"David Weber - The Excalibur Alternative" - читать интересную книгу автора (Weber David)

p. cm.

тАЬA Baen Books originalтАЭтАФT.p. verso.

ISBN 0-671-31860-8

1. Life on other planetsтАФFiction. 2. Great BritainтАФHistory, MilitaryтАФ1066-

1485тАФFiction. 3. RomanтАФHistory, MilitaryтАФFiction. 4. Time travelтАФFiction.

I. Title.

PS3573.E217 E93 2002

813тАШ.43тАФdc21 2001043636

Distributed by Simon & Schuster

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10020

Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH

Printed in the United States of America
Honor Harrington:
On Basilisk Station
The Honor of the Queen
The Short Victorious War
Field of Dishonor
Flag in Exile
Honor Among Enemies
In Enemy Hands
Echoes of Honor
Ashes of Victory

edited by David Weber: