"Brad Thor - Harvath 02 - Path of the Assassin" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thor Brad)

minimum bets of a thousand Hong Kong dollars. Thankfully, William Lee had taken
a seat at one of the cheaper Pai Kao tables on the main floor. Harvath and Cheng
hung back as far as they dared. Several times, they had lost sight of Lee as he made
his way through the crowded casino. The Hotel Lisboa billed itself as a city within a
city, and there were certainly enough people here to back up that claim. No one
seemed to care that there was a major typhoon developing outside. All that mattered
was the gambling.
Harvath and Cheng took up positions a few tables away from Lee and continued
their surveillance. Harvath was beginning to wonder where their merry little chase
would lead next when Cheng broke the silence.
тАЬContact,тАЭ he said quietly.
A middle-aged man in a well-tailored linen suit had taken the chair next to Lee. The
manтАЩs blond head was bowed as he played his cards, but to the trained eye, it was
obvious that he and Lee were talking. After a few moments, the man reached inside
his suit coat. Harvath tensed and reflexively reached for his pistol, but then relaxed
when the man withdrew an oversized gold lighter and placed it on the table in front
of him. Their target never withdrew a cigarette.
The conversation between Lee and the stranger continued until Lee twisted the ring
on his left hand and then pulled twice at his shirt cuff. The signal! He was talking
with Jamek himself.
Scot and Sammy collected their chips and prepared to get up from the table. At the
same moment, Jamek reached out, placed a ringed hand on LeeтАЩs shoulder, and then
stood. LeeтАЩs body tensed as Jamek quickly moved away from the table. A few
moments later, Lee began convulsing. Harvath and Cheng no longer cared if they
were spotted, and ran toward the table as Lee fell forward into violent spasms.
Cheng had slightly longer legs, but Harvath was better at pushing people out of his
way and made it to William Lee first. When he flipped him over, he saw that his eyes
had rolled up into his head. His hands were clenched in tight fists and his rigid back
was arched so high you could have driven a truck underneath him. A small group of
horrified onlookers had begun to gather.
тАЬWhat the hellтАЩs going on?тАЭ Sammy said as he reached them.
тАЬHeтАЩs been drugged or poisoned,тАЭ replied Harvath.
тАЬWith what?тАЭ
тАЬI donтАЩt know. We need to get him help. You grab his arms, and IтАЩll get his legs.тАЭ
Cheng did as Harvath instructed, but when they were only a few feet away from the
table, he stopped.
тАЬWhat are you doing?тАЭ yelled Harvath.
тАЬThe lighter. That son of a bitch left that big gold lighter on the table. We might be
able to get prints off it.тАЭ
Harvath looked over at the abnormally large lighter sitting on the table, and in a flash,
his instincts took over.
тАЬLeave it. WeтАЩve got to get away from here.тАЭ
тАЬHe left it there on purpose. Move!тАЭ yelled Harvath.
With Lee between them, the two men began to run for the exit. Seconds later, an
explosion rocked the table behind them and sent an enormous fireball rolling through
the casino, knocking the trio to the ground. The back of HarvathтАЩs jacket was on
fire, and he quickly tore it off, revealing the tactical holster tucked at the small of his
back. The newly visible pistol only added to the panic of the already screaming
casino patrons.