turned, moving slowly to the four-poster. As he came to Catharine's side, the
horn's color darkened to violet. Catharine
stared at the horn in fascination and horror. Rod knelt, slowly. The horn's
colour darkened to purple and began to shade toward black. Rod
threw up the bedskirts and looked under the four-poster. There before him, on
the stone floor, steamed a warming-pan. Rod
grabbed the long handle and yanked the pan out. He inverted the horn over one
of the holes in the cover - if his memory was correct, warming-pans didn't
usually have holes.... The
horn turned dead black. He
looked up at Catharine. She had the knuckles of one hand jammed between her
teeth, biting them to keep from screaming. Rod
turned, holding the pan out to the sentry. 'Take this,' he said, 'and fling it
into the moat.' The
sentry dropped his pike, took the warming-pan, and rushed out, holding it at
arm's length. Rod
turned slowly back to Catharine. 'We have cheated the banshee again, my Queen.' Catharine's
hand trembled as she took it away from her mouth. Then her lips clamped shut,
her eyes squeezed tight, little fists clenched so bard the knuckles were white. Then
her eyes opened, slowly; there was a wild light in them, and a faint smile
crept over her lips. 'Master Gallowglass, stay by me. All else, remove
yourselves I' Rod
swallowed and felt his joints liquefy. She was, at that moment, the most beautiful
woman he had ever seen. The
Guardsmen, ladies, and pages were already in motion, heading for an incipient
traffic jam at the door. Brom
bawled orders, and the jam failed to develop. In thirty seconds, the room was
clear, except for Rod, the Queen, and Brom O'Berin. 'Brom,'
Catharine snapped, eyes locked on Rod's face. Her teeth were beginning to show
through her smile. 'Brom O'Berin, do you leave us also.' Brom
stared a moment, outraged; then his shoulders slumped, and he bowed heavily. 'I
will, my Queen.' The
door closed quietly behind him. Slowly,
Catharine lay back against the pillows. She stretched with a luxurious, liquid
grace. One hand snaked out to clasp Rod's. Her hand was very soft. 'It is
twice now you have given me my life, Master Gallowglass.' Her voice was a
velvet purr. 'My -
my privilege, my Queen.' Rod cursed himself, he was gawking like an adolescent
with a copy of Fanny Hill. Catharine
frowned prettily, tucking her chin in and touching a forefinger to her lips. Then
she smiled, rolled over onto her side. The velvet gown fell open. Apparently it
was the custom to sleep nude. Remember,
boy, Rod told himself, you're just a traveling salesman. You'll wake up in the
morning and be on your way. You're here to peddle democracy, not to court a
Queen. Not lair to take advantage of her if you're not going to be here to take
advantage of it... . Did that make sense? Catharine
was toying with a pendant that hung from her neck. Her teeth were worrying her
lower lip. She looked him over like a cat sizing up a canary. 'Blank-shield
soldiers,' she murmured, 'have a certain repute...' Her
lips were moist, and very full. Rod
felt his lips moving, heard his own voice stammering, 'As - as my
Queen seeks to reform the ills of her land, I.. . hope to reform the reputation
of soldiers. I would do ... only good to your Majesty.' For a
moment, it seemed Catharine's very blood must have stopped, so still she lay. Then
her eyes hardened, and the silence in the room stretched very, very thin. She sat
up. gathering her dressing gown about her. 'Thou art much to be commended,
Master Gallowglass. I am indeed fortunate to have such loyal servitors about
me.' It was
much to her credit, under the circumstances, Rod thought, that there was only a
faint tone of mockery to her voice. Her
eyes met his again. 'Accept the Queen's thanks for the saving of her life.' Rod
dropped to one knee. 'I am
indeed fortunate,' Catharine went on, 'to be so loyally served. You have given
me my life; and I think that few soldiers would have given me safe deliverance,
as you have done.' Rod
flinched. She
smiled, her eyes glittering malice and satisfaction for just a moment. Then
her eyes dropped to her hands. 'Leave me now, for I shall have a trying day
tomorrow, and must make good use of the night, for sleeping.' 'As the
Queen wishes,' Rod answered, poker-faced. He rose and turned away, his belly
boiling with anger - at himself. It wasn't her fault he was a fool. He
closed the door behind him, then spun and slammed his fist against the rough
stone of the entryway wall. The nerves in his fist screamed agony. He
turned back to the hail, forearm laced with pain - and there stood Brom
O'Berin, face beet-red, trembling. 'Well,
shall I kneel to thee? Art thou our next king?' The anger in Rod's belly shot
up, heading for Brom O'Berin. Rod clamped his jaws shut to hold it back. He
glared at Brom, eyes narrowing. 'I have better use for my time, Brom O'Berin,
than to rob the royal cradle.' Brom
stared at him, the blood and fury draining out of his face. ''Tis true,' he
murmured, nodding. 'By all the saints, I do believe 'tis true I For I can see
in thy face that thou art filled with Furies, screaming madness at thy
manhood!' Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. His jaw tightened till it felt as if a molar must
break. 110 Something
had to break. Something had to give, somewhere. Somewhere, far away, he heard
Brom O'Berin saying, 'This one hath a message for thee, from the witches in the
tower Rod
forced his eyes open, stared down at Brom. Brom
was looking down and to his left. Following his gaze, Rod saw an elf sitting
tailor-fashion by Brom's foot. Puck. Rod
straightened his shoulders. Smother the anger; vent it later. If the witches
had sent word, it was probably vital. 'Well,
spill it,' he said. 'What word from the witches?' But
Puck only shook his head and murmured, 'Lord, what fools these mortals be!' He
skipped aside a split second before Rod's fist slammed into the wall where he'd
been sitting. Rod
howled with pain, and spun. He saw Puck and lunged again. But
'Softly' said Puck, and a huge chartreuse-and-shock-pink filled the hail, a
full-size, regulation, fire-breathing dragon, rearing back on its hind feet and
bellowing flame at Rod. Rod
goggled. Then he grinned, baring his teeth in savage joy. The dragon belched
fire as it struck. Rod ducked under the flames and came up under the monster's
head. His fingers closed on the scaly neck, thumbs probing for the carotid
arteries. The
dragon flung its head up and snapped its neck like a whip. Rod held on grimly,
held on and held on while the dragon battered him against the granite walls.
His head slapped stone and he yelled with pain, stars and darkness before his
eyes, but he tightened his grip. The
great neck bowed, and the huge talons of the hind feet raked at Rod's belly,
splitting him from collarbone to thigh. Blood fountained out, and Rod felt
himself reeling into black. ness; but he held on, determined to take the dragon
with him into death. Yeah,
death, he thought, amazed, and was outraged that he should die over a puny fit
of anger, anger over a slip of a bitch of a girl. Well,
at least he'd have a mount in the land of the dead. As darkness sucked him
down, ~he felt the great head drooping, bobbing lower and lower, following him
down to death.... His
feet felt solid ground and, for a miracle, his legs held him up. Light misted
through the dark around him, misted and gathered and grew, and he saw the beast
lying dead at his feet. The
darkness ebbed away from the dragon; light showed Rod granite walls and brocade
hangings; and the castle hail swam about him, reeled, and steadied. At his
feet, the dragon's colors faded. Its outlines blurred and shimmered, and the
beast was gone; there was only clean gray stone beneath Rod's feet. He
looked down at his chest and belly; his doublet was whole, not even wrinkled.
Not a trace of blood, not a scratch on him. lie
squeezed an elbow, expecting the pain of bruises; there was none. His
head was clear, without the ghost of even an ache. Slowly,
he raised his eyes to Puck. The elf
looked back, eyes wide and mournful. Amazingly, he wasn't smiling. Rod
covered his face with his hands, then looked up again. 'Enchantment?' Puck
nodded. Rod
looked away. 'Thanks.' 'Thou
hadst need of it,' Puck answered Rod
squared his shoulders and breathed deeply. 'You had a message for me?' Puck
nodded again. 'Thou art summoned to a meeting of the Coven.' Rod
frowned, shaking his head. 'But I'm not a member.' Brom O'Berin chuckled like a
diesel turning over. 'Nay, thou art of them, for thou art a warlock.' Rod
opened his mouth to answer, thought better of it, and closed his jaw with a
snap. He threw up his hands in resignation. 'Okay, have it your own way. I'm a
warlock. Just don't expect me to believe it.' 'Well,
thou wilt, at least, no longer deny it.' Toby filled Rod's mug with the hot,
mulled wine. 'We ha' known thou wert a warlock even before we had set eyes on
thee.' Rod
sipped at the wine and looked about him If he'd thought it was a party last
night, his naпvetй had been showing. That had just been a Kajjeeklatsch. This
time the kids were really whooping it up. He
turned back, to Toby, bellowing to hear his own voice. 'Don't get me wrong; I
don't mean to be a cold blanket, but what's the occasion? How come all the
celebrating?' 'Why,
our Queen lives!' yelled Toby. 'And thou art hero of the night! Thou hast
banished the banshee!' 'Hero .
. - ' Rod echoed, a wry smile twisting his face. He lifted his mug and took a
long, long draft. Suddenly
he swung the mug down, spluttering and coughing. 'What ails thee?' Toby asked,
concerned. He pounded Rod on the back till the older man wheezed, gasping. 'Leave
off,' he said, holding up a hand, 'I'm okay. I just thought of something,
that's all?' 'What
is thy thought?' 'That
banshee ain't real.' Toby
stared. 'What dost thou say?' Rod
clamped a hand on the back of Toby's neck and pulled the boy's ear down to his
own level. 'Look,'
he yelled, 'the banshee only appears before someone dies, right?' • 'Aye,' said Toby, puzzled. 'Before
someone dies,' Rod repeated, 'not every time someone's just in danger of death.
And the Queen's still alive!' Toby
pulled back, staring at Rod. Rod
smiled, eyes dancing. 'It's only supposed to show up when death's inevitable.' He
turned, looked out over the great tower room. The witches were dancing on the
walls, the ceiling, occasionally the floor, and in mid-air, with a fine
disregard for gravity. They were twisting through gyrations that would have
given a snake triple lumbago. Rod
looked back at Toby, lifted an eyebrow. 'Doesn't look much like a funeral~' Toby
frowned; then his face split into a grin. 'I think thou hast not seen a
Gramarye wake,' he yelled. 'Still, thou art aright; we dance this night for
Life, not Death.' Rod
grinned savagely, took another pull from his mug, and wiped his lips with the
back of his hand. 'Now. If it's a fake, and it is, the next question is, who
put it there?'' Toby's
jaw dropped open. He stared. 'Get me
Aldis,' Rod shouted. Toby
closed his mouth, gulped, and nodded. He closed his eyes; a moment later, Aldis
swooped down and brought her broomstick in for a two-point landing. 'What
don thou wish?' she panted. She was blushing, face lit with excitement and joy.
The sight of her gave Rod a sudden pang of mourning for his own lost youth. •~. He
leaned forward. 'See if you can tune in on Durer, Loguire's chief councillor.' She
nodded, closed her eyes. After a few moments she opened them again, staring at
Rod in fear. 'They
are much wroth,' she reported, 'that the Queen did not die. But they are more
wroth in that they know not who put the banshee on the roof of the castle this
night.' Rod
nodded, lips pressed into a tight, thin line. He took a last draft from his mug
and rose, turning away toward the stairwell. Toby
reached up, catching his sleeve. 'Where dost thou go?' 'To the
battlements,' Rod called back. 'Where else would you look for a banshee?' The
night breeze cut chill through his clothes as he stepped out onto the battlements.
The moon, over his shoulder, sent his shadow pacing before him. The
battlements stretched out before him like a great gap-toothed row of incisors. 'Fess,'
Rod called softly. 'Here,
Rod,' murmured the voice back of his ear. 'Does
this banshee seem to be fonder of one stretch of battlements than another?' 'Yes,
Rod. During the period in which we have been in Gramarye, the banshee has
appeared under the east tower.' 'Always?' 'To
judge by an inadequate sample, yes.' Rod
turned to his left, strolling east. 'Well, you go on collecting an adequate
sample while I do something about it.' 'Yes,
Rod,' said the robot, somehow managing a tone of martyred patience. Rod
looked out over the battlements at the town, nestled below them at the foot of
the great hill that served as the foundation for the castle. A long, white road
wound up from the town to the drawbridge, with here and there the outpost of a
low, rambling inn. And
down there below, in the rotting heart of the town, like some great basalt gravestone,
stood the House of Clovis. A
stumbling, a scrabbling behind him. Rod snapped about into a wrestler's crouch,
dagger a bite of moonlight in his hand. Big Tom
stumbled out of the winding stairway, with something draped across his arm. He
stood, looking about him with wide,
white-rimmed eyes, heaving hoarse gusts of air into his lungs. He
turned, saw Rod, and came running, his face flooded with relief. 'Eh, master,
thou'rt still whole!' Rod
relaxed and straightened up, sliding the dagger back into its sheath. 'Of
course I'm whole! What're you doing here, Big
Tom?' - The big
man stopped, the grin wavering on his face. He looked
down at the cold stones, shuffling his feet. ''EU, master, I had
heard.. . I.. . well...' He looked up; the words came in a rush:
'Tha must not go again' the banshee; but if thou'lt go, thou'lt
not go alone.' Rod
studied the big man's face for a long moment, wondering where this deep
devotion had come from. Then he
smiled gently. 'Your knees have turned to jelly at the mere thought of the
monster, but you still won't let me go alone.' He
clapped Tom on the shoulder, grinning. 'Well, then, come along, Big Tom; and
I'm downright glad of your company, I don't mind telling you.' Tom
grinned and looked down at the stones again. It was hard to be sure in the
moonlight, but Rod thought there was a faint blush creeping up from the big
man's collar. He
turned and set out toward the tower. Tom plodded along by his side. ''Ere now
master, thou'lt grow a-cold,' and Tom flung the cloak he had been carrying over
his arm around Rod's shoulder. A warm,
friendly gesture, Rod thought as he thanked Big Tom. He was touched that the
clumsy ape should be worried about him - but he was also aware that the cloak
hampered his knife hand, and was pretty sure Big Tom was aware of it, too. 'Art
not afraid, master?' Rod
frowned, considering the question. 'Well, no, not really. After all, the
banshee's never been known to hurt anybody. It's just, well, a forecast, you
know? Herald of Death and all that.' 'Still,
'tis a marvel thou'rt not afeard. Wilt thou not even walk in the shadows by the
wall, master?' Rod
frowned and looked at the shadows along the battlements. 'No, I'll take the
center of the way when I can. I'd always rather walk tall in the sunlight than
skulk in the shadows at the side of the road.' Big Tom
was silent a moment, his eyes on the shadows. 'Yet,'
he said, 'of necessity, a man must go through the shadows at one time or other,
master.' With a
shock, Rod realized Tom had picked up the allegory. Illiterate peasant, sure! He
nodded, looking so serious it was almost comic. 'Yes, Big Tom. There's times
when he has to choose one side of the road or the other. But for myself, I only
stay on the sidelines as long as I have to. I prefer the light.' He grinned.
'Good protection against spirits.' 'Spirits!'
Tom snorted. He quickly threw Rod a half-hearted grin. He
turned away, frowning. 'Still, master, I do much marvel that you will take the
middle road; for there may a man be attacked from both sides. And, more to the
point, he cannot say that he has chosen either the right or the left.' 'No,'
Rod agreed, 'but he can say that he has chosen the middle. And as to attack,
well, if the road is well-built, the center is highest; the pavement slopes
away to right and left, and the shoulder is soft and may give way beneath you.
A man in the middle can see where his enemies are coming from; and it's firm
footing. The sides of the road are treacherous. Sure it's an exposed position.
That's why not too many have the courage to walk it.' They
walked a moment in silence; then Rod said, 'Did you ever hear of dialectical
materialism, Tom?' 'How..
. ?' The big man's head jerked up in surprise, almost shock. He recovered,
scowling and shaking his head fervently, and muttering, 'No, no, master, no,
never, never!' Sure,
Big Tom, Rod thought. Aloud, he said, 'It's a Terran philosophy, Big Tom. Its
origins are lost in the dark ages, but some men still hold by it.' 'What
is Terran?' the big man growled. 'A
dream,' Rod sighed, 'and a myth.' 'Are
you one man who lives by it, master?' Rod
looked up, startled. 'What? The dream of Terra?' 'No,
this dialec - what magic didst thou term it?' 'What,
dialectical materialism?' Rod grinned. 'No, but I find some of its concepts
very handy, like the idea of a synthesis. Do you know what a synthesis is,
Tom?' 'Nay,
master.' Tom shook his head, eyes round in wonder. The wonder, at least, was
probably real. The last thing Big Tom could have looked for was Rod to start
quoting a totalitarian philosophy. 'It's
the middle way,' Rod said. 'The right-hand side of the road is the thesis, and
the left-hand side is the antithesis. Combine them, and you get a synthesis.' 'Aye,'
Big Tom nodded. Pretty
quick thinking for a dumb peasant, Rod noted. He went on, 'The thesis and
antithesis are both partly false; so you throw away the false parts, combine
the true parts - take the best of both of them - call the result a synthesis,
and you've got the truth. See?' Tom's
eyes took on a guarded look. He began to see where Rod was going. 'And
the synthesis is the middle of the road. And, being true, it's naturally
uncomfortable.' He
looked up; the east tower loomed over them. They stood in its shadow. 'Well,
enough philosophizing. Let's get to work.' 'Pray
Heaven the banshee come not upon us!' Big Tom moaned. 'Don't
worry; it only shows up once a day, in the evening, to predict death within
twenty-four hours,' Rod said. 'It's not due again till tomorrow evening.' There
was a sudden scrabbling in the shadows. Big Tom leaped back, a knife suddenly
in his hand. 'The banshee!' Rod's
blade was out too, his eyes probing the shadows. They locked with two fiery
dots at the base of the tower wall. Rod
stepped out in a crouch, knife flickering back and forth from left hand to
right. 'Declare yourself,' he chanted, 'or die.' A
squeal and a skitter, and a huge rat dashed away past him, to lose itself in
the shadows near the inner wall. Big Tom
almost collapsed with a sigh. 'Saints preserve us! 'Twas only a rat.' 'Yes.'
Rod tried to hide the trembling of his own hands as his knife went back to its
sheath. 'There seem to be a lot of rats in the walls of this castle.' Big Tom
straightened again, wary and on his guard. 'But I
saw something as that rat ran by me...' Rod's voice trailed away as he knelt by
the outer wall, running his hands lightly over the stone. 'There!' 'What
is it, master?' Big Tom's garlic breath fanned Rod's cheek. Rod
took the big man's hand and set it against his find. Tom drew in a shuddering
breath and yanked his hand away. ''Tis
cold,' his voice quavered, 'cold and square, and - it bit me!' 'Bit
you?' Rod frowned and ran his fingers over the metal box. He felt the stab of a
mild electric shock and jerked his fingers away. Whoever had wired this gadget
must have been the rankest of amateurs. It wasn't even grounded properly. The box
was easy to see once you knew where to look for it. It was white metal, about
eight inches on a side, two inches deep, recessed so that its front and top
were flush with the stone, halfway between two of the crenelations. But
come to think of it, that faulty grounding might have been intentional, to keep
people from tampering. Rod
drew his dagger, glad of the insulation provided by the leather hilt.
Carefully, he pried open the front of the box. He
could make out the silvery worm-trails of the printed circuit and the flat,
square pillbox of the solid-state components - but the whole layout couldn't have been
larger than his thumbnail! His
scalp prickled uneasily. Whoever had built this rig knew a little more about
molecular circuitry than the engineers back home. But why
such a big box for such a small unit? Well,
the rest of the box was filled with some beautifully-machined apparatus with
which Rod was totally unfamiliar. He
looked at the top of the box; there was a round, transparent circle set in the
center. Rod frowned. He'd never run into anything quite like this before. At a
guess, the circuitry was part of a remote-control system, and the machined
parts were -what? 'Master,
what is it?' 'I
don't know,' Rod muttered, 'but I have a sneaking suspicion it's got something
to do with the banshee.' He
probed the mechanism with his dagger, trying to find a moving part. He felt sublimely
reckless; the gadget could very easily have a destruct circuit capable of
blowing this whole section of the battlements halfway back to Sol. The
probing point found something; the machine clicked and began to hum, almost
subsonic. 'Away,
master!' Big Tom shouted. ''Tis accursed!' But Rod
stayed where he was, hand frozen for fear the knife-point would lose whatever
contact it had closed. Smoke
billowed out of the transparent circle, shooting ten feet into the air, then
falling back. In less than a minute, a small localized cloud had formed. A
second machine clicked, somewhere in front of Rod, and a shaft of light stabbed
upward from the outer wall, toward Rod but over his head, shooting into the
smoke-cloud. The shaft of light spread into a fan. Big Tom
wailed in terror. 'The banshee! Flee, master, for your life!' Looking
up, Rod saw the banshee towering ten feet above him. It seem'ed he could almost
smell the rotting, tattered •
shrouds that covered the voluptuous woman's body. The
rabbit mouth opened, showing long, pointed teeth. A hidden loudspeaker hummed
into life; the apparition was about to start its wailing. Rod
lifted his dagger a quarter of an inch; the fan of light blacked out, the hiss
of mechanical smoke-pot died. The
wind murmured over the battlements, dispelling the last of the smoke-cloud. Rod
knelt immobile, still staring upward; then, shaking himself, he picked up the
front of the box and forced it back into place. 'Master,'
whispered Big Tom, 'what was it?' 'A
spell,' Rod answered, 'and the banshee it called up was a sham.' He
stood, drumming his fingers on the stone. He
struck his fist against the wall. 'No help for it. Come on, Big Tom, hold my
ankles.' He lay
face-downward between the two great granite blocks, his knees above the
smoke-pot machine. 'What,
master?' 'Hold
my ankles,' Rod snapped. 'I've got to take a look at the outside of the wall.
And you've got to keep me from falling into the moat.' Tom
didn't answer. 'Come
on, come on!' Rod looked back over his shoulder. 'We haven't got all night.' Big Tom
came forward slowly, a huge, hulking shape in the shadow. His great hands
clamped on Rod's ankles. Rod
inched forward until his head was clear of the stone. There, just under his
chin, was a small, square box with a short snout: ~ miniaturized projector,
shooting a prerecorded banshee
into the cloud of smoke, giving the illusion of three dimensions - a very
compact projector' and removable screen, all susceptible to remote control From
where? Rod
craned his neck. All he could see was gray stone. 'Hold tight, Big Tom.' He
inched forward, hoping he'd guessed right about the big peasant. He
stopped crawling when he felt the granite lip of the battlements pressing his
belt buckle. His upper body jutted free beyond the castle wall, with nothing
underneath but air, and, a long way down, the moat. He
looked down. Mm,
yes, that was a long way, Wasn't it? Now, just what would happen if he'd judged
Big Tom wrong? If, contrary to expectation, the big lug let go of Rod's ankles? Well,
if 'that happened, Fess would send a report back to SCENT headquarters, and
they'd send out another agent. No need to worry. Tom's
hoarse, labored breathing sounded very loud behind him. Get it
over with quick, boy. Rod scanned the wall under him. There
it was, just the projector, a deep, silver-lined cup recessed into the wall - a
hyperbolic antenna. Why a
hyperbolic? he wondered. So that
the radio impulse that turned the projection machines on could be very, very
small, impossible to detect outside the straight line between the transmitting
and receiving antennas. So, if
you want to find the transmitting antenna, just sight along the axis of the
receiving dish. And,
looking along that line and allowing for parallax, he found himself staring
straight at the rotting basalt pile of the House of Clovis. For a
moment, he just stared, dumbfounded. So it hadn't been the councillors after
all. Then he
remembered Durers poison attempt at breakfast, and amended his earlier guess:
it hadn't been the councillors all the time. And,
come to think of it, that warming-pan trick would have been much easier for a
servant to pull than for a councillor. He was
jarred out of his musing rather abruptly; Big Tom's hands were trembling on his
ankles. Hell, I
don't weigh that much, he thought; but he wriggled backward while he thought. He
thought be heard a sigh of relief as Big Tom hauled him in. Rod
rose and turned. Sweat streamed down Big Tom's face; his complexion looked very
much like dirty dishwater, and his lower lip still trembled as he sucked in a
noisy deep breath. Rod
looked into the big man's eyes for a long moment, without saying anything. Then he
murmured, 'Thanks.' Tom
held Rod's eyes a moment longer, then turned away. Rod
fell into step beside him. They
were halfway back to the stairwell before Big Tom said, 'And dost thou know who
hath sent this enchantment, master?' Rod
nodded. 'The House of Clovis.' Their
boots echoed hollow on the stone. 'Why
hast thou not destroyed it?' Rod
shrugged. 'It's a good warning that the Queen's in danger.' 'Then
who wilt thou tell of it?' Rod
looked up at the stars. 'My horse,' he said slowly. 'Horse?'
Big Tom frowned. 'Yes,
my horse. And no one else, until I've figured out just where Tuan Loguire
stands - for the Queen or against her.' 'Ah.'
Big Tom seemed to think that was explanation enough. Rod boosted his estimate
of Big Tom's status. Apparently the man knew what was going on, more thoroughly
than Rod did. Big Tom
was silent till they came to the stairwell. 'Thou wast not a hair's breadth
from Death this night, master.' 'Oh, I
don't think so.' Rod folded his arms and leaned against the wall. 'That was
just a fake banshee; it couldn't have hurt us. And even as it was, I knew the
spell that got rid of it' 'I was
not speaking of the banshee, master.' 'I
know.' Rod looked straight into Tom's eyes. Then he turned and started down the
stairs. He'd gone six steps before he realized Big Tom hadn't followed. He
looked back over his shoulder. Tom was staring at him, mouth slack with shock. Then
the mouth closed, the face froze. 'Thou didst know thy danger, master?' 'I
did.' Tom
nodded, very slowly. Then he looked down to the stairs and came down. 'Master,'
he' said after the first landing, 'thou'rt either the bravest man or the
greatest fool that ever I met.' 'Probably
both,' said Rod, keeping his eyes on the torchlit steps. 'Thou
shouldst have slain me when first thou guessed.' Tom's voice had an edge. Rod
shook his head, wordless. 'Why not?'
Tom barked. Rod let
his head loll back. He sighed. 'Long ago, Tom, and far away - Lord, how far
away!' 'Tis no
time for fairy tales!' 'This
isn't a fairy tale. It's a legend - who knows? Maybe true. A king named
Hideyoshi ruled a land called Japan; and the greatest duke in the land was
named Ieyayasu.' 'And
the duke wished to be king.' '1 see
you know the basic techniques. But Hideyoshi did not want to kill Ieyayasu.' 'He was
a fool,' Tom growled. 'No, he
needed Ieyayasu's support. So he invited Ieyayasu to take a walk in the garden
with him, just the two of them, alone.' Tom
stopped, turned to look down at Rod. His eyes glittered in the torchlight. 'And
they fought.' Rod
shook his head. 'Hideyoshi said he was getting old and weak, and asked Ieyayasu
to carry his sword for him.' Tom
stared. Then
his tongue flicked out over his lips. He swallowed and nodded. 'Aye. What
happened?' 'Nothing.
They talked a while, and then Ieyayasu gave Hideyoshi his sword again, and they
went back to the castle.' 'And?' 'And
Ieyayasu was loyal until the old man died.' Big Tom's eyes were hooded; he
could have been carved from wood. He
nodded, mouth tightening. 'A calculated risk.' 'Pretty
high-falutin' language for a peasant.' Tom
snarled and turned away. Rod stood a moment, looking after him. Then he smiled
and followed. They
were almost back to the guard room when Tom laid a hand on Rod's shoulder. Rod
turned to face him. 'What
are you?' Tom growled. Rod
smiled with one side of his mouth. 'You mean who do I work for? Only myself,
Big Tom.' 'Nay.'
Tom shook his head. 'I'll not believe that. But 'twas not what I asked.' Rod
raised an eyebrow. 'Oh?' 'Oh. I
mean what are you, you, yourself, what manner of man?' Rod
frowned. 'Nothing so strange about me.' 'Aye,
there is. Thou wilt not kill a peasant out of hand.' Rod stared. 'Oh?' He
pursed his lips. 'That's out of the ordinary?' 'Most
surely. And thou'lt fight for a manservant. And trust him. And speak with him,
more than commands. What art thou, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
shook his head and spread his hands in bewilderment. He laughed once, hollow.
'A man. Just a man.' Tom
eyed him for a long moment. 'Thou
art,' he said. 'I am answered.' He
turned away to the guard room door, flung it open. 'Master Gallowglass,' said
the page, 'the Queen summons you. One of
life's greatest and least expensive treasures is false dawn. The world lies
waiting for the sun, lit by a glowing sky, chill and fresh, filled with
rippling bird song. Big Tom
took one long, deep breath of the morning air, filling his lungs with the
innocence he had never known. 'Eh, master!' he called back over his shoulder,
'this is the world for a man!' Rod
answered with a feeble smile as Tom turned away, to ride on ahead of Rod,
singing jubilantly and with gusto, though somewhat off-key. Rod,
unfortunately, was in no condition to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of the
dawn, having had about three hours of sleep in the last forty-eight hours. Then,
too, there was Catharine. The
interview had been short and sour. She'd received him in her audience chamber,
and had kept her eyes on the fire, not once looking at him. Her face had been
cold, lips drawn tight against her teeth. 'I fear
for my Uncle Loguire,' she had said. 'There are men about
him who would rejoice to see his eldest son become the Duke.' Rod had
answered in the same stiff, formal tone. 'If he dies, you lose your strongest
friend among the lords.' 'I lose
one who is dear to me,' she snapped. 'I care not for friendship among the lords;
but I care greatly for my uncle.' And
that, Rod reflected, was probably true - to her credit as a woman, and her
detriment as a ruler. 'Do
you,' she reminded, 'ride south this day to Loguire's demesne; and do you see
that none bring harm to him.' And
that, aside from a very formal leavetaking, had been that. Hell bath no
stupidity like a woman scorned, Rod thought; she was sending her most competent
bodyguard as far away as she could. 'Fess?' 'Yes,
Rod?' The horse turned its head to look back at its rider. 'Fess.
I am without a doubt the prize booby ever hatched.' 'You
are a great man, Rod, from a line of great men. 'Oh
yeah, I'm so great! Here I am, supposed to be turning the kingdom into a
constitutional monarchy; and while I'm jauntily wandering southward, the
councillors are tearing apart any possibility of a constitution, while the
House of Clovis is on the verge of killing off the monarch! 'And
here I ride south, with a manservant who would probably gleefully slip a knife
between my ribs if his sense of duty got the upper hand over his conscience for
half a minute. 'And
what have I accomplished? I've established that the place is filled with
ghosts, elves, witches, and a lot of other monsters that can't possibly exist;
I've given you five or six seizures; and to top it all off, a beautiful woman
propositioned me, and I refused! Oh, I'm so great it's unbelievable! If I were
just a little bit more efficient, I'd have managed to botch the whole thing by
now! Fess, wouldn't I be better off if I just gave up?' The
robot began to sing softly. 'I am a man of constant sorrow, rye seen trouble
all my days 'Oh, shut up.' PART
found them in the midst of hayfields, half-mown and dew-laden. Rod looked about
him from the top of the rise, looking down on rolling farmland and tidy hedges,
with here and there a clump of trees, dark against the rising sun. 'Big
Tom!' Tom
turned in the saddle and looked back, then reined in his horse when he saw Rod
had halted. 'Breakfast!'
Rod called, dismounting. He led Fess off the road to a rock outcrop beneath a
thicket of gorse. Tom shrugged and turned his mount. Rod had
the fire laid and kindled by the time Big Tom had hobbled his pony and turned
it to graze. The big man stared in amazement as Rod unlimbered a frying pan and
coffeepot, then turned away, shaking his head in wonder, and dried a place to
sit on a log further down the slope. He sniffed at the scent of frying barn,
sighed, and took out a pack of hardtack. Rod
looked up, frowning, and saw Big Tom sitting in wet grass with a biscuit and a
skin of ale. He scowled and shouted. 'Hey!' The
shout caught Big Tom in mid-swig; he choked, spluttered, and looked up. 'Eh,
master?' 'My
food not good enough for you?' Big Tom
stared, open-mouthed. 'Come
on, come on!' Rod waved an arm impatiently. 'And bring those biscuits with you;
they'll go good fried in ham-fat.' Big Tom
opened and closed his mouth a few times, then nodded vaguely and stood up. The
water was boiling; Rod pried the lid off the coffeepot and threw in a handful
of grounds. He looked up as Big Tom came to the fire, brow furrowed, staring. Rod's
mouth turned down at the corners. 'Well, what're you looking at? Never saw a
campfire before?' 'Thou
bid me eat with my master!' Rod
scowled. 'Is that some major miracle? Here, give a drag of that ale-skin, will
you? That road gets dusty.' Tom
nodded, eyes still fixed on Rod's and held out the skin. Rod took a swig,
looked up, and frowned. 'What's the matter? Never saw a man take a drink? What
am I, some alien monster?' Tom's
mouth closed; his eyes turned dark and brooding. Then he grinned, laughed, and
sat down on a rock. 'Nay, master, nay. Thou'rt a rare good man, and that only.
Nay, only that!' Rod
frowned. 'Why, what's so rare about me?' Tom
threw two cakes of hardtack into the frying pan and looked up, grinning. 'In
this country, master, a gentleman does not take food with his servant.' 'Oh,
that!' Rod waved the objection away. 'It's just you and me out here on the
road, Big Tom. I don't have to put up with that nonsense.' 'Aye,'
Big Tom chuckled. 'A most wonderous rare man, as I said.' 'And a
fool, eh?' Rod served up two slices of ham on wooden saucers. 'Guess we eat
with our knives, Tom. Dig in.' They
ate in silence, Rod scowling at his plate, Torn leaning back and looking out
over the countryside. They
were at the head of a small valley, filled now with the morning mist, a trap
for small sunbeams. The sun lurked over the hedges, and the mist was golden. Tom
grinned as he chewed and jerked his thumb toward the valley. ''Tis the end of
the rainbow, master.' 'Hm?'
Rod jerked his head up. He smiled sourly; it was, after all, more of a pot of
gold than he'd had any right to expect. Tom
gave a rumbling belch and picked at his teeth with his dagger. 'A golden mist,
master, and mayhap golden girls within it.' Rod
swallowed quickly and objected. 'Oh, no! No tomcatting on the side of this
trip, Big Tom! We've got to get down to the South and get down there fast!' 'Eh,
master!' Tom wailed in shocked protest, 'what harm another hour or four, eh?
Besides' - he sat forward and poked Rod in the ribs, grinning - 'I'll wager
thou'lt outdo me. What lasses may not a warlock have, mm? . . . Eh, what's the
matter?' Rod
wheezed and pounded his chest. 'Just a piece of hardtack having an argument
with my gullet. Tom, for the umpteenth penultimate unprintable time, I am not a
warlock!' 'Oh,
aye, master, to be sure!' Big Tom said with a broad-lipped grin. 'And thou mayst
be certain thou'rt as poor a liar as thou art an executioner.' Rod
frowned. 'I haven't killed a man the whole time I've been here!' 'Aye,
and that is my meaning.' 'Oh.'
Rod turned and looked out over the fields. Well, you might as well add lover to
that list of things I'm not good at, Tom.' The big
man sat forward, frowning, searching Rod's face. 'In truth, I think he doth
mean it!' 'Be
sure that I doth.' Tom sat
back, studying his master and tossing his dagger, catching it alternately by
the hilt and the point. 'Aye, thou speakest aright of thy knowledge.' He sat
forward, looking into Rod's eyes. 'And therefore shall I dare to advise thee.' Rod
grinned and gave him a hollow laugh. 'All right, advise me. Tell me how it's
done.' 'Nay.'
Tom held up a palm. 'That much I am sure that you knowest. But it is these farm
girls against which I must caution thee, master.' 'Oh?' 'Aye.
They are-' Tom's face broke into a grin. 'Oh, they are excellent, master,
though simple. But' - he frowned again -'never give them a trace of hope.' Rod
frowned too, 'Why not?' ''Twill
be thy undoing. Thou mayst love them well, master, once - but once only. Then
must thou leave them, right quickly, and never look back.' 'Why?
I'll be turned into a pillar of salt?' 'Nay,
thou'lt be turned into a husband. For once given the merest shred of hope,
master, these farm girls will stick tighter than leeches, and thou'lt never be
rid of them.' Rod
snorted. 'I should have a chance to worry about it! Come on, drink up your
coffee and mount up.' They
doused the fire and packed up, and rode down into the red-gold mist. They
had gone perhaps three hundred yards when a longdrawn alto voice hailed them. Rod
looked up, tensed and wary. Two big
peasant girls stood with pitchforks at the base of a haystack in one of the
fields, laughing and waving. Big
Tom's eyes locked on them with an almost-audible click. 'Eh, master! Pretty
little mopsies, are they not?' They
were pretty, Rod had to admit - though certainly anything but little. They were
both full-hipped and high-breasted, wearing loose low-cut blouses and full
skirts, their hair tied in kerchiefs. Their skirts were girded up to their
knees, to keep them from the dew on the hay. They
beckoned, their laughter a mocking challenge. One of them set her hands on her
hips and executed a slow bump-and-grind. Big Tom
sucked his breath in, his eyes fairly bulging. 'Eh, now, master,' he pleaded,
'are we in so much of a hurry as all that?' Rod
sighed, rolling his eyes up, and shook his head. 'Well, I'd hate to see them
suffering from neglect, Big Tom. Go ahead.' Tom
kicked his horse with a yelp' of joy, leaped the ditch, and galloped full tilt
into the field. He was out of the saddle before the horse slowed past a trot,
catching a girl in each arm, lifting them off the ground and whirling them
about. Rod
shook his head slowly, saluted Big Tom and his playmates, and turned away to
find a neighboring haystack where he could catnap in peace. 'Rod,'
said the quiet voice behind his ear. 'Yes,
Fess?' 'Your
conduct disturbs me, Rod. It's not natural for a healthy young male.' 'It's
not the first time someone's told me that, Fess. Hut I'm methodical; I can't
keep two girls on my mind at once.' He
found another haystack just over the next hedge. Rod parked in the shadow and
unbridled Fess, who began to crop at the hay, to keep up appearances. Rod
remounted and jumped from the horse's back to the top of the haystack and
wallowed down into the soft, fragrant hay with a blissful sigh. The pungent
smell of new-mown hay filled his head, taking him back to his boyhood in the
fields of his father's manor, during haying time; a real Eden, without any
soft, nubile problems to run around creating havoc. Just robots. . . He
watched the gilt-edged clouds drifting across the turquoise sky, not realizing
when he dozed off,' He came
wide awake and stayed very still, wondering what had wakened him. He ran
through the catalog of sensations that were apt to start the alarm clock
ringing in his subconscious. Somebody
was near. His
eyes snapped open, every muscle in his body tensed to fight. He was
looking into a very low-cut bodice. He
raised his eyes from the pleasant pastoral view, a task which required no small
amount of willpower, and saw two large sea-green eyes looking into his. They
were long-lashed, moist, and looked worried. Their
surroundings came into focus: arched eyebrows, a snub nose sprinkled with
freckles, a very wide mouth with full, red lips all set in a roundish face
framed in long, flowing red hair. The
full red lips were pouting, the eyes were troubled. Rod smiled, yawned, and
stretched. 'Good morning.' The pouting lips relaxed into a half-smile. 'Good
morning, fine gentleman.' She was
sitting beside him, propped on one hand, looking into his eyes. 'Why do
you sleep here alone, sir, when nearby a woman awaits your call?' It felt
as though someone had just poured bitters into Rod's circulatory system; a
thrill, and not completely a pleasant one, flooded through him. He
smiled, trying to make it warm. 'I thank you, lass, but I'm not feeling
gamesome today.' She
smiled, but there was still a frown between her eyes. 'I thank you for your
gentleness, sir; but I scarce can credit your words.' 'Why?'
Rod frowned. 'Is it so impossible that a man shouldn't want a frolic?' The
girl gave a forlorn half of a laugh. 'Oh, it might be, milord, but scarce is it
likely. Not even with a peasant, and even less with a lord.' 'I'm
not a lord.' 'A
gentleman, then. That, surely, thou art. And therefore, surely, thou wouldst
never lack interest.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Why?' She
smiled, sadly. 'Why, milord, a peasant might fear forced marriage; but a lord,
never.' Rod
frowned again and studied the girl's face. He judged her to be a little younger
than himself, about twenty-nine or thirty. And for
a peasant girl in this kind of society to be unmarried at thirty... He
threw out an arm. 'Come here to me, lass.' There
was hope, for a moment, in the girl's eyes; but it faded quickly, was replaced
by resignation. She fell into the hay beside him with a sigh, rolling onto her
side to pillow her head on his shoulder. Hope,
Rod mused, very conscious of her breasts and hips against the side of his body.
Hope to be tumbled, and thrown away.... He
shuddered; and the girl raised her head, concerned. 'Art chilled, milord?' He
turned to her and smiled, a sudden wave of gratitude and tenderness surging up
to clog his throat. He clasped her tight against him, closing his eyes to
better savor the touch of her body against his own. An aroma filled his head,
not rose-oil or lilac, but simply the salt-sweet scent of a woman. A pain
was ebbing away inside him, he realized, faintly surprised, a pain that he had
not known was there till it began to leave him. She
clung to him, fists clenched in the cloth of his doublet, face pressed into the
angle of his neck and shoulder. Then,
gradually, he began to relax again, his embrace loosening. He lay very still,
letting the focus of his mind widen, open him again to the world around him;
faint in the distance he heard birdsong, and the gossip of the wind through the
hedges and trees. Somewhere near his head, a cricket chirped in the hay. Her
embrace had loosened with his; her arms and head lay leaden on him now. He kept
his eyes closed, the sun beating down on the lids; he lay in crimson light,
'seeing' the world with his ears. There
was a rustle, and her body rose away from his; she had sat up now. She would be
looking down at him, hurt aching in her eyes, lower lip trembling, a tear on
her cheek. Pity
welled up in him, pity for her and, close behind it, anger at himself; it
wasn't her fault that all he wanted just now was peace, not romance. He
opened his eyes, rolling onto his side and frowning up at her. But
there was no hurt in her eyes - only a grave, deep acceptance, and concern. She
raised her fingertips to his cheek, shyly, not quite touching the skin. He
caught it, nestling the palm against the line of his jaw, and was amazed at how
small her hand was in his own. He closed
his eyes, pressing her hand tighter. A cow
lowed far away; the wind chuckled in the grain. Her
voice was low, and very gentle. 'Milord, use me as you will. I ask no more.' I ask
no more.... Love, she must have love, if only for a minute, even if desertion
came hard on its heels; even if looking back, she must know that it was lust,
and not love. Even if it brought only sorrow and pain, she must have love. 'He
looked into her eyes; they held tears. He
closed his eyes again, and Catharine's face was before him, and Tuan's face
next to hers. A part of him stood back, aloof, and contemplated the faces; it
remarked on how well they looked together, the beautiful princess and the
gallant young knight. Then
his own face came up next to Tuan's, and, compare, the aloof part of him
murmured, compare. Rod's
hands tightened, and he heard the peasant girl give a little cry of startled
pain. He let
go his grip, and looked up at her; and Catharine's face swam next to hers. He
looked on the two of them, the one bent on using him, the other bent on being
used by him, and anger suddenly burned in a band across his chest, anger at
Catharine for her self-righteousness and determination to bend her world to her
will; and at the peasant girl for her mute acceptance and deep resignation, for
the depth of her warmth and her gentleness. The band of anger across his chest
tightened and tightened, anger at himself for the animal in him, as his fingers
bit into her shoulders, and he drew her down in the hay. She gasped with the
pain, crying out softly till his lips struck hers, crushing and biting and
bruising, his fingers clamped on the points of her jaw, forcing her mouth open
and his tongue stabbed hard under hers. His hand groped over her body, fingers
jabbing deep into the flesh, lower and lower, gnawing and mauling. Then
her nails dug into his back as her whole body knotted in one spasm of pain.
Then she went loose, and her chest heaved under him in one great sob. Half
his anger sublimed into nothingness; the other half turned
about and lanced into him, piercing something within him that loosed a tide of
remorse. He
rolled to the side, taking his weight off her. His lips were suddenly gentle,
warm and pleading; his hands were gentle, caressing slowly, soothingly. She
drew in breath, her body tensing again. Fool, the detached voice within him
sneered, Fool! You only hurt her the more! Ready
to turn away from her in shame, he looked up into her eyes.. . and saw the
longing burning naked there, craving and demanding, pulling him down into the
maelstrom within her. Her lips parted, moist and full and warm, tugging and
yielding, pulling him down and down, into blind, light-flooded depths where
there was no sight nor hearing, but only touch upon touch. Rod
levered himself up on one elbow and looked down at the girl, lying naked beside
him with only his cloak for a rather inadequate coverlet. It clung to her
contours, and Rod let his eyes wander over them, drinking in the sight of her,
fixing every feature of her body in his mind. It was a picture he did not want
to lose. He
caressed her, gently, very tenderly. She smiled, murmured, closing her eyes and
letting her head roll to the side. Then
her eyes opened again; she looked at him sidelong, her lips heavy and languid. 'You
have emerald eyes,' Rod whispered. She
stretched luxuriously, her smile a little smug, wrapped her arms around his
neck, and hauled him down to her, her kisses slow, almost drowsy, and lasting. Rod
looked into her eyes, feeling enormously contented and very much at peace with
the world. Hell, the world could go hang! He
raised himself up again, his eyes upon her; then, slowly, he looked away and
about him. There was only the bowl of hay under and about them, and the blue of
the sky arching overhead.., and a mound of clothing to each side. He
looked down again; there was nothing in his world now except her, and he found,
vaguely surprised, that he rather liked it that way. The peace within him was
vast; he felt completely filled, completely satisfied with the world, with
life, at one with them and with God - and with her most of all. He let
his hand linger over the cloaked curve of her breast. She
closed her eyes, murmuring; then, as his hand stilled, she looked up at him
again. Her smile faded to a ghost; concern stole into her eyes. She
started to say something, stopped, and said instead, almost warily, 'Are you
well, lord?' He
smiled,' his eyes very sober; then he closed them and nodded, slowly. 'Yes. I
am very well.' He bent
to kiss her again - slowly, almost carefully - then lifted away. 'Yes, I am
well, most strangely well, more than I have ever been.' The
smile lit her face again, briefly; then she turned her eyes away, looking down
at her body, then up at him again, her eyes touched with fear. He
clasped her in his arms and rolled onto his back. Her body stiffened a moment,
then relaxed; she gave a little cry, half sob and half sigh, and burrowed her
head into the hollow of his shoulder and was still. He
looked down at the glory of her hair spread out over his chest. He smiled
lazily and let his eyes drift shut. 'Rod.'
Fess's voice whispered behind his ear, and the world came flooding in again. Rod
tensed, and clicked his teeth once in acknowledgment. 'Big Tom is dressed
again, and coming toward your haystack.' Rod sat bolt upright, squinting up at
the sun; it was almost to the meridian. Time and distance nagged him again. 'Well,
back to the world of the living,' he growled, and reached out for his clothes. 'Milord?' She was
smiling regretfully, but her eyes were tight with hurt - a
hurt which faded into the deep acceptance and resignation even as he watched. 'The
memory of this time will be dear to me, lord,' she whispered, clasping the
cloak to her breast, her eyes widening. It was
a forlorn plea for reassurance a reassurance he could not honestly give, for he
would never see her again. It came
to him then that she was expecting refusal of any reassurance, expecting him to
lash out at her for her temerity in implying that she had some worth, that she
was worthy of thanks. She
knew her plea would bring hurt, yet she pled; for a woman lives on love, and
this was a woman near thirty in a land
where girls married at fifteen. She had already accepted that there was to be
no lasting love in her life; she must subsist on the few crumbs she could
gather. His
heart went out to her, somewhat impelled by the jab of self-reproach. So, of
course, he told her one of the lies that men tell women only to comfort them,
and later realize to be very true. He
kissed her and said, 'This was not Life, lass, it was what living is for.' And
later, when he mounted his horse and turned back to look at her, with Big Tom
beside him waving a cheery farewell to his wench, Rod looked into the girl's
eyes again and saw the desperation, the touch of panic at his leaving, the
silent, frantic plea for a shred of hope. A
shred, Tom had said, would be too much, but Rod would probably never see this
girl again. Not even a spark of hope -just a glimmer. Could. that do any hurt? 'Tell
me your name, lass.' Only a
spark, but it flared in her eyes to a bonfire. 'Gwendylon am I called, lord.' And
when they had rounded a turn in the road and the girls were lost to sight
beyond the hill behind them, Tom sighed and said, 'Thou hast done too much,
master. Thou shalt never be rid of her now.' There
was this to be said for a roll in the hay: it had sapped enough of Big Tom's
vitality so that he wasn't singing any more. Probably still humming, to be
sure; but he was riding far enough ahead so Rod couldn't hear him. Rod
rode in silence, unable to rid his mind of flaming hair and emerald eyes. So he
cursed at the vision, under his breath; but it seemed to his aloof self that
the cursing lacked something - vehemence, perhaps. Certainly sincerity. It
was his aloof self accused, a very halfhearted attempt at malediction. Rod had
to admit it was. He was still feeling very much at one with creation. At the
moment, he couldn't have been angry with his executioner.. . . And that worried
him. 'Fess.' 'Yes,
Rod?' The voice seemed a little more inside his head than usual. 'Fess,
I don't feel right.' The
robot paused; then, 'How do you feel, Rod?' 142 There
was something about the way Fess had said that Rod glanced sharply at the
pseudo-horse head. 'Fess, are you laughing at me?' 'Laughing?' 'Yes,
laughing. You heard me. Chuckling in your beard.' 'This
body is not equipped with a beard.' 'Cut
the comedy and answer the question.' With
something like a sigh, the robot said, 'Rod, I must remind you that I am only a
machine. Tam incapable of emotions. I was
merely noting discrepancies, Rod.' 'Oh,
were you!' Rod growled. 'What discrepancies, may I ask?' 'In
this instance, the discrepancy between what a man really is and what he wishes
to believe of himself.' Rod's
upper lip turned under and pressed against his teeth. 'Just what do I wish to
believe?' 'That
you are not emotionally dependent Upon this peasant Woman.' 'Her
name is Gwendylon.' 'With
Gwendylon. With any woman, for that matter. You wish to believe that you are
emotionally independent, that you no longer enjoy what you call "being in
love".' 'I
enjoy love very much, thank you!' 'That
is a very different thing,' the robot murmured, 'than being in love.~ 'Damn
it, I wasn't talking about making love!' 'Neither
was I.' Rod's
lips pressed into a thin white line. 'You're talking about emotional
intoxication And if that's what you mean - no, I am not in love. I have no
desire to be in love. And if I have any say in the matter, I will never be in
love again!' Precisely
what I said you wished to believe,' mused the robot. Rod ground his teeth and
waited for the surge of anger to pass. 'Now what's the truth about me?' 'That
you are in love.' 'Damn
it, a man's either in love, or he's not, and he damn well knows which.' 'Agreed;
but he may not be willing to admit it.' 'Look,'
Rod snapped, 'I've been in love before, and I know what it's like. It's . . .
well . . 'Go
on,' the 'robot prodded. 'Well,
it's like' - Rod lifted his head and looked out at the I A~ countryside
- 'you know the world's there., and you know it's real; but you don't give a
damn, 'cause you know for a certainty that you're the center of the world, the
most important thing in it.' 'Have
you felt that way recently?' Fess murmured. 'Well.
. . yes, damn it.' Rod's mouth twisted. 'With
Catharine?' Rod
stared, and glared at the back of the horse's head. 'How the hell would you
know?' His eyes narrowed. 'Logic,
Rod.' The robot's voice had a touch of smugness. 'Only logic. And how did you
feel while you were with Gwendylon?' 'Oh . .
.' Rod threw his shoulders back, stretching. 'Great, Fess. Better than I ever
have. The world's clearer, and the day's younger. I feel so healthy and
clearheaded I can't believe it. It's just the opposite to how I feel when I'm
in love, but I like it.' Rod
frowned at the back of Fess's head. 'Well?' The robot plodded on, not
answering. 'Cat
got your tongue?' 'I am
not equipped with a tongue, Rod.' 'Don't
change the subject.' The
horse was silent a moment longer; then, 'I -was mistaken, Rod. You love, and
are loved - but you are not in love.' Rod
frowned down at the roadway. 'Why not, Fess?' The
robot made a sound like a sigh. 'How do the two Women differ, Rod?' 'Well...'
Rod chewed at the inside of his cheek. 'Gwendylon's human. I mean, she's just
an ordinary, everyday woman, like I'm an ordinary man.' 'But
Catharine is more?' 'Oh,
she's the kind of woman I tend to put on a pedestal... something to be
worshiped, not courted.. 'And
not loved?' the robot mused. 'Rod, of the two women, which is the better human
being?' 'Uh. .
. Gwendylon.' 'The
prosecution,' said the robot-horse, 'rests.' The
demesne of the Loguires was a great, broad plain between the mountains and the
sea. The low, rolling mountains stood at the north and east; beach curved in a
wide semi-circle in the south; a sheer, hundred foot high cliff face towered in
the northwest. The ocean battered at its seaward side; a waterfall 144 poured
over the other face into the valley. A long, old river twisted over the plain
to the sea. The
plain itself was a patchwork of fields, with here and there a cluster of
peasant huts - Loguire's people. Tom and
Rod stood at the verge of one of the mountain forests, where the road from the
North fell away to the plain. Rod
turned his head slowly, surveying the demesne. 'And where,' he said, 'is the
castle?' 'Why,
back of the waterfall, master.' Rod's
head jerked around, staring at Tom; then he followed the road with his eyes. It
wound across the plain to the foot of the waterfall; there, where the cliff met
the plain, a great gate was carved in the rock, complete with portcullis and a
drawbridge over the natural moat formed by an oxbow of the river. The lords of Loguire
had honeycombed the cliff for their home. An
exclamation point formed between Rod's eyebrows as they drew together. 'Is that
a dike to either side of the drawbridge, Big Tom?' 'Aye,
master; and there are said to be charges of gunpowder within it.' Rod
nodded, slowly. 'And the land before the portcullis gate sinks down. So if
unwelcome callers come knocking, you blow up the dike, and your front door gets
covered with thirty feet of water. Very neat. Then you just sit and wait out
the siege. The waterfall gives you plenty of fresh water, so your only worry is
food.' 'There
are said to be gardens within the keep,' Big Tom supplied helpfully. Rod
shook his -head in silent respect. 'So you're completely defended, and stocked
for a ten years' siege. This place ever been taken, Tom?' The big
man shook his head. 'Never, master.' He grinned. 'Wonder
if the old boy who built this place was maybe a little bit paranoid. . . .
Don't suppose they'd have room in that place for a couple of weary travelers,
do you?' Big Tom
pursed his lips. 'Aye, master, if they were noblemen. The hospitality of the
Loguires is famed. But for the likes of me, and even yourself, who are no more
than a squire, master, that hospitality lies in the cottages.' The sun
winked. Rod scowled and peered into the sky. 'There's that damn bird again.
Doesn't it know we're too big for
lunch?' He unlimbered his crossbow and cranked it back to cocked. 'Nay,
master.' Big Tom put out a hand 'You've lost four bolts on it already.' 'I just
don't like anything airborne following me, Tom. They're not always what they
seem.' Tom's brow furrowed at the cryptic statement. Rod tucked the stock into
his shoulder. 'Besides, I've taken one shot a day at it for the last four days;
it's getting to be a habit.' - The bow
hummed, and the quarrel leaped upward; but the bird sailed up faster. The bolt
passed through the place where the bird had been, rose another fifty feet, hit
the top of its arc, and began to fall. The bird, fifty feet higher, watched it
sink. Big Tom
raised an eyebrow, his mouth quirked up on one side. 'You'll never strike it,
master. The fowl knows the meaning of a crossbow.' 'You'd
almost think it does.' Rod slung the bow over his shoulder. 'What kind of
country is this, with elves under every tree and hawks in the sky shadowing
you?' ''Tis
not a hawk, master,' Big Tom reproved. ''Tis an osprey.' Rod
shook his head. 'It started following us the second day out. What would a fish
hawk be doing that far inland?' 'Myself,
I cannot say. Thou might ask it, though, master.' 'And I
wouldn't really be all that surprised if it answered,' Rod mused. 'Well, it
isn't doing us any harm, I suppose, and we've got bigger problems at the
moment. We came here to get into that castle. Do you sing, Big Tom?' - Tom did a double take. 'Sing, master?' 'Yeah,
sing. Or play the bagpipes, or something.' Tom
tugged at his lip, frowning. 'I can make some manner of noise on a shepherd's
flute, and the half dead might put the word music to it. But what folly is this,
master?' 'Fool's
folly.' Rod unstrapped a saddlebag and took out a small harp. 'As of now, we're
minstrels. Let's hope the cliff-dwellers are a little short on music at the
moment.' He pulled an alto recorder out of the saddlebag and gave it to Tom. 'I
hope that's enough like your shepherd's flute to do some good.' 'Aye,
master, very like it. But-' 'Oh,
don't worry, they'll let us in. Folks this far away from the capital tend to
be- out of touch; they're hungry for news and new songs, and minstrels carry
both. Do you know "Eddy-stone Light"?' 'Nay
master.' 'Too
bad; that's one that always goes over well in a seaport town. Well, no matter,
I can teach it to you as we go.' They
set off down the road, singing in accidentals unknown to any human mode or
scale. The fish hawk screamed and sheered off. Bring
ye news from the North?' the sentry had asked eagerly; and Rod, recollecting
that minstrels were the closest medieval equivalent to journalists, had replied
in the affirmative. Now he
and Tom stood before a gathering of twenty-eight noblemen, their wives and
attendants, ranging in age from pretty teenage serving maids to the
ninety-year-old Earl of Vallenderie, all with the same eager, hungry glint in
their eyes, and Rod without a scrap of news to tell them. Well,
no matter; he'd make it up as he went along. He wouldn't be the first
journalist who'd done it. The
crusty old Duke of Loguire sat in a great oaken chair in the midst of the
company; he didn't seem to recognize Rod. But Durer did; he stood hunched over
Loguire's left shoulder, eyes twisting hate at Rod. But it would have done him
no good to expose Rod, and he knew it; Loguire still loved his niece, though he
was at odds with her. He would have honored Rod for saving Catharine's life. It was
Loguire who voiced the question for all his people; and Rod, reflecting that
the Duke had very personal reasons for wanting news of the House of Clovis, had
replied that as yet, all was quiet in the North. 'Oh, one heard talk and saw
signs of the House; but that was talk, and talk only - so far. Then he
and Tom swung into a foot-stamping rendition of 'Eddystone Light'. The
gathering stood in astounded silence a moment; then grins broke out, and hands
started clapping the rhythm. Encouraged,
Big Tom picked up both the tempo and the volume; Rod struggled to match him
while he scanned the faces of the audience. The old
Duke was trying to look sternly disapproving, and not succeeding too well. A
tall young man of about Rod's age stood behind the old man's right shoulder, a
grin coming to his lips and a gleam to his eye as he listened to the song,
displacing a
grimace of discontent, self-pity, and bitterness. The elder son, Rod guessed,
with a host of weaknesses Durer could prey upon. It was
easy to pick out Loguire's vassal lords; all were richly dressed, and
accompanied by an even more richly dressed wire scarecrow of a man: the
councillors, Durer's boys. Rod
felt strangely certain that anything Durer proposed would have the unanimous
approval of all the Southern lords, with only Loguire dissenting. And
Loguire, of course, had one more vote than all the vassal lords put together.
Rod remembered Loguire's unsolicited promise to Catharine: 'No harm shall come
to the Queen while I live. ...' 'While
I live....' The
performance was literally a howling success; Rod had managed to keep it on a
ribald rather than a political level, walking the thin line between the risquй
and the pornographic. The audience had loved it; Rod decided that the tin ear
must be a genetic dominant in Gramarye. He'd noticed, too, that the eyes of all
the serving girls had been riveted to himself and Big Tom; he was still trying
to understand why. It didn't seem to have done Big Tom's ego any harm, though. But now
and again, one of the councillors had asked a question that could not be put
off; and when Rod had answered with rumors that the House of Clovis would rise
against the Crown, a frantic, acid joy had burned in their eyes. That,
at least, he understood. The important thing about a revolution is that it
begin; you can always take control of it later. That he
understood; but now, with the singing done, as he was going to the loft which
had been temporarily assigned to Tom and himself, he was still pondering the
look on the faces of the serving maids. When they had looked at Tom, he'd been
quite sure what it was; he expected to find the loft fully occupied by the time
he arrived, since Big Tom had gone on ahead. But
that look couldn't mean the same thing when applied to himself - unless the
occupation of minstrel carried a great deal more prestige than he'd thought. So, all
in all, he was even more confused but not too surprised when one of the servant
girls intercepted him with a cup of wine. 'Salve
for a parched throat, Master Minstrel,' she murmured, her eyes shining as she
held the cup out to him. He
looked at her out of the corner of his eye and reluctantly accepted the cup; no
call for bad manners, was there? 'And,'
she murmured as she drank, 'warmth for your bed, if you will.' Rod
choked and spluttered, lowered the cup, glaring at her; then he looked her up
and down quickly. She was full-bodied and high-breasted, with a wide,
full-lipped mouth - very like (3wendylon, in some ways Suddenly
suspicious, Rod looked more sharply; but no, this girl's eyes were tilted
upward at the outer corners, and her nose was long and straight, not snub.
Besides, her hair and eyes were black. He
smiled wryly and drank off the rest of the cup and returned it to her. 'Thank
you, lass, right deeply.' It was
indicative, he thought, that she had come to him instead of Big Tom. Tom was
certainly the more appealing chunk of man; but Rod was obviously the one who
had the status. A bitch like any of them, he thought: she doesn't give a damn
for who the man is, just as long as what he is is a station higher than hers. 'I
thank you,' he said again, 'but I have been long on the road, and am like to
swoon from my weariness.' A very pretty speech, he thought; and go ahead, let
her think less of my manhood for it. At least she'll leave me alone. The
serving maid lowered her eyes, biting her lip. 'As you will, good master.' And
she turned away, leaving Rod staring after her. Well,
that hadn't taken much refusing. Come to think of it, he was a little indignant
.. . but had there been just a hint of triumph in her eyes, a shard of
rejoicing? Rod
went on his way, wondering if perhaps he hadn't inadvertently stepped into the
pages of a Machiavellian textbook. The
door to the loft was closed, as Rod had guessed; a muffled feminine squeal,
followed by Tom's bass laugh, further confirmed his guess. So he
shrugged philosophically, settled his harp over his shoulder, and turned back
down the long, winding staircase. He could put the time to good use, anyway.
The castle had so obviously been built by a paranoid that he was certain there
had to be secret passages. He
sauntered down the main corridor, whistling. The granite walls
were painted ocher, ornamented with standing suits of armor and here and there
a tapestry. Some of the tapestries were huge, reaching from floor to ceiling;
Rod noted their locations carefully in his mind. They could very easily conceal
the mouths of passageways. Twelve
sub-corridors intersected the main hall at right angles. As he came near the
seventh, he noticed that his footsteps seemed to have acquired an echo - a very
curious echo, that took two steps for each one of his. He stopped to look at a
tapestry; the echo took two more steps and stopped. Looking out of the corner
of his eye, Rod caught a glimpse of one of the wizened, richly dressed
scarecrows; he thought he recognized Durer, but it was hard to tell by
peripheral vision. He
turned away and swaggered on down the hail, humming 'Me and My Shadow'. The
echo started again. Now,
Rod was mildly gregarious; he didn't really mind company. But it was a safe bet
that he wasn't going to learn very much with Durer on his tail with a
saltshaker. Ergo, he had to figure some way to lose his emaciated companion.
This would not be easy, since Durer almost surely knew the castle very
thoroughly, while Rod knew it not at all. But the
ninth cross-corridor seemed as though it would do nicely for the purpose - it
was unlit. Strange, Rod mused; the other halls had all had a torch every
several paces. But this was as dark as Carlsbad before the tourists came; it
also had a thick carpet of dust, with not a single footprint in evidence.
Cobwebs hung thick from the ceiling; trickles of moisture ran down the walls,
watering patches of moss. But the
darkness was the main feature. He would leave a nice trail in the dust, but the
darkness offered a chance of ducking into a room or side-hall; also. Durer
couldn't very well pretend he just happened to be going the same way. Rod
turned into the corridor, sneezing in the cloud of dust he kicked up, and heard
a sudden scurrying behind him. A claw grabbed his shoulder; he turned to face
the little man, ready to swing. Yes, it
was Durer, glaring at Rod with his usual look of hate and suspicion. 'What seek
you in there?' he croaked. Rod
brushed the bony hand off his shoulder and leaned back against the wall.
'Nothing in particular; just looking around. I don't have much of anything to
do at the moment unless you'd like a song?' 'Damn
your caterwauling!' Durer snapped. 'And you may leave off your pretense of
minstrelsy; I know you for what you are. 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'How'd you know I'm not really a minstrel?' 'I
heard you sing. Now off to your chamber, if you've no business elsewhere 1' Rod
scratched his nose. 'Ah - about that chamber,' he said delicately. 'My
companion seems to have found, uh, a better use for it than sleeping. So I'm,
ah, sort of locked out, if you follow me.~ 'Corruption!'
the councillor hissed. 'No, I
suspect Big Tom goes about it in a very healthy manner. And since I have no
place to stay at the moment, I thought none would mind my wandering about.' Durer
glared at him, a look like a laser beam. Then, very reluctantly, he backed off
a pace or two. 'True,'
he said. 'There are no secrets here for you to pry out.' Rod managed to limit
his laughter to a mild convulsion in the depths of his belly. 'But
did you not know,' the scarecrow continued, 'that this is the haunted quarter?' Rod's
eyebrows shot up. 'You don't say.' He tugged at his lower lip, eyeing Durer
judiciously. 'You seem to know the castle pretty well.' Durer's
eyes snapped like a high-voltage arc. 'Any in this castle could tell you that.
But I am Durer, councillor to the Duke of Loguire! It is my place to know the
castle well - as it is not yours!' But Rod
had turned away, looking, down the dark hallway. 'You know,' he mused, 'I've
never seen a ghost before 'None
have, and lived to tell of it! To enter there is the act of a fool!' Rod
turned, smiling cheerfully. 'Well, I'm qualified. Besides, a meeting with a
ghost would make a good ballad.' The
little man stared; then a contemptuous smile twisted into his face. He began to
chuckle, sounding strangely like ball bearings rolling over corrugated iron.
'Go then, fool! I should have seen 'twould be no matter whether you went there
or not.' Rod
grinned, shrugged, and stepped into the black corridor. 'A
moment!' Darer called. Rod
sighed and turned. 'What do you want now?' 'Before
you go to your death,' said Durer, his eyes feverishly bright, 'tell me: what
are you?' A chill
ran down Rod's back. The little man had seen through his cover. He
leaned against the wall, radiating boredom. 'A minstrel, of course. What else
would I be?' 'Nay,
fool! Do you think me so blind? You are a spy!' Rod's hand crept to his
dagger-hilt. It was balanced for throwing. 'A spy
from the House of Clovis!' Durer howled. Rod's hand relaxed; he let out a
breath that he hadn't known he'd been holding. 'Guess again, little man.' Darer
scowled. 'Not from the House? But then. . . Nay, you are their spy! Even now
you will not admit to it!' A
synapse spat in Rod's brain. He
leaned back against the wall, folding his arms, grinning. 'Why, what interest
have you in the House of Clovis, good councillor? And why would Clovis wish to
know of your doings here?' 'Nay!'
Darer hissed, his eyes widening. 'Fool, do you think I would answer such. . .
Me! Curse my old mind, not to have thought it! You are a spy from the Queen!' Rod
stepped away from the wall, loosening the dagger in its sheath. He didn't
particularly care if Durer knew Catharine had sent him; but he did want an
answer. 'I asked you a question,' he said mildly. Terror
welled up in the little man's eyes. He leaped back against the far wall. 'Hold!
At my call a score of soldiers come!' Rod
gave him a look that was somewhere between a sneer and a smile. 'That won't do
you much good if you're dead by the time they get here.' He gestured toward the
dark corridor. 'Also, I'd probably be gone by the time they arrive. The
little man stared, horrified, and began to tremble. But the little bastard had
guts, Rod had to give him that. His voice broke like a cicada in autumn, but he
kept talking. 'It
might be.. . it just might be that it is even as you say, that you are not of
Clovis! And if you come from the Queen, why, then, you are Welcome among us!' Rod
half-turned his head, giving the little man a measuring, sidewise look. 'I will
tell all that you wish to know!' The councillor's hands came up
in pathetic eagerness. A strange light came into his eyes. 'Aye, all will I
tell you, even to the day that we march on the Queen's capital! Then you may
tell her, and she can march south to meet us halfway! Even this will I tell
you!' He
leaped forward, hands clawing. 'Only come out from the hallway! If you come
from the Queen, I would not have you die!' Rod's
face turned to stone. 'No. You've got something hidden in there, and I've got a
strange notion it might be more important than the date set for your rebellion.
I think I'll just have a look.' He turned back into the dusty hallway. Durer
ran after him a few steps, almost wailing. 'No, no! You must carry word North!
Come away, you fool!' Rod
kept walking. Behind
him, the little man screeched in anger. 'Go, then, to your death! There is no
need for you! I will take word to the North myself! Die, like the fool that you
are!' His
shrill, hysterical laughter echoed and slapped from the walls, beating into
Rod's ears as he strode into the moldering, lightless depths of the Castle
Loguire. He
turned a corner, and the laugh died away. The faint torchlight from the main
hail died with it; here the darkness was complete. Rod
walked through it, chewing at the inside of his cheek. Obviously, the little
man really expected him to die.. . . which was strange, since he had tried to
keep Rod from going in. Which meant he'd really wanted Rod to carry word of the
rebellion back to Catharine. But why did he want to doublecross the rebels? Unless
it was a triple-cross, somehow. Then,
too, he obviously had something hidden back in these corridors, and might be
afraid Rod would find it and somehow manage. to come out alive. However,
he expected Rod to die, which meant automated defenses surrounding Darer's Big
Secret. ... Unless,
of course... Rod
stopped, suddenly realizing he didn't know the way out. He had a hazy
recollection of having turned several corners while he'd been pondering; but he
couldn't remember which corners, or how many, or which way he'd turned. He
noticed that his voice shook just a trifle when he murmured 'Fess', 'Yes,
Rod,' the calm voice behind his ear answered instantly. It was vastly
reassuring. 'Fess,
I'm in the haunted part of the castle.' 'Haunted?' 'It has
that reputation, yes.' There
was a pause; then the robot said, 'Rod, an analysis of your voice patterns
indicates mild fear. Surely you do not believe in ghosts.' 'No, I
don't. But I just remembered, Fess - I didn't believe in elves, either. Or
banshees. Or-' 'Elves,'
Fess replied evenly, 'are a myth.' 'Uh,
Fess . 'Yes,
Rod?' 'I've
seen quite a few elves since we landed.' 'A fait
accompli,' the robot admitted reluctantly, 'which I am constrained to
acknowledge. I have not as yet sufficient data to explain the seeming conflict
with known principles.' 'You're
as bad as a Catholic,' Rod growled. 'But at least it doesn't give you fits any
more?' 'No-o-o.'
The robot was thoughtful. 'The initial datum caused an overload; but that datum
has since been assimilated.' 'As
long as you're sure there's a rational explanation.' 'Precisely.' 'So
you're capable of handling the practical matters?' 'Quite
capable.' 'Because
you're sure you'll be able to fit it into the Laws of Science eventually.' 'Very
perceptive, Rod.' 'Sounds
like a Jesuit,' Rod growled. 'But the practical matter at hand is that I am
scared. And for a very good reason. Fess...' 'Yes,
Rod?' 'If
elves can exist on this crazy planet, why not ghosts?' There was another pause;
then Fess admitted, 'There is no evidence that would directly contradict the
hypothesis.' A moan,
so deep that Rod could hardly hear it, and so loud that he winced in pain,
shook the wails of the hallway. Rod
gasped. 'What was that?' 'A
complex wave-pattern of low frequency and high amplitude;' Fess answered
obligingly. 'Thank
you, Dr Slipcam. What caused it?' 'There
is as yet insufficient data for-' The
moan came again, and a wraith of mist with hollow black eyes and a black circle
of mouth swooped straight at Rod's head, starting as a pinpoint far down the
hall and towering over him a second later. Rod
screamed and plastered himself against the wall. Fear knotted his belly, fear
slackened his limbs, fear jellied his brain and squeezed at his heart. Another
moan sounded, a half-step above the first; Rod jerked his head to his right.
Another ghost loomed over him. A third
moan, and Rod's eyes slapped up; a third specter towered before him. Three
ghosts, towering high about him, ringing him in against the stone wall. Their
mouths formed great, lightless 0's, cold bony fingers reaching out for him. Through
the moiling panic of his brain fought a single thought: Fess didn't believe in
ghosts. 'Ghosts
I' Rod screamed. 'Ghosts, Fess, ghosts!' 'Ghosts,'
droned the robot, 'are immaterial, even if they did exist. They are
manifestations of neither energy nor matter, incapable of causing damage to a
material being.' 'Tell
them! Tell them!' Rod shrieked. The
hand around his heart tightened. He gasped and coughed. Something was mashing
his lungs, a steel band around his chest, tightening, tightening. . . . Fear
was a physical thing, a looming presence, armed and hating. Fear could
paralyze, fear could kill . 'Rod,
cover your ears.' Rod
tried to obey the robot's order, and couldn't. 'Fess!' he screamed. 'Fess, I
can't move!' A loud,
raucous buzz shook his skull, blotting out the moans. It modulated into
monotone words: 'C-O-V-E-R Y-O-U-R E-A-R-S.' And the
fear was gone, vanished - or almost gone, at least; reduced to the cold,
familiar lump in the pit of the belly. Rod could move again, as easily as he
ever had. He put his fingers in his ears. The buzz stopped, and he could hear
the ghosts again, their moans dulled and distant through his fingers. The fear
rose into his throat again, but it was no longer paralyzing. 'Can
you hear them, Rod?' 'Yeah,
but it's not so bad now. What'd you do, Fess?' 'Nothing,
Rod. Their moans have a harmonic frequency in the
subsonic range, capable of inducing fear in members of your species.' 'Oh.' 'The
fear-inducing tone is a beat frequency produced by the simultaneous emission of
subsonic harmonics incorporated in the three moans.' 'So it
takes three of them to scare me?' 'Correct,
Rod.' 'And
they're not really scaring me, just making me feel scared?' 'Again,
correct.' 'Well,
that's a relief. For a minute there I was afraid I'd all of a sudden turned
into a full-blown coward.' 'All
men fear, Rod.' 'Yeah,
but only a coward lets it stop him.' 'That
is a redundant statement, Rod.' 'Oh,
the hell with theory! Pardon me while I put it into practice:' Rod
stepped away from the wall, forcing himself to move. He kept walking, right
through the ghost in front of him. The moans suddenly ceased; then, with a howl
of despair, the ghosts disappeared. 'They're
gone,' Rod croaked. 'Of
course, Rod. Once you have demonstrated their inability to control you, they
begin to fear you.' 'Ye-e-es,'
Rod breathed. He set his, feet wide apart, jammed his fists on his hips, flung
his head back, and grinned. 'Okay, spooks! Any doubts about who's boss?' He
stood, listening to the echoes of his voice die away among the empty corridors.
A loud voice could be pretty impressive in here. A
mournful, sepulchral voice answered him out of thin air, moaning. 'Leave us,
mortal. Leave us to the peace of our graves. We harm no one here, in our cold,
old halls.' 'No one
except the people who come in here,' Rod snapped. 'Them you kill, as you would
have killed me, through weight of fear alone.' 'Few'
mourned the ghost. 'Very, very few, mortal man. Only madmen, and fools.' 'If you
have killed one man here in your halls, you have killed one too many!' Rod
rapped back. 'Would
you not slay, Man, in defense of your home?' Rod
snorted. 'What right have you to these halls?' Suddenly the ghost was there, towering
over him. 'I once was Horatio, first Duke Loguire!' it thundered in anger. 'I
it was built this keep! Have I no right to a poor, cold quarter of its halls?' Fear
lanced Rod's belly; he took a step back, then set his teeth and stepped forward
again. 'You got a point there,' he admitted. 'And possession is nine-tenths of
the law. But how many did you have to kill to gain possession?' 'None.'
The ghost sounded very unhappy about it. 'All fled in fear.' Rod
nodded, revising his estimate of the ghost. Apparently Horatio didn't kill if
he could help it. Probably delighted when it became necessary, though. 'I mean
you no harm, Horatio.' He grinned suddenly, sardonically. 'What harm could I do
you, even if I wanted to?' The
ghost's head snapped up, empty eyes staring into Rod's. 'You know not, mortal?' 'A
ghost,' Fess's voice said hurriedly behind Rod's ear, 'like all supernatural
creatures, can be hurt by cold iron or silver, or any medium of good
conductivity, though gold is usually regarded as too expensive for such uses.' The
ghost loomed larger over Rod, advancing on him. Rod stepped back, his dagger at
the ready. 'Hold it right there,' he snapped. 'Cold iron, remember?' 'Then,
too,' Fess murmured, 'you do know the secret of their power. You could bring in
an army with earplugs.' 'Then,
too,' said Rod, 'I do know the secret of your power. I could bring in an army
with earplugs.' The
ghost halted, the corners of its mouth turning down. 'I had thought thou hadst
said thou knew not.' 'I do
now. One step backward, if you please.' The ghost reluctantly retreated,
groaning. 'What phantom stands at your side to advise you?' Rod's
teeth bared in a grin. 'A black horse, made of cold iron. It's in the castle
stables, but it can talk to me from there.' 'A
pouka,' Horatio growled, 'a spirit horse, and one who is a traitor to the world
of ghosts.' 'No.'
Rod shook his head grimly. 'It's not a spirit at all. I said it was made of
cold iron, didn't I?' The
ghost shook its head decisively. 'No such thing could exist.' Rod
sighed. 'There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
in your philosophy. But that's beside the point. All that matters to you is
that I don't mean any harm here. I'm just looking for something. I'll find it
and go. Okay?' 'You
are master. Why dost thou ask?' the ghost said bitterly. 'Courtesy,' Rod
explained. Then a vagrant and vague possibility crossed his mind. 'Oh, by the
way, I'm a minstrel.. ..' The
ghost's mouth dropped open; then it surged forward, hands grasping hungrily.
'Music! Oh, sweet strains of melody! But play for us, Man, and we are thine to
command!' 'Hold
on a second.' Rod held up a hand. 'You built these halls, Horatio Loguire, and
therefore do I ask of you the boon that I may walk these halls in peace. Grant
me this. and I will play for you.' 'You
may walk, you may walk where you will! * the ghost quavered. 'Only play for us,
Man!' Very
neat, Rod thought. As good a job of face-saving as he'd ever done. After all,
no sense making enemies if you can help it. He
looked up, started, and stared in shock. He was ringed by a solid wall of
ghosts, three deep at least, all staring like' a starving man in a spaghetti
factory. He
swallowed hard and swung his harp around with a silent prayer of thanks that he
hadn't been able to leave it in the sleeping-loft. He
touched the strings, and a groan of ecstasy swept through the ghost like the
murmur of distant funeral bells on the midnight wind. It then
occurred to Rod that he was in an excellent bargaining position. 'Uh, Lord
Horatio, for two songs, will you tell me where the secret passages are?' 'Aye,
aye!' the ghost fairly shrieked. 'The castle is thine, my demesne. all that I
have! The kingdom, if thou wish it! Only play for us. Man! For ten hundreds of
years we have heard not a strain of Man's music. But play, and the whole world
is thine!' His
fingers started plucking then, and the ghosts shivered like a schoolgirl
getting her first kiss. He gave
them 'Greensleeves.' and 'The Drunken Sailor.' they being the oldest songs he
knew. From there he went on to 'The Ghost's High Noon,' and 'The Unfortunate
Miss Bailey'. He was about to swing into 'Ghost Riders in the Sky' when it
occurred to him that ghosts might not particularly like songs about ghosts. After
all, mortals told spook stories for escapism; and by that yardstick, specters
should want songs about humdrum, ordinary, everyday life, something peaceful
and comforting, memories of green pastures and babbling brooks, and the lowing
herd winding slowly o'er the lea. So he
went through as much of Beethoven's Sixth as he could remember, which was not
easy on an Irish harp. The
last strains died away among the hollow halls. The ghosts were silent a moment;
then a satiated, regretful sigh passed through them. Horatio
Loguire's great voice spoke quietly at Rod's elbow. 'In truth, a most fair
roundelay.' Then, very carefully: 'Let us have another, Man.' Rod
shook his head with a sorrowful smile. 'The hours of the night crowd down upon
us, my lord, and I have much that I must do ere daybreak. Another night I shall
return and play for you again; but for this night, I must away.' 'Indeed,'
Horatio nodded, with another mournful sigh. 'Well, you have dealt fairly with
us, Man, and shown us courtesy without constraint to it. And shall we, for
hospitality, be beholden to a guest? Nay; but come within, and I will show you
doors to the pathways within the walls of this keep, and tell you of their
twists and turnings.' All the
ghosts but Horatio disappeared, with the sound of mouse feet running through
the autumn leaves. Horatio turned abruptly and fled away before Rod, who dashed
after him. Rod
counted his running steps; after fifty, the ghost made a right-angle turn with
a fine disregard for inertia and passed through a doorway. Rod made a manful
attempt at the inertia-less turn, and got away with only a slight skid. The
ghost's voice took on the booming echo of the cavern-like room. 'This was a
cavern indeed, ready-made by God, lo, many centuries before I came. Loath to
begrudge His gifts, I took it for my great banquet hail.'. The room seethed
with the voices of a thousand serpent-echoes as the patriarch ghost heaved a
vast sigh. 'Boisterous and many were the feastings held within this great hail,
Man. Beauteous the maidens and valiant the knights.' His voice lifted,
exulting. 'Brilliant with light and music was my banquet hail in that lost day,
the tales and sagas older and more vital than the singing of this latter world.
Wine flushed the faces of my court, and life beat high through
the veins of their temples, filling their ears with its drumming call! 'The
call of life...' The spirit's voice faded; its echoes died away among the cold
cavern stones, till the great hail stood silent in its enduring midnight. Somewhere
a drop of water fell, shattering the silence into a hundred echoes. 'Gone
now, o Man,' mourned the ghost. 'Gone and dead, -while threescore of the sons
of my blood have ruled these marches in my stead, and come home to me here in
my hails. Gone, all my bold comrades, all my willing maidens - gone, and dust
beneath our feet.' Rod's
shoulders tightened as though a chill wind had touched him between the shoulder
blades. He tried to stand a little more lightly in the dust carpet of the old
banquet hall. 'And
now!' The ghost's voice hardened in sullen anger. 'Now others rule these halls,
a race of jackals, hyenas who blaspheme my old comrades by walking in the forms
of men.' Rod's
ears pricked up. 'Uh, how's that again, my lord?' Somebody's stolen this hail
from you?' 'Twisted,
stunted men!' grated the wraith. 'A race of base, ignoble cowards - and the
lord of them all stands as councillor to a scion of my line, the Lord Duke
Loguire!' 'Durer,'
Rod breathed. 'Calls
he himself by that name,' growled the ghost. 'Then well is he named, for his
heart is hard, and his soul is brittle. 'But
mark you, Man,' and the ghost turned his cavern eyes on Rod, and the base of
Rod's scalp seemed to lift a little away from his skull, for embers burned at
the backs of the specter's eyes. 'Mark
you well,' it intoned, stretching forth a hand, forefinger spearing at Rod,
'that the hard and brittle steel will break at one strong blow of iron forged.
And so may these evil parodies of humankind be broken by a man that you may
call a man!' The
ghost's hand dropped. His shoulders sagged, his head bowed forward. 'If,' he
mourned, 'if any live in this dark day who may call themselves men in
truth....' Rod's
eyes broke away from the ghost and wandered slowly about the great chamber.
There was only blackness, close and thick. He blinked and shook his head,
trying to rid himself of the feeling that the darkness was pressing against his
eyeballs. 'My
Lord Loguire,' he began, stopped, and said again, 'My Lord Loguire, I may be
your lump of iron - I've been called things like that before, anyway. But if I
am to break the councillors, I must know as much about them as I can. Therefore
tell me: what work do they do within these halls?' 'Witchcraft,'
growled the ghost, 'black witchcraft! Though the manner of it I scarce could
tell...' 'Well,
tell me what you can,' Rod prodded. 'Anything you can spare will be gratefully
appreciated.' 'Thou
speakest like the parish priest a-tithing,' the ghost snorted. 'Naetheless, I
will tell thee what I can. Know, then, Man, that these twisted men have builded
themselves a great altar here, of a shining metal, it is not steel, nor silver
or gold, nor any metal that I wot of - here in the center of my hall, where
once my courtiers danced!' 'Oh.'
Rod pursed his lips. 'Uh, what worship do they make before this altar?' 'What
worship?' The ghost's head lifted. 'Why, I would warrant, 'tis a sacrifice of
themselves; for they step within that evil artifice, and then are gone; then
lo! there they are again, and come forth whole! I can only think they must have
given of their life's blood to the dark demon within that shining altar, for
they come forth gaunt and shaken. Indeed,' he mused, 'why otherwise would they
be shriveled, little men?' An
uneasy prickle began at the base of Rod's skull and worked its way down his
neck to spread out across his shoulders. 'I must see this artifice, my lord.'
He fumbled at his dagger. 'Let us have some light?' 'Nay!'
The shriek tore at Rod's eardrums. The ghost pulsed, shrinking and growing, its
outline wavering, like a candle-flame. 'Would
you destroy me, Man, and send me screaming to a darker realm than this?' Rod
massaged the back of his neck, trying to loosen the muscles that had cramped
themselves together at the ghost's shriek. 'Forgive me, Lord Loguire; I had
forgotten, My torch will rest darkened; but you must, then, lead me to this
strange altar, that I may see it with my hands.' 'Would
you worship there, then?' The hollow eyes deepend ominously. 'No, my
lord; but I would know this thing, that I may bring it down in the fullness of
time.' The
ghost was silent a moment; then it nodded gravely, and glided ahead. 'Come.' Rod
stumbled forward, hands outstretched, in the ghost's wake, till his palm came
up against something hard and cold. 'Beware,
Man,' rumbled the ghost, 'for here lie dark powers.' Hand
over hand, Rod felt his way slowly along the metal, glinting softly in the
ghost's faint luminescence. Then his right band fell on nothingness. He groped,
found it was a corner, wished the ghost gave off just a little more light, and
groped until he had located the outline of a door, or rather a doorway, seven
feet high by three wide. 'What
lies within, my lord?' he whispered. 'It is
a coffin,' the ghost moaned; 'a metal coffin without a lid, standing on end,
and you have found its open side.' Rod
wondered what would happen if he stepped into the cubicle; but for some strange
reason, he lacked the experimental urge of the true scientist. He
groped across the doorway. A circle pressed into his palm, a circle protruding
slightly from the face of the metal block. Running
his fingers over the area to the right of the doorway, he discovered a full
array of circles, oblongs, and buttons. The area within their outlines was
smoother and less cold than the metal around them - glass, he decided, or
plastic. He had found a control panel. 'My
Lord Loguire,' he called softly, 'come here to me now, I beg of you, for I must
have light.' The
ghost drifted up beside him; and, by the light of its cold radiance, Rod made
out a set of meters, a vernier dial, and a set of color-coded buttons. The
ghost's voice was gentle, almost sympathetic. 'Why do you tremble, Man?' 'It's
cold,' Rod snapped. 'Milord Loguire, I'm afraid I have to agree with your
opinion of this monstrosity. I don't know what it is, but it ain't pretty.' The
ghost rumbled agreement. 'And that which is evil to look upon must be doubly so
in its action.' 'Well,
I'm not so sure about that as a basic principle,' Rod demurred, 'but it might
apply in this case. Milord, pay no heed to my mumblings in the next small
while; I must, ah, recite an incantation against the malice of this, ah,
engine.' C-' He
switched to the patois of the galactic deckhand while the ghost scowled in
perplexity. 'Fess, you there?' 'Yes,
Rod.' 'Have
you been listening in?' 'Certainly,
Rod.' 'Urn.
Well, then, uh, this thing's a hunk of metal, rectangular, about, uh, twenty
feet long by, say, ten high, and maybe ten wide. Got a little cubicle cut into
the front, just about the size of a coffin.' 'Appropriate,'
the -robot murmured. 'No
kibitzing on the job please. It's white metal with a dull finish, and colder
than hell, right now, anyway. Set of controls next to the cubicle - a long
strip-meter with a scale and a slider.' 'How is
the scale calibrated, Rod?' 'Looks
like logarithms, Fess. Arabic numerals. The zero's about three-quarters of the
way from left end. Left side of the scale is marked to ten thousand. The
right-hand side goes up to, uh, 2,385. Sound like anything you've heard of?' There
was a pause; then the robot answered, 'Filed for analysis. Proceed with the
description.' Rod
ground his teeth; apparently the huge gizmo was as much of an unknown to Fess
as it was to himself. 'There's
a dial with a knob in the middle of it, just to the right of the strip-meter.
Reference point at the top, twelve o'clock, negative numbers to the left,
positive to the right. At least, I assume they're numbers. The thing just to
the right of the reference point looks something like a French curve, or maybe
a paranoid sine wave. Then there's a shape like an upside-down pear. Then
there's a pair of circles with a line lying across them. The last one is a
question mark lying on its side; then there's infinity in the six o'clock
position. Left-hand side is the same way, only all the symbols are marked with
a negative sign.' The
robot hummed for a moment; Rod recognized the tune~ 'Sempre Libera' from La
Traviata. Fess was enjoying himself. 'Filed
for analysis and reference, Rod. Proceed with description.' -'You don't
recognize 'em either, huh?' 'They
are totally without precedence in the discipline of mathematics, Rod. But if
there is any logic to their derivation, I will decipher them. Proceed.' 'Well,
there're seven buttons set flush with the surface, in a row just under the
strip-meter, color-coded. Colors are - uh -hey, it's the spectrum!' 'So I
feared,' the robot murmured. 'Use of the spectrum in color-coding would
indicate arbitrary assignation of values. There is no anomaly in the color
sequence?' 'Well,
the paint's iridescent . . 'Not
quite what I meant by anomaly. Well, it is filed. Proceed.' 'Nothing.
That's all.' 'All?
Only three controls?' 'That's
all.' The
robot was silent a moment. 'What
do you make of it, Fess?' 'Well..
.' the robot's voice was hesitant. 'The control system appears to be designed
for the layman, Rod. . 'Why?
Because it's so simple?' 'Precisely.
Beyond that, there is insufficient data for-' 'Oh,
make a guess, damn it! Make a wild guess!' 'Rod,
guesswork is not within the capabilities of a cybernetic mechanism, involving
as it does an exercise of the intuitive-' 'So
extrapolate from available data, already!' He
heard La Traviata, as it might have been sung by a wistful audio generator;
then Fess said, 'The irregularity of the figure 2,385 would seem to indicate
the number of a year, Rod, due to its juxtaposition with the figure ten
thousand.' 'Uh,
how's that again?' 'The
figure ten thousand,' Fess lectured, 'has many probable referents, one of which
is the period of recorded human history.' 'Now,
wait a minute, Fess. Written history doesn't go back beyond 2000 B.C.; even I
know that.' 'And a
miracle it is, Rod, considering your resistance to instruction from your earliest
ages.' 'All
right, all right! I was a bad little boy who didn't do his homework! I'm sorry
I repent! Just get on with the
extrapolation, will ya?' He
heard the burring of serially closing relays that always reminded him of a
chuckle; then Fess said, 'Human history prior to the development of written
language may be said to have been recorded in the legends and mythology of the
vocal tradition, in works such as The Epic of Gilgamesh. The period included
by such works may be estimated as having begun nearly four thousand years B.C.
This figure, added to the present date, gives us the figure 9,432, which is a
sufficiently close approximation to the figure ten thousand to be included as a
referent.' '11mm.'
Rod gnawed his upper lip. 'Well, when you look at it that way, I suppose 2,385
could be a date. But what does that mean?' 'Why,
the inference is obvious, Rod.' 'So I'm
a microcephalic idiot. Spell it out.' The
robot hesitated. 'The accuracy of the inference has a very low probability
rating....' 'I
asked for guesswork, didn't I? Come on, out with it.' 'The
artifact, Rod, would by this theory be a vehicle for chronicle travel.' Rod
stared at the strip-meter. 'You mean it's a time machine?' The slider was
shoved all the way to the right, resting over the figure 2,385. 'Rod,
you must bear in mind that the theory's probability index-' 'A time
machine!' Rod's brain whirled. 'Then the little bastards came out of the
future!' 'Rod, I
have cautioned you before about your tendency to accord an unproved hypothesis
the weight of a conviction.' Rod
gave his head a quick shake. 'Oh, don't worry, Fess. It's just a guess,
probably wrong. I'm keeping that in mind.' He
turned away from the control panel, eyes glowing. 'A time machine! Whaddaya
know!' He became
aware of the faint glow to his left again. Horatio Loguire towered over him,
brooding. 'What
witchcraft is it, Man?' Rod
frowned, turning back toward the machine. 'Strange, my lord, both dark and
strange. I have some knowledge of the various, ah, magics; but this is one with
which I have no acquaintance. 'What
then will you do?' Rod
scowled at the floor, looked up with a bleak smile. 'Sleep. And ponder what I
have seen.' 'And
when will you destroy this plaything of Satan?' 'When I
am sure,' murmured Rod, turning back to look at the machine again~ 'sure that
this is the plague, and not the cure, of this benighted world.' Loguire's
eyebrows drew together as his scowl deepened. He seemed almost to swell,
looming taller and wider, dwarfing the man before him. Rod had the insane
feeling that an ancient locomotive was roaring down on him. The
voice was distant thunder. '1 charge you, then, with the exorcizing of this
demon altar and the rending of its rag-tag priests.' The old
boy, Rod decided, had definitely slipped a cog. The
ghost's sword flashed out of its scabbard; involuntarily, Rod fell back into
defense stance. Then he straightened, cursing himself; a spectral sword could
scarcely hurt him. The
sword floated before him, point downward, a glittering cruciform ghost-light. 'Swear
now upon the hilt of this my sword, that you shall not rest until you have
purged this land of corruption in the seats of power, that you shall exorcize
this dark altar and all its minions, and more: that you shall never till you
die desert this Isle of Gramarye in the hour of its peril' Awe
slacked Rod's jaw; he stared wide-eyed at the sudden power and majesty of the
ghost. An 'alien, formless dread crept into his belly. The hairs at the nape of
his neck lifted with a chill of nameless apprehension. He
shrank back. 'My lord, this scarce is necessary. I love the Isle of Gramarye; I
would never-' 'Lay
your hand upon this hilt and swear!' The words were terse and stern. Rod
fairly cowered, well aware that the oath would bind him to the planet for life.
'My lord, are you asking me to take a loyalty oath? I am insulted that you
should doubt my-' 'Swear!'
the ghost thundered. 'Swear! Swear!, 'Art
there, old mole?' Rod muttered under his breath, but it didn't work; he had
never felt less funny. He
stared at the glowing hilt and the stern face beyond it, fascinated. Almost
against his will, he took one step forward, then another; he watched his hand
as it closed itself around the hilt. His palm felt nothing within it, no
pressure of solid metal; but the air within his fist was so cold it paralyzed
the knuckles. 'Now
swear to me and mine!' Horatio rumbled. Oh,
well, Rod thought, it's only words. Besides, I'm an agnostic, aren't 1? 'I. . -
swear,' he said reluctantly, fairly forcing out the words. Then inspiration
glimmered in his brain, and he added easily. 'And I
further swear that I will not rest until the Queen and all her subjects with
one voice shall rule again.' He took
his hand from the sword, rather pleased with himself. That additional clause
gave him a clear track to the goal of his mission, whether or not Horatio
counted democracy among the perils of Gramarye. The
ghost frowned. 'Strange,' he grumbled, 'a most strange oath. Yet from the
heart, I cannot doubt, and binding to you. Of
course, Rod admitted to himself, the oath still bound him to Gramarye; but he
would bridge that gulf when he came to it. The
sword glided back to its scabbard. The ghost turned away, his voice trailing
over his shoulder. 'Follow now, and I shall show you to the halls within these
halls.' Rod
followed until they came to the wall. The ghost pointed a long, bony finger.
Grope until you find a stone that yields to your hand.' Rod
reached for the stone the ghost pointed to, and pushed, leaning all his weight
against it. The stone groaned and grudgingly gave way, sliding back into the
wall. As it fell back, a door ground open with the protest of hinges that were
long overdue for an oil break. Cold, dank air fanned Rod's cheek. 'Leave
me now,' said the ghost, tall and regal beside him, 'and go to your duty. Yet
remember, Man, your oath; and be assured that if ever you should lay it aside,
the first Duke Loguire shall ever stand beside your bed until at last you yield
to fear.' 'Definitely
a comforting thought,' Rod mused. He groped his way down the moss-grown steps,
humming 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. This
time, the door to the loft was open, and Tom's deep earthquake snores echoed in
the rocky chamber. Rod
paused in the doorway, chewing at his lip. He went back into the hail, pulled a
torch from its bracket, and thrust it ahead of him into the room, peering in
cautiously, just to be sure there was no one trying to rearouse Tom with a
paternity suit in mind. The
wavering light of the torch disclosed the stocky peasant's slumbering
form, his cape thrown over his body from the rib cage down. One ursine arm was
curled comfortably about the soft, rounded body of a blonde, covered (or
uncovered) to the same degree by the cape. Her small, firm breasts were pressed
against Tom's side; her head rested on his shoulder, long hair flung in a
glorious disarray over her shoulders. One sun-browned arm was flung
possessively across the big man's beer-keg chest. Rod
frowned, and stepped over for a closer look. The face was slender, the nose
tilted, mouth small, with a smug little smile of content. It was
obviously not the brunette who had accosted Rod in the hallway earlier. He
grunted in surprise; so the wench hadn't gone after the servant when she was
refused by the master. Of
course, it might be just that she hadn't moved fast enough But no, Big Tom
would've been glad to accommodate both. He replaced the torch, came back to the
loft with a nod of grudging admiration at Big Tom, and without bothering to
pull off his doublet, dropped into the heap of hay that served for a bed. It
brought back fond memories. He yawned, cushioned his head on his forearm, and
drifted slowly toward sleep. 'Man
Gallowglass!' The
voice boomed in the little room. Rod jerked bolt upright; the girl screamed,
and Big Tom swore. A ghost
towered before them, glowing cold in the dark. Rod
came to his feet, flicking a glance at Tom and the girl. She cowered in abject
terror against the bear-hide of his chest. Tom's face had already settled into
surly (and probably frightened) defiance. Rod
switched his eyes to the ghost, standing tall above him in plate armor, its
face incredibly long and thin. The sword at its hip was a rapier; it was not
Horatio Loguire. Rod
reminded himself that he was boss, a fact he bad almost forgotten. He repaid
the hollow gaze with the haughtiest look he could manage. 'What sty were you
raised in,' he snapped, 'that you come before a gentleman with such ill
ceremony?' The
cavern eyes widened, the ghost's jaw dropping down inside its mouth. It stared
at Rod, taken aback. The
mortal pressed his advantage. 'Speak, and with courtesy, or I'll dance on your
bones 1' The
ghost fairly cringed; Rod had struck pay dirt. Apparently there was some sort
of ectoplasmic link between a ghost
and its mortal remains. He made a mental note to track down the graves of all
relevant ghosts. 'Your
pardon, milord,' the ghost stammered. 'I meant no offense; I only-' Rod cut
him off. 'Now that you have disturbed my rest, you may as 'well speak. What
brings you to me?' 'You
are summoned-' Rod
interrupted him again. 'None summon me.' 'Your
pardon, lord.' The ghost bowed. 'Milord Loguire requests your presence.' Rod
glared a moment longer, then caught up his harp with a sigh. 'Well, he who
deals with spirits must deal at odd hours.' He cocked his head. 'Horatio
Loguire?' 'The
same, my lord.' The
servant girl gasped. Rod
winced; he had forgotten his audience. His reputation would be all over the
castle by noon. 'Well,'
he said, shouldering his harp, 'lead on.' The
ghost bowed once more, then turned toward the wall, stretching out a hand. 'Hold
it,' Rod snapped. Better to leave the secret passages secret. 'Go ye to Milord
Loguire and tell him I shall come to him presently. You forget that I cannot
walk through walls, like yourself.' The
ghost turned, frowning. 'But, my lord...' 'Go to
Milord Loguire!' Rod stormed. The
ghost shrank away. 'As you will, my lord,' it mumbled hastily, and winked out. In the
sudden darkness, the girl let out her breath in a long, sobbing sigh; and, 'How
now, master,' said Big Tom, his voice very calm with only a trace of wonder,
'do you traffic with spirits now?' 'I do,'
said Rod, and flung the door open, wondering where Tom had picked up a word
like 'traffic'. He
turned to look at the couple in the light from the doorway, his eyes narrowed
and piercing. 'If word of this passes beyond this room, there shall be uneasy
beds and n1idn~ght guests for the both of you.' Big
Tom's eyes narrowed, but the girl's widened in alarm. Good, thought Rod, I've
threatened her income. Now I can be sure she'll keep quiet. He spun
on his heel, pulling the door shut behind him. Big Tom
would console her, of course, and his master's control over ghosts wouldn't
exactly hurt his standing with her. And, of
course, she'd keep her mouth shut. Which
was just as well. For a man who didn't believe in magic, Rod already had
altogether too much of a name as a warlock. He
prowled along the hall till he found an empty chamber with access to the hidden
tunnel. The granite blocks of one wall had been carved into a bas-relief of an
orange flute being burned at the stake; apparently the Loguires took their
adopted Irish name rather seriously. Rod found the one coal in the pile of
faggots that was cut a little deeper than the rest, and threw all his weight
against it, pushing it to his right. The ancient machinery gave a deep-throated
grumble, and a trapdoor pivoted up from the stone flags of the floor. Rod
felt for the steps with his toes, reached up for the great iron ring set in the
underside of the trapdoor, and pulled it shut as he went down the stairs. He
emerged from the massive door in the great hail with the dark altar. His
phantom guide was there before him, waiting. The
ghost bowed. 'If you would be so good as to follow me, master - - .' It turned
away, drifting toward the archway into the corridor. Rod
followed, muttering, 'A little lighter on the sarcasm there.' They
came out into the corridor; and, off to his right, Rod saw the fox-firelight of
a cluster of ghosts. They were motionless, their heads bent, looking at
something on the floor in the center of their circle.. Rod heard a very mortal,
and very terrified, whimper. Horatio
looked up at Rod's approach. He glided apart from the knot of ghosts, his
cadaverous face knotted with anger. 'My
Lord Loguire!' Rod bowed his most courtly, straightened. 'Why do you summon
me?' The
ghost's brow smoothed a little, somewhat mollified. 'Man Gallowglass,' it
growled, 'wherefore did you not tell me you had come accompanied into our
halls?' 'Accompanied?'
Rod's eyebrows lifted. 'Oh, was I, now?' Loguire's
frown deepened again, puzzled: 'In truth, there was one who followed after you,
as I found upon my outgoing from the chamber with the strange device.' 'Excelsior,'
Rod murmured. 'Gesundheit,'
said Loguire. 'If we are to have a continual passage of mortals here, I shall
have to see to the heating of these halls. But anon: I found your servant, as I
have said, directly without the chamber.' 'Servant?'
Rod frowned. 'How do you know it was a servant?' 'It was
listening at the door. And we may know that it is yours, for when we advanced
upon it, it cried your name.' 'Oh.'
Rod scratched the base of his skull, frowning. 'It did, did it?' 'Aye;
else would we have slain it. And therefore did I send to you to claim it.' Loguire
stepped aside; the circle of ghosts parted, and Rod stepped up. By the cold
light of the ghosts, he saw a huddle of misery trying to push itself into the
wall. The face was turned away from him. Long black hair flowed down over the
shoulders. It wore white blouse, full skirt, and black bodice. The last was
very well filled. 'My
Lord Loguire,' Rod began; his voice cracked; he tried again. 'My Lord Loguire,
this is scarcely an "it".' Then, in the gentlest voice he could
manage, 'Look at me, wench.' The
girl's head jerked up staring, lips parted. Joy and relief flooded her face.
'My lord!' Then
her arms were about his neck, so tight he had to fight for breath; and her body
was pressed tight against him, head burrowing into his shoulder, her whole
frame trembling with sobs. 'My lord, 0 my lord!' 'My
Lord!' Rod echoed, prying at her shoulder to get clearance for his larynx. He
recognized her, of course. It was the servant girl who had propositioned him
earlier in the evening. 'There,
there, now, lass, it's all right,' he murmured, .rubbing her back. The room
seemed to reel about him; he picked out a fixed point of light and stared at
it. It
turned out to be Horatio Loguire, face contorted by a touch of disgust. 'Take
her out from my halls, Man. They are damp enough of their own.' Rod was
just noticing how nicely the peasant girl fitted in his arms. He closed his
eyes, savoring the warmth and closeness of her. He nodded. 'Aye, my lord, that
I shall. There, there, now, lass, you mustn't cry.' He pulled a handkerchief
from his cuff
and dabbed at her cheeks with it. 'No more tears, there's a darling, you're
raising the humidity, and Horatio's got arthritis, if he can. just remember
where he put his bones - there, that's right.' Her
head lay against his chest, sniffling. Her eyes closed, her face relaxed; it
almost seemed she was asleep. Rod was swept with a sudden wave of tenderness,
aided and abetted by a feeling of towering strength contributed by his
protective instinct, and silently cursed the adhesive effect of a damsel in
distress. He
looked up into the brooding, empty eyes of the Loguire. 'Thou'rt
ensnared, Man.' 'Who,
me?' Rod scowled and thumped his throat in the carotid region. 'Fire seven
times tried this.' 'And
found it wanting,' Loguire agreed, 'and seven times tried that judgment is.
Take her from my halls, Man.' Rod
threw him one last look of defiance and turned to the girl. 'Come, lass,' he
murmured, 'we must go out from this place now.' He
swung her up into his arms. She stirred, murmured petulantly, and burrowed her
head tight into his shoulder again, her arms tight about his neck. Babies
and women, Rod thought, exasperated; they're worse than quicksand. 'My
lord,' he said to Loguire, 'will you lead me? You may understand that I am
somewhat turned about....' 'Aye,'
said the ghost, and turned away down the hall; but not before Rod had glimpsed
a faint, phantom smile on the ghost's face. . He came
out into the torchlit corridor, where he had met Durer earlier. The little man
was gone; apparently he had assumed the worst and gleefully gone his way. Rod
lowered the girl's feet to the floor. She murmured another little inarticulate
protest, and pressed her head tighter against him. Rod
tightened his arms about her and brushed his cheek against her hair, drawing
out the moment as long as he could. Then he
smiled sadly and lifted his hand to stroke along her jaw, tilting her chin up. The
long-lashed eyes were still closed; the full red lips pursed and parted, just a
little... Rod
steeled himself and said gently, 'You must tell me now, lass. Why did you
follow me?' Her
eyes flew open, widened in alarm. Then she bit her lip, bowing her head, and
stood away from him, clenching her bands in the cloth of his doublet. 'You
must tell me, lass,' he repeated softly. 'Who sent you to spy on me?' Her
head flew up, eyes wide in dismay. She shook her head. 'None, my lord. None,
only myself.' 'Oh?'
Rod smiled sadly. 'Of your own doing, you followed me into the haunted
quarter?' She
looked down again. 'I did not fear the spirits, lord.' Rod pursed his lips in
surprise. If it was so, she had uncommon courage for a serving maid. Her nerve
hadn't broken till she actually saw the ghosts - and having experienced their
moans himself, Rod could understand her breaking then. Too,
she might have followed him in hopes that he might reconsider his decision to
sleep alone. Or maybe' she'd thought she could help if he got into trouble. Rod
smiled at that last thought. But he had to make sure. 'Still,
you have not yet told me: why did you follow me?' She bit her lip again, her
face twisting. Rod waited, quietly. Grudging every word, she said, 'I - I
feared for you, my lord.' Rod
stared; then his mouth twisted into a wry smile. He shook his head, slowly.
'You feared for me!' 'Aye!'
Her head snapped up, eyes flashing. 'I had no knowing you were a warlock, and .
. . a man alone, in those halls...' Her
voice trailed off; her eyes dropped again. Rod
heaved a sigh and clasped her to him. She resisted a 'Lass,
lass!' he murmured. 'What could you have done to help me?' 'I - I
have some small way with some spirits, lord.' Her voice was muffled by the
cloth of his tunic. 'I had thought...' Rod
scowled. Was communication with the spirit world the norm on this kooky planet? He
rubbed her back gently, pressed his cheek against her hair. She could be lying,
of course; but that would imply she was an excellent actress, and she seemed a
little too ingenuous for that. He
sighed and tightened his arms about her. She murmured sulkily and pushed her
hips against him. Rod
closed his eyes and wiped his mind of all but the touch of her body. She felt
good, very good. Almost like that farm wench, Gwendylon. His
eyes snapped open. He stared into the torchlit dusk of the hall, picturing the
two faces before him, side by side. Dye the hair black, tilt the eyes a little,
straighten the nose She had
felt him tense; she looked up at him. 'What is it, my lord?' The
voice was a little higher-pitched, yes; but it had that same quality. He
looked down at her. The complexion was flawless, not a single freckle; but it
didn't take that much technology to concoct a makeup base. He
pointed his forefinger between her eyes. 'You,' he said, 'have been deceiving
me.' His finger came to rest on the tip of her nose. There
was a flicker of disappointment in her eyes; then she was all innocence.
'Deceiving you, my lord? I -. I know not Rod
flicked his finger; the tip of her nose came off. He smiled grimly, nodding.
Cornstarch and water. But you were wrong to straighten it. I like it much
better with that little tilt at the end. He
rubbed his fingertip across the corner of her eye; the eye was no longer
slanted, and there was a dark smudge on his finger. 'Cornstarch and water, and
black paint at the eye-fold. Flour mixed with a little burnt umber on the face,
and henna in the hair.' The
corners of her mouth tightened. Her face flushed with the heat of anger under
the paint. He
shook his head, brow puckered. 'But why, lass? Your face is so much more
beautiful.' He
allowed himself a shot of self-satisfaction as the anger in her face melted
into tenderness and longing. She
lowered her eyes. '1 - 1 could not leave you, lord.' He
closed his eyes, grinding his teeth, and only by main force of will kept
himself from squeezing her. 'But .
. .' He stopped, and drew a long hissing breath. 'But how did you follow me,
lass?' She
looked up, eyes wide in innocence. 'In the guise of an osprey, lord.' His
eyes snapped open with a near-audible click. He stared. 'A witch? You? But...' 'You
will not despise me for it, lord?' she said anxiously 'You, who are a warlock?' His
eyes had lost focus. 'Hub? Uh - warlock?' He shook his head, trying to clear
it. 'Uh, I mean... No, of course I don't I mean. . . well, some of my best
friends are ... uh...' 'My
lord?' She peered into his face. 'Art thou well?' 'Who,
me? Of course not! No, wait a minute. . .' He stopped and drew a very, very
deep breath. 'Now, look. You're a witch. So. Big deal. I'm far more interested
in your beauty than your talents.' Embers
there, in her eyes, ready to flame if he breathed upon them. He took
another deep breath and called his hormones to order. 'Now. Let's get one thing
straight.' She
brushed up against him, breathing, 'Aye, my lord.' 'No,
no! I didn't mean that!' He took a step back, hands coming up to hold her off.
'Look. The only reason you followed me here was because you were afraid I'd get
into trouble I couldn't handle, right?' She
paused, the glow dying in her eyes under a chill flow of disappointment. She
lowered her eyes. 'Aye, my lord.' The way
she said it made him think she was leaving an awful lot to implication; but he
hurried on to the next point. 'But
now you know I'm a warlock. Right?' 'Aye,
my lord.' He could scarcely bear her. 'So you
know I don't have to be afraid of anything, right? So there's no reason to
follow me any more, right?' Nay, my
lord!' Her face whipped up to him, glaring; then her chin lifted a little
higher, proud and haughty and stubborn. 'Still will I follow you, Rod
Gallowglass. There be spells in this world that you wot not of.' And one
of the most galling things about her, he decided, was that she was always so
damned right. In this crazy, topsy-turvy world, there probably were quite a few
'spells' he couldn't even imagine. But, on
the other hand, there seemed to be a few that she didn't know, either. An
amateur witch, most likely, and too old to join the union - she must be almost
as old as Rod was. In fact, her 'witchcraft' seemed to consist of cosmetic
skill, the ability to go birdie (he hadn't quite figured that one out yet), and
a degree of courage that was totally unexpected in a Woman. So she
was right, she had good cause to worry about him, he would still be in danger -
but so would she. No. It
wouldn't do any good to tell her she couldn't follow him - she would anyway.
And he'd come out of it alive, like he always did, but she'd get murdered in a
ditch somewhere along the way. Or maybe she'd handicap him enough so they'd
both wind up dead. His
head moved from side to side, tightening into a quick shake. He couldn't let
her get killed. He had to shake her somehow - . and he knew just how. His
mouth quirked into a sour smile. 'It's true, what they say about farm girls:
give them a moment of kindness, and you'll never be rid of them. My dear, you
have an excellent nuisance rating.' She
gasped, stepping away from him, her face twisting into a grimace of pain, the
back of her hand coming up to her ups. Her eyes flooded with tears;. she bit on
her hand, turned, and fled. He
stared at the floor, listening to her sobs fading, feeling the hollowness grow
within him. A fist
thundered on the heavy oaken door. Rod struggled up out of the depths of sleep,
floundering to sit up in the hay. Big Tom
and his wench lay still, eyes fixed on the door. Rod
grunted and levered himself to his feet. 'Don't worry,' he growled. 'Ghosts
don't knock.' 'Ho,
minstrel!' a gruff beery voice bellowed. 'Come forth to my master!' Rod
struggled into his doublet and caught up his harp. He swung open the great
oaken door, shaking his head to clear the traces of his meager sleep. 'You
might at least try to be civil at this hour of the damn morning,' he growled.
'And just who the hell is your master?' The
heavy fist caught him under the ear, sent him sprawling against the wail. He
fought down the instant impulse to break the man's neck. Through
a ringing, blurred haze he heard a deep, sadistic chuckle. 'Mind how you speak
to your betters, gleeman. 'us a good rule for a peasant' Rod
gathered himself, hands braced against the wall, and sized up his persecutor.
It was a common foot soldier in leather and mail, both of which needed
cleaning, as did the soldier himself. He might have been a commoner, but he had
an uncommon case of B.O., and halitosis on top of it, possibly due to the
rotting teeth he was exhibiting in a self-satisfied grin. Rod
sighed and straightened, deciding it might be better to play his part; in fact,
he'd deserved the blow, for having dropped out of character. The jester in
medieval society served as an emotional release, not only through entertainment
but also through providing an outlet for aggressions by becoming their object. 'All
right,' he said, 'I'm schooled. Let's go.' The
fist caught him beneath the jaw this time. As he rolled with the blow, he heard
the gleeful voice growl, 'Thou'rt not Schooled enough. To address your betters
with master is the rule.' Rod
fought the anger down into a cold, calm, calculating rage and lunged, his hands
chopping out in three quick blows. 'I've
got a better rule for a soldier,' he informed the crumpled heap at his feet.
'First be sure who your betters are. Now take me to your master.' The
master, as it turned out, was Loguire. Rod was ushered into a medium-sized
room, high-ceilinged and hung with tapestries. Three tall, narrow windows,
through which Rod saw sunlight, dawn-colored broken by the shifting prism of
the waterfall. The room was filled with its roaring. But the sound was muted;
looking closer, Rod saw the windows were double. paned, and three feet deep.
Somebody had remembered some of the old technology. The
walls were hung with tapestries; there was a heavy carpet underfoot. A great
oval table took up the center of the chamber. At its head sat Loguire; at his
right, his eldest son. Durer sat at his left. The other places were taken up by
eight men who had a familiar look. Rod's eyes widened as he recognized them:
the Duke di Medici, the Earl of Romanoff, the Duke Bourbon, and the Prince
Hapsburg, and their councillors. After
Loguire, they were the four most powerful of the Great Lords. And if these five
were gathered together, might not the other seven be close by? All
were at breakfast, but none of them really seemed to realize they were eating.
Take Anselm, there, Loguire's son - he ate
like a machine, glaring at his plate, face set like a sculpture of cold fury. His
father sat with head bowed, hands pressed tight to the table before him. At a
guess, Rod decided, there had been a bit of a quarrel here, between father and
son, and Loguire had won - but only by ordering his son to shut up. And Rod
had been called in to heal the breach. Oy! The things people expect of
performers!' Durer's
face was lit with a subterranean glow of vindictive joy; the other councillors
had milder versions of the same look. Whatever had happened here had gone the
way Durer wanted; 'in fact, he'd probably instigated it. The man was the
perfect catalyst, Rod decided: he never got involved in the reactions he
caused. Loguire
looked up at his son, mute appeal in the old, red-rimmed eyes. But Anselm gave
him not so much as a glance, and Loguire's face firmed into flint. Turning,
the old man saw Rod. 'Minstrel!~ he barked. 'Why stand you there idle? Give us
merriment!' Durer's
head snapped around, his eyes locked on Rod. Alarm chased shock across his
face, to be followed by distilled, murderous hate. Rod
smiled cheerfully, bowed, and touched his forelock in salute. Inwardly, he
wondered what song could possibly burn away the tensions in this room. He
strongly suspected the custom was to clear the air by beating the minstrel for
failing to fulfil his assignment. He
began to play 'Matty Groves', figuring his only chance lay in giving them
something more gruesome than anything that could possibly have just taken
place. He held
off on the words for a few minutes, though, to give him time to study the faces
of the four lords. Their looks ranged from ruminative speculation to outright
(though veiled) contempt, the last apparently directed at the old Duke. It
would seem that Loguire had no virulent supporters here; the balance of opinion
seemed to rest with his son. 'Minstrel!' Rod
looked up; it was Anselm who had spoken. The
young man's face seemed to have soured so much it had curdled. 'Have you a song
for a lad made a fool by a woman, yet doubly a fool, still, to love her?' 'Ha'
done!' Loguire snapped; but before Anselm could reply, Rod said, 'Many, my
lord, of a man still loving a woman who scorned him; and in all of them, the
lady comes back to him.' 'Comes
back!' Anselm. spat. 'Aye, she'd take him back - to hang him in shame at her
castle gate!' The old
Duke drew himself to his feet roaring, 'Enough of your slander!" 'Slander!'
Anselm's chair crashed over as he rose to meet his father. 'And is it' slander
to say she has spit on the proud name of Loguire, aye, and not once but twice,
and will do so again? 'Nay I'
He slammed his fist on the board, turning to rake the lords with his glare.
'This vile wench shall learn that she dare not trample the honor of her peers!
We must tear her from the seat of power and break her beneath us for ever and
aye!' Loguire's
face reddened, his throat swelled with a rebuke; but before he could speak it,
Rod murmured, 'Nay, my lord, not so harsh. Not a defeat, but a discipline.' He was
caught in a crossfire of laser-beam glares from Anselm and Durer; but Loguire
boomed 'Aye!' with a giant's joy and relief. 'He speaks out of place, but his
speaking is true! Our young Queen is headstrong: but so is a filly before it is
bridled. She must learn her' authority is not absolute, that there are checks
upon her power; but she is the sovereign, and must not be torn down!' Anselm
made a gurgling sound, his face swollen red and his eyes starting forth from
their sockets, choking with rage; then he managed to speak, fairly stuttering
in his wrath. 'Nay.
now! Now I say nay! A woman for a sovereign? 'Tis a mockery! And a whoring,
arrogant bitch of a-' 'Be
still!' Loguire thundered, and even the four great lords shrank away from the
savage power of his voice. As for
Anselm, he fairly cowered, stating appalled at the white-bearded giant before
him, who almost seemed to swell and tower higher as they watched. Then,
slowly, and with greater dignity than Rod had ever seen in a man, the true
regal dignity that only comes unaware, Loguire resumed his seat, never taking
his eyes from his son. 'Retire to your chambers,' he said in a cold, still
voice. 'We shall speak no more of this till the conclave at sunset.' Anselm
somehow managed to summon the strength to lift his chin again, a gesture that
somehow seemed pompous and ridiculous,
and turned on his heel. As he stalked to the door, his eyes fell on Rod. Rage
and humiliation boiled up in him, and he swung up his arm to favor the minstrel
with a backhanded slap. 'Nay!'
barked Loguire, and Anselm froze. 'This
man,' said the Duke, speaking in centimeters, 'has spoken truth. I will not
have him maltreated.' Anselm
locked glares with his father; then his look faltered, and dropped. He turned
away: the door slammed behind him. 'Minstrel,'
rumbled Loguire, 'play!' Rod let
his fingers ramble through 'The Old Man of Tor Tappan' while he reflected. So
there would be a council of war tonight, eh? And the main issue would
apparently be constitutional monarchy versus warlordism, though only he and
Durer might know it. Well, he knew which side he was on. He looked
again at the straight-backed old Duke, eating token bits of food, lips pressed
tight under his flowing white beard, brow locked in a slight scowl, only the
slightest hint of his grief showing in the deep, shadowed eyes. Yes,
Rod knew which side he was on. They
met in the great hail, large enough to act as a hangar for a good-sized
spaceship, if the Gramarians had known what a spaceship was. The
stone floor was inlaid with Loguire's coat of arms. Great silver sconces
supported torches every yard or so along the walls. The ceiling was concave and
gilded, with an immense silver chandelier suspended from its center. There were
'no windows; but that made little difference, since night had fallen. Loguire
sat in a great carved chair at one end of the hail, bunting of his family's
colors draped on the wall behind him. His chair was raised on a four-foot dais,
so that the standing lords 'must look up at him. There
were a good many of them, not only the twelve greats, but with them a host of
counts, barons, and knights, their vassals. And at
each one's elbow stood, or rather hunched, a thinfaced, bony little man, with
scant light hair lying close against his scalp. Rod
surveyed the hail; his lips pursed into a soundless whistle.
He hadn't realized the councillors were so numerous, There were at least fifty,
maybe seventy. And
there might be more outside his field of view. At the moment, be had literal
tunnel-vision, and one-eyed at that. The torches that illuminated the hail sat
in sconces that were held to the wall with three rough bolts. But one
of the sconces behind Loguire's throne was missing a bolt, and the stone behind
it was bored through for an inch, then hollowed out to the depth and width of a
man's head. 'The head, at the moment4 was Rod's, where he stood in the clammy
darkness of a narrow passage behind the wall. His
peephole afforded him an excellent view of the back of Loguire's head, and some
nice over-the-shoulder shots of anyone addressing him. His
right hand rested on a lever; if he pushed it down - if it wasn't rusted tight
- the stone before him should swing wide to make a handy door. From the looks
on the faces of the lords confronting the Duke, it might be very handy. • The
man immediately in front of the Duke was Anselm. Bourbon and di Medici stood at
either side of the young man. Durer, of course, stood at Loguire's left hand. Loguire
rose heavily. 'We are met,' he rumbled. 'Here in this room is gathered all the
noble blood of Gramarye, the true power of the land.' He scanned the faces
before him slowly,' looking each of his brother Great Lords directly in the
eye. 'We are
met,' he said again, 'to decide on a fitting rebuke for Catharine the Queen.' The
Duke of Bourbon stirred, unfolding his arms and setting his feet a little further
apart. He was a great black bear of a man, with shaggy brows and a heap of
beard on his chest. His
fists clenched, his mouth tightened. There was something furtive, sheepish, in
his stance. He
glared at Loguire. 'Nay, good Uncle, you have the wrong of it. We are met to
say how we may pull her down, she who would trample upon the honor and the
power of our noble Houses.' Loguire
stiffened, his eyes widening in outrage. 'Nay!' he choked, 'there is not cause
enough...' 'Cause!'
Bourbon straightened, his black beard jumping with his jaw. 'She hath taxed our
lands more heavily than ever in the traditions of our lore, and wasted the
substance upon the filth and dirt of peasants; she sends her judge amongst us every
month to hear complaints from all the manor, and now she will appoint her
priests within our lands - and we have no cause? She robs us of out rightful
rule within our own demesnes, and then upon this all insults us to our faces by
hearing the petitions of besotted beggars ere she will bend her ear to ours!' Di
Medici had bent to listen to the slight man at his elbow; now he straightened,
smiling faintly, and murmured, 'And was it custom, ever, for a monarch to
receive petitions from his peasants within his own Great Hall?' 'Never!'
thundered Bourbon. 'But now our gentle monarch will place the rabble thus
before us! And these, my reverend Duke, be but the greatest of her enormities,
and the atrocities she hath wreaked upon the custom of the land. And this while
she is but a child. What will she do, my lord, when she is grown!' He
paused for breath, then shook his head and growled, 'Nay, good coz! We must
needs pull her down!' 'Aye,'
murmured di Medici, and, 'Aye,' declared the other lords, and 'Aye'
rolled through the hall and swelled, till the word came full, clamoring from
every throat, again and yet again. 'Aye!'
and 'Aye!' and 'Aye!' 'Now I
say nay!' Loguire roared above them all. The
hall fell still. Loguire drew himself up to his full height and breadth,
looking more a king than duke. His
voice was only a little calmer, falling like the toll of a battle tocsin. 'She
is the sovereign. Capricious, aye, and arbitrary, hot and headstrong, aye. But
these are faults of youth, of a child who must be taught that there are limits
to her power. We must now show her those limits that she has exceeded. That may
we do, and nothing more. Our cause does not admit of further action.' 'A
woman cannot rule wisely,' murmured di Medici's councillor, and di Medici took
it up: 'My good and gentle cousin, God did not make Woman wise in ruling.' Bourbon
took his cue. 'Aye, good Uncle. Why will she give us not a king? Let her marry,
if she doth wish this land well governed.' Rod
wondered if Bourbon was a disappointed suitor. There was something vaguely
lecherous about him, and nothing at all romantic. 'The
rule is hers by right!' Loguire rumbled. 'Hers is the blood of Plantagenet, the
Crown of this land since its birth! What, good nephew, have you so easily
forgotten the oath you swore in fealty to that good name?' 'Dynasties
grow corrupt,' muttered Bourbon's councillor, eyes gleaming. 'Aye!'
Bourbon bellowed. 'The blood Plantagenet has thinned and soured, good my lord!' Ah, so!
Rod thought. He's not an uncle any more. 'Weakened sore, my lord!' Bourbon ranted.
'Weakened till it can no longer sire a man, but only a woman, a slip of a girl,
with a woman's moods and whims, to reign! The bloodline of Plantagenet is worn
and spent; we must have new blood now for our kings!' 'The
blood of Bourbon?' Loguire lifted an eyebrow, his smile contemptuous. Bourbon's
face swelled red, eyes bulging. He had begun to splutter when di Medici's voice
interposed itself smoothly. 'Nay,
good cousin, not the blood of Bourbon. What throne-blood should we have but the
noblest in all the South?' Loguire
stared, the blood draining out of his face in shock and horror. 'I will not!'
he hissed. 'Nay,
my lord, and this we knew.' Di Medici went wilily on. 'Yet must we have good
blood, and a man of courage and decision, a man of youth who knows what must be
done and will not hesitate to do it.' His
voice rose. 'What king should we have but Anselm, Loguire's son?' Loguire's
head jerked as though he had been slapped. He stared, his face paling to a
waxen texture, taking on a-grayish hue. He
reached behind him with a palsied hand, groping for his chaff, and age draped
heavy on his shoulders. He
lowered himself to the edge of the seat, leaning heavily on the arm. His vacant
eyes sought out his son, then turned slowly from side to side. 'Villains!'
he whispered. 'Bloody, bawdy villains! And thus you steal my son...' Anselm's
chin was lifted in defiance, but guilt and fear had hollowed his eyes. 'Nay, my
lord, I was with them from the first.' Loguire's
empty eyes sought him out again. 'But thou, even thou...' His
voice strengthened. 'But it is, thou more than any. Above all, it is thou!' Durer
now stepped forward, away from Loguire, to take his place by Anselm's side, his
smile split into a grin of triumph. Loguire's
eyes gradually focused on him. Their eyes met, and held. A
slight rustle passed through the hail as all the councillors craned for a
better view. 'Nay,'
Loguire whispered, 'it was thou He
straightened slowly. Then, deliberately and slowly, he looked each Great Lord
in the eyes once more. His eyes turned back to Durer. 'You
are all of one mind.' His voice had gained strength4 but it was the strength of
bitterness and contempt. 'The debate has been before this, has it not? For you
are all agreed; each man among you has quarreled with his conscience and won
over it.' His
voice hardened even more. 'What wasp has flown among you, to sting your souls
to such accord?' Durer's
eyes snapped fire. His mouth broke open for retort; but Loguire cut him off. 'Thou!
Thou from the start! Thou calmest to me five years ago, and I, aged fool,
thought "Well and good"; and as thy bastard, cringing servants crept
one by one into our households, still I rejoiced - poor, aged, doddering fool
1' He
lifted his eyes to seek out Anselm's. 'Anselm, who once I called my son, awake
and hear! Beware the man who tastes thy meat, for be it is who best may poison
it.' Rod
suddenly realized how the meeting would end. The councillors couldn't risk
leaving L1pguire alive; the old man was still strong and vital, still
indomitable. He just might be able to sway the lords to loyalty again. The
chance was slight, but definite, and Durer couldn't afford it. Anselm
straightened his shoulders, his face set with rebellion. He clapped a hand to
Durer's shoulder, not noticing that the little man's teeth grated as his jaws
clamped shut. 'This
man I trust,' he stated in what might have been intended to be ringing tones.
'He was with me from the first, and I welcome his wisdom - as I will welcome
yours, if you are with us.' Loguire's
eyes narrowed. 'Nay,' he spat. 'Away with you, false child, and your tongue of
treachery! I had sooner die than join you.' 'You
shall have your preference, manner
of your dying.' Durer snapped. 'Name the
Loguire glared, then threw himself to his full height in one lurching
motion. Anselm
stared, then reddened. 'Be - be still, Durer! He is -is a fool, aye, and a.
traitor to the land. But he is my father, and none shall touch him!' Durer's
eyebrows shot up. 'You would harbor snakes within your bed, my lord?
Naetheless, it is the wish of all the nobles, not yours alone, that must be
done.' He
raised his voice, shouting, 'What say you, lords? Shall this man die?' There
was a moment's pause. Rod rested his hand on the door-lever; he had to get
Loguire out of there. He could open the door and pull Loguire into• the passage
before anybody realized what was happening . -. But
could he close it before they came running? Probably not; there were just too
many too close. And Durer, at least, would react very quickly. If only
the hinges and springs were in decent shape! But he had a notion they hadn't
been too well maintain few
centuries. ed in the last A
chorus of reluctant 'Ayes' rolled through the great hail. Durer
turned to Loguire, bowing his head politely. The verdict, my lord, is death.' He drew
his poniard and started forward. And the
lights went out. Rod
stood a moment in the total blackness, stunned. How...? Then he
threw his weight on the lever. He jerked out his dagger as the stone slab
groaned open. Act now, understand later. The
grating of the stone door broke the instant of shocked silence. Pandemonium
struck as every voice in the hall started shouting - some in anger, some in
distress, some calling for a porter to bring a torch. The
noise would be a good cover. Rod lunged out of the passage, groping blindly
till he slammed into somebody's rib cage. The Somebody roared and lashed out at
him. Rod ducked on general principles, felt the blow skim his hair. He flicked
the button on the handle of his dagger and identified Somebody as the
Duke Loguire in the flicker of light that stabbed up from the hilt. A
kindling-wood, twisting body struck into Rod with a howl of rage. Rod gasped
and stumbled as steel bit into his shoulder. Apparently Durer had seen the
flicker of light, too. The
dagger wrenched itself out of Rod's shoulder; he felt the warm welling flow of
the blood, and rolled away. But the
scarecrow was on him again. Rod groped, and by great good luck caught the man's
knife-wrist. But the
little man was unbelievably strong. He forced Rod's arm down, down, and Rod
felt the dagger's point prick his throat. He
tried to force his other hand up to help push the needlepoint away. His
shoulder screamed pain, but the hand wouldn't budge. The
dagger pricked a fraction of an inch deeper. Rod felt blood rise on his throat,
and fear clawed its way up from his guts. Total,
numbing, paralyzing fear - and Rod heard a booming moan. Durer
gasped; the poniard clattered to the floor, and the weight rose off Rod's body. The
whole hail rang with a triple, very low moan, counter-pointed with shrieks of
terror. Three
huge white forms towered high in the blackness. At the tops were skeletal
faces, their mouths rounded into 0's: Horatio
and two other erstwhile Lords Loguire, having the time of their afterlives. Rod
forced a shout out of his terror. 'Fess! Sixty cycles!' His head clamored with
the raucous buzzing, and the fear evaporated. His light flicked again, found
Loguire. Rod sprang, struck him in the midriff. The breath went out of the old
lord in a whoof! and he doubled over Rod's shoulder - the good one,
fortunately. Rod
turned and ran, stumbling, hoping he was headed in the right direction. Behind
him, Direr was shrieking, 'Clap your hands to your ears, fools! Fools! Fools!' Rod
blundered about in the dark, Loguire's weight dragging heavier on his shoulder.
He couldn't find the door! And now he heard staccato steps in short, quick
bursts - Durer, trying to find Rod by blind chance. And now that he had his
earplugs I OC in,
Durer would once again be a formidable enemy. Also, Rod couldn't fight with one
shoulder shot and the other under Loguire. Cold
air fanned his cheek, and a dim white form brushed past him. 'Follow!' boomed
Horatio Loguire. Rod
followed. He ran
after Horatio, his good arm out like a broken-field runner. It didn't help; his
wounded shoulder slammed against the stone of the doorway and spun him around
with a wrench of pain. He gasped, almost dropping Loguire, and stumbled back
against the wall of the narrow passage. He
leaned against the wall, breathing hoarsely. 'Quickly,
Man!' boomed Horatio. 'The slab I You must close it!' Rod
nodded, gasping, and groped for the lever, hoping Loguire would stay balanced
on his shoulder. His hand found rusty metal. lie hauled upward; the door grated
shut. He
stood hunched over, just breathing. After a
small eternity, Loguire began to struggle. Rod called up the energy to lower
him to the floor. Then, still panting, he looked up at Horatio. 'Many
thanks,' he wheezed, 'for this timely rescue.' Horatio
waved away the thanks, coming dangerously close to a smile. 'Why, Man, how
could you fulfil your oath to me dead?' 'Oh, I
don't know.' Rod sagged against the wall. 'You seem to manage all right. I'd
love to know how you pulled the fuse on those torches.' 'Pulled
. - . the fuse?' Horatio frowned. 'You
know, the trick with the lights.' The
ghost's frown deepened. 'Was that not your doing?' Rod
stared. Then he raised a hand, palm out. 'Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Now. You thought I did it ... and I thought you did it.' 'Aye.' 'But,
you didn't do it?' 'Nay.' 'And I
didn't do it.' 'It
would seem not.' 'Then'
- Rod gulped - 'who...?' 'Who is
this?' Loguire rumbled at Rod's elbow. A beam
of light stabbed through the peephole. Horatio
gave one moan of fear, and winked out. Rod put
his eye to the peephole. The torches were lit again. Durer was on the dais,
stabbing the air about him with his dagger and screaming, 'Where? Where?' Rod
lifted his head away from the peephole and smiled up at Loguire thinly. 'I
don't think we ought to stay to find out, my lord. Shall we go?' He
turned to go, but Loguire's fingers dug into his shoulder. Rod gasped. 'Please,
milord - would you mind - the other shoulder, please. - - 'What
man was that?' Loguire growled. 'Man?'
Rod looked about him. 'What man?' 'Why,
he who stood before us in white!' 'Oh.'
Rod scanned the old man's face. Apparently Loguire was still in shock, not
quite yet ready to face reality, such as it was. 'Uh, just a relative, milord' 'Your
relative? Here?' 'No,
milord. Yours.' He turned away, groping down the passage. After a
moment, Loguire followed. The
light from the peephole fell off after a few yards. Rod groped his way,
cursing; it would be pitch dark when they turned the corner to go down the
narrow steps. He
turned the corner, fumbling out his dagger - and ~aw a ball of fox-fire before
him. He stared, an eerie tingling nesting at the base of his neck; then, as his
eyes adjusted to the dim glow, he made out a face and a body (it was impossible
to see them as a unit, since each was worthy of independent study), one arm
extended, with the fox-fire sitting on her palm. Her face was tense with worry. 'Gwendylon,'
he stated. Her
face flooded with relief and joy, but only for a moment then the light of
mischief was in her eyes. She
bobbed in a mock courtsy. 'My lord.' 'My
Aunt Nanny!' he growled. ¶What the hell are you doing here?' Her
eyes widened in offended innocence. 'I followed you, lord.' 'No,
no, no!' Rod squeezed his eyes shut. 'That's not in the script. You were
supposed to hate me now. You were supposed to quit following me.' 'Never,
lord.' Her voice was very low. He
looked up to see if she was joking. No luck. Tom's line about farm girls ran
through his mind. 'What,'
he said, nodding at the ball of fox-fire, 'have you got there?' 'This?'
She glanced at the ball of light. 'Only a little spell my mother taught me.
'Twill light us through this maze, lord.' 'Light,'
Rod agreed. 'And may I ask how you killed the torches in the great hail?' She
started to answer, then frowned. 'Tis not quickly said, lord. Have we time?' Rod
studied her face with his lips pursed. 'But it was you who did it?' 'Aye,
lord.' 'Just
another little spell that - - my
mother taught me, yes.' She nodded brightly. 'Oka-a-a-y!'
He shrugged. 'Why not? Let's go, babe.' He started groping his way down the
narrow stairs, wincing as his shoulder brushed the wall. 'My
lord!' Gwendylon gasped, her hand darting out to touch his shoulder. 'You're
hurt!' He
half-turned toward her, lurching against the wall, still groping for the stone;
but the full, firm mound that his hand found was anything but granite. He
jerked his hand away. She stared at him a moment, surprised; then her lids
drooped, she smiled lazily, and caught up his hand, puffing it toward her.
'Milord, you need not-' 'Egad!'
He pulled his hand away, shrinking back against the wall. She swayed toward
him, lips parting. 'My dear
lady ... 'I ha'
ne'er claimed that title,' she murmured, her voice warm, rich, and husky. Her
body pressed softly against him. 'Woman,
please!' Rod made a valiant attempt to push his way into the stone. 'I can't
imagine a less aesthetic atmosphere.' 'Neither
time nor place matter to me, lord, when you are near,' she breathed into his
ear, and nibbled. And I
thought I had some lines, Rod told himself. 'Look,' he said, wriggling, 'we
don't have time, we don't have room - . .'
He gasped and shivered as she caught just exactly the right spot. 'Look, baby,
just get us out of here, and I'm yours to command!' She
caught her breath and stood just far enough back to look up at him. 'Truly,
lord?' 'Well,
uh. . .' Rod backpedaled furiously. 'For twenty-four hours, anyway.' 'That
will do,' she murmured smugly, with a similar quality in her smile. He
glowered down at her for a moment; then, 'Take those canary feathers out of
your mouth,' he growled, 'and get us out of here!' 'Aye,
lord!' She turned in a swirl of skirts and ran lightly down the mossy steps. He
watched her run for a moment, a gleam coming into his eye. He
caught up to her in three bounds and swung her around to face him. She
looked up in surprise, then turned on the sultry look again. 'My lord, we must
not delay....' • 'This
won't take long,' he answered, and pulled her hard against him. Her lips were
moist and warm, and parted. - - She
gave a happy little sigh and pushed him away. 'Well I And what was that for?' 'Promissory
note.' He grinned. She
giggled, then spun away, tugging him down the hail. 'We must hurry!' He
freed his arm and watched her run. A deep,
warm chuckle sounded behind him. Rod
threw Loguire a look of disgust. 'Dirty old man,' he growled, and ran after
Gwen. The
slimy stones of the passage slid by on either side, scarcely three inches from
each shoulder. Up a flight of steps~ turn, up another flight, the stones greasy
and slippery with dripping water, seepage from the lake overhead. Patches of
pale moss grew like sores on the walls. Old spiderwebs festooned the low
ceiling. At the
top of the twelfth staircase, Rod heard water chuckling somewhere in the
distance. 'The
inlet to the lake,' Gwendylon informed him. 'We shall come out along its
border.' She glanced back over her shoulder. 'Your shoulder, Lord Rod?' 'Oh,
it'll wait,' he growled. 'Doth
it yet bleed?' 'No;
the doublet seems to have stanched it. Be a hell of a cleaning bill though.' 1 OA 'Hmm.'
She turned away, hurrying. ''Twill hold till we come to the riverbank, then.
Hurry, lords; we must be away ere they think to search in the stables.' Rod
frowned. 'Why? Are we coming out in the stableyard?" 'Nay,
by the river; but when they look in the stables, they shall see that your black
and the Duke's dun stallion have fled.' 'You
don't say!' He cleared his throat and spoke a~ little louder than necessary.
'And where would my horse be?' 'By the
riverbank, Rod,' Fess's voice murmured, 'with Big Tom and two real nags.' Gwendylon
had started to answer, but Rod cut her off. 'Yes, yes, they're by the
riverbank, I know.' Gwen
looked faintly surprised. 'But
how,' Rod went on, 'did Big Tom know we'd be needing horses?' She
frowned at him a moment,. then turned away. ''Twas at my urging, lord. 'Twas
but a thought, and could do little harm. I had a seeming they might be needed.' 'A
seeming,' Rod echoed. Was she clairvoyant, too? 'Aye, lord, a seeming.' She
slowed suddenly. 'Walk• wary, lords.' She stepped carefully over something
lying in the passage. Rod
stopped and stared at it. It was
a miniature skeleton, perhaps eighteen inches long; but the proportions were
those of an adult, not a baby. It was green with mold. He
looked up at Gwendylon. 'This has not been here so very long,' he said. 'What
is it?' 'One of
the Wee Folk, lord.' Her mouth hardened. 'There ha' been evil spells in this
keep of late.' Rod
looked up, surprised at the tone of her voice, ignoring Loguire's startled
exclamation. Her
face was flint, set in a mold of bitterness. 'Poor wee fellow,' she murmured.
'And we dare not stop to give him burial.' She spun about and hurried on. Rod
stepped carefully over the tiny skeleton and followed. 'What manner of spell?'
he asked as he caught up to her. ''Twas a sort of . - - singing - - . in the
air, lord, though not for the ear, but the mind. If you or I tried to move
against it, 'twould but stop us, like a wall. But it slew the Wee Folk.' Rod
frowned. 'A singing, you say?' 'Aye,
lord. Yet not of the ear, as I told you.' A force
field! But that was impossible. Ask any physicist, he'd tell you. - 'How
long ago?' 'It was
cast five years agone, milord. It lasted no more than a month, for its master
took no note of my stopping it, nor did he cast it again.' Rod
stopped so fast Loguire stumbled into him. He stared at the gentle, very
feminine form hurrying down the passage before him. Then he closed his mouth,
swallowed, and followed. A force
field! And five years ago, that was when Durer had shown up. - Rod
thought again of the dial on the supposed time machine. Then he stared at
Gwen's long, red hair, swinging with her steps. And she
had stopped it? A machine out of the future, and she bad stopped it? He
looked at his farm girl with new respect. 'Uh,
Gwen, dear... 'Aye,
my lord?' She looked back at him, with a look of pleased surprise and a faint
blush. He
frowned. What. - .? Oh. He'd called her 'Gwen'. Also 'dear'. 'Aye,
my lord, exorcized it. But the Wee Folk would not come here more, and I too
thought it wise.' Yes,
Rod mused, very wise. Durer & Co. would not have taken kindly to diminutive
spies, and could probably have devised some very unpleasant preventatives. He
fastened his eyes on Gwendylon's retreating back, watching her absently; she
was just full of surprises, this one.... 'We
come near, lords!' Rod
jerked his head up and saw a point of dim light ahead. The ball of light in
Gwen's hand flickered out. A
moment later, they stepped through the weathered, weed-grown mouth of the
tunnel into the moonlit night. The river flowed by a few dozen yards away,
bordered with willow and cypress. The breeze was chill after the dampness of
the tunnel. Loguire shivered. 'Master!'
came a soft, low cry, and Big Tom stepped out of the riverbank shadows, leading
three horses. Rod
grabbed Gwendylon's hand and ran for the horses... and was brought up sharp by
a most unfeminine jerk on his arm -
fortunately, the good one. 'Nay, my lord,' she said firmly. 'First we
must see to your arm.' 'Which
one,' Rod grumped, swiveling his good shoulder; it had developed a sudden ache.
'Look, we don't have time...' 'It
will slow us in our ride soon or late,' she said sternly. 'Better to tend it
now, when it will take but a moment.' Rod
sighed and capitulated. He watched her run to the riverbank with a
connoisseur's interest and wondered what the strange, pleasant feeling inside
him was. 'She
hath the right of it,' growled Loguire, Swinging Rod about to face him. 'Clamp
your teeth.' He
unbuttoned Rod's doublet. Rod's nascent protest was cut off by a gasp of agony
as Loguire snapped the doublet open, tearing the scab off in the process. 'Let it
bleed freely a moment,' Loguire growled, jerking the doublet off the injured
shoulder. Then
Gwendylon came up with a handful of some sort of herb and a small wineskin -
trust Big Tom to have one on him, Rod thought - and perhaps five minutes later,
Rod swung her onto Fess's saddle and leaped up behind her. He dug his heels
into Fess's sides. Gwendylon started at the muted clang, and, as Fess sprang
out into a gallop, she twisted to frown, puzzled, at Rod. 'That's
why I call him Old Ironsides,' Rod explained. 'Just relax and lean back against
me. It's going to be a long ride.' 'But,
my lord, I have no need to-' 'There're
only three horses, Gwen. Somebody has to ride double. Don't worry, Fess won't
even notice the difference.' 'But my
lord, I-' 'Hush.
My Lord Loguire!' he called back over his shoulder. 'Lead us, my lord; you know
this land best.' Loguire
nodded mutely and spurred the big bay; it speeded a little, and passed Rod. Rod
followed him, listening to the drum of hooves from Tom's mount behind him. 'Believe
me, my lord, there is no need for-' 'Time
enough to talk later,' Rod growled. 'We're leaving a trail as clear as Polaris.
We've got to get far enough away fast enough so it won't matter if they follow
us.' Gwendylon
sighed. 'Look behind you, my lord.' Rod
turned, and saw a crowd, of at least a hundred elves lined along their trail
with miniature brooms, sweeping away every
trace of their passing - even straightening the grass the horses' hooves had
flattened. Rod
squeezed his eyes shut. 'No. Oh, no- Why me, Lord? Why me?' He
turned back to Gwendylon. 'Gwen, did you call out these Gwen!' The
saddle was empty. She was gone. 'Gwen!'
he shouted, and sawed back on the reins. 'Really, Rod,' protested the murmur in
his mastoid, 'I must ask you that you attempt to control-' 'Gwendylon!'
Rod yelled. A cry
like the mew of a seagull drifted down from, the sky. Rod
looked up. The
osprey. The same one. He was willing to swear to it. Anyway, he was willing to
swear. The
bird plummeted low and circled Rod's head, mewing Urgently. How the
hell could she make a fish hawk sound so feminine? The osprey shot away in
front of him, skimming low over the ground after Loguire's horse. Then it
wheeled back, circled his head again, then lit out on the straightaway again. 'Yeah,
yeah,' Rod growled, 'I get the message. I should quit holding up the party.
Fess, follow that bird! Fess? Fess!' The
horse stood stiff-legged, head swinging between the fetlocks. Oh,
well, it had been a strain on Rod's neurology, too. He slapped at the reset
button. They
rode the moon down, slowing to a trot after the first half-hour. Loguire was
slumped in his saddle, almost too exhausted to stay on his horse, by the time
the air freshened with dawn. Rod,
frankly, wasn't in much better shape. He reined in beside the Duke. 'There're
haystacks in that field over there, my lord. We must pause to rest, it will be
dawn soon, and we dare not travel by day.' Loguire
lifted his head, blinking. 'Aye. Aye, most certain.' He reined in his horse.
Rod and Tom followed suit. They
broke through the hedge at the roadside and trotted for the
nearest haystack. Rod dismounted and caught Loguire as he all but fell from his
saddle. Big Tom unsaddled the horses and turned them out to the field with a
slap on the rump as Rod half-led, half-carried the old nobleman to the top of
the haystack. He
lowered Loguire into the hay, stepped back, and murmured, 'Fess.' 'Yes, Rod.' 'Get
those nags far away from here, someplace where it's not too likely they'll be
noticed, will you? And bring them back at sundown.' 'I
will, Rod.' Rod
stood a moment, listening to the fading drum of hooves. He looked down at Loguire; the old man was
out cold: the strain, and a long night ride, to say nothing of how long it had been
since he'd slept. Rod
pulled hay over the sleeping lord to hide him. Looking for Big Tom, he saw
shins and feet disappearing into the side of the haystack. The saddles and
bridles had already disappeared into the hay. The
feet were likewise removed from sight; then there was a protracted rustling,
and Tom's ruddy face popped out of his burrow-hole. 'Thou must take this'll
from sight right quickly, master. 'Twill be sunrise ere long, and the peasants
mustn't see us. 'They
won't come near this stack?' 'Nay.
This field is far from the keep, so 'twill be some days yet ere they take in
this hay.' Rod
nodded. He threw up his hands and jumped, sliding down the side of the stack.
He turned to see Tom's burrow fast closing. He grinned. 'Good night, Big Tom.' 'Good
morn, master,' answered the muffled voice within. Rod
chuckled, shaking his head, as he went to the nearest other haystack. He
climbed to the top, mashed the hay down into a bowl, and stretched out with a blissful
sigh. There
was a soft mew, and the osprey dropped down beside him into the hay. It fell
Onto its side, its form fluxed and stretched, and Gwendylon was lying beside
him. She
smiled mischievously and began to untie the strings of her bodice. 'Twenty-four
hours, my lord. Sunrise to sunrise. You ha' said you would obey my commands for
so long.' 'B Ut -
but - but. . -, Rod stared and swallowed as the bodice fell open and was thrown
away. The blouse began to inch upward. He
swallowed again and stammered, "Bu-but somebody's got to keep watch!' 'Never
fear,' she murmured. The blouse went flying. 'My friends shall do that.' 'Your
friends?' In a detached sort of way, Rod noted that in this culture the concept
of the brassiere was not yet developed. Gwendylon
was, though. 'Aye,
the Wee Folk.' Skirt and slippers joined the discard pile with one smooth,
sinuous motion. The
setting sun turned the straw blood-gold as Rod's head poked up out of the hay. He
looked around, sniffed the cool, fresh evening breeze, and expelled a sigh of
great satisfaction. He felt
immensely well. He
thrust the covering of hay aside with one sweep of his arm and reflected that
it had been a busy day, as his eyes traveled slowly and lovingly over Gwen's
curves. He
leaned forward and touched his lips to hers for a long, deep kiss. He felt her
come awake beneath him. He drew
back; her eyes opened halfway. Her lips curved in a slow, sultry smile. She
stretched, slow and feline. Rod was surprised to feel his pulse quicken. His
opinion of himself went up a notch. His
opinion of her was altogether too high already. With a twinge of alarm, Rod
realized he was regretting that he was a traveling man. He also realized
something was gnawing at the base of his conscience. She looked into his eyes
and sobered. 'What
saddens you, lord?' 'Don't
you ever worry about being used, Gwen?' She
smiled lazily. 'Do you, lord?' 'Well,
no. - .' Rod frowned at his palms. 'But that's different. I mean, I'm a man.' 'I
would never ha' guessed,' she murmured, biting his ear lobe in the process. He
grinned and twisted, trying to retaliate; but she wasn't done with his ear yet. 'Men
are fools,' she murmured between bites. 'You are forever saying what is not
instead of what is. Be done with the night, and live in the evening while you
are in it.' She
eyed him then through heavy lids with a somewhat proprietary joy, looking him
up and down slowly. Oh,
well, Rod thought, so much for my one attempt to be honorable. . - 'Camera!'
After all, there was only one way to wipe that smug smile off her face. Big Tom
chose just that moment to call, 'Master! The sun has set, and we must away.' Rod let
go of Gwen with a disgusted growl. 'That boy has definitely the greatest sense
of timing . - .' He started puffing up his hose. 'Up and away, my dear!' 'Must
we, lord?' she said, pouting. 'We
must,' he answered. 'Duty calls - or at least Big Tom. Onward for the glory of
France I or something like that. - - Two
nights of pushing the pace, alternating canter and walk, brought them back to
the capital. As they
came to the bridge over the river that curved around the town, Rod was
surprised to see two foot soldiers armed with pikes, torches flaring by their
sides in the darkness of the seventh hour of night. 'I
shall clear the way,' Tom muttered, and spurred his horse ahead of Rod and
Loguire. 'Stand aside,' he called to the guards, 'for my masters wish to
enter.' The
pikes clashed as they crossed, barring the bridge. 'Who are your masters?'
retorted the one of them. 'Be they rebels? Or Queen's men?' 'Rebels?'
Tom frowned. 'What ha' passed in the Queen's Town while we ha' been to the
South?' 'The
South?' The guard's eyes narrowed. ''us the lords of the South that rebel.' 'Aye,
aye!' Big Tom waved the objection away impatiently. 'We ha' been there on the
Queen's affairs - spies, i' truth. We bear word that the lords of the South
rise in revolt, and the name of the day that they march; but how has this news
come here afore us?' 'What
is this badinage?' snapped Loguire, riding up with Rod at his side. 'Stand
aside, sirrahs, that a man of noble blood may enter 1' The
guards' heads swiveled to stare up at Loguire; then both pikes jumped forward,
their points scarce an inch from his chest.
'Dismount and stand, Milord Duke of Loguire!' The first guard's voice was firm,
but deferential. 'We must hold you in arrest, on command of her Majesty the
Queen.' And the
other guard bawled, 'Captain! Captain of the Guard!' Loguire
stared in disbelief. Rod nudged his way past the lord and glared at the guard.
'Name the crime for which the Queen holds Milord Loguire in arrest!' The
guard's eyes flicked from Loguire's face to Rod's, and back; then, dubiously,
he answered, 'Most high treason to the body and person of her Majesty the
Queen.' Loguire's
jaw sagged. Then his lips pressed thin and his brows beetled down, hiding his
eyes in caves of shadow. His face seemed bloody in the torchlight. 'I am
most sternly loyal to her Majesty the Queen!' he exploded. 'Be done with your
impertinence and stand aside!' The
sentry swallowed and stood his ground. 'It is said Loguire leads the rebels,
milord.' 'Soldier.'
Rod spoke quietly, but with the tone of an old field sergeant. The
sentry's eyes jumped to him, but the pike didn't waver. 'You know me,' and
Rod's voice held the veiled threat of non-corn authority. It had
more effect than all Loguire's lofty phrases. The soldier licked his lips and
agreed, 'Aye, master.' 'Who am
I?' 'You are
Master Gallowglass, late of the Queen's Guard.' 'Still
of the Queen's Guard,' Rod corrected, still softly. 'Sent to the South a week
agone, to guard Milord Loguire.' Loguire's
head jerked up; his eyes blazed at Rod. 'We ha' known that you were gone,' the
soldier mumbled. 'And now you know why.' Rod kept his voice under careful
control, managing to imply that the Queen's Own Wrath would fall on the guard's
miserable head if he disobeyed. 'My Lord Loguire cries sanctuary from his
kinswoman and suzerain, her Majesty the Queen. She would be wroth to hear him
detained. Let us pass.' The
guard took a firmer hold on his pike, gulped, and thrust out his jaw
stubbornly. 'The order ha' gone forth that Milord Loguire be held in arrest in
the Queen's dungeon, good master. More than that I know not.' 'Dungeon!'
Loguire thundered, beet-red. Am I a tuppenny footpad, to be crooked from a
hedgerow to a dungeon cell? Is it thus that the Queen would acknowledge her
vassal? Nay, nay! The blood of Plantagenet hath not ebbed so low! Knave, I'll
hale thy lying tongue from thy head!' His
hand went to his dagger, and the soldier cowered back; but Rod's hand stayed
the nobleman's. 'Calm
yourself, milord,' he murmured, ''Tis Durer hath sent this word here before us.
The Queen could not know of your loyalty.' Loguire
checked his temper with vast effort, subsiding into a sort of gurgling fury.
Rod leaned over and whispered to Tom. 'Tom,
can you find someplace to hide the old man where he'll be safe?' 'Aye,
master,' Tom frowned down at bins. 'With his son. But-why...? 'At the
House of Clovis?' 'Aye,
master. 'Twould take all the Queen's men, and great bombardments, to hale them
forth from the House.' 'I
would have said a good strong wind would've done it,' Rod muttered, 'but I guess
it's the best we can do. So...' 'Speak
so that all may hear!' shouted a new voice. 'That had a familiar ring,' Rod
muttered, looking up. Sir Mans strode forth between the two vastly relieved
guardsmen. 'Well done, Rod Gallowglass! Thou hast brought ~ most pernicious
rebel to the safekeeping of our stronghold!' Loguire's
narrowed eyes stabbed hate at Rod. 'Do not
speak among yourselves,' Sir Mans went on; 'I forbid it. And hearken well to my
orders, for there are twelve good crossbowmen with their quarrels aimed at your
hearts.' Loguire
sat back in his saddle, tall and proud, his face composed in the granite of
fatalism. 'Twelve?'
Rod gave Sir Mans a one-sided mocking. smile. 'Only twelve quarrels, to kill
the Loguire? Good Sir Mans, I must think you grow rash in your old age.' The
granite mask cracked; Loguire darted a puzzled glance at Rod. Rod
dismounted and stepped out toward the bridge, away from the horses. He shook
his head woefully. 'Sir Mans, Sir Mans! My good Sir Mans, to think that-' Suddenly
he whirled, with a high, piercing cry, slapping at the horses' chests. 'Turn
and ride!' he shrieked. 'Ride!' Sir
Mans and his men stood frozen with surprise as the horses
reared, wheeled about, and sprang away. An instant later, twelve crossbow bolts
bit the ground where they had been. One
archer had been a little quicker than his fellows; his bolt struck Fess's metal
hindquarters with a clang and ricocheted off into the river. There
was an instant's shocked silence; then the whisper ran through the ranks,
swelling with fear: 'Witch horse! Witch horse!' 'Cloud
the trail, Fess,' Rod murmured, and the great black horse reared, pawing the
air and screaming. combat; then it wheeled away and was gone, lost in the
night, hoofbeats drumming away. Rod smiled
grimly, sure that Fess's trail would cross and re-cross Tom and Loguire's till
an Italian spaghetti cook wouldn't be able to unsnarl it. He
peered up into the sky. He couldn't see beyond the circle of torchlight, but he
thought he heard a faint mewing. He
smiled again, a little more sincerely this time. Let Catharine try to imprison.
Let her try. Then
his smile settled and soured as he turned to face Sir Mans. The old
knight was struggling manfully to look angry; but the fear in his eyes blared
as loud as a TV commercial. His voice quavered. 'Rod Gallowglass, you have
abetted the escape of a rebel.' Rod
stood mute, eyes glittering. Sir
Mans swallowed hard and went on. 'For high treason to the body and person of
her Majesty Queen of all Gramarye, Rod Gallowglass, in arrest I must hold
thee.' Rod
inclined his head politely. 'You may try.' The
soldiers muttered fearfully and drew back, None wished to match arms with the
warlock. Sir
Mans' eyes widened in alarm; then he spun and grabbed one of his soldiers by
the arm. 'You there! Soldier! Soldier!' he hissed. 'Run ahead and bear word to
the Queen. Say what transpires here.~ The
soldier bolted, overwhelmingly glad to lose out on the action. Sir
Mans turned back to Rod. 'Thou must now come to judgment before the Queen,
Master Gallowglass.' Oho!
thought Rod. I'm a master now, am I? 'Wilt
thou go to her freely'?' said Sir Mans apprehensively, 'Or must I compel thee?' Rod
fought to keep his shoulders from shaking with laughter at the dread in the old
knight's voice. His reputation had decided advantages. 'I will
come freely, Sir Mans,' he said, stepping forward. 'Shall we go?' Sir
Mans' eyes fairly glowed with gratitude. Abruptly,
he sobered. 'I would not be in thy place for a castle and dukedom, Rod
Gallowglass. Thou must needs now stand alone before our Queen's tongue.' 'Well,
yes,' Rod agreed. 'But then, I've got a few things to say to her too, now
haven't I? Let us go then, Sir Mans.' Unfortunately,
the march to the castle gave Rod time to mull over Catharine's latest churlish
tricks; so by the time they came to the door to her chambers, Rod's jaw was
clenched and shivering with rage. And,
equally unfortunately, there was a reception committee, consisting of two
sentries, the soldier who had been sent ahead as messenger, and two pikes
pointed right at Rod's midriff. The
procession halted. 'And what,' said Rod, with icy control, 'is this supposed to
mean?' The
messenger stammered an answer. 'Th-the Queen forbids that the w-warlock be
brought before her unch-chained.' 'Oh.'
Rod pursed his lips for a moment, then gave the messenger a polite lift of the
eyebrow. 'I am to be chained?' The
messenger nodded, on the verge of panic. The
pikes crashed as Rod knocked them away to each side. He grabbed the messenger
by the scruff of the neck and threw him into the pack of Guardsmen as they
surged forward. Then he lashed out with a kick that wrenched the crude metal
hinges from their bolts. The
door crashed down, and he strode in over it, stepping hard. Catharine,
the Mayor of the Queen's Town, and Brom O'Berin shot to their feet from their
chairs around a map laden table. Brom
sprang to bar Rod's path. 'What devil possesses you, Rod Gallowglass, that you
. . -, But Rod
was already past him and still moving. He
swung to a stop before the table, glaring across at her, his eyes chips of dry
ice. Catharine
stepped back, one band coming to her throat, disconcerted and afraid. Brom
leaped to the tabletop, thundering, 'What means this unseemly intrusion, Rod
Gallowglass? Get thee hence, till the Queen shall summon thee!' 'I
would prefer not to come before her Majesty in chain-' his words cold and
clipped. 'And I will not allow that a nobleman of the highest rank be clapped
in a common, noisome dungeon with rats and thieves.' 'Thou
wilt not allow!' Catharine gasped, outraged; and, 'Who art thou to allow or not
allow?' roared Brom. 'Thou hast not even gentle blood!' 'Then I
must think that blood is opposed to action,' Rod snapped. He
flung the table out of his way and advanced on the Queen. 'I had thought you
noble.' The word was a sneer. 'But now I see that you will turn against your
very family, even to one near as nigh you as a father! Certes, if you would
fight any of your nobles, you must needs fight a kinsman but your very uncle?
Fie, woman! Were he the foulest murderer, you had ought to receive him with
courtesy and the honor due his station. Your finest chamber you should appoint
his cell; 'tis but your duty to blood!' He
backed her up against the fireplace, glowering deep into her eyes. 'Nay, were
he but a murderer, no doubt you would receive him with all honor! But no, he
has committed the heinous crime of objecting to your high-handed, arbitrary
laws, and the further calumny of maintaining his honor against your calculated
insults. He will insist on being accorded the respect due a man during the
reign of a vindictive, childish, churlish chit of a girl who hath the title of
a Queen but none of 'the graces, and for this he must needs be damned!' 'Fie,
sirrah,' she quavered, waxen pale, 'that you would speak so to a lady!' 'Lady!'
he snorted. 'A lady
born!' It was a forlorn, desperate cry. 'Will you, too, desert me? Will you
speak with the tongue of Clovis?' 'I may
speak like a peasant, but you act like one! And now I see why all desert you;
for you would whip to scorn Loguire, who alone of all your lords is loyal I' 'Loyal!'
she gasped. 'He, who leads the rebels?' 'Anselm
Loguire leads the rebels! For keeping faith with you, the old Duke is now
deposed in favor of his son!' He
smiled bitterly as the horror and guilt dawned in her, then turned his back
upon her and stepped away, giving her time to realize the breadth of her
betrayal. He heard a long-drawn, shuddering breath behind him; Brom rushed past
him to aid his Queen. He heard a chair creak as Brom made her sit. Looking
up, he saw the Lord Mayor staring past him wide-eyed. Rod cleared his throat;
the burgher's eyes shifted to him. Rod jerked his head toward the door. The
Mayor glanced back at the Queen, hesitating. Rod toyed with the hilt of his
dagger. The Mayor saw, blanched, and fled. Rod
turned back to the stricken girl. Brom,
at her elbow, threw Rod a glance of withering hatred and growled, 'Ha' done!
Have you not cut deep enough?' 'Not
yet.' Rod's lips thinned. He stepped up to the Queen again, his voice cold.
'This good nobleman, the Duke Loguire, your own uncle, out of bye for you stood
against the whole of your nobility, even his own son!' His voice crackled. Her
eyes jerked up to him, filling with dread. 'And it is your doing, by your
high-handed lawmaking and utter lack of diplomacy, that Anselm turned against
his father. He had two sons, and you have robbed him of both!' She
shook her head, faster and faster, lips shaping silent denials. 'Yet
still he is loyal!' Rod murmured. 'Still he is loyal, though they would have
slain him for it - and damn near did!' She
stared in horror. Rod
tapped his shoulder. 'This took the dagger that would have pierced his heart.
And even at that, 'twas only by a miracle, and the help of one of the witches
whom you scarce acknowledge, that I managed to bring him out alive!' Brom's
head snapped up, searching Rod's face for something. Rod frowned, and went on. 'But
bring him out I did, at peril of my life, and brought him safely back. And what
do I find? He is to be held a prisoner! And not even as befits a royal
prisoner! No, no1 to be treated with due courtesy and deference, but as a
common cutpurse, in a lightless, damp, dank dungeon!' He paused
for effect, rather proud of the last bit of alliteration. But he
had overdone it a bit; she rallied. Her chin came up and she sniffled back some
tears. 'Before my laws, sirrah, al] are equal!' 'Yes,'
Rod agreed, 'but that should mean you treat a peasant like a lord, not that you
treat a lord like a peasant!' He
leaned over her, his face an inch from hers. 'Tell me, Queen: why is it that
Catharine must treat all with contempt?' It was
a lie; she didn't treat all with contempt, just the noblemen; but anguish and
sudden self-doubt showed in her eyes. Still
she tilted her chin a fraction of an inch higher, and declaimed, 'I am the
Queen, and all must bow to my power!' 'Oh,
they bow, they bow! Until you slap them in the face; then they slap back!' He
turned away, glowering at the hearth. 'And I can't say I blame them, when you
deprive them of liberty.' Catharine
stared. 'Liberty? What talk is this, sirrah? I seek to give the serfs greater
liberty I' 'Aye,
so you seek.' Rod smiled sourly. 'But how do you go about giving it? You gather
all ever more tightly unto you. You deprive them today, that you may give them
more later!' He
slammed his fist onto the arm of her chair. 'But later will never come, don't
you see that? There is too much ill in the land, there will always be another
evil to fight, and the Queen's word must be law unquestioned to command the
army against the evil.' He drew
his hand back slowly, eyes burning. 'And so it will never come, the day that
you set them free; in your land, none will have liberty, save the Queen.' He
locked his hands behind his back and paced the room. 'There is only just so
much of it to go around, you know - this liberty. If one man is to have more,
another must needs have less; for if one is to command, another must obey.' He held
his hand before her, slowly tightening it into a fist. 'So little by little,
you steal it away, till your slightest whim is obeyed. You will have complete
freedom, to do whatever you wish, but you alone will be free. There will be none
of this liberty left over for your people. All, all, will be gathered unto
Catharine.' His
hand loosened and clasped her throat lightly. She stared and swallowed,
pressing against the back of the chair. "A" 'But a
man cannot live without at least a little liberty,' he said softly. 'They must
have it, or die.' His hand tightened slowly. 'They will rise up against you,
made one by their common enemy - you. And then will squeeze their liberties out
of you again, slowly, slowly.' Catharine
tore at his hand, fighting for breath. Brom leaped to free her, but Rod loosed
her first. 'They
will hang you from your castle gates,' he murmured, 'and the nobles will rule
in your stead; your work will all be undone. And of this you may be certain,
for thus was it ever with tyrants.' Her
head jerked up, hurt deep in her eyes. She gasped for breath to speak, shaking
her head in ever harder denial. 'No,
not I,' she finally rasped. 'Not that, no! Never a tyrant!' 'Always
a tyrant,' Rod corrected gently, 'from your birth. Always a tyrant to those
about you, though you never knew it till now.~ He
turned away, hands locked behind his back. 'But now you know, and know also
that you have none to blame but yourself for rebellion. You pushed them and
pushed them, harder and harder, your nobles - for the good of your people, you
said.' He
looked back over his shoulder. 'But was it not also to see which among them
would dare say you nay? To see which among them were men?' Contempt
curdled her face. 'Men!' The word was obscenity. 'There are no men in Gramarye
any more, only boys, content to be a woman's playpretties!' He
smiled, one-sided. 'Oh, there be men still. Men in the South, and men in the
House of Clovis - or one, at least, there. Men, my Queen, but gentle men, loving
their Queen, and loath to strike at her.' Her
lids lowered, the contempt playing over her lips in a smile. 'It is as I have
said: there are no men in Gramarye more.' 'They
are men,' Rod answered, very quietly, 'and they march north to prove it.' She stared. Then
slowly sat back. 'Well, then, they march north, and I shall meet them on Breden
Plain. Yet still there is none among them I would call man. Beasts, every one.' 'Oh,
you shall meet them.' Rod gave her a syrupy, mocking smile. 'And what shall you
use for an army? And who will command it?' 'I will
command,' she replied haughtily. 'I and Brom. And there be five hundred of the
Queen's Guard, and seven hundred of the Queen's Army, and threescore knights at
my manors.' 'Sixty
knights!' Rod's lips tightened, puffing down at the corners. 'Not even enough
to give the Southern knights entertainment for one full charge! Sixty knights
out of how many hundreds in your kingdom? And all the rest arrayed there
against you! And twelve hundred footmen against the rebels' thousands!' Her
hands seized the arms of the chair in a spasm, to hide their trembling; fear
drained her face of its color. 'We shall win, for the honor of Plantagenet or
Gramarye, or die nobly.' 'I have
yet,' Rod said tightly, 'to see a noble death in battle. They re all Just a
little on the messy side.' 'Be
still!' she snapped, then closed her eyes and bowed her head, knuckles
whitening on the chair arms. She
rose, proud and calm again, and Rod couldn't help a brief, admiring thought for
her spunk. She sat
at the table, drew up parchment and quill, scribbled a moment, then folded the
parchment and held it out to Rod. 'Bear this to my Uncle~ Loguire,' she said.
''Tis a command that he appear here before me, and a warrant of safe-conduct;
for I bethink me that I shall -need all loyal to me by my side ere greatly
long.' Rod
took the parchment and crumpled it slowly in his fist. He flung it into the
fire without taking his eyes from Catharine. 'You shall write a letter to the
Duke, and I shall bear it,' he said in an Antarctic voice; 'but in it you shall
beg of him the courtesy of an audience.' Her
back stiffened and her chin came up. Rod warmed his voice hastily, smiling.
'Come, come, my Queen! You already have all the liberty; can you not expend a
little in courtesy?' His
eyes darkened, the smile faded. 'Or will you be swept by the sin of pride, and
allow your liberty to become license?' He
stepped a little closer, towering over her. 'Will your people pay the price of
your pride, my Queen? Or will you?' She
glared back at him a moment, but something inside her was clamoring for
attention. She dropped her eyes and sat quiet a moment, then turned to the
table again and wrote. She
folded the letter, sealed it, and held it out to him. He took it,
bowed a little too deeply, with a click of the heels, and turned for the door. He
caught a quick scurry of movement along the baseboard out of the corner of his
eye. He turned, saw a mouse duck under the tapestry, where it stayed very
still. Rod's
jaw tightened. He crossed the room in two strides, lifted the tapestry. The
mouse looked up at him, its eyes very wide, very green, and very intelligent. 'I do
not appreciate eavesdroppers,' Rod said coldly. The
mouse flinched, but stared back defiantly. Rod
frowned at a sudden thought. Then his stern look melted. He picked the mouse
up, gently, held it level with his eyes, with a tender look that did a very
nice job of negating any image of dignity he might have built up. He
shook his head slowly. 'You didn't really think I'd need help in here, did
you?' The
mouse lowered its eyes, whiskers twitching a little. 'Certes,' murmured
Catharine, 'methinks the man is possessed.' 'Your
Majesty,' Brom said with a musing tone and a gleam in his eye, 'may speak more
truth than she knows.' The
drawbridge echoed hollowly under Rod's striding feet. He ran lightly down the
slope, away from the. castle, and slipped into a copse of spruce. 'Fess,'
he called softly. 'Here,
Rod.' The great black steel horse came through the trees. Rod
smiled, slapped the metal side affectionately. 'How the hell'd you know I'd
come here?' 'Quite
simply, Rod. An analysis of your behavior patterns, coupled with the fact that
this grove is the closest to-~ 'Skip
it,' Rod growled. 'Big Tom took Loguire to the House of Clovis?' 'Affirmative,
Rod.' Rod
nodded. 'Under the circumstances, it's probably the safest place for the Duke.
What a comedown for a nobleman.' He
swung into the saddle, then fumbled in his doublet and brought out the little
mouse. It looked up at him apprehensively. 'Well,'
he sighed, 'it doesn't seem to make any difference what I tell
you to do; you're going to go right ahead and do whatever you want anyway.' The
mouse lowered its eyes, trying to look guilty and ashamed; but its whiskers
quivered with delight. It
rubbed its cheek against the skin of his palm. 'Affection
will get you nowhere,' Rod growled. 'Now, listen. You go to the House of
Clovis; that's where I'm bound. That's an order.' The
mouse looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. 'And
it's one order I can be sure you'll obey,' Rod went on, 'since it's what you
were going to do anyway. But, look!' A note of anxiety crept into his voice.
'Be careful, will ya?' He
brought his hand forward and kissed the mouse's nose, very gently. The
mouse leaped, wriggled with delight, dancing gleeful on his hand; as it danced,
it reared up, its front paws stretching and broadening into wings. Its tail
fanned out; feathers sprouted on its body; its nose blurred and became a beak,
and a wren was dancing on Rod's hand. Rod
caught his breath. 'Uh. . . yeah,' he said after a while. 'That's just a little
hard to take the first time I watch it happen. But don't worry, I'll get used
to it.' The
bird hopped from his hand, flew once around his head, hovered in front of him,
then sprang arrowing into the sky. Rod
looked after the wren, murmured, 'Do you think she'll do what I tell her this
time, Fess?' 'She
will.' There was a strange quality to the robot's voice. Rod
looked sidewise at the great black head. 'Thought robots couldn't laugh.' 'A
misconception,' Fess replied. 'Git.'
Rod knocked his heels against the steel sides. Fess leaped into his long, steel
canter. 'What
else could I do?' Rod growled. 'With
that lady,' Fess answered, 'nothing. But have no regrets, Rod. It's excellent
policy. Many kings have used it.' 'Yes,'
Rod mused. 'And after all, being obeyed is the important thing, isn't it?' Fess
galloped silently into the moonlit courtyard on rubber-padded hooves and
stopped abruptly. Rod's chest slammed against the horse's neck. 'Whuff
I' 11e slammed back into the saddle. 'Ohhhh I My tail- bone!
Look, Fess, warn me before you pull a stunt like that, will ya? Inertia may be
just a nuisance to you, but it hits me right where I live.' 'Where
is that, Rod?' 'Never
mind,' Rod growled, dismounting. 'Suffice to say that I just learned why the
cavalry used split saddles.' He
crossed the courtyard, glancing at the moon as he went. It was low in the sky;
dawn was not far off. He
pounded on the door. There was a rustle of movement inside, then the door
opened. The gnarled, bent figure of the Mocker stood before him. 'Aye,
milord?' he said with a snaggle-toothed grin. Wouldn't do to let him know that
Rod knew he was the power behind the throne. Rod stepped in through the door,
scarcely noticing the little man's presence. 'Take me to the Lord Loguire,
fellow.' 'Certes,
milord.' The Mocker scurried around Rod and opened the inner door. Rod passed
through it, puffing off his gauntlets . .. and stepped into the middle of a
semicircle of beggars and thieves, standing three deep and armed with •
truncheons and knives. They
grinned, their eyes hungry; here and there one licked his lips. Their
faces were dirty and scarred, mutilated and festering with sores; their clothes
were threadbare, patched, torn; but their knives were remarkably well-kept. Rod
tucked his gloves into his belt, hands stiffening into karate swords, and
turned to the Mocker. That worthy was now flanked by five or six prime samples
of the lees of society. 'I come
here in friendship.' Rod's -face was immobile. 'Do ye, now?' The Mocker
grinned, exposing bleeding gums, and cackled. Suddenly his eyes gleamed with
hate. 'Declare yourself, lordling!' Rod
frowned. 'Declare myself how?' 'For
the noblemen, for the Queen, or for the House of Clovis I 'Be
done with your blathering!' Rod snapped. 'I have small stomach for nonsense,
and I'm beginning to feel very full. Take me to Loguire, now!' 'Oh,
aye, that we shall. Yes, milord, at once, milord, straightaway.' He rubbed his
hands, chortling with glee. Then his glance darted over Rod's shoulder, and he
nodded. Rod
started to turn, but something exploded on the back of his head. Stars reeled
about him, then blackness. Slowly,
Rod became aware of pink light, pain and a thousand discordant bass fiddles
tuning up inside his head. Slower
yet, he became aware of something cold and slimy against his cheek. The pink
light, he realized, was sunlight filtered through closed eyelids. The
pain pulled itself in and concentrated in his head. He winced, then by heroic
measures managed to open his eyes, and winced again. Everything
was blurred, out of focus, sunlight and blobs of color. The
slime under his cheek was moss, and the coldness beneath it was stone. He
shoved hard with his hands; the slimy surface swung away, left him reeling,
leaning on his hands heavily, stomach churning. He
shook his head, flinched at the pain, and blinked several times. His lids
rasped over gummy eyeballs, but slowly his vision cleared. He forced his eyes
to focus on - . . the face of Tuan Loguire. Tuan
sat with his back against black, old stone. There were huge iron staples in the
stone, and the chains that hung from them ran to manacles on Tuan's wrists and
ankles. He sat in a heap of dirty, moldering straw, in the watery light of a
weak sunbeam. Tuan
smiled with irony as heavy as the rusty chains on his body, and lifted a hand
in greeting, chain jangling with the movement. 'Welcome.' Rod turned
his eyes away, looking about him. The old Duke sat against the next wall,
chained beside his son. 'Cold welcome, Rod Gallowglass,' the old lord mumbled,
face heavy and brooding. 'It is scant safety your serving man has brought me
to.' Treachery!
Rod should have known better than to trust Tom. 'Big Tom, you... I' 'Here,
master.' Rod
looked, turning; Big Tom sat against the far wall, chained like the rest of
them. Tom
smiled sadly, bent a reproachful, bloodhound-eyed look on his master. 'I had
thought you would free us, master. Yet here art thou, chained one amongst us.' Rod
scowled, looked down at his wrist. A rusty, thick iron band circled it. It had
mates on his ankle and other wrist. He
looked up at Tom, smiled, and raised his hand, giving the chain a shake. 'Ever
hear tell that stone walls don't make a prison?' 'Who
spoke those words was a fool,' said Tom bitterly, from the shadows. Rod
lifted his eyes to the small, barred window set high in the wall. It was the
only light in the room, a chamber perhaps ten feet wide by fifteen long, with a
ten foot high ceiling, all moss-grown, rotting stone, floored with moldering
straw. The
only decoration was a skeleton, held together by mummified ligament, chained to
the wall like themselves. Rod
eyed the silent partner warily. 'Not such great housekeepers, are they? They
could at least have lugged the bones into the nether room.' ~ He
turned to the window again. 'Fess,' he mumbled, low enough so the others
couldn't make out the words. 'Fess, where are you?' 'In the
most filthy, broken-down stable I've ever seen,' the robot answered, 'along
with five of the sorriest nags outside of a glue factory. I think we're
supposed to be the cavalry of the House of Clovis, Rod.' Rod
chuckled softly. 'Any mice with large green eyes running around, Fess?' 'No,
Rod, but there is a wren perched on my head.' Rod
grinned. 'Ask her if she has any power over cold iron.' 'How am
Ito speak with her, Rod?' 'Broadcast
on human thought-wave frequency, of course! She's a telepath, you idiot
savant!' 'Rod, I
strongly resent the derogatory connotations of references to my abilities in
areas in which I am not programmed to- 'All right, all right, I'm sorry, I
repent! You're a genius, a prodigy, an Einstein, an Urth! Just ask her, will
you?' There
was a pause; then Rod heard a faint series of chirpings in the background. 'What's
the chirping, Fess?' 'Gwendylon,
Rod. She reacted significantly to the novel experience of telepathy with a
horse.' 'You
mean she almost fell off her perch. But did she say anything?' 'Of
course, Rod. She says that now she is certain you're a warlock.' Rod
groaned and rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. 'Look, get her back to business,
will you? Can she get us out of these chains and cut the bars on our window?' There
was another pause; then Fess answered, 'She says she has no power over cold
iron, Rod, nor has any witch or elf that she knows. She suggests a blacksmith,
but fears it is impractical.' 'Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus . . - Well, tell her I'm glad she hasn't lost her sense of
humor. And ask her how the hell she's going to get us out of here!' 'She
says there is no need for hard language, Rod.' 'You
didn't have to transmit me literally, you bumble-brain!' 'And
she thinks that the Prince of the Elves may be able to free you. She thinks he
will come, but he is some short distance away, so it may be a while.' 'I
thought she said elves couldn't handle cold iron!' There was another pause;
then Fess said, 'She says that the Prince of the Elves is not quite an elf,
Rod, being but half of the Old Blood.' 'Only
half... Wait a minute!' Rod scowled. 'You mean he's a half-breed between elf
and mortal?' 'Precisely,
Rod.' Rod
tried to imagine how an eighteen-inch elf and a six-foot mortal could have a child;
his brain reeled. 'She
departs now, Rod, to summon him, and will return as quickly as she may, but
will be a while. She bids you be of stout heart.' 'If my
heart were any stouter, it'd be positively obese! Give her my . . . No, just
tell her I thank her, Fess.' He
seemed to hear a faint sigh behind his ear, and the robot said, with a touch of
resignation, 'I'll tell her, Rod.' 'Thanks;
Fess. Stay lively.' Rod
turned back to his prison. The Loguires were both plastered against the wall,
looking at him strangely. 'He
speaks to thin air,' murmured Tuan. 'Certes, the man is possessed!' 'Seems
to me I've heard that before,' Rod mused, 'and the air in here is anything but
thin.' 'Still,'
muttered Loguire, ''Us the act of one crazed!' Big Tom
rumbled a laugh. 'Not so, my lords. This man speaks with spirits.' Rod
smiled bleakly. 'How come so cheerful all of a sudden, Big Tom?' The big
man stretched, chains clashing. 'I had thought for a moment they had beaten
you, master. Now I know 'twas fool thinking.' 'Don't
be so sure, Tom. Cold iron is a tough spell to break.' 'Nay,
master.' Tom's eyelids drooped lazily. 'Thou'lt find a way to it, I warrant.' He
clasped his hands over his belly, leaned his head back against the wall. Rod
smiled as Tom began snoring. He looked at the Loguires and jerked his head
toward Tom. 'There's confidence for you. While I work things out, he takes a
nap.' 'Let us
hope 'Us a faith warranted,' said Tuan. He eyed Rod dubiously. 'Let's,'
Rod echoed grimly. He
nodded at the Duke. 'Been renewing acquaintance?' Loguire
smiled. 'I rejoice to see my son again, though I had life it were more open
welcome.' Tuan
frowned at his hands. 'It is sad news he hath brought me, Rod Gallowglass, most
sad and sorrowful.' He looked at Rod, bright anger in his face. 'I had known my
brother hateful and ambitious, but I had not thought he would sink into
treason.' 'Oh,
don't be too hard on the poor boy.' Rod leaned back against the wall, closing
his eyes wearily. 'Durer's got him spellbound. And if his magic came so close
on the father, how could it fail on the son?' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed darkly. 'Myself had fallen like prey to the Mocker.' 'Oh?'
Rod opened one eye. 'You've realized that, have you?' 'Oh,
aye! A most excellent villain is that! He will bow him most humbly before you,
while his henchman is slitting your purse - and thus hath he served me!' Rod
pursed his lips. 'He's the one who gave you the idea for organizing the
beggars?' 'Aye.'
Tuan nodded heavily. 'I had first thought only to provide them relief from
hunger and chill; but his word in my ear made me think of an army, for defense
of the Queen. And I had seen and heard in the South that which led me to think
such an army might well be needed.' The old
Duke made a choking sound. 'Pardon,
my father,' said Tuan, bowing his head, 'but I knew even thou couldst not check
them forever. But I had not thought' - and his voice hardened - ''twould be
treason from Anselm.' Rod
twisted, feeling decidedly uncomfortable. 'Well, as I said, you shouldn't blame
him too much. After all, he did try to keep Durer from killing your father.' He
stretched his legs and crossed them. 'So when the Mocker learned that the South
was up in arms, he decided it was time to assert his rightful authority and
overthrow the Queen. Right?' 'Aye.'
Tuan's lips tightened as though he had his first taste of straight vermouth.
'When I spoke against, saying that 'twas our time to defend the Queen, he
called me traitor, and' - he frowned, words coming very hard - 'one of the
beggars would ha' slain me. But the Mocker would not hear of it; no, he threw
me here without -food or fire.' He
looked up at Rod frowning. 'Which is most truly strange, Rod Gallowglass. Would
not you ha' thought he would ha' killed me himself?' 'No.'
Rod closed his eyes, shaking his head. 'He needs somebody to be figurehead king
after they've pulled down Catharine.' 'Nay,
not a king,' Tuan said, brooding. 'He cries that we shall ne'er have a king
more, but only a sort of chieftain, raised by acclaim of the people.' "'A
sort of chieftain."' Rod scowled. 'What name does he call this chieftain
by?' 'Dictator.'
Tuan chewed at the inside of his cheek. 'A most strange title. There shall be
no nobles or king, only the dictator. In all truth, most strange.' Rod's
mouth tightened with sourness. 'Not so strange as all that. But you don't mean
to say the beggars think they can take the castle?' 'Nay,
but it is known that the South is in arms, and Catharine was never one to be
waiting till the battle was brought to her.' 'Oh.'
Rod chewed that one over. 'You mean the Mocker's pretty sure she'll march south
to meet them?' 'Most
assuredly. And the Mocker will march south behind her.' Rod
nodded. 'So when the armies join battle, the beggars will attack the royal
forces from the rear.~ 'Ever
their way,' rumbled Loguire. Tuan
nodded agreement. 'And caught between two forces, her armies will last scarce
half an hour.' 'And
.what does the Mocker propose to do about the council-Ions and noblemen after
the battle's over? Durer means to make your brother king.' 'So it
would seem,' Tuan agreed, 'but the Mocker bath an answer to that, and to all
the noblemen.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised an eyebrow. 'Aye.
'us a tube of metal fitted into a crossbow stock, nothing more; but it throws a
ball of lead which can pierce the stoutest armor.~ 'And he
means to put one of these into the hands of every man in the army?' 'Oh,
nay.' Tuan frowned. 'He bath but the five of them, one for himself, one for
each of his three lieutenants, and one for his fourth lieutenant.' Tuan jerked
his head toward Tom's recumbent mountain form. 'But that one bath lately fallen
into disfavor. He assures us the five tubes shall answer for the full force of
noblemen and councillors.' But Rod
was staring at Tom. 'Big Tom?' He gulped. 'A lieutenant?' 'Aye.'
Tuan frowned. 'Did you not know he was of Clovis?' Tom
opened one hound's eye and looked back at Rod. Rod
looked away, cleared his throat, and pursed his lips. 'Well, ah, that does
explain a few things.' He switched
his eyes back to Tom. 'So you're part of the Inner Circle?' Big Tom
smiled sourly and held up one lumber forearm. The chain clashed and rattled.
'Was,' he said. 'He
stood against them,' rumbled Loguire, 'stood against his fellows and this - how
do you name him? The Mocker - stood against the Mocker and his three jackals
when they commanded I be 'prisoned with my son. "Nay," quoth your man
Tom, "I must needs take him back to my master, where he will be aid to
your plans." "The plans are changed," quoth they, and would not
hear of enlarging me; and then your man Tom, here, fought cheek by jowl at my
side, and accounted for a most goodly number of them.' This last was said in a
tone of surprised respect. Tom
grinned, and Rod saw with a shock that one tooth was missing from the big man's
smile. 'Thou art braw brawler tha'self,'
Tom chuckled. 'I ha' not thought gentlemen could fight so well without armor or
sword.' Rod
peered into the shadows at Tom's end of the room and saw that the big man's eye
was swollen and purple; also, there was a slash with a new scab across one
lumpy cheek. He sat
back, smiling on one side of his face. 'How many heads did you bash in, Big
Tom?' 'Scarce
a round score,' Tom replied with disgust. 'I had but this one stalwart gentleman
to guard my back, and there were too many for us.' Rod
grinned, wondering if Loguire knew just how deeply he had been complimented. He
stretched, yawned. 'Well, that pretty well brings us up to date. Anybody got a
poker deck?' The two
Loguires frowned, puzzled; but a flicker of recognition passed in Big Tom's
eyes. Rod
smiled sourly at the big peasant, and Tom's face turned wooden. He stared back
at Rod. 'Oh,
come on now, Tom!' Rod snapped. 'Your secret's official knowledge now. No more
point to playing games, is there?' Tom
glowered at him; then slowly, his face livened again, to a brooding, meditative
look. He
leaned back against the wall, half closing his eyes. 'Aye, tha hast the right
of it, as when hast thou not?' With a
sinking feeling, Rod began to realize that Big Tom saw him as more than just an
employer, or a piece in the game. 'My lot
is cast with thee now,' said Tom, 'whether I would have it or no; so wherefore
should I dissemble?' 'Dissemble?'
Rod cocked an eyebrow at his serving man. 'Pretty high-falutin' vocabulary for
a simple peasant, Big Tom.' Tom
waved a hand impatiently. 'Be done with your games! I am unmasked; do me the
courtesy to take off your own.' Rod
froze. Then,
slowly, he smiled. 'You're quicker than the average ursine, Big Tom. How long
have you known?' The
Loguires stared, totally lost. Big Tom
gave a short bark of laughter. 'Why, master, since first you used judo on me!' 'Ah.'
Rod's eyebrows lifted. 'From the first, then? So that's why you wangled the
batrnan job.' Tom
smiled lazily. 'Under
orders?' Tom
nodded. Rod
lowered his eyes, studying the chain on his wrist. 'What
are you, master?' 'A
warlock.' Rod winced inside; but it was the best answer under the
circumstances. Big Tom
spat. 'Games, master, games! 'Twas yourself said to be done with 'em! You are
not of the councillors, else you would not ha' stolen the Lord Loguire away
from them; and you are not of the House, or I would ha' known you of old. What
are you, then?' 'A
warlock,' Rod repeated. 'A new player in the game, Big Tom, and one who stands
squarely behind the Queen. X, the unknown factor in the councillors' and
Clovis' equations, here by pure happenstance and coincidence.' 'Warruh!'
Big, Tom spat again. 'I ha' small faith in happenstance, master. I ha' known
that you back the Queen; may I ask who stands behind you?' 'Strange
manner of talk,' growled Loguire, angering, 'for a footman to his lord.' Rod
smiled bleakly. 'A most strange footman, my lord.' 'Aye,
and a most strange lord,' Tom snarled. 'Who backs you, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod
studied the big man, then shrugged. The word would mean nothing to the
Loguires, and Tom was on his side now anyway. 'SCENT,'
he answered. Tom
stared; then, almost whispering, he said, 'I ha' thought the last of them were
dead.' He swallowed, bit his lip. 'Eh, but tha'rt alive. Tha might be a ghost,
but nay; tha'rt alive, or the witch would scarce be so fond of thee. I ha'
heard ye were dispersed, after ye won; but nay, I ought to ha' known. 'Twas
secret, and secret from all, mayhap; but thou lived.' 'Won?'
Rod frowned. And was
answered by a frown of even deeper perplexity from Tom. Then
the big man's face cleared. He grinned, rocking back against the wall, and
roared with laughter. The
Loguires stared from him to Rod, who spread his hands, shaking his head. They
looked back at Tom, wiping his eyes and eking the remains of his laugh into
chuckles. 'Eh, eh, now I see it, aye, now, and fool that I was not to see it
before. What age art thou, master?' 'Age?'
Rod scowled. 'Thirty-two. Why?' 'Nay,
nay!' Tom shook his head impatiently. 'What age art thou from?' Rod's
mouth formed a round, silent 0 as the light dawned. 'It was a time machine!' fig
Tom's face froze as he realized the implications of Rod's answer. 'And,'
Rod pressed, 'there's another one hidden in this building isn't there?' 'Enough!'
Big Tom snapped, and his eyes were very cold. 'You know too much already, Rod
Gallowglass.' Fear
gathered in Rod's belly and crawled up his spine as he saw chill, amoral murder
come into the man's eyes. 'Big
Tom.' He cleared his throat, spoke in a swift, driving monotone. 'Big Tom, your
own kind have turned against you now. You owe them no allegiance; and the
wrongs they said they'd fix, I can fix, too. Go back to them, and they'll kill
you. I won't, you know that.' The
annihilation ebbed from Tom's eyes, the huge body relaxed. 'Nay,'
Tom growled, 'thou hast right again, though not in the way tha knowest. They
ha' but bottled me up for now, till the great deeds are done; but they will
hale me forth again, for I am too costly a man to discard so lightly. But
tha'rt right they will slay me - in a year, two years, or five, when my office
is done. And I do wish to live.' Rod
raised an eyebrow skeptically. 'They don't doubt your loyalty?' Big Tom
chuckled deeply. 'They ha' no need to, master. I disagree only on means, not on
goals. But I disagree, and for that, soon or late, they will slay me.' 'Rod,'
said a quiet voice that only he could hear. Rod
held up a hand. 'Hold it! Late news on the Rialto!' 'Rod,
the Prince of the Elves has arrived. He is leading a squad of elves toward your
cell.' There was a touch of laughter to the robot's voice. 'All
right, what's so funny?' Rod muttered. 'You
have a surprise in store. Rod.' Two
gnarled, bent, white-bearded figures scurried up to the window. Rod frowned. 'Fess,
those are gnomes, not elves.' 'Gnomes?
Oh, yes, metal-working elves. Purely semantics, Rod. They are still incapable
of dealing with iron.' The
gnomes pulled out a hammer and cold chisel with a faint bronze sheen, then
stepped back and handed them to a larger, darker figure that blocked out the
sunlight. The
Loguires, chained under the window, craned their necks backwards to try to see
as the first blow sounded. Big Tom
frowned. 'There be something that pricks at my memory about that form at the
window. Ah, for light, to see his face!' Rod
frowned. 'What's so great about his face? Probably pretty ugly.' Tom
gave a toothy grin. ''Twould be excellent fine to tell my children, good
master, if I should live long enough to sire them. No mortal has yet looked
upon the faces of the royalty of the Elves, though they are said to be aged
past believing. They are. . .uh. .. ah.. .mammon!' Tom's
head lolled forward; he began to snore. Two
other snores answered him. Turning, Rod saw the Loguires, chins on their
chests, sleeping blissfully. Rod
stared. A metal
bar dropped from the window and bounced on the floor. The ends were sheered
through. Rod
whistled. This Prince of the Elves might be old, but he certainly wasn't
languishing - not if he could still cut through inch-thick iron with nothing
but a cold chisel and a mallet. The
third bar fell down. There was a scrabbling sound, and the squat broad form
shot through the window and leaped to the floor. Rod
stared, squeezed his eyes shut, and shook his head. Then he looked again, and
understood why Tom and the Loguires had suddenly dozed off. He
swallowed, fought for composure, and smiled. 'Well met, Brom O'Berin.' 'At
your service.' The little man bowed, smiling maliciously. 'I owe you a rap on
the head, Master Gallowglass, for the way that you spoke to the Queen: a rap on
the head, or great thanks, I know not which.' He
turned to the window and called softly in a strange, fluid tongue. The cold
chisel arced through the air and fell to his feet. He reached up and caught the
hammer as it dropped. 'Now,
them' He dropped to his knees and pressed Rod's forearm
flat against the floor. 'Stir not, or thou'lt have a gouge out of thy
wristbone.' He set the chisel against the first link of chain and tapped
lightly with the hammer. The link fell off, sheared through. Brom grunted and
moved to Rod's other side. 'Thou'lt
wear bracelets when I've done,' he grumbled, 'but no chains. The manacles must
wait till we're at the castle smithy.' 'Uh...
that's pretty hard bronze you've got there,' Rod ventured, watching the chisel
slide through the iron. 'Most
hard,' Brom agreed, attacking the ankle chains. 'An old recipe, known long in
my family.' 'Uh...
in your family?' 'Aye.'
Brom looked up. 'There were elves in lost Greece, too, Rod Gallowglass. Didst
thou not know?' Rod
didst not; but he didn't figure this was the time to mention it. He
stood up, free of the chains at least, and watched Brom cutting the others
loose. The Prince of the Elves bit explained a lot about Brom: his size and
bulk, for one thing. 'Never
knew you were royalty, Brom.' 'Hm?'
Brom looked back over his shoulder. 'I would have thought thou'd have guessed
it. Why else am I named as I am?' He
turned back to his work. Rod frowned. Name? What did that have to do with
anything? Brom? O'Berin? He couldn't see the connection. 'There,
the last,' said Brom, cutting through Big Tom's foot shackle. 'Do thou now lend
me aid of thine shoulder, Master Gallowglass.' He
jumped back out through the window. Rod got a shoulder in Tom's midriff and,
staggering, somehow manhandled him over to the window as a rope flew through. Rod
tied it under Tom's arms, threw the loose end out, and called 'Heave!' He
heard Brom grunt, and marveled again at the little man's-muscles as Big Tom
moved jerkily up the wall, still snoring happily. What
with the barebelly and the muscles, and the minimal size of the window, Big Tom
was a tight fit. 'Why
don't you just wake him and let him shove himself out?' Rod grunted as he
shoved at Tom's ample rear. 'I have
no wish for my office to be known among mortals,' came Brom's muffled reply. The
window now framed only Tom's sizable posterior and sequoia shanks. Rod eyed the
former, weighing the merits of a well-placed kick, and decided against it. 'So
why'd you let me stay awake?' he grunted as he pushed. 'One
amongst you must needs aid me with the others,' answered Brom, but Rod had a
notion that wasn't quite the whole story. He left
off the questions, however, until his cellmates were deposited on the ground
outside the window. Tuan's shoulders had proved even more of an obstacle than
Tom's belly; they had to back him up, feed his hands through in front of his
head. while Rod wondered fleetingly about brachiator ancestry. Then
Brom hauled Rod out, muttering something about the fish being undersized these
days. Rod snarled a return compliment as he gained his feet, then bowed double,
putting his head on Brom's level. 'And
what's that for?' Brom growled. 'For
belting,' Rod answered. 'You owe me a rap on the head, remember?' The
dwarf chuckled, clapped him on the shoulder. 'Nay, lad; you did only that which
I should ha' done myself years ago; but I had never the heart. But come now, we
must away.' Brom
caught up Tuan's midsection. The gnomes took his shoulders and feet, and bore
him away toward the ruined fountain in the center of the courtyard. More
gnomes materialized out of the stonework and tucked their shoulders under Big
Tom. Rod
shook his head wonderingly, and stooped to sling Loguire over a shoulder. Brom
fumbled with a stone at the fountain's base and pulled it away to disclose the
dark mouth of a small tunnel three feet in diameter. Rod
tapped Brom on the shoulder. 'Wouldn't this be a little easier if we woke them
first?' Brom
stared, scandalized; then his face darkened. 'We go to Elfland, Master
Gallowglass! And no mortal may journey there and remember it!' 'I
have.' 'Well,
truth,' Brom admitted, turning back to the Tuan problem, 'but then thou'rt not
so mortal as some. Thou'rt a warlock.' He disappeared into the burrow. Rod
started to reply, then thought better of it. He contented himself with a few
grunted remarks about discrimination and a report to the Human Rights
Commission as he lugged Loguire into the tunnel. Two
gnomes started to swing the stone back into place, but Rod stopped them with an
upraised hand. 'Fess,'
he murmured, looking at the stable, 'we're on our way. Get out of that hole and
meet me at the castle.' There
was a moment's silence; then a crash and the sound of splintering wood came
from the stables. The door crashed open, and the great black horse came
trotting out into the morning sunlight, head held high, mane streaming. Heads
popped out of slit-windows in the inn as a bleary-eyed hostler came stumbling
out of the stable in Fess's wake, screaming for the horse to stop. 'Come
on, get moving!' Rod growled, but instead, Fess stopped and looked back over his
shoulder at the hostler. The
youth came running up, shouting, one hand outstretched to grab Fess's bridle. A
great, blue electric spark crackled from Fess's hide to the youth's hand. The
hostler screamed and fell backward, nursing his hand and moaning as he rolled
on the cobbles. Fess was off in a swirl and a clatter of hooves. 'Show-off,'
Rod growled as the horse disappeared. 'Not at all, Rod,' came the horse's quiet
answer. 'Merely providing an instructive object lesson - at low amperage, it
shook him up but didn't hurt him - and enhancing your reputation as a warlock.' Rod
shook his head slowly. 'As if it needed enhancing!' 'Why,
Master Gallowglass,' one of the gnomes chuckled in a voice strongly reminiscent
of a rusty can opener, 'wouldst thou have us believe thou'rt not a warlock?' 'Yes!
Uh, that is, I, uh.. .' Rod glanced back at the tunnel. 'Warlock? Of course I'm
a warlock! Till we get through Elfland, anyway. Shall we go, boys?' Not so
very much later, they sat around the fire in the Queen's council chamber.
Catharine had apologized profusely to Loguire, pointedly ignoring Tuan the
while; and, the amenities over, reverted to type. Tuan
sat to the left of the fireplace, eyes fixed in brooding on the flames. Catharine
sat in the angle of the room, as far from Turn as possible, with a heavy oak
table and Brom O'Berin carefully interposed between. and
that is full standing in the South, my Queen,' said Loguire, gnarled hands
twisting as he wound up his report, which had abounded in nuances of intrigue
that Rod couldn't follow at all. 'I am no longer duke; and the rebel lords
march already.' Catharine
stirred. 'Thou shalt be Duke Loguire again,' she stated coldly, 'when we have
beaten these traitors!' Loguire
smiled sadly. 'They shall not be easily beaten, Catharine.' '"Your
Majesty"!' she snapped. "'Catharine"!'
Rod barked. She
glared at him. He
glared back. Catharine
turned haughtily away. 'What am I, Brom?' '"Your
Majesty," ' Brom answered with the ghost of a smile. 'But to your uncle,
and to his son, your cousin, you must needs be Catharine.' Rod
fought down a smile as Catharine sank back in her chair, staring aghast at
Brom. She
composed herself, and gave Brom the best et too, Brute? look in her repertoire.
'I had thought you were for me, Brom O'Berin.' 'Why,
so I am,' Brom smiled, 'and so is this gyrfalcon, here' - he
jerked a thumb toward Rod - 'if you would but see it.' Catharine
favored Rod with a cold glance. 'A gyrfalcon, aye.' Her voice hardened. 'And
what of the poppinjay?' Tuan's
head shot up as though he'd been slapped. He stared at her, appalled, eyes wide
with hurt. Then
his mouth tightened, and a crease appeared between his eyebrows. Some
day, Rod thought, she will push him just a little too far, and that may be the
luckiest day of her life - ii she lives through it. 'I am
for you,' Turn breathed. 'Even now, Catharine my Queen.' She
smiled, smug and contemptuous. 'Aye, I had known you would be.' Oh,
bitch! Rod thought, his fist tightening. Bitch! Catharine noticed the silent
motions of his lips. She smiled archly. 'What words do you mumble there,
sirrah?' 'Oh,
ah, just running through a breath-exercise my old voice-and-diction coach
taught me.' Rod leaned back against the wall, folding his arms. 'But about the
rebels, Queenie dear, just what do you propose to do about them?' 'We
shall march south,' she snapped, 'and meet them on Breden Plain!' 'Nay!'
Loguire bolted from his chair. 'Their force is ten to our one, if not more!' Catharine
glared at her uncle, the corners of her mouth curled into tight little hooks.
'We shall not stay to be found like a rat in a crevice!' 'Then,'
said Rod, 'you will lose.' She
looked down her nose at him (no mean trick, when she was seated and he was
standing). 'There is naught of dishonor in that, Master Gallowglass.' Rod
struck his forehead and rolled his eyes up. 'What else ought I do?' she
sneered. 'Prepare for a siege?' 'Well, now that you mention it,' said Rod,
'yes.' 'There is this, too,' Turn put in, his voice flat. 'Who shall guard your
back 'gainst the House of Clovis?' Her lip
curled. 'Beggars!' 'Beggars
and cutthroats,' Rod reminded her. 'With very sharp knives.' 'Shall
the Queen fear a beggar?' she snapped. 'Nay! They are dust at my feet!' 'That
which crawls in the dust at your feet is a snake,' Brom rumbled, 'and its fangs
are sharpened, and poisonous. She
caught her lip between her teeth and lowered her eyes, uncertain, then she
lifted her chin again, and glared at Tuan. 'So you
have armed them against me, and beaten them into an army, 'ruled and ordered
and forged them into a dagger for my back! Most bravely well done, King of
Vagabonds!' Rod's
head snapped up. He stared. He turned his head slowly toward Tuan, a strange
light in his eyes. - 'I will
march,' said Catharine. 'Will you march at my side, my Lord Loguire?' The old
lord bent his head slowly in affirmation. 'You play the fool, Catharine, and
will die; but I will die with you.' Her
composure wavered for a moment; her eyes moistened. She
turned briskly to Brom. 'And you, Brom O'Berin?' The
dwarf spread his hands. 'Your father's watchdog, milady, and yours.' She
smiled fondly. Then
her eyes snapped hard as she looked at Tuan. 'Speak, Tuan Loguire.' The
youth raised his eyes, very slowly, to the fires. 'It is strange,' he murmured,
'at but twenty-two years of age, to look back over so very short a time, and
see so much folly.' Rod
heard a choked gasp from Catharine. Tuan
slapped his thigh. 'Well, then, 'tis done; and if I have lived in folly, I might
as well die in it.' He
turned, his eyes gentle, brooding. 'I shall die with you, Catharine.' Her
face was ashen. 'Folly...' she whispered. 'He
knows not what wisdom he speaks,' Brom growled. He looked over Tuan's shoulder
at Rod. 'What say you to folly, Rod Gallowglass?' Rod's
eyes slowly focused on Brom's. '"Wise fool, brave fool,"' he
murmured. Brom
frowned. 'How say you?' 'I say
that we may yet live through this!' Rod grinned, eyes kindling. 'Ho, King of
the Vagabonds!' He slapped Tuan's shoulder. 'If the Mocker and his henchmen
were gone, could you sway the beggars to fight for the Queen?' Tuan's
face came alive again. 'Aye, assuredly, were they gone!' Rod's
lips pulled back in a savage grin. 'They shall be.' The
moon was riding high when Rod, Tuan, and Tom darted from the shadow of the
tottering wall to the shadow of the ruined fountain in the courtyard of the
House of Clovis. 'Thou
wouldst make most excellent burglars, .thou,' growled Big Torn. 'I might ha'
heard thee a league or three away.' It
hadn't been easy to persuade Big Tom to come along. Of course, Rod had started
on the wrong tack; he'd assumed Tom's loyalties to the proletarian idea had
died when he was clapped into irons. He'd clapped Tom on the back, saying,
'How'd you like a chance to get back at your friends?' Tom bad
scowled. 'Get back at 'em?' 'Yeah.
They booted you out, didn't they'? Threw you in the calaboose, didn't they?
After your blood now, ain't they?' Tom
chuckled, 'Nay, master, not by half! Eli, no! They'd ha' freed me when the
trouble was done!' 'Oh.'
Rod scowled. 'I see. Trained men are hard to come by.' Tom's
face darkened. 'Thou seest too quick for my liking.' 'Well,
be that as it may...' Ro4 slung an arm around the big man's shoulders, almost
dislocating his arm in the process. 'Uh, in that case. . . what did they lock
you up for?' Tom
shrugged. 'Disagreement.' 'Ways
and means, eh?' 'Aye.
They held for attacking Queen and nobles both at one time, though 'twould mean
dividing of forces.' 'Sounds
risky. What did you want to do?' 'Why,
to bring down the noblemen and their councillors first, under guise of loyalty
to the throne. Then we might slowly woo all the land to the House of Clovis,
and, secured by the people, pull down the Queen and Brom O'Berin with two blows
of a knife.' Rod
swallowed and tried to remember that the man was on his side now. 'Very neat.'
He slapped Tom on the back. 'Spoken like a good little Bolshevik. How much does
that way of doing things mean to you, Tom?' Big Tom
gave him a long, calculating look. 'What price were you minded of, master?' Rod
grinned. 'Shall we throw your four colleagues in the cell they'd reserved for
you?' ''Twould
be pleasant,' said Tom slowly. 'What comes after, master?' 'Why,
then,' said Rod, 'the House of Clovis fights on the Queen's side, against the
nobles. That gives you a better chance of beating the councillors and nobles;
and afterward, you can follow through with your own plan.' Tom
nodded, slowly. 'But will the beggars fight for the Queen?' 'That,
we leave to Tuan Loguire.' Tom's
face stretched into a huge grin. He threw back his head and roared, slapping
Rod on the back. Rod
picked himself up off the floor, hearing Big Tom gasp between spasms of
laughter, 'Eli, I should ha' thought of it, master! Aye, that boy will charm
them! You know not the powers
of that silver tongue, master. The lad could make a leopard believe it had no
spots!' Rod
held his peace, trying to remember if he'd seen a leopard on Gramarye, while he
tried to rub the sore spot between his shoulders. 'Thou'll
twist thine arm loose that way.' Tom grinned. He turned Rod around and began to
massage his back. 'Thou knowest, master, if together we bring down the
councillors, 'twill be thy head, alongside Brom's and the Queen's. that I'll
next be a-chasing.' Rod
closed his eyes, savoring the massage. 'It oughta be a great fight. A little
further to the left, Big Tom.' So now
they stood in the shadows of the fountain with Tuan between them, planning
assault on the moldering heap of stone that stood across a moon-filled expanse
of courtyard. Rod
counted his pulse beats, wondering if his heart had really slowed that much,
until Tom whispered, 'No alarm. They ha' not seen us, good masters. Ready
thyselves, now.' Tom
gathered himself, looking like a diesel semi that had decided to turn
cat-burglar. 'Now!'
he growled, and ran. They
charged lightly, quietly, through the seeming glare of the moonlight to the
welcoming shadow of the walls, then flattened themselves against the stone,
hearts thudding, breath held as they strained their ears for some sound of
alarm. After a
small eternity of three minutes, Big Tom loosed his breath in a great, gusty
sigh. 'Eli,
then, lads!' he hissed. 'Come along, now.' They
crept around the corner of the great dank stone pile. Big Tom splayed his
fingers out wide, set his elbow at the corner of the wall, and marked the spot
where his second finger ended. He put his other elbow against the mark. 'Big
Tom!' Rod called in an agonized whisper, 'we don't have time for-' 'Hsst!'
Tuan's fingers clamped on Rod's shoulders. 'Silence, I pray thee! He measures
in cubits!' Rod
shut up, feeling rather foolish. Tom
made a few more measurements, which apparently resulted in his finding what he
was looking for. He pulled a pry from the pouch at his belt and began to lever
at the base of a three-foot block. Rod
stared, uncomprehending. It would take all night and most of the next day to
dig the block out. What was Tom trying to do? Tom
gave a last pry, and caught the sheet of stone as it fell outward. It was
perhaps an inch thick. He laid
the slab on the ground and looked up at his companions. His grin flashed chill
in the moonlight. 'I had thought I might have need of a bolthole one day,' he
whispered. 'Gently now, lads.' He
ducked head and arms through the hole, kicked off with his feet and slithered
through. Rod
swallowed hard and followed Tom. Tuan came through at his heels. 'All
in?' Tom whispered as Tuan's feet stood hard to the floor, and the moonlight
was cut off as Tom fitted the stone plug back into place. 'Light,'
he whispered. Rod cupped his hand over the hilt of his dagger and turned it on,
letting a ray of light escape between two fingers. It was enough to see Big Tom
grope up a worm-eaten panel from the floor and fit it back into place in the
bolthole. Tom
straightened, grinning. 'Now let them wonder at our coming. To work, masters.' He
turned away. Rod followed, looking quickly about him. They were in a large
stone room that had once been paneled. The panels were crumbled and fallen away
for the most part. The room held only cobwebs, rusty iron utensils, and long
trestle tables, spongy now with rot. ''Twas
a kitchen, once,' Tom murmured. 'They cook at the hearth in the common room,
now. None ha' used this place for threescore years or more.' Rod
shuddered. 'What's a good kid like you doing in a place like this, Tom?' Big Tom
snorted. 'No, I
mean it,' said Rod urgently. 'You can judge a god, an ideal, by the people who
worship it, Tom.' 'Be
still!' Tom snapped. 'It's
true, though, isn't it? The councillors are all rotten, we know that. And the
Mocker and his buddies are lice. You're the only good man in the bunch. Why
don't you-' 'Be
still!' Tom snarled, swinging about so suddenly that Rod blundered into him.
Rod felt the huge, hamlike hand grabbing a fistful of his doublet, right at the
throat, and smelled the beery, garlic reek of Tom's breath as the man thrust
his face close to Rod's. 'And
what of the Queen?' Tom hissed. 'What says she for her gods, eh?' He let
Rod go, with a shove that threw him back against the wall, and turned away. Rod
collected himself and followed, but not before he had caught a glimpse of
Tuan's eyes, narrowed and chill with hate, in the beam of the torch. 'We approach
a corner,' Tom muttered. 'Dampen the light.' The torch winked out; a few
moments later, Rod felt the • stone
wall fall away under his left hand. He turned, and saw a faint glow at the end
of the blackened, short hallway ahead. Big Tom
stopped, ''Tis a corner again, and a sentry beyond. Walk wary, lads.' He
moved away again, stepping very carefully. Rod followed, feeling Tuan's breath
hot on the back of his neck. As they
neared the corner, they heard a rhythm of faint snores to their right, from the
new hallway. Big Tom
flattened himself against the wall with a wolfish grin. Rod followed suit. ..
and drew away with a gasp and a convulsive shudder. Tom
scowled at him, motioning for silence. Rod
looked at the wall and saw a thick blob of grayish-white stuff fastened to the
wall. It had brushed the back of his neck, and he could say with authority that
the texture was flaccid, the touch cold and moist. He
looked at the obscene glob and shuddered again. ''Tis but witch-moss, Rod
Gallowglass,' Tuan whispered in his ear. Rod
frowned. 'Witch-moss?' Tuan
stared, incredulous. 'Thou'rt a warlock, and knowest not witch-moss?' Rod was
saved from an answer by the cessation of the snores from around the corner. The
trio caught their collective breath and flattened themselves against the wall,
Rod carefully avoiding the witchmoss. Tom glared at his sidekicks. The
moment of silence stretched out as thin as the content of a congressman's
speech. 'Hold!'
shouted a voice from around the corner. Their
muscles snapped tight in a spasm. 'Where
do you go at this hour?' the sentry's voice snarled. Dread
clambered its way up Rod's spine. A
quaking, nasal voice answered the sentry. 'Nay, I do but seek the jakes!' The
three men let their breath out in a long, silent sigh. 'Sir,
when yer speak to a soldier!' 'Sir,'
the whining voice echoed, surly. 'What
was your reason for walking past curfew?' the sentry threatened in ominous
tones. '1 do
but seek the jakes, sir,' the nasal voice whined. The
sentry chuckled, mollified. 'And the jakes are near to the women's hall? Nay, I
think not! Back to your pallet, scum! Your doxie's not for you this night!' 'But
I-' 'Nay!'
the guard snapped. 'You do know the rule, fellow. Do you ask of the Mocker
first.' The voice became almost confidential. ''Tain't so much as all that,
chum. Like as not he'll give yer the paper says yer can do't, an' set yer a fit
place an' time. He's free 'nough about it.' The
nasal one hawked and spat. 'Come
on, now,' the guard growled. 'Yer've but to ask of him.' 'Aye,'
sneered the nasal voice, 'and ask again every night that I'm wishin' to see
her! Hell, 'twas the one thing in this world that came cheap!' The
guard's voice hardened again. 'The Mocker's word is the law in this House, and
my club'll remind you of it, if my word's not enough!' There
was a pause, then an angry, despairing snarl, and feet padded away. There
was silence again; after a while, the guard began to Snore again. Rod
glanced at Tuan. The boy's face was dead white, lips pressed so tight the
color'd gone out of them. '1 take
it you didn't know anything about this?' Rod whispered. 'Nay,'
Tuan whispered back. 'Once they'd set me by, they wasted no time. A guard at
each hail, a writ ere two may share a bed - this is worse than the lords of the
South!' Tom's
head jerked up. 'Nay!' he snarled. ''Tis but inconvenience. The gains to be got
from it are well worth the price.' For his
part, Rod agreed with Tuan. Police state, control over every facet of the
people's lives - yes, the Mocker's Marxism was showing. 'What
gains are worth that price?' Tuan snorted, raising his whisper a trifle. 'Why,'
growled Big Tom, at minimum bullfrog volume, 'more food for all, more and
better clothing, none poor and none starving.' 'And
all thanks to planned parenthood,' Rod murmured, with an apprehensive glance at
the corner. 'And
how may this come?' asked Tuan, hiking his voice another notch and ignoring
Rod's frantic signals. 'From a writ of consent for a lovemaking? I cannot see
how!' Tom's lip
twisted in scorn, and the bullfrog croaked louder. 'Nay, you cannot! But the
Mocker can!' Tuan
stared; then his jaw tightened, and his hand slipped to his dagger. 'Do you
place yourself and your kind above a nobleman, churl?' 'Uh,
gentlemen,' Rod whispered. Big Tom
tensed, grinning; his eyes danced mockery. 'Blood will tell,' he said, full
voice. Tuan's
dagger leaped out as he sprang. Tom
lugged out his minor sword. Rod
threw out his hands, stiff-arming both of them at the collarbone. 'Gentlemen, gentlemen!
I realize you both feel very strongly about the issues at hand; but it is my
bounden duty to remind you that a sentry fully capable of bringing the wrath of
the House down on our heads is dozing, and not too heavily either, just around
the corner!' 'This
is not to be borne, Rod Gallowglass!' 'Aye,'
chuckled Big Tom, 'the truth was ever hard to bear.' Tuan lunged, trying to
stab at Tom over Rod's head. Rod shoved back on the boy's collarbone and ducked
as the knife arced past his head. Tom
chuckled softly. 'There is a nobleman for you! A fool could see the reach is
too great! Ever will he overreach himself, when he knows he must fail.' Rod
eyed Tom sideways. 'You're slipping, Big Tom. That was almost a compliment.' 'Nay!'
Tom hissed, his eyes fire. 'To attempt the impossible is the act of a fool! The
nobles are fools, and the roads to their utopias
are paved with the bones of the peasants I' Tuan
spat. 'And what else are they-' 'Be
still!' Rod gave them both a shake. 'Could I possibly persuade you to overlook
your obvious differences in favor of the common good for a moment?' Tom
straightened to his full height and looked down his nose at Tuan. 'Little man,'
he crooned. Rod let
go of Tuan and swung on Big Tom, grabbing the big man's collar with both bands.
Tom grinned and brought up a hamlike fist. 'Aye, master?' 'What's
the utopia right now, Big Tom?' Rod breathed. Tom's grin faded to a frown.
'Why, that the people of Gramarye should rule their own land for themselves.' 'Right!'
Rod let go of Tom's collar, patting the man's cheek. 'Bright boy! You get the
silver star this week! And what do you have to do first?' 'Kill
the councillors and noblemen!' Tom grinned. 'Very good! A gold star for the
boy! You'll make valedictorian yet, Big Tom! Now, if you really want to be a
good boy, tell teacher what y5u have to do before that!' Tom
sobered. 'Jail the Mocker.' 'A-plus!
And what comes before that?' Big Tom
knit his brow, confused. 'What?' 'Be
quiet!' Rod roared in his face, in a stage whisper. He spun on Tuan. 'Now! What
do we do about that sentry?' And to himself, he mumbled, 'Sheesh! I should
maybe have brought a political convention in here!' Tuan's
chin jutted out stubbornly. 'Ere we go further, this fellow must acknowledge me
lord!' Tom
took a breath for a fresh blast. 'Down,
boy!' Rod said hurriedly. 'High blood pressure's bad for you! Is Tuan Loguire a
nobleman born, Tom?' 'Aye,'
Tom grudged, 'but that does not-' 'Is
Loguire one of the greatest of the noble houses?' 'It is,
but-' 'And
your mother and father were peasants?' 'Yes,
but that's not to say that-' 'And
you have absolutely no wish to have been born a nobleman!' 'Never!'
Tom hissed, eyes glowing. 'May I be hanged from the highest gallows in Gramarye
if ever I had wished that!' 'And
you wouldn't want to be a nobleman if you could?' 'Master!'
Big Tom pleaded, wounded to the core. 'Hast so little regard for me that thou
couldst think such of me?' 'No, I
trust you, Big Tom,' said Rod, patting his shoulder, 'but Tuan has to be
shown.' He turned to the young nobleman. 'You satisfied? He knows his place,
doesn't he?' 'Aye.'
Tuan smiled like a fond father. 'Fool I was to doubt him.' Understanding
come into Tom's eyes as his mouth dropped open. His heavy band closed on Rod's
neck. 'Why, thou lump of...!' Rod
reached up and squeezed Tom's elbow just at the funny bone. Tom let go, eyes
starting from their sockets, mouth sagging in a cry of agony that he dared not
voice. 'Now,'
said Rod briskly, 'how do we get rid of that sentry?' 'Oh,
thou scum!' Tom breathed. 'Thou slimy patch of river-moss, thou mongrel
son-of-a-democrat, thou!' 'Precisely,'
Rod agreed. 'Nay,
but tell me,' Tuan breathed in Rod's ear, eyes glowing. 'What didst thou do to
him? Thou didst but touch him and-' 'Uh...
warlock trick,' said Rod, falling back on the easiest, though most distasteful,
excuse. He caught the back of Tuan's neck and jerked the youth's head down into
the huddle with himself and Big Tom. 'Now, how do we knock out that sentry?' 'There
is but one way,' murmured Tuan. 'Wake him and fight him.' 'And
let him give the alarm?' Tom stared, horrified. 'Nay, nay! Come catpaw behind
him, and give him a blow o' the head!' 'That,'
said Tuan grimly, 'tacks honor!' Tom
spat. 'Bit
Tom's plan is okay,' said Rod, 'except what happens if he wakes while we're
sneaking up? And there's a very good chance of it; that lecherous beggar proved
it for us!' Tom
shrugged. 'Then a quick rush, and a hope. If we die, then we die.' 'And
the Queen dies with us,' Rod growled. 'No good.' Tom
pulled out his short sword and balanced it on a finger. 'I'll strike him in the
throat with this blade at full fifty paces.~ Tuan
stared, appalled. 'A man of your own men, sirrah!' 'One
for the good of the cause.' Tom shrugged. 'What of it?' Tuan's
eyes froze. 'That is worse than a stab in the back! We must needs give him lief
to defend himself.' 'Oh,
aye!' Tom snorted. 'Lief to defend himself, and to raise the whole House with
his cries! Lief to...' Rod
clapped a hand over each mouth, glad that he hadn't brought three men with him.
He hissed at Big Tom, 'Be patient, will you? He's new to commando work!' Tom
sobered. Tuan
straightened, eyes icy. Rod put
his mouth next to Tom's ear and whispered, 'Look, if you hadn't known he was an
aristocrat, how would you have judged him?' 'A
brave man, and a strong fighter,' Tom admitted, 'though foolish and young, with
too many ideals.' Rod
shook a finger at him. 'Prejudice, Big Tom! Discrimination! I thought you
believed in equality!' 'Well
said,' Tom growled reluctantly; 'I'll bear him. But one more of his pious
mouthings and...' 'If we
get this job done fast, he won't have a chance to. Now, I've got an idea.' 'Then
why didst thou ask us?' growled Tom. ''Cause
I didn't get my idea till you two started haggling. What we need is a
compromise solution, right? Tuan won't stand for a knife in the back, or a
knife while the guy's sleeping, or for killing a loyal retainer who might make
good cannon fodder tomorrow. Right?' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed. 'And
Big Tom won't stand for him giving the alarm - and neither will I, for that
matter: we're all good fighters, but just the three of us against the whole
Houseful of cutthroats is straining the bonds of fantasy just a little bit far.
So, Tom! If that sentry should come running around this corner all of a sudden,
will you clobber him lightly?' 'Aye!'
Tom grinned. 'Lightly,
I said. Does that satisfy honor, Tuan?' 'Aye,
since he faces us.' 'Good!
Now, if we could just get him to chase a mouse around this corner, we'd be all
set.' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed, 'but where's the mouse that would so nicely oblige us?' 'The
master could make one,' Tom growled. 'Make
one?' Rod stared. 'Sure if I had a machine shop and a... 'Nay,
nay!' Tuan grinned. 'I know not those spells; but thou hast the witch-moss, and
thou'rt a warlock! What more dost thou need?' 'Huh?'
Rod swallowed. 'Witches make things out of that stuff?' 'Aye,
aye! Dost thou not know? Living things, small things -like mice!' The
missing piece in the puzzle of Gramarye clicked into place in Rod's mind. 'Uh,
say, how do they work that trick?' 'Why,
they have but to look at a lump of the stuff, and it becomes what they wish
it!' Rod
nodded slowly. 'Very neat, ve-ry neat. The only hitch in the plan is, that's
not my style of witchcraft.' Tuan
sagged. 'Thou craftest not witch-moss? Then how are we to . . .? Still, 'tis
most strange that thou shouldst not know of it.' 'Not
so,' Tom dissented. 'A very poor briefing bureau . . 'Oh, shut up!' Rod
growled. 'There are other ways to get a mouse.' He cupped his hands around his
mouth and called softly, 'Gwen! Oh, Gwe-en!' A
spider dropped down on a thread right in front of his nose. Rod
jumped. 'Ye cats! Don't do that, girl!' 'Vermin!'
Tom hissed, and swung his hand back for a swat. Rod
poked him in the solar plexus. 'Careful, there! Squash a spider, and you get
bad luck, you know - namely, me!' He
cupped the spider in his hand and caressed it very gently with a finger. 'Well,
at least you didn't choose a black widow. Prettiest spider I ever saw, come to
think of it.' The
spider danced on his hand. 'Listen,
sweetheart, I need a mouse to bring me that sentry. Can you handle it?' The
spider shape blurred, fluxed, and grew into a mouse. It jumped from his hand
and dashed for the corner. 'Oh, no you don't!' Rod sprang, cupped a hand over
it, then very carefully picked it up. 'Sorry, sweetheart, you might get stepped
on - and if anything like that happened to you, I'd be totally crushed.' He
kissed its nose, and heard Tom gagging behind him. The mouse wriggled in
ecstasy. 'No,'
said Rod, running a fingertip over its back and pinching the tail, 'you've got
to make me one instead, out of that, blob of witch-moss. Think you can handle
it, pet?' The
mouse nodded, turned, and stared at the witch-moss. Slowly, the blob pulled
itself in, extruded a tendril into a tail, grew whiskers at the top end,
changed color to brown, and a mouse crept down off the wall. Tom
gulped and crossed himself. Rod
frowned. 'Thought you were an atheist.' 'Not at
times like this, master.' The
witch-moss mouse scurried around the corner. Big Tom
lifted his dagger, holding it by the tip, the heavy, weighted handle raised
like a club. The
snores around the corner stopped with a grunt. 'Gahhh!
Nibble on me, will ya, y' crawlin' ferleigh?' The
sentry's stool clattered over. He stamped twice, missed both times; then the
waiting men heard running footsteps approaching. Tom
tensed himself. The
mouse streaked around the corner. The
sentry came right behind it, cursing. His feet slipped on the turn. He looked
up, saw Tom, and had just time enough to begin to look horrified before Tom's
knife-hilt caught him at the base of the skull with a very solid thunk. Rod let
out a sigh of relief. 'At last!' The
sentry folded nicely into Tuan's waiting arms. The young nobleman looked at
Rod, grinning. 'Who
fights by the side of a warlock,' he said, 'wins.' 'Still,
it was a pretty ratty trick,' said Rod sheepishly. Tom winced and pulled a
length of black thread from his pouch. 'Nay,
that will not hold him,' Tuan protested. Tom's
only answer was a grin. 'Fishline?'
Rod lifted an eyebrow. 'Better,'
said Big Tom, kneeling, beginning to wrap up the sentry. 'Braided synthetic
spider silk.' 'And we
owe it all to you,' said Rod, petting the mouse in his hand. It
wriggled its nose, then dove between the buttons on his doublet. Rod
stifled a snicker, cupped a hand over the lump on his belly. 'Hey, watch it!
That tickles!' Tom had
the sentry nicely cocooned, with a rag jammed in his mouth and held in place by
a few twists of thread. 'Where
shall we hide him?' Tuan whispered. 'There's
nary a place close to hand,' Tom muttered, tongue between his teeth as he tied
a Gordion knot. 'Hey!'
Rod clapped a cupped hand over a lump moving south of his belt buckle. 'Cut
that out!' 'There's
a torch-sconce on this wall,' said Tuan, pointing. 'The very thing,' Tom
growled. He heaved the inert sentry up, hooked one of the spider-thread loops
over the sconce. Rod
shook his head. 'Suppose someone comes by this way? We can't have him hanging
around like that.' He
reached in his doublet and hauled the mouse away from its exploratory tour of
his thorax. 'Listen, baby, you know what a dimensional warp is?' The
mouse rolled its eyes up and twitched its whiskers. Then it shook its head
firmly. 'How
about a, uh, time-pocket?' The
mouse nodded eagerly; then the little rodent face twisted up in concentration .
. . and the sentry disappeared. Tuan
goggled, mouth gaping open. Big Tom
pursed his lips, then said briskly, 'Ah. . . yes! Well, let's get on with it,
then.' Rod
grinned, put the mouse on the floor, turned it around, gave it a pat on the
backside. 'Get
lost, you bewitching beast. But stay close; I might need you.' The
mouse scampered off with a last squeak over her shoulder. 'The
Mocker will be sleeping in what was Tuan's chamber, I doubt not,' Tom muttered,
'and his lieutenants, we may hope, will not be far off.' 'May
not one of them be wakeful?' whispered Tuan. 'Or might one be set Master of the
Watch?' Tom
turned slowly, eyeing Tuan with a strange look on his face. He raised an
eyebrow at Rod. 'A good man,' he admitted, 'and a good guess.' Then, 'Follow,'
and he turned away. They
were able to bypass the only other sentry between themselves and the common
room. The
room itself, cavernous and slipshod as ever, was lit only by the smoky glow
from the great fireplace, and a few smoldering torches. It was enough, however,
to make out the great stone staircase that curved its way up the far wall with
a grace that belied its worn treads and broken balustrade. A
gallery jutted out into the ball at the top of the stair. The doors opening off
it gave onto private rooms. A
broad-shouldered, hatchet-faced man sat sprawled and snoring in a huge chair by
the side of the vast fireplace. A sentry stood guard at the foot of the great
staircase, blinking and yawning. Two more guards slouched at either side of the
door in the center of the balcony. 'Here's
a pretty mess,' said Big Tom, ducking back into the hallway. 'There's one more
of them than there are of us, and they be so far between that two must surely
take alarm as we disable two others.' 'To say
nothing of that wasteland of lighted floor that we have to cross to get to any
of them,' Rod added. 'We
might creep up through the tables and stools,' Tuan suggested, 'and he at the
foot of the stairs must surely nod himself asleep ere long.' 'That
takes care of the two on the ground floor,' Rod agreed, 'but how about the pair
on the balcony?' 'To
that,' said Tuan, 'I have some small skill at the shepherd's bow.' He drew
out a patch of leather with two rawhide thongs wrapped about it. 'How
didst thou learn the craft of that?' Torn growled as Tuan unwound the strings.
''Tis a peasant's weapon, not a lordling's toy.' There
was a touch of contempt in the glance Tuan threw Tom. 'A knight must be
schooled in all weapons, Big Tom.' Rod
frowned. 'I didn't know that was part of the standard code.' 'It is
not,' Tuan admitted. 'But 'tis my father's chivalry, and mine, as you shall
see. Both yon knaves shall measure their length on cold stone ere they could
know what has struck them.' 'I
don't doubt it,' Rod agreed grimly. 'Okay, let's go. I'll take the one by the
fireplace.' 'Thou'lt
not,' Big Tom corrected him. 'Thou'lt take him by the stairway.' 'Oh?
Any particular reason?' 'Aye.'
Tom grinned wolfishly. 'He in the great chair is the lieutenant that Tuan
foresaw - and one among those who ha' jailed me. 'us my meat, master.' Rod looked
at Tom's eyes and felt an eerie chill wind blow up along his spine. 'All
right, butcher,' he muttered. 'Just remember, the lady's not for carving, yet.' "'Let
each man pile his dead according to his own taste and fashion,"' Tom
quoted. 'Go tend your corpses, master, and leave me to mine.' They
dropped to their bellies and crawled, each to his own opponent. To Rod,
it was an eternity of table-legs and stool-feet, with plenty of dropped food
scraps between, and the constant fear that one of the others might reach his
station first and get bored. There
was a loud, echoing clunk. Rod
froze. One of the others had missed his footing. There
was a moment's silence; then a voice called, 'What was that?' Then, 'Eh, you
there! Egbert! Rouse yourself, sot, and have a mind for the stairs you're
guarding!' 'Eh?
Wot? Wozzat?' muttered a bleary, nearer voice; and, 'What fashes ye?' grumbled
a deeper, petulant voice from the fireplace. 'Must ye wake me for trifles?' There
was a pause; then the first voice said, with a note of obsequiousness, ''Twas a
noise, Captain, a sort of knock 'mongst the tables.' 'A
knock, he says!' growled the captain. 'A rat, mayhap, after the leavings, nowt
more! Do ye wake me for that? Do it more, an' thoul't hear a loud knock indeed,
a blow on thy hollow head.' Then the voice grumbled to itself, 'A knock, i'
faith! A damned knock!' Then
there was silence again, then a muted clang as one of the sentries shifted his
weight uneasily. - Rod let
out a sigh of relief, slow and silent. He waited
for the sentry to start snoring again. Then he
wormed his way forward again, till at last he lay quiet under the table nearest
the stairway. .~It
seemed he lay there for a very long time. There
was a piercing whistle from the fireplace, and a clatter as Big Tom overturned
a stool in his charge. Rod
sprang for his man. Out of
the corner of his eye, he saw Tuan leap upright, his sling a blurred arc; then
Rod crashed into the sentry, fist slamming at the midriff, left hand squeezing
the throat. The man
folded. Rod chopped at the base of the skull lightly,
just under the iron cap, and the sentry went limp. He looked up just in time to
see a sentry on the balcony sag to the
floor. The other lay writhing on the stones, hands clasped at his throat. Rod was
up the stairs in five leaps. He landed a haymaker on the man's jaw. The man's
eyes closed as he went under. His
larynx was pushed out of line. It was not a pretty sight. But at that, he'd
been lucky. If it had been a direct blow, his trachea would have been crushed. His
companion hadn't been so lucky. The pebble had crushed his forehead. Blood
welled over his face and puddled to the floor. 'Forgive
me, man,' whispered Tuan, as he contemplated his handiwork. Rod had never seen
the boy's face so grim. 'Fortunes
of war, Tuan,' he whispered. 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed, 'and had he been my peer, I could dismiss it at that. But a man of
my blood is intended to protect the peasants, not slay them.' Rod
looked at the boy's brooding face and decided it was men like the Loguires who
had given aristocracy what little justification it had had. Tom had
glanced once and turned away to bind the remaining man, his face thunderous. There
had been only the one casualty; the captain and stair-guard lay securely
trussed with Tom's black thread. Tom
came up, glowering at Tuan. ''Twas well done,' he growled. 'You, took two of
them out, and were able to spare the one; tha'rt braw fighter. And for the
other, do not mourn him: thou couldst scarce take the time for better aim. Tuan's
face was blank in confusion. He couldn't rightly object to Tom's manner; yet it
was disquieting to have a peasant offer him fatherly advice, and forgiveness. Rod
gave him an out. 'You used to sleep there?' He jerked a thumb over his shoulder
at the door the sentries had guarded. He
broke through Tuan's abstraction; the youth turned, looked, and nodded. 'Well,
that's where the Mocker'll be, then.' Rod looked up at Tom. 'That captain
downstairs was one of the Mocker's cadre?' 'Aye.' 'That
leaves two lieutenants, then. How's chances for one of them being in each of
these rooms next to the Mocker's?' As Tom pulled at his lower lip and nodded,
Rod went on: 'One -'An for
each of us then. You boys take the lieutenants. I'll take the Mocker.' He turned
to the door. Big Tom's meaty hand fell on his shoulder. 'How
now?' growled the big peasant. 'How is the Mocker your meat, not mine?' Rod
grinned. 'I'm the middleman, remember? Besides, what belt do you hold?' 'Brown,'
Tom admitted. 'And
the Mocker?' 'Black,'
Tom answered reluctantly. 'Fifth dan.' Rod
nodded. 'I'm black, eighth dan. You take the lieutenant.' Tuan
frowned. 'What is this talk of belts?' 'Just a
jurisdictional dispute; don't worry about it.' Rod turned- to the center door. Big Tom
caught his arm again. 'Master,' and this time he sounded like he meant it.
'When this is done, thou must teach me.' 'Yeah,
sure, anything. I'll get you a college degree, just let's get this over with,
shall we?' 'I
thank thee.' Tom grinned. 'But I've a doctorate already.' Rod did
a double take, then stared at him. 'In what?' 'Theology. Rod
nodded. 'That figures. Say, you haven't come up with any new atheist theories,
have you?' 'Master!'
Tom protested, wounded. 'How can one prove or disprove the existence of a
non-material being by material data? Tis an innate contradiction of-' 'Gentlemen,'
said Tuan sarcastically, 'I greatly dislike to interrupt so learned a
discourse, but the Mocker awaits, and may shortly awake.' 'Huh?
Oh! Oh, yes!' Rod turned to the door. 'See you in a few minutes, Big Tom.' 'Aye,
we must have further converse.' Tom grinned and turned away to the right-hand
door. Rod
eased his own door open, hands stiffened. The
door creaked. It groaned. It shrieked. It lodged formal protest. Rod
threw himself forward, having just time to realize that the Mocker had left his
hinges carefully unoiled as a primitive but very effective burglar alarm,
before the Mocker screamed 'Bloody Murder!' and jumped from his bed, hands
chopping. Rod
blocked an overhead blow and thrust for the solar plexus. His hand was
skillfully rerouted, the Mocker's scream for help dinning in his ears. Rod had
just time to appreciate the humor of a black belt calling for help before he
saw the kick smashing at his groin. He
leaped back, and the Mocker leaped after him. This time, the kick landed. Rod
rolled on the floor, curled around his agony. He saw
the foot aimed at his jaw and managed to turn his head aside just enough; the
foot glanced off the side of his head. He saw
a shower of red asterisks, glowing against black, and shook his head
frantically, trying to clear it. Through
the ringing in his ears, he heard another scream, suddenly cut off, then a
thud; then Big Tom was bellowing, 'Thy sling, Tuan! There'll be guards to
answer that scream!' Then
the big man was bending over him, face close. 'How bad art thou hurt, master?' Rod had
never known stale beer and onions could smell so good. 'I'm
all right,' he gasped. 'The blow landed a little off-center, thank heaven!' 'Canst
thou stand?' 'In a
minute. Gwen may be in for a temporary disappointment, though. How'd you do it,
Big Tom?' 'Caught
his foot on the upswing,' Tom grinned, 'and threw him high. Then I got in an
uppercut ere he landed.' Rod
stared. 'A what?' 'An
uppercut. A haymaker.' Rod
rolled over, got his knees under him, shook his head in amazement.
"'Uppercut takes out Black Belt."' Call the' newspapers.~ There
was a cry outside, choked off suddenly. Rod's
head snapped up, listening. Then he stumbled to his feet, hands still pressed
to his groin, and all but fell out the door, ignoring Big Tom's solicitous
protests. Three
more bodies lay on the stone floor of the common room. Tuan
stood at the balcony rail, sling stretched tight between his hands, jaw clamped
shut, bleak dismay in his eyes. 'First
the one came,' he said in a monotone, 'then the other, then
the third. The first two I dispatched ere they could cry, but on the third, I
was tardy.' Tuan turned back to the hail. After a moment, he said, slow and
hard, 'I do not like this killing.' Then
his vision cleared. 'Huh.'
Rod nodded, gasping, as a brief spasm of nausea made him clutch at the railing.
'No man worthy to be called a man does like it, Tuan. Don't let it worry you.
It's war.' 'Oh, I
ha' slain before.' Tuan's lips pressed thin. 'But to slay men who three days
agone drank my health... !' Rod
nodded, closing his eyes. 'I know. But if you have any hope of being a king,
Tuan, or even a good Duke, you've got to~ learn not to let it bother you.' He
looked up at the boy. 'Besides, remember - they'd have killed you if they
could.' Tom
came out on the balcony, carrying the trussed-up Mocker in his arms, like a
baby. He
looked briefly at the common room; his face hardened. 'More killing?' He
turned away, laying the Mocker carefully on the floor next to the prone bodies
of his lieutenants, and sighed. 'Ay de mi! But 'tis the times, and the
fashion.' He bent
to the work of binding up one of the lieutenants, a tall, emaciated skeleton of
a man with a scar where he should have had an ear, a souvenir of royal justice. Rod
looked, and nodded; the Mocker had chosen his confederates well. They bad cause
for hating the monarch. Rod
slowly straightened, wincing at the pain. Tuan
glanced at him. 'Thou ought to seat thyself and take rest, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
pulled in a sharp, quick breath and shook his head. 'It's just pain. Hadn't we
better cart these three down to the dungeon?' A gleam
sparked in Tuan's eye. 'Nay. Bind them and keep them here; I have uses for
them.' Rod
frowned. 'What do you mean, uses'?' Big Tom
held up a hand. 'Do not ask, master. If Tuan has need of them, let him have
them. This lad knows his craft; I ha' ne'er seen, and but rarely heard, of any
man who could so sway the mob.' He
turned and leaped down the stairs, checked for heartbeats in the fallen men,
bound up the One that still lived, and dragged
them all under the balcony. Then he caught up the third lieutenant from the
hearth, slung him over a shoulder. 'Tom!'
Tuan called, and the big man looked up. 'Bring that horn that hangs o'er the
mantle, and the drum beside it!' Tuan called. Tom
nodded and took down the battered, curled hunting horn from its nail and
plucked one of the rude drums - nothing more than an empty cask with hide
stretched over each end -from its place on the mantle. Rod
frowned, perplexed. 'What do you want the drum and bugle for?' Tuan
grinned. 'Canst play at the horn?' 'Well,
I wouldn't exactly qualify for first chair in the Philharmonic, but...' 'Thou'lt
do,' said Tuan, eyes dancing. Big Tom
bounded up the stairs with the Mocker's lieutenant over one shoulder and the
trumpet and drum over the other. He
dropped the instruments and laid the bound man by his companions. He
straightened, fists on hips, grinning. 'Halloa, my masters! What would you have
us do with 'em, lordling?' 'Do
thou take the drum,' said Tuan, 'and when I give the word, hang these four from
the balcony rail, but not by their necks. 'Tis far more to our credit we've taken
them living.' Rod
cocked an eyebrow. 'Not that old wheeze about being powerful enough to be
merciful?' He
didn't hear the answer, because Tom started pounding the drum. The tenor
throbbing filled the room. Rod
caught the horn. Tuan
grinned, jumped up on the rail, stood with feet wide apart and arms folded.
'Summon them, Master Gallowglass,' he shouted. Rod set
the mouthpiece to his lips and blew 'Reveille'. It sounded rather weird on a
hunting horn, but it had its effect. Before he was halfway through with the
second chorus, the hall had filled with beggars, muggers, lame, one-armed,
thieves and cutpurses and murderers. Their
muttering, surf and wind before a storm, filled the hail as an undercurrent to
the drum and horn. They were fresh-woken, bleary-eyed and fuzzy-brained,
hurling a thousand incredulous
questions at one another, shaken and cowed to see Tuan, whom they had jailed,
standing tall and proud in the hail he'd been exiled from. He
should fear them; he should have feared to return; and if he had come back, it
should have been as a thief in the night, skulking and secret Yet
here he stood, free in their eyes, summoning them to him with bugle and drum -
and where was the Mocker? They
were shaken, and more than a little afraid. Men who had never been taught how
to think now faced the unthinkable. Rod
ended with a flourish, and flipped the trumpet away from his lips, whirling it
in a flashing circle to land bell-down at his hip. Big Tom
gave the drum a last final boom. Tuan
held his hand out to Tom and began clicking his fingers very softly. The
drum spoke again, throbbing, insistent, but very soft. Rod
looked up at Tuan, who was grinning, arms akimbo, a royal elf come into his
kingdom. He looked down at the audience, shaken and fearful, staring, mouths
agape, at the lordly, commanding figure above them. Rod had
to admit it was a great way to open a speech. Tuan
flung up his arms, and the hail stilled, except for the low-pitched throb of
Tom's drum. 'You
cast me out!' Tuan shouted. The mob
shrank back on itself, muttering, fearful. 'Cast out, thrown to exile!' Tuan
called. 'You had turned your eyes from me, turned away from me, thought never
to look upon me!' The
muttering grew, began to take a surly, desperate quality. 'Was I not banished?'
Tuan called, then, 'Be still!' he snapped. And,
miraculously, the room stilled. He
leveled an accusing forefinger at the crowd and growled, 'Was I not banished?' This
time there were a few muttered 'Ayes'. 'Was I
not?' The
mutter of 'Ayes' grew. 'Was I
not?' 'Aye!'
rolled across the heads of the crowd. 'Did
you not call me traitor?' 'Aye,'
the crowd growled again. 'Yet
here I stand,' Tuan cried, 'strong and free, and master again of the House of
Clovis!' Nobody
disputed it. 'And
where are the real traitors, who would ha' seen you all torn to bits in
hopeless battle? The traitors, who ha' turned this House to a jail in my
absence? Where are they now, to dispute my mastership?' He
rested his hands on his hips while the crowd took up the question in its own
ranks, and Tom quickly lashed ten feet of thread to the Mocker's bonds, lashing
the other end to a railing-pillar. As the mutters of 'Where?' and 'The Mocker!'
began to grow, he served the three lieutenants likewise. Tuan
let the mutters swell and grow; then, just as they hit their peak, he gave Tom
the signal. Tom and
Rod threw the bound men over, where they hung two on each side of Tuan. The
Mocker had regained consciousness; he began writhing and kicking at the end of
his rope. A shocked
silence filled the hail. Tuan
grinned and folded his arms. The
crowd roared like one huge, savage beast, and pressed forward. The front ranks
began to jump at the dangling feet. Obscene epithets, cursing the Mocker and
his men, blasted from the packed floor. 'Behold!'
Tuan shouted, throwing up his arms, and the crowd fell silent. 'Behold them,
the traitors who once you called masters! Behold them, the traitors, the
thieves who took from you all the liberty I had gained for you!' Big Tom
was grinning, eyes glowing and fixed on the young lord, swaying to the rhythm
of the boy's words. For,
truly, the lad seemed twelve feet tall now. 'Were
you not born without masters?' Tuan shouted. 'Aye!'
the crowd roared at him. 'You
were born to freedom!' Tuan bellowed. 'The freedom of outlawry and poverty,
aye, but born free!' Then,
'Were you not born wild?' he fairly shrieked; and: 'Aye!'
the crowd shrieked in response, 'Aye, aye! Aye!' 'Did I
steal your freedom from you?' 'Nay,
nay!' A
twisted hunchback with a patch over his eye shouted, 'Nay, Tuan! You gave us
more!' The
crowd clamored. Tuan
crossed his arms again, grinning, letting the acclamation run its course. When it
had just passed its peak, he threw up his arms again, and shouted. 'Did I tell
you?' Silence
fell. 'Did I
tell you that you must have my permission for a night's loving?' 'Nay!'
they roared back, both sexes united for a change, 'And never I will!' They
cheered. Tuan
grinned, and bowed his head in thanks, almost shyly. 'And
yet!' Tuan's voice dropped down, low, surly, angry. He hunched forward, one
fist clenched, shaking at the audience. 'When I came back to your halls this
dark eventide, what did I find?' His voice rose, building. 'You had let these
base knaves steal away all I bad given you!' The
crowd roared. Tuan
flicked his left hand; Tom struck the drum with a boom that cut the crowd
short. 'Nay,
more!' Tuan cried. His forefinger jabbed out at the crowd, his eyes seeking hot
individual faces. His voice was cold, - now, and measured. 'I found that in your
base cowardice you had let them steal from you even that liberty you were born
with!' The
crowd murmured, frightened, unsure. The front ranks shrank back. 'Even
your birthright you had let them steal from you!' The
murmuring was a wave of fright at the contempt in the silver tongue. 'You
would let them take from you even bed-freedom!' He
flicked his hand; the drum boomed. 'And
you call yourselves men!' Tuan laughed, harsh and contemptuous. The
murmuring wave came back at him now, with sullen, protesting voices. 'We are
men!' someone cried, and the crowd took it up, 'We are men! We are men! We are
men!' 'Aye!'
shrieked the eye-patched hunchback. 'But give us these dangling knaves who ha'
robbed us, Tuan, and we shall prove we are men! We shall rend them, shall flay
them! We shall leave not an ounce of flesh to cling to their bones! We shall
crack even their bones and hale out the marrow!' The
crowd howled in blood-lust. Tuan
straightened and folded his arms, smiling grimly. The crowd saw him; their roar
subsided to a growl, with an undertone of guilt, then broke up into sullen
lumps of murmurs, and stilled. 'Is
this manhood?' said Tuan, almost quietly. 'Nay!' His arm snapped out, pointing,
accusing. 'I ha' seen packs of dogs could do better!' The
muttering ran through the crowd, growing angrier, louder and louder. 'Careful,
there!' Rod called to Tuan. 'You'll have them tearing us apart next!' 'No
fear,' said Tuan, without taking his eyes from the crowd. 'Yet let it work a
while.' The
muttering rose sharply. Here and there a man shouted, angry shouts, fists waved
at Tuan where he stood on the balcony rail. Tuan
flung up his arms again, shouting, 'But I say you are men!' The
crowd quieted, staring. 'There
are others who slander you; but I call you men!' Then, looking from face to
face: 'And who will gainsay me?' For a
moment, they were quiet; then someone called, 'None, Tuan!' and another
answered, 'None!' 'None!'
called the several, and 'None!' called the many, till 'None!' roared the crowd. 'Will
you prove you are men?' Tuan shouted. 'Aye!'
the crowd bellowed. 'Will
you fight?' Tuan howled, shaking a fist. 'Aye!'
they cried, crowding closer with blood-thirst. Tuan's
hands shot out waist-high, palms down, fingers spread. The
crowd stilled. His
voice was hushed, chanting. 'You were born to filth and the scabs of disease!' 'Aye,'
they muttered. 'You
were born to the sweat of your joints, and the ache of your back in hard labor
I, 'Aye!' 'You
were born to the slack, empty belly and the want of a home!' 'Aye!' 'Who
filled your bellies? Who gave you a roof for your head in this very house?' 'You
did!' 'Who
gave you a fortress?' 'You
did!' 'Who?' 'You!' 'Tell
me the name!' 'Tuan
Loguire!' they shrieked. 'Aye!'
Tuan's hands went out again; he stood crouched, eye afire. 'This
was the misery I took from you. But who gave it to you at birth? Who is it has
beaten you down, century upon century, from father to son, age upon age to the
time of your remotest grandfathers?' The
crowd muttered, uncertain. 'The peasants?' 'Nay,'
the crowd answered. 'Was it the soldiers?' 'Aye!'
they shouted, come to life again. 'And
who rules the soldiers?' 'The nobles!' Rod
winced at the hate they packed into the word. 'Aye!
'Twas the nobles!' Tuan shouted, thrusting upward with his fist, and the crowd
howled. He let
pandemonium reign for a few moments, then threw up his arms again. Then
his hands dropped down to belt-level again, he fell into the crouch. 'Who!'
he demanded, and the drum throbbed behind him. 'Who! Who alone of all the
high-born took your part? Who gave you food when you cried for it, heard your
petitions? Who sent judges among you, to give you justice instead of a
nobleman's whim?' His
fist thrust upward with his whole body behind it, 'The Queen!' 'The
Queen!' they echoed him. 'She,
shut her ears to the noblemen, that she might hear your cries!' 'Aye!' 'She
hath shed tears for you!' 'Aye!' 'Yet,'
cried the hunchback, 'she cast you out, our Tuan Loguire!' Tuan
smiled sourly. 'Did she? Or did she send me among you!' He threw up his arms,
and they roared like an avalanche. 'It is
the Queen who has given you your birthright again!' 'Aye!' 'Are
you men?' Tuan shouted. 'We are!' 'Will
you fight?' 'We
will fight! We will fight!' 'Will you fight the noblemen?' 'Aye!' 'Will
you fight for your Queen?' 'Aye!' 'Will
you fight the noblemen for Catharine your Queen?' 'Aye!
Ayeayeayeaye!' Then
the noise of the crowd covered all. The people leaped and shouted; men caught
women and swung them about. 'Have
you weapons?' Tuan shouted. 'Aye!'
A thousand daggers leaped upward, gleaming. 'Catch
up your packs, fill them with journeybread! Burst out of this house, through
the south gate of the city! The Queen will give you food, give you tents! So
run you all to the South, south along the great highway to Breden Plain, there
to wait for the noblemen! 'Go to
it!' he shouted. 'Go now! For the Queen!' 'For
the Queen." Tuan
flipped his hand; the drum boomed loud and fast. 'Hunting call' Tuan snapped in
aside to Rod. Rod
flourished the trumpet to his lips and began the quick. bubbling notes. 'Go!'
Tuan roared. The
people broke, to their rooms, to the armory. In ten minutes' time they had
caught up packs, staffs, and knives. 'It is
done!' Tuan leaped down off the rail to the balcony floor. 'They'll ha' run
down to Breden Plain in two days!' He grinned, slapping Big Tom's shoulders.
'We ha' done it, Tom!' Tom
roared his laughter and threw his arms about Tuan in a bear-hug. 'Whew!'
Tuan gasped as Tom dropped him. He turned to Rod. 'Do you, friend Gallowglass,
tell the Queen, and see that the word of it goes out to her soldiers. Tell her
to send meat, tents, and ale, and right quickly. And do you hurl these lackeys' - his thumb jerked at the Mocker and his
lieutenants - 'deep into
the Queen's dungeon. Farewell!' And he was bounding and leaping down the
stairs. 'Hey,
wait a minute!' Rod shouted, running to the rail. 'Where do you think you're
going?' 'To
Breden Plain!' Tuan shouted, stopping to look back up. 'I must guard my people,
or they'll strip the countryside worse than any plague of locusts could do, and
kill themselves off in a fight o'er the spoils. Do you tell Catharine of my' -
he paused; a shadow crossed his face - 'loyalty.' Then he
was gone, leading the mob that boiled out the great front doors of the house,
running before them in a wild, madcap dance. Rod and
Tom exchanged one glance, then turned and ran for the stairs to the roof. They
watched from the rooftop as the chanting mob poured out the south gate.
Somehow, by means of the chant, Tuan had gotten them moving in good order,
almost marching. 'Do you
think he needs any help?' Rod murmured. Tom
threw back his head and guffawed. 'Him, master? Nay, nay! Rather, help those
who come up against him, with that army at his back!' 'But
only one man, Tom! To lead two thousand misfits!' 'Canst
doubt it, master, when thou hast seen his power? Or didst thou not see?' 'Oh. I
saw.' Rod nodded, light-headed. 'There's more witchcraft in this land than I
thought, Big Tom. Yes, I saw.' 'Waken
the Queen, and beg of her that she join us here in her audience chamber!' Brom
snapped at a hastily-wakened lady-in-waiting. 'Go!' He
slammed the door and turned to the fireplace, where Rod sat with a bleary-eyed
Toby, rudely awakened after only an hour of sleep; the nightly party in the
Witches' Tower had run a little late tonight. He held a steaming mug in his
hand and a throb in his head. 'Assuredly,'
he muttered thickly, 'we wish to aid the Queen in any manner we may; but what
aid would we be in a battle?' 'Leave
that to me.' Rod smiled. 'I'll find something for you to do. You lust get the
Queen's Witches down to Breden Plain 'Three
days hence.' Brom smiled. 'We march at dawn, and will be three days in our
journey.' Toby
nodded, hazily. 'We shall be there, my masters. And now, with your leave... He
started to rise, gasped, and sank back in his chair, hand pressed to his head. 'Easy
there, boy!' Rod grasped an elbow, steadying him. 'First hangover?' 'Oh,
nay!' Toby looked up, blinking watery eyes. ''Tis but the first time I've been
wakeful when the drunk turned to the hangover. If you'll pardon me, masters. .
-' The air
slammed at their eardrums as it rushed in to fill the space where Toby had
been. '~...
yes,' Rod said. He shook his head and eyed Brom. 'Tcleportative, too?' Brom
frowned. 'Tele-what?' 'Uh. .
.' Rod closed his eyes a moment, cursing the slip of the tongue. 'I take it
he's just gone back to bed.' 'Aye.' 'He can
disappear from here and reappear there?' 'Quick
as thought, aye.' Rod
nodded. 'That's what I thought. Well, it oughta come in handy.' 'What
wilt thou have them do, Rod Gallowglass?' 'Oh, I
dunno.' Rod waved his mug airily. 'Conjure up feathers inside the Southern
knights' armor, maybe. Or something like that, good for a joke. They'll just
die laughing." 'Thou
knowest not what thou'lt be having them do, yet thou would bring them?' 'Yeah,
I'm beginning to think a little witchcraft can come in handy at times.' 'Aye,'
Brom smiled covertly. 'She hath saved your life twice over, hath she not?' Rod
swung about. 'She? Who? She who, huh? What're you talking about?' 'Why,
Gwendylon!' Brom's smile absorbed mischief. 'Oh, yes! Uh - . . you know of
her?' Rod raised a cautious eyebrow; then he smiled, relaxing. 'No, of course
you'd know of her. I forget; she's on pretty good terms with the elves.' 'Aye, I
know of her.' Brom's eyebrows pinched together. 'Nay, but tell me,' he said,
almost anxiously, 'didst thou love her?' 'Love
her?' Rod stared. 'What the hell business is that of yours?' Brom
waved a hand impatiently. 'Tis of concern to me; let it pass at that. Dost thou
love her?' 'I
won't let it pass at that!' Rod drew himself up with a look of offended honor. 'I am
Prince of the Elves!' Brom snapped. 'Might I not have concern for the most
powerful witch in all Gramarye?' Rod
stared, appalled. 'The most - . - what?' Brom
smiled sourly. 'Thou didst not know? Aye, Rod Gallowglass. Tis a most puissant
wench thou hast grappled with. Therefore, do you tell me: dost thou love her?' 'Well,
uh, I, uh ... I don't know!' Rod sat, cradling his head in his hands. 'I mean,
uh, this is all so sudden, I, uh...' 'Nay,
nay!' Brom growled impatiently. 'Surely thou must know if thou lovest!' 'Well,
I mean, uh. . - well, no, I don't know! I mean, that's a subject that it's a
little hard to be objective about, isn't it?' 'Thou
dost not know?' Thunderclouds gathered in Brom's face. 'No,
damn it, I don't!' 'Why,
thou fool of a puling babe, thou mock of a man! Dost thou not know thine own
heart?' 'Well,
uh, there's the aortic ventricle, and, uh. -'Then how am I to know if thou
lovest her?' Brom thundered. 'How the hell should I know?' Rod shouted. 'Ask my
horse!' A quivering page thrust his head in, then came quivering into the room.
'My lords, her Majesty the Queen!' Brom
and Rod swung about, bowed. Catharine
entered, in a dressing gown of the royal purple, her loosened hair a pale,
disordered cloud around her head. She looked very tired, and scarcely wakened. 'Well,
milord's,' she snapped, seating herself by the fire, 'what great news is it
makes you wake me at so slight an hour?' Rod
inclined his head toward the page. The boy paled, bowed, and left. 'The
House of Clovis is up, into arms, and away,' Rod informed her. She
stared, lips parting. 'They
have boiled out of the south gate, and this very night run south toward Breden
Plain.' Catharine's
eyes closed; she sank back in her chair with a sigh. 'May Heaven be praised!' 'And
Tuan Loguire,' Rod murmured. Her
eyes opened, staring. 'Aye. And Tuan Loguire,' she said reluctantly. Rod
turned away, running his hand over the mantle. 'They must be sent food and
drink, so that they will not strip the countryside as they pass. And a courier
must ride ahead to tell soldiers to let them pass.' 'Aye,'
she said grudgingly, 'surely.' Her
eyes wandered to the fire. 'And yet it is strange, that they who have ever
raised their voices in clamor against me, now should fight for me,' she
murmured. Rod
looked at her, his smile tight and ironic. 'Tuan.
. .' she murmured. Brom
cleared his throat and stumped forward, hands locked behind his back. 'And this
very night,' he growled, 'have I spoken with the King of the Elves; all his
legions are ours.' She was
her old self again, smiling sourly. 'Legions of elves, Brom O'Berin?' 'Oh,
don't underestimate them.' Rod rubbed the back of his head, remembering a clout
on the skull and a prisoned werewolf. 'And to top it off, we've got your own
personal coven of witches...' and the
most powerful witch in all Gramarye,' Brom interjected. 'Uh,
yes, and her,' Rod agreed with a shish-kebab glance at Brom. 'All ready and
eager to serve the only ruler in history who has protected witches.' Catharine's
eyes had slowly widened as she listened now her eyes took on a distant look,
and wandered to the fire. 'We will win,' she murmured. 'We will win!' 'Well,
uh, with all due respect to your Majesty, uh, it might be a trifle more correct
to say we stand an even chance.' .5 Breden
Plain was a delta, open to the south but closed on the north by the meeting of
two rivers. A dense thicket of trees ran along each river, bordering the field.
The field itself was tall grass and lavender. Not
that they could see much of it, Rod thought as he squatted by a campfire. A
thick, chill mist covered the field; at least Rod, who had seen something of
civilized smog, would have called it a mist but Tuan, chafing his hands across
the fire from Rod, shook his head and muttered, 'A most dense and inclement
fog, Master Gallowglass! 'Twill weigh heavily on the spirit of the troops!' Rod
cocked an eyebrow at him and listened to the sounds of revelry drifting over
the field from the beggars' pickets. The witches were at it, too; the usual
party had started at noon today, out of respect for the weather. His
shoulders shrugged with a snort of laughter. 'Well, don't let it worry you,
Tuan. The precog - uh, witches, say it'll be a beautiful, sunny day, tomorrow.' 'And
St. George be praised, we will not have to fight until then!' Tuan drew his
cloak about him, shivering. The
latest word from Brom's miniature spies - whom Rod had immediately dubbed the
Hobgoblin Associated Reconnaissance Korps - was that the Southern troops were
just half a day away. Catharine had arrived with Brom and her army the
preceding evening, and the beggars had been resting a full day already. They
were, in fact, so primed and ready that Than was having a little trouble
holding them in check; they were all for marching south and attacking the
noblemen on the run. 'Still,'
said Rod, tugging at his lip, 'I don't see why we should wait for morning to do
the fighting. We could ambush them tonight, when they're drawing up their
troops.' 'Attack
at night!' Tuan gasped, horrified. Rod
shrugged. 'Sure, why not? They'll be tired from a day's march, and won't know
where we are. We'd stand a much better chance of winning.' 'Aye,
and you would stand a better chance of killing a man if you kicked at his head
while he was down!' Rod
sighed and forebore saying that he had once done exactly that, when the man was
one of five excellently trained seasoned killers who'd ambushed him. As a
matter of fact, he'd fought dirtier than that with a lot less justification;
but this didn't seem quite the time for telling it. He did
say, 'I thought the point in fighting was to win.' 'Aye,'
Tuan agreed, staring out into the fog toward the south end of the meadow, 'but
not by such foul means. Who would be loyal to a Queen who maintained her power
thus?' And
that, Rod admitted, was the kernel of it. Prestige was everything in this
world; an honor was the cornerstone of prestige. 'Well,'
he sighed, 'you're the doctor.' Tuan
frowned at him. 'Doctor? I have no skill in healing.' 'No,
but you're an excellent practical psychologist. So I'll follow your lead when
it comes to handling people.' Tuan
smiled sadly, shaking his head. 'Friend Rod, I have no skill at ruling.' Rod
allowed himself a skeptical look. 'Well, maybe not, but you're one hell of a
leader.' 'Ho!' a
voice bellowed. Rod
turned and grinned at the huge shape that loomed in the fog. 'Everyone happy
over there?' Big Tom
shouldered his way out of the mist, grinning. 'Most happy, master. They've
ne'er in their lives drunk such wine, or so much of it.' 'Hmmm.'
Rod tugged at his lip. 'Better roll the wine away in a little while. We don't
want them drunk so soon before battle.' But,
'Nay,' Tuan corrected, almost automatically, Rod noticed. 'Let them drink their
fill; 'twill put them abed sooner. Then rouse them early in the morning and
give each a tankard or two - then they'll fight like the very demons.' Well,
Rod had to allow that was true. They weren't asking precision from the beggars,
just wanted them to get out and beat up the enemy. The
night was prickled with the pinholes of watch-fires, softened by the lifting
mist. More
dots of light sprang up to the south, where the noblemen and councillors were
bringing up their army. In the
northern meadow, there was bawdy laughter and shouting, and the din of music,
where the beggars were in the last stages of gleeful compliance with the order
to get drunk as fast as possible. On the
hillside across the river there was a stern, disapproving silence, and the
gentle glow of lamps within silken tents, where Catharine and her army of
regulars went sober to bed. But in
the largest tent, Catharine's, things were anything but quiet. 'Nay,
nay' and again I say nay!' she cried, angrily pacing the floor. She
swung about, clapping her bands sharply. 'I shall have no more of your
arguments! Have done, have done; for I will ride tomorrow at the head of my
armies I shall brook no further
objection!' Rod and
Brom exchanged glances. Tuan's
face was beet-red with anger, frustration, and worry. 'Begone,' snapped
Catharine, and turned her back. Reluctantly, the three men bowed, and filed out
of the tent. 'What she will, she will,' Brom growled. 'We three must guard her,
then, and leave the plan of the battle to Sir Mans.' 'That's
one sure road to defeat,' Rod growled. 'His way of running a battle is as
outdated as the phalanx.' Brom
sighed and rubbed his eyes. 'But as I have said, I will die by her. Yet mayhap
we shall live, for I have a slight plan.' He
stumped away into the darkness before they could question him, from which Rod
inferred that his 'plan' was limited to buoying up Rod's and Tuan's spirits by
insinuating that there was yet hope. 'We
shall die in her defense,' Tuan whispered, drawn and pale. 'Yet when we are
gone, she will die too, and for that I am loath.' He spread his hands
helplessly. 'But what can I do?' 'Well .
. .' Rod pursed his lips, and looked back over his shoulder at the lighted
tent. 'I know one way to make sure she won't ride tomorrow. ... 'Tell
it, then!' Tuan's face lit with frantic eagerness. 'Make sure she won't be able
to sit down in the morning.' Tuan stared. A slow flush crept into his face,
then drained away, leaving him pale and trembling. 'What . . . dost. . . thou
mean?' His voice was choked and threatening. He lifted a clenched, trembling
fist. Rod
looked at him, frowned. 'Why, spank her. Smack her so hard she'll have to stand
till next Sunday. How else would you do it?' Tuan's
fist slowly dropped; the color came back to his face in a blush. 'Oh,' he said,
and turned away. 'I' truth,' he said, "twould be well done.' 'It's
that, or let her die.' Tuan
nodded, life coming back to him. He turned to the Queen's tent, paused a
minute, then squared his shoulders. 'That
shall I do, then. Pardon me, friend Gallowglass, for my anger; for a moment I
had thought you meant.., something else.' He took
a deep breath and stepped off briskly toward the tent. He
paused at the entrance, nodded at the guards, squared his shoulders again, and
marched in. Rod
smiled, amused. 'And I thought I had a dirty mind!' He
chuckled, shaking his head, and turned toward the witches' campfires,
reflecting that Tuan's years in the House of Clovis had taught him a lot about
life. Gwendylon
materialized out of the darkness (literally). She smiled shyly. 'What amuses my
lord?' Rod
grinned, caught her by the waist, and swung her up for a kiss, a warm kiss, and
lasting. 'My
lord!' she said, blushing prettily, patting her hair back into place. The
night breeze wafted a sudden slapping sound to them, accompanied by squeals and
cries. The
guards at the tent jerked bolt upright, then swung to-ward the tent. One put up
a hand to swing aside the cloth of the doorway; but the second caught the hand
and cried, 'Does your Majesty require aid?' Stay
out!' squealed an agonized voice. 'On pain of your life, do not enter!' The
sentries exchanged puzzled looks, then shrugged and turned back to their posts,
albeit with some nervous looks over their shoulders. The
squeals became muffled, then turned into sobs. The slapping sounds ceased. Then
all was still. Rod
looked down at Gwen. 'What are you grinning about?' She
looked up at him out of the corner of her eyes. 'I ha' told you, my lord, that
I can hear all thoughts but yours.' 'Oh?' 'Aye.
And there are most goodly thoughts in that tent at this moment.' The
lights in the tent went out. Gwendylon
giggled and turned away. 'Come, my lord. 'Twould be most improper to listen
further. Come. Thou must be early abed this night.' 'Waken,
Rod Gallowglass!' Something
jarred his shoulder. Rod
growled and levered his eyes open. 'What the hell do you think...' He
stopped as he saw the look on Brom's face. 'Aye,'
Brom growled.. 'Now robe thyself and come with me.' 'I
don't sleep naked on battle nights,' Rod growled, and rose very carefully, so
as not to disturb Gwendylon. His
face softened for a moment as he looked down at her. He touched his lips to her
cheek. She stirred, murmured in her sleep, and smiled. Then he
rose, his face hardening. Brom
was already striding away through the chill pre-dawn mist, beckoning curtly. 'All
right, what's happened?' Rod growled as he caught up with Brom. 'Nay,
be still!' Brom snapped, and was silent till they had climbed the hillside far above
the tents. Then he
swung on Rod and. snapped, 'Now tell me! Dost thou love her?' Rod's
face emptied. Then he
said, softly, 'You woke me just to ask that?' 'It is
of some importance to me,' Brom snapped. 'Dost thou love her!' Rod
folded his arms, leaning back on one hip. 'Just what the hell business is it of
yours? What right have you to know my soul?' Brom
looked away, his face working; and when he spoke, the words seemed almost
dragged out of him. 'She is
my daughter, Rod Gallowglass.' He glanced
up at Rod's stunned face, and a sardonic gleam came into his eye. 'Aye. Thou
scarce can credit it, canst thou?' He
turned away, looking out over the valley. His voice softened with memory and
musing. 'She
was naught but a servant wench in the King's halls, Rod Gallowglass - yet I
loved her. She was small, scarce half the height of another woman, yet still a
head taller than I. And mortal, much too mortal 'And
she was beautiful, ah, so beautiful! And, strange though it may seem, highly
desired by the men of the court. And yet' -
Brom's voice took on a tone of wonder and awe - 'yet she loved me. She alone,
of all women living, elf or mortal, saw me not as dwarf, elf, or Prince - but
only as a man. 'And
desired me... 'And loved me...' He
broke off, shaking his head in wonder. He
sighed. 'I loved her, Rod Gallowglass, I loved her only, and begat a child
within her.' His
face darkened. He locked his hands behind his back and scowled at the ground.
'When she proved by child, and her time grew apace, and she would soon be so
swollen that all would know, and would shame her with cruel jests, though we
were wed, I sent her away to the wild wood, to my people. And there, midwived
by elves and leprechauns, she birthed a beautiful, laughing, part-elven child.' His
eyes misted over. He lifted his head, staring through Rod. 'She died. When her
daughter was aged of two years, she died of a chili. And we buried her there,
'neath a tree in the forest. And yearly I come there.... His
eyes focused on Rod again. 'But I had, still, the child.' He
turned away, restless. 'Yet what should I do? Raise her near me, and have her
know her father for a gnarled thing, and the butt of bad jests? Raise her to
shame of me? 'She
was raised in the woods, therefore, knowing her mother's grave and the elves,
but never her father.' Rod
started to protest, but Brom waved him silent. 'Be still! 'Twas better so!' He
turned slowly, murder in his eyes. 'As 'tis still. And if ever she learns of it
from thee, Rod Gallowglass, I'll hale out thy tongue by its roots, and lop off
thy ears.' Stone-faced,
Rod studied him, and found nothing to say. 'And
therefore, now tell me!' Brom slammed his fists against his hips, and lifted
his chin, 'For know this: half mortal am I, and may therefore be slain, and it
may be that this day I shall die.' His
voice lowered. 'So tell me, tell a poor, anxious father, an thou wilt: dost
thou love my child?' 'Yes,'
Rod said, low. Then, 'So it was no accident that I met her on my ride south?' Brom
smiled, sourly. 'Nay, of course not. Couldst thou ever have thought that it
was?' The
east was reddening, embarrassed with dawn, and the mist lifting as Rod rode
into the beggars' camp to waken them. But
Tuan was there before him, going from pallet to pallet, shaking the beggars
awake. A soldier was with him, placing a mug of hot mulled wine by each pallet. Tuan
looked up, saw Rod, and came up to him with arms outstretched and a grin a yard
wide. He
clapped Rod on the shoulder, gripped his hand in a crushing
shake. There was a deep, almost intoxicated quiet content in his eyes. 'My
thanks, friend Rod,' he said simply. 'Dost thou wish my life! Thou mayst have
it! Such is the debt that I owe.' Rod
smiled slyly. 'So you made double sure, did you? Well, all the better.' Tuan
seemed to have things well in hand in the beggars' camp, so Rod turned Fess's
steps toward the witches' lines. All was
in good order there; the baskets with ropes and harnesses stood ready; and the
morning brew was passing from hand to hand. It was a potent beverage, something
like concentrated tea with a touch of brandy, and served much the same purpose:
a stimulant4 to bring the witch powers to their peak. Elves
were underfoot everywhere about the camp, distributing good-luck tokens and
preventive-magic charms to all who would take them. Witches or no witches, the
little folk argued, it never hurt to be sure. The charms could do no harm, and
they might... There
was nothing for Rod to do there, either, so he rode in search of Gwendylon. He found
her seated in the midst of a knot of witches, old ones, as Gramarye witches
went; they must have been into their twenties. Gwendylon
seemed to be explaining something to them with great earnestness, marking
diagrams in the dust with a pointed stick. They were hanging on her words as
though every syllable might mean life or death. It
didn't look like a good time to interrupt. Rod
turned and rode through a maze of scurrying forms, cooking smells, clamor of
voices and discordant bugle calls, out past the pickets into Breden Plain. The
first rays of sunlight slanted through the meadow now, burning away the last
tatters of mist. The long grass was moist and chill with the dew, the sky clear
and blue. , And the
glitter of spear-points flashed from the south verge of the field. Sun gleamed
off burnished armor. The wind blew him the metallic din, the horse-cries, and
the mutter of a war-camp awaking. The councillors, too, were awake early. Hooves
approaching: Rod turned to see a page pelting across the meadows toward him. 'How
now, my lad?' Rod called, grinning and waving for appearances. 'Thou
must come to the Queen, Master Gallowglass,' the page gasped, out of breath, as
he clutched at -Rod's stirrup. 'My Lord O'Berin and the Lords Loguire are there
already before you. 'Tis a council of war!' The
council of war was quickly over, no more than a summary of existent plans, and
a brief prayer, plus the news that Catharine wouldn't ride after all. Rod had
noticed that Catharine had stood through the meeting. Then
they were up and away, each to his station: Sir Mans to the center, old Duke
Loguire to the right flank, and Rod to the left flank. Brom would stay high on
the hillside with Catharine and Gwendylon, to direct the whole battle, an
innovation Rod had recommended, and which Brom had accepted without
reservation: the little man was a mighty fighter, but his legs weren't long
enough to hold his seat in a joust. Tom,
offered the option of fighting with the beggars or staying by Rod, had chosen
the latter option, probably because he wanted to be in the thick of the battle. Tuan.
of course, would stay with his beggars. As Tuan
swung into the saddle, Catharine stopped him with a hand on his knee. Rod saw
her tie a veil of silk about Tuan's upper arm. Then
her hands lifted to him, pleading. Tuan caught them and pressed them to his
mouth, bowed to kiss her lips, then wheeled his horse away, rode perhaps ten
yards forward, then wheeled again. They
stood frozen a moment, the young Queen and the white knight. Then Tuan reared
his horse, pivoted, and galloped after his ragtag-and-patchwork troops. Rod
smiled covertly. 'The
time to feel smug is not yet, Rod,' Fess reminded him. Rod
made a face. 'Who do you think you are, Pinocchio's Cricket?' He
turned back for one last look at Gwendylon, standing near the Queen's tent;
then he rode for the left flank. He was
the only horseman who rode without armor. It was
full, 14th-century plate armor, on both sides of the field; but the Southern
armor was massed together in a solid, glaring
wall, while Catharine's knights were spaced out, twenty yards apart, over the
length of the enemy line. Yes,
there are a few holes, Rod thought. And the single line of foot soldiers behind
the Queen's knights didn't compare too favorably with the packed masses that
backed the rebel lords. No, it was not a sight to inspire confidence. But the
beggars weren't in sight. Nor, for that matter, were the witches. Or the elves. The
rebels were in for some very unpleasant surprises. At the
southern end of the field, a bugle called. The
rebel knights couched their lances. The
Queen's knights followed suit. There
was a long, straining, pause; then the horses plunged forward. Horses'
hooves muttered and rose to the roar of an avalanche as the two metal lines
fell toward each other. And as
they fell, the North's line drew in upon itself till the knights rode shoulder
to shoulder in the center. A cheer
went up from the rebel line as they saw easy victory coming; it would be easy
for the rebel flanks to sweep around the Northern line and trap the Queen's
forces. The
Queen's knights met the center of the rebel line with a grinding crash. Knights
were unhorsed and blood spurted, but the center of the line held. And
with a victorious roar the rebels swung about to outflank the North. ... The
yell broke into wild screams as the ground fell away beneath their mounts. Knights
and horses floundered in a six-foot trench. The
elves had done a good night's work. The
footmen came running up to their masters' rescue; but now the beggars broke
howling from the trees at the sides of the field, with knife and sword and
bludgeon, and fell on the footmen with extreme good will. Still,
they were vastly outnumbered. But now
the aerial army got into the action. Teams of four levitating, fuzz-cheeked
warlocks supported a swinging basket beneath them and in each basket was a
telekinetic witch. The warlocks fired arrows into the scrimmage at random,
their hands freed by the leather harness at their waists; and pebbles flew out
of their baskets, guided by the witches, to strike with more than enough impact
to stun. Arrows speared up at them out of
the Southern ranks: but the witches deflected them, and sometimes even managed
to turn them back on their owners. The
simple, orderly battle deteriorated into band-to-hand chaos. But the
Southern knights were still overly busy. The Code dictated that only a knight
could fight another knight - a foot soldier could be killed just for trying it,
and Heaven help him if he tried and won! So
Catharine's knights worked their way outward from the center along the rebel
lines, a large percentage of them dying on the way. But the percentage of
rebels was greater, for Catharine, like her father before her, had seen fit to
give her knights a little extra in the way of training. Toby,
the young warlock, suddenly appeared in the air just above Rod. 'Master
Gallowglass! The Duke Loguire is sorely pressed; you must come to him!' He
disappeared as abruptly as he bad come. It might not have been the greatest
form of military communication, but it was better than the rebels had. Rod
dispatched his current preoccupation with a parry and a thrust between
breastplate and helmet and backed Fess out of the melee. - He ran
around the lines to the other end of the line, where a spindly, armored-clad
form with a glowing sword had just finished cutting its way through the troops
to Loguire. One of the councillors was trying to save the day by eliminating
the leadership. The sword bad a strange, radiant quality. Rod didn't know what
it was, but it was something mighty potent disguised as a sword. Rod
sailed into the ruckus, bulldozing his way through grappling pairs of beggars,
and soldiers, slipping on blood and loose heads. Loguire
saw the blow coming and threw up his shield to ward it off. The councilor's
sword sheared through it silently, but missed Loguire. The old Duke yelled in
pain as the heat was conducted through shield and armor to his skin and
momentarily dropped his guard. The councillor
swung the sword up for the final blow. Fess
slammed full tilt into the councillor's horse. The animal went down and the
councillor went flying with a scream of terror, sword flinging wide from his
grasp. Soldiers
scurried back to be clear when the magic sword fell. Rod,
without the slightest tremor of conscience, wheeled about and trampled the
councillor under Fess's iron hooves. The man gave a bubbling scream, choked
off; and the scream rang ,on in Rod's mind. Now his
conscience began to clamor; but he locked it away till the battle was done. He
whirled about toward the sword, hearing the soldiers gasp 'Witchcraft!' 'No,
just magic,' Rod shouted as he swung down, caught the sword, and remounted.
'That's not so strange, is it?' He
threw the sword to Loguire hilt-first; the old nobleman caught it and saluted
him, and Rod broke out of the lines again. The
battle clamored about him, steel on steel and bone and gristle, no quarter
asked. The locked armies lay in the middle of the field like some great,
pulsing, obscene amoeba. Overhead
the esper-witches turned and wheeled home, no longer able to tell friend from
foe. Rod
charged back and forth through the battle-lines - Fess plowing his way easily
through mere mortal flesh - guarding the three generals and as many knights as
he could, directing the clearing of the wounded when he could, adding the
weight of his - arm to break deadlocks. The
beggars seemed to have the soldiers hopelessly outclassed; this was their kind
of fighting. Many of them were killed, but seldom without having first
accounted for six or more of the enemy, with wooden staves, rusty swords, keen
knives, and total disrespect for age and/or rank. Rod
thought of Karl Marx and winced. Big Tom
had long since gotten lost in the battle. Rod hoped he was all right. Then at
the back of the rebel line, Big Tom rose up roaring 'Tome! Tome!' A
thousand beggars raffled to him and began to chop their way through the
Southern ranks. - The
idea spread; beggar groups sprang up all along the line, and began to press the
amoeba of war in on itself. Big Tom
was hewing his way through to a very definite goal. Rod frowned and stood up in
his stirrups, trying to plot Big Tom's course. There,
in the center of the battle, twenty frantic scarecrows labored furiously to
construct some-sort of machine: a spidery tripod topped by a wasp-waisted
contraption with alien curves. It was the councillors, with their last hope. Rod
rapped with his heels, and Fess leaped - but the robot had responded a touch slow.
With a sense of dread, Rod realized that the strain of battle was beginning to
tell on Fess. The
horse bounded over the beads of the army and plowed through to the force of
councillors, just as Tom broke through from the other side, with only a fraction
of his beggar troops. A long,
lurking moment of silence filled the little circle as the councillors saw their
executors. Then
the councillors howled, drawing back into a tight circle about the machine, the
ferocity of despair in their eyes, their glowing swords leaping out. Tom's
boys circled out around the councillors and closed in. The councillors' swords
were deadly; but they bad to hit to be effective, and the beggars were good at
hitting and getting clear. A lot
of beggars dropped, cut in half; but a lot more lived. They outnumbered the
councillors four to one. They whittled away at the ranks. The
councillors screamed, chopping, and died. In the
center of the circle, Rod could make out one lonely figure still working
frantically at the machine - Durer. Then.,
suddenly, there were only five councillors left. Durer
spun away from the machine with a shriek of despair and lugged something out of
his wallet-pouch. A laser
pistol. Rod
dropped down to Fess's far side, the bulk of the horse between him and the
councillors, knowing that only a head shot could hurt the robot, and snapped
open a hidden panel in his horse's side. In it was his last-ditch defense: the
latest-issue DDT laser pistol. He
fumbled the weapon out, hearing the screams of the beggars as their legs were
sheared off at the knee, and shot around under Fess's neck. His
shot creased Durer's leg. The scarecrow-man clasped his knee and fell, howling. Tom
bellowed. The
beggars stepped in. Oaken staves whirled, knocking the remaining councillors
off their feet. The
staves rose high, poised a moment, and fell with a sickening, moist crunch. "'1 Big Tom
bellowed victorious laughter and scooped up a fallen councillor's sword. Durer
rolled back up to one knee and fired. The red
pencil of light caught Tom in the shoulder. He roared, spinning, and fell. Hall-crawling,
half-leaping, Durer went for him, struggling to get a clear shot. Rod
snapped a shot at him, and missed. - Durer
howled and dove behind a fallen body. Rod
slammed his heels into Fess. 'Quick! Before he can recover to shoot!' The
horse leaped; the laser beam caught it in the belly - a hollow steel belly, no
harm. But the
robot's legs stiffened, its head lolled forward, even while it was in the air. Rod
sprang free as Fess landed, crumpled, rolled. Rod rolled too, came up to see
Durer, risen to one knee, level the pistol at him. Tom's
huge body smashed into him. Durer
caromed away, pistol flying wide from his hand. The same had happened to Rod's.
He cast about him, frantically searching. Tom
rolled, came to his feet, lurched after Durer, catching up a fallen
councillor's sword. . . and tripped over a body. Quick
as an eel, Durer was up, catching Tom's fallen sword, chopping down... Rod
dove. His
shoulder caught Durer in the belly, whipped the little man around; the sword
landed harmlessly in the earth. Durer
leaned on the sword, kept his feet, and swung the sword up, turning to Rod. Rod
rolled to his knees, saw the sword coming.... Tom bellowed, slammed into Rod, striking
him out of the sword's path. - The
glowing sword fell, shearing off Tom's shoulder and a third of his rib cage. Rod
screamed as he rolled to his feet and swung around. His arm locked around
Durer's throat, his knee came up into the small of the back. Something snapped. Durer
screamed arid went limp, screaming still, the sword falling from his fingers. Rod
threw him down. Still
screaming, the scarecrow groped for the sword. Rod
dropped to his knee and chopped down. The
callused edge of his hand smashed larynx and vertebrae. Durer
gurgled, convulsed, and lay still. Rod
stood, gasping, and turned, to see Tom's shoulder pumping blood in great gouts,
the big man's face contorted in a silent grimace. Rod was
down again, groping frantically in the welter of blood and spare bodies. He came
up with the laser pistol and swung back to Tom. The remaining beggars lurched
forward, too slow', before they could reach him, Rod pulled the trigger and,
holding it down, sliced off another half-inch along Tom's wound. Tom screamed. Then
they were on Rod, mauling and clubbing. 'Nay!'
Tom rasped, a sickening parody of his former bellow. 'Fools, let him be! Do y'
not see! He stopped the blood!' He sank
back as the grasping hands hesitated, then loosened. Rod limped back to him,
bruised on face and body, rubbing the worst of them - his scarcely-healed
shoulder. He sank
to one knee by the gasping hulk of a man, face still wrenched with pain. The
stink of cauterized flesh filled his head. Tom
forced his eyes open a fraction and tried to grin. 'Twas. - . well meant. . .
master. Two minutes ago, it.. might ha' saved me.' Rod
jerked off his cloak, balled it up, thrust it under Tom's head. 'Lie back and
rest,' he growled through a tight throat. 'You're a healthy hunk, you'll make
it. You haven't lost all that much blood.' 'Nay,'
Tom panted, 'too much. .. lost. And the. . - body's shock.,.' His
face twisted with a spasm of pain. Rod turned away to Fess, slapped the reset
switch and fumbled in one of the horse's hidden pockets for an ampul. He
limped back to Tom, slapped the ampul against the burned flesh. Tom
relaxed with a huge sigh as the anesthetic took hold. 'My thanks, master,' he
murmured weakly. 'Thou hast given me, at least, painless death.' 'Don't
talk that way.' Rod's face was frozen. 'There's many a roll in the hay for you
yet.' 'Nay
master.' Tom shook his head, closing his eyes. 'My time is nigh.' 'You're
not going to die. You'll leave me in your debt if you do. I won't have it.' 'A pox
on What thou wilt or wilt not!' Tom spat, with a touch of life again. 'I am not
thine to command or deny now, lordling. He who now bath me in thrall is far
more puissant than thou, and will one day command thee also.' He
sagged back on the pillow, heaving gasps of air. Rod
knelt silent by his side. Tom's
remaining hand groped over his belly to catch Rod's forearm. 'Aye, thou'rt now
in my debt, though 'twas not of my choice.' 'Not
your choice?' Rod scowled. 'What are you talking about? You saved my life!' 'Aye,
and thereby lost my own. But I would never ha' done so with a clear head.' 'Clear
head?' 'Aye.
In battle, one sees and one does, whatever comes first to mind. Twas thee, or
living my life longer to serve the House of Clovis; and in the heat of the
battle I chose thee, in my folly!' He was
silent a moment, breathing hoarsely, then his hand tightened again. 'Yet while
I die, thou wilt live in my debt! And what thou canst not pay to me, thou must
pay to my people.' Rod
tried to draw his hand back. 'No!' 'Aye!' Tom's
eyes flew wide, glaring, angrily. ''Tis the payment I demand! Thy life for
mine, thy life spent here on Gramarye, to work for the good of my people!' 'I'm
not my own master...' 'Nay,
thou art.' Tom sank back, weary. 'Thou art, and if thou knowest it not, thou'rt
true fool.' 'The
price is too high, Tom. My death in battle, yes, gladly. But living here, all
my days, I cannot. I too serve a dream ''Twas
my choice, also,' Tom sighed, 'the dream or the man. Nay, then, choose what
thou wilt.' 'I'm
under a geas . . 'Then
my geas also is on thee, freeing thee from the other. Thou must serve me and
mine now.... The
dying face darkened. 'I had thought I knew what was best for them. . . but now,
as all darkens about me...' He
heaved up suddenly, body wracked with a spasm, coughing blood. Rod threw his
arms about the big man, holding him up. The
spasm passed. Tom clutched weakly at Rod's arm, gasping. 'Nay, then. . . thy
mind is. . . clearer.. - thou must decide . . 'Be
still,' Rod pleaded, trying to lower him again. 'Don't waste what little life
is left-' 'Nay!'
Tom clutched at him. 'Let me speak! Espers Tribunal.. . they'll make it. . .
work... We... fight them... here.. .inthe. ..' 'Be
still,' Rod pleaded. 'Save your breath, I know what you're saying.' Tom
craned his neck to look up at him. 'You. . .?' Rod nodded. 'Yes. You told me
the last little bit I needed, Just now. Now lie down.' Tom
sagged in his arms. Rod lowered him gently, letting his head rest on the
blood-soaked cape. Tom lay
panting. 'Tell me . . . I must know. . . if you know...' 'Yes, I
know,' Rod murmured. 'The DDT will win out. You can only fight it back here.
And you fight each other as well.' 'Aye.'
Tom nodded, a barely perceptible movement. 'Thou must
decide. . . now. . . and. . . master...' He
mumbled, too soft to hear, and labored for another breath, eyes opening,
anxious. Rod
bent forward, putting his ear to Tom's lips. 'Don't
die for. . - a dream.. Rod
frowned. 'I don't understand.' He
waited, then said, 'What do you mean, Tom?' There
was no answer. Rod
straightened slowly, looking down at the vacant eyes, the loose mouth. He
touched the base of the throat, the jugular. He let
his fingertips rest there long minutes, then slowly reached up to close the
man's eyes. He
stood, slowly, and turned away, his eyes not seeing. Then, slowly, his eyes
focused. He looked around at the stating, pathetic beggars, their eyes fixed on
the huge body. A
slight, slender shape stepped hesitantly into the ring. 'M-master Gallowglass?' Rod
turned, saw, and stepped forward as the beggars began to move in, to kneel by
Tom's body. 'Milord.
. .' Toby's face was strangely tragic in its confusion as he looked at the
group of beggars, disturbed without knowing why. 'Milord, they.. . They cry for
quarter, milord. Shall we give it them?' 'Quarter?
Oh, yes. They want to surrender.' Rod nodded, closing his eyes. He
turned and looked at the group of beggars. 'Oh, I don't know. What does Brom
say?' 'My
lord O'Berin says, aye, grant it them, but the Queen says nay. The Lords
Loguire are with Brom.' 'And
still the Queen says nay.' Rod nodded, bitterness tightening his mouth. 'And
they want me to break the deadlock, is that it?' 'Aye,
milord.' The
circle of beggars parted a little. Rod saw Tom's waxen, still face. He
turned to Toby. 'Hell, yes. Give 'em quarter.' The sun
had sunk behind the hills, leaving the sky a pale rose, darkening to the east. The
twelve Great Lords stood, bound in chains, before Catharine. Near
her sat Loguire and Tuan, Brom and Sir Mans. Rod
stood a little distance away, leaning back against Fess, arms folded, chin sunk
on his breast. The old
Duke Loguire's head was also bowed, deep misery in his eyes, for his son Anselm
stood a pace in advance of the rest of the lords, directly before the Queen. Catharine
held her head high, eyes shining with triumph and pride, face flushed with the
joy of her power. Rod
looked at her and felt ~twist of disgust in his belly; her arrogance had
returned with her victory. At a
sign from Brom O'Berin, two heralds blew a flourish. The trumpets whirled away
from their lips, and a third herald stepped forward, loosening a scroll. 'Be it
known to all by these presents, that on this day the miscreant vassal, Anselm,
son of Loguire, did rise in most vicious rebellion against Catharine, Queen of
Gramarye, and is therefore liable to the judgment of the Crown, even unto
death, for the crime of high treason!' He
rolled the scroll and slapped it to his side. 'Who speaks in defense of Anselm,
chief of the rebels?' There
was a silence. Then
old Loguire rose. He
bowed gravely to Catharine. She returned his courtesy with a glare, astonished
and angry. 'Naught
can be said in defense of a rebel,' Loguire rumbled. 'Yet for a man who, in the
haste of hot blood, rises to avenge what he may consider to be insults to his
father and house, much may be said; for, though his actions were rash and, aye,
even treacherous, still he was moved by honor, and filial piety. Moreover,
having seen the outcome of rash action, and being under the tutelage of his
duke and his father, might well again realize his true loyalties and duties to
his sovereign.' Catharine
smiled; her voice was syrup and honey. 'You would then, milord, have me enlarge
this man, upon whose head must be laid the deaths of some several thousand,
once again to your protection and discipline; to you who have, as this day has
proved, failed once already in these duties?' Loguire
winced. 'Nay,
good milord!' she snapped, face paling, lips drawing thin. 'Thou hast fostered
rebels against me before, and now seek to do it again!' Loguire's
face hardened. Tuan
half-bolted from his chair, flushed with anger. She
turned to him with a haughty, imperious look. 'Has milord of the beggars aught
to say?' Tuan fought
for calm, grinding his teeth. He straightened and bowed gravely. 'My Queen,
father and son have this day battled valiantly for you. Will you not,
therefore, grant us the life of our son and our brother?' Catherine's
face paled further, eyes narrowing. 'I
thank my father and brother,' said Anselm, in a clear, level voice. 'Be
still!' Catharine fairly shrieked, turning on him. 'Treacherous, villainous,
thrice-hated dog!' Rage
came into the Loguires' eyes; still they held themselves silent. Catherine
sat back in her chair, gasping. clasping the arms tight, that her hands might
not tremble. 'Thou wilt speak when I ask thee, traitor,' she snapped. 'Till
then, hold thy peace!' 'I will
not hold my peace! Thou canst not hurt me more; I will have my say! Thou, vile
Queen, hast determined I shall die, and nothing will sway thee! Why, then, slay
me!' he shouted.
'The penalty for treason is death! I had known much before I rebelled; slay me
and be done with it!' Catharine
sat back, relaxing a trifle. 'He is sentenced by his own mouth,' she said. 'It
is the law of the land that a rebel shall 'The
law of the land is the Queen,' rumbled Brom. 'If she says a traitor shall live
he shall live.' She
spun on him, stating in horror. 'Wilt thou, too, betray me? Will not one of my
generals stand beside me this day?' 'Oh, be
done with it!' Rod stormed, looming up over the throne. 'No, not one of your
generals will support you now, and it seems to me that might give you some
slight hint you're in the wrong. But oh, no, not the Queen! Why hold a trial?
You've already decided he'll die!' He turned away and spat. 'Come on, get this
farce of a trial over with,' he growled. 'Thou
too?' she gasped. 'Wilt thou also defend a traitor, one who bath caused death
to three thousand...' 'You
have caused the death of three thousand,' Rod bellowed. 'A noble man of low
birth lies dead in that field, his right side torn away, the birds pecking at
him, and why? To defend a willful child who sits on a throne, not worth the
life of a beggar! A child who is so poor a queen she gave birth to rebellion!' Catharine
cowered back in her throne, trembling. 'Be still!' she gasped. 'Was it I who
rebelled?' 'Who
was it gave the nobles cause to rebel by too-hasty reforms and too-lofty
manner? Cause, Catharine, cause! There is no rebellion without it; and who but
the Queen has given it?' 'Be
still, oh be still!' The back of her hand to her mouth, as though she would
scream. 'You may not speak so to a Queen!' Rod
looked down at the cowering Queen. His face twisted with disgust. He
turned away. 'Ah, I'm sick to the belly! Let them live; there has been too much
death this day already. Let them live. They'll be loyal, without their.
councillors to needle them. Let them live, let them all live. They're schooled
now, even if you're not.' 'This
cannot be true!' Catharine gasped. 'It is
not!' Tuan stepped forward, his hand going to his sword. 'The Queen gave cause,
aye, but she did not make the rebellion.' Catharine's
eyes leaped up to him with a look of radiant gratitude. 'Speak
truth,' Tuan went on, 'and you may chastise her. But
when you charge her with that which she bath not done' -he shook his head
slowly - 'I cannot let you speak.' Rod
ached to spit in his face. Instead,
he turned again to Catharine, who sat straight again, regaining her haughty
look. 'Do not
forget,' he said, 'that a queen who cannot control her own whims is a weak
queen.' She
paled again, and 'Walk wary!' Tuan snapped. Rage
surged up in Rod, higher and higher as he stood rigid against it, till it broke
some bond within him and drained away, leaving an icy calm and a great clarity,
a clarity in which he saw what he must do and why.. . and what the consequences
to himself must needs be. Catherine
was almost smiling now, smug and haughty again, seeing Rod hesitate at Tuan's
threat. 'Has
more to say, sirrah?' she demanded, lifting her chin. 'Yes,' Rod said between
his teeth. 'What kind of queen is it who betrays her own people?' His
hand whipped out and slapped her. She screamed,
falling back in the chair, and Tuan was on him, fist swinging square into Rod's
face. Rod
ducked under the blow and grappled Tuan to him, shouting 'Fess!' Tuan's
fists slammed into his belly, trip-hammer blows; but Rod held on, seeing the
other generals rushing up. But
Fess got there first. Rod
tried to forget what a nice, clean young kid Tuan was and drove his knee into
Tuan's groin. He let
go and leaped to the saddle as Tuan fell, doubled with pain, rattling in his
throat. Fess
spun and leaped over the heads of the approaching Guardsmen. He
landed and stretched into a gallop. Rod heard Catharine screaming Tuan's name
and grinned savagely. Then
his grin stretched into a silent scream as pain exploded in his wounded
shoulder. Turning,
he saw the nook of a crossbow bolt sticking out of his shoulder. And,
beyond the bouncing shoulder, in the midst of the circle of Guardsmen around
the throne, Catherine bending over Tuan. who knelt, still curled around his
pain, with a Guardsman's crossbow dropping from his hand. I 274 They
came back to a hill overlooking the field as dusk gathered, having run a long
circle through wood and field and waded a mile of stream to hide their trail. Rod
slumped out of the saddle as Fess came to the edge of a grove. He limped to a
large tree and sat, leaning back against the trunk, hidden from eyes in the
field below by the gathering gloom. He
looked down over the glowing fires on the field, listening to the faint sounds
of the victory merry-making. He
sighed and turned to the problem at hand, or more accurately, at shoulder. He
opened his doublet and probed the shoulder gently, wincing with the pain that
he felt even through the anesthetic he'd applied on the run. The
barbed bolt-head seemed buried just in front of collarbone and joint; by some
miracle, it bad missed both bone and artery. There
was a faint puff of air, like a miniature shockwave, and he looked up to see
Gwendylon bending toward him, tears welling from her eyes. 'My lord, my lord!
Art badly hurt?' Rod
smiled and reached up to pull her head down to his. He held her against him for
a good, long time. 'Nay,
then,' she said blushing as she drew away, 'I warrant thou'rt not so sorely
wounded as I had feared.' 'Ah,
lass, lass!' Rod leaned back, cradling her in his arm. 'I was lonely, on that
ride.' 'I'd
ha' come to you sooner, lord,' she said apologetically, 'but I must needs wait
till you'd come to rest. 'Now to
that shoulder.' She took on a brisk, almost businesslike air. ''Twill hurt
some, my lord.' Rod
ground his teeth as she stripped the blood-soaked tunic off his shoulder.
'Bandages in the saddlebag,' he gritted as she finished. She
turned to Fess, brought out the small metal box, frowned. What is this red
cross here, my lord?' 'Just a
symbol,' Rod wheezed. 'Means it's a, uh, healing kit.' She
knelt by his side again, very still. Rod
frowned, wondering what she was doing. Then
pain lanced him again, and he felt the bolt-head receding, withdrawing slowly
along the channel it had cut on its way in, and, seemingly, all of its own
accord. Through
a pain-blurred haze, a random thought burrowed: these
witches were the answer to the surgeon's prayer. The
bolt-head eased itself past his skin, then suddenly whirled spinning through
the air to smash itself against a stone. 'Thus,'
she hissed, 'may I serve all who would harm thee, my lord.' Rod
shivered as he realized the extent of the power he'd been dallying with. She
reached for the bandages. 'No,
no!' Rod touched her arm with his good hand. 'The powder in the silver envelope
first. It'll stop the bleeding.' 'I
would rather use compress of herbs,' she said dubiously. 'But as thou wilt have
it, my lord.' Rod
shuddered as the sulfa bit into him. Then
the pain numbed, and she was winding the bandage. 'It seems you're always
bandaging that shoulder,' Rod muttered. 'Aye,
my lord. I would that thou wert more chary of it.' Someone coughed, somewhat
delicately, nearby. Rod looked up and saw a squat silhouette lurking in the
shadows. Rod's
mouth tightened. 'Well, if it isn't the Atrophied Ajax himself!' Gwendylon
laid a reproving finger gently on his lips. Rod gave a short nod, irritated at
himself; the fingers lifted away. He
beckoned with his good arm. 'Well, come on and join the party, Brom. But be
careful; the fruits of victory are sour tonight.' Brom
came forward, bands locked behind him, head bowed, and sat on a nearby root. Rod
frowned. There was something sheepish, almost furtive, in the dwarf's manner.
'What's eating you?' he growled. Brom
sighed and rested his bands on his knees. 'Thou hast caused me much heartache
this day, Rod Gallowglass.' Rod
smiled, one-sided. 'Sounds more like a bellyache. I take it you weren't too
pleased at the way things went?' 'Oh,
nay, I was most enormously pleased! And yet' - Brom rested~ his chin on his
clenched hands, looking sheepish again -'I confess that at first I was somewhat
wroth with thee.' 'You
don't say!' 'Aye;
but that was before I realized your plan.' 'Oh?'
Rod raised one eyebrow. 'But you did figure out what I was up to?' 'Nay. I
grow old, Rod Gallowglass ...' Rod
snorted. 'My
thanks.' Brom inclined his head. 'But 'tis truth; I grow old, and must needs be
shown.' 'And
what were you shown?' 'Oh,
'twas a most touching scene!' Brom smiled with a touch of sarcasm. 'At first
Catharine could but cry, "My love, thou'rt hurt!" and call for
doctors and herbs, till Tuan managed to rise, saying his hurt was but slight;
and then she fell to weeping on his shoulder, the while crying him her lord and
protector and the guard of her honor, and would not be comforted till he'd
swore he would wed her!' Brom's smile softened, 'Aye, 'twas most tender to look
upon.' Rod
nodded wearily, closing his eyes. 'When's the wedding?' 'As
soon as they shall be thrice called in church. Catherine would have had it
right then, but Tuan cried no, that she was Queen and the flower of womanhood,
and must be wed as befitted her estate.' 'A
promising beginning.' 'Oh,
'twas more promising still! For Tuan then turned to the twelve lords and, quoth
he, "And how shall we deal with these?" And Catharine cried,
"Oh, as thou wilt, my lord, as thou wilt! But be done with them right
quickly, and come away!"' 'Very
auspicious,' Rod agreed. 'What did he do with them?' 'Struck
off their chains, and bade them once more take up the care of their demesnes.
But he required of them each a hostage, of twelve years old or less, of their
blood and body and legitimate household, to dwell in the Queen's castle.' Rod
frowned, nodded. 'Should work. He gets a deterrent, and a chance to raise a new
generation very loyal to the throne.' He
leaned back against the rough bark, feeling totally drained. 'Glad it worked.' 'Aye.'
Brom's eyes glowed. 'This land shall stand ever in thy debt, Rod Gallowglass.
Thou hast saved us our Crown, and banished the ghost of a long and full bloody
civil war; and, moreover, thou hast given us a King.' 'And a
Public Enemy No. 1,' Rod said bitterly. A
shadow darkened Brom's face. Rod
lifted an eye to him. 'You must admit that I'm slightly persona non grata.' 'Aye,'
Brom growled, 'Yet ever wilt thou find sanctuary in the land of the elves.' Rod
smiled weakly. 'Thanks, Brom.' 'Yet
tell me!' Brom hunched forward, frowning. 'How is it thou hast come? When all
looked bleak in our land, and hope had been exiled, then did you come, falling
from the skies like an answer to prayer - you, who had no stake in our country.
side, no manor to defend. Our cares were not yours, yet you made them so.' He
thrust his head forward, eyes burning. 'Why hast thou saved us?' Rod's
smile soured. 'For the Dream.' Brom
frowned. 'How...?' Rod
looked up at the stars. He hesitated a moment, then said, 'Fess, record this.' He
turned to Brom, then to Gwendylon, lifting his good arm to point to the sky. 'Look
up there. See those stars? Each one has worlds circling about it, worlds like
this one, where lovers meet and men feud, and kings topple. 'But
most of them are united under one rule, one government - the Decentralized
Democratic Tribunal. And the voice that commands is that of the people
themselves.' 'Nay!'
Brom boomed. 'How can that be?' 'Because
each man's voice can be heard, his opinions adding weight to those of his
fellows. That's the key, communications. You can't have that kind of government
here because your communications are lousy, which is strange, because you've
got the potential for the best system, if you'd just use it.' He
folded his arms and leaned back. 'But they've got bad trouble up there. They're
growing, you see. Every day, at least one new world joins the Tribunal. At that
rate, they'll have reached the limit of their communications. After that,
they'll start running downhill to dictatorship.' 'But
how is this thy concern?' Brom growled. 'I work
for them. I'm the salesman. I'm the boy who goes out and gets new planets ready
for membership... if they want it, which they always do, once they're ready!' 'And
what is this readiness?' Brom smiled, fighting for tolerance. 'Communications,
as I told you, but even more than that, learning. Education.' He
sighed. 'The education, we've got licked. Took a long while, but it's licked.
Communications, though, that's another matter. ''Cause
there's one other ingredient to freedom: a frontier. It prevents a stratified
society - never mind what that is, my Lord O'Berin, King of the Elves - and a
stratified society is another road to totalitarianism. 'So the
Tribunal's got to keep growing. But if it grows much more, slowing
communications will be its death. And I, very personally, don't want that.
Because the Dream has a name, you see - Freedom. That's my Dream. And that's
why Gramarye means so much to me.' Brom
scowled. 'I do not comprehend.' Rod
turned to him, smiling. 'The witches. Their power to hear thoughts. That's the
communications system we need.' He
watched understanding, and a certain dread, dawn in Brom's face, then turned
away. 'We
need them,' he said, 'we need lots of them. Up till now, their numbers have
been growing slowly. But, under Catharine's protection, they'll grow faster;
and from their winning in today's battle, they'll begin to be respected, and
before too long, every parent will be hoping for a witch to be born in the
family. Then their numbers will soar.' Brom
scowled. 'But how is it this world alone, of all the ones you speak of, bath
witches?' 'Because
the men who brought life to this land, your ancestors, who dropped from the
skies, selected only those persons who had at least a trace of witch-power in
them, to come here. They didn't know they had it, it was too little, and hidden
too deeply, to be seen; but as the generations rolled and they married one
another again and again, that little bit grew and grew, until at last a witch
was born.' 'And
when was that?' Brom smiled tolerantly. 'When
the elves appeared. Also the banshees, werewolves, and other supernatural
fauna. Because there's a strange substance on this planet, called witch-moss,
that shapes itself to the forms a witch thinks of. If the witch thinks of an
elf, the moss turns into an elf.' Brom
paled. 'Dost thou say...' 'Don't
feel bad about it, Brom,' Rod said quickly. 'All men • were
once just pulsing blobs floating in the sea it's just that in your remote
ancestor's case, the process was speeded up a trifle, through the witches. And
it was your first ancestor, not you; my guess is that the critter formed out of
the moss is such a
perfect copy, it can breed true - and even cross-breed with mortal men.' He
leaned back and sighed. 'Be proud, Brom. You and your people are the only ones
who can claim to be real native citizens.' Brom
was silent a long moment; then he growled, 'Aye, then, this is our land. And
whet wouldst thou do with it, warlock from the skies?' 'Do?'
Rod cocked an eye. 'Only what you yourself are trying to do, Brom, through the
reforms you've suggested to Catharine. Equality before the law, isn't that your
aim?' 'It is,
aye.' 'Well,
it's mine, too. And my job is to show you the least bloody road to it, which
job I have just finished.' He
scowled, suddenly brooding. Brom
studied him. Gwendylon touched his head, stroking the hair, worried. Rod
looked up at her and tried to smile. He
turned to Brom. 'That's why I fought for Catharine, you see: because she
protects the witches, and because she's a reformer; and so is Tuan, thank
Heaven. 'And
that's why the councillors and the Mocker fought against her.' Brom
scowled. 'I am old, Rod Gallowglass. Show me.' Rod looked up at the stars
again. 'Someday the Tribunal will govern all the stars you can see, and a lot
more that you can't. And almost all the people who live on those worlds will be
witches, because they'll have the blood of Gramarye flowing in their veins. 'How's
that for a laurel wreath, Brom? "Father to a Galaxy..." 'But
some people won't be witches. And because they're not, they'll hate the
witches, and their government, more violently then you can imagine. That kind
is called a fanatic. 'And
they'll go for any system of government, any, as long as it isn't democracy.
And they'll fight democracy with every breath in their bodies.' 'If it
is to be as you say,' growled Brom, 'these men will lose; for how could they
fight so many worlds?' 'They
can't,' Rod answered, 'unless they kill it before it's born.' 'But
how shall they do that? For to kill the witch in the womb, they must come to
the womb, here to Gramarye, and try to.. .why...to slay...' Brom
stared, horrified. 'Catherine,'
Rod finished for him, nodding sourly. 'Right, Brom. The councillors and the
leader cadre of the House of Clovis are somebody's great -great-fifty-times-great-grand.
children.' • 'But
how could that be?' Brom gasped. 'What man can visit his ancestors?' 'They
can. They've got a thing called a time machine. There's one of them hidden
somewhere in the House of Clovis, and another in the haunted tunnels of the
Castle Loguire. 'So
guard those four men in your dungeon very carefully, Brom. They might have a
few surprises in store.' 'Be
assured that I will!' 'And
the councillors are all dead.' Rod leaned back, eyes closing. 'Which nicely wraps
up the report. Send it home, Fess. Oh, and corroborative material: a
description of the time machine, and descriptions of the witches' main tricks -
you know, telekinesis, levitation, telepor-' 'I do
know, Rod,' the robot's voice reminded him. 'Umph.
Some self-effacing retainer you are. Well, send it home.' The
warp transmitter deep within Fess's basketball brain spat a two-second squeal
at the stars. All was
silent a moment then Gwendylon said, hesitantly, 'My lord?' Rod
lifted an eyelid and smiled. 'You shouldn't call me that. But I like it.' She
smiled, shyly. 'My lord, you ha' finished your work here...' Rod's
face darkened. He
turned away, glowering down at the earth. 'Where
will you go now, Rod Warlock?' Brom murmured. 'Oh,
cut it out!' Rod snapped. He
turned away again, sullen. 'I'm not a warlock,' he growled. 'I'm an agent from
a very advanced technology, and as such have a bag of tricks you wouldn't
believe, but they're all cold iron and its breed. I haven't a witch trick to my
name, and I certainly don't have the tiniest shred of witch power.' He
lifted his eyes to the stars again. 'I'm not a warlock, not the
slightest bit, not so much as the meanest of your peasants. I don't belong
here.' He felt
a tearing in him as he said it. 'I
don't belong here. I belong out there, chasing a dream.' He looked down at the
earth and said heavily, 'The men of the Tribunal will tell Fess, and Fess will
tell me. I'll go where they send me.' Brom
was very quiet for a moment. Then he
plucked a blade of grass and tore it between his fingers. 'You are not your own
master, Rod Gallowglass?' 'I
chose this life,' Rod growled. 'I take orders, yes, but I do it voluntarily.' 'A
point,' Brom admitted, 'but a weak one. By choice or not by choice, thou'rt still
enslaved.' 'Yes,'
Rod admitted. 'But some must give up their freedom, so that their children may
have it.' But it
didn't even sound convincing to him. Brom
gusted a sigh and slapped his thighs, standing. He gazed at Rod, his eyes weary
and old. 'If thou
must go, thou must go; a geas is a thing no man can deny. Go on to the stars,
Rod Gallowglass, but be mindful: if ever thou seekest a haven, 'tis here.' He
turned and strode away, down the hillside. Gwendylon sat quietly beside him,
clasping his hand. 'Tell me,' she said after a little while, 'is it only one
dream that takes you away from me?' 'Yes.
Oh, yes.' Rod's hand tightened on hers. 'You sort of blotted out any other
dreams.' She
turned, smiling tremulously, tears glittering on her lashes. 'Then may not I
accompany you to the stars, good my lord?' Rod
clamped down on her hand, throat tightening. 'I wish that you could; but you'd
wither and die there, like an uprooted flower. You belong here, where they need
you. I belong there. It's as simple as that.' 'No.'
She shook her 'head sadly. 'You go not for belonging, but for a geas. But, good
my lord' - she turned, tears flowing now - 'is not my geas as strong as your
dream?' 'Look,'
he said tightly, 'try to understand. A man has to have a dream. That's the
difference between animals and man, a dream.
And a man who's lost his dream is something less than a man, and worthy of no
woman. How could I dare claim you if I wasn't a man? 'A man
has to prove his worth to himself, before he can claim a woman, and the dream
is the proof. As long as he's working for it,
he's got a right to her, because he's worth something. I could stay here and be
very, very happy with you. But in my depths I'd know I didn't deserve you.
Because I'd be a drone, a male with no purpose. How could I father children if
I knew their mother was more valuable to the world than I am?' 'Then
it wouldst be thou who wouldst wither and die?' she murmured. Rod
nodded. 'But
the geas, my lord, if not mine alone, is not Big Tom's geas added to it, and
the old Duke Loguire's enough to balance the geas of the stars?' Rod sat
rigid. 'They
bade you watch over their people,' she murmured. 'And what would become of
them, lord, if these fiends from tomorrow come again? As surely they will, if they
hate as deep as thou say.' Rod
nodded, very slowly. 'And
what of the Dream then, my lord?' she murmured. Rod sat rock-still for a
moment. 'Fess,'
he said quietly. 'Yes,
Rod?' 'Fess,
send them my resignation.' 'Your
what?' 'My
resignation!' Rod snapped. 'And hurry it up!' 'But,
Rod, your duty. . . the honor of your house...' 'Oh,
stuff it! The councillors might be back, Fess, even if we smash the time
machines. They did it once, they can do it again. Send it!' Fess
obediently beeped at the stars. Then,
slowly, Rod's head lolled forward. 'My
lord?' Gwendylon gasped. Rod
raised a hand weakly. 'I'm all right. I've done the right thing, and the one
that'll make me happiest. For the first time in my life, I'm working on my own. 'And
that's it. I've cut myself off. They're not backing me anymore - the house, the
clan, Big Brother watching over me . . 'Thou
hast a house here, lord,' she murmured. 'I
know, I know. And in a little while this'll pass' and I'll be happier than I
ever have been. But now...' He
looked up at her, smiled weakly. 'I'll be all right.' 'Rod,'
Fess murmured. He
lifted his head. 'Yes, Fess?' 'They
have replied, Rod.' Rod
tensed. 'Read it.' 'Report
accepted. Request send coordinates for verifying expedition.' Rod
nodded, mouth twisting back with bitterness. 'Send 'em. Go on.' 'Request
you reconsider resignation. Accept permanent assignment planet Gramarye guard
against further infiltration-subversion.' Rod
straightened, staring. 'What?' 'They
would like to make your chosen position official, Rod,' the robot replied. 'Whet
is it, my lord?' 'They
want me to stay on,' Rod answered mechanically. He turned to her, life
replacing the stunned look. 'They want me to stay on!' • 'Stay
on where, my lord?' she asked, catching the first traces of his enthusiasm. 'Stay
on here!' he bellowed, jumping to his feet and flinging his arm wide to include
the whole planet. 'Here on Gramarye! As an agent! Gwen, I'm free! And I'm
home!' He
dropped to his knees, spinning to face her, bands biting into her shoulders. 'I love
you!' he bellowed. Marry me!' 'At
once and forever, my lord!' she cried, clasping his face in her hands, and the
tears poured. He
grabbed for her, but she held him off with a palm over his lips. 'Nay, my lord.
Only a warlock may kiss a witch.' 'All
right, I'm a warlock, I'm a warlock! Just kiss me, will you?' She
did. He
locked his hands in the small of her back, grinning. 'Hey,' he said, 'is it
true, what they say about farm girls?' 'Aye, my lord.' She lowered her eyes and
began unbuttoning his doublet. 'You'll never be rid of me now.' The End |