"Sheri S. Tepper - Awakeners 2 - Southshore" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tepper Sherri)

room, into the refectory, away into the chimney of the great hall. The fragrance
was the same one that already permeated everything. Sweet, spicy. Pamra folded
her arms on the table and laid her head upon them, suddenly both hungry and
tired. She had not felt this hungry, this tired, in months. Why was she here? She
thought briefly of the Gift of Potipur, wishing she were aboard, translating the
murmur of Tower talk into the murmur of tidal current, the thunder outside into
the creak of boat timbers. She could be there. With Thrasne. Instead of here.
Beside her Lila chortled and said, clearly, "Over the River. Thrasne went over the
Peasimy turned, his little ruby mouth open, cheeks fiery red with the drying he
had given them. "She talked!"
Pamra nodded sleepily. "She does, sometimes."
"I hadn't heard her before."
"She talks about the River a lot. Mostly that." She rubbed her forehead fretfully.
The sweet smell of the Jarb had soaked into the top of her nose and was filling it,
like syrup. She turned to find the three smokers knocking the dottle from their
pipes onto the hearth. The immediacy of the smell was dissipating.
The woman raked the baked Jarb root from the fire, brushing it off and placing it
upon a little plate. This she placed before Pamra with a spoon. "Try a little."
Pamra spooned off a bite, blowing on it to cool it. The root was sweet, too, but
delicious. The slightly ashy taste only complemented it. She took another
spoonful, then hesitated.
"Go ahead, eat it all," the woman said. "There are people bringing plenty of food
for you and for the others."
By the fire, Trale sat, rocking back and forth.
"Did you have a vision?" asked Peasimy curiously, studying the man's face.
"Oh, yes."
"What was it of?"
"Of you, Peasimy Plot. And of Pamra Don. And of what is to come."
"Oh!" Peasimy clapped his hands, delighted. "Tell us!"
Trale shook his head. "I'm afraid it can't be told. There are only colors and
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SOUTHSHORE-Awakeners 2

"Red and orange and yellow of flame," said the woman. "Black of smoke."
"Red and orange and yellow of flowers," said the man. "Black of stony
"Red and orange and yellow of metal," said Trale. "Black of deep mines."
"That doesn't sound like much of a vision," pouted Peasimy.
"Or too much of one," said Pamra, one side of her mouth lifted in a half smile.
The Jarb root had settled into her, making some of the same kind of happiness
Glizzee spice often made. Not rapture. More a contentment. Warmth. It had been
a sizable root, and her sudden hunger was appeased. She smiled again, head
nodding with weariness. "I'm so sleepy."
"Come with me," the woman said. "We'll find a place for you to rest."
They went out into the great hall again and up the spiraling balcony. A twist and a