"Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in the Sky" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vinge Vernor)equipment to take him over. He was genuinely trying to be helpful.. . .тАЬThere may be a will, Fleet
Captain, but itтАЩs not on the Grandville net.тАЭ тАЬSome other city, then?тАЭ The fact that the Forestry Department had partitioned the urban networks was a very bad sign for TrilandтАЩs future. тАЬ. . .Not exactly. See, Ducanh died at one of Saint XupereтАЩs Pauper Cemeteria, the one in Lowcinder. It looks like the monks have held on to his effects. IтАЩm sure they would give them up in return for a decent- sized donation.тАЭ His eyes returned to the constables and his expression hardened. Maybe he recognized the oldest one, the Commissioner of Urban Security. No doubt they could shake down the monks with no need for any contribution. Sammy rose and thanked the private investigator; his words sounded wooden even to himself. As he walked back toward the door and his escort, the investigator came quickly around his desk and followed him. Sammy realized with abrupt embarrassment that the fellow hadnтАЩt been paid. He turned back, feeling a sudden liking for the guy. He admired someone who would demand his pay in the face of unfriendly cops. тАЬHere,тАЭ Sammy started to say, тАЬthis is what I canтАФтАЭ But the fellow held up his hands. тАЬNo, not necessary. But there is a favor I would like from you. See, I have a big family, the brightest kids youтАЩve ever seen. This joint expedition isnтАЩt going to leave Triland for another five or ten years, right? Can you make sure that my kids, even one of themтАФ?тАЭ file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Ve...inge%20-%20A%20Deepness%20in%20the%20Sky.htm (5 of 529) [10/16/2004 3:16:12 PM] A DEEPNESS IN THE SKY Sammy cocked his head. Favors connected with mission success came very dear. тАЬIтАЩm sorry, sir,тАЭ he said as gently as he could. тАЬYour children will have to compete with everyone else. Have them study hard in college. Have them target the specialties that are announced. That will give them the best chance.тАЭ тАЬYes, Fleet Captain! That is exactly the favor that I am asking. Would you see to itтАФтАЭ He swallowed and looked fiercely at Sammy, ignoring the others. тАЬтАФwould you see to it that they are allowed to undertake college studies?тАЭ тАЬCertainly.тАЭ A little grease on academic entrance requirements didnтАЩt bother Sammy at all. Then he realized what the other was really saying. тАЬSir, IтАЩll make sure of it.тАЭ тАЬThank you. Thank you!тАЭ He touched his business card into SammyтАЩs hand. тАЬThereтАЩs my name and stats. IтАЩll keep it up-to-date. Please remember.тАЭ тАЬYes, uh, Mr. Bonsol, IтАЩll remember.тАЭ It was a classic Qeng Ho deal. The city dropped away beneath the Forestry Department flyer. Grandville had only about half a million inhabitants, but they were crammed into a snarled slum, the air above them shimmering with summer heat. The First SettlersтАЩ forest lands spread away for thousands of kilometers around it, virgin terraform wilderness. |