"FOREWORD" - читать интересную книгу автора (vol07) of The Fellowship of the Ring (which has Begging your
pardon," said Sam. "I don't think you understand my master at all"'), but a 'shorthand' by which I indicate the precise point in The Fellowship of the Ring but also cite accurately the reading of the earlier text. I do this also when relating successive early versions to each other. The illustration of Orthanc in the Ring of Isengard repro- duced as the frontispiece is the earliest of successive conceptions of the tower, and may be taken to represent my father's image of it at the time when the texts in this book were written. It was done on the back of an examination script in 1942, and was found, together with other drawings, among the original drafts of 'The Road to Isengard'. The evolution of Orthanc will be described in Volume VIII, but it seemed suitable to use this picture as the frontispiece to The Treason of Isengard. As in The Return of the Shadow, when citing texts I follow tent, especially in the use of capital letters. I abbreviate The Fellowship of the Ring as FR, The Two Towers as TT, and The Lord of the Rings as LR; and I refer to the previous volumes in this 'History', listed on the title-page, as (e.g.) 'II.189, V.226'. I take this opportunity to explain an error in The Return of the Shadow (not present in the first American printing). After correction of the second proofs, lines 11 - 12 on page 32 of that book came to be repeated in lines 15 - 16 in place of the correct text, which should read: Bingo's last words, 'I am leaving after dinner', were corrected on the manuscript to 'I am leaving now.' |