"Stasheff, Christopher - Warlock 04 - The Warlock Enraged" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)

mess like this in so short a time as that!" Rod stepped down
hardЧinto a puddle of ocher paint. His foot skidded out
from under him; he hung suspended for a split second, arms
thrashing like the wings of a dodo trying to fly; then his
back slammed down to the floor, paralyzing his diaphragm.
For an instant of panic, he fought for breath, while Cordelia
and Geoffrey huddled back against the wall in fright.

Then Rod's breath hissed in and bounced back out in a
howl of rage. "You little pigs! Can't you even clean up after

The children shrank back, wide-eyed.

Rod struggled to his feet, red-faced. "Throwing garbage


on the floor, fighting over a stupid piece of shelf spaceЧ
and to top it off, you had the gall to talk back!"

"We didn't... We..."

"You just did it again!" Rod levelled an accusing fore-
finger. "Whatever you do, don't contradict me! If I say you
did it, you did it! And don't you dare try to say you didn't!"

He towered over them, a mountain of wrath. "Naughty,
stupid, asinine brats!"

The children hugged each other, eyes huge and fright-

Rod's hand swept up for a backhanded slap.

With a crack like a pistol shot, big brother Magnus ap-
peared in front of Cordelia and Geoffrey, arms outspread to
cover them. "Papa! They didn't mean to! They..."

"Don't try to tell me what they were doing!" Rod shouted.

The eleven-year-old flinched, but stood up resolutely
against his father's rageЧand that made it worse.

"How dare you defy me! You insolent little..."

"Rod!" Gwen darted into the room, wiping her hands on
her apron. "What dost thou?"

Rod whirled, forefinger stabbing at her. "Don't you even