Possible, it is our moral obligation to explain ourselves to these
possible people that we might possibly offend? Possibly. Shouldn't
we give some thought to leaving them a legacy a little less lethal
and offensive than our giant fossilized landfills and the
radioactive fallout layer in the polar snows? If we're going to
put the Library of Congress in our hip pocket, I'd like to see us
put a Library of Congress beside every canister of nuclear waste.
Let's airmail the Library of Congress to the year 20,000 AD.
There's absolutely no benefit for us in this action. There's no
money in it. That's why I like the idea. That's why I find it
appealing. I think i t would be good for the soul of consumer
society. It's a moral gesture to demonstrate that our sense of
values is not entirely selfish, not entirely narrow, not entirely
short-term. I hope you'll think about Deep Archiving. As weird
ideas go it's one of the less hazardous and more workable ones. If
you remember one idea from my visit here, I hope you'll remember
that idea.
That's all I have to say, thanks a lot for listening.