"Stasheff, Christopher - Warlock 04 - The Warlock Enraged" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)

"Do not judge us so harshly," Tuan protested. "Yet I must
own that there are matters of policy to be discussed." He
sighed, and turned away to a desk that stood beneath the
broad windows, with a map beside it on a floor stand.
"Come, Lord WarlockЧlet us take up less pleasant mat-

Rod came over, rather reassured; Tuan certainly didn't
seem to feel any urgency.

The young King tapped the map, on the Duchy of
Romanov. "Here lies our mutual interest of the hour."

"Well, as long as it's only an hour. What's our bear of
a Duke up to?"

'"Tis not His Grace," Tuan said slowly.

Rod perked up; this was becoming more interesting;

"Something original would be welcome. Frankly, I've been
getting a bit bored with the petty rebellions of your twelve
great lords."

"Art thou so? I assure thee," Tuan said grimly, "I have
never found them tedious."

"What is it, then? One of his petty barons gathering arms
and men?"

"I would it were; of that, I've some experience. This,
though, is a matter of another sort; for the rumors speak of
foul magics."

"Rumors?" Rod looked up from the map. "Not reports
from agents?"

"I have some spies in the North," Tuan acknowledged,
"yet they only speak of these same rumors, not of events
which they themselves have witnessed."

Rod frowned. "Haven't any of them tried to track the
rumor to its source?"

Tuan shrugged. "None of those who've sent word. Yet
I've several who have sent me no reports, and mine em-