"Jack Vance - Tschai 3 - The DirDir" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vance Jack)"Small risk. They have no means to do so. I long since isolated the identity crystal. And in any event, that is not their way." Traz peered suspiciously down at the village. Born to the inland steppes, he distrusted the sea and sea-people, considering both uncontrollable and enigmatic. "The villagers may well be hostile, and set upon us." "I think not," said Anacho in the lofty voice which invariably irritated Traz. "First, we are at the edge of the Wankh realm; these folk will be accustomed to strangers. Secondly, so large an inn implies hospitality. Thirdly, sooner or later we must descend in order to eat and drink. Why not here? The risk can be no greater than at any other inn upon the face of Tschai. Fourthly, we have no plans, no destination. I consider it foolish to fly aimlessly through the night." Reith laughed. "You have convinced me. Let's go down." Traz gave his head a sour shake, but put forward no further objections. Anacho landed the sky-car in a field beside the inn, close under a row of tall black chymax trees which tossed and sighed to a cold wind off the sea. The three alighted warily, but their arrival had attracted no great attention. Two men, hunching along the lane with capes gripped close against the wind, paused a moment to survey the sky-car, then continued with only an idle mutter of comment. Reassured, the three proceeded to the front of the inn and pushed through a heavy timber door fireplace nursing pewter mugs. They wore rough garments of gray and brown fustian, knee-high boots of well-oiled leather; Reith took them for fishermen. Conversation halted. All turned narrow gazes file:///F|/rah/Jack%20Vance/Vance,%20Jack%20-%20Tschai%203%20-%20The%20Dirdir.txt (12 of 81) [2/4/03 10:46:08 PM] file:///F|/rah/Jack%20Vance/Vance,%20Jack%20-%20Tschai%203%20-%20The%20Dirdir.txt toward the newcomers. After a moment they reverted to the fire, their mugs, their terse conversations. A strapping woman in a black gown appeared from a back chamber. "Who be you?" "Travelers. Can you give us meals and lodging for the night?" "What's your nature? Are you fjord men? Or Rab?" "Neither." "Travelers often be folk who do evil in their own lands and are sent away." "This is often the case, I agree." "Mmf. What will you eat?" |