"Bram Stoker - Dracula's Guest" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stoker Bram)

ued to yelp in a strange way, and a red glare began to move
round the grove of cypresses, as though following the sound.
As the voices drew closer, the wolf yelped faster and louder.
I feared to make either sound or motion. Nearer came the red
glow over the white pall which stretched into the darkness a-
round me. Then all at once from beyond the trees there came
at a trot a troop of horsemen bearing torches. The wolf rose
from my breast and made for the cemetery. I saw one of the
horsemen (soldiers by their caps and their long military
cloaks) raise his carbine and take aim. A companion knocked
up his arm,and I heard the ball whiz over my head. He had ev-
idently taken my body for that of the wolf. Another sighted
the animal as it slunk away, and a shot followed. Then, at a
gallop, the troop rode forward--some towards me, others foll-
owing the wolf as it disappeared amongst the snow-clad cypress-

As they drew nearer I tried to move but was powerless, al-
though I could see and hear all that went on around me. Two
or three of the soldiers jumped from their horses and knelt
beside me. One of them raised my head and placed his hand ov-
er my heart.

"Good news, comrades!" he cried. "His heart still beats!"

Then some brandy was poured down my throat; it put vigor
into me, and I was able to open my eyes fully and look around.
Lights and shadows were moving among the trees, and I heard
men call to one another. They drew together, uttering fright-
ened exclamations; and the lights flashed as the others came
pouring out of the cemetery pell-mell, like men possessed.
When the further ones came close to us, those who were around
me asked them eagerly, "Well, have you found him?"

The reply rang out hurriedly, "No! no! Come away quick--
quick! This is no place to stay, and on this of all nights!"

"What was it?" was the question, asked in all manner of
keys.The answer came variously and all indefinitely as though
the men were moved by some common impulse to speak yet were
restrained by some common fear from giving their thoughts.

"It--it--indeed!" gibbered one, whose wits had plainly giv-
en out for the moment.

"A wolf--and yet not a wolf!" another put in shudderingly.

"No use trying for him without the sacred bullet," a third
remarked in a more ordinary manner.