"GL2" - читать интересную книгу автора (vol10)phrases (as 'Manwe and Melkor were most puissant and were brethren') going back to the original Annals (IV.263). There are however some developments in this opening section. On the phrase in $2, 'Orome and Tulkas were younger in the thought of Eru ere the devising of the World', see V.120. That Tulkas came last to Arda derives from the rewritten Ainulindale' ($31). It is not said now, as it was in AV 2, that Orome was the son of Yavanna. On the other hand, it is now said, as in the Quenta (Q) and QS, that Vana was the sister of Yavanna (and Varda), whereas this was not said in AV 2. These differences are perhaps connected; for if both accounts are combined Orome's wife is the sister of his mother. But this may be to take too conventional a view of the divine relations. The statements that Este 'goes not to the councils of the Valar and is not accounted among the rulers of Arda', and that she is the chief of the Maiar (see note 4 above), are entirely new. $4 The passage concerning the 'lesser spirits' shows no significant development from that in AV 2 (V.110) except for the replace- ment of Vanimor by Maiar (translated 'the Beautiful' as Vani- mor had been); the Valarindi, Children of the Valar, 'begotten in Arda' and numbered among the Maiar, remain. On the earlier history of these conceptions see V.120 - 1; and see further p. 69. $5 Telperion first appeared in QS $16 (V.209), but not as the Telperion, used in The Lord of the Rings, now became the primary name. $$5-10 The account of the Reckoning of Time is at first sight somewhat baffling, but it can be clarified. (i) According to the reckoning by the Trees 12 hours (a full flowering of both Trees) = 1 day 1000 days (12000 hours) = 1 year 100 years = 1 age of the Valar (as the Valar reckoned the ages before the Trees, according to a supposition of the Lore- masters of the Elves; see notes 7 and 8 to the text) (ii) Relation of the reckoning by the Trees to the reckoning by the Sun 1 hour of the Trees = 7 hours of our time 1 day of the Trees = (7 X 12) 84 hours of our time 1 year of the Trees = (7 x 12000) 84000 hours of our time There are (365-25 X 24) 8766 hours in a Sun Year, and thus: 1 year of the Trees = (84000 -: 8766) 9 582 Sun Years * (* Cf. the text ($7): 'nine and one half and eight hundredths and yet a little'.) (iii) Original intention of the Valar for the new reckoning by the Sun and Moon 12 hours of moonlight. 24 hours = 1 full day. |