"William Tenn - Generation Of Noah" - читать интересную книгу автора (William Tenn)

"I hope you won't. Now start for the barn, Saul. Go ahead." Plunkett slid his heavy leather belt from its loops.
"Elliot! Don't you think he understands the horrible thing? A beating won't make it any clearer."
He paused behind the weeping boy trudging to the barn. "It won't make it any clearer, but it will teach him the lesson another way. All seven of us are going to be in that cellar three minutes after the alarm, if I have to wear this strap clear down to the buckle!"
When Plunkett later clumped into the kitchen with his heavy farm boots, he stopped and sighed.
Ann was feeding Dinah. With her eyes on the baby, she asked, "No supper for him, Elliot?"
"No supper." He sighed again. "It does take it out of a man."
"Especially you. Not many men would become a farmer at thirty-five. Not many men would sink every last penny into an underground fort and powerhouse, just for insurance. But you're right."
"I only wish," he said restlessly, "that I could work out some way of getting Nancy's heifer into the cellar. And if eggs stay high one more month, I can build the tunnel to the generator. Then there's the well. Only one well, even if it's enclosedЧ"
"And when we came out here seven years agoЧ" She rose to him at last and rubbed her lips gently against his thick blue shirt. "We only had a piece of ground. Now, we have three chicken houses, a thousand broilers, and I can't keep track of how many layers and breeders."
She stopped as his body tightened and he gripped her shoulders.
"Ann, Ann! If you think like that, you'll act like that! How can I expect the chilнdren toЧAnn, what we haveЧall we haveЧis a five-room cellar, concrete-lined, which we can seal in a few seconds, an enclosed well from a fairly deep underground stream, a windmill generator for power and a sunken oil-burner-driven generator for emergencies. We have supplies to carry us through, Geiger counters to detect radiation and lead-lined suits to move about inЧafterwards. I've told you again and again that these things are our lifeboat, and the farm is just a sinking ship."
"Of course, darling." Plunkett's teeth ground together, then parted helplessly as his wife went back to feeding the baby.
"You're perfectly right. Swallow, now, Dinah. Why, that last bulletin from the Surнvivors Club would make anybody think."
He had been quoting from the October Survivor and Ann had recognized it. Well? At least they were doing somethingЧseeking out nooks and feverishly building cranнniesЧpooling their various ingenuities in an attempt to haul themselves and their families through the military years of the Atomic Age.
The familiar green cover of the mimeographed magazine was very noticeable on the kitchen table. He flipped the sheets to the thumb-smudged article on page five and shook his head.
"Imagine!" he said loudly. "The poor fools agreeing with the government again on the safety factor. Six minutes! How can theyЧan organization like the Survivors Club making that their official opinion! Why freeze, freeze alone..."
"They're ridiculous," Ann murmured, scraping the bottom of the bowl.
"All right, we have automatic detectors. But human beings still have to look at the radar scope, or we'd be diving underground every time there's a meteor shower."
He strode along a huge table, beating a fist rhythmically into one hand. "They won't be so sure, at first. Who wants to risk his rank by giving the nationwide signal that makes everyone in the country pull ground over his head, that makes our own proнjectile sites set to buzz? Finally, they are certain: they freeze for a moment. Meanнwhile, the rockets are zooming downЧhow fast, we don't know. The men unfreeze, they trip each other up, they tangle frantically. Then they press the button, then the nationwide signal starts our radio alarms."
Plunkett turned to his wife, spread earnest, quivering arms. "And then, Ann, we freeze when we hear it! At last, we start for the cellar. Who knows, who can dare to say, how much has been cut off the margin of safety by that time? No, if they claim that six minutes is the safety factor, we'll give half of it to the alarm system. Three minutes for us."
"One more spoonful," Ann urged Dinah. "Just one more. Down it goes!"

Josephine Dawkins and Herbie were cleaning the feed trolley in the shed at the near end of the chicken house.
"All done, pop," the boy grinned at his father. "And the eggs taken care of. When does Mr. Whiting pick 'em up?"
"Nine o'clock. Did you finish feeding the hens in the last house?"
"I said all done, didn't I?" Herbie asked with adolescent impatience. "When I say a thing, I mean it."
"Good. You kids better get at your books. Hey, stop that! Education will be very important, afterwards. You never know what will be useful. And maybe only your mother and I to teach you."
"Gee," Herbie nodded at Josephine. "Think of that."
She pulled at her jumper where it was very tight over newly swelling breasts and patted her blonde braided hair. "What about my mother and father, Mr. Plunkett? Won't they beЧbeЧ"
"Naw!" Herbie laughed the loud, country laugh he'd been practicing lately. "They're dead-enders. They won't pull through. They live in the city, don't they? They'll just be someЧ"
"Чsome foam on a mushroom-shaped cloud," he finished, utterly entranced by the image. "Gosh, I'm sorry," he said, as he looked from his angry father to the quivнering girl. He went on in a studiously reasonable voice. "But it's the truth, anyway. That's why they sent you and Lester here. I guess I'll marry youЧafterwards. And you ought to get in the habit of calling him pop. Because that's the way it'll be."
Josephine squeezed her eyes shut, kicked the shed door open, and ran out. "I hate you, Herbie Plunkett," she wept. "You're a beast!"
Herbie grimaced at his fatherЧwomen, women, women!Чand ran after her. "Hey, Jo! Listen!"
The trouble was, Plunkett thought worriedly as he carried the emergency bulbs for the hydroponic garden into the cellarЧthe trouble was that Herbie had learned through constant reiteration the one thing: survival came before all else, and ameniнties were merely amenities.
Strength and self-sufficiencyЧPlunkett had worked out the virtues his children needed years ago, sitting in air-conditioned offices and totting corporation balances with one eye always on the calendar.
"Still," Plunkett muttered, "stillЧHerbie shouldn'tЧ" He shook his head.
He inspected the incubators near the long steaming tables of the hydroponic garнden. A tray about ready to hatch. They'd have to start assembling eggs to replace it in the morning. He paused in the third room, filled a gap in the bookshelves.
"Hope Josephine steadies the boy in his schoolwork. If he fails that next exam, they'll make me send him to town regularly. Now there's an aspect of survival I can hit Herbie with."
He realized he'd been talking to himself, a habit he'd been combating futilely for more than a month. Stuffy talk, too. He was becoming like those people who left tracts on trolley cars.
"Have to start watching myself," he commented. "Dammit, again!"
The telephone clattered upstairs. He heard Ann walk across to it, that serene, unhurried walk all pregnant women seem to have.
"Elliot! Nat Medarie."
"Tell him I'm coming, Ann." He swung the vault-like door carefully shut behind him, looked at it for a moment, and started up the high stone steps.
"Hello, Nat. What's new?"
"Hi, Plunk. Just got a postcard from Fitzgerald. Remember him? The abandoned silver mine in Montana? Yeah. He says we've got to go on the basis that lithium bombs will be used."
Plunkett leaned against the wall with his elbow. He cradled the receiver on his right shoulder so he could light a cigarette. "Fitzgerald can be wrong sometimes."
"Uhm. I don't know. But you know what a lithium bomb means, don't you?"
"It means," Plunkett said, staring through the wall of the house and into a boiling Earth, "that a chain reaction maybe set off in the atmosphere if enough of them are used. Maybe if only oneЧ"
"Oh, can it," Medarie interrupted. "That gets us nowhere. That way nobody gets through, and we might as well start shuttling from church to bar-room like my brother-in-law in Chicago is doing right now. Fred, I used to say to himЧNo, listen, Plunk: it means I was right. You didn't dig deep enough."