"Jack Vance - Tschai 3 - The DirDir" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vance Jack) "Pah! You are the great trackers," sneered Zarfo. "Why ask us poor innocents?"
The Dirdir retreated across the compound in long strides. The skycar darted off into the air. Zarfo confronted the three Dirdir agents, his big face twisted into a malevolent grin. "So here you are in Smargash, violating our laws. Do you not know this is Balul Zac Ag?" "We committed no violence," stated the false Lokhar, "but merely did our work." "Dirty work, conducive to violence! You shall all be flogged. Where are the constables? I give these three into custody!" The three agents were hustled away, protesting and crying and making demands. file:///F|/rah/Jack%20Vance/Vance,%20Jack%20-%20Tschai%203%20-%20The%20Dirdir.txt (6 of 81) [2/4/03 10:46:08 PM] file:///F|/rah/Jack%20Vance/Vance,%20Jack%20-%20Tschai%203%20-%20The%20Dirdir.txt Zarfo came to the shed. "Best that you leave at once. The Dirdir will not delay long." He pointed across the compound. "The wagon to the west is ready to depart." "Where does it take us?" "Out to the highland rim. Beyond lie the chasms! A grim territory. But if you remain here, you Reith looked around the compound, at the dusty stone and timber structures of Smargash, at the black and white Lokhars, at the shabby old inn. Here had been the single interim of peace and security he had known on Tschai; now events were forcing him once more into the unknown. In a hollow voice he said, "We need fifteen minutes to collect our gear." Anacho said in a dismal voice, "The situation does not accord with my hopes ... But I must make the best of it. Tschai is a world of anguish." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER TWO ZARFO CAME TO the inn with white Seraf robes and spine helmets. "Wear these; conceivably you may win an additional hour or two. Hurry-the wagon is at the point of departure." "One moment." Reith surveyed the compound. "There may be other spies, watching our every move." "Well, then, by the back lane. After all, we cannot anticipate every contingency." Reith made no further comments; Zarfo was becoming peevish and anxious to get them out of Smargash, no matter in what direction. |