"Sheri S. Tepper - Awakeners 2 - Southshore" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tepper Sherri)

larger than at present. Much larger.
He came to himself with a shudder. Those crouched before him pretended not to
notice his abstraction, though he glared at them for a long moment, daring them to
"Tell me of disturbance among the sloosil," he asked at last. "I hear there is
disorder among humans, near Black Talons, in places called Thou-ne and Alter."
"It is same person as before," murmured Slooshasill. "Up-lifted One sought same
person in year past. Human called Pamra Don."
So. Human called Pamra Don. Human who emptied pits in Bans. "Rivermen!"
Sliffisunda hissed. It took him a time to recognize that the three before him had
not replied. Contradiction? "Talkers do not agree?"
"Pits are full," ventured Shimmipas. "Full. Fliers gorge."
"Not Rivermen." Sliffisunda almost crouched in amazement, catching himself
only just in time. "Tell!"

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/S...er%20-%20Awakeners%202%20-%20Southshore.htm (17 of 214) [10/31/2004 11:18:19 PM]
SOUTHSHORE-Awakeners 2

"Procession." The Talker shrugged. "Many humans walking. At sunset Pamra
Don speaks to them."
"Tells of Holy Sorters in sky. Tells of Protector of Man. Says humans must know
truth. Says will tell Protector of Man."
тАЬShimness,'' snorted Sliffisunda. It was the name of a legendary Thraish flier, one
who had always accomplished the opposite of what he tried. In common parlance
it meant "crazy" or "inept," and it was in this sense Sliffisunda used it now.
"Pits are full," Shimmipas repeated stubbornly. "If procession goes on, more pits
will be full."
Sliffisunda looked narrowly at the others. They dropped their eyes, appropriately
"See with eyes," Sliffisunda said at last. It was all he could do. In the room behind
him the chains in the meat trough rattled, reminding him of hunger. He drooled,
dismissing the delegation, and returned to his own place. They had brought him a
young one this time. Soft little breasts, tasty. Tasty rump. The Tears had softened
it nicely, and the mindless eyes rolled wildly as he tore at the flesh. It screamed,
and he shut his eyes, imagining a weehar in his claws. It, too, would scream.
Why, then, did these human cries always annoy him? He tore the throat out,
cutting off the sound, irritated beyond measure, no longer enjoying the taste.
He went to his spy hole and looked out upon the sky. The delegation was just
leaving, three Talkers and three ordinary fliers, flying east along the River against
a sky of lowering storm. Foolish to fly in this weather. They could be blown out
over water. Sliffisunda postulated, not for the first time, where the fear had come
from that prevented the Thraish from flying over water at all. Survival, he told
himself. During Thraish-human wars, many Thraish ate fish. Other Thraish killed
them. Only Thraish who did not eat fish survived. Perhaps reason some Thraish
did not eat fish then was fear of water.
It was possible. Anything was possible. Even this thing in Thou-ne and Alter was
possible. He would go to Black Talons. He would see for himself.