"Kurt Vonnegut - God Bless You Dr Kevorkian" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vonnegut Kurt)GOD BLESSYOU, DR KEVORKIAN 21 INDEX OF PERSONS 79 introduction AWORD FROMWNYC'S REPORTER ON THE AFTERLIFE My first near-death experience was an accident, a botched anesthesia during a triple bypass. I had lis- tened to several people on TV talk shows who had gone down the blue tunnel to the Pearly Gates, and even beyond the Pearly Gates, or so they said, and then come back to life again. But I certainly wouldn't have first having survived one, and then planned another in cooperation with Dr. Jack Kevorkian and the staff at the state-of-the-art lethal injection execution facility at Huntsville, Texas. The following reports were recorded for later broadcast by radio station WNYC. I hope they convey a sense of immediacy. They were taped in the tiled Huntsville death chamber only five minutes or so after I was unstrapped from the gurney. The tape recorder, incidentally, like the gurney, was the property of the good people of Texas, and was ordinarily used to immortalize the last words of persons about to make a one-way, all-expenses-paid trip to Paradise. There will be no more round trips for me, barring another accident. For the sake of my family, I am try- |