"J.R.R. Tolkien - Sir Gawain And The Green Knight" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tolkien J.R.R)

That vmbete3e mony tre mo then two myle.
That holde on that on syde the hathel auysed,
As hit schemered and schon thur3 the schyre oke3;
Thenne hat3 he hendly of his helme, and he3ly he thonkez
Jesus and sayn Gilyan, that gentyle ar bothe,
That cortaysly had hym kydde, and his cry herkened.
"Now bone hostel," cothe the burne, "I beseche yow 3ette!"
Thenne gerde3 he to Gryngolet with the gilt helez,
And he ful chauncely hat3 chosen to the chef gate,
That bro3t bremly the burne to the bryge ende
in haste.
The bryge wat3 breme vpbrayde,
The 3ate3 wer stoken faste,
The walle3 were wel arayed,
Hit dut no wynde3 blaste.
The burne bode on blonk, that on bonk houed
Of the depe double dich that drof to the place;
The walle wod in the water wonderly depe,
Ande eft a ful huge he3t hit haled vpon lofte
Of harde hewen ston vp to the table3,
Enbaned vnder the abataylment in the best lawe;
And sythen garyte3 ful gaye gered bitwene,
Wyth mony luflych loupe that louked ful clene:
A better barbican that burne blusched vpon neuer.
And innermore he behelde that halle ful hy3e,
Towres telded bytwene, trochet ful thik,
Fayre fylyole3 that fy3ed, and ferlyly long,

With coruon coprounes craftyly sle3e.
Chalkwhyt chymnees ther ches he inno3e
Vpon bastel roue3, that blenked ful quyte;
So mony pynakle payntet wat3 poudred ayquere,
Among the castel carnele3 clambred so thik,
That pared out of papure purely hit semed.
The fre freke on the fole hit fayr innoghe tho3t,
If he my3t keuer to com the cloyster wythinne,
To herber in that hostel whyl halyday lested,
He calde, and sone ther com
A porter pure plesaunt,
On the wal his ernd he nome,
And haylsed the kny3t erraunt.
"Gode sir," quoth Gawan, "wolde3 thou go myn ernde
To the he3 lorde of this hous, herber to craue?"
"Yghe, Peter," quoth the porter, "and purely I trowee
That 3e be, wyyghe, welcum to won quyle yow lyke3."
Then 3ede the wyyghe ygherne and com ayghayn swythe,
And folke frely hym wyth, to fonge the kny3t.
Thay let doun the grete dra3t and derely out ygheden,
And kneled doun on her knes vpon the colde erthe