"Saje Williams - Sword And Shadow" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williams Saje)

her eyes grew wide.
SheтАЩd never met a vampire in person, though sheтАЩd always been
curious about them. She sent a tendril of mind creeping outward, only to
have it rebuffed violently before it ever reached him. He had the strongest
shields of anyone sheтАЩd ever encountered.
That fact in itself she found terribly intriguing.
A strange cracking sound came from the vicinity of the floor and she
glanced down at the supine man to see him writhing there, his face oddly
distended and shifting around like something else was trying to break
free of his flesh.
Raven let out a particularly vitriolic curse as his hands dove inside
his trench coat, emerging an eye-blink later with two chrome-plated
contraband weapons. The one in his left hand spat fire at the figure
writhing on the floor while the other simultaneously shifted to cover the
woman. The roar of the pistol filled the tiny room like a bolt from heaven
and Val backed away, wincing.
She felt outrage welling up and did her best to stop it from spewing
forth but wasnтАЩt entirely successful despite her resolve to keep her mouth
shut. тАЬWhat in the hell do you think youтАЩre doing?тАЭ she spat out at him.
Raven turned a cold gaze on her as he leveled both pistols at the
captive woman.
тАЬDealing with a lycanthrope the best way you can,тАЭ he replied in a
chilly tone. тАЬYou have a problem with that?тАЭ

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Sword and Shadow

тАЬActually, I do!тАЭ she snarled at him. тАЬThose are banned weapons!тАЭ
This provoked a bored look as he slid one of the pistols home under
his jacket. тАЬUh-huh. TheyтАЩre also the most efficient way to dispatch a
lycanthrope. What did you want me to do, wrestle him into submission?тАЭ
Val blinked at him in something akin to shock. Then she began to
put the pieces together in her head. When heтАЩd identified himself as
тАШRaven,тАЩ sheтАЩd felt a glimmer of recognition, but the fact that he was a
vampire, added together with the twin pistols heтАЩd used with such
ruthless effectiveness, told her exactly who he most likely was. That they
hadnтАЩt bothered to warn her who and what sheтАЩd be dealing with went a
long way toward alleviating the awe she might have otherwise felt. She
was too pissed to give a damn whether or not this renegade Sash agent
happened to be the legendary Raven from Earth Prime. тАЬActually,тАЭ she
said, flashing him a too-sweet smile, тАЬI would assume that youтАЩd have no
problems doing precisely that, considering who you are.тАЭ
He quirked an eyebrow. тАЬAnd who do you think I am?тАЭ
тАЬNameтАЩs Raven, youтАЩre a vampire, and youтАЩre carrying twin automatic
pistols. A dead giveaway, when you get down to it.тАЭ
тАЬNo pun intended.тАЭ