"Liz Williams - The Pale" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williams Liz)

Orkney called them the seal people, the believe he would never rise
o Donate selkies, and even now, in this year of our from this bed. Even in the
darkest times, she had never
Lady one thousand and ten, you still
sometimes heard the ancient name. The really feared for him; he had
always been strong, so strong.
o Merchandise men of the trawlers said that the selkies
had always been there, riding the tide.
Love Among the Talus
тАв Sometimes they came to shore and,
casting aside their sealskin guise, would sitby Elizabeth Bear
o Forum on the rocks, singing and strolling as one
might walk upon a summer Sunday. Who 11 December 2006
o Readers'
could believe such talk of magic these
days, now that we have been abandoned Nilufer raised her eyes to his. It
by the world beyond the Pale, our ruined was not what women did to
coasts closed? Yet, now that I am grown, men, but she was a princess,
it seems to me that if there is a time for and he was only a bandit. "I
want to be a Witch," she said.
legends to come true, it is in this new
century, now that science has failed us "A Witch and not a Queen. I
wish to be not loved, but wise.
and truth is open to interpretation.
Tell your bandit lord, if he can
My father gathered the woman up from give me that, I might accept his
the rocks, and she lay heavily in his arms, gift."
like a sodden counterpane. There was
blood in her hair. Stumbling, he carried Archived Fiction Dating back
her up the beach and along the hawthorn to 9/1/00
track to the house, where he set her down
in front of the fire. Then he sat back on his
heels to catch his breath, and looked at
her. He could see very little of her face
beneath the covering, but as he watched
she opened her eyes and stared at him.