"stoker-dracula-168" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stoker Bram)

"Well, sir," he said, with a suspicious sort of modesty, "I think
I can; but I don't know as 'ow you'd be satisfied with the theory."

"Certainly I shall. If a man like you, who knows the animals from
experience, can't hazard a good guess at any rate, who is even to

"Well then, sir, I accounts for it this way; it seems to me that
'ere wolf escaped- simply because he wanted to get out."

From the hearty way that both Thomas and his wife laughed at the
joke I could see that it had done service before, and that the whole
explanation was simply an elaborate sell. I couldn't cope in
badinage with the worthy Thomas, but I thought I knew a surer way to
his heart, so I said:-

"Now, Mr. Bilder, we'll consider that first half-sovereign worked
off, and this brother of his is waiting to be claimed when you've told
me what you think will happen."

"Right y'are, sir," he said briskly. "Ye'll excoose me, I know,
for a-chaffin' of ye, but the old woman here winked at me, which was
as much as telling me to go on."

"Well, I never!" said the old lady.

"My opinion is this: that 'ere wolf is a-'idin' of, somewheres.
The gard'ner wot didn't remember said he was a-gallopin' northward
faster than a horse could go; but I don't believe him, for, yer see,
sir, wolves don't gallop no more nor dogs does, they not bein' built
that way. Wolves is fine things in a story-book, and I dessay when
they gets in packs and does be chivyin' somethin' that's more
afeared than they is they can make a devil of a noise and chop it
up, whatever it is. But, Lor' bless you, in real life a wolf is only a
low creature, not half so clever or bold as a good dog; and not half a
quarter so much fight in 'im. This one ain't been used to fightin'
or even to providin' for hisself, and more like he's somewhere round
the Park a-'idin' an' a-shiverin' of, and, if he thinks at all,
wonderin' where he is to get his breakfast from; or maybe he's got
down some area and is an a coal-celler. My eye, won't some cook get
a rum start when she sees his green eyes a-shining at her out of the
dark! If he can't get food he's bound to look for it, and mayhap he
may chance to light on a butcher's shop in time. If he doesn't, and
some nursemaid goes a-walkin' orf with a soldier, leavin' of the
hinfant in the perambulator- well then I shouldn't be surprised if the
census is one babby the less. That's all."

I was handing him the half-sovereign, when something came bobbing up
against the window, and Mr. Bilder's face doubled its natural length
with surprise.