"APPENDIX" - читать интересную книгу автора (vol05) APPENDIX.
THE GENEALOGIES. THE LIST OF NAMES AND THE SECOND 'SILMARILLION' MAP. I THE GENEALOGIES. These belong essentially with the earliest Annals of Beleriand, but though I knew of their existence (since they are referred to in the List of Names) I presumed them lost, and only recently discovered this small manuscript, after the work on Vol. IV was completed. It consists of genealogical tables of the Elvish princes, of the three houses of the Fathers of Men, and of the houses of the Eastern Men. There is no need to reproduce these tables, but only to mention certain details that are not found elsewhere. In the first of them are some additional persons: Elwe, Lord of the Teleri (who is called 'Lord of Ships'), has a son Elulindo; Etymologies under the stems PHIN (written Findabar) and MBAR); Orodreth, in addition to his son Halmir, has a younger son Orodlin. The genealogies of Men have dates of birth and death. These were a good deal emended, changing them by a year or two, but in the result are almost exactly as in the earlier version of AB i. The following are however not given in the Annals in any version (if they had been they would of course have been extended in two steps, first by a hundred years and then by two hundred years). Elboron son of Dior born 192; Elbereth his brother born 195 (they were thus fourteen and eleven years old at their deaths, AB 2 annal 306); Hurin died in '? 200' (in annal zoo in AB i, repeated in AB 2, 'of his fate no certain tidings are known'); Ulfand the Swart born 100, died 170; Uldor the Accursed born 125, Ulfast born 128, Ulwar born 130; Bor the Faithful born 120; Borlas born 143; Boromir born 145; Borthandos born 147. In addition to the genealogical tables there is also a table of the divisions of the Qendi which is almost the same as that given with the lhammas on p. 197, and together with this table is a list of the many names by which the Lindar, Noldor, and Teleri were known. This list is a first form of that in QS $29 (note to the text), and all the names found here are found also in the longer list in QS; but there are here also many Elvish names which (apart from Soloneldi) are not found in QS: The Lindar are named also Tarqendi 'High-elves', Vanimor 'the |