"Jack Vance - The Sorcerer Pharesm" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vance Jack) Cugel held out his hands. "Is it not possible a mistake has been made? That the 'creature' was no
more than pseudo-TOTALITY? Or is it conceivable that the 'creature' may by some means be lured forth once more?" "The first two theories are untenable. As to the last, I must confess that certain frantic expedients have been forming in my mind." Pharesm made a sign, and Cugel's feet became attached to the soil. "I must go to my divinatory and learn the full significance of the distressing events. In due course I will return." "At which time I will be feeble with hunger," said Cugel fretfully. "Indeed, a crust of bread and a bite of cheese would have averted all the events for which I am now reproached." "Silence!" thundered Pharesm. "Do not forget that your penalty remains to be fixed; it is the height of impudent recklessness to hector a person already struggling to maintain his judicious calm!" "Allow me to say this much," replied Cugel. "If you return from your divining to find me dead and dessicated here on the path, you will have wasted much time fixing upon a penalty." "The restoration of vitality is a small task," said Pharesm. "A variety of deaths by contrasting processes may well enter into your judgment." He started towards his divinatory, then turned back and made an impatient gesture. "Come; it is easier to feed you than return to the road." Cugel's feet were once more free and he followed Pharesm through a wide arch into the divinatory. In a broad room with splayed grey walls, illuminated by three-coloured polyhedra, Cugel devoured the food Pharesm caused to appear. Meanwhile Pharesm secluded himself in his workroom, where he occupied himself with his divinations. As time passed Cugel grew restless, and on three occasions approached the arched entrance. On each occasion a Presentment came to deter him, first in the shape of a leaping ghoul, next as a zigzag blaze of energy, and finally as a score of glittering purple wasps. Discouraged, Cugel went to a bench, and sat waiting with elbows on long legs, hands under his chin. Pharesm at last reappeared, his robe wrinkled, the fine yellow down of his hair disordered into a "I have learned the whereabouts of TOTALITY," said Pharesm, in a voice like the strokes of a great gong. "In indignation, removing itself from your stomach, it has recoiled a million years into the past." Cugel gave his head a solemn shake. "Allow me to offer my sympathy, and my counsel, which is: never despair! Perhaps the 'creature' will choose to pass this way again." "An end to your chatter! TOTALITY must be recovered. Come." Cugel reluctantly followed Pharesm into a small room walled with blue tile, roofed with a tall cupola of blue and orange glass. Pharesm pointed to a black disc at the centre of the floor. "Stand there." Cugel glumly obeyed. "In a certain sense, I feel thatтАФ" "Silence!" Pharesm came forward. "Notice this object!" He displayed an ivory sphere the size of two fists, carved in exceedingly fine detail. "Here you see the pattern from which my great work is derived. It expresses the symbolic significance of NULLITY to which TOTALITY must necessarily attach itself, by Kratinjae's Second Law of Cryptorrhoid Affmites, with which you are possibly familiar." "Not in every aspect," said Cugel. "But may I ask your intentions?" Pharesm's mouth moved in a cool smile. "I am about to attempt one of the most cogent spells ever evolved: a spell so fractious, harsh, and coactive, that Phandaal, Ranking Sorcerer of Grand Motholam, barred its use. If I am able to control it, you will be propelled one million years into the past. There you will reside until you have accomplished your mission, when you may return." Cugel stepped quickly from the black disc. "I am not the man for this mission, whatever it may be, I fervently urge the use of someone else!" Pharesm ignored the expostulation. "The mission, of course, is to bring the symbol into contact with TOTALITY." He brought forth a wad of tangled grey tissue. "In order to facilitate your search, I endow you with this instrument which relates all possible vocables to every conceivable system of meaning." He |