"Jonathan Stroud - Bartimaeus 3 - Ptolemy's Gate" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stroud Jonathan)

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Printed in the United States of America
This book is set in 12-point Bembo.
Reinforced binding

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data on file.
ISBN 0-7868-1861-1

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Jonathan Stroud - Bartimaeus 3 - Ptolemy's Gate

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For Isabelle, with love

The Main Characters


Prime Minister of Great Britain and the
Mr. Rupert Devereaux
Empire, and acting Chief of Police
Mr. Carl Mortensen Minister of War
Ms. Helen Malbindi Foreign Minister
Ms. Jessica Whitwell Security Minister
Mr. Bruce Collins Home Secretary
Mr. John Mandrake Information Minister
Ms. Jane Farrar Deputy Police Chief
A playwright; author of Petticoats and
Mr. Quentin Makepeace
Rifles and other works
Mr. Harold Button Magician, scholar, and book collector
A merchant; proprietor of Pinn's
Mr. Sholto Pinn
Accoutrements of Piccadilly
Magician Second Level, Department of
Mr. Clive Jenkins
Internal Affairs
Assistant to Mr. Mandrake, Information
Ms. Rebecca Piper