Toshiro watched the Shogun as he weighed up the implications. Their
eyes met. 'Why the deception?"
Toshiro chose his words carefully. 'Perhaps the deal that Lord
Yama-Shita claimed to have set up with the Mutes was a... cover for a
more direct arrangement with the manufacturers."
'The Federation...?"
Toshiro bowed under the Shogun's piercing gaze. 'It's the only
explanation that makes sense, sire. On the other hand, you may know
something I don't."
'I wish I did."
'Lord Yama-Shita is a man who likes to make deals."
'And he's also ambitious. But to suggest he may be in business with
the Federation..." Yoritomo left the sentence hanging in the air.
'I am aware it's a serious charge."
'The worst kind of treason. Death for him and his immediate family,
plus the confiscation of his entire domain. But before I put Ieyasu on
the case I'm going to need-more than inspired guesswork."
'Given time, I think I can get proof. But that doesn't solve the
problem of how to put the collar on him."
'Exactly. Is Kiyo Min-Orota involved?"
'Let me put it this way. I find it hard to believe he doesn't know who
the Consul-General is spending most of his afternoons with. Even if
the family weren't in on the deal with the long-dogs, they must have
put two and two together by now."
The Shogun sighed regretfully. 'That's all I need." His mouth
tightened. 'How long has my dear brother-in-law been...?"
'Since early January."
'And you've only just found out...?"
Toshiro bowed. This was not the moment to make excuses.
'I just don't understand,' mused Yoritomo. 'My sister and her children
were here just a few weeks ago. She never gave the slightest hint that
anything like this was going on."
'She may not know, sire. The reason it took me so long to get on to