"Brad Thor - Harvath 02 - Path of the Assassin" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thor Brad)тАЬTo make matters worse, the Israelis are reacting to the latest attacks on their people
by going after the Palestinians with a tremendous amount of force. That force is making life extremely difficult for the chief Palestinian negotiator, Ali Hasan, whom we all have seen is quickly becoming one of the key players in the peace process and somebody who will be very involved in the future of Palestine. While HasanтАЩs people, and much of the Arab world, are yelling for blood, he is one of the few voices calling for a peaceful resolution. тАЬAs for the Hand of God organization, Israel claims to be investigating, but says it has no knowledge of any such group and, contrary to reports in the Arab press, is in no way supporting it. We have some reservations as to how forthcoming the Israelis are being with us, and with that said, IтАЩd like to invite CIA director Vaile, to present his report.тАЭ тАЬThank you, Mr. President,тАЭ said Vaile as his assistant passed folders to each attendee around the long table. тАЬAs you all know, the CIA has been actively investigating the terrorist attack in Medina over the last week. In particular, we have been interested in uncovering the identity of a heretofore unknown terrorist group calling itself the Hand of God. We have confirmed that the missile used in the attack was, indeed, an Israeli-manufactured TOW 2 Short. In addition to the presidentтАЩs report of the growing unrest in the Islamic world since the attack, the CIA feels it is important to point out the surging popularity of the Hand of God throughout Israel. There appears to be an increased vigilante fervor among the Israeli public that their government is doing very little to put down. In fact, while most Israeli officials have halfheartedly condemned the attack in public, privately theyтАЩre praising it, which has caught the interest of our analysts over the last week.тАЭ тАЬAre you suggesting the Israeli government was actually involved in the attack on тАЬWe have no concrete proof of that, butтАФтАЭ тАЬWell, what do you have?тАЭ asked Jennifer Staley, the secretary of state, as she leafed through the folder that had been handed her. тАЬAfter the 1972 massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, along with several high-ranking Israeli officials, intended to send a message, not only to those involved in the Munich massacre, but also to anyone contemplating future attacks on Israel, that such behavior would be met with deadly reprisals. тАЬTo send the message, a covert action team from the MossadтАЩs assassination unit was assembled. There were to be no arrests, no trials, no appeals. Their goal was simple тАФ kill every single person they could get to, whether their involvement in Munich was direct or indirect, and let the rest live in fear, never knowing when their time would come. And it didnтАЩt matter where the terrorists were hiding. The team was authorized to hunt them down anywhere in the world.тАЭ тАЬI remember that,тАЭ said the secretary of state. тАЬWhat did the Israelis name their group?тАЭ тАЬThe Wrath of God,тАЭ said Vaile. All of the attendees who had been perusing the folders in front of them now raised their eyes and locked them on the CIA director. Homeland Security director Driehaus moved uncomfortably in his chair for a moment before speaking. тАЬAre you telling us you believe the Israelis have reactivated this unit to terrorize the Arab world?тАЭ тАЬWe donтАЩt know yet, but weтАЩre putting a lot of resources into getting to the bottom of it. When it comes to covert operations, the Israelis are one of the best. If they donтАЩt want anybody to know theyтАЩre behind something, most of the time they can |