"Sheri S. Tepper - The True Game 1 - King's Blood Four" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tepper Sherri)"IтАжI thought you weren't coming. "
"Oh, I drift here and there. I've been watching you sleep for half an hour after bidding some beefy boy to leave you alone. What have you done to attract his enmity?" I think I blushed. It wasn't anything I wanted to talk about. "JustтАжoh, nothing. He's one who always picks on someone. Usually someone smaller than he is, usually a foundling." "Ah. " He understood. "A Flugleman. You think?" I grinned weakly. It would be a marvelous vengeance if Karl were named Flugleman, petty tyrant, minor piece, barely higher than a pawn. "Master Mandor, no one has yet named him that. " "You needn't call me Master, Peter. " "I know. " Again, I was embarrassed. He should know some things, after all. "It's just easier than explaining. " "You feel you have to explain?" "If someone heard me." "No one will hear you. We are alone. Still, if this place is too public, we'll go to my room. " And he was sweeping out the door toward the tunnel which led to Havad's House before I could say anything. I followed him, of course, even though I had sworn over and over I would not, not again. The next morning I received a summons to see King Mertyn. It didn't exactly surprise me, but it did shock me a little. I'd known someone was going to see me or overhear us, but each day that went by let me think maybe it wouldn't happen after all. I hadn't been doing anything different from what many of the boys do in the dormitories, nothing different from what I'd refused to do with Karl. Oh, true, it's forbidden, but lots of things are forbidden, and people do them all the time, almost casually.. So, I didn't know quite what to expect when I stood before the Gamesmaster in his cold aerie, hands in my sleeves, waiting for him to speak. I was shocked at how gentle he was. room, spend your sleep time there. Is this true?" He was tactful, but still I blushed. "Yes, Gamesmaster." "You know this is forbidden." file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Sh...e%20Game%201%20-%20King's%20Blood%20Four.htm (4 of 93) [10/18/2004 3:28:53 PM] KING'S BLOOD FOUR - Sheri S. Tepper "Gamesmaster, he bade meтАж" "You know he is titled Prince and may bid as he chooses. But, it is still forbidden.. " I got angry then, because it wasn't fair. "Yes. He may bid as he chooses.. And I am expected to twist and tarry and try to escape him, like a pigeon flying from a hawk. I am expected to bear his displeasure, and he may bid as he choosesтАж" "Ah. And have you indeed twisted arid tarried and tried? Hidden among the books of the library, perhaps? Red sanctuary from the head of your own House? Taken minor game vows before witnesses? Have you done these things?" I hadn't. Of course I hadn't. How could I. Prince Mandor was my friend, but more than a friend. He cared about me. He talked to me about everything, things he said he couldn't tell anyone else. I knew everything about him; that he had not wanted to leave the True Game and teach in a Schooltown; that he hated Havad's House, that he wanted a House of his own; that he picked me as a friend because there was no one, no one in Havad's House he cared for. The silence between the Gamesmaster and me was be-coming hostile, but I couldn't break it. At last he said, "I must be sure you understand, Peter. You must be aware of what you do, each choice you make which aids or prevents your mastery of the Game. You cannot stand remote from this task. You |