"Jack Vance - Assault on a City" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vance Jack)

a gunk studio they've just raided; perhaps you'd like to come along."
"What's a gunk studio?"
"A place where fanciful percepts are made. Sometimes they're erotic;
sometimes they're wonderful experiences, and the person who wires into
them becomes the person who takes part in the adventures. It's illegal,
naturally; a gunk addict can't do much else but stay wired into gunk once
he's had a taste of it."
Alice considered. "It sounds interesting, if one is in the mood for
depravity. But I think I've had enough for today."
"Enough what?" asked Bo jocularly. "Depravity? You haven't seen
anything yet."
"Still, I'll be leaving for home." Alice rose to her feet. "It was pleasant
meeting you, and I hope you do well at the spaceyards."
Bo joined her. "I'll show you the cab pad. This way, out the back. It's
just around the corner."
Alice somewhat dubiously went with Bo along a dim corridor, down
concrete steps to an iron door, which opened into an alley. Alice paused,
glanced sidewise at Bo, who was standing rather closer than she liked. He
lifted his hand and stroked her hair. Alice moved back with raised
eyebrows. "And where is the cab pad?"
Bo grinned. "Just around the corner."
Keeping a wary eye on Bo, Alice marched off down the alley, with Bo a
pace or two behind. She noticed a small van parked to the side. As she
passed, footsteps pounded behind her; she swung around to see two men
bearing Bo to the ground. Another man threw a blanket over her head,
looped a strap around her knees; she was picked up and tossed into the
van. The door closed and a moment later the van moved off.
Alice rolled over and made herself as comfortable as possible. She found
no difficulty breathing and her first emotion was outrage. How dared
anyone treat her with such disrespect! She began to speculate as to the
purpose of the deed, and her probable prospects; she was not at all
Kicking and elbowing, she worked the blanket loose, and freed herself,
but her situation was hardly improved. The interior of the van was dark
and the doors were locked.
The van halted; the back door opened to reveal the interior of a
concrete-walled room. Two men looked in at her; Alice was somewhat
reassured by the hoods which concealed their faces, which would seem to
indicate that they planned to spare her life, if nothing else.
She jumped out of the van and looked about her. "What's the reason for
all this?"
"Come along; this way. You're going to be famous."
"Oh? In what way?"
"You're to be the star of an exciting new percept."
"I see. Is this what is called 'gunk'?"
"I've heard it called 'gunk.' I like to think of it as 'art.'"
"I'm afraid you'll find me an uncooperative performer. The production
will be a failure."
"Nothing in life is a sure thing. Still, it's worth trying. Come along this