"Jack Vance - Tschai 3 - The DirDir" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vance Jack)"So the Dirdir are interested in me." Anacho's face became long and pinched, as if he tasted something acrid. "The events at Ao Khaha file:///F|/rah/Jack%20Vance/Vance,%20Jack%20-%20Tschai%203%20-%20The%20Dirdir.txt (3 of 81) [2/4/03 10:46:08 PM] file:///F|/rah/Jack%20Vance/Vance,%20Jack%20-%20Tschai%203%20-%20The%20Dirdir.txt have naturally attracted their attention." "What should they want with me?" "Dirdir motives are seldom subtle. They want to ask a few questions and then kill you." "The time has come to move on." Anacho glanced toward the sky. "That time has come and gone. I suspect that a Dirdir sky-car approaches at this very moment ... Give me the button." A Niss approached, black robes flapping to the stride of his legs. Anacho stepped forth, made a swift movement toward the black gown. The Niss sprang around with a grunt of menace, and for a moment seemed ready to abandon the unnatural restraints of Balul Zac Ag. Then he wheeled and continued along his way. a Niss." "Before they learn differently, we had best be gone." "Agreed, but how?" "I suggest that we consult old Zarfo Detwiler." "Luckily we know where to find him." Skirting the bazaar, the two approached the ale-house, a ramshackle structure of stone and weather-beaten planks. Today Zarfo sat within, to escape the dust and confusion of the bazaar. A stone crock of ale almost hid his black-dyed face. He was dressed in unaccustomed elegance: polished black boots, a maroon cape, a black tricorn hat pulled down over his flowing white hair. He was somewhat drunk and even more garrulous than usual. With difficulty Reith made him aware of his problem. Zarfo at last became exercised. "So, the Dirdir now! Infamous, and during Balul Zac Ag! They had better control their arrogance, or know the wrath of the Lokhars!" "All this to the side," said Reith, "how can we most quickly leave Smargash?" Zarfo blinked and dipped another ladle of ale from the crock. "First I must learn where you wish to go." "The Isles of Cloud, or perhaps the Carabas." |