"J.R.R. Tolkien - Sir Gawain And The Green Knight" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tolkien J.R.R)I am in tent yow to telle, thof tary hyt me schulde:
Hit is a syngne that Salamon set sumquyle In bytoknyng of trawthe, bi tytle that hit habbe3, For hit is a figure that halde3 fyue poyntez, And vche lyne vmbelappe3 and loukez in other, And ayquere hit is endele3; and Englych hit callen Oueral, as I here, the endeles knot. Forthy hit acorde3 to this kny3t and to his cler armez, For ay faythful in fyue and sere fyue sythe3 Gawan wat3 for gode knawen, and as golde pured, Voyded of vche vylany, wyth vertue3 ennourned in mote; Forthy the pentangel nwe He ber in schelde and cote, As tulk of tale most trwe And gentylest kny3t of lote. Fyrst he wat3 funden fautlez in his fyue wyttez, And efte fayled neuer the freke in his fyue fyngres, And alle his afyaunce vpon folde wat3 in the fyue woundez That Cryst ka3t on the croys, as the crede telle3; And quere-so-euer thys mon in melly wat3 stad, His thro tho3t wat3 in that, thurygh alle other thyngez, That alle his forsnes he feng at the fyue joye3 That the hende heuen-quene had of hir chylde; At this cause the kny3t comlyche hade That quen he blusched therto his belde neuer payred. The fyft fyue that I finde that the frek vsed Wat3 fraunchyse and fela3schyp forbe al thyng, His clannes and his cortaysye croked were neuer, And pite, that passe3 alle poyntez, thyse pure fyue Were harder happed on that hathel then on any other. Now alle these fyue sythe3, for sothe, were fetled on this kny3t, And vchone halched in other, that non ende hade, And fyched vpon fyue poynte3, that fayld neuer, Ne samned neuer in no syde, ne sundred nouther, Withouten ende at any noke I oquere fynde, Whereeuer the gomen bygan, or glod to an ende. Therfore on his schene schelde schapen wat3 the knot Ryally wyth red golde vpon rede gowle3, That is the pure pentaungel wyth the peple called with lore. Now graythed is Gawan gay, And la3t his launce ryyght thore, And gef hem alle goud day, He wende for euermore. He sperred the sted with the spure3 and sprong on his way, So stif that the ston-fyr stroke out therafter. Al that se3 that semly syked in hert, |