"Brad Thor - Harvath 02 - Path of the Assassin" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thor Brad)

тАЬWhatever youтАЩre going to do, I hope it works.тАЭ
Harvath pulled a pair of Cyclone glasses from the pocket of his cargo pants. The
wraparound glasses had padded eyecups, which like goggles, protected eyes from
wind, debris, and even water at full throttle.
тАЬWeтАЩre coming up to the straightaway now,тАЭ said Cheng.
Harvath downshifted and redlined the tachometer once again. He set the cruise
control and hit the automatic window button as he popped on the Cyclone glasses
and tightened the foam safety band around his head. He let go of the wheel and
crawled out the window until he was sitting on the sill.
He kept his face turned into the wind, which helped keep the glasses plastered to his
face and the rain out of his eyes. The Glock pistol felt as light as a feather as the
wind threatened to tear it from his hands. Summoning all of his strength, he managed
to rest it on the roadsterтАЩs canvas top and point it at the speeding Mercedes. He
took aim and let loose a thunderous volley of fire. The MercedesтАЩs rear window
shattered, and the left rear tire exploded in a maelstrom of screaming black rubber.
For a moment, Harvath thought he could make out the driverтАЩs silver-black eyes in
the rearview mirror before the Mercedes swerved out of control.
Totally drenched, Harvath quickly slid back inside the Audi.
The driver of the Mercedes had regained some control and was now speeding ahead
of them on only three tires and a rim. When they neared the Mandarin Oriental hotel,
the Mercedes fishtailed wildly in a hard right, and Scot realized he had come full
тАЬWeтАЩve got him now,тАЭ said Harvath as he pressed down on the accelerator.
At that exact moment, the driver of the Mercedes began firing through the open
space where the rear window of the Mercedes used to be. Harvath jerked the wheel
of the Audi hard to the left as enormous bullets tore holes straight up its hood. The
car spun through a slick puddle and Scot saw everything happen in slow motion.
Neither vehicle could escape its fate. As the Audi swerved in its inescapable
trajectory toward a pile of scaffolding and construction equipment, the Mercedes
barreled down on a row of parked cars.
The Audi hit hard on ChengтАЩs side and all the air bags deployed.
Upon slamming into the row of parked cars, the Mercedes was thrust high into the
air and came down with a loud crash.
Once he had shaken off the shock of the impact, HarvathтАЩs eye caught the bullet
hole in the AudiтАЩs windshield. Even before he turned to look at Sammy Cheng, he
knew his friend had been hit. Harvath could hear the sound of gurgling blood coming
from the hole the bullet had carved through ChengтАЩs throat. He tried to stanch the
flow, but it was no use. Within seconds, Cheng stopped breathing and was dead.
Enraged, Harvath climbed from the Audi and stumbled down the block to where the
Mercedes lay upturned and burning. He approached the car from the rear, trying to
steady his Glock. He began applying pressure to the trigger as he neared the driverтАЩs
side door. In one fluid motion that belied the battered state of his body, he swung
the pistol through the window, searching for the carтАЩs driver. The Mercedes was
empty. Harvath searched the street, thinking that maybe the driver had been thrown
clear. There was nothing. Absolutely no sign. The deadly, silver-eyed assassin had
vanished into the storm.

It was a week since the debacle in Macau and Harvath still couldnтАЩt shake his