"John Varley - Titan" - читать интересную книгу автора (Varley John)"There's a lot of things I don't remember," he said. "We can straighten it all out later."
"I'm dying to see you. Do you have any hair?" "It's growing in all over my body. We'd better let all this wait. We've got lots to talk about, me and you and Calvin and . . ." "Gaby," she prompted, after what seemed like a very long pause. "Gaby," he said, without much conviction. "You see I'm a bit confused about some things. But it shouldn't be a problem." "Are you sure you're all right?" She felt cold suddenly, and rubbed her forearms briskly. "Sure thing. When will you he here?" Cirocco asked Calvin, who whistled a short tune. He was answered by another tune from somewhere overhead. "Blimps don't have much idea of time," he said. "I'd say three or four hours." "Is that any way to run an airline?" CHAPTER EIGHT Cirocco chose the front end of the gondola-it didn't help any- thing to think of it as a stomach-to be by herself. Gaby was still petrified and Calvin was not much fun to talk to once he'd said everything he knew about Whistlestop. He wouldn't discuss the things Cirocco wanted to know. A handrail would have been nice. The gondola wall was clear as glass right down to her feet, and would have been clear there too but for the carpet of half-digested leaves and branches. It made for a dizzying view. .They were passing over thick jungle, much like the country higher up on the clffi. The land was dotted with lakes. The river Clio--broad, yellow, and sluggish-wound through it all: a rope of water thrown to the ground to coil where it wished. , She was astonished at the clarity of the air. There were clouds over Rhea that built to thunderheads on the north shore of the sea, but she could see over them. She could see to the limits of the curve of Themis in both directions. A school of big blimps hovered at various heights around the suspension cable nearest Whistlestop. She couldn't tell what they were doing there, but thought they might he feeding. The cable was massive enough that trees could very well grow on it. Looking straight down, she could see the huge shadow Whistlestop cast. The lower they went, the larger the shadow became. After four hours it was tremendous, and they were still above the treetops. Cirocco wondered how Whistiestop pro- posed to set them on the ground. There was no clear area remotely large enough to accommodate him. She was startled to see two figwes standing at a bend in the river, on the west shore, waving at her. She waved back, unsure if she could be seen. "So how do we get down?" she asked Calvin. He grimaced. "I didn't think you'd like this, so I didn't bring it up. No sense in having you worry. We parachute." "It's a cinch, really. Nothing to it. Safe as can be." "Uh-huh. Calvin, I love parachuting. I think it's loads of fun. But I like to inspect and pack my own chute. I like to know who made it, and if it's a good one." She looked around her. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see you carrying any aboard." "Whistlestop has 'em, " he said. "It never fails." Again Cirocco said nothing. "I'll go first," he said, persuasively. "So you can see." "Uh-huh. Calvin, do I understand this is the only way down? "Short of going about a hundred kilometers east to the plains. Whistiestop will take you there, but you'll have to walk back through a swamp." Cirocco looked at the ground, not really seeing it. She breathed in deeply, then exhaled. "Right. Let's see these chutes." She went to Gaby and touched her shoulders, pulled her gently away from the side wall, and guided her toward the back of the gondola. She was docile as a child. Her shoulders were stiff, and she was shaking. "I can't really show them to you," Calvin said. "Not until I jump. They're produced when you bail out. Like this." He reached up and grasped a handful of dangling, white tendrils. They stretched. He began separating them until he had a loose netting. The stuff was like taffy, but held its shape when it wasn't pulled. He forced one leg through a gap in the netting, then the other. He pulled it up around his hips and it formed a tight basket. He pushed his arms through more holes until his body was wrapped in a cocoon. "You've jumped before; you know the drill. Are you a good swimmer?" 'Very good, if my life is at stake. Gaby? You swim well?" It took her a few moments to become aware of them, then a flickering interest grew in her eyes. "Swim? Sure. Like a fish." "Okay," Calvin said. "Watch me, and do what I do." He whistled, and a hole irised into being on the floor in front of him. He waved, stepped over the lip, and fell like a stone. Which was not all that fast in one-quarter gravity, but fast enough, Cirocco felt, with an untested chute. The shrouds spun out behind him like spider silk. Then came a solid, pale blue sheet, tightly bunched together and gone in a second. They looked down in time to see and hear the flutter and crack as the chute opened and grabbed air. Calvin floated down, waving to them. She gestured to Gaby, who donned the harness. She was so ea- ger to be out that she jumped before Cirocco could check the arrangement. That's two out of three, she thought, and put her foot through the third set of webs. They were warm and elastic, and comfort- able when she had them in place. The jump was routine, if anything inside Themis could be so. The chute made a blue circle against the yellow sky above her. It seemed smaller than it should be, but apparently it was enough in the low gravity and high pressure. Grabbing a handful of shrouds, she guided herself toward the river's edge. She hit standing up and got out of the harness quickly. The chute collapsed on the muddy bank, almost covering Gaby. She stood in knee-deep water and watched Bill coming toward her. It was hard not to laugh. He looked like a pale, plucked chicken with short stubble growing on his chest, his legs, arms, face, and scalp. She put both hands on her forehead and rubbed them back over her fuzzy scalp, grinning wider as he got closer. "Am I like you remember me?" she said. "Even better." He splashed through the last few steps between them. He put his arms around her and they kissed. She did not cry, did not feel the need to though she was brimming over with happiness. Bill and August had done wonders in only six days, working with just the sharp edges of their suit rings. They had built two shacks; a third had two sides and half a roof. They were made from branches tied together and caked with mud. The roofs were slanted and thatched. |