"stoker-dracula-168" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stoker Bram)

the hint, and strolled about, and presently the professor came to
the window and called me in. He looked grave, but said: 'I have made
careful examination, but there is no functional cause. With you I
agree that there has been much blood lost; it has been, but is not.
But the conditions of her are in no way anaemic. I have asked her to
send me her maid, that I may ask just one or two question, that so I
may not chance to miss nothing. I know well what she will say. And yet
there is cause; there is always cause for everything. I must go back
home and think. You must send to me the telegram every day; and if
there be cause I shall come again. The disease- for not to be all well
is a disease- interest me, and the sweet young dear, she interest me
too. She charm me, and for her, if not for you or disease, I come.'

"As I tell you, he would not say a word more, even when we were
alone. And so now, Art, you know all I know. I shall keep stern watch.
I trust your poor father is rallying. It must be a terrible thing to
you, my dear old fellow, to be placed in such a position between two
people who are both so dear to you. I know your idea of duty to your
father, and you are right to stick to it; but, if need be, I shall
send you word to come at once to Lucy; so do not be over-anxious
unless you hear from me."

Dr. Seward's Diary.

4 September.- Zoophagous patient still keeps up our interest in him.
He had only one outburst and that was yesterday at an unusual time.
Just before the stroke of noon he began to grow restless. The
attendant knew the symptoms, and at once summoned aid. Fortunately the
men came at a run, and were just in time, for at the stroke of noon he
became so violent that it took all their strength to hold him. In
about five minutes, however, he began to get more and more quiet,
and finally sank into a sort of melancholy, in which state he has
remained up to now. The attendant tells me that his screams whilst
in the paroxysm were really appalling; I found my hands full when I
got in, attending to some of the other patients who were frightened by
him. Indeed, I can quite understand the effect, for the sounds
disturbed even me, though I was some distance away. It is now after
the dinner-hour of the asylum, and as yet my patient sits in a
corner brooding, with a dull, sullen, woe-be-gone look in his face,
which seems rather to indicate than to show something directly. I
cannot quite understand it.

Later.- Another change in my patient. At five o'clock I looked in on
him, and found him seemingly as happy and contented as he used to
be. He was catching flies and eating them, and was keeping note of his
capture by making nailmarks on the edge of the door between the ridges
of padding. When he saw me, he came over and apologised for his bad
conduct, and asked me in a very humble, cringing way to be led back to
his own room and to have his note-book again. I thought it well to
humour him; so he is back in his room, with the window open. He has