waist-high hemisphere of green jelly occupying the deck between the two waiting
Earth-humans was a person.
Ruler Chiang
said, This is Lieutenant Braithwaite of the Chief Psychologist's Office,
and Maintenance Officer Timmins, who is responsible for preparing your accommodation,
and Doctor Danalta, who is attached to the ambulance ship, Rhabwar...Ф
Except for minor
differences in the insignia on their uniforms, she could not tell the two
Earth-humans apart. The large blob of green stuff on the floor, she guessed,
was some kind of practical joke, or perhaps part of an initiation ritual for
newcomers to the hospital. For the time being she decided not to react.
... And this is Cha Thrat, it went on, the new healer from
Sommaradva, who is joining the staff.Ф
Both Earth-humans
moved their right hands up to waist