"stoker-dracula-168" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stoker Bram)

you shall not sleep easy hereafter!"

Dr. Seward's Diary- continued.

8 September.- I sat up all night with Lucy. The opiate worked itself
off towards dusk, and she waked naturally; she looked a different
being from what she had been before the operation. Her spirits even
were good, and she was full of a happy vivacity, but I could see
evidences of the absolute prostration which she had undergone. When
I told Mrs. Westenra that Dr. Van Helsing had directed that I should
sit up with her she almost pooh-poohed the idea, pointing out her
daughter's renewed strength and excellent spirits. I was firm,
however, and made preparations for my long vigil. When her maid had
prepared her for the night I came in, having in the meantime had
supper, and took a seat by the bedside. She did not in any way make
objection, but looked at me gratefully whenever I caught her eye.
After a long spell she seemed sinking off to sleep, but with an effort
seemed to pull herself together and shook it off. This was repeated
several times, with greater effort and with shorter pauses as the time
moved on. It was apparent that she did not want to sleep, so I tackled
the subject at once:-

"You do not want to go to sleep?"

"No; I am afraid."

"Afraid to go to sleep! Why so? It is the boon we all crave for."

"Ah, not if you were like me- if sleep was to you a presage of

"A presage of horror! What on earth do you mean?"

"I don't know; oh, I don't know. And that is what is so terrible.
All this weakness comes to me in sleep; until I dread the very

"But, my dear girl, you may sleep to-night. I am here watching
you, and I can promise that nothing will happen."

"Ah, I can trust you!" I seized the opportunity, and said: "I
promise you that if I see any evidence of bad dreams I will wake you
at once."

"You will? Oh, will you really? How good you are to me. Then I
will sleep!" And almost at the word she gave a deep sigh of relief,
and sank back, asleep.

All night long I watched by, her. She never stirred, but slept on
and on in a deep, tranquil, life-giving, health-giving sleep. Her lips